Newspaper Page Text
Is to love children, and no home
can be completely happy with
out them, yet the ordeal through
which the expectant mother
must pass usually is so full of suffering,
danger and fear that she looks forward
to the critical hour with apprehension
and dread, Mother’s Friend, by its pene
trating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervpusness, and
all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the
ordeal that she passes through
the" event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers have
testified and said, “it is worth
its weight in gold.” $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
One of the building blocks that build buildings that stand.
It’s a Miracle staggered air space. Ask the architect.
Albany Pressed Stone Co.
We are still prepared to
make Loans on City Real
Estate on short notice
and upon lowest terms.
also made on farms in
Dougherty, Lee, Terrell
and Mitchell counties.
& HI
Mr & Loan Ca.
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
1 H. P., $54; 2 H. P., $60; 3
H. P., $70; 5 H. P., $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
105 Broad St. Phone 415..
A passenger launch in the creek above
the dam
that you can take a trip up the creek in
this launch for twenty-five Cents, that
you would give dollars to take if it
wasn’t so near home.
Don’t be afraid, it is steady and safe,
an expert engineer to run it. Special
rates to picnic parties.
Prices Reduced
For Next Week.
Ladies’ Hose, in black, tan
and white, regular price
15c, go at 10c
Children’s Hose, in black
and white, regular 15c
value; all sHes.go at... 10c
Men’s black Half Hose, v
white feet, regular 25c
value; go at 15c
Ladies’ Corset Covers, of
good Cambric, neck and
armholes lace trimmed,
front with two crosswise
rows of insertion, double
stitched seams, draw
strings, will go at..... 25c
Other goods in proportion.
0. Heuman,
Agent far May Manton Pattern*.
Keep them out with our wire screen
windows and doors. Complete stock
.on hand.’ / . C. D. SM1VH.
Correct Dress i
The “Modem Method” syrtem of ;
higK-grade tailoring introduced by !
L. E. Hays-& Co., of Cincinnati, C., |
satisfies good dressers everywhere. !
All Garmfents Mndo Stric'.’y
to Your Measure
at moderate prices. 500 styles df forrj^
and domestic fabrics from which to chow...
RcDroftenter’ bv
S. B. BROWN & CJp., Albany, Ga.
S. B.t Brown, A. W. Muse,
, President. V.-Presldent.
J. P. Munnerlyn, Cashier.
Albany National Bank
Of Albany, Ga.
CAPITAL - - - $50,000
SURPLUS - ,• - $15,000
Every facility in the banking busi
ness offered to customers.
Savings Department.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Mprrls Weslosky .President
D. W. James Vice-President
F. H. Bates Cashier
N. R. Dehon.. Assistant Cashier
Third National Bank
Of Albany, Ga.
CAPITAL ...$50,000.00
UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 12,000.00
Solicits accounts of firms and indi
Morris Weslosky.... j President
D. W. James First Vice-President
W. S. Bell Second Vice-President
Joseph S. Davis Cashier
P. W. Jones. .Assistant-Cashier
First National Bank,
Albany, Ga.
Capital $60,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000
Deposits received subject to Sight
Draft. A general banking business
transacted. Bankers’ and merchants’
accounts solicited.
J. S. Davis. T. W. Ventulett.
J. S'. DAVIS & CO.,
Insurance Agents
Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur
ance Co.
Office—Ventulett Building.
'Phones—343, 88, 122.
And, City Council Meeting Was There
fore Not' Held Last Night.
■ bast night was the time for the reg
ular meeting of the Cijy Council, but
a combination of circumstauces made
It impossible to secure a quorum, and
the session went by default.
Alderman Ehrlich was away from
home, Alderman P. H. Jones was In
disposed, and Alderman Rawlins could
not attend.. Mayor Rawson and Aider-
men Clark, Tarver and R. L. Jones
spent nearly an hour In the Informal
discussion of various city matters, but
could not, of course, Lake action with
reference to any of them. A meeting
will probably be held later in the week.
Indigestion is much of a habit. Don’t
get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys-
pensia Cure after eating and you will
quit belching, puffing, palpitating and
frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by Albany Drug Co., HUr unn-Sale
Drug Co.
Statute for Regulation of Automobile
Travel Goes Into Effect Today.
