Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, August 06, 1822, Image 1
GEORGIAN FOR THE COUNTRY NEW SE1UES—VOL. I. — ^ 2'UeSIMV MOBJWXG, AVGUST 6, 1BS2. NO. 135 THE DAILY GEORGIAN, is EDITED 1KD PUBLISHED I.YTHR CITY OF SAVANNAH, . Wj Geotgfc "RdSbertaoti, Jr. ’ At Bight Dollar! per annum, payable in advance. , wv THE GEORGIAN, FOR HUS COUNTRY, Is published to meet the arrangement of the 'mail, three times a week, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Dally Geor gian, and contains all the intelligence, Commer cial, Political and Miscellaneous, including ad vertisements, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sent to all purta^fthe State and Union, or delivered in the Ctty, at five dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75oents per square, of 14 lmca, for the first Insertion, and 37j for every succeeding publi cation. — Notice and Caution. W HEREAS I been Informed that John Camuchan »nd Peter Mitchell of this ci ty hive hy sundry deeds reoently mortgaged »nd assigned to divers persons either their mdl. vidunl creditors, creditors of the lute lirm of Ounochsn E* Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the property ;md estate, both roal and personal, of the said firm, as well ns their own individual property and estate, consisting together ot houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, 6cc. in Savannah and Darien in Georgia, hr the reighho. hood thereof, and elsewhere with their interest or share lit the stock of the lower gleam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the United States Bank and other banks, as well as sundry debtsduo to them in various places, besides lands, lots, negroes, Ac. in the territory of Florida, and particularly one largo tract or land bought of Forbes V Co lying between the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola lit the territory of Florida aforesaid. These are hereby to caution thepuhlic against purchasing any part of the said property or es tate so conveyed, or any other property belong ing to the said Uarnochan V Mitchell, or either of them, as I hold prior mortgages on the great- est part thereof, which are on record in the re gistry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charleston, 8. C. and equitable loins on all tin- property of said John Curhochan and Deter Mitchell. WILLIAM CHIUISTIB. juneS fl2 To the Public. r CAUMOCllAN and 1>. MITCHEL are sor. , ry to he again brought before the public . „ second notice of Mr Christie's, who has tin- lubtrfdly chums against them, which, when S.llv liquidated tin the decision of the -suit jw pending, they will try to satisfy as soon as 1 1 di'e'<\lods‘Sutwlfcr which Mr Christie claims i exclusive righU" all the reul and personal itate of Carnuclian Ik Mitcfiel, arc considered i informal, unjust add illegal. Hence they ive been brought and are still before the court, id other deeds have been executed and re- ii-ded, conveying the property for the use of 1 their creditors, Mr Christie included, with- it anv trust or reservation beneficial to C. U . or ihoir families i and if this be not sgreea- c to that gentleman, it must nevertheless ap- fair and equitable to the public and all who ive a sense of justice. , , . The Trustee* under the late deeds are anx- us to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in ic notice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro- sods to tlte immediate payment of part of his entand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co ir all Ins claim, subject to the decision of the nn-l -hut his opposition to sny reasonable sale, i one interested In Ins own right, whilst mjur- g all parties concerned, must be borne until a de can he made under an order of court. Editors of papers who insert Mr Christie’s slice, will ph ase insert the above nntil his is ithdruwii. and forward their bilD to the Sevan- h Republican Office, where they will be rotnptly paid by J.C.& P M. Superior Court—Chatham County. ,t Chmnhert, SOM Arvemter, 1821. homasB. Smith, Complainant, j xttn j nsanM. Smith, Alton Pemberton, | ,’iUiam Calhighan and Amelia Ilia >■/« Equity. ife, Samuel Stocks and Elizabeth | is wife, Prohart and Mary is wile, Defendants. J On reading the affidavit of Thomas B. Smith, amplainant, in a Bill in Equity, ill tlte Superior ourt of the County of Chatham, slating that lton Pemberliat, une of the defendants in said ill, resides in the county of Burke in this state i tat William Callaghan and Amelia his wile, also efeudants in saiil bill, reside at Newport in the aitc nf R.Island; and that Samuel Stocks and E- zaheth his wife, and Probart and Mary his life, also defendants in said bill, residerin the ingdomof Great Britain—It is ordered, that ublicatinn oflhis rule in one of the public ga- ettes of this state, weekly for two months from ds dale, be considered as sufficient service