Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 17, 1836, Image 3
M A 04# J* GDOliU lA TELEtffiAl* H £3 «&©©&?. Thursday, November 17. 1836. COTTON come* in freely, and the market active. Priced about the same as last iveek, soy 16 a 16} cents for good to fair; 16J for prime. The quantity received in Macon up to 1st inst. \vas 15,619 bags. On lutnd same time, 6,244 bags. ^—-—* tee who ore to memorialise the legislature, with Mr Johnson of Henry. On motion of A. S. Clayton, Resolved, that the thanks of this body bo tendered to the Trustees Methodist church for the use of this building the sessions of the convention. Carried. On motion of 8. B. Parkman, Resolved, that the thanks of this body be presented to the citizens of Ma con. for their liberal hospitality to the individuals com prising this convention. Henry G. Lamar Esq. was colled upon by the Presi dent to take the chair. On motion of Henry Crowell, Resolved, that the thanks of this convention be presented to the President nnd Secretaries of the body, for the polite and able manner they have discharged the several duties de volved on them during its deliberations. Carried u- nanimottsly. xThc President resumed the chair and addressed the convention. Prayer by Rev. J. S. Wilson. On motion of Mr Spalding, the convention adjourn- *, „ JAMES M. WAYV£ pro’t. C. A. Hicciss, > a Ossiaw OficoRv, J “‘‘creunes. ed. F21ICES current. Prices at Macon. Prices at i Prices at Augusta. | Columbus. Ptprts* Mail.—This -Mail went into opurition on Tuesday last. It arrived here from Milledgeville, a distance of 30 miles, ih a little over two hours. Mr. Francis Roundtree, of Talbot county, has the contract from .Milledgeville to Columbus. GOV. SCHLEY’S MESSAGE. Tnc annual Messago* of our State Governor* to their respective Legislatures, are among the improve ments in die science of government to which die world is indebted to the inventive genius of the peo ple of the United States. The comprehensive view of the present condition, and narradvc of important c- vents as they transpire, is at once important to the pre sent and the future. The politician and statesman who wish to keep pace with the timer, and be inform ed of all important occurrences; and the historian who seeks • ready index to the history nnd condition of a particular State in a particular year, has but to re fer to die Governor's Message of die Slate and yaar indicated, to find the information he desires. At this day, so trodden has been die path of Execu tive duties, and so simplified and systematized his la bors, that in general they are so plain and easy as to be surmountable by any one of ordinary capacities.— The same, however cannot lie said of the dudes of Governor Schley. , Ilia situation from the time of his lira entering his office has been peculiar; his respon sibilities great; and his labors arduous. The office of Governor, whatever it may be in other States, is at no time in Goorgia a sinecure—owing to the immense correspondence depending upon our Indian rotations and boundary questions, hardly yet settled—besides the issuing laud grants, &c.—all of which have to pass through the hands of the Governor. And the past year, additional responsibilities and unexpected anxi eties have devolved upon him, from die attitude as sumed by the Seminole and Creek tribes of Indians.— \Vc feel warranted in suying, that no Chief Magis trate of Georgia, for the last 'JO years, has occupied a post more arduous than has been that of Gov. Schley since the voluntary suffrages of his fellow-citizens pla ced him in die Executive Chair. And,for die manner in which he bus discharged those duties and responsibili ties, the prosperity of the State, the quietness of our borders arc die best commentary. As a Stale paper, the Message of Governor Selilcy fills not behind those of any of his predecessors, or co- trmpnniries, that we have seen. If it contain* not as many subtleties of reasoning upon abstract point* a* does that of Governor McDuffie, it contains as many sound facts, and wholesome political axioms, more in telligible to tlie common sense, business habits and pa triotic feelings of the |ieople. On the absorbing question of connecting the interior of Georgia with the Great West, by a-Rail Road thro* the mountains, wc nro gluj t*> find the Governor co-in- cidcj with the popular current. “ Personal interest- public utility—State pride—every feeling (he says) which should impel men to exertion in a good cause, to us most signally in b -half of this stupendous object." And we rejoice also to lcnru, that the servi ces of a roiiqieteut engineer have been procured, on the pari of the .State; and that he is now engaged in examining die pusses through the mountains, and re- ports, favorably of the practicability of die enterprise. On tin- subject of the Surplus Revenue, die ideas of die Governor correspond will; our own. Ho con demns the tendency of the system it is die intention of the lit-positc law to perpetuate—but in the meanwhile recommends that the proportion coming to Georgia be received—because by receiving it we violate no prin ciple; and if rejected it would go to die other States, and strengthen opposition to any objection wc might make to die measure. He also suggests, dial the mo ney be loaned 1 out, on good security—ready to be returned when called for. The largest half of the Message (six columns in all) relates to the Seminole, Creek and