Newspaper Page Text
As the tea kettle was the
beginning of the steam engine,
so the ordinary soda cracker
was merely the first step in the
development of the perfect
world food Uneeda Biscuit
A food that gives to the
worker more energy of mind
and muscle—that gives to the
child the sustenance upon
which to grow robust—that
gives to the invalid the nour
ishment on which to regain
the vigor of good health.
In a dust tight,
moisture proof package.
Mnoo Bank- 1
1. B. Brown, A. W. Muse.
President, \ V.-Preeident
.f. P, Munnerlyn, Cashier,
Mbany National M
Capital, - • • $ 57 200
Surplus and Putts, - gg 000
or aibany, ga.
Gpmied Business Sent. Oth, 1900
Accounts of mercantile firms, cot
paratloas and Individuals lnvltea.
(SprcUl attention given out-of-tonL
accounts. Interest allowed on time
S. B. Brown, A. W. Muse,
President Vice-President
W. C. Scovllle, Cashier. /
CAPITAL - - $50,000
SURPLUS. - - 15,000
ttvprj faoilUy iA the banking bual-
ir** .iTu*«$J tn mistomera.
Sflv.nqs Department.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
And still Mr. Thomas, of Savannah,
he of the Albany baseball franchise
and president of the South Georgia
Baseball League, hasn’t shown up
here. The fans, that Is, some of them,
feel very much slighted that their
valuable advice has not been asked in
the securing of a team to represent
Albany on the diamond.
The - Moultrle _ Observer “says: - “Al
bany has a Business Men's League
that is run on a business basis. A
secretary Is employed to give his
whole attention to the public interests
of the city, and he Is more than pay
ing his salary in the work he Is doing
for the city. It Is an example that
other towns might follow.”
have Opposition
From Present Mayor Pro Tem of At
lanta, John H. Harwell.
Special to The Herald.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 7.—It Is now prac
tically certain that Mayor Pro Tem
John H. Harwell, of the First Ward,
will bo a candidate for mayor of At
lanta. At City Hall yesterday It wns
stated by friends of Alderman Har
well that ho would certainly be In the
race. The primary will be held tills
summer. The only other candidates
who have announced are W. R. Joy
ner, chief of the Are department, and
Councilman Thomas ' Goodwin, who
was for years a city fireman. For a
time It looked as If Captain Joyner
would have no opposition. He Is gen
erally looked upon as a strong candi
date, but Mr. Harwell would give him
a hard race.
Nobody Seems to Know Anything
About That Atlanta Prize Fight.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 7.—The police are
undecided as to whether the reported
pugilistic light which was scheduled
for Monday night wns a hoax or a
flim-flam game.
The public wns first Informed of the
fight when Rev. Len G. Broughton,
pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist
church, Sunday night displayed a
ticket of admission to the "mill,” for
which he said he had paid $1. The
minister declared the police should
not permit a fight to take place In
Atlanta, and said he would do nil In
his power to Btop It.
Now, if the fight took place, no one
has been found who will tell of it.
The police are of the opinion that
either a trick was played upon Dr.
Broughton or else a smooth confi
dence game was worked on members
of the unsuspecting public who evi
denced a desire to witness a real prize
light. The police think a large num
ber of tickets were printed, sold, and
the proceeds pocketed by the promo
ters, who had no Idea of pulling off
anything moie exciting than a swin
Remove Freckles and Pimples
(Formerly advertised and sold ns Satlnola.)
A few applications will remove tan or
eallowncss and restore the beauty of youth.
NADINOLA is guaranteed and money
refunded If it fails to remove freckles,
pimples, liver-spots, collar discolorations,
black-heads, disfiguring eruptions, etc., In
twenty days. Leaves the skin soft, clear
and healthy. Endorsed by thousands.
Price 50 cents and $1.00 by all leading
druggists, or by mall. Prepared by
National Toilet Co., Paris, Tonn.
A Healing Gospel.
