The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, May 02, 1877, Image 1
THE JESUP SENTINEL. (gist in ft* Jetvp Hou*4, fronting on CKmry Strut, h*o doorifrom Broad St PIMUM *Tl7|W*<***T *F T. P. LITTLEFIELD. , bubcription rates P->M* OusTaar Sx Month* J* TkrH Monlba ADVERTISING RITES: P*r squar*. ftrst iaaartion... ....SI.OO P*r sqnsro, *o*b autwequsnt insertion. <5 rates to Yearly *nd Large Ad vertisers. H'li ' I-r-'-'-V ■ " ' ’ TWS ■IBHTnT. f%p, terynt Georg*, O. J. Littlefield. And •*n William*. „ _ _ ... Uerfc and Trouurtr—O. F. Littlefield. UarthdL—G. W. William*. c***ty Ordinary-Richard B. Hoyo*. .Wi/-7ohn N. Goodbr**iL t,Urk Saptrior Uo*rt--Bnj. O., Middleton. Ta* Htttivm- —I- C. Hteh*r. TtoCoUictor VT. R. Cauaay County .Surveyor—Noah B*nntt. County Tr*at\urtr—ioha Masaay. JSPAKUh DUtrtit, G. . 4C -I*-V ,Flo ?f' w * fUninh/ tjjmmiiiwnifi —J* King, tt. W *%£ *££***. i. G. I*h.m lUddi*. c^rtn. Annsrior Oonrt. Way* Conaty—ino. L. H*rrM Jmdß*; Siman W. Hitch. Solicitor General. Bmotu held on th* Bnd Monday in March and SeoUwher. PROFESSION A L CARDS. A. E.^COCHRANeT . A TTOBSKY AT TAW. Blaekshear, |Pierce County, Ga. W 7 H. H AMSE Y , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW HOMERVI LLE, GbOBGIA. Wi' rrartic* in theßrunswick and South •rn/u rticialCiicnitn. !>* „ u th* collection ef claim*. |Bu*Jne ••'ititid, prowpt ilieali®* gutrAted. W ALT KB A. WAY, ATTORNEYiANO COUNSELLOR AT. LAW I) Alll MS, GEORGIA. PartUultr lt*tion paid toll.* aolUatio* of *l*im**nd tha l*mln*tlon of Umi titles. Will pr*li. ill l>* Rnpcnar Court*of the Uramwirk and XasUrn Circuit*; also In the •dcralCourt... *. in Bankruptcy, eta. ITfTlester. m.i>., JKSCF, GEORGIA. Ali. cilia will bk I'noum.v at ,„W Th- on th. Railroad by first tjels. Charge* moderate. OSU* at Le.Ur a Drug Star*. C. T. L A T I * K R, M. D J KSU P. GEOBOIA. Tender* hi* pr.fesMenal ..rrie*. to th* •ltin.** of d.p lorn A *1 th* *®c* .formerly oeenpi.d by Dr. R- B.lUrri*. potJtf 1)11. ALLEN BROWN, .. OENTItT, Blacashiur, - * Georgia. I, ,rep*red to do nil kind of I>tal work in th* most approved *tylr. All orders will m**t with prompt attention. Uhcs nil the Int. Charge, moderate sud * tUfaeUen guaranteed. jauxa-iy GEORGE W. LONG, INSPECTOR A SD PURVEYOR Of Timber tuid Xumber, DABIKN. . - - GEORGIA. rtrnp Solicited. '•R If j #u w jab to ({row VRt*bleo for sle, read Gardning for Profit! If ;M wUh Vi bcccnv a Commercial floriat. rd fractieal Floriculture! Jf ft wink toUarden ft ’Home n* °ntr. read Gardning for Pleasure! All by PKTKIt HENDERSON. Frit* 1.50 each, postpaid, by mail. c^aTALO^E mx&Y7muw§ rOR THE 6 A EDE N Ramborlnf 1W pg. with 1 colored plat*, tan F K K K ! to all onrcoßtomtir* of put year*, or to tlio* v ka htr* purchased **y of tlie above 1 ook*; to other* on receipt of 25 cant*. Main Flsnt or Seed Catalogue without plate; fro to all *’ phC * D ‘PETER HENDtRSON t.CO., Baedma*. Mrtt Gar<leeis A Horjat 35 Cortland S„ wks. KING’S HOTEL, WAYCROSS, GA. Mil mat* artba lallrwa*—Twaaty (tap fMatka Warakanaa. Comfort aid mkafaetion Ruarate*d. Rale* reasonable. , . A. E. KING, Proprietor. MAGNOLIA HOUSE DARTHW, OBOROTJL. J. W. MAGILK, Piaprittai, Board and Lodging,s2 Per Day '77 A SPLENDID [)FFEB’77 trijmi r ar.iTiiKL, And LoairtlHe WIIKLI CenUXK iOEUAL. 0# year for *3.36. Two for little tnora than tlia price of one. do* tr. 35 and reaaiv* your home papar with the Cou rtar Acmxnal, the beat, wittiast, brighlaat •ad abia* family pay am e Met wo*y. ®t| t 3couA ocntwd VOLUME 1. asm mmum* Corner'Broftd nd Cherry Street, Near the Depot, JESUP, GOERGIA, N cwly renovated and refurnished. Satisfaction Guaranteed Polite Waiters will take your Baggage ' •**' n r to and from the House. ■ Board sa.