Newspaper Page Text
jSo 184 .Vol. XXII.
■ait •;<)! „in»jj 11
lical College of S* Carolina.
gi i'ECTURES of this Institution will be ro
(buuu'iI oii the second Monday of November
i us follows:
i Anatomy—by John Edwards Holbrook,
Wery-James Umnsay, M. I). ,
Liftties and PrutlIce of Medicine—$. Iletiry
Ison* M. D.t
\lcria Mcdica—Henry It. Frost, M. D.
isldrics and Diseases of Woman and Infants—
nss O. Prioleau, M. D.
(e ,nistry and F/taruiacy—Edmund Kavetlel,
ilurd Hisltry and Botany—Stephen Elliott, L
nt »
S. HENRY DICKSON, !\f. if.
Dean vf the Faculty.
’ Trdasury Department,
29tli April, 1825.
pTtCE is hereby given, thut on the first day
fo( October next, the principal of the six per
Stork of the United State, created under the
hority of ait Act of Congress, entitled "An
Litliorising u Loan for a sum not exceeding
L n Millions of Dollars" approved on the
L„nth day.of March, One Thousand Eight
lilrciliihd Twelve, together with the interest
l due thereon, will bo paid to the Proprietors
lid Slock, Orto their Attorneys duly authorised,
lie Treasury of the United Elates in Washing*
I mi,I at (ini several Loan Offices, outlie Hooks
[■Ijjrli any portion of said stock may stand,
[jorrotider of the Certificates tif said Slock
] !ie required at tile time of payment, and the
■rest on said Stock ivill cense, from and after
T thirtieth day Of September next
. SVM’l, 1.. SOUTH ARD,
Acting Secretary of the 7'i catury.
bav 11 into
Treasury Depiirtnieut,
U NDER thesupemitendnnce dr the commis
sioners appointed by the OoVerndr and
Council, and by llie improved mode of drawing,
secured by Letters Patent under the seal ot the
United States—(ho wlible to be completed iii one
day, and will positively inko place in the city of
BalUttfore fn n few weeks.
Highest Prijie $20,000.
, Scheme
j Prize of !ji30,00(j *is
*' io
.‘vm'Wnf ijS-,
* »/.
Now Drawing in the City Qt\4'h<gusta, wi
der the supcritUctufonce oJ' ;< n r r
>_■£» V IT,7 'T : • /
4, 1823:
Vti* tof)n Jjiiii ,until
I'iUllJL'iJM'llff'f li'iil"
\V hole INo. 4733
,, rl; Adgu>iltd<> Masonic Ilall
ntejlrsl Vruiring is over, and ulllhc Capital Prl-
./•iTCnijT. t'ls are stilt in the Wheel.
fl'hbtBiJcdnd Drawing will (ukc placo on WED
NESDAY, 12th of v utolier next.
3. Hams,
f A..S;.|Mtt)HTF.K,*
‘ 100
$30,000 Dollars
H. H. Bnio, V Commissioners
T. 1. Wnav, J
. IB. D. XmumMqj*.
So, ooo
The Second Drawing ** :
Will take place on the 12th of October next) ‘
All (he Capilal PrlBcs are still undrawn, conse
quently the Wheel is very rich.
20813 PiiieS!
162,000 DollarS.
March 14,1825.
pHEHEAS, 6n the 6th March, 1826, a law
, was pnsed by the Congress of tlioHnitcd
lias, of which the 3d, 4th, mid 6th sect funs art
(lie Words following, vin :
Bee. 3. And he it farther enacted, That d sub-
Kptinn to tile amount of twelve millions of dol
V, of the six per cent, stock of the year eighteen
hiked and thirteen, he, and the same is hereby
(posed i, for which pdrpose.books shall be o-
hed at the Treasury, of tlio United States, and
kite.Severn! load offices on the first d?i)"f April
It,to continue.dpep until tlie first day of Octo
* thcrenfler, for such parts ..of tire above-men
lied description of stock, as shall, on the day
fcubioriptinn, stand on the books of.t/ieTrfc’nsn
fund dn those of,the several louh offices rys
Lively; which subscription shut! be . affected
Is transfer to' the United. States In the riinnnrii
I'vided by law for sucli transfers, of the credit
■creditsstanding on the said books, and by a
(render of the certificates of the,stock so sub
libed. Provided, That all suluqription by such
Insforof sto'ck, shall bo considered ns part of
|e said twelve millions of. dollars. authorized to
[borrowed by the firstsection of this act. .