The Rov, J. C. Warren, pnstor of
Sharon Baptist Church, Bolalr, Ga.,
says of Electric Ritters: “It’s a God
send to mankind. It cured mo of
lame hack, stiff Joints, and complete
physical collapse. I was so weak It
took mo half an hour to walk a mile.
Two bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have Just walked
three miles In 60 minutes and feel like!
walking three more. It’s made a new
man of me.” Greatest remedy for j
weakness and all Stomach, Liver and
Kidney complaints. Sold under guar
antee at Albany Drug Co. Price 60c.:
It will pay you to keep Chamber-1
Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy In your home. It only costs a
quarter. Sold by HUsman-Sale Drug
The Eye and Its
Consult us only. We are
the leading opticians and we
guarantee every fit where oth
ers fail. Having an experience
of thirty years and graduare of
four of the largest schools in
New, York City. If you want
properly fitted glasses call on us.
The expert opticians exclus
ively today are more up-to-date
and far superior to all others
with the latest methods of fit
ting the eye: We handle only
the best lenses made and our
our frames are all adjusted to
tit the face accurately.
Wedding Gifts
that never grow old if you buy
' it of Phil Harris.
j Phil Harris,
J Leading Optlialmic Optician.
as a wedding pre-tent some article
from our new and: large stork.
Beautiful and unique design*' in
Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, China,
Clocks and hundreds of other beau
tiful gifts. We are headquai tors
and leaders in this line.
13 very article beautifully en
graved free.
Phil Harris,
'Phono 197.
"Mail orders will receive tur
very prompt attention.
Extra fine Onions and Irish Potatoes
at Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Jesse Eugene Moore, our manager
at Amerlcus, committed suicide today
by shooting. Mr. Moore was a very
valued employe, and we are at a loss
to understand his rash act. His ac
counts are In perfect shape.
Albany, Ga., Feb. 7, 1906.
There may be much to be said,
but no one who is for liquor will
be against the line of liquors dis
pensed at our
The whiskey we sell is a de
cidedly smooth article. Made
right in the first place and aged,
not by artificial means, but by
time’s mellowing hand. It’s the
same way all through. Whiskey,
Wines or Beer at our bar is A-l.
Bank Building
Broad Street,
L • ■ J
When you pay 15 cents for 3 five-cent cigars, you pay just 5 cents
for the 3 cigars and 10 cents for the three useless heads:
And it’s just like dropping that extra dime in the street.
For it’s that little head you clip off and throw away which takes
the time and skill and costs the money in the making of a cigar.
Trade Mark
Package of 3 for 5 Cents
(Jl cheroot is a cigar made without the head)
Trade Mark
The Old Virginia Cheroot is an extra-good,
dean, satisfying smoke.
But it’s more: It’s a bargain.
-Simply because you don’t have that useless
head to pay for.
The filler is the same tobacco used in good
5-cent agars, but the small leaves and per
fect clippings — a uniform blend of five differ
ent selected grades of fine domestic tobacco,
combining the rich, definite strength of one grade
with the sweet, mellow mildness of another to
produce the quality which characterizes every one
of the 1,000,000 Old Virginia Cheroots smoked
every day.
Sold wherever they sell tobacco
Ten Years of Hard Work Studying
Culinary Myaterlea.
The chef, whoBe salary in $8,000 a
year, tipped the cabman handsomely,
and entered his club, says the New
Orleans Times-Democrat.
“How one becomes a chef?" he said.
“You'want to know how one learns to
be a chef, eh? Well, the answer Is,
by hard work—nine or ten years of
hard work.”
