Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Co., ad
vises relative to San Francisco disaster:
“We take pleasure in announcing that our reserve and large capital
will be intact and there will also remain a very substantial surplus
You can get absolutely safe Insurance by applying to
Rooms 7 and 8 Woojfolk Bldg.
Amazing Testimony Put In Hands of
The action of the State Democratic
Executive Comihittee In restricting
the voting privilege In the state pri
mary to Democrats and such Popu-
Uat3. Republicans or others as posi
tively and unreservedly align them-
selves with the Democratic party,
pledging themselves to support Its
nominees, would not have caused Can
didate Hoke Smith to lose many more
, rotes than perhaps Clark Howell and
’the other gubernatorial candidates
would' have lost by the operation of
• this restriction, provided Mr. Smith
■ and his Atlanta organ had not raised
each a howl over It. But the abuse of
the party organization and the manner
in which Mr. Smith’s organ has tried
to lead a revolt by advising the peo-
'p'e to Jhdld Indignation meetings, has
Urge Parishioners to Use Rockefeller
Brand to Exclusion of Others.
By Private Leased Wire.
Chicago. Ill., May 11.—Wholesale
bribery of ministers and priests by
agents or the Standard Oil Company
was the sensational revelation made
today before the interstate commerce
Letters and other documentary evi
dence thht showed how the Ohio min
istry had hot only accepted, hut in
several instances had solicited insig
nificant bribes, was brought out to the
amazement of scores of auditors. The
ministerial agents were to give them
free oil for. their churches and their
personal use.
Aided the Oil Trust
In return the preachers advocate^
among their parishioners the use ot
‘without effect upon the sober
loyal. Democracy of the state, and
Smith" will lose' many a vote in
W. W. PACE, President
W. M. WILDER, Sec. and True.
A. P. VA80N. Vice-President
T. N. WOOLFOLK. Manager.
Albany Herald
Herald Publishing Co.
1. M. McIntosh....
1. T. McIntosh....
po. A. Davis
.. .See. and Treat.
....Business Mgr.
Every Afternoon Except Sunday.
Weekly (8 pages) Every Saturday.
Dally Herald, one year $5.00
~ lly. Herald, six months 2A0
Bally Herald, three month* 1.25
Weekly Herald, 8 pages, one year 1.00
; Advertising ratee reasonable and
idn known on application.
Bards of thank*, resolution* of re
bt and obituary notices, other than
thoao which the paper Itgelf moy give
as a matter of new*, will be charged
.br at the rate of 10 cento a line, ex
cept when eueh notleea are published
by charitable organizations, When a
special rate will be named.
; . Notices of church and society and
all other entertainment* from which a
revenue la to bo derived, beyond a
brief announcement, will be charged
for at the rate of 6 cent* a line.
■ Office, second floor Postoflice Build
ing, corner Jaekoon and Pina atreeta.
. ’ The Herald deal* with advertlalng
agents by special contract only, and
no advertlalng agent or agency I* au
thorized to take contract* for adver-
Baemonta to be Inoerted In thl* paper.
Organ of the City of Albany,
bill Organ of Dougherty County.
Sfriolal Organ of Boker County.
1 Ofliolal Organ of the Railroad Com
* P Mi.oinn a# AaapaIs for the Second
mission of Georgia for the Second
Congrosilonal Olatriot.
npoalng Room and Job Printing
Itorlal Room* and Bualnoaa Of-
you aeo It In The Herald It’* *o.
you gpvortloe.jn This Herald it goea.
pAT.URDAV, MAY 12, 1906.
The .man with the hoe Is not to be
Oh Vied Just at present
Congressman Bill Howard has made
for another term us the repre
tntive of the Eighth district of
tf, Father Gnpon Is aiive, as some
;~)m to think, he will probably have
A -flue subject for a lecture when he
CO'm'es back Into the lime light.
The general conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church. South, in sear
sion at Birmingham, has had presented
to it a petition largely signed by wo
men of the Holston conference asking
for a rule requiring young preachers
to pledge themselves not to use to
These petitioners mean well, and are
therefore to be criticised gently and
generously. They feel that they will
have accomplished something of last
ing benefit to their church and the
cause of Christianity if they can cause
it to be said to every young man who
would enter the Southern, Methodist
pulpit, "You must not smoke, or you
shall not preach.”
Why should not a preacher use to
bacco? Is it Blnfui? It It is, is it not
sinful to eat or drink anything or to
do anything, not absolutely essential
to the maintenance of the human sys
tem in health and strength and the
performance of what may be consid
ered our bounden duty?
And this brings us to the point of
demarkatlon between a religion that
Is cheerful and a religion that is noL
For our part we believe in the cheer
ful kind. We believe that the Creator
made the world a bright, beautiful and
smiling place, intending that man
should enjoy the brightness and beau
ty, not Ignore It. Nature Is full of the
wonderful, the glorious, the Inspiring.
