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>;• ?■ -
hat of Your Easter
Preparations, * Gentlemen ?
Are you availing yourselves of the opportunities and ad-
H |vantages which the mens lurnishing department of H. J. &
offers you?
Your fathers will tell you, young men, of how long this
store has been saving them both vexation and money, and
they will advise you to come here for your furnishings, espe
cially when, you are buying for an important occasion like
Many reasons could be advanced why men should buy from H. J. & Co., but they
are all summed up in the statement that you can buy here the best goods to best advantage.
Exclusive Albany sellers of “Manhattan”
and “Faultless” Shirts. What more need be
Slid? 'These Shirts need no introduction.
—They are known to all and known as the
Queen’s Greys are the leading shades in
these beautiful spring Four-in-Hands and
Ascots. But many other beautiful colorings
are shown that will add attractiveness to
your Easter toilet.
. <
Blacks and Colors are shown in great vari
ety of qualities and styles. By far, the best
Sock values we have ever shown. Ask
see the Lisle Socks
Three specially attractive qualities. Bal-
briggan at 25c, French Bilbriggan at 50c and
Extra Quality Lisle at $1 the garment. The
kind of undergarment you wear won’t. affect
your looks, but. it will have lots to do with
your feelings. These insure co'tnfort.
t The Quality
The Quality
Better Soda.
Than Ever
•.Customers say our'soda is better than ever this year. As we
tear the same tiling every year we are inclined to think our soda
. .s fast.reaching, the point of perfection. We certainly try to
make it ; as. near perfect as possible and spare no expense in
: blit' efforts ns s
e use .the best of
everything in making it
We do not stop at the
dispensers. Even pure
and serve it in bright, clean glasses,
best materials for we employ expert
soda can be ruined in drawing. *
When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent
soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phone 75.
Gdod Intentions
“"May pave certain roads, but if it’s
a walk in your yard or sidewalk paving
you want done you’d better see us.
Our paving is not so easily broken.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
Meicsiroons, Lady Fingers,
Chocolate Cake, Pound Cake,
Roll, Bread and Rolls
Creeps'. E. *B\/SH-’ Ba ** r
Broad Street
To Swing Dougherty County
Into Smith Column—Mr.
J. R. Whitehead President.
Meeting Last Night.
The Hoke Smith Club of Dougherty
County effected organization at the
city hall last night with a membership
of nearly 250.
In response to a call Issued by ar
dent supporters of Mr. Smith, a num
ber of citizens met at the city hall at
8 o’clock, and for more than an hour
discussed plans for the furtherance of
the Interests of their candidate in this
The. meeting was called to order by
Mr. L. W. NelBon, pho proposed Mr.
John R. Whitehead for chairman and
permanent president of the club.
There was no other nomination, and
Mr. Whitehead was honored with a
unanimous vote. In assuming the
chair, he expressed his deep appreoja-
among / whom
of gentlemen present,
were Mr. A. P. Yaaon. Mr. Sidney J,
Jones, Mr. Byrd Odum, Mr. Clayton
Jones. Mr. P. W. Jones Mr. A. C.
Plonsky and Mr. L. W. Nelson.
Provision was made for the optional
payment of 25 cents by each member
of the club, for the purpose of creating
a fund to defray incidental expenses.
A committee of five, to be appoint
ed by the president, was provided for,
charged with the responsibility of ar
ranging for a Joint debate in Albany
between Mr. Smith and Mr. Howell.
Mr. Clayton Jones stated that Mr.
Smith had expressed eagerness for
such a debate, and a willingness to
speak alone In Albany In the event
Air. Howell should decline to meet
him. , The committee to be appointed
will arrange all preliminaries for the
The Secretary read the list of those
whose names have been enrolled as
members of the club, and It was found
that there were about 243. It was
stated that others would be enrolled
after the meeting, so that the total
charter membership numbered per
haps 250.
The members of the Hoke Smith
Club will make an active fight In the
county, and It will not be their fault if
some other ’ candidate secures the
county’s vote .
The Herald endeavored to secure
for'publication this atfernoon a copy
of the list of members of the club, but
was unable to dp so. It Is promised
for publication tomorrow.
Burned to Death by Kero
sene Oil from Exploding
Lamp—Child Pulled Lamp
From Table.
The Thomasville Times-Enterprlse
of this morning brings the following
report of the horrible death,of Mrs.
S. J. Kingsley, of Boston, Ga.:
"The whole county was shocked yes
terday morning to learn of the death
of Mrs. S. J. Kingsley, at her home in
Boston, the death resulting from ter
rible burns from an exploding oil
lamp. Mrs. Kingsley was'the oldest
daughter of Sheriff T. J. Hight, and
leaves a husband, a son of six years,
and a little daughter of thirteen
months. She was a lady of many
Christian virtues and was beloved by
all who knew her. The tragic death
cast a gloom over the entire commun
ity. Her funeral will take place at
10 o’clock this j^iornlng.