Richmond, Va„ June 12.—Secretary
of State Eggleston is sending out a
large number of copies of the new
Virginia automobile law which went
into effect today. The law provides
that every automobile owned in Vir
ginia must be registered and licensed
by the secretary of state. Twelve
miles an hour is the speed limit in
cities and town's, while outside the
corporate limits a speed of fifteen
miles an hour is permissible. Every
machine left standing unattended must
be securely locked. Violations of the
law may be punished by a fine of not
less than $10 nor more than $100 for
each offense,, or imprisonment of not
less than five nor more than thirty
days, or both.
An Alarming Situation
frequently results from neglect of
clogged bowels and torpid liver, until
constipation becomes chronic. This
condition Is unknown to those who
use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the best
and gentlest regulators of Stomach
and Bowels. Guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co. Price, 25c.
Manufacturers Run Up the Rates to
, Peddlers Who Supply the Poor.
Special to The Herald,
Atlanta, Ga., June 12.—Without
warning, the price of ice in Atlanta
was yesterday advanced 10 cents per
100 pounds. The excuse given by the
men who control the price was that it
was done to cut out the ice peddlers'
competition. As a matter of fact It
only serves to add a new burden to
that already carried on the shoulders
of the poor. One of the big ice-makers
said that the price to the consumer
had not been raised by the icemen,
but that the charge to peddlers had
been increased., The peddlers have,
of course, raised their price, and it is
the public which has to pay the bill.
“The price of ice is no higher for
this time of year,” said Ernest Wood
ruff, president of the Atlanta Ice &
Coal Co., "than It has been for the
past five years. Wien the hot weather
comes we always raise the price of
lee to the peddlers.”
It Is learned that the brewery gives
away forty tons of Ice each day—to Its
The Size of (he Sun,
xuc* Bun, 1ji*o rldOcl we measure only
the difik abon with the smoked glass, is
SdO.OCO miles lu diameter—l. e., 108
.earths could be comfortably ranged
side by side across the disk. To cover
the surface would require many thou-
’sauds. To till the interior we should
ueed l.JOO.pUO. On a smaller scale we
might represent the suu by a ball two
feet in diameter and the earth by^ a
good sized grain of shot. Let the sun
be hollowed out, then place the earth
at Its center and let the moon revolve
about It at its real distance of 240,000
miles. There would yet remain nearly
200,000 miles of space between the
moon’s orbit and the Inclosing shell of
the sun. Indeed to journey from one
side of the sun to the other, through
the center, would take one of our swift
express trains nearly two and a half
years: So vast a globe must be heavy.
Since its ^density is only one-quarter
that of the earth It only weighs as
much as 832,000 earths, or two octil
lions of tons. The attraction of gravity
on Its surface would cause a man
whose weight was 150 pounds to welgk
two tons. ,
. A man who is in perfect health, so
he can do an honest day's work when
necessary, has much for which he
should be. thankful. Mr. L. C. Rod*
gers, of. Branchton, Pa., writes that he
was not only unable to work, but he
couldn’t stoop over to tie his own
shoes.. Six bottles of Foley's Kidney
Cure made a n$w man of him. He
says, "Success to Foley's Kidney
Cure."’ ; jnKxass-.**
From Piling Wood in 1869,
He Is Now General Mana
ger of the New York Cen
tral Railway.
An example of business and general
success which may be quoted as an in
spiration to young Americans is fur
nished by the recent appointment, of
W. C. Brown, late superintendent of
the Burlington railroad system, to be
vice-president nnd general manager of
the New York Central. Mr. Brown is
a young man who began life as a piler
of cordwood In a railroad yard, studied
railroad telegraphy and became an op
erator, rose to division superintendent,
division manager and" thence to his
present position, one of the most en
viable in the American railroad world.
William C. Brown is a native of
Herkimer county, New York, where he
was born July 25, 1853, and Is there
fore now only 53 years old. He began
his railroad career with tho Chicago,
Minneapolis & St. Paul railroad at the
age of 10, and was flrBt engaged In pil
ing cordwood and fueling engines on
thnt line, which at that time, like all
oilier western lines, burned wood ex
clusively. The next year found him a
telegraph operator, nnd two years lat
er he was made night, dispatcher on
the Illinois Central in Iowa, whence he
went to a like position on the Rock
Island. In 1876 he went to the Bur
lington, becoming general manager of
the Missouri lines In 1890, and general
manager of the whole Burlington sys
tem in 1890. In 1901 he became vice-
president and general manager of the
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and
now lias a like position on the New
York Central.
