About The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190? | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
.1X1J-V _n.iM3.rux II xiE,rvn.JL,i3jr; ormtanaiptarff, P^jxrajg-Uf itbu.® Every mother feels ft great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the most critical period of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal make9 its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other■ distressing conditi gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other■ distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s RriAnrf. «'*Xt is worth its weight in gold,” Friend. says many who have used it. $1.00 par bottle at drug stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any address free upon application to BRAOFIELO REGULATOR OO.. Atlanta. Ga. Mothers friend Watch This Space! New Albany Steam Laundry. ’PHONE 59. Vudor Porch Shades Make your porch the cool est part of the house, by us ing Vudor Porch Shades. We can fit any size porch, and at a very small price. We are showing a complete lino of Water Coolers and Freezers at very little prices also. S. A. & W. T. Freeman. DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED EVERYWHERE 5 CENTS. We thoroughly Steriluis every and rinsed. Drink Only The Genuine! Mark is securely stamped upon everyjbottle. The Trade IT’S CLEAN AMP PURE. THAT'S SURE" THE ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Exotualve Bottler* to the Trade. ALBANY & NORTHERN' R’Y DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES. NO. 17. NO. 18. Lv. Savannah ...7:16am S.A.L.Hy Lv. Albany . ..12:00noon Lv. - Atlanta . ...,8:00am C.ofGa Ry Ar. Cordele .. ...1:26pm Lv. Macon ... ...11:80am G.S.&F.Ry Ar. Savannah ...8:00pm S.A.L.R? Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G.S. & F.Ry Ar. Macon .. ...4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry Lv. Cordele . ...2:10pm Ar. Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry Ar. Albany . ...3:36pm Ar. Atlanta . ....7:60pm C.-ot Ga.Ry NO. 16. Lv. Albany .....4:30pm Ar. Cordele 6:16pm Ar. Macon 9:36pm G.S. & F.Ry Ar. Helena .....9:30pm S.A.L.Ity ESTELLE’S WEEKLY FASHION LETTER. New York, May 6.—The shop win dows here are all la bloom with gowns, garments and hats, many of them really works Of art and beauty, and gracefully draped with materials ex quisite In texture, lovely In color, and charming In design. Everything says “Springtime and Summer on the way." Fifth Avenue this week showed a continuous line of promenaders re joicing in the mild air and bright sun- shine, and not one Winter costume to be seen. The publlo tea-rooms were filled with smartly gowned women and their well-groomed cavallerB. It was Inter esting to watch the manipulations of the long gloves at the tea tables. Bah tered toast and mufllns cannot be handled with Impunity with gloves on, and yet gloves oft Is not at all the thing with arms bare to the elbow But how can a prudent belle let |4 pale grey or cream-colored gloves he sacrificed to Dame Grundy. The only way Is to slip the small fingers, and thumbs out of their covering to the wrist and then tucking the superfluous suedo neatly back, partake comfort ably of the necessary refreshment. If reports from Paris are correct the elbow sleeve is on the wane. The three-quarters sleeve Ib really the lat est favorite and has been generally adopted by those who dlBlike ex tremes. The past few warm days have brought to light the newest thing In the way of a wrap, If a bit of a cloud or a piece of the rainbow can be called a covering. Of course, Winter gar ments have entirely disappeared, but a cape or bolero would seem neces sary. Not so, says my lady, who throws over her pretty shoulders a lace or gauze creation and declares hei'Belf very comfortable, indeed. One Is tempted to think it the comfort that every woman feels who Is prettily adornod In the newest and best. These shoulder scarfs and petite shawls are really very becoming and some of them do add just the little extra warmth and protection needed on the public promenade. There are some charming neck ruffs shown of white mallnes, plaited thick ly and hanging over the shoulders, with many long loops of white ribbon whore they fasten in front. The scarfs are after all the real favorites, especially with tho younger Bet. Thess scarfs have been very popular all win. ter, but tlje Spring and Summer crea tions are somewhat different. Almost all show hand work In some form, many being embroidered after the fashion of the old-time crepe shawls. Only the ends