The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 10, 1906, Image 3
y HE ALBANY DAILY HBRALDl SATURDAY, BECOMING A MOTHER b mi ardeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, lot nothing compare* with the pam and honor oI child-birth. 'The thoui rom ef the suffering and danger in (tore for her, rob* the expectant mother of all pleaaant anticipation* of the coming event, and cait* over her a ahadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousand* of women have found that the nse of Mother** Friend during pregnancy rob* confinement of all pain and danger, and insure* safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at tha time of their moat critical trial. Not only does Mother’s Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, bat its us* gently prepares the system for tha coming event, prevent* "morning sickness," and other dis- comforU of 'this period. £1WK Sold by all druggist* at BWfjlBB B kW W* Secret of One Woman’s Stage Success. Mias Adelaide Thurston ha'6 made a phenomenal success In her new play this season, "The Triumph of Betty,” 5ros. Vine./ Louisville, K.y greater success than over. This dain- * ty young woman Is rnvored by nature and environment as few actresses are. ! Her personal beauty and charm of manner, and her gifts ns an actress, ; have advanced her several rounds on the ladder of fame. , Four years ago tills little woman was comparatively unknown, but In the Intervening tlmo she has suc ceeded in making herself one of the best paying stars In the country. Miss Thurston’s success could not have been achieved so easily w»re It not foi the sweet and winning quali ties of herself. The admiration she inspires in women lb the secret of her popularity. She is a favorite with her own sev. nml the h"m""'“ thev show her Is, at times, like fetish worship Receptions are given In. her honor, she is the recipient of many gifts in tho shape of flowers and jewels, and her maid Is laden with requests from ad miring women and young girls for her photograph; And why this adoration on tte part oi members of her own sex? The renson is offered as fol lows; It is because Miss Thurston never ' plays for the benefit of the men in the audience. Appealing to the mascu line is a noticeable trait of many ac- , tresses, and 1b known to be distaste i ful to women. It is an old tenet of i the theatrical business that the men . will follow where their sweethearts, I ; sisters or wives lead them. To goi farther, it Is not unlikely that Mbs Thurston Is admired by the opposite sex for the same reason that gives her the respect of her own. Men as well as women laud modesty and sweet ness. The potent power of goodness in woman rules the world on, as well as off, the stage. Adelaide Thurston and her excellent company will be seen at the Rawlins theatre Tuesday night In “The Tri umph of Betty." Prices 60 and 76 cents, $1 and $1.60. JYionday and l uesday, Feb. lZth and Utn. Will have on display at our store their entire line of Spring Suitings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestings. All the high class novelties in Silver and Steel Grays. Also, modest patterns for conservative dressers. We invite your inspection. Call and place your order for future delivery. Many Attractive Values for Next Week Baldwin Pianos, Kranich & Bach Pianos, Ellington Pianos. Thren of the world’s best and but one of the name on tho market, so there is no claim in such cases to be the original, as is trie case where there’s two or more of the same name or a similar nam« on the market. Beware of those making claims on another’s reputation. See our lines before buying. ome urnis ome BEAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSE 25c Mayings 19c | New styles in China and Jap | Mattings received. The 25c! quality we offer at 19c yard. 35c -Window Shades- 24c 3x6 Window Shades, all col ors. Special next week, each, complete, at 24c. 50c- Window Shades-39c Window Shades; a 50c value; 3x7. Offered special next week jfet 39c each, complete. $5.00 Dinner Set $3.98 42-Piece Dinner Set; different decorations; would be cheap at $5.00. Special next week, $3.98. $1.25 L ace Curtains 98c Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yards long;, worth $1.25 a pair usu ally. Now, 98c. $1.25 Table Linen 98c Table Linen; full bleached; choice patterns; 72 inches wide; per yard, 98c. 65c Linen Towels 47c All linen hemstitched Tow els; size 22x40; a value at 65c; next week, pair, 47c. 25c Towels 19c Good quality Cotton Towels; worth 25c pair. Special next week at 19c pair. 104 Pine Stre ot, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga When Completed take a critical survey of your bath room appurtenances to confirm their completeness. Of course you under stand the inference is that It's a Job we finished. Bath Room Appliances “ from tubs down to minor necessaries is a prominent feature of our plumb ing business. No one goes wrong that uses our work. Harris Plumbing Co DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED I hree specials m Fmameiware. 17 Quart Dish Pan, next week, . . . . ... . || 4 Covered Sauce Pans and Preserving .Kettles, cheap at 40c, 2 Pudding Pans, Dairy Pans, Sauce Pans, J*ie Plates, Dip pers—enameled. Next week, special at . • ... 1 BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co Everywhere 5c. .A.splendid to\-. lection of comic? lace and noyelty. 