Newspaper Page Text
m' 'i
jj„ m voi,. xxii.
•tlical College of S, Carolina.
lug RECTI’I IKS of this Institution Will be re
iumed on tliu second Monday of November
irii'S'-liy Jo ' m Edwards Holbrook, I
«rtr«ri/~Jnnv:sRnmsny, M. t). ...
’ iie» midPraclice of A/ctffeWe—S. llfcm-y
Wholesale and Retail Fashion
able Hat Ware House,
E^^wW^^-HonryR. Frost, M.D,
Metrics and Diseases of U'Dirtat) and Infanii-
Of.the Stiite of Rhode Island.
Grand State Lottery,
(For the Encouragement of Domestick lndiishy,)
Will positively b,e drawn in PROVIDENCE, dn
the l4tli.dny of OCTOBER next. 1
, ciidicE
J UST received per shin A.iigiista, a/resh
ulcgnntnssortment ofrERF
T tlE subscriber otters at the above establish* ,
inent, an extensive and general assortment S, & M. Co. 'Agents, for the Man-
jtiitwlry end P/iufitmcy-—Edmund Ravcncl, | ol the most fushiotmbie Hqjs ot every description, | ager's.
#2-5,000 Highest Prifcei
UMERY, tkc. care-
Among which,
v . consisting of alt the various patterns that are the
Murat IJiddt'l/amt Rtflafit) ; -Stephen Elliott, L | most generally approved of nl the present time,
nnd particularly adapted to all |hc most jirevnil-
ihg fashions lioth at home nnd abroad, and that
from among his stock of Hats may be selected at
all times, ail the various qualities mid grade, from
the finest Bgaver down to the most common lto-
rnm, With corresponding prices to each kind, and
those which, tnqy be the most*suiiabta; and made
OTICF. is hereby given, that on the first day I in’conformity to thq fashion, in whatever part of
of October next, the principal of the six per | the United State the, purchaser hiny reside. His
Lt f»
Dean of the Faculty.
Treasury Department,
29th April, 1825.
gtork of the United State, created under the stock is at all times .large and independent, of
Hurity of nn Act of Congress, entitled “An I whcli lie can at any titrie manufacture qny quan-
authorising a Loan for a sum not exceeding tity cdnforraalilo to order. His present supply
ic h Millions of Dollars" approved on the consists of those made cxpresly for lhc Fall trude
nthd’iyof March, One Thousand Eight all of which arc got up in the riiost sufierior style.
Ji)anil Twelve, together With the interest I of workmansht|i in every respect, nnd equal If
iiic thereon, will belaid to the Proprietors not superior to any that jban.caiLbe ottered in this
dSlQtfk, or.o their Attorneys duly authorised, | City or any otlier part, tit the Union., His stock is
ze of
Ming Secretary of the Trtasury.
Hay II flOA
"Treasury Department,
Match 14,1825.
W1IV> V* — » WIIIVI lUCi/IUUll, , III!) 3t>ILIV 19 I II) 11)11
Treasury of the Uitited States in Washing- continually replenished with Hips fresh from the or) ’,~ n J *
nl at the several Loan Offices, on tho Books Manufactory, uud none will he ottered for sale ;s * j- . .. ,,
■iiicn imy portion of suid stock may stand. I but those which will lie sure to Hvn the most I In this Scheme,with eight drawn ballots,there
surrender of the Certificates of said Stock perfect satisfaction to the purchaser., and ensure n I will lie 60 prices with llirec numbers .-on *bcm,
ll be required at the time of pnymeilt; Hiid (lie continuance of his custom: as to prices lie is sel- M** with Two numbers o.ilhcin ; and 10,008
,^,1 oii said Stock wl!i tease, from and alter ling as low if not tower than any other house in I with One number on (hem. . Those ticketshaving
durliofh day of September next tills city and on tlie most liberal terms. I none of ; the drawn ballots on ll|ein.|b(dng blanks.
oavi'T r emrm»nn I Country Merelmnts nnd others from the differ- I To determine the fate of the 34,220 'rickets, the
ent pnrts of the U. Stales atill alu-Sad, who may 00 numliter* will severally he placed in a wheel on
visit U is city, mid lie in wkhtof.llie above article the day of drawing, and eight of them will be,
either at Wholesale or Retail, arc earnestly re* I drawn} and that Ticket having on jyas a cambi*
quested to cull and examine for themselves, not I nation, tho 1st, 2d, add 3d Nos. drawii, will been-
. — . forgetting before they leave home to lake tlie | titled to $26,000.
irREAS, Vn the 6th March*; 192o, a law number of (ho above establishment from this ad-
was passed by the Congress of tho United 1 vortisemeiit,
of which the 3d, ■fill, and 5th sections (lie I
s?pt 17 )t!77
fully selected by the
are the fulinwiug urlioies:—
Mttqpnsser, Russia, Beat), and Antique Oils, for
beautifying and promoting the gsowtli ol
Pomatums in large aiitl small pots, all sorts ol
odors . |
Rose; Orange Flower, Lavender and Cologne
, Water, iii bdxcs, very highly perfumed.