Cherokee affairs, with the military operations dependent thereon. A brief satisfactory detail of the events that have occur red, so far as Georgia is concerned, is furnished; which it is not necessary here to recapitulate. A richly dis served compliment is paid to the gallantry of our offi cers and men engaged in the service; while an oblique censure is cast upon Gen. Jessup, of the U. 8. Army, Roms deficiencies, long felt in our Militia law, are ad verted to. The importance of a Supreme Court for the Carrec- tion of Errors, is enjoined upon the Legislature: and that body is urged to proceed to organize such a Court, in pursuance of die requirements of die amended Constitution. The Penitentiary, die State House, and other pub- tic buildings, claim a paragraph each; as well as the subject of Education, the Deaf and Dumb, the propri ety of a Lnnatic Asylum, &c. Ac. From JnutedgeviMle. The following Elections have taken place by the Le gislature: R. M. Charlton, to be Judge of the Superior Courts in the Eastern Circuit Arthur A. Morgan, to be Judge of the Soudicm Cir cuit. Hiram Warner, to be Judge of the Coweta Cirouit. M. Anderson, Solicitor General of the Coweta Cir cuit It. O. Davidson, Solicitor General of the Ocmulgee Circuit. Henry Denning, Solicitor General of the Chattahoo- chy Circuit. Joseph Bennett, of Macon, Brigadier General. Gustavus Hendrick, of Butts county, Brigadier Gen eral. Alfred Cudibert, rc-clectcd Senator in Congress. Among the notices for Bills, we observe die follow ing; By Mr. Cleveland: For a committee to take into consideration the propriety of laying off the State into nine Congressional districts—to report by bill or otiicr* wise. By Mr. Gibson: To alter and amend the 1st section of the 3d article of the Constitution. By Mr. Holmes, of Early: To repeal the charter of die Central Bank of Georgia, By Mr. John B. Lamar: To Incorporate die '* Pio neer Steam Boat Company.” Also To incorporate the “ Chattahoochy and Fjint River Steam Boat Company.” By Mr. Flournoy; To incorporate a Bank under the name of the “ Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank of iuuibus.” By Mr. Rogers: To lay out and construct a rail-road from Mucon, by way of Carroltou, to the State liuc at or near Rossville, on the Tennessee river. By Mr. Ezzard: For die appointment of a commit tee to take into consideration die alteration of the con stitution, so as to reduce and equalize the representa tion in the General Assembly—to report by bill or otii- erwise. JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE On Privileges and Elections : Messrs. Saffold, Pow ell of Talbot, Hudson, Liddell, and Rutherford. On Petitions : Messrs. Swain, Robson, Cooper, Sar- rency and W barton. Op pmcjlment: Messrs. Cone, Burks, Ingram, Moseley and Floyd of Newton. On Engrossed Journals: Blessrs Lamar, McConnell' Beall of Carroll, Johnson and Hopkins. The contested seat for Senator from Bibb county, had not been determined at our last advices. ELLCTJUN RETURNS. About 50 counties have been heard from, in which the IV bite ticket is some 3000 ahead. Dawsou is pro bably elected to fill the vacancy in the present Con gress; and the Anti Van Burcu Electoral Ticket has doubtless prevailed. Presidential and Congressional Election t'or Congress. For Electors. Counties. Bacon, llama 164 a 17 lo 14 Sides 16 a 17 16 14 a 15 Shoulders 14 a 15 14 11 a 12 Bagouig, Hemp 20 a 25 25 a 30 35 a Tow 16 a 20 20 a 25 18 0 22 Bat.e Rorz, 12 a 14 124 a 14 U 0 15) Beef, Mess §13 Prime §84 Butteh, Northcn 37 23 a 35 26 0 32 Casdies, Sperm 40 a 45 40 35 a 45 Tallow 12 a 18 17 a 19 134 a 18| CasrixGa, 7 a 8 0 a 7 Cheese, 16 a 18 12 a 15 12 a 15 Coffee, Java 16: 15 n 16 14 a 16 Rio 14 a 16 12 a 14 16 a Cotto.v, 16 a 16; 1 10 a 17 10 0 164 Cons, a 75 75 a 80 874o 100 Flour, Northern |v!-2“ ♦IS 10 a 13 JftS'ES, 8 a IQ I; ; 7 a 1 Iros, Swcd & Xu GAa 7 54u 6 64« 7 Lard, 15 20 a 25 14 a 1*> Lead, 10 8 a 9 Lire, $4 50 §3 50 Mackerel, No. 1 §12 a §13 §11 a §12 No. 2 11 a 12 9 a 10 No. 3 74 a 6 8a Hi Moi.asses, 56 0 62 45 a 50 50 a 62/ Meal, 80 87 a 100 Nails, 9 8 a 9 9 0 10 Oil, Sperm 120 a 137 Linseed 150 125 <1 i:i7A Ozxaburgs, 11 a 12 64 a 114 Pork, Mess 20 a 25 Prime 16 a 17 Powder, 750 §7 0 §8 Rice, 5 a G 44 a 5 54 0 « Steel, Cast 25 23 a 25J German 15 18 Blistered 12 12 a 20 Salt, 112 a 125 75 a 87 100 a 112 SriniTs.C Brandy 125 a 250 175 a 225 200 a 250 Peach do 125 75 a 100 125 a 150 Apple do 87 a 100 50 o '56 624 VI liiskcy 65 1 46 a 50 6240 66 Gin, IIol 125 a 175 ; 48 a 52 15 a 175 Domes 65 53 a 60 60 Rum, North 65 48 a 52 50 a 624 Jam 125 a 200 125 a 150 175 a 225 Sugar, N.Orleans 12 a 14 13 a 14 12 0 13 Muscovad 15 St. Croix 15 14 a 15 14 a 17 Loaf 18 a 22 18 a 20 18 a 25 Soap, 8 9 a 10 7 0 9 Shot, 250 a 275 250 a 275 225 a 250 Tallow, 10 8 a 9 Tobacco, lstqual. ' 50 15 n 50 40 a 50 2d do 16 a 20 16 a 25 Tea, Green, 100 100 01124 00 0150 Black, 75 Twin, 25 a 37 30 a 374 37 Wises! Madeira fl 00 a 300 00 Teneriffe, 150 150 Malaga 1 60 0 76 1 75 olOO Picseutmems Of the Grand Jury nf Houston county, October Term, 183b. T HE Grand Juror* of Houston county, chosen, selected and sworn for October T«»n, 1836, take pleasure in stating that they have no wro.’igs of a serious nature to present—no crimes of an aggravated or heinans character demanding vindictive justice.