to impel the appearance of the said'Alton Fem- erton ; that publication of this rule ih one of us public gazettes ofthisttate,weekly for three lonths from this date be considered a sufficient -rvice to compel the appearance of the said Filliam Callaghan and Amelialii* wile, and that uhlication of thiarule in one ofthe public ga- cites, (if this state weekly, for eight months ■om tli-B date, be considered as sufficient ser- icc to compel the appearance of Samuel Stocks id Elizabeth his wife i and Pr.ibart and lary his wife. And it is further ordered, that t the expiration of the respective periods a- ,resaid, the said parlies, respectively, do ap- »-mp unit answer to the Complainant s Bill, Extract fret* the Ahnute., JOB T. BOLLE i. Clerk. nov. 26 18 m Vrarrauted Articles. [UST re:e\ved, per ship Corsair, a fresh sup- * ply of MEDICINES, Perfumery and Spices. I*or sale by ANSON PARSONS, ItujfiHi No 8, Gibbons' buildings. spril 26 Georgia—Camden County, By 1 ohn Bailey, Clerk ofthe Court of Ordinary for said county. W HEREAS, John Bailey, executor of the estate nf Jane Taylor alias Juno Camp bell, late of said county, dec. applies to the hon orable the Court nf Ordinary ofatiid ceitnty,.for to he discharged from his executorship on ssid estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all' and singular the heirs anil creditors of said es- tate, to filoitheir objections (if any they nave) in the clerk's office ofthe court ol ordinary on or before the first Monday in August next,other wise the said executor will be disohavged. Witness, the. Hon. William Gibson, one ofthe Judges of said Court, this twentieth day of Jan uary, 1822. (L. S.) i JOHN r-V!LEV,ccooC jun 26 JOf Georgia—Camden County.- W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Execu trix, applies for letters of dismission from the estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceas ed These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and' creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and Rliew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d day of June, 1823. [l a ] JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o.c.c. jnly 1 Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Klihu Atwater, esquire, admi nistrator, applies fbr letters of dismission from the estates of Colonel William Scott, de ceased, John Campbell, deceased, and Havens Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased persons, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in January next, and shew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted in terms ofthe law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d June, 1822. eg [j.. s.j John bailey, c/e. o.«. c. july 1 Notice. FTIHE firm of Rockwell M Hepburn is dissolv- .1 ed, in .consequence of the death of J, L. Hepburn, Esrj. The subscribers have formed a connection in the Practioc of Law, under the firm of ROCK WELL & flOKGAN, They will attend to pro fessional business, in the Federal Court, in the Ocmulgee circuit, and in those counties where in the late firm of Rockwell W Hepburn prac ticed. Their office is in Millcdgavllie, corner of Jef ferson and McIntosh streets, where fine of them may be fouud at all times, when not on jhe cir cuit. S. ROCKWELL. A. A MORGAN. Milledgeville, June 10, 1822, June 14 T HE persons whose names are hereunto an ncxed, are natives of Liberty county, in the state of Georgia, have resided in said stute from the time of their birth; and have had their names registered in my office as persons of co lor claiming to be free. Tirah attends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mal lard's plantation ; she is 53 years old. Prince, n son of Tirah, a carpenter by trade, is 24years old, and resides on Colonel's Island. Beller, a Washerwoman, resides at Ricebu- rough, and is 33 years old.. * v Katy, a daughter of Beller; is 12 years old, and waits ou Mr. William Raker, at Gravel Hill. Abram, a cu%enter; is 35 years old, and re sides at Mr Richard S Baker's. E. BAKER, c jcl o july 4 Effingham Superior Court, December term, 1821, The Trustees of the German" Lutheran Church at Ebene- oxer Rots Nisi ►On Foreclosure of Mortgage JohnFreyermuth and several parcels of Land O N the petition of the Trustees of the Ger man Lutheran Church at Ebenezer, stating that the said John Frcyermuth on the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred & fifteen, mort gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, all those trac»8 of land, containipg three hundred acres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a small creek adjoining Judidiah Weitman Kelly's and Garrison's land; also another fifty acres, sit uated and being in the district of Ebenezer, Hounded by land of Peter Arnetoff & F. Brook- ners, at the time of survey granted to Landfel- der; also,another tract of land situate in the sev- enteeth district