Essunces-of Burgflmot,Lemon, Lavender, Musk
and Cinnamon ,
Milk ofltoscs, oi beauty's preservative
Quirks Essence of Tyre, for changing light, red
or grey Imir, to a permanent and beautiful
brot|n or black
Low’s very, superior scented shaving end
wash tdoApe, uil sorts of perfume; Naples, Pot,
Cake and Quintessence shaving Soap-, Wind
sor perfumed funr.y Soap, by tlie box
Hair Powder of various odors, Powder Puffsof
assorted sices
Elegant Pocket, Dress, and fine teeth CoiUbs,
qnd ivory Letter-Folders • >
Ladies and Gentlemen's Pocket-Books With
and without clasps,of all sizes, Indespcns-
tibles assorted patterns
Gill Card CitsCs, assorted patterns, nnd Visit
ing Curds to suit them .. ,
Silyql- Pencil Cases, best quality, do do Tooth
Picks do do i do Twdezei",,Penknives, Scgar
lloxs, Dominoes
1.0X3, UUIDimna ..|| I
Fancy huf glass, Mermaid mid English Pungeiit
Snjblliug Bottles,
Dice, Play ing Cards, Ladies’Toilet Dress Cases
Gontluineii's Shaving do
lie*, nr
the words following, viz: , ...
Bee. 3. Md be it further cnhcled, T|iat a sub
fiption to the ilmount of twelve millions of d.ol
L, of the six per cent, stock of the year eighteen
ludri'd and thirteen, be, and the same is liererjy
La,ml; for which purpose books shall be o-
pci! at the Treasury of the United States', and
he several loan olHces on the first day of April
i continue open until the first day of Ucto
No. 224, Broad-Street, Augusta,
mu io *■, )«,• • ’i
That having on it the 4th, 6th, and tlth, will be
entitled to tJIlO.CMMt. .,
That having on it the 0th, 7th, afid 8th, will he
ctltitled to #5,0011. • , „ I
Those having on them the 3d, 4th, and 5th,—
3d, 7tli nnd 8th.—2d, 3d, nnd 4th—2d, 5th, uud
8th—2d, 0th, and 7th, encli of $100(1..
That having on it the 3d, 5tii,and^th, #579.
Those having oh them 2d, 0th, and Hlh—2d,
7th,And8th—3d.4th, anil0th—3d,,4th,and,7th— I
3d, 4th, and 8tii—3d, 6th, mid.Oth—3d, 5th, mid |
th, encli #500.
Belton's superior Dehtrilice,Marshall’s do. But-
lerls do
in the Court of Ordinary.
, Ch.ATiiAM ;fcouNTY, July Term, 1825.
N tlie matter of the estate of Sarah
Tucker and John Tucker, orphan
children of Henry Rijeker, deceased.
Upon the petition of William P.
Clark, and Winifred, Ids wife, guard
ians of the said orphans, for leave to
sella uegro.'Mave named Maciiili. ,
It is ordered that a tjotice of this application be
published in one of tlie Gazettes of the City ol
Savannah otfee n week ithtil the first Mondtivin
August liextt nnd that if no objections he fifed
thereto that tlie order he made absolute.
Extractfrom the minutes, 8lh July, 1825.
S. M.BOND.c.c.o.
inly 9 147
State o.<‘ Georgia,
B Y Elijah Baker, Clerk of tlie Court ofOrdina-
ry-for tlie County of Liberty,
David Stetson, administrator of the estate of
Plicbe Carter, lute of said county dec’d, applies
to be dismissed irom Ills sldd administration.
These are therefore to citcandndmoni-.h allper-
sons concerned to file their objections (if any
they have,) in my oHlce at Riotiboroiigh, within
the time prescribed by |)iw, or tlie said David
Stetson will be dismissed from bis said adminis
Given under my hand and seal this sedond day
I June, A. D. 1825. E. BAKER, c co i.c
June Id -13d
^jiTATE of Georgia Chatham County —lit, tli>.
thereafter, for such •jWts. of the abovo-men UfTHIS ESTABLISHMENT is opened in a All others (being 40 Tickets) liuving three ol
ed description of stock, as shall, the day I JL bandsumc Brick Building, erected <liiriug the | t ' lp ^ 1 r !? ( wn lNos * 0U t leln ’ " eac 1 “ e eil,llleti
.bscription, stand on the books of tfco Treasu past summer, at the corner, of Broad and Win- b „a 4 .<i .Wn
The 62'Tickdls Imvingthe 3d nnd 4th drawn
Ntf», only will ftacli lie entitled to #50.
The 156 Ticket) having on them tlie 4tlittnd dlli
or -1th and dth, or4th and 7th drawn Nos. only,
will each be entitled to $20,
All others (lieing 1248 Tickets) with qny two of
the drawn Nos. tin them, will huyli be entitled to
Ion those of the sevpr&l loan olfices rps I tosh-Sjtrects. It is rcconimcpded to Pluuters and
lively; w'llich subscription shall be effected I Merchants, by its situation, in the centre of the
litronsfer to the United. Sfates in the muiiuei I town mid .of business, and within a convenient
Jbvicfec] by law for such transfers, of 1 .distance of the Banks,. Wai;bhop»es, and Public
leredits standing on the said books, am) by a I Offices. ,Stage Passengers wi.ll Had it convenient
Vremicrofthe certificates of. the stock so sub | from its being opposite the Post-Otlicc, the place
nbed. Provided, Thai, all subscription bj such I ol arrival mid dep^rturo t df tin 1 Stages. There is .
