Newspaper Page Text
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Drying to save money.
wiriosns&n s sissi
I \ I# her nature to Jot*
Nightmare ftp
pan. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother mut
pen, however, i» »o fraught with dread, pain, (offering and danger,
that the very thought of it filla her with apprehension and horror.
There it no necessity for the reproduction of Ufa to be either painful
or dangerous. The tue of Mother’! Friend to prepare* the tyitem for
the coming event that it ia aafely pawed without any danger. Thla
great and wonderful
Chicago Woman Returned to Burning
Building for Treasure ahd Lost Her
A Great Actor and /-Great Player.
"Monte Crlsto” Without James
O’Neill as Edmond Dantes would seem
out of plnce, and yet with this dis
tinguished actors’ engagement at the
Rawlins’ theatre Monday evening will
be presented . the last opportunity of
witnessing the combination of James
O’Neill and “Monte Crlsto” in thlB
The. present season will be Mr.
O'Neill’s last In the Dumas play that
he has made famous throughout the
land, for he contemplates ah elabor
ate production of a new play next
Mr. O'Neill has an admirable com
pany and the performance given Is
Chicago, Feb. 23.
•Returnmgsto her
apartment to get money, Mrs. John
Hanley met her death last night in a
After the firemen
burning building,
had put the fire out they discovered
her dend In a closet In her rooms.
Three other persons were injured.
The loss by the fire Is 36,000.
remedy is always
»ppliedextemally,and SjXjjg I
has carried thousand* ' M N "
ef wotndn through
the trying ’crisis without suffering.
And for tr— book oontolnlftf information
«f yrlovolno loott expect*** nothin.
The BradSeU RsaeMer 0*. Atitala, Be.
Luckiest Man In Arkansas.
"I’m the luckiest man in Arkansas,”
writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since
the restoration of my wife’s health af
ter five years of continuous coughing
and bleeding from the lungs; and I
owe my,, good fortune to the world’s
greatest medicine, Dr. King’s New Dis
covery for Consumption, which f know
from experience will cure consumption
If taken In time. My wife Improved
with first bottle and twelve bottles
completed tha oure.’’ Cures the worst
coughs and colds or money refunded.
At Albany Drug Co.,' 60c and 31.00.
Trial bottle free.
Linen finish and Manchester
Chambrays. New arrivals.
Yard 10c.
Baldwin Pianos, Kranich & Bach
Pianos, Ellington Pianos.
said to be the best that
Crlsto" haB ever had. The play Is
well equipped with unusually hand
some scenery—the Chatteau d’lf, the
open sea and the Catalan village over
looking the bay at Marseilles, and the
ballroom scene in tbe fourth act Is
said to be especially gorgeous.
11.60 downstairs; 60 and 76
36 in. Madras, 12 l-2c qual
ity. Patterns new.
Yard lOd «
cents and $1 upstairs;
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Olay, Fire Tile, Laths,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings, Sash, Doers, Blinds, Glass
and Putty, Mantels,' Grates and' Tile,
Wall Paper and Paints at
O. D. SMITH’S. ,
Percales, many styles and
patterns to choose from.
104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga
must have been done by men like us,
for we never hear any complaints
about the work. We don’t hear’.any
about ours, because we take good cSre
Batiste, wool finish, fpr early
spring wear. Yours at
Yard 15c.
Fifteen Thousand Dollar Building to
Be Erected for First Georgia Regi
Brinson & Co., Wood ahd Coal,
•Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
not to leave any grounds for' fault
on the prompt service, quick-work,
quick-get-away basis. We find men
appreciate that kind. So would you if
you tried it once.
Special to The Herald.
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 23.—The First
regiment of infantry is soon to give
out a contract for the erection of a
316,000 gymnasium and drill hall. This
will be the nearest thing to an audi
torium Savannah will have. It will
occupy a portion of the regimental lot
and will ’face on Huntingdon street.
Plans, have already been drawn for
the structure.
For Sprains
Soisette, in every color,
Yard 24c.
Unusual Embroidery bar
gains 'offered at
Yard 5c, 10c, 19, 25c.
The Yellow Fever Germ
has recently been discovered. It bears
a close resemblnnce to the malaria
germ. To free the systeni from dis
ease germs, the most effective remedy
Is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Guar
anteed to cure all diseases due to ma
larial poison and constipation. 26c at
Albany Drug Co.
Morris Mayer.
From the Camilla Enterprise*
The death of Mr. Morris Mayer, at
his home In Albany last wpek, removes
one of the best known business men
of Albany and Southwest Georgia from
the business world In which he was
ever active. We doubt very seriously
if there, is another merchant In South
Georgia who covered a wider terrltory
in his business dealing, for Morris
Mayer was known far and wide as
one of the most extensive and success
ful cotton and wool buyers In this sec
tion of the state, and he numbered
his friends, by his acquaintances. He
came to this country during his boy
hood days from Europe, and by ener
gy and persistent effort accumulated a
handsome property. He is survived
by his wife and six children.
If it’s a Wardrobe,
If it’s a Chiffonier
If it’s a Sideboard,
gvwy Bottla.
“A Cold or a Cough nearly alwaya pro
duces constipation—the water all rune to the
eyes, nose and throat instead of passing out
of tho system through the liver and kidneys.
For tho want of molsturo tho bowels become
dry and hard."
If it’s a Dining Table.
