Newspaper Page Text
Attractive Prices on Summer Wash Goods
The big advance in the price of all cotton goods is well known to everybody who has kept in touch with the markets.
Perhaps, many of our exclusive customers are not aware of this up-jump in price, for the reason that we are still selling
wash goods at the same old pfices. Anticipating the advance, our buyers exercised a wisdom born of long experience and
bought lavishly while the old prices were on. That was way back in May of last year, that we placed orders lor goods
which have since advanced 25 per cent. We are, therefore, able to.offer now matchless values on such seasonable
goods as are enumerated below:
10c—Figured Pique—10c Sc—Printed Lawns—Sc 15c—Solid Linettes-ISc
Large lot of this popular Wash Fabric. Variety of
patterns. A regular 15-cent value everywhere this
season. Our price,
One of our leaders this season is a line of Checked!
Nainsooks of splendid variety. Regular 7]/2-ccnt qual
ity. We still sell at
One case beautiful Printed Lawns, stylish floral de
signs. Would be good quality at cents a yard, |>ut
our price remains at
6c—Checked Nainsook—6c 7^—Organdie Lawns—7\c ISc-Holly Batiste-ISc
Splendid fabric, stylish patterns, including beautiful
Pompadore designs, large and small dots on plain or
striped ground. Regular 10-cent value at
7 l-2c
A cotton fabric made in imitation of linen. Suitable
for skirts or full suits. Shown in White, Navy, and
Black. Big value at
Absolutely the best Wash Fabric. Shown in a va
riety of patterns and colorings, beautiful new effects.
Excellent value at
The Quality
Hofmayer, Jones & Company
The Quality
Better Soda.
Than Ever
• Customers say our socla is better than ever this year. As we
hear the same thing every year we are inclined to think our soda
is fast reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to
make it as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in
, our efforts as
W© use the best of
everything in making it
qlnd serve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the
best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure
soda can be ruined in drawing.
When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent
Soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phone 75.
Why Officer Raley Falls to Recognize
Various Claimants.
Mr. Heber Kent Seriously Injured This
There’s not even the suggestion of
exaggeration in the statement that
this new shipment contains more
splendid brushes than we’ve ever
seen offered in a city several [times
the size of Albany—many real
beauties priced from
This is the Btory of a bicycle.
Last Monday night when the negro
Will Jones was so seriously cut by
two others In East Albany, Officer
Raley found a bicycle In front of the
0. K. Whiskey House, after having
arrested the two negroes. It was 2
o’clock In the morning when he found
It, and no one waB around, and he
naturally concluded that It was lost.
So he took It In tow and deposited It
at Adams & Brosnan’s Ice-cream gar
den. In a few days a negro accosted
him and asked for his wheel.
Now, of course, the officer couldn’t
let him have it on Just his bare word,
so he began to Interrogate. In reply
to the question where he had gotten
the wheel, the negro didn’t have much
to say, but finally said that his broth
er had bought It and given It to him.
Ho didn’t know the make or anything
else about the wheel.
The next day another negro came
and wanted the wheel. It seems that
his cousin had presented him with it,
but Officer Raley was getting suspic
ious of the kinfolks, and another negro
went oft walking.
On the same day still another negro
laid claim to the ownership of the
wheel. When the officer asked which
or his relatives had glv.en It to him he
promptly replied that his uncle was
the donor. This was too much, and
he, too. was dismissed.
The officer Is of the opinion that It
Is a stolen bicycle. He says that the
negro’s relative dodge was too flimsy.
This morning at about 5:30 o’clock
In the yards at the Union depot Mr.
Heber Kent, yard foreman for the
Central railroad here, was the victim
of a serious accident.
While on a moving train in some
way Mr. Kent lOBt his balance, and to
save himself from falling he Jumped
off the train. In doing this he, of
course, nearly, fell, and before he
could recovor himself, ran Into a
switch stand that was near. His right
leg was split nearly open from the
ankle to the knee. He was quickly
moved to his home at the corner of
Jackson and Residence streets and
Dr. Hllsman dressed the wound. While
It Is very painful It Is not as bad as it
might have been, and Mr. Kent Is rest
ing nicely. His many friends hope
that he will soon be able to be out
If you haven’t done so, isn’t it about
time you looked to your summer un
derwear? We have an unusually com
plete line to suit the season and you.
