Newspaper Page Text
ZTXXXnT-WBLt*—B/ k.v. a. c..«ya..»«
New Adrertiaementa.
Building Proposals.
otiIm rw rwdijtaiM
rM-tjr In t>M# Mr
HntUf.lo-rll: thick
il»lov fraun, mmtkot
Adverttitr and Spptnt.
OlBce Time Table.
0#v#nl dellmry open from t a. n. to ft 45 r. _
Moe«jr Ordtr m4 Router bwiawclomlu « rm.
, ,1a Ian at
Haul ant mat.
fMW. Rkmoi Co.. Oa., Jam. R. IW,
la lata, Ibara vara 1W aiff»»« eontned la M<>
U4ljaUrH4«lthS]rpMlta. lamp oHctUrapm-J-
IrlmUofalC.T.H'UlWen Hna. udeacoa-
McuRTha «• #ftR" *• admlalaUfe! I.ia
••NrwkUlUe SeMiAr.** aad la a «•« wed# 11-It
b.,ini to pay klaamilof th.roaaly Irmaury, m h«
had rfbdal a wwM> aad rad/eal r«r».
bad ' a «. OILES. Ord. Hov*tz*i Co.
ChattaVoom*. Tkum., r.b. II. ICI.
rwi.M.1.laglrJaeir>o4 mlUMctloe. o*#*en-
M^MoVho lrnd h.« r aaa-l to hu br.l We tnrdt
«llb NjpklUU# RbaamaUaia h* b«a« car*d rfttlr#-
I, au l .1. Ak* la Ua Mckmt praim of It.
Tlfg IWimfECinC COM PA NT. Proprirtoc. At-
Larioso Hall,
MAY 4tli AND fill,.
IWrFull Particulars given later.
firram, Oi., April 'JO, 1881.
Ulilur Adirrtuer and Ai'/mi:
Great astonishment hiving been
expressed, both in Savaunali aud
Brunswick, at Uie decision of Uio Ite-
gatta Committee, ia the recent race
at Fcraandina, on the 6th mat., I
mainaail and jib np, which every one
who aaw tbo start knows was not ao.
Mr. Armstrong says bo cannot re
member the position of the Annie st
tho start Ho has a very convenient
memory on the sabjeot If the An
nie bad gotten any advantage on the
atari, I am sure he would have re-
herewith hand yon forpublicationthe jf- . Fart *‘ r - ™
protest entered by the Captain of the
yacht Anna, of St Anguatine, also
decision of the Committee, anil lettors
from Captain Tift, who sailed the An.
Uarnet House,
Uirkrt Hqisre, 8rvsrrs1i. Gs.
ng of the III;
It ip
* ural .**'*■ *•*>■ *y* uk ”” plirt* •«*l. n Jui<^MULL on
Tn.4.Uy. V*y :td. at I P. J| *
$2.00 PER DAY.
TWA MrorltA Ikmlly Hotel «»I*r it# »#w nun»f
mu tui too tma or he
-.mirout.«• mill h* oo hnul »
AIlHilweatrd in tin- K*lr *ro ln*l(r.| t-> l>/tir'«#nt.
M.J.COLmiN. I). T. 1HXX.
h.cnury. Prmldwl.
Ahh-rroau Coujicr Iiih at last bccu
<|ualitic«l and Las taken his scat "llet-
ter late than never."
The fir*t car-load of lambcr for the
Hew foundry and machine shop build*
in** arrived ou Thursday last
•#w‘aJ| and try *otuw wf Mx>rrk McCrary'# mv
bra:i U <>f Ogam
We nrc under obligations to Mrs.
Ann.S. Franklin far a bunch of choice
radishes—the best we bsve seen.
ForKD.—A pocket-book containing
money ami jewelry. Call, prove prop
erty auJ pay for this notice. Apply
at this office.
Tbo Oratorio of Esther bids fair to
bo a grand success. Tbo ladies in
charge always accomplish -whatever
they undertake.
nie, of Brunswick, leaving it to tho
public to decide os to the justico of
the decision. Ah quite an amount of
money changed bauds on tho decis
ion , I consider it due to all parties to
make public tbo following documents
and correspondence.