of the county of Baldwin, con taining two hundred and two and a half acres, known by the number (104) one hundred and our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pay. mentof a bond or obligation ofthesuid John, bearing date the day and year aforesaid U pray ing the foreclosure of the said mortgage. It ap- pearing to the Court that there is now due on the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun dred dollars, with interest at six per cent, from the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred ii eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuyler, at torneys ofthe petitioners, it is ordered that the said JohnFreyermuth,his heirs or representa tives* do pay into Court the amount due as a- foresaid witnin twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of tile said John and his heirs, * n tl,c said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, and that su h further proceedings take olace as are by law directed. It is further ordered that this Rule be pub. tishedonce a month for twelve month* in a pub lic gaxette of this state, or be served on the de fendant or his representative or agent six months prior to the time appointed for the pay. ment ofthejmoney into Court. Extract from the Minutes. JNO. CHARLTON, Clerk. dec 11 re$ SAVANNAH Poor House and Hospital. V ISITING Committee for July and Augwt, CHARLES W. ROCKWELL and GEO. ANDERSON. Attending FLiysician, Dr. WM. C DAME1X. JOHN HUNTER, Secretary. 4 july 4 In Council, Mzarn 27, 1829. A Communication from the Medic I Society was laid hi fore the Board and rend, bearing date January 19, 1822. Whereupon resolved, That the bomroumca. tion from the Medical Society ofthiat’ity in re lation to the act ofthe lsst Legislature for the suppression of Quackery, be received, and that the same he published, as is requited by law, in all the gazettes of this city. Attest M. AN ACT To establish a tribunal to enquire into the qual ifications of persons claiming tp practice Me dicine, Surgery, and Midwifery* within the city of Savannah, and to grant certWfcuiea to the same,if found properly qualified. Whereas, it appears by a memorial of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, that the good people of said city, and especially the poor and illiterate people thereof, have suf fered heretofore much evil from the want of proper laws to regulate the practice of i* cine, surgery, ttid midw-fery therein, the con sequence of which want has been the indiscri minate and arrdgaqforetent iona and linderlak. ingsof many omewWif ind empirical persons to practice therein in the said arts: And where as, sound policy and a f.roper regard for the healths and lives ofthe citizens of a commercial populous, and growing city, require that the le gislature should guard against such an eVil for the future : §1. lie it therefore enacted, by the Sehate and House of Representatives of the state of Georgia, in general assembly met, and ft, is hereby enacted by the authority oftfte same, That the Georgia Medicul Society, established lu the city of Savannah, shall be invested with, and-possessed with full {lower and authority to examine, enquire into, investigate, and deter mine on the professional qualifications, attain ments ami capacities of all and every person or persons claiming to practice within the limits of the said Sfity in the said arts of medicine, Ifiirgery and midwifery, or in any two or one them, and to grant certificates of qualification under the common seal ofthe said society, or, if there be no common Heal, under the signs manual of their'ftresident and secretary, to him, her, or them so claiming and making application there foi^ if by a majority of said society, he, she, or they shall he (leerficd duly learned and qualifi ed. And it shall be the duty of the members of the said society, wheu application shall be made by any person or persons, for bis, her or their exam.nation to the end aforesuid, to convene at their customary place of meeting, and to decide upon the applicant's petition, within tfen days at ter they shall have been summoned to convene by their president, or in his absence, sickness, or other inability* by the p**rsorior persons dis charging his duties, <>r if there he not uny such person or i.ersons, afttfv they shall have been •ummoned by their secretary. And it shall be the duty of the, said prv sident, person or per sons performing his duties, or secretary,.to hum- mull each and every member of tlte Saul society, by a written citation, expressin^.the object of the meeting, the name or namts.of the appli- cant or applicants, and the day offtic examina tion, within leu days after the application shall have been made to him or them i l'vovUted ah ways, that prior to the examination ol any and every applicant, the members ofthe said socie ty shall severally take a solemn onth, to be ad- mistered by the