The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 14, 1906, Image 4

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The Quality Store.
Ho^ma-yer, Jones & Company-
The Quality Store.
Beautiful Furnishings for
Offices in New Building
The handsome offices in the beautiful
new Davis-Exchange Bank Building should
be appropriately furnished. Money spent
for attractive office furnishings is wisely
spent, for the returns from the investment
are both sure and large.
In calling attention to the advantages
this store offers those who wish office fur
nishings—floor coverings, shades and the
like—we wish to announce the,arrival of
another shipment of highest quality Ax-'
minster Rugs, sizes 9x12, with small rugs
to match.^ These are shown in the hand
somest oriental designs and richest col
orings, and are. appropriate both for the
home and the business office.
The careful study which we have de
voted to this department of our store dur
ing our long experience makes us experts
in selecting proper furnijhings.
A Big Special ii\ Ladies 9 and
Children’s Underwear -
Here is a lot of odd shirts, pants and
drawers, in splendid woolen underwear
for ladies and children. The lot includes
both white and grey garments, and there
are several styles of each.
To those who find that their underwear
has laundered thinner than is comfortable
for February and March weather, or
who will need a new supply for next
season, this price cut will mean a sub
stantial saving.
Garments that were £0c,
“ “ “ 6 Sc,
“ 75c. J
“ $1.
All High Class Novelties
in Spring Dress Goods.
The woman who waits until spring to
begin the making of her spring clothes
certainly must not realize that in our com
plete showing of new wash goods is in
cluded practically every popular novelty
and desirable staple weave of the season.
When we announced our first display ot
dress goods, we styled it “comprehensive,
because it was so wonderfully complete.
Practically all the high class new spring
wash goods are displayed now m most
pleasing variety that strongly cries for eaily
buying. There has been unusual demand
on the manufacturers this season, so that
it will be impossible for us to fill in the
gaps” when the now perfect assortment
is broken.
Among the most popular spring wash
goods that we are able to offer now are Silk
Zephyr Ginghams, Batistes in linen finish,
Linettes, Silk Eoliennes, Soisettes, Percales,
French Cambrics, Madras, etc.
The Qua-lity Store.
Hq/mayer, Jones & Company.
The Quality Store.
Don't Bury Dollars
To plaut unreliable seeds is to bury money.
It is also a waste of money to pay too much for
good seeds. It vvill be a satisfaction to you to buy
fresh seeds of guaranteed reliability, and to get
them at fairest prices.
We handle none but seeds supplied by growers
who can be trusted. We shall appreciate your
patronage and believe that you will in due seeson
appreciate the quality of the seeds supplied.
Hoggard Drug
Phone 75.
Iron BecL
We have just received one of the biggest and
most complete lines of these beds ever brought
to this market.
From the colored ones down to the plain
. white single there is not a bad one in the lot.
For the balance of February we will sell
’these beds at unusually little prices.
Now is the time to buy your Iron Beds.
$3.00 to $16.00.
S. A. fe? W. T. Freeman.
Over Street* of City Calls Forth a
Citizen’* Suggestions.
Albany, Ga., Fob. 14, 1906.
Editor Herald:
Without desiring to criticise any
company or Individual, I still think
the city of Albany Is In a bad way as
to the mnnner and kind of wires that
are strung in her limits. The general
sagging and overlapping condition of
wires almost everywhere Is not only
unsightly but dangerous.
Take a look at the wires crossing
Washington street at the intersection
of Pino, for Instance. But In my opin
ion the dangerous wires to life are
the high-potential wires coming Into
the city from the waterpower plant,
carrying twenty-one hundred volts,
and the wires not Insulated, but
naked, and running over and above all
classes of tolegraph and telephone
wires. With winds and lightning,
there Is danger. Linemen have had
escapes so far, but tho city needs
someone to look after the proper con
struction of new linos and the over
hauling or those lines already con
structed. Respectfully.
G. .1. MaCRARY.
* j
Will Be the Attraction at the Theatre
Tonight—Splendid Entertainment.
Seems Impossible to Break Spirit of
Federal Prisoner in Atlantal.
Special to The Herald.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 14.—Federal con
vict No. 561, who has been kept in
solitary confinement since November
13, because he refuses to promise to
behave himself in future, is still con
fined in solitude, with one arm chained
to a perpendicular iron bar at the
gloomy-looking prison on the outskirts
ot Atlanta. The warden has frequent
talks with the obstinate prisoner, but
all to no purpose. The man refuses
to give in. He was trussed up be
cause he made a murderous attack on
a foreman, and then refused to make
any promise^ as to good behavior in
Presided, V.-Pre*lden». Sec’y-Treas.
trust cony
Capital Stock $100,000.oo
Now open and ready for business at Southeast corner of Broad
Washington streets, Albany, Ga.
CHARTERED to give surety and act a. executor or administrator
u,* «n perform all the function, ot a lately managed Trust Company.
It Is a great pity that tho elements
today are so much against a large
audience for the concert of the Boys’
Bnnd of tile Georgia Industrial Home
which will be tlic attraction at the
Rawlins theatre tonight.