Very respectfully,
Wv. T. Joan,
Yacht Anuic.
rorr or ruoTixr.
Fzkxaxmxa, Fla., April 6, 1881.
To l/ir Unjattu Committor:
Gorrumxx—I hereby enter protest
against the yacht Annie, of Bruns
wick, in tho race this a. si., on the
grounds thst she did not start from
mooriuga according to inatraotions,
but sailed off on flying start with
mainsail and jib set, which is in di-
roct conflict with all yachting rales,
when start is to bo made from moor,
ings, and which, according to St.
Augustino Yacht Club rules, l>y
which the above race was governed,
forfeits all claim to prize. Hoping!
■WMlWwtt. ST PWWS.TVSI mV, Itn.
o. lAnwe. Him suf Ml
Ml.HI Ik. link. •) *•
TuOar lk«r msbI as ktaSnU Mk
Orwl Isad I or ill Ur sklMlsa. ‘Ua UM SWA
To It?, a. iSm, asd I... altk IS.ll wfcsl* IwwL
Ov SI. S* Ikv Mr Mm. If SMds swl tot
A«4 rfik/dUMNS. MS ftea Sm* mi aw*.
—nr- -iliin ^-wiT-rri*-
B. til J Mr MW. ul Ui,„ra. tSo.gk kr, StoS;
rule of the St Augustino Yacht Clnb
that appliea to the protest at all. To
sum up, I usod all reasonable ilili- *»■> h »«s toOwa
genco to ascertain what the commit-1 *
tee required; was instructed bv Mr. mumio.(M. wsi. Uimi^i
Horsey to make a flying start, and re-, •“ »*""'**■
ceived no other instructions till I .
crido to the line; my statement thst, m# >nu wtmu*c*m~ .«♦. —ris*.
I had no anchor, I insiat, was correct, I urt “ " •“ *r *“
rs I usd no anchor that conlil be rs* »rmur«i 1r - r ->‘, ni - t ^ Mt t
used; that ail the trouble about the |I««hmpm• —i
start was entirely the fault of the I
committee, anil that I Anally tried to, tvm i«mr sir. jmn ism ss.s»i ...r um ui.-
start os instructed; that I did npt '
» Ikssr laai with iwsrala.. mi lk«
have my jib up. ami bad not reached
tbo line when the gun waa fired; that
there ia no rule of tho Yacht Club
that applies to the protest, and that
tbo action of the Committee was un
just. Yours truly,
* II. H. Tirr.
OWjr t
Ami br.Alls* a|ki« Um atela IkM »k*y m*j tlw.-
No blllrrtir**, BO U|fr, Mflflkl brawl*
A Alcb U illMtv, AUpfmi I. IMI Milk
of Aorroiv sort iWa Inn roaM *nf, Iob4 gri
«Im>Ia Bfory Of tb« way, m*lko«tkE
PH*od In Ua sin try lr*«tli fro* Aral to IaaI-
By then# grrAl word# into my mmmorj t>ro«cM.' l front out lit* |««r« «f tk« pAAt
An April «U«n. n*Ar muely ja*ta Uf-rr,
IIasI smi a ImrarniAn in tlt*i ahAdov/ nlffcl
Hit thronph N«w En«l%n.l
CnUin« Uia (toul old pAtrlolA ont lo
An April .ta*« m« tut dr«t mAblng aS«U iknrtt
Uuh tbroOgll fit# sUMlrJ
The premium list will be out b, I m. s-
Mny 1st. Meanwhile let everyone be j au™ .I.hi:-,...its-a.I.Oaktmj,
gotting ready. \Vc want this Fair to j «"* ? u, “*
* ? [ Aftrr has#, m Atrra —rr##»I— auing.
exceed all others. j fwr# with it .-oamHr" Ul* “fbWaJ watt
, ,, •„ • i Cnriosiliea will form a distinctive ^.Haws^wIoswwIII^ISSmira.IT"''^
your bonorabls committee will give , , ... .... , sli .ii,m n.i. »es «.e». .u™i. t™
„ , , it , feature of the coming l air. A sepa- j * mi mintit.4,. °i t.m. now tn rwttaa
rate committeo will bo formeil for *«><«iktk. ms»k.r.tnitM,Ml
this especial branch.
Tim lady committees nrc at work in
lead earnest, as usual. They know
no such word os fail.
the matter thorough investigation, f
Yours respectfully,
cvrr or i>si isiox.
As tho Captaiu of the yacht Annie,
of Bruuswick, bod distinctly stated
thst tho reason ho did not oboy tho
orders of the Judges and Starter was
that he did not have an anchor on
board, and there was admission in
writiug from tbe owner of tbo yacht
«nd sUh-Wa tongn* (L#ir n
Baa Irl th#m fit* uatrmbM aim tbf Ml—
Whit# ikmafkiWmuirymli Matvlttllkany
friamph «r of Imra
Car|ienters nod huildcrs will notico j that there was an anchor ou board,
ORGANS c -aM for bids for Presbyterian parson-1 ** ,on Committee decided that tbe
— They nro solid folks |j* cht Annie, of Brunswick, be ruled
out for not complying with tho orders
of tho Judges and tho rules of tho re*
iltrlj uiAja, tr m ago in D.iricu.
and your uioucy is sure.
• ♦ r# * M. rary havo I*i»j llaiu*
. sntl »maII*#1 »U#, tmpu-
tarly kit m tha IIAIUT
;OHO AN. si osl* frj. to s Ufgs
"wiitv sty Ess st from t ."J i"
I® SSrh; SIXTY Aik 1.1'A St
ISO tdRlfiO; r.-UTV At
ICO lof COOADil up; rs»h prlrrA,
' T«i aim fur saay rAYtUM*.
‘ 1.3s i*Ar nusrtsr ut>. Tit#
• 'illtlrAii,
A ■
, k
from III.
N U sspsflsllr StUplstl Welti — .
ul * * found stiiullr utcful for sdulta. list*
ns qua..#f tons ud powtr, gad tumeltnt
sm (/Arm th. -a qwwltr ectaMt) for Iks fall
p#rw of kyms*lssss.. rtlisms, sosgs,ssd popslr■
sscrsd sod sscstar msa. tsssrsl\j.
Hot*/ rr f a» M |fU iojK^shrr trUl fkllj
Ossrsstasd ss dsrsbta ss Dm targw . **••*.
iLU tTSAirit L'ATAUmcrs ssd I’rlrt i.wts frss.
AddnM, Ll'DDEN 4^ BATCH, ^
Mssacots Mison A llamlls SosUtcrs litfU
H. H. 1>.
Liver Medicine!
Maa srfAfSA.1 ssrrtvrdAei^.1 a«m*«m Is rvllsvISf
In# prvTAlPSt .ltA..r.l-ra ike Liver. Ua m#nu
JMUJMMUU# II u Ut# I rwfrrMPtit It rMSlvtS w»Aff
IIISS9W keyi by tossy iwtsosaalways at lusd.
s»l stftl ragslarly. as i tiumm t~r++* ar# s#«rf
Astacwt lo u# nasal *ya|4owi« or a 4tttfilrr*.l
•». •*» prrrstasl •! UUa maauw »»f Ik# year. It
Ml y»Bkut
, 50 CENTS
„. T,> I'T.o. will nniilr hjl-wl.ia
JjJJjJwN. es>Mbs, j, M. WADdns.
W. B. C. COKER & CO.
'«y«UM ut InWiM is
nnnSSlL f **"• — Util, wiiin
k.^w.' S»«•—4. 0«4 lw.rtwvSMHm
-rS, srrr
gattn, and that tbe prizo be awarded
to the yacht Anna, of St. Augustine.
.Motion to adjourn one dir was then
carried, aud C'oiiimittco adjourned.