l“See. 4. And be it further enacted', That, for
|e Whole or atiy part of nriv sum, which shall be
liis subscribed, credits shrill bt ^titered to the
Ifpective subscribers, who shall ha entitled to a
Irtificate or certificates, purporting that the Uni-
Id States owe to the holder or holders thereof,
Mar, or their assigns, a sum to be . expressed
preln, eipfal to the amount of ths.principa
ickthus subscribed,bearing an interest not ex
eding foijr undone half pereenfum per annum'
lyable quarterly, from the thirty-first day pfDe th'ii.'siind eight hundred und tuepty
[«; transteVrabia in the .same .manner, as is' pi o
ded by law foV the transfer of file stoekrtuhsciub
,nnd sulrjectto redemption at the pleasure id
: United states, ns follows; aric half at u"v
nc alter the thirty-first day of December, i > -
pusand' eight hundred, and (wcn.ty-eight, un.l
, remainder ail any t ime after the thirty-first
■J of December,' one thousand eight hundred
bdtWonty-nine; Provided, That no reimburse-
Jtntshall be made, except for the w hole amount
fMch new certificate, nor until after jif leapt six
Jowls’ public ii'ullct; of bui-.1i inteiided rcim-
MViernent.', A'ndit shall be the duty of fhe Secfe
[ry of the Treasury to cause to be re-truus
[rred to the respective subscriliers flie s'c
pral sums by fliurn subscribed beyond the a'
lount of the certificates of four,and one half per
pt stock issued,to them - leapoclTvely, ,
I"Sec. 6’. Ana bit if further enacted, That tfii
r ,n: fuads vtdiiclihavC heretofore been, and now
^i’h’dged by law forlliejiaymenf of the inter-
if,and.for the redenYptioh' and’ reimbursement
fthe stock whidhnray bie redeemed .or reiihhur.
|d by virtue of the provisions’ of, this act, shall
Ntun pledged in like manner for
40000 Tickets—Not one blnnk to a prize.
The holder of two tickets, will be certain o
obtaining tit least one prize, rind may drfijv tlircct
Modk ok Dkawino.—Tlie uuiiiliers. will be puf
into one wheel us usiiiil—.lin'd in the other wheel
will be put one,prize above the denomination u.
$4, and the drawing tci progress id Die tisual
manner. The 20,000 prize of$4, will be award-
ded to the odd o'r even numbers in tlie Lottery,
(as tlie cuse maybe) depcndmi(on the drawing
of the Capilal Priao of. THIRTY TflO03*ND
DOLLAltS—that is to say, if the $30,000 prize
should mine oiit to nil odd pumher, fliep every
odd number in tlie.sclictne will be unfilled- to ri
$4 prize: if tlie $.To,i)00 prize . should conie out
to Hn even number, then nil the even, numbers
in the scheme Will be each untitled to $4..
Odd numbers are those ending with 1, 3, 6, 7,'
or 9. ...
Even numbers arc those en'dihg with 2, 4,6, 8,
orO. ,
,. This mode ol drawing riut only enables tho I g!j!‘ j
Cmiimissioncrs to complete the whole Lottery In y., j
one drawing, but has the ereal advantage of .flip- 1
trjbuting the smull prizes regularly to every alter
mite number in the scheme, sp that the holder o
two tickets or two shares of tickets, one; odd and
one. even number, will be certain ot'obtnining at
i :
L «<
4tl,( MK)
|T>ie unprecedented Richness of the Weed, ef-
ter,t,he^druwlng of a large proportion of the mini-
•bkirsj olfeis every jicsr.ihlejuduceiilunt to advon-
-Ittrers. Tliis iscvidciilly the richest Lottery in
itlio Union, In 'ftrand Capital Prises, besides a ve-
Inrge proportion of tlio minor Prizes. ' ^
Ticket and Shares, .warranted UudruWn, nitty
still ho Imd lit the original Scheme price at
The Augusta Masonic ilall Lot
tery Office.
Those who have drawn prizes are informed, that
their tickets shall betaken as cash for others war
ranted undrawn.
Orders from nay part of tho U.S.enc.losin^cnsh
’ prize tickets (post paid) shall be promply ex-
executed by application to,,
For AdgUsta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Thompson &l tionuey’s building-,
nug 23 165
$ 180,000
6176 Prizes, ?
12825 Blanks; J ,
Less than tifii and an Half Blanks to a Prise.
The Prizes only to be Di'awn.
All the Prises to be floating from thccommencenient
except the folWtving, which will he deposited in
the uhetl al definite periods, vis I—
1 prize of 10,000 k 1 of 600
2d. 1 do “ 6.000 4- 1 » 1,000 & 1 Of 000
3d. 1 do ** 10,000 a 1 " 000
" 6,000 1 “ 1,«00 «x. 1 nt
10,000 fi I “ 500
*< 6,000 fc l “ l,ooo it I of
" 10,01)0 k 1 “ 6,000 Si 1 «f
" 20,1X10 k 1 “ l,IKOO Si 2 of
‘1 30,00(1 k 1 11 1,000 Si l of
*Of the State of South Carolina
or the building a Roman Catholic Church in tlie
town of Columbia.—1st Class.
1 Prize of 1st
1 d«i 2,000
2 Prizes of 1,000
4th. 1
5th. I
lit It. 1
7th. 1
least one prize, aud in the rulio for any greater 0( t|lc Vlasunic Hall. -
All prizes payable thirty duysaflPi'the comple
tion of the druwiug, subject to a deduction of fif
teen per cent—it not applied fur within twelve
moritns, to lie considered a donation to the funds
(LP A ticket drawing a superior prize in ,this
scheme, is not restricted from druwiug an Inferi
or one also, many tickets, tt.ure'fore, wilt neces
sarily obtain two prizes each. .. .