— Truths like these are alone sufficient to speak the rapid advance of moral* in our tlpurishing county, whilst all around evince the growth of our intellectual, physical and pecuniaiy resources. Under these circumstances wc may look with expectation to the time When a still greater influence will be exercised to the suppression of vice and immorality. Public opinion sanctioning the usage of bodies of this character in expressing tiieir opinions on subjects of general interest, we dicrefore express our belief in the immense utility likely to be derived from the contem plated Court for die* Correction of errors. Believing that but few yean will elapse before the uncertainty of what die laiv now is, will thereby be removed, and uniformity and certainty will prevail. We therefore recommend to our Senator and Representatives to give their aid to promote this much desired end. We request of the Justices of the Inferior court a strict oversight of persons appointed by them to carry to effect the road laws; believing that the passage of COUNCIL CHAMBER, Saturday, 12di Nor. 1636. REGULAR MLL'ilNG. J RES ENT, the Mayor ; .Messrs Cow lc-e, llig JL gins, Ross, Ralston, William* and .Vigal, Ai derate*. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and npproved. 'The bridge keeper reported having rece ved toll the bridge during'the last two weeks, ending Friday 11th inst.amounting to $.177 75 Ou motion of Aid. Higgins, Resolved, That the treasurer do proceed to die col lection of die city tax 1836, as assessed by die asses sor, and all tuxes due and unpaid for die year 1835.— And said treasurer shall have power to discount from the assessed tax of 1836, so much as may bare been overpaid through error tilt: previous year. He shall keep a bonk in which shall be legibly and alphabetical ly transcribed aud registered all sums received, from whom, for what year’s tax,aud die ainouut discounted being overpaid the previous year; and the said Trea surer shall in uo ease make discount without the clai mauls first exhibiting the treasurer's teceijit. Resolved, That the Treasurer do advsrtisc that he is ready to receive die payment of taxes of J836; aud that all defaulters to pay ou or before the 1st Decem ber next, executions will issue against them or that day. On motion of Alderman Higgins, Resolctd, That the jil ay or of the city take to Mill lcdgeville, and request the Hon. Senator aud Repre sentative* of Bibb county, to take charge of die bill for an amended charter for the city of Macon, and to uso tneir best exertions to have the same passed the several houses of the Legislature—and lit,, the Mayor, to superintend the passage of the oarne. On motion of Alderman Ross, Resolved, That James R. Butts be permitted to fur nish to D. Ralston, Esq. such quantity of brick as he may require for the purpose of erecting an enclosure in the grave yard. Rcsoltid, That die Treasurer bo directed to furnish by the next meeting of Couucil an estimate of the prubable receipts and disbursements of the city for die current year. On motion, couucil then adjourned. Extract from the miuutes, this 15th N'nv. 1836. 7 JESSE L. OWEN, c. o. ■700 acresfirst ICnte FO» SALE, I N bodies from 320 to 2500 acres, all lying ill die counties of Russell, Chambers and Macun, Ala bama, near Columbus. These lands were selected with a great deal of care, by a competent judge, with a special eye to the culture of corn and cotton. My a gent John li. Pitts will be fully authorised to sell those lands, and may be foiind'lor the uext six weeks at the McIntosh Hall, in Cohiinbns, (when not in the Creek Nation) prepared to shew the’same. # Also, die well known tract of Land lying in the Os- wichee Bend, containing 2600 acres. This tract can not be surpassed by any lauds in the state of Alabama. Nov 17 7 J. COWLES. O’ The Constitutionalist, Augusta, Federal Union id Recorder, Milledgeville, Euquirer and Sentinel, Columbus, Republican, Savannah, and Camden, (S. C.) Journal will publish the above times, and for ward their accounts to the subseriber at Macon, for payment. WESTERN BAIL ROAD COMPANY Noah Murray and George W. Pratt, Stage Drivers, were indicted and tried in the Federal Court, in this place, on Saturday last, and found guilty of embezzling a letter, containing a draff, from the mail between Mil- ledgwriUe and Augusta. They were each sentenced yesterday to ten years imprisonment in the Penitentia ry.—Recorder. Geotgln Bail Convention. Tha Convention adjourned, sine dir, about 10 o’clock on Wednesday evening, in great harmony. The fol lowing are the closing proceedings: Wednesday evening, 7 o’clock, the Convention met agreeable to adjournment. On motion of Mr. T. Spalding the Report and Reso lution submitted by the Committee of forty were read. On motion of Mr. T. Spalding, the report waa ac cepted. On motion of Mr. Wins. Rutherford, die Report was amended by adding a fourth Branch from die main trunk to Milledgeville; carrricd and the Report was corrected in accordance On motion of Mr. Spalding, Utat tho Report and Resolutions of die Committee of 40 he adopted—ear ned. On motion of W. W. Holt, Resolved, Mr. J. M. Berrien,Thos. Glascock, Sir. A. Hull, Mr. J. A. Cuth- bert, Mr. W. Poe, and Mr. J. W. Campbell be a Committee to prepare and present to the Legislature a memorial in Ituiherancc of the object contemplated by the Convention, and to endeavor to procure the no- cessary legislation to carry that object into full effect; and that they append to & make part of their memorial the proceedings of t^e Convention, and such docu- Carr* <J ^ c *° re ' l ** ma >’ deem important.