<*o per Day. Single Meals, SO Cents. Regular Board ers at reduced Bates. BAR ATTACHED. T. P, LITTLEFIELD Proprietor. "TTI HERE! mOBIMOif ft CO H five just received a largo sttik of Saddles, Liidlcs, Mar tingales, Saddle Cloths, Wagon TAhips, Bugg}J Whips, Spurs, Etc., Etc. The largest Stock in this line ever offered in this, Market which they are determined to sell at the very LOWEST GASH FRIGES, OR BARTER. *■' ■ ~ Call and be made happy. We sell Saddles from $3.50 to $12.50. Bridles from SI.OO to $1.50. Hardware, Guns, Pistols. All of which Jwe are offering very low for Cash or Barter. Come and See W. 1 WHALEY& SON JESUP. GEORGIA, Who are constantly receiving by the Car Load, Direct from the West, by Green Line, CORN, BACON & FLOUR, Which are Specialties with them- They Keep. Constantly on Hand a Full and Complete of PRY COOPS. ICIOTWNC* HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., ETC. WHICH THEY ARE {SELLING VERY LOW| FOR CASH {Oil BARTER. vr-vr GANDGOFFS .‘READY FOR USE” FLOUR AT SAVANNAH PRICES ALSO DEALERS IN.| Groceries, Hardware, Glasswae ft Crockery. *“Prompt attention given to all Orders from a distaaor No charge for drayage to the depot. .TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS tfK lei. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORCAH CHAIR, Vltt an edjestebl* beck,—mad* to support the beck of the litter Vklle leaning forward 1b the ordinary politics for pleyil#, end bp • ilmpii ibiiiui. we.'.l f .*** n e heck ward aid it the hoi M ’* tana a fevieut aomMM, follow* kn motion* aid espport* Ilea k oaf pastUoa wltknt UUrfwißf la Ue lktjrltklh*tr**4om ' uf kJaaoraoMk A PLATPORM ROCKSR CASTORS* wl,h tk * loB l ***f moremeit :"■■■ '■' of UiO o!ir*ljl>. wliLoot th* rocl.ra rWB to marotbrr famf.nre &4 th* hu*i of room*; belt), In fv\. the or. y Platform H'r-k.r made a parfer: r r*t:fc' , .ot7 moraacot. for the trade by iima ALBERT BEST A CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., % a*' m ' -ra'.'.pa. •*>** Ur^tnl th* Vn;tad State*. lot kept by eay dealer la joer tW* JESUP, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY. KAY 2. 1877 > HOW TO TAKE LIFE. Take !*!• tike s nun. Take it jnsl ai though—*• it ie—*n earnest, vital, easeutial i>ii, Take it jot as tboiqfh you persooftßy were born to tbc t**k at performiog jt merry part in it—as thotgh the world bad waited fur your coming. Take it ts though it was s grand opportunity to do *nd to *chie*e; to carry |brwrd great and good sebeawej In help and to cbeef * suffer ing, weary, it mny be, heartbroken brother. Th feet is, life i* underval ued by% gr*%t nny of mankind. It is net aade half as much of as should be the c**e. Whore is the man or wo man who acc&mpluses one titho of what ■ might b* done? Who oann&t look bock upon opport'mitje* lost, plans anaehieved, thoughts crushed, as piration* unfulfilled, and *ll caused from the laek oj th* nteesssry sad pos sible effort! It we knew better b>w to take and make a*ot of life, it would be far greater than it i*. Now and then a man stands aside from tb* crowd, la bor* earnestly, steadfastly,oonfideatitl ly. and srraigbtway become* famous for for wisdom, intellect, skill, grcainrea of some sort. The world wonders, *d mirrs, idolises; and yet it only illus trate* wtiat cacti man may do if be takes hold of life with a purpose, If • man but say he will, and follow it up, there is nothing in rcoson h* may not expect to accomplish. There is no magic, no tuirselo, no secret to biro who is bravo in heart and determined in apirit. 3Thk Nest Session.—lt is now an dt-rstuod in Washington that Congress will be soiled to assemble on the fourth of June. The fifteenth sod twentieth of May had been urged a* dates which would anticipate the hot west her sever al weeks, but it was d.'eme I bast to ad here to tho time originally named Mr. Hayss dots not bslicvs the session will be a loDg,onc, but others differ widely from that opinion Senator Merrimou, who is st present in Washington, thinks it W’ll last till nest September, on tbe ground that general legislation will bo entered upon and tbat there will b* •stored upon and that there will be hostility to the poliey of the admlnie tratieo- On tbe other bead, it is said there is a fetter from Senator Blaine in iba eity wftfcb does not anticipate s protracted session, and thus indicates that be does not expect s general war fare tloug the whole Republican line against tV; 2i i them policy. Ex-Speak er ltsndall, in conversation, said he did bclievc n that tbo session would last over a mouth or six weeks, sml be couli not ituagino what could extend it bayond midsummer. —Savannah Neua The BrEAKKitnnir —A Washington special say*.* "Republicans who enjoy tbo President's friendship, and who have access to him at all times, say tbiit he has st last arrived at the it is not possible to elect an administration man Speaker of the next Hou-e. There is no doubt but that book of the Hadioals believed a few weeks ago, when the new south ern poliey wa* just being inaugurated, ' bat a few Democrat* would barter their principle* in order to gratify tbe Preai dent and in return for sundry favors which would be bestowed upon them. Tbe Democratic line is now fund to be uubroken, end tbe eame mistaken politician* who constantly told the President that a down or more Demo cratic members would support bis pol icy to the ex'ent of votiog for a Re publics for Speaker now profess to be alarmed for fear that the Democrat* may ctand logetber and demand tho rapeal of ceriafn obnoxious political legislation before the passage of tbe army appropriation bill. At all events tbe action of the ultra Radicals in do noouciog tbe'President'* policy has shown the Democrats what they might expect if they Mould surrender any ad vantage they bftVe io Cougrear, President Hayes has accepted his high trust froas tba lawfully created and universally accepted tribunal.— Philadelphia Time* This says the New York Snt*, is the argument of those wbo patrenice the fraudulent President, but it is not sound. It was not a lawfully created tribunal, becaose it was contrary to tbe Constitution. It was not universally accepted, because the protest against it was earnest and unceasing. And even if it had b#en lawfully crested and universally accepted, its decision was invalid and. remains invalid, be cause it adopted and consecrated fraud and declared lie* to be truth. Hayes received no high trust from that com mission; be received fraud, and he is fraud. She wag food of conundrums, and when she learned that mulwr war Latin for woman, *be thought the bad a good one, mo she inked her husband what wai the difference bctfreen her and a mule. Abe bid been married several years, be waa too tboo e h>fal to trouble her by goer-sing, bat kindly remarked tbftt be bad cover been able to see any, NUMBER 86. STATE NEWS. Strawberries are selling at thirty-five cents per'.quart in Atlanta. Not quite low enough for newspaper "vags” yet The ladiea of Eatonton propose to iuaugurat* seriese of entertainments for the purpoae of purchasing a small fire engine fir the town- That's tight, ladiaa, if the in on will not purchasers engine in ene way make them do it i another. J - *> An attfmpt was made to bur the court hosise of JPolk county recently. .A doatrhetive fire occurred at Muo nertyn, on the Central railroad, de stroying the dwelling bouse sod store* house* of Mr. T. B. Johnson. The-logs is supposed lojbo between ten land fif teen thousand dollars, and the fire i* supposed to be the wore of so incendi sry The reil-bugs have began to hold their spring festivals in the plmn thick ets and blackberry patches. Woe unto the youth or maiden who attempt# to disperst’one of these congregations. Mr. Thad. tlolt has bsen appointed by Governor Colquitt Judge of the Bibb County Court in the plaae of Judge Best. It is said to bo an sxccllent appointment The vote in th* city of Macon on the ratification of tbo bonds constitutional amendment atood 317 for ratification and 5 against ratification. In Augusta very little interact waa exhibited in tbo s!