VYbolcs $5, Halves $2 56 Quarters $1 25. AR
orders promptly attended to. nr-.
sept 1
c mm. .
, A great variety ol TICKETS and SHARES may
yet be bud nt tlie original price at
The Atigusta Masonic Hall Lot
tery Office.
, All orders from any part of the U, S. post pnid
containing cash or prize tickets sliull be promptly
attended to by,
Thompson k bounty’s fiuiMings
sept 6 172 ■ ■ .
Approved Anti-Bilious Pills,
Milledgevillc, Washington and Charleston
Which prevent and cure all bilious Complaints
'■THESE FILLS if administered inlimetorev
JL hiove tlie bile from the stomach, will Coun
teract the causes which commonly produce yel
low or bilious fever, ugue or full fevers, bilious
very centre of.the city, and offers peculiar advriri-
tugea t'Ktlie Planters atid men of business.
, Ills Strtbles arc furnished with ,the best, of pro
ve ndcr,and with faithful aud attentive hostlers.
Hu only sobcits from bis friends and the public,
timt proporiion of patroiiage to u hieh bis atteu-
tion to business ana to tlie Comfort to bis custom
ers, may entitle him.
Augusta, Gg Aug. 6 ,
. i(tF The editors of (lie Journal rind Patriot,
pring anil Summer months, they will prove
errlain preventive against tlie ugue and prevailing
Fall Sickness.
.A bill,9f directions for taking thhmacconfiiaiiie
each bo* ol pills ; small boxes 25 cents, lurge do
50 Cents. And by nppoifitnientsold by
. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Buildings
April 26. «i
edgcville; Savannah Republican, Washington
News, Charleston Courier, Collin bin Telescope,
and National Intelligencer, will Insert Ui6 above
advertisement, weekly for 3, mouths', und for
ward their uccounls to the subscriber.
ailg 27 . 168t3f
for tire payment of
c interest accruing on tlio stock created by real
m5f such subscription,'and for the redemption
■raimbin'sement of the principal of the srinie.—
iitt itslriill be the duty of the Commissioners of
,0 8mkiog Fund to cause fo be applied and pnid
it of tha said fund, yearly and every year, siicli
mand sums as may be nnnmilly required fq
scharge the interest uckriilngon the stock,^Which
lay be created by virtue'of this act, Jflie suiil
omimssioiiers ai'c also hereby uutliorizcd to np
ly, from time to time, sucli siiin and sumsout of
** said fund, us they miiy think proper, ,towards
deeming, by purchase, o’r by rcibibufsenient
'conformity witn_the jirovisidrixof this ric'l,' the
Inclput of the said stpek ; niid siicli part'- of tlie
“nualsuin'efteiyriillioris of.' do 11 iris, vested by
w. m tlio said (iuminirsiotiers; as'' may be ne-
essary and required forllio abov'epurposesfsball
e t and continue appropriated to tlie payment o1
’tercstanU r'edbnjptibti of.the public dj*bt, until
ie whole of the stock which may be created un
* r the provisions of this act, shall have brieri re
®«">«d or reimbursed’." ^ ,
' J fyic, therefore, ffolici is hereby giteil, That
looks will |, e opened at the Treasriryof theUntt-
[,. S f»les, ami at the several loan offices, oil the
wt day of April next, and’, contihue open until
f day of October thereafter.' fori, receiving
inscriptions in conformity With the provisions ol
Die subscriptions maybe
Scouring and Dying]
M R-. Rawly, formerly Airs. Kelly, niosf rfe
spectfully acquaints .V'l* friends mid. the
public, that,she has Removed her Kstabjifclinient
froa- .latqessquare, to the lune in the rear of Dr.
SoreVcns, nextdooi to Mr Lawrence Dumph.\’>
Grocery, VVhitukef-st. Where she continues car
rying on tlie Scourin'mid Dying business in all
its various branches, Leghorn, Straw and Chip'd
Wholesale and Retail Fashion
able Hat Ware House,
Bonnets, pressed ii d done up in the best stile, on
I Moderate terms an solicits' a continuance
[public Patrouagei ANN RAWj-Y
sept 13 . *c 175 , -
Georgia—Chatham Cofmtv
B EFORE me Isaac Russell, one of the.fustic
assigned lb keep the Feace for (the. coun
! and stale aforesaid. Came,Peter Dure gcr,. w;
T HE subscriber offers ril the above establish- | made oath in writing that lie seiked and took.