Imfcr of stock, shall be considered as part of 1 connected Willi tlife HALL*,,ah adjaceni Brick I ® 8 ; ,, ... , a i „ . „
[e said twelve millions of ^dollars authorized to | Tenement, willi suitps of Private Apartments, arid . And those havingnny one of tlie drawn Nos. on
) borrowed bjrthe first sectionof this act. |a Separate Entriiiittc from', Broad-Stfeet, which l J' em (being !{*i W ® l T 1 ,c * et ** l4 ? p . for caL “
“Ser. 4. M<t ht it further enacted, That, for I will he apprppriateil exclusively to Hie apeomtao- ®® c l' b .® i®nve drawn a nrize of ii I ,r y Merr.bants. Planters, mid ail that wish to pur.
[o whole or any part of any sum, whicli shall Ijp (daiinn o,.^i„.„ and W «l. ^^ A
1 City. , s For sale at wholesaltialtd retail, l»y
ageist, No. 8, Gibbons' Buildings
i,byr,or their assigns, a,sum to be expressed Iteriaod by W. J.DuorEv, whose stufiy it will bp ' - '' - 6 6
krain, equal to the mnotiiit of tlie
lekthus subscribed,bearing an intereb, , imuuriw numo V iu >■>«• - , , - f , .
; four und one half per centum pbf annum .'iueriorta (Ga.) 1825. I lltose who have ordered Ticket.'in the above | j- t,
■ - ' - K ™ • - '■ — 1 ■ {buttery are requested tocjdlI and^eeiverthem at
Prepared Clmrcoiil from the willow bark,
Tlbjoipson’s Aromatic Tooth Paste, for
wtiieipng and preserving tile teeth
Eyeotolics, Snuff Boxes, a fine assortment of
Reeve's Colors, Tapers of all kinds, Phos
phorus Boxes
Fancy shaving Boxes of idlsizes, very superior,
do Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes,
^pothBrushes, with fluted and pluin handles
tpe best quality, mid vuriods other kinds of
briiolies, made ot the best umterinls
John Barber's mid Thomas Scargill’s superior
Razors, iii douhlc and single ciises, made to
order, warranted to please Uie purchaser or
to be returned
An elegant assortment of Glass Lamps, attached
to stands in complete style
ToiKjuia mid Vmiillii Ueuus, Gold Leaf, and
Dutch Metal,&.C &ic
Firm packaci, ijp
(iENUiNE Drugs
all of whicli liusbocu selected by himself, express
lor this .market. Gentlemen, Physicians, Conn
Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court, littiiig
for Ordinary, purposes.
To n|l whom it may concern.
Whereas Julia A. Sanderiin, widow, has ap
plied to tlie Honorable the Court , of Ordinary of
Chatham County for letters of Guardianship on
tlie |
dren of Benjuihlii Sanderiiit, deceusecl, as their
mother. .. t
These are therefore to cite rind admonish all
and singular tlie kindred and fHends of the said
Orphans to file flicir objections (jf any they have)
to granting of tlie Guardianship of the suid Or-
ilians, to the applicant, in tlie Clerks Ofllr.e of
bp said Court, on or before the eighth dpy ol
September next, otherwise letters ol guavdian-
ship will he granted. ..
Witness tiie hondrnhle Ellas fprt, one of the
Justices of said Court, Ibis 8th dw of August.
1825. S. M. BOND, c. c, o. c. c.
gust 157 .
pas subscribed, credit* slmu b« entered to the
active subscribers, jfllo sTmll be cntilled to a
selves us quieiuind retired as in pny private
, Willi the additional udvaptiigp of oping in t
rtilltate or cerlificnles, purporting that tlie Uni-1 mediate neighborhood of tlie principal Fancy I Frizes payable lorty da
iSpijps.owc to tlili holder or hiildors.thereoi, J Stores. ■ The WAjsllUjjGTON HALi. is superiu-1 andsuhiect, ns usual,Jt° «d
i,bcr,br tliair assigns, a,sum to he* expressed teritfoil by W..J, Duirt!r.Y, whose study j) will bp I Philadelphia, JuneuB, *®*-kgt , ■ - i „ 0B y”
*“ “ic principa to please and rcildpr comfortable, those who may I Preren* prtefe of 1 ickets, v\ boles Halves j
rest not ex favour tie Houso |lth their patronage. 'nL^tn «if„ „i, OV e Anil'
Frizes payable forty dayn after the drawing,
‘ o a deduction of 15 pr cent.
|)lo quarfgrly, front the thirty-first day of l)c
, omi thousand eight hundred und l\\ euty
aiisfcrrablii in tlie same manner as is pin
, / law for the transfer of the stocklsuliscsib
L and subject to rudejiiptiioii at tho pleasure ol
f United States, as Follows: one hall atn*';
he otter the thirty-lirsl day of December, i 1 «
bmiiiid ;eiglit,hujwlr.ed iina.twenty-clghl, apJ
Vromaipder at any time after fne thirty-first
‘ f Dei ' * J " *
J twenty-
Sulphate of Quina.