mayor or any alderman ofthe city of Savannah, well, truly and impartially to examine and decide upon the Attainments and qualifications ofthe applicant or applicants, and to grunt certificates of qualification to him, her or them, if in their judgments, he, she, or they shall be found duly learned and qualified to practice in the said arts of surgery, medicine, and midwifery, or in any two orone of them: And provided also, that in theif examination, the said society shall be restricted and confined to the investigation of professional attainments and capacity alone, without regard >o any for mer or nresent professional or moral reputation, and shall not at any time require us a teat ol qualification, or any degree of evidence thereof, that any applicant should have obtained a diplo ma from any medicid college or university, or should have studied thereat, or elsewhere. § 2. And be it further enacted, by the author ity aforesuid, That if, after Application ahull have be< n made, agreeably to the provisions, of this act, the president of said society, or other perlon or persons performing his duties; or there being no such person or persons, if the secretary of said society shall refuse, or shall delay till after the time heretofore prescribed to issue summonses for convening the members, o if he or ihey shall appdint a day for their convehing more rifpote than the tenth day from the day ofthe date of the citation, the-person or persons applying may Severally institute u action or suit at law in the superior or inferior courts of the County of Chatham, against the said president, or person or persons j.ei forming his duties, or aguinst the sedretar), to recover damages against him or them, in bis or their in dividual capacities, for his or their refusal or de lay, orimproper appointment. And if after be ing summoned to cpnvene, the said society shall fail to do so on th^day appointed in the cita tion, or afterwardanadjnuAitd day, but u day within the time heretofore prescribed for their convening, or if, having convened, they shall severally fail to take the oath aforesaid, or having takemsuch oath, shall fail to proceed to the examination aforesaid, and to u decision thereupon, or if the said society shall in any re spect violate the provisions ot this act, it shall be the duty of the judge of the superior court of the county of Chatham, upon the petition of the party injured, setting forth any such failure or violatiou, And supported by his affidavit of the truth of such petition, to grant, as a matter of right, a writ of scire facias, direct ed to the president and members of the said society, requiring the said society to shew cause at the next term of the said court, why their charter or act of incorporation should not be deemed forfeited. A copy of this writ and of the petition sluil be served upon the president or secretary, and if the allegations be denied, an issue shall be juined, and the facts be tried by a jury empannclled and sworn as in other cases. If the allegations of the petition be found to be true, or if they be admitted, and no good cause be shewn, it shall be the duty of the court to adjudge the charter forfeited, and to order execution to issue for costs against any property of the said society. If no appearance oe filed on tbe first day ofthe term, or if having appeared, good cause be shewn lor the former failure of violation, it shall be the duty of the court, upon application ofthe party injured, to appoint a day not more remote than tc-ndaySfOu which the society shall convene, and conform iu every tiling to the requirements of this act, and to the order for this purpose no return ihjtiJ he received from said society but one of abso lute compliance under oath of the president or secretary; which return shall he filed in the clerk's office within five days after the appoint ed days. On failure to make such return, the judge of said court shall, in vacation, award a judgment of forfeit lire* of the ftharter, upon ap plication as aforesaid, and execution shall issue for costs aforesaid. § 3. And be it further enacted, by the author ity aforesaid, That if any person ahull bis refus ed a certificate, he or she may again apply for examination after a lapse of six months, and it shall be the duty of the said society to receive any number of application, and to conform on each application to the provisions of this sot, mul subjeot to all its responsibilities, provided the interval between any two applications be not less than six mouths. v §4. And be it further enacted, hy the acthor- ity aforesaid, That if any person cfaiming to practice in the said arts, or in any two or one of them, In the said pity, shall presume do so, openly or covertly, not having obtained a cer tificate of qualification, it shall not be* lawful for BUch person to recover in any. court of law dr equity in this state, his