Newspaper Page Text
Bunt? Doctor, Endorse Herplclde.
Women who moko a business of beau
tifying other women come pretty near
knowing what will bring about the best
results. Here nro letters from two, con
cerning Herplclde:
oisl .. ca !! „ rec . omm ® nd Nowbro's "Herpl-
c de, ns It stopped my hair from falling
out; and, as a dressing It has no super-
“(Slgnod.) Bertha A. Trulllngor,
„ , "Complexion Specialist.
Morrison St., Portland, Ore.'*’
"After using one bottle of •‘Herplclde*
my hair has stopped falling out, and my
scalp Is entirely free from dandruff.
“(Signed.) araco Dodge,
•W Sixth 8... Portland” Ore" D °° t0r '
Sold by leading druggists. Sand Its. !n
Detroit, Mich™*' *° ft" H,rtlclia
Albnny Drug Co., Spoolal Agents
Too Much Booze Got Hezeklah Holt
Into Trouble.
Your eyea are not so strong as
they need to be? Porhapa you have
hurt them reading or aewlng too
many years not to have It tell In
your sight becoming rim at times
—perhaps you have suffered from
some nervous trouble which shows
In the eyes—perhaps it is becom
ing dlflloult for you to thread a
needle?—perhaps letters blur and
lines mix?—perhaps all you have
guessed about glasses may be
Come here—get our advice—let
us show, you that science has a
remedy, I'i
Saturday night, between 1 and 2
o’clock, the people living near the cor
ner of Monroe and Jackson streets
were aroused from their peaceful
dreams by the sounds of a general
negro mlxup. Hezeklah Holt, having
imbibed too freely, suddenly took a
great dislike to HeBter Fonyer. Al
lowing his feelings to Influence his ac
tions, he began to beat her, principally
over the head. Hester'B son resented
this, naturally, and together the two
enlivened the night with cries of Are,
murder, police, etc. Constable J. W.
Harrell appeared on the Beene and
took charge of Hezeklah, who now re
poses In the county jail, mourning
over the fickleness of fate. His case
should be severely dealt with. The
people In the neighborhood, especially
the ladles, were terrlfled by the sound
of the racket.
Merit alone has won great popularity for the New Scale $400 Ludden & Bates
Piano, and the economy of our Club Plan places it within the reach of all—$287
to those who join the club, either cash of on terms of $10 cash and $8 monthly—8
per cent, interest. No discount for cash except saving of interest.
Those who are capable of judging a piano say there is not a single weak spot
in it. 1
railroad rate-making conUnue to ap
pear, giving the results of studies on
this, subjeot by various Investigators.
The latest of these bookB Is by Mr.
Frank Parsons, a professor of political
economy. Prof. Parsons Is strongly In
favor of having rates fixed by the gov
ernment, but he recognizes the fact
that If rates are controlled by a polit
ical commission sitting In Washington
this commission will practically con
trol all the billions of dollars of rail
road property Jn the country, as well
as the welfare of the producers and
shippers and the prosperity of every
On this subject lie says:
“If the people wish to control the
railroads, they should buy them at a
fair value, and not establish complete
or quasl-ownerBhlp without compensa-
tlon, under the name of regulation and
Phil Harris,
Leading Optician.
It is Honest and Reliable from Top to Bottom
Made right by people who know how. To hear the tone of the New Scale $400
Ludden & Bates you can appreciate its pure, brilliant voice and fine singing quality.
Nothing we can say will add to its merits. The piano tells its own story better
than we can. Those who want a thoroughly good, sweet toned, durable piano in
a beautiful, artistic case, at a moderate price, will do well to examine the “Ludden
& Bates” before they make their final decision.
Hepburn Bill Does Not Properly Pro
tect Shippers or Communities.
’ Washington, April 30.—Congress Is
continuing to debate the railroad rate
question In the effort to turn out a hill
that will be constitutional and that
will not do more harm than good. The
latter appears to be a difficult task. It
has been pointed out In the different
speeches In congress that almost ev
ery provision of the Hepburn bill will
result In Injury and Injustice to the
shippers and producers In some part
of the country.
Listen to the Tone of the New Scale $400
Ludden ® Bates Club Piano.