/, HUE high price of this so vnlilable medicine I
has tempted some wretches to sophisticate
it—and stuff so debased, iias already been ex
hibited for sale a) Savannah; but the Quinn whicli
/ otter has been made in Germany ; bus been sub-
unaer hi any liras niter ine imny-mp. | joctC(l t0 C beniical tests by myself anJ I
lecembor, one tl.o.ismid eight hi.ii.lrtd and gool i_ So t do recommend it.
lty-nine; Prodded, Tliat no reimbutrse- AUGUST U. i
* ‘ sept 24 1&>
sept 2(t
! to und true
t shall be made,except for the whole amount
sh new certificate, iior until after at least six
hi’ public notifce. of such intended reim-
jment. Audit sKnll be the duty of (he Secre.
pof |tha Treasury to cause to be TB-trani
to the respective, subscribers the so'
ol autus by tlicm subscribed beyond the n
Punt of the certificates of four and one half per
W stock issued to them respectively.
*'Sec. 5. .iutl be it further enacted,. That the
no funds whichlmve iierefpfore beep, and now
Ppledged by Inw for the payment of the.ihter-
handforBie redemption and reiiriluirseUicpt
lliie stock ivliioh may be redeemed or i'fcimbiif
fl l'Y virtue of (lie provisions of this net,
-^JNDER tl(c8npennleiidance of the
Masonic Hall
The first Draicing is over, am), all the Capital Pri
scs are still in the Wheel.
The sccOndA'rMvii'g will lake place on WED
NESDAY, I2lh of. ctober next.
The Unprecedented Richness ot"the Weeei, af
ter tlie drawing of a large proportion of J lie num-
iiers, offeis every possible inducement Ip adven
turers. This is evidently the richest Lottery in
the Union, in Grand Capital Prises, besides a ve
ry large proportion of the minor Frizes,
Ticket and Shares, warranted uudruWn, may
- uoinmis . .
sinners appointed l>v the Governor and still lie lin'd. uf tjie,original Scheme pric^at
t ’onncll, and by the improved mode of drawing, TllC AUffUStu Jllusoilic Hall Lot-
Securcd by Letters Patent under the seal ot the I i (11 , v
United States—the wliole to he Completed in one 1. ,>
day, and w ill positively take place in the city oi l Thosewho have drf.wa pr.izes nfe informed that
Bultin'uiio in a few vyet&S. | th'cir tlckels .^lall be tuken as cash for others war
TO BE DRAWN ON THE Otli OF NOV. NEXT. | ranted undraVyn.
Now Drawing. In the City of Augusta', un- |
der the superintendanre .of
S ilAtK, 1 f A. Si.auoiitkr,
ahi pledged in iiirc lrian.ner for the payment of I r. r. Kr.ixj, > Contmw«'on«r4< \ V ',o V vv!?!I’ accruing oil tlfe stock Breated by real I x. i. \VnAY. ) „ v.' ,l ’ .
of such subsuriptlon,' ftnil for lhc re<jeliiption J (B. D. THompsor,
eimbursement of the principal of tlie same— ^ ' ~ T .
1 it sliall be the duly of the Commissioners of l The ScCOIld Drawing
Sinkiiijv Fund to to be applied and paid [ Will tuke place on the 12th of October iiilxt.
W the said tuud, yearly and every year, sugh M| the Capital Frizes Hrij still undrawn, conse-1
1 qnd sums us may bg annually required to | qdgntly the Whop] Is very Hell.
Highest Prize ^20,0011.*
1 Pr fib ot $30,000 is $30,nop Dollius
Orders from any part of the U.B.epclo(thg , ca*li
or prize tickets (post paid) slmll be promply ex-
. executed by anplichl ion to,
For Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Thompson lit Bonncy’s Buildings
a«g 23 155 ;.
ge the interest UCcruingon the stock,which
>e created'by virtue of this act. The said
liqraissioners are also hereby authorized to ap
frpm time to time, stfcli sum and sums out o_
•aid Wndj us they miiy think proper, towards
qeining, by purchase, or .by reimbursement
'onformity yvitn the provisions of this,act, the
icipal of the said stook ; and such, fifift of tin
•mal si^ni «f teiynillions p'f dollars, vested ,by
y. id the said Commissioners, ns may be nc-
,si *ry and required fortlie above purposes; shall
^and continue appropriated to r tlie pnyiiSfent of
"if and redempiion of the public debt, until
Ijole ofthd stock whipli may be created un
u provisions of tliiB act, shall have been re
• or reimbursed."
, - therefore, Jfotice is hereby givehi That
oKs will be opened at tho Treasury of the.Unit-
states, und at the several (ban offices, on the
. B “®y,9f April next, afid bbntjhueoneri until
t nrst day of Petob'or mKBaftpr. for receiving
f*said t | IOnS / 4o ’ ufonnit >' “ ie provisions of
^ e ®^ l3ci 'ipti° n s may be mpde by tile propri
1 Prize
of $30,000 is #30,000-
60,000 .