J. L. IIouhlv, Chairman,
J. \Y. Fir/.UEBAU>,
jAnrs Bixl.
It. F. Abh.tiui.vo,
Sec'y Kx. Com., aud ex-officio Soo’y
Lcrrts i now cut. tut.
Tiitov, April 11, 1881..
Tiiu peach crop don't seciu hurt in
this locality. We observed peaches on
our trees one ami one-half inches long
and oiiu inch in diameter.
Mrs. DuUiguon crowned liorsoll
with additional lauruls, iu a musical
point of view, iu tho recent Uld Folks’
concert. Sho did her part splendidly.
There will be no service nt the Bap
tist church to-morrow iSendsy), as
Itcv. Mr. Ward has gone to Athens |
to attend tbo State Baptist Covenlionn j, r „• T . Jvnr., llrunncul :
now convened in that place. I Dv.ab Sia—Your telegram received, j bo coin|.leted at least n month tafore
Mr. W. K. Burbage, of Ifohoken, The circumstances connected with tbo tbo Fair opens. Tbe grouuds will be
was in tbo city this week. He repre- regatta at Fernaudina on the dth jnkt three times its present size, aud
sent* tbe naval store business a little, m.t. are as follows: I saw Mr. Arm-1 will bo as handsome os any grounds
slow in his section, owing to tbo lato strong on Tuesday evening, and sale-1 j u tbo State.
Tbe “ Kclipso Mills," at McRae, will
exhibit shingles at the Jnne Fair,
and have already secured space for I b '*"‘ s"* “*■*
the display of their goods. ,..r c... —as
Tho President requests all parties I **"■ "■* ...
having exlnbiU to make to notify the o-.iwt.aj. tk. itt.,iticoUw.; an sad Uaa4
Secretary or himself at as early a pe-!* M ,M * •**•» kav kill, land.,
. , ... ... t Wtal* Oawi## n auUa— a*ar lb# Ajmrcblsg wii
ruHl AM poMible, no that Apace may be ^ M ^ %9%nUt
allot U tl to each. Bui tlr« f»m ^cclr*-o>r IS# A||#Bl 4cs4a
. Ibot* that Aiful glar# Ik# I#a4#s aky
a\N OmdwIoX.—The typo omitted UrwwslarMSI ib# AlgUof#g#sy,
last week the name of Mrs. J. M. TlM •• c|o, ^ ,
. ... . , r . ... I H«w«ro piHir# lk#a<«>«l. stHlslgkltb#bar«ov rs4a.
Dexter, Chairman of Committee # naiMi—w-kilaakM
I'lunU, in m.aking up the list of com- r-n m it# fury..«»tk# i«rr«isg ssvtk.
mittacs. See revised list. I
••••n*y Antnsin, 4.aiu«I with It* rslna-
ttntp. wk#n ->ur fair sail >u'a brow
I krai wltk ao»r*»w, while on uurshy I'laln#
it ho hail all tho boys iu town running j wii w.r ur»-kiikmi.Biiii inrr«sar4 srr
I rncen, iitittuling on their heads, etc.— '* * J
lie muvh hu could not help it, as the
hot s hud hoard of hinj before.
Tho Committee on Tournamout hid
fair to hnvo a grnud contest this Fair.
Olyun, McIntosh, and Caiudcn are
arming for the fray, and other coun
ties will ho challenged for the combat.
The will be worthy their steel.
The *t>ik vt enlarging the Fair
Grounds is going forward, and will
President Dann spent « day at La* 1
latou lust week, and liefore he knew ! ’
spring. Tbe gum is beginning to
do«r, however, >0 that branch of in
dustry will soon freshen up.
J j*t rw*l»Al, s fn# AAAuetiorat .if fto n. bU k.
ABaI Englikh Urraktaat Tea*, all (rslr# of «'a4f#.*#
ab4 tta^ara. «l UiAlftE S Ma CR\RY‘S.