meat, an extensive and general
... . d assortment way from a slave, finowu by tlie name pf Jatk
ol the most fashibiiable Hats of every description, Moore, and said to bqhmg to one Sami Hale, of
consisting of all (lie various patterns that arc the Augusta, the following articles to wif. One Flat
most generally approved of a! tl>e present time, a wooden, shed'buiUlini' on a kit, , belonging I
and particularly adapted to all the most prevail-1 Mr. Josoph Stiles siiiiaied in YaniruacravV, al;
ing 1 fashions both at libme.and abroad, and thai l one smull Stove arid pipe, four li;oti;b.oaijd Kej
from among his stock of Hats may be selected
at I- unsfcullage keg <>1 Toliucco, two pai¥ of Scuibs
all tinies,'afl the various qualities and grade, from two'Axes, five Jugs, four Iron Pots, one Ditnnii
thb finpsf Beaver dosibi to W.most common Ito- jon, one box ol Rosin, one trunk with,Dry Goo
ram, with corresponding prices to each kind, and |.‘ 0 ne pair of.Stiliar Js; .one barrel ofj.'on peas. <
thosc .which may be the; most suitable, and niifde.i writing desk, ahd several other .smalt urticl
.,i _ : x-—• Oi... r-.i.i— i_-„i..c || l(J SH ,ue lias been.fu
in confortnily to'tlic fashion, in tvlmtevcr part ,oC|Of which p schedule of .
the United State the purchaser mny. resid ■. , Hii Iniafied me am| said articles pul in my jipuessiOn
stock is nt all limes large , and independent of jvThis is to’ notify the said Sami. Hide or any . other
winch lie can at any time manufacture any quan- rperson,who may lie intercsled in any of,.s-
tity conformable to order. ,flis '|)ri'.scut sujiply I pVt-perly that I shall in conformity with au net
. , ...„y be made by fiie j'roprk
°t the stock, either in person or by tlieir At
“fnevs duly authorized t3 subscribe und transfer’
• to the United.'States.' . V4 . , ,,
I “liould aubscriptipiis 'of said stock be made to
[hi amount exceeding twelve, millions of dollars,
Lilt i™ 1 - on tlle salt ' s'.'m of twelve millions,
viii he made among tlie subscribers in' proportion
‘‘ le sums subscribed bv them" respoctively.
coiulsts of those made expresly for. tlie Fall trade
aft of which arc got up iu the most superior style
dfVrorkmansbipintive-y respect, and equal .if
not superior to any that can canJjte offered in this
City or any, other purl of the Uriioti. , His stock’is
continually replenished, with Huts lYeeh from the
Muiiofaclui-y, und iiQiic will b$ olleied .ffir sale
hut thpse which, will lie sure to give the most
p.crfecj satisfaction to (lie purchaser,-ahd qiisure a
contimtance of his custom: as .to prices he is fibl- low if not .lower than any . other hoitse in
- . j /, jlclovi ^Stc/clciTU of l/ic TtcdstiTyf
marcfi26 ,||67 ■, -■■■•
[INE months after date application' wil| be
I made to tlie Huiioruhle the Justitju's of the
Inferior Court oi Clialliam Coun'ty .when siftin'
Jpr ordinary prirpbses for leave to,sell « certai
tracNif land situated op WilmingVon .Island in
me Cniiiity of Clmthnin', containing fif,ty acres,
(more or loss) with the buildings and itrinrovc.-
RjB* tlieroon, formerly tlie property j of’, Willium
Gilbert, deceased, being tl|C real estute of Dennis
Jifineuict Hughes! amjnor and.orplian sim of Jphn
JJu^gliesj, deeeusea, for the benefit, mointuinaitce
and education of the snj'd Denfris R, Hriglies.
■ fob 12 34
EDW'D HUGHES, Jun’r. J fees.
A N apprentice about 14 years of age to learn
the Carpenters Business, Apply at this 01*
In the Court of Ordinary.
i Chatham Countv, July Term, 1825.
I N the matter of the estate of Sarah 1
Tucker and John Tucker, orplinn |
children of Henry Rucker, deceused.. I n „
Upon the petition of '.Villlam P. > v ...
Clark, find Winifred, llls / wife, guard- | S *
inns of the said orphans, for leuvu to I
sella negro slave named Alarinh. J
It is ordered that a notice of this application be
published in one of the Gazettes of the City ol
.Savanuuh onpc a tvfcek until fhe first Monday in
Arigitit next; Oita that if no objections be filed
tboi’cto that the order he made absolute. .
Extract from the minutes, 8th July, 1825.
S: M.UOND,c.c.o.
July 9 .147
State of Georgia,
B Y Elijah Baker, Clerk of (lie Court of Ordiiin
ry for the County of Liberty,
Dtivid Stetson, administrator of the .estate of
Fliclie Carter, late of said county dcc’d, applies
to lie dismissed troin hi« said administration.
These ate therefore to cileaudadmonish alt per
sons concerned lb file their objections (If any
Riey have,) In my office at Riccburough, within
the time prescribed by. luw, or the fiiiil David
Stetson will bo dismissedfroiti his said adininis.
Given under my haiid nod seal tliii second day
(Julie, A. D. 1825. E. BAKER; tiiol, c.
j u lie 16 130 .
gTATE of Georgia Chatham County—if-, the
T\> be paid in \
in the S $37,000
( hi be pill
i < Tickets ii
\ Second C
7,482 Prizes.
20,000 Tickets, nt $2 50 50,000
7400 of $6 each, la be entitled to tickets in
the Seeoiui Class, subject to no deduction.