20813 Prizes.
16:2,000 Dollars.
1 do “
4’ Prizes “
4 do "
6 do V
10 do V
60 do
100 do “
6000 do “
6175 Tn'iSes,
12825 Blanks,
$ 180,000
Less than lwo and an half Blanks to a Prise.
40000 Tickets—Not one blank to a prize.
The holder of two tickets, will be certain
I obtaining at least one prize, and may draw threet
.Mode pr Drawing.—The number? will he piif
into one wheel as usual—and in this other wheel
Will be pul one. prize above tlie denomination o.
$4, and tlie drawing to pi-ogress 111. the . iisna
manner . The20,W)(IriZe,of$4,\willlie award
ded tp the odd or even numbers in the Lottery
(ds.the case may lie) dependant on the drawing
I of the Capita! Prize of THIRTY XHOlbrsM)
DOLLARS—iliaifi to say, if the $30,000 prize
I sluiuld cdjiiS out to an odd numlicr, then every
Mrthnriic Hall Lottery Office
I S the only place .in this city, where the DARI
EN BILLS arc token at PAR. A great variety
| of numbers have been received, and arc for sale
for prize tickets or cash bv ;
aug 27
London .Mustard
W ARRANTED a, pure article, just re
ceived perT'orsair, and for sale bv
muylD . A. PARSONS
Druggist No. 8 Gibbons’ Buildings
p., t m J ***f‘” v J j* * i ' •••
ot tbe stock, either in person or by their At h2d. 1 do
T , y authorized to subscribe and transfer 13d. 1 do
u the United States. ..... 14th, 1 do
^hould subscriptions' of sajd stock be made to 15th. 1 do
. -wiijaiuHa ui ntxiu aii/uiv uc luauy i
moiiht exceeding twelve milliors of dollars, 6tli. I
istributiou of the suid sum ot twelve millions, 7th. 1
n Oc made inno’u'g the subscribers in proportion 18th. 1
*Phe Prizes only to be Drawn.
blithe Prises to be flouting from the commencement,
excefll-Jlic following, which will be deposited in
the ichtel at definite periods, via.:—
1 prize Of 10,ie 1 of 600
' ’ « 6.000 4> 1 “ 1,0<.»V & 1 of 600
“ loloot) Si-1 “ ,600
<; p,(xio & ( “ I,bob it 1 of
10,000 h 1 600
odd number-ill the scheme will lie entitled Io a K ntut Hfi'vu
$4 prize: if the $30,000 prize, should come, out &UI UlOga, Lsl)ngl CSS (Ilia ltllJU
(o an even number, then all. the even., numbers erdl Spring WilteTS
in the scliorhe will be cad) entitled to $4. ,1 , . fS' IfK
Odd iiuiiibers Urc those ending with 1, 3, 6, 7,
or 9. .... .. . C ’•*
Even numbers are those ending with
or ,|V . , -.*. •' A" lit cooled in Ice during tlie season. Ijwiilberea-
lhis.nlpde ot drawing not only enables fli. I d „ j 0( . fivorv morning at half past five o'
Commissioners to complete the whole Lotteiy m | (.pyck precisely. , For sale on as liberal terms as
/itn 1, d, o, 7, f~l0H fhc uccominodatiou of the public, t tbe
•... n 4 „ „ I JC celebrated Sarqjp'ga \\>ter» 1ms been kept
witu a, o, o, ej- 0l , gorae yj me p ust) und I shall continue to keep
Whole No. 472
• :V>! -l.
{Superiorcourt—Chatham county
Thomas F., Purse et. at. )
Complaints |
’, a>,d f in Equity,
Ichard R. Cuyier, ex'r ... ' : iz
r m Shnw, deceased. I
I N tills Cape, on tlie i
ant’s answer) Dint ce
to this biH, residing jn Scotland, Claim to he en
tilled to a distrihutidu of part of tlie undlvide
estatoofU m bliaw, d»*eL=ed, anil on motion,
is ordered that all persons tbneerned do ni
before the Superior Court of Chatham Com
the term or January next, then und there
tnblish such their elaims; and in default tin
that tho undivided e:,tate of life said Win £
lie distributed amoqg tlie conildBinunts a
lo tlie dceree.ofsira-GoiMtand that thi
published onfee u mbnW^until< the (
Kxtruct from tlie minutes tliix^th day ol -
W*- ’ .-, A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.'
J»ne 17 4t138 i_
% ne,
Petition for fore
closure of a '
it the Superior Court—Effingham County
NOVUMBER. r l’”«*» -1KOU
t’rustces of the German I
LuthcfaiiCongrcgulion 1
V vs. ' ,|
The heirs nnd represen- ^
tatlve of Wiliam J. J
Spencet;. . J
T7T0N tho pefltion ol the Trustees pf the Gar.
