Newspaper Page Text
'A Final Clearance Sale of Women’s Ready-to-Wear Garments at Just One-Half Regular Prices.
.Sensational Price Making Prevails in This Department During the Sale.
We count this by far the most important special sale we have ever conducted, representing our entire stock of Women’s Linen and Silk Shirt Waist
Suits, Shirt Waists, Skirts and Coats. This sale far eclipses any previous effort in this department for the reason that fabric, color and size assortment are
comparatively unbroken, and it is possible for you to find just what you want, and in proper style. To those women who are contemplating a summer'trip, this
offer is especially attractive, as you can add to your wardrobe at very little extra expense., ,
Dress and Walking Skirts at One-Half Regular Prices*
Our entire stock of 450 Tailored Skirts will be offered during this sale. Each garment is hand tailored and the most4esirable fabrics of this season’s styles
are used in their make-up'. Panamas, Voiles, Serges* Mohairs, Mannish Mixtures, etc., go to make up the collection, fn Blues, Greys, Blacks and Whitest Prices
prevail as follows: -
Skirts that"were $5.00 now $2.50 Skirts that were $8.00 now .$4.00 Skirts that were $10.00 now .$5.00
Skirts that were $7.50 now. $3.75 Skirts that were $9.50 now .$4.75 Skirts that were $12.00 now .$6.00
This collection of exclusive garments'deserves your special recognition, as the opportunity will not occur again to secure such desirable garments for so little
Pongee Wraps that were $6.50 now $3.25 Pongee Wraps that were $12.50 now $6.25 Black Taffeta Wraps that were $12.50, now. .$6.25
Pongee Wraps that were $9.50 now $4.25 Pongee Wraps that were $19.50 now .$9.75 Black Taffeta Wraps that were $15.00 now. .$7.50
Women’s Suits of finest quality Linen, in many distinct styles, at one-half regular prices.
Linen Suits that were $ 7.50 now >. .. . . $3.75 Linen Suits that were 12.00 now 6.00
Linen Suits that were 9.00 now 4.50 Linen Suits that were 15.00 now. 7.50
Linen Suits that were 25.00 now 12.50.
Women’s Silk Shirt Waist Suits at one-half regular. prices. This group of handsome garments is up to now in style features, each one without a duplicate,
Women's Silk, Lingerie, Lawn and Lace Shirtwaists at One-Half.
Women's Lawn Waists at One-Half JB/Bb Women's Lace Waists at One-Half
One group of a good quality material, handsome embroidered /]Made over fitted linings of China Silk; for ornamentation,
fronts, trimmed with pearl buttons and wheels of em- M medallions and various laces are used; new conceits in cuffs anc
broidery.. Regular $2.50 value at $1.25 sleeves are prevalent.
Ond group of unusually attractive Lawn Waists, made of Lace Waists that were $5.98 now. $2.9f
finest quality lawn, handsomely finished with open em- , Lace Waists that were, 6.75 now 3.3£
broidery. Regular $3.00 value at $1.50 Lace Waists that were 7.90 now. 3.9£
Women's Lingerie Waists at One-Half v - Women's China Silk Shirtwaists at One-Half
This season’s favorite for style and comfort. This season’s models in long ana o.-crt sleeves, trimmec
' with medallions and lace; each garment exclusive.
Lingerie^Waists that were $2.50 now , $1.25 / W \ China Silk Waists that were $3.,79 now. $1.9C
Lingerie Waists that were 3:75 now >...1.85 iffl //IIi China Silk Waists that were 5.98 now. 2.91
Lingerie Waists, that were 4.90 now 2.45 111 1' 11 fill m, China Silk Waists that were 6.75 now 3.3f
Lingerie Waists that were 6.90 now 3.45 'IWllw l| China Silk Waists that were 8.25 now 4.31
On Account of the Extreme Price Reductions Positively No Goods Sent on Approval.
In yesterday’s Herald the name of
the little girl who broke her arm Sat
urday was given as Ruth McKenney.
It should have been Ruth MoSweeney.
Little Miss Ruth Is getting along
Mr. C. L. McHand, of Atlanta, is In
the city.
Mr. C. C. Atkins, of Pelham, Is In
town today.
Mr. J. F, Gannon, of Philadelphia, n
well-known traveling man, is in the
Mr. Lewis G. Gunter, of Sale City, Is
among the out-of-town people In the
city today.
Will cut prices on all TRIMMED HATS and READY-
TO-WEAR 25 per cent, from Monday, May 4.
We have also received a full line of BABY CAPS.
Miss Bessie Couch, of Atlanta, Is
visiting the Misses Nesbitt In Arcadia.
They will entertain the Ladles’ Card
qlub tomorrow afternoon In honor of
their attractive guest.
Mr. Henry Hlrsch, who has been in
the city for a few days, returned to his
home In Atlanta last night.
Mr. Sam D. Moore, a popular young
traveling man, with headquarters In.
Savannah, Is in Albany today.
Those Who Come and Go—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everjtjjody
Will Read With Interest—What l»
Going on In Society, With Now and
Then a Little Gossip.
Mr. J. D. Marsh, of Moultrie, is in
Mr. E. E. Strauss, of Louisville, Ky.,
is visiting at the home of Mr. S. B.
Brown, on Jefferson and Tift' streets.