In view of tbe approaching memo
rial day, wo havo giveu apace to a po-
om written by ^Northern lad of six-
toon luimucrs, an J suggested l.v a vis
it to tbo Cunfuderato monument in
ed him to whom I should go for in-
atructioni in regard to tbo race. Ho
told mo that Mr. Horsey was Chair
man of tbo Regatta Committee, and
wonid give the necesaary information.
Mr. Nick Dixon will have on exhi
bition in tho Fair Grounds a neat
cottage, all complete, that eball be
built and painted in three days. If
any man can accomplish this it is Mr.
I saw Mr. Homy ut Uia store that, U(Xon Xll0 i<lea will be to show to
evening, and suggested that if it was [[ ltJ assembled multitude bow cheaply
satisfactory to tbe other boats that „ cin Im , |, m i,
the boats make a flying start instead | |fr f ., itur . AUow mu thc
of tUrtiog from an anchor. During
most promising feature connected with
It bmathes the epirit lll< > conversion. Mr. Pinkh.m the lbo B| ,,, rol< .l mi g Fair, i. tLc fact that
owner of the Anna) came in, and said ] , veryl)01 jy disposed to lend n
The committee arc
of brotlmrlv love that should bo clicr . . . . , . ,v»v.»^.v
ished by all. ' l “* t he woaM *‘ ttrl ,h 1 8 1km “"‘ h ‘“ cheerful band
Tbe ladies of the Presbyterian Aid ” , ’ | l,Bd '! ”**.*° *. J '' r ' : working like beavers and a generous!
Society requests ns to return thanks! 111 , * m , .! ,, I' rivalry is manifested to excel iu tho j
to all who contributed towards the "> u ^ co) ' | * l,w ' ,r '* Io ™y several departments assumed by each.
,m Wednesday morning, and also Wo , 1#vo „ line half-mile .ace
saw e»pt. Bell, a member of the Cora- ^ L , ltir ,.| w llom tho j
mittee, and was not informed { l>itiun urullu aH iua.1 buildiugw, <ana tbo
th. v throimhu. U,cro l,ad bccn “J r ‘‘‘angs mado in wholo cu „d,ined will bo hard to beat
th. y.lUrougb ua. lUo ui|iuupr ul , Ur t 10 B. Expecting | .„ So „ 1C tUtll , eJ „. ork ; Tk
tli# tAdfoiia frock.
A*mI ri»n rw», and |H>ttll#nc# wsa akwl
on aa.IdpncKl rank#. And ss v*|Mirt rune back
Ol »mt# haw fi|kl. «C mmi saw U#ro dead,
our laud WSA forcAd lo weep upon tb* (tSYM
ufAooA nssslurAl. of ArrlnskrAtfA.
NUII th# yriiu trump of war. wtaum thrllllsg btart
Nt.ati tti tk* batlf#m#«fA ofposrw, wkdM ahork
Ha* mad# our r.matry rorl, IU avosom ««t
IVrth to Ik# tkl## ssd to tb# bsttl# amoks
Martkalrd both young and old. asd wM0VlbfWW|
D«tk North ssd Mowtb tbo da—latlow grow.
Cp to th# Xortkars gal*# lbo eostaat awrg#*,
\od tLr* a dayt st Usttysbsrg rwa klgb;
omt wrat both <4d ssd y<msg-lko fbooml dirge*
Ulead wttb tb* glor i'»sa cMst of ekt«*ry.
Tkr*# fcarful dajs b##eatk Um tamslsg AWSt
u hat k**p#A Arsrad op. aad Ml. #rw I bay war* dost
Asd • b#ti tb# twilight M### d «BAw#g#W«f crwpta
r-t i Sr third tls*# o»#r that klml; atmi.
Wkr rr their last atsmb#r gsttairt fufms t
cm hUl# that os**, ala#«rr# Mr asd great
that sight of atillsesa. asd. aarasa.
rood amtber* awwght lheir *oir#leaa am
Asd aowsda of sator# aa# K a aatams aasg
Tbrowgh tba deep wooda.and rwaklag brwoka aloof-
Tb#s wsa tbo load la Um abp*m af war.
let atilJ bow lowg a tin*# er# II wsa o*ar I
Her# lh# trim ptctare.os my aight
Crowded too awift |o er* •#< h gght.