of these scarfs are thus adorned, the pattern being sprigs of vines that point upward. They are finished with a knotted fringe or with hemstitching. Black scarfs for elderly ladies are lightened with glittering black span gles, or for mourning are embroidered richly and heavily. One of these graceful little protectors was worn at one of the tea-rooms by one of the middle-aged leaders of society, 1 a ma tron whose beiledom has not waned oven with whitening hair. She was gowned nil In gray and her shoulders were daintily outlined by a scarf of pearl grey liberty gauze. It was quite a yard wide and more than four yards long. The edges were finished with a holder of grey ostrich feathers. It blended In effect perfectly with the dress of grey broadcloth and mousse line do sole. The skirt was gathered lovely. The skirt of tho gown was of grey pea-spotted mousseline de sole with a 9-inch wide flounce of the rib bon-lattice at the hem. Another attractive costume wns of old-rose crepe de phlne with a lace bodice and sleeves dyed to match. The, monotony of color was broken by a narrow belt of black velvet not more than 114 Inches wide, knotted In front. Over the shouldere and arms was worn a long scarf of black mouBsellne de sole deeply frilled across the ends. . These narrow belts are more and more In favor and are to supplant the girdle for street wear. Young women take very kindly to this fashion and affect particularly the very narrow patent leather found only In the swell- est shops. They are perfectly plain, with a gold slide at the side. A debu tante wore one of these belts with a stylish blue serge street suit, with a blouso of fine white linen. The skirt was’out with, a flare and short enough to show the pretty patent leather shoes. Her hat was a white sailor with a white band and quill. ESTELLE. NO. 15. Lv. Macon .. ..6:46am G.S.&FJlj Lv. Helena 6:30am B.A.L.Ry Lv. Cordele 9:30am Ar. Albany ...,11:15am For additional Information, rates, etc., address A. V. PHILLIPS, Com’l Agt„ Albany, Ga. J. 8. CREWS, 8. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. V. P. A a M„ Albany, Ga. J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting Freight and Paaaenger Agent, Cordele, Ga. close rows of shirring. The waist was almost entirely of the muossellne de sole. The cloth girdle was fastened by tiny rosettes held In place by out steel buttons. The hat was of grey straw, wide brimmed and high croon ed with loops of grey ribbon, all cov ered by an exquisitely embroidered white lace veil, drooping over the brim a little with the ends and falling low at the back. She was a picture. The bolero jacket, however, Is by no means discarded, tho', bolero and scarf must not be worn together. There Is a Bort of bolero, cape which Is stylish and It is also suitable, a combination not always achieved. The bolero cape Is really a yoke with plaltings stretch ing across the shoulders, across the bust and the back, and reaching from under the arms to the waist line. The real bolero, however, Is a sleeveless jacket and it is more for beauty than use. A very unique gown was finished by s bolero of most original design, made of Inch-wide ribbon woven Into lattice work. On every crossing of the rib bon was placed a small flat grey crochet button. The ribbon, by the way, was grey satin. Of course, be tween the crossings the bolero was open, the squares thus formed being quite large, and the blouse showing through from beneath. It was of pal- More News from the New England 8tates. If anyone has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley’s Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H. Stlmpson, of Wllllmantle, Conn., who, after almost losing hope of recovery, on account of the failure of so many remedies, finally tried Foley’s-Kidney Cure, which he says was "just the thing” for him, as four bottles cured him completely. He is now entirely well and free from all the suffering in cident to acute kidney trouble. For sale by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. The Axrlcan Ostrich. ’ The African ostrich, from which the best white feathers are obtained, stands six or seven feet high and weighs from 80 to 100 pounds. Its egg Is equal to about two dozen hens’ eggs. Its feathers Bell In Africa for about 5200 a pound at wholeshle. While walking quietly Its step Is about twen ty-six Inches, but when frightened the stride increases to about twelve feet, and at this gait it can run sometbing like twenty-five miles an hour. When pursued It sometimes turns and deals the pursuer