Its effect upon the mind of man is up
lifting, and he is inevitably cheered
rather than deptbssed by txmtediplat-
tog what be sees about him. -We see
nothing in the great open book of na
ture Which can be interpreted as
Warning to man that he is not to be ft
cheerful oreature, and enjoy the bright
and beautiful world given him for a
It ts a great mistake to InveBt relig
ion with that which will cause it to
appear cold, cheerless and forbidding.
That attitude of churches and sects re-
polB too many who come to the doors
and peep Interestedly in, and it will
continue to handicap religion as long
as the world lives and moves. The
cry is going up in many quarters that
there are too few young men offering
for the ministry, und church authori
ties assert that the Lord’s work is lan
guishing at home and abroad because
only Standard Oil to the exclusion of. a scapegoat of the clergy,
competitive oils. Also, according to J the whole thing look like a disgusting
farce, for it at once shows that the
It makes!
the letters shown, many of them gave
"testimonials” to salesmen of the
Standard Oil trust
These "testimonials” said that it
wduld be advisable for church attend
ants to listen to the persuasions of the
salesmen, and then buy only the Rock
efeller product
This evidence of widespread pur
chase of ministers came through testi
mony of an Ohio witness. It struck
at representatives of every faith—
Protestant and Catholic. Letters
signed by the ministers were In the
possession of Attorney F. S. Monnett,
who gathered them as a remarkable
coup on the oil trust reports,
In this day of "muckraking,” trust
building and trust smashing (we
haven’t seen much of the latter, how
ever), Is there to be no limit to the
assaults upon personal and profes-
slonal character by the press?
If the above doesn’t amount to a
wholesale slander of the Christian
ministry of the country, then Chris
tianity Is at a low ebb, and our relig
ious Institutions muBt Indeed be In a
bad way In this boasted Christian land
of ours.
: *, ’ ft Is announced that Hoke Smith
| Will speak in Atlanta as soon as the! of the Increasing scarcity of material.
b'lg religious revival that ts now going! Can this bo wondered at, In view of
oq Is over. Wonder If he expects to
fall In with the crowd and catch the
hallelujah lick before risking himself
before a homo audience?
Mr 5 Hepburn, of Iowa, yesterday
paid his respects in the house to the
odicers of,the navy who are responsi
ble for the accidents to our warships.
These complaints will continue to be
ijlode until such time as the govorn-
.rneut shall provide officers In sum-
bleat numbers to properly man our
ioneu-of-war. That la the way, and the
only way, to render the navy more ef
ficient than It already ts.
such petitions as the one presented by
the women of the Holston conference
This Is but an Incident, but ns such it
should be carefully noted and turned
to profitable account by our legislative
church bodies. • It gives a strong hint
of tho cause of the shortage of minis
terial material.
That there is a Standard Oil Trust
perhaps no well-informed person In
the country doubts, and that the Inter
state Commerce Commission couid
And It If it made an honest effort to do
so does not admit of reasonable doubt;
but this attack upon the ministry is
giving n direction to the investigation
of the Oil Trust now going on under
the guise of official authority a turn
that Is absolutely pitiful. Instead of
going after the real offenders and in
vestigating those who deal ,!n the pro
ducts of the Oil Trust and profit by It
at the expense ot the consuming pub
lic, the pitiful effort is made to make
Investigators are not after the real of-1
fenders. It reminds us ot the sheriff j
of a county or the chief ot police of a j
city, who, when moved by a wave of
reform in the community, starts out to
break up gambling and passes right
by a regular gambling den or poker
room and goes out into the suburbs
and pulls a bunch of negroes' for
throwing craps.
The Christian ministry needs no de
fense at the hands of The Herald, and
it was not the primary purpose of thiB
article, to attempt to make one, but it
may be said in conclusion that as a
class or as a profession the men of
“the cloth” in this country are, as a
rule, men of high moral character,
living and laboring more for others
than for themselves and deserving
more at the hands of their fellow-men
than most of them get. And as for
this Chicago story about the wholesale
bribery of ministers by the Standard
Oil Company, we Just don’t believe it
The lives of 999 out of every 1,000
Catholic priests and Christian minis
ters that we have ever known give
the lie to it.
The late Marshall Field, that great merch
ant prince of Chicago, sent for me after I
had treated his fbet, which came very near
frightening the wits out of me until hesald.
‘•my feet ore all right', but what J wont you
tpdols to tejlrad glfobout my own feet. ,r To
be worried alniosC to death with corns, bun-
uv nuwiou nuuuos m utuiu nua win a, uuu-
tons. Ingrowing nails and perspiring feet Is
absolutely unnecessary. I remove them In
stantly without pain or blood. It Is a most
pleasing txperiehcu Tw6nty-flve cents a
com and It does not hurt a speck. Strictly
antiseptic DR. R. E. WILLIAMS,
_ Surghon Chiropoaist-Massacer-Hanmrla,
Tpleptioiu*-8jJ _ Thomasuille,_
E-S—br, Williams offers t5 reward for on
igrowlng nail he cannot cure wlthoutpaln.
Mrs. Williams does dainty manicure, mas
sage and hair dressing Scalp treatment
and the morcel wave a specialty.