Mr. W. B. Connor, of Greenwood, S.
C„ is In the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Davis and
Master Joseph Davis are in Atlanta,
Mr. Davis having gone to attend the
meeting of the Georgia Bankers’ Asso
The friends of Mr. James Hoggard,
who has been quite sick with fever,
will be glad to hear that he is Improv
ing vapidly.
Miss Polly Salter, of Leesburg, Is
shopping in the city today.
Mrs. Will Parker, of Thomasville,
arrived last night to attend the bed
side of her sister, >Irs. Herbert Pea
cock, who Is quite lll.
Mr. C. C. Maxwell, of Norfolk, Va.
is In the city today.
~7? I Q ft Kdsoifihcs'are' temporary,
=» ,<»\ A' 7^/lfwTw ia rot, rub oft'r.:v.I st.Je.'
Mr. W. C, Scoville, Mr. Edwin
Stern, Mr. S. W. Smith and Mr. J. P.
Munnerlyn are attending the' meeting
of the Georgia Bankers’ Assoication In
1 Mr. Price Smith returned to the city
today from Columbus. Mr. Smith
went on the Seaboard excursion and
should have returned last night, hut
was left in Columbus when the excur
sion train pulled out.
Mr. W. L. Kemp, of Atlanta, spent
a few hours in the city today, greet
ing his many friends.
Mr. D. A. Lewis, of Atlanta, is here
Mr. C. Rasmussen, of Minneapolis,
Minn., Is one of the prominent visitors
in the city today. Mr. Rasmussen
comes to address the meeting of the
Albany Business League tonight on
the interesting subject of immigra
- Mr. J. P. Hildebrand, of Mac on, a
popular young traveling, man, is In the
112M9 3 / fmi 9 th ? g ' 3 9 s
S Offoglf '• v- >„■ nurtured anc; a-.seascs disacm-
.& jmfflLC 4 by \,Li paper.
-izrjp* 'ST ■ should be used in renovating
tl and disinfecting all walls.
ALABASTINE COMPANY,’ Grand Rapids, Mich.
For sale by
■Mrs. W. EJ. Rowsey has returned
from Atlanta, where she has been un
der the treatment of specialists for
several weeks.
Mrs. J. P. Callaway, of Leesburg, 1
was shopping In the city today.
Mrs. E. D. Wolffe has returned from
Valdosta, where she spent several
weeks very pleasantly. _
Mr. Will B. Heath, of Century, was
in town today.
Mr. Drury Ledbetter, of Newton, Is
in town today.
Mr. .1.' H. Tipton, of Sylvester, ,is
in town.
Mayor C. W. Rawson went to Au
gusta today.
Mr. L. C. Cameron, of Brunswick,
was here today.
Mr. Myer Rosenberg, of Montgom
ery, is visiting relatives here.
Mr. .Tere R. Traylor, of Opelika,
Ala., is here today.
Mr. Willis Rutland went to Cordele
The engagement of Miss Mollie Neu
man and Mr. M. H. Solomon Is an
nounced. _
Mrs. L. J. Hofmayer is visiting rela
tives in Atlanta. Mrs. Hofmayer will
spend the summer In North Carolina,
after staying several weeks In Atlanta.
Mr. Caldwell C. Jennings was here
today from Jacksonville.
Miss Nella Hall, of Sylvester, was
nong the out-of-town shoppers to-
Mr. Jerome Brown, Who has been
sick for some time, Is up again.
Mrs. George Peckham, of Poulan,
was shopping here today.
Mr. R. L. Netherton, of Montezuma,
Is visiting relatives here.
Misses Mattie and ,Lily May Bu-'
banks, who have been visiting their
sister, Mrs. N. L. Mullis, left today
for their home in Plains.'
Mr. Jesse T. Muse returned this
morning from Macon,
Mr. F. G. Skaffleld, of Columbus, Is
in the city.
is what the wise man should alwi
keep. Not only his bathtub, but
every bit of PLUMBING on his pi t
ises; for two good reasons. Beca
leaky pipes and worn out joints mei
typhoid and other ills, as pipes leads
and from the sewer, the latter ON.
when out of order. Reason secom
repairing a small leak generally sa'
the larger, bill.
Expert plumbing on both new i
old work. Our plumbing lasts. A
our prices are low for the extra f
work we do. *
’Phone 255.
Mr. J. A. Rosenberg returned today
from a frlp to Columbus.
Mr. Gus Culbreth Is sick at his home
on Broad street
Mr. C. L. Donavan, of Eleanor, Fla.
is mingling with friends here today.
Mr. Howard Clark left today for Mo
bile, Ala.
Dr. F. M, Welch, of Moultrie, is
mingling with friends in the city to
Mr. S. A. Sterne is among the
Macon people here today.
Mr. J. M. Jones, of Atlanta, is among
the traveling men here today.
Mr.J4. W. Simpson, of Atlanta, is In
the city today,
Mr. M. A. Meadors, of Macon, Is In
Albany today.
Mr. E. E.. Meyers, of Richmond,
spent today in Albany.
Mrs. J. G. Dodson, of Americus, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Nettle
Lewis, on State street.
Mr. S. B. Brqwn left last night to
attend the meeting of the Georgia
Bankera’ Association.
Mr. C. C. Johnson is among the
Columbus people in town today.