Rut la lb* darks##a of tba sight
Tb# WlUleme*# I taw;
Asd SfbUag Mm# as-* tbarglag IUM*-
Or Is th# du*k th# laarm alga*.
Aa thr* ugh th# wood tb# w#trb-dr# aklsao.
Asd Bkulklsg No* withdraw!
Pa in and SMI# * win tb# psgassl »<»*#*.
X«w < In*War hUU, asd sow is gruao#.
Or uu Aum- blaat»d heath.
W hll# #till th# lurid imoh# ssd gkr*
th# ik) and • h-k# th# sir.
entertuiuincut hint WctlucNiluy eve
ning. There wero so many gotui
helpful fricmls, it in iiuposMblo to
uaiuo each one
bating their murk *
For all along that »*ary way.
Hi# dead and dying arsttarwd lay.
tsd ■#. prnraedlbg to th# rlw##.
They light, and Ml. sad di#.
I’Mil no more lh# wal< b fir# glowa,
S. r **ell* th# bsttl# rty
Th dos# I Th# d**d sr# sow st rsl
L’|s« ihtir o>uAlr)'i n.icged brass I •
.i . . „ , , iue milliner ui .
rolling thanks to all. W e are plcaod (o „ in.trnctoJ, . ,1 "
to state that tho receipts of tho eve- , , #ft my , n ' hur oa lhor[ , an ,l w i lc „ ' b * ,uro *“
un, niul with a steady pull- , TU *
, a long pull, atiil all working together, 1 Aed far u*rws*t»ost tb# world, tu iidwg# wai,
I came down to tho starting point i »•••,** #i • .1 * ..• sod wid#tb#«#ie#fo«r f r#Bi w«rws#rp#ira.
. . .. . •_# 1 I wo ahall illustrate the maxiui that “in nm» war b*r# wit*### «#tb# wosdrrtag asrtb.
Ararnr*. of • tat tVy *«i sr* worth.
Mjy Mt*rwchildr#a stsk# lb a# gv*at#r at III,
brlu«rd tou t • ot.. 1*1 sa play owr part-
i our duty towardolb#« both is deed asd wtfl-
It'irul Ssk-1. ' Aad biv# thy «|.jflo«a sasm with all owr b*srt.
sa owr#ejf»# yr*p#r#
ning footed up $150.
“Where mere the programme* for 1 ^"tbe boat was informeJ hv Mr., , , „ . ....
the OIJ Folks' concert gotten -P?" Armstrong, .ho then he,I ck.^e olj' lul > 1-'“^-"'*" l'«-
waa a question often ssked the past (jl# that they bsJ chaugwl
week. Wo are pleased to say they lll0 wanncr ot starting, aud would
were rrotteu iii> riirht iu this office.—! ..... ....I
. T. Dcxx, 1‘rwt.
gpggb *tr»#t, iliort ruurt
u*e*. bb4 (A# lot «-S *hl<-S
Xrw. aMlc »tri« I. Oool
tTown CuanSMO#pr» t -%ity u.
Dstt#r. 10c to tnr jxr r°uad.
MlBokeJ |i#.-f Toti«u«# »»c |wr pou0*1, at
M«Nilli: A M<« IIYU* N
I got in pro,Kr tuition he would f.rc' cob corn s.e.1' obtained from tt•
tho gim to start. I started out for Commissioner of Agriculture. The ,i„....h-r-is.