' Why the
Albany . Base
Ball Team'
Look at the case. Listen to the tone of other makes, sold by. dealers and manufac
turers at $400, and even $500, and make comparisons. Look at them from every
standpoint. Try to find a single thing that could be added to the new scale $400
Ludden & Bates to make it better. The piano is absolutely right, and our Club Plan
brings it to you at a saving of enough to
your wheel carefully before starting^
Little de-
The latest discovery
In this line was pointed out In the
speech of Senator Elkina last week in
wbloh he showed that under the Hep
burn bill as It now stands no commun
ity or shipper Injured by a decision of |
the rate-making commission would |
have any redress, and that If the rail
road affected by such a decision did
not appeal to the courts against it the
community and the shipper would be
helpless, no matter how unjust the
rate fixed by the commission might be
to them. It Ib doubtful It any measure
over before proposed In congress was
likely to accomplish so much that Its
framers did not Intend and so little to
ward correcting real abuses. Hundreds
of amendments to the bill have been
proposed, but the present Indication
Beams to be that congress will pass
the bill with a provision giving the
courts the right to review the decis
ions of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission, In the hope that the courts
will protect the shippers and produc
ers of the country, aB well as the rail
roads themselves, from serious dam
I Meanwhile, books on the subject of
on ypur season’s riding,
facts sometimes cause big accidents.
Besides, no detective bicycle ever be
came less so by use. If you let us
the damage can be easily,, quickly and
cheaply done. If you neglect It now,
you will pay for It later on, perhaps
should be named
Booklet “A” will explain everything and save you money. Send for it today
before you lay aside this paper.
in broken bones, certainly In money.
There Is nothing too small about a-
wheel for us to fix. There Is nothing
on the wheel that we cannot adjust.
Avoid, exoonae and danger" bV lettiner
1st. It is hard to break.
2nd. It has fife.
3rd., It has ginger.
4th. It is a good chaser
after high balls.
5th. It is a WINNER.
6th. It pleases EVERY
Avoid expense and danger ‘by. letting
us fix things now. ‘
The Leading Wheelman, Pine Street .
Hurrah for the
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexions of
pimples and blotches.
It ta guaranteed
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation.
Pleasant to take
We Herewith Offer
a Few
Laxative Fruit Syrup
For Next Four Days,
F. O. Ticknor, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B, Brown,
M. Weblosky, J. R.'Whitehead,
T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker,
A rich assortment of brand-new
8hlrt Waists, In the very newest
designs, fine in material and flnleh,
beautiful embroideries and |ecee
tastily combined with sheer white
fabrloe; worth 7So, *1.50, (2.00,
*2.75, will go at 4Bo, 85c, *1.25 and
20 plecea Long Cloth especially
softly flnlehed yarn, at 6o per yd.
Excellent quality -sheer India
Linen, 40 Inohee wide, at V/ a e per
A lot of fine, aheer India Linen
from 8J4o to 15e.
New 8prlng Peroalea, light and
dark atylee, the 1214c quality, fl[4o
per yard.
New plaid Glnghame, big assort-
ment In eylea and eolore, from 8J4
to 18c per yard.
Insurance Company North
America wires us: “No
definite information from
San Francisco, but if the
entire city is destroyed our
losses will be paid promptly
and our suurplus not be
HOI oj p
ku to wfc
for we will have much to say regarding
it in the future. If you are a discrimi
nating drinker of beer, critical in the
matter of health, and in the actual pleas
ure of drinking it, always call for
Low Round Trip Ratee to Lanark, Fla.,
Panacea 8prlnge, Fla., via Sop-
Dawson, Ga.
Cost of Brick, 8tone, or .Wooden
Buildings Furnished.
Leave Albany via Central of Go. and
Arlington, 7:45 a. m. and *3:60 p. m.
Arrive Sopchoppy 3:14 p. m. and
•0:51 p. m.
Arrive Lanark 3:45 p. m. and *10:18
p. m.
'Saturdays and Sundays only.
Round Trip Ratoe from Arlington.
We do all that conscientious brewing can do to make
it the BEST BEER—using only the finest grade of ma
terials. It is brewed in a new and perfect plant, equipped from cellar to
roof with every modem invention for producing a fine, pure, germless
beer a “beer so pure that it shines.”
' j. Call for it at all saloons, clubs, cafes,
I hotels, etc. Call for it and GET IT.
, , Fix the brand in your mind and watch for our next ad.
Acme Brewing Co.
Values in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship, apd the finest
material in
To Lanark ..4.76 6.30 2.80
To Sopchoppy 4.16 6.65 2.50
a—Tickets sold daily, final limit 16
b—Tickets sold dally, final lhntMO
c—Tickets sold Saturday P. M.
trains and Sunday trains, final limit
following Monday.
Headstones, etc., try
The Albany Marble and
Granite Works;