First drawn number bn I lie first dnt,, prise of $1000
Last drawn number rb tlie hisl day, price uf $6lH)0
I Prize Hi' 20,000 is
15,000 is
10,000 is
5,000 is
1,000 is
1 Prize
2 Prizes
2 Prizes
3 Przes
4 Prizes
5 Prizes
1900 Prizes
500 is
100 is
5 is
9918 Primus
(16000 Tickets dt $4,
$ 80,000
Superior court— 1 Chutli <7
Thomas F. Purse fct. al. j
Complaints . I •
awl } IN EQUITY.
Richard It. Cuylcr, ex’r
Win Shaw, defcensed. J,
'N tliis case, on the suggestion in the defend
.anl’a gnawer; that ccrtum per Uis not purtie
tins bill, residing ill Scotland,, claim to be cn
iiAa. -l* ..It.... j.-aj iu..
tilled to n dislrlbutiou of jmrl of the nndivide
cstnfe ofWm Shaw, deceased, and on potion,
is ordered llmt rill persons conct'riie'j do appear
hefoi'e the Superior (Iburt of Chnthnm. County in
the ternt of January, next, then and iiiere toes':
tablish such tlieir claims; und in default thereof,
that (he undivided, estate df the laid Win Shaw;
be distributed among the complainants agreeably
to the deeree. of said Court and limi thi-.
published orico ri month i'Uiiiil the cx|ilratlim
llietkiof. ...
Extract from tlie initmtcs this 7th day of June,
1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
juiio 17 5t138 ,
P eiitiph’for fore-
clbsVrc of a
lion, the Justices of the Inferior Court, silting
for Ordinary purposes.
To all wliom it mny concern.
Whereas Julia A. Snnderbn, widoxk, has fl]>
iud to the Honorutile the Court of Ordinary of
Clmthnin,Coun(y for letters of Guardianship on
the persons and properties of Ami Reliccca Snn-
ilorlin mid Fcreby Ellen Snuderiiii, orphan chil
dren of Benjamin Sandcrliii, deceased, as tlieir
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail
and singular the kindred mid friends of the said
Orphans to file their objections (if any they have)
to granting of the Guardianship of tlie said Or
phans, to the applicant, in the Clerks Office of
the said Court, on or before the eighth day ol
September next, otherwise letters of guardian
ship will he grunted.
Witness tiic honorable Elins Fort, one of the
Justices of said Court, tliis Htli day of August,
1825. S. M. BOND, c. c.o. c. c.
nngnst 167
Tlie above Lottery is to lie drawn under the
management of
,E_T Orders for Tickets from any part of the
United Slates,.enclosing eusti, (post paid) sliull
lie promptly attended to by the subscriber, who
bus been appointed Agent fertile Commissioners.
V '1 ho Tickets already ordered have been re
ceived and are ready for delivery.
Thompson if Bounty's Buildings, Savannah.
august 30 .169
' Oil of Wormsecd.
fTNHE'Oil of Wormseed is the most innocent as
X well us most powerful vermifuge yet known
properly mrinngcd rind genuine, (as this is war-
anled to be) l»y A. PARSONS,
Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’Buildings.
■ may 17.
the Legislature of this Stale proceed to make or
der of Forfeiture and Sale, in ten days train this
date, if*said property be not claimed .agreeable
lo f)ur provisions of said act. Savannah 3Utli
August 1925. i
ISAAC RUSSELL, j. r. c. c.
nug 30 169 " •> •
D R. J.W r . ATTltlDUE’S TINCTURE for in
digestion, twined Dyspepsia. The discov
ery of this Mediciue'has been tlie effect of Ions
mid attentive study, and is now made public from
the most decided conviction founded on ample
: e perifmee of its power in eradicating tliis disease,
after every other Medicine had failed. It has on
ly beeqii) this country twelve months, and it has
done,wonders in giving restoration, and in astji-
inaticai cases, its heneficiul effect has been aston
ishing. Dr. James Fanner, Member of the Royal
College of .Surgeoiis iu Loiuhui, declares in bis
treatise, that Asthma and indigestion ace found
coexisting, the stomach ut all times exerts consul-
.erahlc influence oVer the pulmonary functions,
'arid it is therefore fair toconcludc tlmt the former
disease is aggravated by the latter. Asthmatic
peopl'Sj Coh.tiiiu -s thp learned Doctor, should im-
posc.upon themselves the same regulation as if
'the case were purely dispeptic. ..This tincture o-
pens ohstrpctio'us of the spleen and liver, cleaiis-
et|i the breast, of phlegm, and tile chest of hu-
inou'rs guihercd therein; removes pain in tlie hack,
stomach und sides, and the windy cliolic. Alio
giddiness in t.he head, which all proceed from iii
digestion. .It has been recommended by. some
if the most eminent pliysiciansasavnliinble med
icine in dispepsia.but it does not cui'e rill diseases.
Sold in squqre bottles, with Dr. Altridge, London,
-jii each bottle, wholesale and retail, Uv •
At his Drug Store corner of Whitaker ahd
Broughton Streets,
feh 15 34
Camden—Superior Court.