By reference to tho proceeding of the line as quickly as possible, hut he-, public arc rc»|ieclfully invited to at- "***'
Council it will lie seen that (, >ro I hail reached it the signal was tend. Uyor.lerof | u.ts .in... e. Moots u>« nor.... fr«. th* tnat
•r •» j hsv given peruiiwion to tho M. A II given and the Anna got not hw. than ’ D. B. M> Kixxob, W. K B'xsorem,!
io«i«. ‘ Railroad utithoritica to run their track , )!1C miuutc'H time tha advantnge in .Secretary rrca.dent Ul M inJ u, t *. a. .«* #*d .hnw#*#
••il# I acroHH from the old «le|x»t to R»y|tho utart. I nailed fairly over
h.* Boy. i'JX«t tloug the line of George btreet. || I0 coarB f ( a u,l won the rac® without
r brake#, asd cm tl
•"*““* -- tuo course, «uu w..u WU | Wavne eouuty do in the way of
Y 5 r# ba*#rJul:I^* , * r YrtB*. It oeetus to un we have given up aliv () n®btion. I am informed that J — - ^- *
Nc** IA). ;• ^••b—s. null dw.lllags. » . a a » l *' V 1 . . . CXhlhltH at the approaching k Oir ? Uk daw* wuy l«t tb# *bwwm« sf I^ib* Oww
.m*U.-JSssrt enoogb atreeU lo railroads now wilb- ,i, n Comm.tteehsvernled meoul. and ^ ^ Wffl s[)0 .
W ' bCOUKKBAOOL, out‘hi. additional donation. A more given th. prize to lh. Annm Yl Ut i ^ MmA r . milr fl , . wM
J~ •»»«.«* flttmg ttrangoment, il seem, to ut rewon they can g.vo for tier action ^ ^ gr|mJ JUph> . of ^
I product., is a problem for her citizens 1***^
to settle ou the 7tb, Hth and IHlz days | ^ ?TsM«!rr«--‘-n--—‘~s'***’
of Jnne. We sbsll see, knowing aa we
1 do lbo energy of her citizens and the n>,s
fertility of her soil. Wo can assure SfiS&SlL 1 *
Editor Adorrturr and A/frid:
Vary few p*ople,are aware of Uie
trial* and efforts of editor, and report-
ara, .specially Um Uttar, when he gets
np Mil moralng tired, disenchanted,
aooaeioos of having eaten loo much
strawberries aad eream, all Um ghun-
oar, sad brighlaew, aad enthosiaaM
of tba eraoing “pot ont" by a damp,
dismal fog, and tbe paper to come ont
next day. But everybody knows the
pertinacity and greedineaa of tbe
"Chief" for locals and eopy, ao some
thing must In said about the “Greats
Concerto." Brunswick is approaching
maturity. It has been through ail tha
trials of childhood—measles, mnmps
and whooping-cough, and now it him
bad an “ Old Folk's Cooeerte." Af
ter Queen Kstlier and her train have
“graced the boards," and one or two
other thiugs we havs heard of, it may
be said to have graduated, and with
But the oonearia—Everybody waa
there: The “elegant aad accom
plished" Mia. , the "charming"
Miss , the ",li*tingnisod"Col. ,
tha "gallant" Major , and their
cousins nnd their annta—all were
there, and, living there, knew what a
very enjuynhln thing it waa
Some limes people are beard wish
ing for Uie “good ohl times" again,
bat I'm sure Uie fsshione of thoee
days— Well, did yon like them better
Ilian nnr own f How wonl.l "Deliver-
anee Higgins" look doing borinea at
Uie Ladies' Store? or Folly Barnet
playing the organ at St. Marka? or
Love Sparks and Blossom Sprague
promenading on the Avenue? Bat
there is no denying that they are a
on tbe etage, whether in one
parte or “two parte*''.
The acln-lion of hymn tones conld
not have lawn improved if tome
'Praia, worthy Mitchell" of tbe seven
teenth century bad piekad them ont,
and they wore thoroughly appreciated
by the audience altbengb we noticed
that “Jedediah" “took" better than
"Old H nnd red." Very likely that waa
because just at thst point, the inter
est began pissing toward tbe back
part »f the ball, where tha refresh
ment tables were guarded by nico
looking old ladies, who were getting
ready to bn driven to distraction by
trying to feed two hundred people ont
of olio hundred saucers, at tho same
timo. Well, if anybody could do that
thing, it would be those saino Pres
byterian ladies, bat yon see it could
not bo done; uo, not nvea by tbeir
great-gran,hnotlicrs. Now, if some
body had only assured tin. crowd thst
Presbyterian ladies always calculate
double, and thst Uiera was abundance
for all, why It would have been less
confusing and more comfortable. But
in time all were served, nnd certainly
ao one conl.l go away feeling they lisd
not had their money's worth for once.