If it’l, a Bed-Room Suit,
IfB it’s the Best ed Spring in the World (Blue Ribbon
If it’s the highest grade Felt Mattress to be had 'Red
■ ■■■• i '
If it’s the greatest kitchen peacemaker known (Buck’s
Stove or Range.
If it’s anything, from a Carpet 'Tack to a Furnished
House. . ' ' ’
Plants very vigorous and productive, growing upright with mod
erately large leaves. Fruit very large and long, sometimes be
ing 8 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter. When unripe
of q, bright, deep green color, being entirely free from any pur
ple tinge, and when ripe aideep rich red. Flesh very thick,
sweet and mild in flavor. Very fine for stuffed pickles.
Pabkage, 5c; Ounce 25c.
,§1^ Cures Colds by working them out of
the system through * copious action ol
the bowels.
JW* Cures Coughs by cleansing end
strengthening the mucous mombranee ol
the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, La Grippe,
Influenza, Bronchitis, sod all Coughs,
Colds, Luqg snd Bronchial (Sections no
temedy is equal to Kennedy’s Lsxatlvs
Honey and Tar. Children like it.
Put up In 2Gc, 60c and $ 1,00 bottles at the Lab
oratory or E. O. DaWIttAOo.,Chicago, U.8.A.
For Sale by Albany Drug Co. and
Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
Don’t deceive yourself. If you have
— - . Dyspepsia
ition take Kodol
It will relieve you.
Hocutt, Sotfth Mills, N. C. .
was troubled with chronic indigestion
for several years; whatever I ate
seemed to cause heartburn, sour stom
ach, fluttering of my heart, and gen
eral depression of mind and body. My
druggist recommended Kodol, and it
has relieved me. I can now eat any-
Then we are in the market,
We will interest you if you’ll drop in. Terms to, suit,
■s what you eat. Albany
Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
The Albany Business League in
tends to entertain the Rivers and Har
bors Committee of Congress and the
Committee on Foreign Relation^'' Tal
ly during their short stay In this’oily.
A carriage drive, among other things,
Is planned, hut one of the first essen
tials of a carriage drive Is the car
riage. There are not enough public
conveyances of tbe right sort, so Mr.
Betjeman, the league secretary, re
quests those owning private convey
ances to lend the city the use of them
on the morning of March 9.
increase Yto
Yields Per
We have just received one of the biggest and
most complete lines of these beds ever brought
to this market.
From the colored ones down to the plain
white single there is not a bad one in the lot.
For the balance of February we will sell
these beds at unusually little prices.
Now is the-time to buy your Iron Beds.
One OfThe Results
I of liberally nalng our fertile
ft zers, is to pay off a mortgage
\ on the old farm. Road tho fol-
I lowing from Messrs. Wherry
ft & Son, owners of the Magnolia
|\ JFrnit Farm, Durant, Miss.;
Ift “WemAdo $900 from one acre
Jr strawberries, on hlch your
■ fertilizers were used. Eight
■ years ago we bought this place
■ at $20 per acre. It was then
w considered to have been worn
b out twenty years before, but
by liberally using
Virginla.Carolina Fertilizers
under peas and velvet beans,
we ean now grow almost any
thing, and have been offered
$260 per acre for tho place. We
experimented with a great
many brands of fertilizers,
but find the highest per-cent,
cheaper.” Now don’tvou think
'Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer*
would enable you to payoff a w-\
Improved New Home
Sewing Machines
Latest Style
Double Ring, Ball Bearing.
Lightest and best on tbe-market.
I swap for the old Machine.
I will overhaul and furnish parts,
attachments and needles for any
make of Machine.
W. F. FLOYD, Mgr.
'Phone 362. Albany, Ca.
Startling But True.
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chica
go theatre In which nearly six hundred,
people lost their lives, yet more than
five times this number, or over 3,000
people, died from pneumonia in Chi
cago'during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice. Every one
of these cases of pneumonia resulted
from a cold and could have been pre
vented by the timely use of Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear pneu-
Correct Dress
No Wood famine In Albany now.
Barron gets it by trainloads.
The “Modem Method" system of
high-grade tailoring introduced by
L. E. Hays u:Co., of Cincinnati, O.,
satisfies good dressers everywhere.
All Garments A-lade Strictly
to Your Mecsure
at moderate price, f 90 rtylqi of foreign
and domestic fabrics from Whi-h to choose.
Renrcsnted by ®
monia have warded It off by the
prompt use of this remedy. The. fol
lowing is an instance of this sort:
"Too much cannot be said In favor of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and es
pecially for colds and Influenza. I
know that It cured my daughter. Lau-
and I believe
To draw the fire out of a bum,
heal a cu^ without leaving a scar, or
to cure boils, sores, tetter, eczema
and all skin and scalp diseases, use
DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A spe
cific for piles. Get the genuine. No
remedy causes such speedy relief.
Ask for DeWitt’e-tne genuine.
Dawson, Ga.
Cost of Brick, Stone, or W
Buildings Furnished.
Atlanta, Ga.
Savannah, Ga.
Montgomery, A]
Memphis, Tenn.
Shreveport, La.
ra, of a severe cold,
saved her life when she was threaten
ed with pneumonia.”. W. D. Wilcox,
Logan, New York. Sold -by Hilsman-
Annual Capacity, 10,000,000.
S. B. BROWN & CO., Albany, Ga.