Balbriggan, lisle, nainsook, net,
India crepe and Sea Island cotton* in
a great variety of designs and styles.
Long or knee drawers to match.
25c to $1.00 a Garment.
Mrs. Nolle G. Burger, of Clark, Mo.,
national lecturer and organizer of tbe
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union,
will deliver two lectures at the Meth
odist church next week. She will be
heard Tuesday and Wednesday even
ings at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Burger Is said
to be ■ an eloquent and entertaining
speaker and has accomplished much
good for the cause of temperance
where she has gone. The lectures are
free and the public Is cordially invited
to hear them.
C. R. Davis & Co.
. c
"Baby Elite” and “Shlnoln" shoe
polish, 10c each. W. E. FIELDS.
$1.25 to $4.00.
Albany Drug Co.
JT. £. MacMillan.
W. G. Merituether.
Secy, and Treat.
We Point
With Pride
A Georgian's Own Epitaph. |
Prof. Charlie Cox wrote the follow
ing epltanh for Ills own tomb onl^ a
short while before Ills death, soys the
La Grange, Ga., Reporter. It Is chis
elled In the monument just erected
over his grave at La Grange by Mrs.'
Cox. and will be read and cherished In
the mind and souls of hundreds of his
friends: “I go on a distant journey to
the Land of Light where truth and.
beauty shine with full radiance, where
love swells to mystic strains of har
mony, where broken and wounded
friendships are healed: where faces of
the long ago welcome into a fellowship
lasting: where peace blooms In the
Garden of God; where activity finds
release from the weary pall of pain;
and holiness, vouchsafed by the King
of Glory, shall satisfy forevermore.”
Fine Onions.
There are many beautiful vegetable
gardens in the region round about Al
bany now, and good vegetables are
plentiful for this early In the season.
Our friend, Mr. W. T. Galssert, of East
Dougherty, who remembers the editor
with something good every now and
then, brought to us this morning the
finest onions we have seen, so far, this
spiing. They were of the large, flat
sllverskln variety, and a cut out of the
center of one of them would about
cover an ordinary tea saucer.
New Albany
Steam Laundry.
To tbe foundation work in Mr. J. K. Pray’s resi
When you are out for a walk or drive, go by and
look at it.
It’s made of the miracle, staggered air-space,
block—“the block that builds buildings that stand.’’
Yes, Bud, we think the spring which
lingered yet a while, with a taste of
winter In Its lap, has gone a glimmer
ing, and we will have, from this time
forth, plenty of good old summer time.
Clever Retort.
An Irishman once met an English
man who had an artificial leg. Being
of a sympathetic nature, Fat Inquired
the cause of the loss of the limb,
whereupon the Englishman said: “A
short time ago I discovered that there
was some Irish blood In my body and
that It had settled In this leg, so I had
It cut off.” " 'Tis a pity It didn't settle
In your head," came the quick retort.
means work expertly done, pipes prop
erly arranged, and all parts neatly and
artistically finished. This is
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
Hay! Hayl Hayl
Fine lot of choice Timothy.
that even a poet can sing of. Because
it means solid comfort, sanitation and
long life to the work. We’re proud to
say that we do that style of plumbing,
In new and repair work.
Give us a trial.
James Tift Mann,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Ventulett Building
FOR RENT—Furnished house during
summer. Address X. Y. Z„ care
- Herald. ' tf
Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va.,
writes: "I was a sufferer from kidney
disease, so that at ttmeB I could not
get out of bed, and when I did I could
not stand straight. I took Foley's Kid
ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part
of the second cured me entirely.”
Foley's Kidney Cure works wonders
where others are total failures.
For sale by Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
Postmaster Robbed.
G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River
ton, Ia„ nearly lost his life and was
robbed of all comfort, according to his HARRIS PLUMBING CO.
letter, which says: "For 20 years I
had chronle liver complaint, which led
to snch a severe case of jaundice that
even my finger nails turned yellow;
when my doctor proscribed Electric
Bitters, which cured me and have kept’
me well for eleven years.’ Sure cure
for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weakness
and all Stomach, Liver. Kidney and
Bladder derangements. A wonderful
Tonic. At Albany Drug Co.’s drug
store. SO cents.
Room 811 Davis-Exchange Bank
r, Ga.
Building, Albany,
Bream Up COLDS
In6to ISHoura
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