— On motion of A. S. Clayton. Resolved That communicate to die President nnd Directors ofthe Hi- wassee Rail-Road Company, the proceedings ofthis Convention, and their desire to unite with diem in conducting the s»nl road which is to terminate on the Gcorgu line, with the Tennessee river, at the point contemplated in said proceedings. Carried. On motion of Mr Parkin an, die blank was filled witii A S. Clayton. Esq. of Clark county. On motion oi Mr Johnson of Henry, Resolved, diat •committee of seven be appointed to* address the peo ple of Georgia in behalf of the proceedings of this con- '.c'.’oo The President appointed tbo same commit-! ol Hartford Conn aged about ^4 years Baldwin, Bibb, Bulloch, Burke, Butts, Cnrroll, Chatham, Clark, Coluuibia, Coweta, Crawford, Decatur, Dooly, Effingham, Greene, Gwinnett, Hall, Hancock, Harris, Houston, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jones, Lee, Liberty, Lincoln, Mori wether, Monroe, Morgan, Muscogee, Oglethorpe, Pulaski, Putnam, Rabun, Randolph, Richmond, Striven, Stewart, Talbot, Taliaferro, Troup, Twiggs, Upson, Warren, Washington, Wilkinson. Wilkes, ? 3 O u ► •-e s f < ► ' * a C! 9 n •A 467 499 490 502 640 619 655 625 00 219 00 217 314 140 316 135 205 202 210 259 no 405 120 402 355 525 351 527 475 303 461 313 275 111 261 106 434 394 447 407 241 373 246 373 242 153 254 146 105 163 116 162 132 60 132 81 548 26 551 31 534 032 543 032 267 4G9 291 472 . 346 241 342 243 603 327 005 330 552 448 560 451 294 486 298 464 592 •HI 596 406 516 121 526 119 374 351 395. 350 107 60 113 56 126 89 12G 69 235 157 234 155 454 512 459 509 700 580 710 568 351 163 341 171 695 336 711 325 322 78 321 82 283 428 267 427 119 145 119 149 455 229 449 246 6 192 6 193 194 232 193 23!) 507 321 500 323 196 137 197 135 349 370 355 374 651 619 653 620 364 21 361 25 928 222 945 219 295 303 295 303 482 297 489 296 352 304 337 318 360 373 - 359 375 229 245 231 252 365 471 358 475 orders without due circumspection, and not .unfre- quendy the appointment of interested commissioners, produce evils which more than counterbalance the good done. Wc alsorequcet them to require more at tention to the measuring of roads, aud to the putting up of guide boards at their forks. On examining the books of the clerk of the Inferior court and also of the county treasurer, we find them satisfactory and kept in good order. In the hands of the county treasurer a small balance of money will be Wlj after paving off the orders HOW presented for payment - On the record of estraya the following named Justi ces of the Peace are defaulter* in not making returns ofestrays tolled before them as required by law, to wit: James llolderness, Anthony W. Thompson and Tho mas Daniel, in one ease each; and Green Barrow in two cases'. - We allow the Tax Collector $114 25 contsforhis insolvent list. In dissolving our temporary connection with his ho nor Judge King, we take unfeigned pleasure in bear ing testimony tc his impartiality and faitMhlness as a Judicial officer, and to his urbanity as a gentleman. To the Solicitor General James H. Stark, wc ten der our dianks for the energetic, prompt and efficient manner in which bis duties as an officer have been per formed, and for his polite aUention to this body. We request our presentments to bo published in the Messenger and Telegraph, at 51 aeon 'ill WIN jFrom Forsyth to IfYsf JPoint. A GREEABLY to tho provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, pas sed the 26th December, 1835, entitled *‘an act to in corporate a Rail Road company, to be called the Wes tern Rail Road Company, &c.” wo will open, in the town of LaGrange, Troup county, on the third Mon- cay in November inst. a book of subscription for stock in the aforesaid Rail Road Company. (See acts of the General Assembly of the Slate of Georgia, 1835. page 292.) As this route is to connect the trade of the great Western cities aud country by its union with the Mont gomery and West Point Rail Rond (now building.) with tho Atlantic, and must necessarily become the great Uiproughl'are for traveling from the Western country to the North, it is believed the stock will be sought*eagerly: 'applications had therefore better be made early ami while it can be bad. RUFUS BROOME, WII.lE WILSON, NICHOLAS LEW LaGrange. Nov 1 7 Octnnfgee Steamooat Company. gjWAltf’S PANACEA, Swuim’s.Vermifuge, (5 Superior Mustard, Fresh Olive Oil, \do Castor Oil, ’ do Honey, do Jujube Paste, Bath Polishing Brick, Harwell’s Tetter Ointment, . Kileivoicing Magnesia, Saponaceous Compound, Faucy Soaps, Otto of i(p*c, Sal Aoratits. The above, witlr.a vorictv of articles in the line J. Il.dtW S. ELLIS. Outton Avenue just received by Nov 17 7 H~incioiv diets** J U§T RECEIVED, and for sale. ' 8 by 10 10 by 12 12 by 16 12 by 18 Aha, Putty, pure White Lead. Limited Oil, Spts. Turpentine, w ith various oil and w ater colors, Nov IT 7 J. H. '-V. S. ELLIS. Cotton Aventt*. ittedii'.iut 1 Ckesiti, UpOII plantations and families, with directions for S' 1 using. For sule ^y Jt II. <& W. 8; ELLIS. Nov IT 7 Cotton Avenue Genuine KoivnndVl'oincljSttircT FRESH supply just received and for sale by Nov 17 7 J. II. dc W. S. ELLIS, . Cotton A nerve, Macr.n. A TLVV cares superior water prci.f BOOTS, just received \VM. II. JpL'KDSALL. Nov 17 7 Houston Tux Collfttor’s Male. O N the first Tussday iA FEUKIMI! Y next, will be sold before the court house door, tit Pvecy. Houston county, within ihe legal hours, the following property, or so much thereof as will fit tuff tU tax for tnc year 1834, with 024 cents cost. 490 acres pine laud, lot No. 93, in the 4lh district of Irwin county, given in by Ezekiel Hall: tax 34 cetlt'». 