OcTOBKr! Teum, 1824.
Nicholas J. Bayard i
vs. > Rule J\’isi.
Ray Sands )
O N tile petition of Nicholas.!. Bayard, stating
thut Ray Snuds, bn the fifth day of June eigh
teen hundred and twenty-four, for the keRcr se
curing the payment of his curtain bonder Writing
obligatory, bearing date the day nnjjyenr afore
said, whereon lie the said Ray acknowledged him
self held and hound rinto the said Nirhplris J. Bay-
urd, in the penal sun* Of four thousand dollars
conditioned for the puyrri'iH of one thousand dol,
lars on or before first (fay of October then
next, and the further sum of one tliousudd dollars
on the first day of January then next, did mort
gage all tlmt tract, piece, or parcel of land, lying,
being und situate on (Cumberland Island in the
county of Cumdcn, nnd known by the name of
Cotton Bluff, con'nining four hundred and fifty
acres;bounded on the north by Innds of Sliierer,
on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, end on
the west by salt marsh, together with tlie appinle
nances—and further eluting that the said sums of
money remained unpaid, nnd pray the foreclosure
of the equity of redemption of the said Buy.
On motion df W. W. Gordon, attorney for the
petitioner, it is ordered that the said Kny Sands do
pay into this court before the expiration of twelve
months troip this date, tile said several sums of
money in the condition of.the said bond mention
ed, together with the interest and c,ost, otherwise
tlmt tlie equity of redemption of.jtlie said Ray
Sands his heirs, executors, administrators uud as
signs, of. in and to the said mortgaged' premises,
be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. , :
And it is further ordered, tlmt this rule be pub
lished in oite.of the Gazettes of this state at least
oncp a month for twelve mo'iiths, or tlmt n copy
he served on tlife said Ray Sands, at least six
months before tlie expiration of thp tr.JC appoint
ed for the payment ol the said monfty into court,
hi id that such further proceedings be had as are
pursuuut to the statute in such case made aud pro-
Hied. . - . .
Extract from the minutes, this 25th Oct. 1824
o'ct 29 206
In the Superior Court—Ejjipghum County
NityEMUEiv TlRM, 1824*
Trustees of thejennan j
Lutheran Congregation j
. . «•. f
The hclfs arid represen- )
tative of Wiljiam J. j
Spencer. . A . f Rg
U l’ON the petition of the Tnrdces pf tlio Ger
man Lutharau Congregation praying tlio jj
foreclosuic.ofthe.equity of redemption of all flint >;V
tract of land containing three hundred acres more
or.less lying,and being in the.Cqifjity of Effingham
hounded oil the north, by Mattin T.nckncr nnd
Bathugcr Iiacklcr, on tlio east dr the Scliool house
lands of Goshen, rim), lands of Nicholas|nr,on
the south by Duncaii MgGilllv.u'y and Olinstian
Dasher, arid on tlie north-by ’und of John Reutep
and Vacant land, mortgaged ort the tho feth duy
of June,. 1808, by the sriidW,iU'mm J. Spencer tb
secure the payment of ft bond bearing tire sumo
date; for tlie penal suhi of eight hundred dollars, ,
conditioned tor the payment ol the snm of four
hundred dollars pri the 1st of January, 1809, with
inter’est from dale, at the rate ofsix per cent per
nttnuni;. which said bond is stillFdue nnd unpaid
Upon motion of Georg;: W;. Owens, if ),\lon\cy ‘for
petitioners, it is ordered that the pyinjbipul Mid in <
terest due on tlie said bond, anditne posts ol thy
application be paid into Court, within twcl o,
inoiitlis from tlie date of this Rule Nisi: And til
on failureAhureof,the.,Equity of rrdcinption ol,
in and to the said murtgageu. premises, no from
thcncrifortli toraalosad, and such furl liar proceed
ings hg hnd thereon as.tlie law directs And it is:
filrllierordered. tlirit (lie rnlq. I>e. published in ono ,
of the Gazette i of this State,ut least once u month
until the expiration of the lime appointed for pay
ment, ns idbresuid, or served on the lielrs and re .
pre-cntat’ives of the mortgagor at least six months
previous thereto. - • •
Extract from the Minutes.,
inn 15 11 • Curoliim,
FourtlV Circuit
Geoij’^own Dist. ^
In Equity
Brought io Jail. .
I N Savannah, on tlie 6th'Inst', a negro miin Who
says his name is Will, and that fie belongs lo
.tins clly and on tlife. moot imera|.verms..,, i William Murpliey, Waslihiglon County Geo., anil
Country Merchants nnd 0111611? tram the diner- | ,} m , j, e ^mmway about'6 jAontIts ago, lie is 6 feci
s of the U, Stales and ubi'dad, who may H- a „d ab. ut25 years of age',',mid has a' scat
is city, and be in tv put of the above article I llll( j cl . (],' u [ e f( e ye, anil says he is a Blacksmith by
of wijRtoaiitA nr Rriiliil. arc ftarucstlv re- I , j J
rbllK £ DEWS.j! c. c.
ent purls of tlie U. Stales and abrOiid,' who may
visit t is c.ity, andbe in xvpiitof tjie ebpvearlicle
jeithcr at Wholesale or Ret til I, are earnestly ic- I
quested lo culi rind examine fur. themselves, noi 1
•forgetting hefqre they leave home to lake the
iiumbcr of tlie above establishment from, this ad-
vertiscrilent,' - .