T) man Luilieran Coneregntion praying tln>
foreclosure of the equity ol redemption of all that
tract ot land containing three hundred acres morn
or less lying,and lieing th'tha County of Effinghum
bounded on the north by Martin l.ackucr and
Batbaggr Jlackler, on the nnst of flip School in
lauds of Goshen, nnd lnti<]s of Nicholas Lit!
the south by Duncan McGllliyjry and Gh
Dasher, and oil the north by land nf .lohii L
and vacunt land, morigagi-dop the the 18th
of June, 1808, by. the said Will him J. Spencer
secure the payment of a bopd bearing lhc same 1?:
date, for tbe I>eni4 sum of eight iiiimlr'cd dollars,
conditioned for the pnymeiifot the siitn of four
Camden—Supenor Court.
DctguV.r Teum, 18(34.
CTouKR Teum,
Nicholas .t, Bayard ) .
vs. > Buie JVW.
Rny Sands J .,.
O petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stttfing
that Udy Sands, oil the fifth day of June eigh
teen hundred and twebty-four, for tlie batter se-
curing the payment of Ins certain bond of Writing
obligatory, bearing date the day and yenr afore
said, whereon he tlie said Ray acknowledged him
self held nnd bound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay
ard, in the pcnnl sum of four thousand dollars
conditioned fortlie payract of one thousand dol,
lars on or before the first d(Ly of October tliun
next, und the further sum of one thousand dollars
on the first day of January then next, did mort
gage all that tract,piece, or parcel of laud, lying,
:’eing and situate on Cumberland, Island in the
county of Camden, and known by tlie name of
Cotton Bluff, containing four hundred and fifty
acres, bounded on the by lands of Shierer,
on the south by lands .-.of Nathaniel Green, end on
the west by salt marsh, together with the appiu-te
nances—ami further stating that (lie said sums .of
money remained unpaid, and pray tlie foreclosure
of the equity of redemption of the said Kuy.
On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the
petitioner, it is ordered find tlie said Ray Sands do
pay into this court before the expiration of twelve
months from this date, the sliid several sums of
money In the condition of tiie said bond mention
ed, together with' the interest und cost, otherwise
thut tlie equity of redemption of tho said Ray
Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as
signs, of, in nnd to the said mortgaged premises,
be thenceforth and forevfer foreclosed.
And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub
lished in orte.of the Gazelles uf this state at least
once a month for twelves months, or that a copy
be sep.ved on the said,Ray Sands, at least six
months before the expiration of tlie trie appoint
ed for the payment ot the sqifl -money into court,
and that sucii further proceedings be had us are
pursuant to the statute in such base made and pro
ICr.tract from the miridtes, this 25lh Oct. J824
oct 29 200 .
hundred dtfilars on the,1st ofJanuary, 1809, with i ■ u
interest fi-dm date, at ilie rate of six per cent per
niuiuin ; which said bond is still*due and unpaid
Upon motion of Gforge W. Owens, Attorney for
petitioners, it is ordered tlmi.tlic principal and in
tei-est due dnjms sh’iiI bond, ancHlic costs ot tho
application lie .paid into Court, within live I is
mdnths from the date of Ihjs Hub- Nisi: And tli
on failure (hereof, the Eipilty of redemption of,
in and to the suid mortgaged premises, be from
thenceforth lore closed, and such further proceed
ings lie bad thereon ns the law directs. Anil it i*
furllierordereii.tlmtlha rule be published in ono
of the Gazettes of tills State,at least once nmonlli
ui(til the expiration of the'tiine. appointed for nay
meiit, as aforesaid, or served oil the heirs and re
prcsenlatives of the mortgagor at least six months
previous thereto. ( ' * .
Extract from tlie Minutes.
jap 15 11
{South Carolina,
Fourth Circuit
Georgetown Dist.
> In Equity!
Chathani Superior Court,
May Term, 1825
The Bank of the State of Georgia, i
vs. .. [RULEXISl.
John Hunter.. - )
U PON the petition of the Rank of the State o
Georgia, praying the foreclosure of the equi
ty of redemption of John Hunter in the following
property to wit. all that lot of land in the city of
Sayanmdijn ReynoldsTVprd, known in tiie plan
o. tho said city by the No. three, (3,) with the im
provements thereon, whicli said property h'ftd
been mortgaged by (he said John Hunter on tlie
twelfth day *f June, eighteen hundred nnd twenty-
two, to Maurel it Lathebeaudicri'c, Merchants, to
secure them the payment of the penbl sum of
Twenty Four Thousand Dollars,, upon a certain
bond of him, the said Jolifi Huhtcr, io the,said
Maurel ii Lathebcandiene, conditioned toy the
payment unto the petitioner of the sum af Twelve
Thousand Dollars, upon ,h Certain promissory note
then running in' the suid Bank', or;any nptc that
might b"e given at any time thereafter jp renewal,
.—which bond and tlie mortgage d.eed have been
duly assigned to the petitioner ;—H appearing.' to
the Court that there Is noW due to. the petitioner
of hi
George W. Burrows, Adm’or.
do bonis non of Elizabeth
McKee deceased.
. t*.
John Hawkins, adm’or Thom
as Green, dec’d and .Iolin
Graham, late adm’or E. Mc
Kee, deceased. ; .