'Wfehtines. 'Also Post Cards for Valentine greet ings. Feb. 14. Washerwomen The Albany fans are fairly “licking their chops" over the prospects of baseball here next season. One thing seems sure, that Captain Thomas is a “lulu" when it comes to bunching the good ones, and all are confident that the pennant will be waving from the Albany grandstand when the season closes. Strike EGGS ARE P0I80N0U8. But we run every day except Sunday and can do your work on short notice. Let us give you a remedy for wash= woman troubles Along about the middle of the day, when the sun is shining warm, a fellow can run Into a bunch on some corner almost every pretty day, ai.-i if he listens closely ho can catch stray bits of conversation that will carry his memory back to sporting pages during the height of last sea son. Thomas has made a good im pression oil the Albany fans. Ho hasn’t come over ^recently, but the boys have been keeping up with him and know that he lias been busy. They think he’s “It," all right, with a capital “I.” In the meanwhile, the ladles are guessing about that Albany team garb, whether it’s to be pink, or blue, or green, or yellow, or plum, or heliotrope or one of the fashionable shades of gray. The lady who guesses nearest to what the Albany suits will be gets a free pass to all the games this season. There are going to be lots of good ones, ladies, so the prize is well worth a guess or two. However, When One Injects Them Beneath the tkin., Very large smooth Tomato, firm, fresh, beautiful red oolor. The best all round Tomato for table and oatsup. Plant now in boxes or hot bed. ' Package, Sc; Ounce, 25c. M. G. Loisel declares. But we must understand each other. Eggs are poi sonous in certain conditions merely, when we absorb them in a certain way. They are poisonous when Inject ed beneath the skin, and no one thinks of applying them in that way. It is the yolk chiefly that Is poison ous. Tho poison varies according to the species that provided the egg. The duck’s egg kills the rabbit In a dose of eight cubic centimeters; that of the hen kills only In a larger dose. By way of compensation, the turtle’s egg is more noxious than that ot the duck; it kills In a dose ot five or six cubic centimeters. Therefore, the tur. tie Is more poisonous than the duck, and this last is more so than the hen. Rabbits poisoned by the yolk of an egg injected under the skin or into a cavity of the body die with the symp toms of an acute Intoxication of the central nervous system. The white also tof the-turtle’s egg is very poi- Bonous. But none of these eggs Is hurtful when absorbed by the diges tive organs.” MAMMOTH OWL IS. Plants very vigorous and productive, growing upright with mod erately large leaves. Fruit very large and long, sometimes be ing 8 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter. When unripfe of a bright, deep green oolor, being entirely free from any pur ple tinge, and when ripe a deep rich red. Flesh very thick sweet and mild in flavor. Very fine for stuffed pickles. Package, 5c; Ounce 25c. ’ I * contemplating investing in real estate?- i If so, the; Jones & Smith Title Guarantee St Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for.these reasons: | They guarantee the title to; every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. They have the most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, and cheap tenant houses for sale. See Wm. E. SMITH, Real Estate Manager Jones & Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfolk . Building. , is Saint Valentines Day. We have opened up a line that will please the most fastidious Comics that are Comics, lc each. Novel ties in Mechanical Cards from 5c to $1.50. Wehave placed them on salt eaBy-in order to give every one a chance to make an early selection. Mail Orders will Receive Prompt Attention. Startling But True. People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chica go theatre in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than five times this number, or over 3,000 people, died from pneumonia In Chi cago during the same year, with scarcely' a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been pre vented by the timely vbo of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneu monia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The fol lowing" is an instance of this sort: “Too much cannot be said In favor ot Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and es- pccially for colds and influenza. I know that it cured my daughter, Lau ra, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threaten ed with pneumonia.”. W. D. Wilcox, Logan, New York. Sold by Hilsman- Sale Drug Co. ."., ‘. .. . * 1 I’.; f" - '-.Vi? -, V-^ I ,.-i >W THE 0E0RG1A SEED HOUSE. Seed Oats, Horse Oats," Corn, HullsandMeal HALE & SPEER, LAWYERS. Prompt and careful attention Riven bnstneen enbmittedito vnrjoaro. A man who once had rough, horny hands made them soft and smoth with Witch Hazel Salve, but he used the genuine—that hearing the name "E. C. DeWitt &:Co„ Chicago." For sores, bolls, cuts, burns, bruises, etc., it has no equal, and affords almost immedi ate relief from blind- bleeding, itching and protruding Piles: 3old by Albany Dryg Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Miller GROCERY CO. Annual C( SfilJsS I T f OU h JESS