or her fees or churges for services done within the said city of liuVan- nuh ; nor shall it be lawful for any company or copartnership of uncertificuted persons; and such person shall be moreover liable to prose cution by indictment ih the court of common [»leas and oyer and terminer of Said city, at the nstance ofthe mayor and aldermen of the said city, or of kny common informer. Bonds of pro secution shall be given as in other cases arising under the penal lavas of this Mate ; if at the in- stance of the mayor and attlertnen, the bond shall be given by some person acting under their sanction or authority, otherwise by the common informer; and upon the first convic tion, the accused may be fined by the court iu a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and on each subsequent conviction, in fe sunt not ex- deeding two hundred dollars, besides costs of prosecution in each case ; dne huff ofthe fines shall be puid into the treasury of the city of fl«. vannafi, or to the common informer, and the other half shall he equally divided belwetui tlte Union Society and the Female Asylum Society, tor the benefit of the orphans and children of said societies. § 5. And be it further enacted hy the au thority aforesaid, That no part of this act ahull be so construed as to affect any person or per sons now practicing, or claiming to practice in the said city, in the suid arts, or in any two or one ot tdem, and now residing in the suid city, or who shall he engaged in the practice of the same, or of any two or one of them therein, on or ut-foi e the first day of February ne^tt. § fi And be it further enacted by the author ity aforesaid, That if the Georgia Medical So- ciety shall communicate to the executiye de partment of this state, on or before the said first day of February ne]|t, their acceptance nf this act as an act additional to their ‘charter, and that they are Willing to be bound by its Conditions and requirements, this atitshidl from 'henceforth commence in fill! and complete operation, but otherwise shall be totally null' And void : Ami be it also enacted, that the Bait Society shall, before the said first day of Febru ary, give notice of tlieir suid acceptance to the* muyorand aldermen of the said city ofSavan* nuh, whose duty t shall be to make said accep tance public by advertisement in all the public gazettes of the said city, three times a week, for the space of,one calendar month § 7. And be it further enacted by the abthor- ity aforesaid, That in the event ofthe accep- tance by the said society of this act, agreeably to the aforesaid section, tint, act shall continue until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, and no longer. DAVID ADAMS, Sjkaker of the Home of Representative! MATTHEW TALBOT, President of the Senate Assented to 25th December, 1821. JOHN CLAUR, Governor ang 3 In In the Cja’cuit Couit of Uie United Slates, T the District nf 1‘mnsvlvmti, in tlu third Circuit. BETWEEN Joseph Mkrx »n;l Joseph M»rx" »nd Gem K< . Marx, citizens of th< state of Virginia, «hn sue aa Well In their men names ns ih Jiehnlf of such other Per- *ptf»,’8tockholderaofthe Into Bunk of the Cnltcil States hfcfttofore named, ns shall xsdqpt In and become Farties hereto, eontribmmg to the F.xpeww. of tiq, Suit—Com. platnums. AND Derid Lenox, Ellas Bondinot, Robert Smith, James C.'Fish. HLftTSb ^1-chibalrl McOsll, Paul Siemsn, Samuel Coates, Hour, Pnm, George Fox, Paschall HollIngawDrth, John Slide, Thomas M. Wil- ling, Horace Binney, George Harrison, Abijah Hammond, Wit mm Bayard and Ohver Wolcott, citizens of tho State ol Pennsylvania, Trustees of Stutew* Uimk ° f U '“ Ul " te< ' 4\ now, to wit, thiinvonty.third dny of ‘houSBiul eight hundred am! i* . c *!'.“ c ‘ Before the Court, lit Equity, • October, Session, 181?. Appeal to the Public. A YOUNGER brother of the subscriber, nam . ed Endjiiott, a native of Armin ster, in Devonshire, left England in the year 1796, for Bermuda or West Indies, since which the subscriber has received no correct account of him. Hut, understanding lately, that he died a f«*w years ago, in some purtof America, in affiu- ent circumstances, the subscriber (who is heir ut law) would he most gratified for any infbrmat tion respecting him, aiulreudily reward any per- son who may possess it, for the trouble of com munication. He lives at the town of York, in the | rovince of Upper Canada, North America. Any letters addressed to the care of William Allan, Esq. 1'oat Muster, at New-York, will be safely received by him. JOHN FiNDICOTT. York, Upper Canada, June 7,1822. Editors of papers throughout America are humbly requircu to insert the abdvq. DOCTOR LEE’S PATENT NEW LONDON B1LLIOUS PILLS Prepared only by Samuel // P. Lee, Physician, J\few London, f Conn.J Member of the. Medi cal Society, and Fellow qf the Stute Medical Convention. I HEREBY CERTIFY, That Doctor Awsos Bausons, of