I T having appeared to the satisfaction of the ,
Court that the children at Matthew Bryan., ,(i
any such lie living) are materially interested in the - l -
cvCnt of this suit; aitd U having further appeared
that the said MattHeyv Bryau removed from this
Stale to Georgia many .years ago, and tliat no in.
tclligence of liiniself or his family has since been
received: It is ordered, on motion of
tho Complainants’ Solicitors, that notice be pub
lished once a month until Ihefirst day jjf January-
next, in. the Winy aw I ntclligeiicerol Georgetown,
and in one of tlie public Gazettes of. Sayminah,
(Goo.) calling on tiie children bf the enid Matthew,
Bryan to furilissatisfactofy.e.viaehce oflheitlueu- '
tity and relationship, at (lie Court of Equity to be
liolden for the District.of Gc6'rget6wn,oii the first
Monday after the fourth Monday of.January ne\t,
and. that in default thereof a final distribution may
be made of the remaining Estate of the said Eli:-,
iibfclh McKee deceased, among those entitled t<;
the same in the event of the deuth of the.children
of Matthew Bryan.
Commissioner and Register m Equity.
Georgetown, Mny 14, 1826. ( , : ' , .
The Editor of uie Savannah Republican is. re-,
uuested to publish the above once a month until
tiie first day of January next, and to send his. uc
count to tiio Office of tho Wiiiya\y Intelligence!
when it will be immediately paid;
may 18 Hi t , ,
Superior Court-—Camden Comx
him ihe
• u among the subscribers in proportion
■ ue sums subscriued by them respectively.
by t
ispectively. . iflthii do ‘t 30,000 Ss.,.1 “ i,uuoKi oi ota* I quantity. . .
, T . .At L. SOCJTHARD, • , - ttj'.A tickef drawing a stiperior prize in this
Acting Secreihry of the Treasury. I All prizes phjftblc thirty days after the comffle I sc | )e me; is not resffipted from drawing nil iivferi-
||«7 (tioii of the druwing, subject (o a deduction ot fcf- | or one!(Iso, many tickets, therefore, will nsces-
IV/ tifti 1,1 ['teen per cent—if not applifed for witfiin twejve I snr ;|y obtain two prizes, each. .,
dVOZltet Irnonths, to be considered a donation to the trfnds I i-rf.sknt piupe oF Ticai:
one drawing, but litis the Kreabad$antBge of dis-
| tributing the small prizes regulai-IjMo every alter
Unite number in the Scheme, so that the holder o, |
SV|VVU v-y m ,’ ' . I llflll' IIUIIIIJV.1 IIS ISSV OVlICUJUj UU lliui mw . . ^ . ,
il h 1 11 1,000 1 of $y0 two tickets or twoioai'Csof licjcets, oniocld And*
u 10 f (H>0 &l 1 “ 6,*000 Si 1 «f lonn even ^nmOer,vV|H hi* cei’taTn,of obtaining $t
** 20,0(10 1 “• /,W & 2 ol 600 heujJtone prize, aud in the ratio for any great6f j
.. . n. « n\ t\i\s\ fi. 1 AT KfUl I ' . 1 ' - . l
my neighbors, by. ;. ,• *■ A. PAKSONSj
Druggisf, No*^ Gibbon’s Buildings.
July 151
Fickctl up,
‘t 30,000 fc„.l “l,000fclbf 600
n^rfeh gi
B .Y a bTackBoy a few day since on the Road
a Plaid Clonk which tlie owner can lmve-.hy
paying for this advertisement and pay tbe boy
something for his trouble,
sept,29 182
.Wholes $5, Halves $2 60. Quarter's $ 1 26. All
IMn » .. ! rnoiuus, IO IJL> LUilpll
E 8 Ajicr date application will be 0 f the Masonic Hall..
lerin p e y° - e ponm'ab^ie the Justices of the I A great variety ot TICKETS and SHARES mny I 0 |. d{! |. 5 promptly attended to, at
niut ^“hi'tpt.C^liatlmm County when siljin yet be Imd at the Original price at 1 “ “
to sell a certtii TFi6 Augusla Masbhic Hall L'ot-
t^iry Office.
u,... -r.A -- o- -v-it—T- -. - i All orders from ii.ny part.of the U.S. post paid
niereoqj tormprty t | le property of William containing cash or prize tickets shall be promptly
, deceasqd; being the teal estate of Dennis attended to by,
r ,e8 v n m .i" 01 ' and orphan sop of John > HENRY MACDONNELL, Agent,
£ < ' ' - Thqmpson & Boimey’s Buildings,
sept 6 " 172- ‘
For the Stile, of Negroes, fyc.
"WHE subscrilier'sOffice is remove! to .loin
se^t 1
for t|ie benefit, maintniuance
ducation of the said Dennis B. Hughes.
EDW’D HUGHES, Sen’r. ) Trus- -
EDW’D HUGHES, Jun’r-J lees. '
A LL persons having demunds against William
Anderson, deceasod, pf Liberty County will
render them in properly uttested, within tlie tune
>■ -« i , * .. .. J it. iiwlnlitflil Li lLa nc.
D apprentice about 14 years of age to learn I p“reseribed by^ hiw. 'uiid'those indebted to the es-
W '“‘“’pontors Busiuess. AnpljT tt t this Of- tute will make immediate puymentto
aqgo 5 : - - I JOS- JONES, Adm’r.
may 14
F ,; <? t sh Spices, &c.