a blow with the foot that makes him think of the kick of a mule. The African ostrich is the largest bird now existing on earth. The American ostrich Is only about half the size of the African and has three toes, while the African bird has only two. The plumage of the American ostrich Is gray. The Discovery of Electro Gliding. The experiments which led to the discovery of the method of electro gild ing were made lu a cell at the citadel of Magdeburg, In which place, on ac count of his participation In a duel, young Siemens was at the time a pris oner, the chemicals and apparatus em ployed being procured and smuggled Into the fortress by a friendly chemist of the town. In the second place, It wae the sale of the patent rights In this Invention In England which sup* plied the brothers Werner and William with the necessary funds to carry on their experiments and so helped to lay the foundation of the important flrma of Siemens & Halske In Germany and Siemens Bros. In England. The Tyrant Doctor. Human nature is beginning to revolt at what It calls “that modern tyrant” the doctor, tor It Is a fact, and rather a sad one, that doctors have got the upper hand of us In these days; that when we are 111 we go through medicinal tor tures and when we are well we endure a preventive system hardly less weari some end painful. The truth of it Is we are all become faddists, and the doc tors are the very worst ones.—Lady PbtylliB In London Bystander. Woman'* Brain. Because woman has a smaller brain mass than man It does not by any means follow that she has an inferior or smaller Intellect. I smile the quiet Socratlc smile when I hear men de- .. „ . , ,. . ., .. _ dare that women have not equal Intel- at the waist line and over the hips In llgence lvlth meu It , s a posltloil that no man can seriously Emil Belch. maintain.—Dr. Different Medicine. Mr. Courtney (flatteringly)—I had the blues when I came here tonight, Miss Fisher, but they are al| gone now. You are ns good as medicine. Miss Fisher’s Little * Brother—Yes, father himself says she'll be a drug In the market If she doesn't catch on to some fellow soon. Unking a Job of It. The firemen continued their exer tions until after 2 o’clock, by wbich boor all the damage that could be done mi at an end.—Newcastle (England) ChrocidB. Believed Him. He (Indignantly)—I beg your pardon, ados, but I always keep my word. She (complacently) — I can easily believe that, for no one would take It Fortunate Missourians. “When I was a druggist, at Livonia, Mo.,” writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo., "three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption b/ Dr. King’s New Discov ery, and are well and strong today. One' was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine In existence.” Sur est Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Al- . _ . .bany Drug Co., druggists. 50c and $1. est grey chiffon and the effect was Trial bottle free. I INDSTINCT print ! I Seasonable Goods Water Coolers Ice Cream Freezers . White Mountain, Artie, Freezo. Refrigerators Leonard Cleanable, New Domestic. Guerney La Belle, Blizzard. Ice Boxes Various Capacities. Mosquito Nets The “Perfection,” for Wooden and Iron Beds and Child’s Beds. s Porch Rockers and Settees As always, our prices are fight. m ‘v; m Albany House Furnishing Company. X/se the Hell The Bell Telephone represents a coming together, in fortunate and economic combina tion, of helpful and useful conditions. REASONABLE RATES Do you think yon can afford to be without this instrument of convenience and valuable utility. > GOOD SERVICE Remain at home and use the Bell Tele phone to make or break engagements, buy, sell, order. Call Contract Department, No. 400 Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company STYLE IN PLUMBING means work expertly done, pipes prop erly arranged, and all parts neatly and artistically finished. This Is PLUMBING that even a poet, can sing of. Because it means solid comfort, sanitation and long life to the work. We’re proud ta say that we do that style of.plumbing, In new and repair work. Give us a trial. , HARRIS PLUMBING CO. .Fernland Farms . Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 * i DON’T RISK YOUR VALUABLES by leaving them in your house. You may lose them by fire or burglary. “SAFE DEPOSIT” is the ,bestjfire or burglary insurance. Our armor clad safe deposit vaults are fire and burglar proof. Box rentable from $3 tol$10. a year. Your inspection is invited. EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY,