Newspaper Page Text
75he Wonderfully Low Prices of the White Sale
To Continue Only Through Sa.turda.y.
/ V
SHm£V j. ‘ f ' . • •' x
We do not wish to appear desirous of depriving any one of the fullest benefits from the special prices of the White
Sale. This sale, with its truly remarkable values, has been the means of much saving to hundreds of customers. But some
people naturally procrastinate. Even the great offerings of this White Sale have not been sufficient to overcome the inclina
tion “to wait till tomorrow.” It is for the benefit of these, as well as of those who have not entirely supplied their wants in
these lines, that this announcement is made. The special White Sale prices on
' Undermvislirvs, Embroideries <^nd Linens
will continue only through Situ,*l ly. Then the usual and moderate H. J. & Co., prices will be placed on these goods.
Buy what you need now. The stocks are fuller and the prices lower than they will be again. '
Silk Gloves in All the New Shades- Embroidered Robes in Exclusive Patterns,
A shipment of long silk gloves, just received, contains a splendid assortment of Exclusiveness, a charm greatly to be desired in a robe, is but one of the many
the popular Kayser” make. These are shown in white and black, and in all the attractions ih these truly exquisite Embroidered Robes. There are scores of beautiful
new spring shades. Silk gloves will be very much worn from now on. Robes ^ AU arg different) ^ are lovely The desiga , i furnished with ea ch,
‘‘Kayser’' Silk , Gloves, 12 button lengths 7Sc and 1.00 save all the worry of planning the making.
“Kayser” Silk Gloves, 16 button lengths '. 1.25 / H s s
j Other good Silk Gloves, 16 button lengths 75c, 85c and 1.00 Prices range gradually from 10.90 to 32.00
v \ ; •
C“he Quality Store Hof may er, Jones & Company. Che Quality Store
Don't Bury Dollars
To plant unreliable seeds is to bury money.
It is also a waste of money to pay too much for
good seeds. It will be a satisfaction to you to buy
fresh seeds of guaranteed reliability, and to get
them at fairest prices.
We haudle none but seeds supplied by growers
who can be trusted. We shall appreciate your
patronage and believe that you will in due seesou
appreciate the quality of the seeds supplied. <
Hoggard Drug Co.
The business man must have his
hours of pleasure. Nature demands
that work be put aside and the mind
be given a short vacation every day.
in the home the telephone affords more
pleasure than any other agency. s
ready for use, rain or shine, day or night.
The household can communicate with
friends or relatives. The groceryman,
the butcher, tire doctor and the druggist are constantly in
reach of the voice. It was not such'a facetious; person,
after all. who remarked:
“The Eternal' City" Presented for the
Second Time This Season.
“The Eternal City,” Hall Caine’s
great play, with the entire cast iden
tically the same as when seen here
earlier in the season, was the attrac
tion at the Rawlins theater last night.
“The Eternal City/’ as a play, is
emotional without being unreasonable,
dramatic without being unnatural,
logical without being tiresome, prop
erly worded without being stiff. It
moves along in sequence from begin
ning to end. The plot gradually un
folds, and at the end of the third act
the climax of the play is reached.
Here culminates the entire plot.
Here the writer runs the gamut of
the emotions. Every passion and
prejudice of the audience is touched
vitally during the progress of the
tongue encounter between the “Prime
Minister’’ and “Donna Roma,’’ the ar
rival of “Rossi," the quarrol between
“Rossi” and “Roma." the understand
ing, the reappearance of the prime
minister, his false accusntion. her pre
dicament, the duel, the death of the
minister, and the severe, the tragic
arraignment of “Donna Roma” by her
lover. And all this is brought se
quentially and logical}* within one
short scene. “The Eternal City” Is a
great, a memorable play.
A criticism of the cast was contain
ed in The Herald earlier In the sea
son, and there is little need for de
tails again. Miss Jane Kennark, in
the stellar role, and Mr. William
Bonney, the leading man, were up to
the highest .expectations. Deserving
especial mention for .their unusually
clever work are Jefferson Lloyd, as
“Bruno Rocco,” and Emmet C. King,
as “Baron Bbnelll, the Prime Minis
The “Deestrict Skule*’—Rehearsal
There will be a rehearsal of the
“Deestrict Skule" tonight at the Raw
lins theatre, and all participants are
urged to be present.
In the event of unfavorable weath
er, the entertainment, which is sched
uled for tomorrow night, will be post
poned until the first of next week. All
tickets will hold good, however, and in
the event of postponement due notice
will be given.
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, of
Ford City, Pa., had his hand fright
fully burned in an electrical furnace.
Ho applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
with the usual result: “a quick and
perfect cure." BGreatest healer on
earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Ec
zema and Piles. 25c at Albany Drug
“Hello, neighbor, where did you get
that nice harness?" “At tha Albany
Buggy Co.’s, of course. They keep the
best line of Buggies and Harness of
any house in Georgia." 3-Gt
Brinson & Co., Wood aud Coal,
’Phone 3G7. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Weather Forecast.