Mr. Brown has never engaged in any
occupation but that of railroading, and
in that Ills progress- has been constant
and upward from the most humble po
sition to almost the highest. He is a
man of' constant and simple Industry,
dependent and relying upon his subor
dinates for details, holding the subor
dinates to strict account; but genial,
quiet and unaffected in manner. Hls
whole success has been due til hls own
merits, unaided by any external influ
Etiquette .tmons Foret Ranger*.
While in the. forest reserve lu which
we limited I met several of the fores!
rangers, all of them Intelligent men.
some with college eiluctitlon, men who
seemed' peculiarly adapted to their
calling, who knew tho mountains thor
oughly. handy wfth uu nx mil gun und
full <f resources. A degree of ethics
obtained among the sportsmen; guides,
trapper:; mid fore.-t ruugors that was
Interesting. When uuy one goes to a
deserted cabin, In most of which would
be found food, bedding, a stove, etc., it
Is proper form for him to stay ull
night, eat all lie can put away under
hls belt, If In dire need divide any sup
ply of tobacco anil matches be may
find, but be must take away nothing
else, since to fcattry off an article of lit
tle value, sush, as hummer, hatchet,
pinchers, - snow glasses, screw driver,
fish hook, pipe or other similar article
might Inconvenience tho owner greatly
when he happened along und wanted
them nnd was forty mllos or more from
.a source of supply. If a hulufeil wan
derer fails to wash the dishes ami leave
a supply of dry wood sufficient to liulUl
a fire and cook a meal lie Is at ouco
tabooed und hls companlou'shlp Is’ not
sought after. — Northwestern Sports
The friends and acquaintances of
Albany’s veteran fisherman and boat
man, Dinlc Melvin, hardly , knew him
yesterday afternoon when he appeared
on the streets minus hls whiskers and
nedrly all of hls hair. It was the first
time in many years that a razor had
touched hls face, and the transforma
tion was remarkable.
Old 'Statue*.
Herodotus mokes Solon tell Croesus
of several men happier than lie. Two
brothers. Cleolds and Blton of Argos,
he said, when oxen were lacking to
draw their mother, the priestess of
I-Iera, to the ternfde several’miles dis
tant. harnessed themselves t'o the cart.
When the 1 mother, proud of her sons
and moved by the plaudits of the
crowd, had prayed to Horn that her
sous might receive tho best gift$ the
gods had to bestow, jtbey lay down In
the shade of the temple and never
waked. Herodotus says that their
statues were sent to Delphi. Homolle (
found at Delphi two statues practically
Identical, of finest archaic work, mode
early-in the sixth century B. C. Since
one of them bore the. signature of an
Arglve sculptor, Polyraedes, in ar6haic
letters, we may believe that the story
of Herodotus Is based on fact and that
we have before us today the identical
, it
The best safeguard against head
ache, constipation and liver'troubles is
DoWitt’s Little Early Risers. Keep 8
vial of these famous little pills In the
house and take a dose at bedtime when
you feel that the stomach and bowels
need cleansing. They don't gripe.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Will Be Held at Macon In November
The Herald had a call yesterday
from Prof. L. B. Thompson, of Sa
vannah, who Is traveling through the
state ip the interest of tho Georgia
State Colored Agricultural and Indus
trial Association, which will hold tho
first colored state fair in Macon from
the 12th to the 19th of November noxt.
Prof. Thompson is connected with the
Georgia Industrial ! School at Savan
nah, an Institution for colored people
that Is fostered by the state, aud of
which Rev. R. R. Wright is president.
Prof. Thompson is a man of indul
gence, nnd is greatly interested,in the
education and industrial training of
Ills. race. *
The Goorgla State Colored Agricul
tural aud Industrial Association is a
stock company duly clinrtored and
capitalized at $10,000. The city of
Macon has granted the free use of
Central City Park with ail of its build
ings, and if the colored people of the
state don’t have a great fair in No
vember it will be their own fault.