100 acres'pine laud, ludf of lot No 151. in the 9th district illusion county, giron in by James Kitchens: tax 24 coins. 1011 acres pine land, part cf lot No 24. iu die district of Houston county, given in by Samuel Mel vin: tax J 9^ cents. 2024 acres oak and hickory laud, 3d quality, lot No 226, in the ISth district l.’ce county, given ia by Benjamin Bryan: tax $1.22. 2024 acres pine land, lot No. 8, in the Sth district of Housluu county,giveu in by William Langster. tax 234 cents. 2024 acres pine land, lot No 106, in the 29th Maries county, given in by William Jordan: tax 25 cents. 40 acres land, 3d quality, lot No. 71, in the first dis trict and third section Cherokee purchase, given iu by Bricey Ilolluy: tax I84 cents. 160 acres land, 3d quality', lot NO 62, in the 5tlr dis trict and 4th section Cherokee purchase, given ill by Benjamin ghirey: tax 304 cents. 2024 acres pine laud, lot No 288, in the loth district Doolv, giveu in by Jpssc Wall: tax §1.49. 24 acrespiuelaud, lot No 149, in the 5th district of Houston cuuuly,given in by Riclicu* Brimtn: tax 234 cents. Nov 17 7 F. WATSON, T. C. The Jflacon Steam Boat Comp any W ILL run two or three lighters during die* sum mer and fall, between Darien oiuF Mucon.— The line is prepared to take all merchandize that may be offerhd'or shipped to their agents at Darien, and for ward them without detention. Their Lighters are made of light draff, and cau run at the lowest stages of theriver. The steam boat StiJHrior will be iu readiness to tow by the first of October next; or sooti er.if the river will admit, and the steam boat JLiCet wiji commence running during that mouth. Oct in ; J. GODDARD. Agent. 1. f l VIS, ) Comm’rs Edward Engrave, Hardy Hargroves, Robert IV. Raskins, Allen button, Asa Royls. Moses Collins, Jacob Holland, James Engrain, Ephraim Kendrick, MOUN'GER, Foreman. bhadrick R. Felton, John G. IVelbom, Charles H. Law, John J. bowman, John IV. Giles,. Lewis Tull, George beymour, David Dalton, John Laidlcr. Married. In diis city, on Thursday evening last, (10th inst) Mr: Robert It. Carver, to Miss Asm Eliza, daugh ter of Mr. James II. Hardaway—all of this place. On Tuesday evening the 8th inst. by die Rev. James E. Evans, the Rev. John W. 'Taixt, Presiding Elder ofthe Savannah District, Georgia Conference, to Miss Rosetta B. Ralstox, of Savannah. Married—On the 3d insL at Mariana, Camden coun tv, the' ’seat of Mis. John II. M'Intosh, General Dux- caw L. Clinch, to Miss Elizabeth Batard Hous- TO * f - - „ ... In Houston county, ou Tuesday evenin'', 1st mat _ - the Rev Samuel Anthony, Georoe M. Duwcan, l&q. to Miss Catharine II. McNair. P Died—On the 2d inst. at his residence on thp Ridge. McIntosh county, Anson Kimberlv, Esq. President of Bank of Darien, of billions fever alter a short illness. In this city, November 15. Jons Haseltine, aged S3 vears. formerly of Boston, Mass. On the -lib inst in ibis city, Isaac Butler, formerly On motion, it was ordered by the Court that the Pre sentments of the grand jury of this term, be published according to the request of die jury. A true'extsact from the minutes. Nov 15 7 LEWIS J. JORDAN, Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBER. ? Wednesday Nov. 2, 1836. j ADJOURNED MEETING. P RESENT tbo Mayor; Cowles, Campbell, Ross, and William-, Aldermen The Mayor informed the council of the object of the meeung, &c A. D. Brown was clectod pump contractor. It was unanimously resolved that the city council do tender to the Delegates of the Internal improve ment convention, (to be held iu tbia city on tne 7th inst.) a public dinner to be furnished by the council Messrs Higgins and Ross were appointed a com mittee to examine the assessor* book aud reporton the same. Ou motion, couucil then adjourned. Extract from the minutes, this 8th Nov. 1836. 7 JESSE L. OWEN. c. c. —37" T HERE will be a meeting of the stockholder- of this Company, held at the Companies office iu Darien, on the 1st day of December next, for the pur pose of declaring a dividend for the previous* six * ondis, and transacting business generally Nov 10 7 2t HENRY VONGE, Agent P Bibb county jlcademy. ROPOSAI.S will be received by the undersign ed uutil Saturday. 26th inst. for putting a new roof, and making other necessary repairs on the Aca demy edifice. N. C. MUNUOE, See B. T. Nov 17 7 2t NOTICE. JMl. are hereby notified to jiay the same to tho sub seriber on or before the first dav of December uext, as in default executions will issue therefor. Nov 15 7 S C. LIPPITT, City Executor’s suit-. O NtbfffiqtTuflfdayin JAMlAB^ next, in con formity to the will ofthe late Maj U ill::. 