N UTMEG S, Cinnamon
Gloves, Mace
Alspicc, blaclt and’red Pppper
: Pulv. Gitiger, apuro'tiflielOv’ ;
Zants Currants. Eqglish Mustard'
Sheet Iziiiglass, ii pure, article
Aim. superior Sweet Oil
Just received and for sale by
,, Druggist, No. 8 Gibbous’Buildings,
i march 14
l/TWHE spbscriiipr’X Ofltce is remove! to Jalin
iJL stot\’s Square, 3 doors west of the State
I Bank. ,
.; .. Ftffl SJ1LF,
Intproyed LOTS in the City, •,
Tfectsof Lalid injlie new Counties, y.
A young Negro YVoman, cook, wpsher jrid
■ field,band, nnd otlier valuable Net^es.
Plantei-s’ and Sta)n Bank Slock,
Prime Field Hand?! q
jnnegOtM 139,- / -j
upon a certain other promissory note
John rttmte|:, endorsed by the said Matirei,, ami
Latbebeail'Kerre, for the sum .of 'fen Thousand
Eight Hundred,aftd. Thjity Dollars,, tinted Uie
twentysixth day of June, Eighteen liundred and
twenty-three, and which note was given in renew
al, agreeably to tlie meaning of the .-(aid,bund and
mortgage, the full nnd just amount ofEighfc Jlfou
sand TJiree Hundred arid Sixty Four Dollars,
with interest fro,tn the twenty eighth day of Jan-
uat'-fi- eighteen hundred und twenty five.
On motion of Law & Jackson, it is ordered,
that the principal,’ interest aid cosfs due upon
said mortgaged premises lie paid into Court within
twelve months.from, this dafe; ai>‘l unless the
same be so paid, the equity of redemption of .the
snid John limiter, shall thenceforth be foreclosed.
It is further ordered, that .this rule be published
once u month .for. twelve ; montli ipone of the Ga
zettes of t his State, of soryeil upon the mortgager,
or his special agent, at letist six mouths before tbe
money is to be paid into Court as aforesaid.
Extract from the Minutes.
- . A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
june-IOa .131 - -
Altitca Teum, 1825.
John Jackson, )
rr. S RULE JY/S/.
. Mary Smith-.,. ,<
O N the petition of John Jarlison prnyipg the ,
foreclosure of the equity 'of redemption, ol
all (lint certain Lot No. 44, forty-four, in tlie town
of Saint Marys, with improvements
inom ing al tlie south Corner Lot owned by Ai-ehi-
bnlil Clark,thence southwardly on Orsliome-street,
one huffdrcd and nine feet to Lot owncdliy Levin
iGanliy, tlicncd. one lit:; ,tired feet east to Lot own
ed by!estate Of G. Stewart, thence noffuwqrdjy.
one hundred itudoine feet to Archibald Chnrk’a
line, tlience westwurdly one hundred feel to tho
place beginning-,—tlie property of Mary Smith,
and mortgaged by the said Mury Smith, to the-
said John Jackson, on tlie twentieth day of June,
eighteen'hundred and twenty-one* to secure the.
payment of the sumfof Fifteen Hundred Dollars,
nnd interest mentioned in three certain bonds or
-ations of tlie same date from the said Rlary
Ii, to the said John Jackson; and on motiou
of James Morrison, Attorney for petitioner, it is;
ordered by the Court that the principa), hitevesti;; :
qgld cost due on said notes, and mortgage, be paid’’
into Court, within twelve months from the date,:
otherwise the equity of redemption of tlie said
mortgaged premises will from-ttymeeforth be fore
closed, nnd such farther, proceedings take place. ;
as the law direct,—and it is further .ordered by
the Court that this rule be published inmne of the
public Gazettes ofthis state, at least once every.-
month,until tlie time appointed tor the^ payment
of the money aforesaid; njr serv.e.d on )he umrt,
gnger or her special agent,six months previous!
thereto. - . . ' ; • . i.,,..
Extract from the Minutes, 2f|th March, 1825.
April 50 ' 96 \
White Pine Lumber,
. , M. MY.ERS, c. c,'
FEET noilliern . white,,, pine;
hoards uini.nlanksofa Sqperier
- / f--- C._I_ L.. IIl itYf 9, CMDTG
[quality, for Sale- by,
-flppttiq . HOm
IF, Snhscrtber offers for sale a tract of land
t.iDlainjeg 2024 Acres in the 18th District of
.Wilkinson county.
83.- ~'7 m179
Tuiton Mni-m l jl 5 id Amm coppem, •
Mdlhfv ~OJt. j* ' OY tho bki-rel or half barrel—For rale by
mlf bills just received by tlie-sc.ha Mary &, , , , A. PARSONS
A LL persons having demands against-
of Mrs. Sarah McFarlane dec. will
out -J
half bills just
Mai-gnret, from
;, No. 8, Gibbon’s Ruiidbogs.
tb-mtothe subscriber properly attested, aodtbose.
indebted to said Est. will make payment to
WM. GIBBON Ex’rt ,
. St. Marys.
^26 1*,^