The accident was particularly tragic
In Its details. Mrs. Kingsley was
alone in her home with her two chil
dren, her husband having gone to
prayer meeting. The youngest child,
In toddling about the room, pulled
table cloth from a table on which
there was a lighted lamp. Mrs. King
sley sprang from the piano, at which
she had been seated, and seized the
overturned lamp. As she picked it up,
It exploded and the burning kerosene
spurted over her, causing terrible
burns. Her cries were heard by neigh
bors, Who rushed to her assistance, but
too late to save her life. The acci
dent took place at 8:30 o'clock, and
she lingered in agony until 4 in the
morning. She was fully conscious un
til twenty minutes before her death.
She expressed Christian resignation,
and her sorrowing friends comfort
themselves with the thought that all
Is well with her soul.
Mr. Hight received the news by tel
ephone a few moments after the acci
dent. He went down to Boston on a
freight train, and reached there about
9:16, remaining with his daughter un
til the end came. Mrs. Hight, Mr.
Walter Hight, Mr. and Mrs. Redden
Jones, and other relatives and friends
went down to Boston yesterday.”
Prominent Citizen of Sylvester Criti
cally III at Hia Home In that Place.
It was with genuine regret that the .
many Albany friends of Mr. T. J. Pin
son, one of the most prominent Citi
zens of Sylvester, learned this morn
ing that he had suffered a severe
stroke of apoplexy yesterday after
The news first reached the city late
yesterday evening, when Dr. P. L.
Hilsman was summoned to the bed
side of the stricken man. Dr. Hilsman
returned to the city last night and
states that Mr. Pinson Is in a serious
condition, though he thought he would
recover to some extent from the stroke
of yesterday. It is always problematic
as to what condition apoplexy leaves
those victims to whom it does not
carry immediate'death, but it is hoped
that Mr. Pinson may sufficiently re
cover to spend many more years- of
usefulness with his family and friends.
Tomatoes, 3 cans 25c; corn, 10c,
121-2c and 16c can; beets and Lima
beans, 12 l-2c can.
Phone 70c. W. E. FIELDS.
Remember your friends
with ’ an. Easter remem
We have a new line of
Christy and Fisher Pictures.
Something new in Leather
Easter Post Cards and many
Easter Noveleies. Paa’s
Egg Dye, Easter Eggs,
Rabbits, Ducks, Chickens.
If it’s up-to-date, we have it.
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wail Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. ’Phone 303.
Mr. Jos. L. Rarey, the old reliable
tailor, has moved his place of business
to No. 98, over M. Cnne’s store, south
Broad street. ~
My Spring samples are ready for in
The Tailor
tton of the honor conferred upon him,
and pledged his earnest efforts in the
interest of the cause he had espoused.
Mr. L. W. Nelson was made secretary Rumney Blds ’
and Mr. P. W. Jones treasurer.
An advisory and campaign commit
tee of five was provided for, but this
Albany Decorating Co„
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,-
Room Mouldings.
’Phone 3S3.
No Service at the Temple.
On account of the absence of Dr.
number was afterwards Increased to Landau from the city, there will be
ten or fifteen, In the discretion of the
president, who will announce the com
mittee in a .day or two.
This committee will be charged with
the management of the campaign
which the club propose to conduct In
the county, and every member of the
organization will be expected to take
active part In the work mapped out
Mr. Whitehead stated that the fight
would be a hard one, as all the poli
ticians, constituting what Is known
as the county “ring,” would make a
determined effort to carry the county
tor Mr. Howell, but he expressed con
fidence In the result of the Hoke Smith
Club's efforts.
no services at the Temple this even,
lng. Dr. Landau is In Bay City, Mich.,
and will return next week.
Doctors Are Puzzled.
The remarkable recovery of Ken.
neth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., Is the
subject of much Interest to the medi
cal fraternity and a wide circle of
friends. He says of his case: “Ow
ing to severe Inflammation of the
Threat and. congestion. of the Lungs,
three doctors gave me up to die, when,
as a last resort, I was Induced to try
Dr. King’s New Discovery and I am
happy to say, It saved my life.” Cures
the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchi
tis, Tonsilltis, Weak Lungs, Hoarse
ness and LaGrippe. Guaranteed at Al
bany Drug Co.’s drag store. 50c and
Remarks were made by a number 31.00. Trial bottle free.
Easter— Then
Tke store that has looked to your 1
well in the past hasn't for-
wants so
gotten them this season. We are bet
ter prepared than ever, hut hadn’t you
better make your preparations now?
Everything that’s new in Shoes,
Men s Furnishings and Hats.
C. *R. 'Da'Otf ® Co.
Fresh Seed are the only
kiiid that Grow.
Fresh Seed are the only
kind we sell.
Albany Drug Co.