The program which this band will
render tills evening will be a delight
ful one, embracing splendid selections
of both popular and classic music. The
boys In this band have proved them
selves to be gifted musicians, and, un
der the leadership of Prof. Golding,
they lttive been developed Into one of
the foremost musical organizations tn
the South.
They will play tonight for the ben
efit of their home In Macon, and the
revenue derived from the entertain
ment will go to the support of one of
, the grandest Institutions of charity
ever instituted In Georgia,
i This Home takes the litle waifs
. from the streets of the cities tyid the
dens of vice, from tlio homes of the
unfortunate where the sustenance of
life would be deprived them, takes
them In. Irrespective of any denotn-
inatlonal • consideration, and rears
them, giving them that religious,
moral and Industrial education which
Is necessary to make them good citi
zens. Certainly there is no work more
worthy of the generous support of the
good people of this State, and Albany
should not fnll to give material evi
dence of the sympathy Which is felt
here in this noble work.
The prices of tickets for tonight are
only 26c, 36c and 60c„ the seats being
on sale at the Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
Go out tp the concert of the Boys’
Band of the Georgia Industrial Home
at the theatre' tonight It
Special to The Herald.
Atlanta. Ga., Feb. 14.—A. C. Dinkey,
president of the Carnegie Steel Co.,
of Pittsburg, Pa., who has been in At
lanta since Sunday, left yesterday af-
tornoon for Palm Beach, Fla., where
he and his wife will spend the re
mainder of February.’ Mr. Dinkey Is
the successor to W. E. Cory, whose af
fairs recently received considerable
attention when his wife threatened to
sue for divorce because, so she said,
her husband had been too attentive to
nu actress.
Although 40 years of age, Mr. Din
key Is in receipt of a yearly salary of
$60,000. He looks many years younger
than he really is. And he Is business
from the very jump. He ran up to
Atlanta from Florida, attended to all
the business in sight here and now he
Is away again for a brief breathing
Irish Potatoes. 40c pk. Onions. 2
qts„ 15c. Sweet Potatoes, 20c pk.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Country Eggs—all fresh—25c doz.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Will Be Held Here Tomorrow Night.
Prominent Official to be Present.
| The Rhodes-Brntton Big Musical
I Comedy Co. will open their engage-
| rnent here next Saturday matinee.
| At the matinee performance the
operas "Little Red Riding Hood" and
.“Jack and the Beanstalk" will'be pro-
jduced In moving pictures.
| An entire change of program will
be presented at night.
Popular prices. 15-2t
Oranges. 26c and 30c doz. Lemons,
25c doz. Apples. 20c doz. Coconnuts,
10c each. Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Go out to the concert of the Boys’
Band of the Georgia Industrial Home
at the theatre tonight. It
Go out to the concert of the Boys’
Band of the Georgia Industrial Home
at the theatre tonight. It
Bjlnson & Co., Wood * ana Coal,
’Phone S67. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
The Division meeting of the Odd
Fellows, composed of representatives
from each lodge in the Albany Circuit,
will be held Thursday night at the
Hall of Evergreen Lodge, No. 65.
Grand Master I. H. Robertson, of
Gainesville, will be present, making
an official visit to Evergreen Lodge
and the other lodges of this section
of the state.
A lecture by Professor Newton, of
California, will be given before the
members of the lodge and their
friends, to which the public is invited, j
The lecture will begin at 7:30 p. m.
Professor Newton Is said to equal Bob
Taylor as an entertainer. j
Fresh Shipment
25c 50c 75c
; TKe Grocer.
Go out to the concert of the Boys’
Band of the Georgia Industrial Home
at the theatre tonight. It |
Remove Freckles and Pimples
(Formerly advertised and sold as Satlnola.)
FOR RENT—Two front offices on the
second floor, and the entire third
floor, over the Hilsman-Sale Drug
Co., corner of Broad and Washing
ton streets. Offices have just been ’
thoroughly renovated .and are very
desirable. For full lnfoimatlon ad-,
dress Mrs. Richard Hobbs. Sr., or
Miss Annie Hobbs, Albany, Ga.
There will be a compul
sory meeting of Com
pany E, Albany Guards,
at the Armony tonight
at 7:30 o’clock. Every
member must be pres
ent. No excuses ac
Capt. Commanding.
A few applications will remove tan
satlowness and restore the beauty of youi
NADINOLA is guaranteed and mon
refunded if it fails to remove freck!
pimples, liver-spots, collar discoloration
black-heads, disfiguring eruptions, etc.,
twenty days. Leaves the skin soft, cl<
and healthy* Endorsed by thousani
Price 50 cents and $J.OO by ail leadi
druggists, or by mail. Prepared
National Toilet Co., Paris, Ten
The clever, spring styles are lined
up. Extreme styles for the young fel
low. Soberer styles fpi; the non-fad
dist, but all of them as right as rierht
can be. $3.00 each.
C. R. Davis. & Co.