111 liV ightmui’, of South Carolina, deceased, and by vit- tue of an order of the court of ordinary ol Chatham county, will be sold at the court house iu the city of Savannah, within the legal hqit-s. the following valua ble Real and Personal estate of said deceased: All that Rice PLANTATION, «n Savannah river Chatham county, including the tracts called Drakies Red House, Creek field and Isla Island; containing on Isla Island 573 acres, in Creek Field, 160 acres, and on Drakies Point 84 a6rcs, all cleared aud under bank, with 2700 acres more of less, of high land, to which a new and commodious pine land house is at tached. Together with two large threshing yards, to each ofwhich Ls attached a larg” two story ham, aud to one a threshing machine; and also such budding* as are usually found on well settled plantations: such as Carpenter’s, Cooper’s- Blacksmith’s shops, aud well finished negro houses; also sundry articles Consisting of •farming utensils, ax carts, timh T the Sis ten t lathing Store, oi;e door above jJSL Wm: B. Jjlnison’s Jewelry Store. - The. sub scriber is now receiving his Fall and Yr'eiittr Stoct; of Clothing, (which has been manufactured by lewis 1 itch the past summer,) and which will, be soW off as cheap, fo? cash, ns at any 01 her establishment. co.vsrSTixo or Super Black. Blue Brawn, Green. Invisible) Green am! C.'ii-ret Dress Coata. Super Block, Brown. Green, Invisible Green Claret uud Mixed Flock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed aud Cadet mixed Coatees. 1'iue Bine. Black, Grteu, Brown and Mixed Pant*. Super ribbed, striped, corded and p’aid Casimcrcda Beuvert<*en, Cord and-Lien Skill Pantaloons.. ■uner Bute' Brown, Green, Mixed., and Drub Over Coats. Goat's Hair and Gorman Camhle.t W rapper do. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Bloc!: and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, .. - Indies' super Olive, Green end Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Lubes’ figure* Mermo, plain do. and Cloaks. Super Blue and Pilot Cloth OverCoats. Drab, Blue and OJivc Duffle Over Coats; Lion Skin and. Groan Blanket Over Coats, Kentucky Jeans Frock Coals and Paninloiins; Cloth, Satinet, Peters ham and Beavertccn Hunting Ccitu«, C cth and Satin et Round Jackets. Black nnd Blue Cloth, black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain and figured English .Silk, dark VaJcncian, Toiltnet. Woellen Velvet, block end striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet.Vests. Fine Linen nnd Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shirts, Silk, Cotton.-Merino patent end lamb Wool Shirts, nett cotton and woolen, fluuacl Canton, flannel and twilled cotton Drawers. Wool, Lamb’s \v ool, patent Merino and brown cot ton Half Hose* Fine Wool, Buck, Hors-skin, Beaver, \Vhi*e Kid, Liened Berlin. Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silt Gloves. Black and white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money Belts, nett, worsted and cotton, Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners. Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin. Velvet pi ain and pleted Stocks. HORACE FITCH. Nov 17 7 _ carnages, cartr, 1 wagons, one gig and harness one eurr- >e. boats, large flats, and with nine mules, one horse and a variety of! evc> g ae d Coral, large Coral, Coral Necklaces. Bead Watclres. Jewelry, Silver Ware and i* r; o on s, At the Lowest Prices. C. G. ST. JOHN. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly informs his friends and the public, that he is now, opening a new and" splendid assortment of WATCHES & JEWELRY, of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’ and gentlemen's Gold Duplex, Patent l e ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepiue Watches; la dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket & Ca. le Chains; Watch Hooks. Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Rings, Ear Ringsand Broaches; children’* Ear Knobs and Wires; gentlemen’s Curb aud Linked Guard and Fob Chains,‘Seals. Jyeys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and collar Buttons. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Seals and Keys, Mcdalions, gold anil gilt Bue- kles.-silve’r nnd licoteb Snuff Boxes, gold and silver Evfirpointcd Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets gilt, sil ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold, ailtcr aud steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every To An Overseer Wanted, T O take charge of a small Farm ueur town. one with good recommendations for honesty, sobriety and industry, liberal wages will be giveu. lu- oni-r ft this oflire. Nov 17 A li. persons indebted to the estate of Jeremiah Smith late of Bibb county deceased, are reques- to make payment to die undersigned; and those having demands upon said eslnse will present them in terms of the law, for settlement to Nov 17 7 HENRY SMITH, Adm'r. GEORGIA—Houston county. TI’liKRKAS Burwell Allman applies to me f f for letters of administration on the estate of Janies Allman, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office icithin the time prescribed by law to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Give" under my hand, this 14th Nov. 1836. 7 CHAS. If. RICE. c. c. r W ILL be sold, on Saturday, 17th day of DE ’ CUMBER next, at the late residence of Jere miah Smith,in Rutland’s district. Bibb countj’. All the perishable property of said deceased, con sisting of 3 bead of horses, 1 mule, 4 bead of cattle, corn, fodder, plantation tools, 1 set blacksmith’s tools, oue’cdttou gin. household and kitchen furniture. Ac. ’Berms on die day. HENRY SMITH, Adm’r, Nov 1 7 COUNCIL CHAMBER, Saturday. Nov. 5,1830. REGULAR MEETING. , P RESENT, the Mayor, Messrs Cowles, Camp bell, Higgins, Ralston, Williams, Aldermen. Tho minutes of the previous meetiug were reaiTand approved. The committee to whom was assigned the duty of examining the books of the receiver of tax returns and reporting on the same, Report, that diey have performed the duty assigned diem, and find tha book of the returns in a situation highly creditable to tbe re ceiver, and recemiuend that be be allowed the lum of five per cent ou the aggregate amount of taxes given in. C A. HIGGINS, H. G. ROSS. On motion, ordered, that tbia report be accepted and approved. Resolved, That some person or persons be employ ed to draw up a new Charter for the city of Macon, to be laid before the present legislature for its action. And that said charter when so drawu up, be submitted to the Muyorand council for dieir approval and en dorsement, (should any be necessary) before the same be submitied to the Legislature for dieir action. Resolved, That the council chamber b4 under the immediate control of the Mayor, and that all ajipliea- tious for its use for any other purpose tiian that of meeting of the couucil, shall be made first to him, who shall report the same to the counril. whose vote shall be requisite before any disposition be made of the same. Resolved, that the clerk of the council be audiorised to employ an individual to cut wood. niaKe fires, light the lamps and keep the council room in order- Nov 10 7 J. L. OWJN, o. c. *VTVyiLL cm t/ie 3t)tA DECEM BLR next, at the late V v residence of Benjamin Lems, deceased, in the lAth district Houston county, be sold, Ail the perishable property of said deceased, con sisting of cotton, corn, fodder, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, blacksmith's and plantation tools, household aud kitclieu furniture, nnd other articles too tedious to mention. Two negroes (tired and some lands rented. If all should not be sold in one day, the sale will con tinue from day to day until all is sold. Terms made kuown on die day of sale. Nov 5 7 NATHAN ,G. LEWIS, Adm’r. ^OILriLL hetald, ou Tuesday, DEC EM ISP R If next, atthelatp resv cnee of bterling Camp, de ceased, iu Butts county. All iiis perishable estate, consisting of Horses, Hog: Cattle, Sheep. Goats. Coin and E.odder. several thou sand weight of Cotton ih the seed. Wheat, Rye, Oafs household and Kitclieu Furniture, farming utensil*, together with various oilier articles. At tbe same time tho negroes belonging to the said estate, will be lured out, and the cleared lands rented. Sale to con tinue from dav to day. Nov 1 7 FOLLY CAMP. Adtn’nt. stock, consisting of oxen, cattle, sheep, hogs, Ac. On the plantation is a large aud valuable Rice Mill known as the Paragon Mill, having three waterwheels, driving tweuty-three. pestles, worked’ by tide and re. servo water, supplied by very extensive and ample canals, with new and well finished gates. Th- mill can beat out 40 tierces of rice in two tides, aud has. withir a few months past been put in complete repair! with additional screws and new stones. Ac regards location it is surpassed by none on die river, and is generally well supplied with toll, being 12 or 14 miles from the city of Savannah. Likewise a large and well finished Saw Mill, with two gang of saws worked by tide nnd reserve watervaud recently put in complete repaii, capable of sawing 7000 feet in two tides, with a grist mill attached, used fur grinding corn for the negroes. Also a substantial and well built Dwelling House, with nine rooms and pantry, lathed and plas tered, with piazza, and a brick buildiug used as a store room, and wine room, together with a fine garden and extensive stables, carriage houses, & c. A very prime gang consisting of 174 NEGROES, among whom are 2 first rate drivers, 8 prime carpen ters. coopers, blacksmiths, hostlers, house servants, ^..jwstresses, gardeners, &e. Also, a TRACT OF LAND con’aiuing 1050 a cres more or less, oitnaif it]'Chatham county, on the Great Ogeeehee river, and thro’ which die Cana! j!C s " sas, containing good rice land, and land well adapted for the making of brick, with a good supply of wood thereon. The above property may be seen by application oil the premises, to Mr. Wm B. Richardson manager, and all letters for information addressed (post paid) to John C. Nicoll, Esq. Savannah, or the subscriber at Cliarlestou, South Carolina, will meet with immediate attention. Conditions declared at sale. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. THOMAS F. PURSE, Nov 4* 7 Qualified Executor. GEORGIA—Crawford county. TTflC ’H LKEAS Samuel Pool applies to me for lel- IV ters of dismission from the administration on theestate of Richard Bullock, deceased, These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred vndcredito 0 of said dec,as cd, to be and appear at my office, within the tiro- prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they her why said letters should not be granted. Given undor my hand, this '-10th day of Sept. 1856 nr* k 1 ♦ ■ 11 F. LANE. r> «• «» GEORGIA—Crawford county. TTWTHEREAS Wiley Vinson applies lor Ibriersof II dismission from the guardianship nf Susan Cottiers, minor of James Corners, deceased, Ihese are therefore to cite, and atlmonizh all avd singular the kindred and creditorsof said deceas ed to file their objections (if any they have.) in my office within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given undar my hand at office, this 14th day of No vember, 1636. t B." F- LANE, u. c. o. o. Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of cut and plain Beady, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Bocks, Emory cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, lttcifer matches, fire machines, Rogers & Sens’, and Wade & Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men and board, backgammon hoards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking panes, pistols, powder flasks, shot touches, game bags; otto of roses, cokgn.e, lavender and Flsrira water; faucy soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, flute.:, fiatreo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, to play from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddle* and fiddle strings, gentlemen’* dressing cases, hair aud tooth brushes. Birmingham aud Sheffield silver plati dcnstors, liquor stands candlestick.-, brunches, fruit baskets. Miufiers and snuffer trays, tea t-ays, silver table, toa, desert, salt, mustard and cream spoons, soup lad es, sugar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony acd alabaster mantle clocks to run eightern days without winding. lUillljiry and military Trimming v and a variety of other articlcsusuaily kept in his line, all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. lie respectfully invites citizens and persons generally vis iting our city to call at his store and examine hi* stock,, where be is ever rendy and happy to attend to those wlio may favor him with their calfs N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materlals for repair ing IVatchesc!~ is n° w V r ' pared to manufacture any pari of a Watch, and witi warrant every piece fc® makes as perfect a* the original, and his \V atches to ■ perfoimwell. Nov 17 . , 7* Just Received A T my Book Store, in the brick buildings near the Post Office, The Token, for 1937. Religious Souveuir do. Gift, do. Homo, or the Iron Miss Slicknev, author of the Poetry of JJfe, Memoirs of Lucian Bouneparte, George Balcomb, a novel, 2 vois. Nov 17 7 JAMES S. OLCOTT. ■. French Quinine, W U8T received and for side by J. II & IV S. ELLIS. Nov 17 7 Cotton Atevue, Macon. Job Printing done at ttiis Office. A SO N 110 v 10 ^ . . C&.~ . • asFortmctit dark small figured Fre i;«h p-rinis 6 For salt tiy £"1 AI T & LI U IS • Carpeting. PIECES—son c 'splendid pattern 1, just in ceivedby CRAFT & LEWIS. tiuv 10 Q Clattiimg, *1 (JST received a. very large stock, made tipiev pr« ssly for tis, in first rate style nov 10 R CRAFT & LEWIS: IX months afer dale, I shall apply to tho Jus ti- res of the Inferior Court of Jones county, silting for ordinary purposes, for Dismission from the Guar dianship of the orphans of Philip Lightucr, late of said county,deceased. TIMOTHY McPHIRSQN, June 4 inp Guardian. Copartnership- T ilE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTOR AGE aud COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under, the firm of COOM P.S & DQUGIITY. JOHN S. COOMBS. Savannah, June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY. . T HE Subscriber will 'mane liberal^ advances eft. Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia; New York or Boston nov.5, f83S». JtOB’F. COLI.1 NS. Ware tlouse Vtutl Wharf Property For Salim FgjlllE undersigned offers for sale his well known *J property on the river bank iti Macon, consist ing of Ware House, Store House, h harves, &c. Ac Oct 5 1 . ROGER Mrf'A l.l..___ B ILLS of the Farmers Bank of Florida, payatic at tho agency-iu Pwry. wi'l be received in j ay- inedt fin' goods, or accounts dito-lhe subs: rbei . Vt? II fit) <• jl AS. CAMP' I I I.. Lard, I sit of first quality, put up iu Tfe:‘ Caffs for fanii !y use. For sale by GRAFT ifc f.I.Wlo. Ai-so, a Lot good country Lactli. yept c 63 A a a sell:AG OFF! WJfc. H. S!fK&£Ut£& AY1NG determined Inclose his business, vyiii dispose of his stock of Goods, consisting of an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy ffry Good*, Readymade C/o'tfiin•?, IIAT$, SHOES, &c. at very reduced prices. Purchasers' will undoubtedly find it to thoir interest to avail themselves of the pre- t I'-v.irab^ opportunity of supplying tliemsclvto with CHEAP GOODS. Oct 13 2 is Blankets anti JS’egvo Shoes. A N extensive stock, for sale by nov 10 § CRAFT & LEWIS. Notice. PLANTATION to runt or let off shares, cookie- Of about I’bO acres of open I.n:d if.* most of it rich river bottom laud, two miles litm Mi- con. For terms ajplv to J. CGI J.‘A iO>- OctC T *,tf _____ Notice Cilizeko ci FTjnUi-. »t:b.'< i diets In ve tt.0 anes cl & aw ‘limber jaL Land, tat ill) o:J; aud Jitckory, fur vale, in lots - of’ -Oto 25 acneMo suit purchasers. The ronveynuco m* town easy, aud distance, from. *4 to 24 miles. Fury terms apply <0 . J. GODDARD. Oct li l if C. B. COLE. ivotice<o StuqiptM off Cotioa. I 7IIVK cents per hale y. ill be charged for VVharlsgCJ- , on all cotton sliipncdat our wharves. REA * COTTON, JL GODDARD, . J. T. ROWLAND, ROGER McCALL, J. R BUTTS, l>. R. YONG&jr. Octl 1 4t P. R YONGE dr. SONS'. HA TS, SHOES fy E O.A AMTS AT COST. T HE sul. criber having, determined (o altndyn.' the trndoin the above articlca, will ch.pc?c cf ihem atcost; his a.:-ortment being good, ptirch.-rserswiS find it to thciriatcrest to call. sept 15 64 WM. II BURP3ALL. Notice. * r IE undersigned haconnected LAMES D. CARHART with him iu Mercantile F u-iness,' at the state located on tits corner of Mulberi . ami Third streets, artd the busii: t th>- establishment alone, will be distinguished by the tit > of ; 17.T. B. PARKEft ftCloi m thi said J. D. C. being ti.q Company ami having an la te vst in the said firm only. fc:. July7 54 tf WM. P. pyUXKR-