The best white people all over the
state are disposed to help them, and
Hon. Martin V. Calvin, Secretary of
the, State Agricultural Society, has
given them hls personal assistance In
getting up their premium list. Five
thousand dollars will be awarded in
cash premiums.
We note that Deal L. Jackson, the
well-known colored fatrffer of this
county, who has been marketing the
first bale of new cotton in Georgia for
a good many yearfi past, is the first
vice-president of the colored fair as
sociation, anti he is to have charge of
the county agricultural exhibits tit
the fair. Care hits been taken to put
the best colored citizens of the state
In control of the Colored State Fair,
and there appears to be no reason why
It should not be a success. It Is un
derstood that Dougherty county will
make a county exhibit.
W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn.,
writes; "This Is to certify that I havo
used Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup for
chronic constipation, and it has prov
en; without a doubt, to be a thorough,
practical remedy for this trouble, and
It is with pleasure I offer my con
scientious reference."
Too Many,
“And David had five kings before
him,” read the pastor.
"Goslfi" exclaimed the man in the
rear powi “I’m glad David wasn’t In
the game last nlghtl"
Tho first regular serial - newspapor
was printed' ut Antwerp In the year
1605 and boro the name of NlewellJ-
Deadly 8erpent Bites
are as common in India as are stom
ach and liver disorders with ub. For
the latter, however, there is a sure
remedy: Electric Bitters, the great
restorative medicine, of which S. A.
Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C„ says:
“They restored my Wife to perfect
health after years of suffering with
dyspepsia 1 and a chronically torpid
liver.” Electric Bitters cure chills
and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame
back, kidney troubles and bladder dis
orders. Sold on guarantee by Albany
Drug Co. Price, 60e.
;; See C. W. King for
and Sgsh, Doors, Rough and Dress-
., ed Lumber, shipped direct from ,.
■ > factories. .
Phone 492.
...Good Groceries all the Time..
If you want the best in the
Grocery Line, and want the
right prices, too, ’phone your
orders to No. 91.
Washington St. Grocer
6 Per Cent Farm Loans.
Room 811 DavlB’Excbange Rank,
„ ....
Building, Albany,
BICYCLES repaired and keys fitted.
BICYCLES for sale;
BICYCLES for rent.
BICYCLES cajled for and delivered.
BEST and all kinds of materials, sund-
drles, etc.
Broad, between Jackson and Jefferson.
’Phone No. 96.
See how I look. How good they
feel, and should you want to feeL
that way, too, always go to the ''
leading optician to have your ;!
eyes examined and tested ' free. < •
It is to your interest to come to ' ■
sec us. We make a specialty in
expert examinations and in fitting
the eyes to just what they need.
Phil Harris, !
Leading Optician.
Offloo 30. Manager 112,-
F. 0. Ticknor, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead,
T. M. Carte-, A. W. Tucker,
Largest and Oldest In
surance Agency in South
Georgia. Representing 25
of the largest and strongest
Insurance Companies in
business. ^ . v
Insurance 1 against Fire,
Lightning and WindStorms,
Large Lines, Special Haz
ards, Gin houses and coun
try property solicited.
> v ■'
f i
Views of Albany ii
50,000 New Views, includ
ing many exclusive “Photo”
views of our city;. All of
the prominent buildings and - ’
streets. Exact reproductions,
beautifully finished.
25c Per Dozen
j; Saves letter writing, an,d is a
souvenir for your friends,
; t To be had only at
i: Book & Music House;::
Very Special Things
at Small Prices
Ladies’ Wash Belts,
heavily embroidered.
Price only 10c to 25c.
White (variety of oth
er shades) Wash Hand
Bags, a. swell line and
very popular. Our spe
cial price 25c to 50c.
Leather Hand Bags,
real value 50c, this week
only 25c each.
New style Leather
Hand Bags, fine leather
lined, real values 85c,
$1.50 and $2. Our spe
cial price 28c, 70c, 98c.
We exhibit a beaul
ment of White-
il- assort-
, Dimities,
Nainsooks, Organdies and hanc’
Mercerized Lawns, fanc» and j
Great variety of Colored
Goods in attractive patterns.
71 Broud Street.
1 ggjf
’.lorn 4, Woolfolk Building.