Savannah, is duly authorised to vend my Uenuinc Billions Pills, and that he is regularly supplied with direct from my dispensary, accompanied with this certificate, signed with the Bame script type signature which is affixed to each bill of directions, and undersigned with my hand writing signature. S. H. P. LEE. New London, July, 1822. (£/• N. B Just received afresh supply ofthe above Pills from tbe Patentee, and for sale by the subscriber. ANSON PARSONS, Druggist; No 8 Gibbon’s Buildings. july 23 £ Lost or Stolen, IniROM t house in Abercorn street, a red mo- JT rncco POCKET BOOK, containing three hundred and fifty dollara in bank notrs. There were also in the book, two notes of hand, one for eighty and another for fifiy dollars, together wirii several other papers of no use to any per son but tile owner. One of the bills is of one hupdred dollars,, bud if such a one ahould be of fered, it is requested that it may be etopped.— A reward of TWENTY DOLLARS will be paid for the recovery of tbe book and money. For further informajion apply at til, office of the Georgian, ^uly 2i • i.ev tt i ... imu uinx ot It riie « ng ,llcm '" for [ ,0UBe of **'d Bank in th« city ot Phdadelnhip, before the eleventh day ot April, A D. IMS, anti that on? that day «hii Court will make a final Decree for Distribution Ot the funds reserved tn the hinds of tbe tie- fendants lor payment of said Notes, and it !• further ordered and decreed/ that the Clerk cause this order to he published in oho public "r’ Pa „ P ,“I'' of'l'c following placets to wit. 1 bdadclphla, Boston; New-York, Haiti, more, Norfolk, Charleston,Savannah, anti New. Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender months, before tho said eleventh day of Anri) n *xt, A true copy, D. CALDWELL, Clerk Clr. C. The Editors of the Boston Evening Gazette, at Boston, of the New-York Evening Post, at “rk.o the American, at Baltimore, of the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, ofthe Chavles- ton City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Gcorgi, an, at nvannah, and of the Louisiana Advertiti* er, at New-Orletns, are requiated to insert the shove in their relpeclivc gazettes once a week, before the llth da* ol April, 182.3, and to forward then- Vims, as^oon thereafter as innv be, to the subscriber, accom panied by on affidavit proving the publication, conformably to the foregoing ‘order, D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. may 9 NEW BOOKS—Just received. TptiE History of George Desmond, founded on facts which occurred in the Eist Indies. 1 vol. 75 eta Notices of East Florida, with an account of* the Seminole Nation of Indiansi by a recent Tra» veller in the Province The Vicar of fver, a Vale by tlte author of ° The Italian Convert." Union Catechism, founded on Sorictupe His tory, &c. by James Emerson TheConstitmidn ofthe Presbyterian Church, with the plan of Government and Discipline, as amended and ratified by the General Assembly at their session in May 1821 The Lollards, a 'Tale founded on the pcise* culions which marked the early part ofthe fif teenth century, by the author of "FOrty Year* ago and " Calthorpe or Fallen Fortunes,” 2 vols. $2 Percey Anecdotes No 19,ThePnlprt A Sketch of l he Botany of South Carolina No 2 of the 2d vol. by Stephen Elliot^ This wotk will be comprised in twelve numbers,to be pub lished monthly until thu work is completed Memoirs of Captain James Wilson, contain ing an account or his enterprises and sufiering* in India,‘his conversion tOvCIu’istianity, and liia peaceful and triumphant death, by Uohn Griffifi Curioaities for the ingenious, Nature, Sci ence and Art, Biography and General Literature For stile by S. C. J. SCHENK, july 30 e Choice Perfumery. Just Received per ship Corsair, viz, C OLOGNE WATER,superior quality Rose do do do Lavender do do do Orange do do do Milk of Boses Rote stick and pot Pomatum Rose Antique Gil, Macksser Oil i Prince’s Russia Oil Scented and plain Hair Powder Low’s highly perfumed superior Soapf For sale by XftfSON PARSONS, Druggiat 1 8 Gibbons's Buildings* -« july 25 (ft* The following Persons were summoned at a Justice’s Court to servo as Jurors, and Made default, namely. Joseph Rap- man, Roger Olmite&d, Oi ran 'Byrd, and Churlea Cannon. Itis ordered, that they bekeverally fined in the sum of three dollars each, unless they file sufficient cause of excuse, on oath, in in my office on or before the 20th of next month; july 23 pf ISAAC RUSSEL, j. *. Prime Pork, Prime Green €of- fee, Fresh Urouni) Floor, Holland Gin, Sugar, and N. B. Sum. J UST received per.chr Hope and Bather. 23 tie reel and 70 ban prime Greek Gofe* 20 pipeaauperior Hullend Gin . 22 (dull prime muscovado Sugar Per brig Panlhea, 200bl*fresh g’OttTTilFI'ur 100 do pritno Pork, N York cit, inspection Per ecltr Antflfne, 209 bla No 3 Mackerel, new 15 b1,N B Rum. To sale hy •VUT 3 ' £ U, HEUpEUT It Cfy