The following Is the weather fore
cast for Georgia for next 24 hours:
Rain in southern and rain or snow
in northern portion tonight. Thurs-
jda.v fair, except rain in southeastern
Afraid of Strong Medicines,
Many people suffer for years from
rheumatic pains, nnd prefer to do so
rather than take thb strong medicines
usually given for rheumatism, not
knowing that quick relief from pain
may be had simply by applying Cham
berlain’s Pain Bairn and without tak
ing any medicine internally. Rev.
Amos Parker, of Magnolia. North Car
olina, suffered for eight years with a
lame hip. due to severe rheumatic
pains. He has been permanently
cured by the free application of Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by Hils*
man-Sale Drug Co.
Party Is Spending Today In the City
of Brotherly Love.
Philadelphia, Feb. 7.—The Chinese
Imperial Commlslon arrived today
from New York. Escorted by Mayor
Weaver, members of the commission
visited a number of Industrial estab
lishments and the League Island navy
Try the apples from the garden of
Hesperldes.—Hercules. 7-3t
'['he tail-end of the cold wave seems
to have flopped over this way today.
Extra fine Lemons, 25c doz. Flori
da Oranges, 30c doz. Cocoanuts, 5c
and 10c each.
Phone 70.
Now for some more disagreeable
Try the apples from the garden of
Hesperldes.—Hercules. 7-3t
/or I
All Druggists
Dr Earl S.Sloan
Albany **?>s«ahc
“The Eternal City” played a return
engagement at the Rawlins theatre
last night, and a fairly large aud
ience gi*eeted it. Time was when Al
bany never failed to freeze out
show that played a return date. A
return ^engagement for such a play as I
“The Eternal City," with such a cast —
as presented it here, should be greet- UiiKTtil^C AKU ty|*0
ed with acclaim by those who saw it
the first time, as well as by those
who missed it.
r«l«Dboneii «« <*»»* mi
F. O. TICKNO 53 Mor
The Yellow Fever Germ
has recently been discovered. It bears
a close resemblance to the malaria =
germ. Tp free the system from dis- fiDAIMnPD X- R A DTI c-n-
eaBe germs, the most effective remedy VJrv -niixvjl J rc. ex Drthf I LC 1 I,
is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Guar-| CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS,
nnteed to cure all diseases due to ma-, Dawson, Ga.
larlal poison and constipation. 25c at cost of Brick Stone
Albany Drug Co. _ _ ' '
Buildings Furnished.
or Wooden
“What is home
Without a ’phone.”
Call Contract "Departmen 4-00.
TBlBDlllB 81
President, V.-Pre»ldent
Capital ,Stock $100,000.oo
Now open and ready tor business at Southeast corner ot Broad and
Washington streets, Albany, Ga.
CHARTERED to give .aurety an d act as executor or administrate*
u. all the functions of as sfely managed Trust Company.
Adelaide Thurston In "The Triumph
of Betty" Next Tuesday.
Accounts from cities wherein Ade
laide Thurston has presented her new
play, “The Triumph of Betty." this
season agree with the dainty actress
that It is the most pleasing play In
which slip has been seen. The re
markable liking theatre-goers have
taken to this little star is commented
on in places as being equal to fetish
worship. Her engagements every
where are like social receptions, on
such a friendly footing does Miss
Thurston stand with her audiences.
Miss Thurston’s appearance here
will take place Tuesday, February 13.
Seats will be on sale Saturday morn
ing. Prices: Lower floor, $1 and
$1.50; balcony, 50c and 7Ec.
Try the apples from the garden of
Hesperldes.—Hercules. 7-3t
Tomatoes and Okra, Corn and To
matoes, 2-lb. cans, 3 tor 25c.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Join the Albany Business League.
It Is doing things for the town.
Lent Is near at hand now.
Don’t waste time with green wood.
Try our new supply. Albany Coal &
Wood Co.
The Herald knows of quite a num
ber of cottages to be built for rent
within the next few months. A hun
dred renting houses would not be any
too many to add to those already built,
every one of which is occupied.
Startling But True.
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chica
go theatre In which nearly six hundred
people lost their lives, yet more than
five times this number, or over 3.000
people, died from pneumonia In Chi
cago during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice. Every one
of these cases of pneumonia resulted
from a cold and could have been pre
vented by the timely use of Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear pneu
monia have warded it off by the
prompt use of this remedy. The fol
lowing is an instance of this sort:
“Too much cannot be said in favor of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and es
pecially for colds and influenza. I
know that it cured my daughter, Lau
ra, of a severe cold, and I believe
saved her life when she was threaten
ed with pneumonia.”. W. D. Wilcox,
Logan. New York. Sold by Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co.
The clever spring styles are lined
up. Extreme styles for the young fel
low. Soberer styles for the non-fad
dist, but all of them as right as right
can be. $3.00 each.
C. R. Davis & Co.
' ■ . , ’