It was the hour of degustatlon. He
poured some absinthe Into a goblet,
balanced across the goblet’s rim a
spoon containing a lump of sugar and
poured over the sugar and thenee Into
the liquor, cold water. Absinthe and
water mingling became an opalescent
green color, and gave olt an odor like
"The chef,” he said, “begins ns a
boy, as apprentice to a master. For
several years he workB ljndor the vege
table cook. He learns how to make
mashed potatoes that look like white
roses, how to cook and to arrange all
the vegetables, from the truffle down
In a hundred fine and beautiful ways,
He gets no salary. He only gets his
“Now for a year he studies raw
meats. He learns how to select them
and how to cut them up. He can tell
at a glance, for Instance, the genuine
salt-meadow mutton from the falBO.
Along with this raw meat course goes
also a study of fish and of game and
of poultry—how to stuff, dress, lard,
truss and so on.
"Next for a year, at a small salary,
he stands before the range, learning
how to broil, fry, roast and bake.
“He now knows the foundation of
his art, and Is admitted Into the pres
ence of the chef himself—only assist
ants have taught him so far. The
chef teaches him how to make soups
pastries, Ices an£ the more complicat
ed puddings and souffles. Three or
four yearB Is none too long a time to
study here.
“Ten years of hard work Bhould turn
a quick apprentice Into a good chef.
Such a chef, without dimeulty, earns
from $26 a week up to $150. If ho
gave half as much time to the har,
the church or medicine he would earn
thrice as much.”
L.. C©IG©R.
We cordially invite you to take-
a look at our stock* you will see
been lookea after as carefully
Jut a Few Fnces
Ladles’Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched
Initial Handkerchiefs at • |(jc
Dainty Embroidered naddkercblefs,
linen and lawn, fine and sheer;
ready for gifts, worth 3j per cent,
more, at from • • 20c 10 85 c
Big lot White and Plgured Hem
stitched Handkerchiefs, Ladles’
and dents', at • • • • |jc
85 Boxes Children Initial Handker
chiefs, 3 In a box, at a box, • |gc
Men’s White Silk Handkerchiefs,
high grade, large sizes, well worth
35c per cent more. Holiday prices,
from • • • • 26® 10 $1.0Q.
$1.25 Ladles’ Kid Oloves, fine qual
ity; this week at • • • 76?
Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts,
fancy designs, delicate colors,
from • • • ,- 66 c 10 $1.25
t)ne lot of White Marseilles Spreads,
from • • • • 76 c to $3.00
WJust received an assortment
of LADIES’ BELTS, stylish and
WUnderwear and Hosiery for
the whole family at saving prices.
71 Broad Street*
Two desirable plantations on terms to mifc
purchaser One place 825 acres two ibihw
Houth of Albany, fine pasturage enclosed with
wire 8U .miles- Thirteen hundred acre* six
miles from Albany. 900 acres open land bal
ance in virgin woodlnnd; no waste land.
Lots 10 and 12 on Roufch street, clump.
A very desirable U acre lot in Arcadia, op
posite&cfr Aeunaorfer.
Desirable homo on Washington street;
terms aatisfaotory. ' .
Desirable cottoge on Residence stroet. Al«o
/a rieveral building lots on State street; % o»ah
and loan monev to build houses
Throe desirable residences on State street;
V. cash, balance on long time '
I have not space and time to tell vou all 1
have, but I can sell you most anything you
want in real estate I haven't time to change
advertl«ementa bn* I «m selling, Give me a
caU and I will sell to you.
Will be glad to show you and figure with you , .<
on what I have. I do a general collecting busj
Inetw and solicit vom* na»ronage. \ “ViM
Office in the court house.
— 11 "...
noiiian mature.
“That fellow Spinks bat excellent
“What makes you think so?”
“Why—er—he’s always asking my
opinion about things.”—Lonisylllo Cou
Alaska’s canned salmon output Is es
timated this year at $10,000,000.
... izJiBia
New Partnership
Announcement Is hereby made that
Ed R. Jones and Clayton Jones
formed a partnership for the practice
of law and to engage in the real es
tate business, with offices at ,7, & and
9 Davls-Exohnnge Bank Building, the
style of the firm being Ed. R. & Clay* • M
ton Jones. Their services are respect
fully tendered the public.
■ .
... ' i