<t<ition. Only 232 voles were oaat, of which 226 were for ratification and 6 against ratification. Tho Houstoo Hume Journal print* this warning: Slop tbat laughing! It is danfferous to Isug iininodrrtcly. A young man of our town Isugbed so long and loud the other day that be broke a blood vessel in bis eye, aud for serora! days afterward* tbe affocted member looked as if a small aurora borealis was permanently located there. Hartwell Bun. A aian not a thou sand miles of Hartwell, played the following'trick ou a couple of boya: Stepping into a store ‘he picked up s cat, and said to tbe clerk: "I’ll bet you my knife agginat yours 1 can make this oat aay ‘fat bacon and colltrs' as plain as you can." The bet was made, the old man (hook the cat and made it squall, then banding it .the buy, aud •aid: “It is now your lime, I have uiadu it say it as plain as I oan." The boy looked blank and gave it up Ha ■ hen bet with another boy that ha could ait in the store and whistle him in bareheaded. The boy took the bet und weut out, when the old man com menced whistling. The boy came iu holding bis bat on his bead aud claim ed the bet. But tbo old mau said he wag bareheaded himself, and had won Upon an arbitration the kuife was giv eu to the old man. S 'Utb Carolina is overwhelmed with debt in the shape of fraudulent ‘bogus bond# issued in her name by csrpet-bag thieves and ,robbers, who, since the war have usurped the State government. Gov. Ilamotouha* very properly oslled for an investigation into the character of these bogus bond* to di-cover their true status, winnow the true front the false He thinks th* psyuieut of intcr etl and the funding prroocs should cease nntii tbo Legislature can decide what bonds are lawfully underwritten by tho Staiejsuthoritins, according to law. It is thought that one-half or tho State debt will be disowned ss fraudu lent. One of the writer’s schoolmates w*s always behind with his lesson*: upon one occasion his teacher, io an acade my in which he lad managed to obtain an entrance, w*s endeavoring to #x £lain a question in arilhemetio to him. [e was asked: “Suppose you bad one hundred dollar*, and were to give away eighty dollars, bow would you ascertain bow much you bad remaining ?’’ His reply set teacher and scholars in an up roar, for, with bis own peculiar drawl ing tone, heexolsimed: ‘ why, I’d esunt It Mr. B'aine explains that bis peeu oiar course toward the administration is due to tbe fact that be is d.tirous of carrying aio* in the September elec tion. He claims that the New England republicans are "again’’ the President’s Buthcrn policy, and that were tbe Maine Republican convention to en dow it, tbe Ltemoerats would carry the Htelo In other words, it is tbe re publican party of the North, and not tbe Democratic party of tbe South, that is disintegrating. The New York Express, wb|cb was a whig journal as long ag a fragment of that party existed, has oome to tba conclusion that 'there ig no real re* sponge to the call Iq revive the old whig party in the South. There is no room far it, noocoaaioo for it. and noth ing to it,” Even the New York Her ald hag dropped the naw-partj Sanaa, tion, and the whole thing has faded iftto notbiPgnefß. Two s : aters—twiot—have to be loM everything together, been use % ere so exactly .like' thttf *#F Bw ftrfd apart- Tbs author of "Home Sweet Home," o*vr bad a borne; end George MeDott* old, who he* eleven children, it ths au thor of “Abnala of quiet neighborhood." A Chicago youth went back on his engagement, because he overbeard his sweetheart aay that aho bad been fold ed in the arms ofMirphsus There seems to be • general feeling about town when there is no light in the hallway, a mao ought to be excused fi r kissing hi* wife when ehe let* him io, provided be thinks it is ths servant girl. The man who turned around to take one long backward look at a pretty girl ‘be other day, was bronght up very saddeuly when he bumped hit nose against His indignant wife. ‘Mick,’ laid a brick-lsyer to bis la borer, if yon meet Patrick, tell him to make haste, as ws *r now waiting for him. ‘Sure an'l will,’replied Mick; ‘but what will I tall hist if 1 don’t mate him ? "That oloeb, stranger,” said a Michi gan farmer, "was tbs best kind of s clock up to six mooths ago. when my daughter began to hsvs beaux, sod now tbe blamed thing is always two hour* slow,” "What makes you look so glum Tom ?” "Ob, I had to endure s sad trial to my feeling*." “Whnt os esrth was it I” "Why. I had to tieonsprst ty girl’s bonntl with bar mother looking on.” If yon pass through Ibe ben roost with careful eye, jost new, yen will so-- tics s sadness creeping over tho counte nance of the old ban*. It is not aim* ply the knowledge that they may die, but the thought that they must be sold for spring chickens after they’re "laid” out. What a sad spectacle it must ba to tbe stalwart republican to soe Govornor Colquitt, of Georgia, with its eighty thousand shot gun msjority aotnslly preaching to the well-dressed throngs of o'>lored peopla at one of their churches, as bo did st Atlsotn last Sunday eve ning. The heart of Hayes ought to stsnoh it* bleeding now. —Cincinnati Enquirer. Since the invention of printing it may be confidentially asaarted that no really good book ever became rare; which is only saying in other words that tbo major part of th* soars* books, which modern oollostors farrot out qf the dust with so muob care and cost tre little better than trash and rubbish. Civil serviee reform continues to Work finely, very finely. The new gov ernment sub-treasurer at Cincinnati comes into a five thousand dollar office as the next door ooigbbor qf tbo onao Mr. Hayes of Ohio, and as the brotber in-law of the sne ; ent mariner from the Indians main. The lucky nian’a name Stein. Tba Washington National Republi can gaya • there are aeveral dozen ap plicants for tbe electorship of Ibe in ternal revenue for the aeoond district of Georgia. Of tbe Republican applicants are many good solid union men, among whom are tba names of Major 8.0. Mitchell, of Americus. Ga., Col. R. L. Mot*, of Columbus, and Judge W. 11. McWhorter, of Madisoo.” “JJjJ Tbefcorn crop of 1870 was thirteen hundred millions of buibela It i* be lieved that tbe coming crop mill be two hundred million* larger. Ao advanco of twelve cent* per bnshel on tbia amount would, alone, putin the pockets of tbe producer* the value of the en tire cotton crop of tbe country. Corn is king this year, iure enough. With perhaps not a single eiception, the southern journals urge farmers to flant more small grain and las*cotton. t is “hog and hominy” that will round up tbe profit* next seeaon What will become of the man who, next winter, buy* corn at aixly cents, floor at |slo or sl2 per barrel, and pork at |lB psi barrel, with the product of cotton eold at ten cent* 7 Answer: Bankruptcy. An Illinois man has invented a pat ent railway signal, to prevant one train from running into tbe one preceding it, lljs aparatus consist* in a machine msn who stands slongside ( of the track. This effigy is worked by electricity, sad when set in motion by tbe passage of the train, flouriahet a flag, rigna a bell, displays a changeable light io bier hat, end goes throgh enough freolio contortions to make an iron horse laugh. Mail Cons and Provisions.—Eu rope being iovolved in war tbe prospect is that corn ibis fall will command sixty cents to one dolltr a bushel flour ten to twelve dollars a barrel, and bseon twenty cents s pound, while it is not expected that cotton will rescb more than ten cents a pound. Now what will it profit a man if be makes a large erep of cotton and has to give the proceeds of two pounds of cotton for one pound of bacon, or six pounds of eotton for a bushel of corn, and of ooa hundred or one hundred and twenty pounds ot otlon for a.barrel of flour ? We advise our planting friends b fore putting ell their fields in cotton to the neglect of breadstuff and forage, to sit down and deliberately study the problem. A woman baviog read in a poem about a simoon that “swept the plains,” is urging ber husband to get one of them new-tang!*d things for her' to use io tbe kitchen.