A Mother
Is an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. The thought
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
have, found that the use of Mothers Friend during pregnancy robs Lt - Savannah
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific Jiniment is a god-send to ail women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother’s Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents “morning
sickness,” and other dis
comforts of this period.
ww *
containing valuable information free. Mr* ft*
The Bradfiold Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go.
We are offering for the next
ten days 100 two-piece Suits,
former price $7.50 to $10, for
S. B. Brown & Co.
NO. 17.
.. -7 15am S. A. L. Ry
...8:00am C.ofGa Ry
. .11:30am G. S. £ F.Ry
Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. Cordele 2:10pm
Ar. Albany 3:35pm
Lv. Atlanta
Lv. Macon .
NO. 18.
Lv. Albany ... ,12:00noon
Ar. Cordele 1:25pm
At. Savannah ...8:00pm S.A.L.R7
Ar. Maoon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Atlanta 7:60pm C.-of Ga. Ry
The Darien Gazette says: “Hoke
Smith will piny out some time before
the primary. His new issuos are prov-
ion to he no Issues at all.” The play-
ins: out process lias set in tor a fact In
♦his neck ot the Democratic woods.
But the people who nre stepping off
Ole Hoke Smith hand wagon are ac
tuated more by disgust for the out
rageous abuse of everybody and ev-
orythlug Democratic by his organ, the j
Atlanta Journal, than by any failure;
of Mr. Smith himself to make good In
his new Issues.
An afternoon paper of the stato that
ts not a member of the Associated
Press and that relies upon the Hearst
Syndicate and a leased wire service
for Its telegraphic news, printed a
story yesterday afternoon under flam
ing headlines which announce that tho
Catholic priests and other Christian
ministers of a whole state have been
bribed by the Standard Oil Company
In the interest of what Is known ns
the Standard Oil Trust.
We here reproduce the headlines In
full and that part ot this “leased wire"
story which relates to the ministry:
Require a specially ptfepared and delicate food!
There is nothing on the market which gives
the marvelous results and keeps your young
chickens healthy and strong as our
Chick Feed for Biddies,
Scratch Feed for Chickens,
Pounds for 25 Cents =====
The best Food on earth for Fowls.
NO. 16.
Lv. Albany * '30pm
Ar. Cordele .... 6:15pm
Ar. Macon 9:36pm G. S. &F.Ry
Ar. Helena 9:30pm S. A. L.Ry
NO. 15.
Lv. Macon ..' ..6:45am G.S.&F.Ry
Lv. Helena 5:30am S. A. L. Ry
Lv. Cordele 9:30am
Ar. Albany ...,11:16am
For additional Information, rates, etc., address
A- V. PHILLIPS, Com’l Agt., Albany, Ga. J, s. CREWS,
S. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. V. P. & G. M„ Albany, Ga,
J. Q. ADAM8. Soliciting Freight an d Passenger Agent. Cordele. Ga.
Schedule Effective July 3. 1905—90th Meridian Time.
17.00 m.
Lv ..Albany.. Arl 1:30p.m.
Lt ..Sasser.. Ar|12:53p.m.
Lv .Dawson. Ar|12:36p.m.
Lv .Richland. Arlll:"la.m.
Ar Coiumbus LvjlO: 15a.m.
Ar ..Atlanta.. Lv 5:40a.m.
Via A. A N. Ry. |
Lv ..Albany.. Arl 3:25p.m.
Lv .Cordele. Arl 1:25p.m.
Ar Savannah Lv| 7:16a.m.
No. 8o
Lv ..Albany.. Ar
Lv .Lumpkin. Ar
Lv Hurtshoro Ar
Lv .Ft. Davis. Ar
Ar N’tgomery Lv
Ar ..Selma.. Lv
Ar Pensacola Lv
Ar ..Mobile.. Lv
7:16a.m.|Ar NewOrleanoLv
I 6:44p.m.lAr .St. Louts. Lv
No. 79
On week days No. 110 leaves Albany at 5:30 a. m„ arriving Dawson
7:25 a. m. and Richland 8:45 a. m„ connecting at Richland with trains for
Columbus, Americus and Savannah.
No. 80. Through train to Columbus, making close connection at Rich
land and Montgomery for all points West via L. & N. and M. & O. R. Ry.
at Columbus and Atlanta with all lines diverging for Eastern and North
ern points. Full Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent
. S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A,, Albany, Ga,
W. P. SCRUGGS, T P. A., Savannah, Ga.
CHARLES F. STEWART. A. G. P. A.. Savannah, Ga.
and Goal Dealers
Wo Are at Some Old Stand on Pfne Street.
We keep in stock Montevallo, Climax, Tin Tod and
from the Cahaba, Ala., coal fields. Also the cblebtoted P n^ ^^ J5h«
high-grade Jellco coals. Accurate weightsand
all coal sold by us. ' ghta and satisfaction guaranteed on
WAleo Hard Coal for Furnaces, and Blacksmiths’ Coal.
Parties Wishing to Sell Their Next Season