Moses Hobson.
sept 5
sapt 17’
Wanted Immediately, ,
i’eudef , ,,
••• i p .. | prescribed by Intv. ,unq those indebted to the es-
; A’ single MAN, who is sober and bonest, to. lHt# w j|[ pjakb immediate payment to
xjL take charge of a small Plantation near the I ' jpg. JON ICS,
citv. Apply to 1 the Editor. I; mav 14 1.98• -
”■ sept 10 174b ^
Brought lo Juii,
Savannah on the I4tli inst. n negro man wh<
1 says his name is Simon, and that liebelongs lo
John McC’ornmck of Warren county Georgia anil
that he runaway, from liini about too month ago
he is 5 feet7 inches high and ubout40 years oi
ttge ' JOHN L DEWS, /, c. c.
sept 17 IW
Bagging, Nails, fyc.
Vfc dJ^APlEt t.S 42 inch,Cotton Bagging,
I C.nsks.Cut Nais ...
9 Hogsheads 4 ) Philapelphia
^_^EORGIA, Chatham county-—By the Hon. the
Justices of the Inferior court sitting for or If
nary purposes. . ,
To nil whoffi it mny cohcerff,.
Whereas Win. ltoclie, applied to the hon.’ the
:ourt of Ordinary of Cjialliam county for letters
•( administration nil the estute end effects of Jno.
liribhin, late of Savannah merchant,'dec. as prin
ipa) creditor
'Iliese are therefore to cite,and admonish all'
and singulai’ the kindred and Creditors of the siiid
decoiisod, to file Ihcir olijections (if uny they
ha,ve) to life granting of tlie iidininistration oi the
estate, of tlie deceased to the applicant in tlie
Clerk's office of the paid Court, on or be lore the
sixth nriy of October next; otherwise letters of ad
ministration will he granted.
Witness the lion Elias Fort, one of the Justice
of.the snid Court, the sixth dny of September A
D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five
S M. BOND, c.c. o.
sept 6 172
j For sale by
sept 8
37 Barrels j Whiskey' '
1 llogsheud Tohaco
Mongin’s Wharf
Yv hite Pine i wunber,
: . M. MYERS, c. c.
/♦A tfA(fFI k FEET npitliern white pit,
OVI«X/"/"J boards audnlniiksqfa Sjuperier
quality, for Suie by, WATT & SMETS.
' sept 1 176iu
English Copperas,'
Y tiieharrcl oi' Imlfbarrel—l’qt' stile by
f ajfeil fi’'
. v ., f,A v |4iB£
No. 8, Gibbon’s 1
. '
Chatham Superior Court,
May 'Farm, 1825
The Bank of the State of Georgia, j
vs. \ RULE MSI.
John' Hunter, )
U PON the petition of the Bank of the State o
Georgia, praying the foreclosure of the equi
ty of redemption of John Huuterin the follow iug
property to wit. all that lot of land in the city of
Savanuriif, In Reynolds ward, known in the plan
oi the said city by the No. three, (3,) with the im-
trovements thereon, which said property had
men mortgaged by the said John Hunter on' the
twelfth day of June, eighteen hundred nndlwenty
two, to Maurcl k i.nthebeaudierre, Merchants, to
secure them the pnyment of the penal sum, of
Twciily Four Thousand Dollars, upon A certain
boiid of him, the suid John Hunter, to the said
Maurel k Lathebeaudierre,' conditioned tor the
payment unto the petitioner of the suinofTwelye
Thousand Dollars, upon a certain promissory note
then running in thq snid Bank, or any note that
might be given at any time thereafter in renewal,
—which bond'and deed have been
duly assigned I o the petitioner It appearing.., to
the Court thlS there is now due to, the petitioner
’uponri certain other promissory ifotc. of Jiiin the
John Huritpr, endorsed by the suid Maurt.l j.niul
Lntheberiudierre, tor the sum of Ten Thousand.
Eight Hundred ..mid Thirty Dollars, dute'dj (lie
twenty sixth dny of June, eighteen hundred ri.rid
twenty-three, undwhich note was giveri.jn ren.ciy-
,ai, agfeeably to the meaning of the suid bend aud
mortgage, tlie full and just.amoulit oLEightlThou;
sand Three Hundred arid Sixty Four Dollars,
with interest from the twenty eighth duy’.bf Jan
uary, eighteen hundred mid tweuty ftve! 7 .
On motjon of Law & Jririkson, it is ,ordered,
tlmt tlie principal interest and costs oiie upon
said mortgugrid premises be pgid into Court within
twelve, months from this datearid unless the
same be sS paid, the equity, of redeiription of the
said John Hunter shall thenceforth he foreclosed.
If is further ordered, tligt thii.rule be published
oiice a month lor twelve'immth inone of the Ga
zettes of this State, or served upoffthe mortgager,
or.his special agont, at least Six months before the
■money'is to he pnid into. Court os aforesaid,
Extract from the Miilylts.
. , i A. b. FANNIN, Clerk.
june' 10 131 ,
George W. Burrows, Adm’or.Y;
dc bonis non of Elizabeth ).
McKee dcccuscd.
Jblm Hawkins, udm'or Tliom-
ns Green, dcc'd and John J
Graham, late udm’orE. Me- l
KCe. deceased- •''»>> /■ •••'-. ? -l Hi,
I T having appeared to (he satisfaction of tho
Court that the childru.n iff Matthew !Jryan, (!.-
any siicli huliving) arc riVateriolly interested in the
event of tliis suit; and R haying fqrther appeared
that the suid Afplthew Bryau rumoted from tliis
State to Georgia many years :<!:<•, uml tli • t no in
telligenec of,himself or his family littt s'iihF hicn
received • It is therefore ordered, on motion ot
the Complainants' Solicitors, tlmt notice lie pub
lished oncp a month until the first day ni'.fanuury
next, in the Winyaw lntelligencerol Georgetown,
and In one of the pi.’MIc Gazettes of Savannah,
(Geo.) calling on the children of the said Matthew
Bryan to funds satisfactory evidence oil heir idea*
tity and relationship, at the Court of Equity to bc ;
ho'lden for the District of GcorgctdWCBUi tlie first
Monday nfterthe fourtli Monday of January next,
and tlmt in default thereof a final disliihul ion may
be tnndeof the remaining Estute of the said Elis
abetii McKee deceased, among those.- entitled to,
the same in the event of the death oi the children
of Matthew Bryan. . '
Commissioner and Rtgiitcnn Equity.
Commissionkr’s Office,.1, Av *
Georgetown, May 14, 1826. { , •. • r.- A . f.
The Editor of the Savannah Republican is re
quested to publish the above once a rnmnii untii
tlie first day of January next, and to send Ids ac
count to the Office of the Winymv Inielligeocer,
when it will be immediately paid.
may 18 111 '
Superior CoiiVt—Caiudcu Couh
’ tv. C; p
.. Mauch Tkkm, 1825.
John Jackson, ) .
vs. . .. yjlULE MSI.
. Mary Smith. • ) ' .
O N the.petition' of.Tolin Jackson praying'.the
foreclosure of the equity of. redemption ot
all "thut certain Lot Ko, 44, forty-four, in the town
qf.Satnt Marys, with ijiiproveineots tlieieon'.com-
mencing at tfie.9puth corne/ Lof owned by ArqJii-
;baldCliirk,tTicncc southwardly on Orsborne-street,
boo Ini mired arid nine feet to l.ot yjy ued By. Levin
'Uttnby, thence hu sh ed feet oust to Lot own-
>d_by estate pf G< S(e\yart, tlieiice iiortlnvardly
'oife liLijidredrind tune feet to’.Archibald Chnrk’s'.
<lirie'. thence westwurdly one iiriiidr.od'feet to' the
jplqce! begintling,—theproiiarvy: of Mary Smith,
anil mortgaged by the said .Jtitry Smith, to the
■jsaid' Johu Jackson, omtiic tvirpntieth day of June,
eighteen .hundred and ttvfcntyrone, to secure tlie
jia.ymfcnfoftlie siim^pf Fifteen Hundred Dollars,
rind interest mentioned in three certain bonds or
(obligations of tlie crime dale from the said Mmy.
Rmitpylo the said John Jackson; and on motion
of James Morrison, Attorney for, petitioner, it is
ordered by the Court that the principal, interest •
arid cost due on said notes, und fnortgage,he paid
into Coutf, yvithin twelve 'months from the date,
otherwise the equity of redemption rif the suid
mortgaged premises will from thenceforth be fore
closed,'and such farther proceedings take place
as the law direct,—and it is further ordered by
the Court that this rule be published in one of the
puhlic Gazettes ofthis state, nt least once every
month, until the time appointed tortlie payment
ofthe money aforesaid, or served, oq the jnort
gager or her special agent,six months previously
thereto. .. ' . ;
Extract fram the Minutes,29th-March, 1825-
•April 30 -98 •- ■■
Apices, &c.
' [VTU’VMeG S'^i n riainon
x™’ Chjve^,.Mace! • c
Alspice, hbipk' arid red Pepper
Fuly.Giu’geyj a'pure article
Zarits Currants, English Mustard
Sheet'lgiriiiiuss, apure article
' ;Ajpt.'iu(i|npr, Sweet Oil, j ■
Just received and for sale by
Masonic Hall Lottery Office
JJ S the only-phice in this city, where thp D^Rfy
N BlLL^ave tak:n at FAR. A grcat variel/ j(f
of numbers linY«l ee.i received, and aie for -ule ^
for riisi'zp.'ti.rkets or cash by ■': <
aug 27