All credit is line the ladies—God bless
them—for giving oa so many enjoya
ble evenings, and for ao soeeeaafally
combining pleasure and profit.
Brunswick. Georgia,
Jnne 7th, 8th and Oth, 1881.
We, tbe nndersignad, hereby agree
lo guarantee tha eneesm ol Ike above
Fair financially to tba amonat aal op*
posite onr names as /ollows:
SO per cent, of onr subscription lo
be paid, if called for by Um Secretary,
at any time before tha Fair, aad the
balance after tbe Fair, if required by
tbe Finance Committee.
All or inch proportion as we may
bars paid before tbs Fair to be re-
imbursed to na ont of tbe net profits
of said Fair after all expenses bare
been paid:
D T Dnnn $30 00
L D Hoyt A Co 30 00
A T Putnam and Brother 80 00
C L Schlatter, Jr ..30 00
T W Lamb 80 00
HC Taylor 30 00
Ang F Franklin A Co 30 00
Littlefleld A Tison 30 00
Moore A McCrary 30 00
Cook Brea. A Co 30 00
A Kaiser A Bro 38 00
J Mirhrlson V, 00
JTBIain 38 00
U Frie.llan.b r A Co 38 00
J H McOaUoogb. 33 00
B Hireeh 85 00
A Y Wood 85 00
N Dixon 23 00
J Wilder A Co 23 00
W II Burroughs 33 00
V It Mitobel 30 00
John A Phillipa 1.30 00
W T Jonre 20 00
Mabry A Crorslt..
O'Connor A W«nx a
B M Tison
M S'launon
A U Matthews....
Barr Winton
W W Watkins....
M L Mention...
20 00
20 00
• 15 00
• 18 00
10 00
10 00
M 00
10 00
10 00
Fernan,tins Mirror: “The di-cou-
tinnsnre of the mail by the Cumber
land Route is one of those nnscconnt-
sble official order* which inconreni
rare everybody, and seem lo bars no
foundation in any |iua*iblt benefit.—
The mail by the Cumberland Route
has for s long period been carried
via Baldwin. By the opening of tbe
short line this mail reached Jackson
ville three sud a half hours sooner,
and reached Fernamlina Ore boors
earlier. By the new order of the
Post Office Department, letters from
Jarkanuvillt anil the St. Johns river
aro twenty-four boars iu reaching
Fcrnandina, instead of an hoar ana
twenty minute*, and loiters to Jack-
sonrillo sn.l tho river lowus are twen
ty hours in going via Baldwin, in
stead of one hour and twenty min
utes via short line. Tbe poet office
official who ordired tba discootinn-
could not bave known, it seems to ns,
how the change wrnbl work. This is
a matter of great interest to all, aad
ws are glsd to learn that the Post
master at Jacksonville hss represent
ed to the department the inconveni
ence of this change, ami we trust it
will be at ouro corrected."
Shi pping Intelligence.
rua tbs roar os’ aarsswica, von res wan
xtiore,i scan. a»s. itu.
sen!IS Sell ks ranks-, mass. XtlMlla.
Sent Is—S—« M Inks TUI. kw, imkUa.
.rolls-*, tvi— si-u.m. k-s-,.Ci.— ae
Sl-nl IS-BOs kurv ■ Mk. <WkM.
. Du4n, WlBWry—I.
*#.!. G<*tfr«y. Brna*.!
NMtfe. CWfantom.
Ai«cU >1 -Br •*• (IrerUa I
April SI VIA Hat##. FmIUi. C
A|>r.l IV-Nc K N IIAfrit*#*. BailUi. New Tact.
April l*-»c M R Rrwlftll, UUtaM. Rr« York.
April Sl>
r IWaOnM, N#w tort.
CITATION — WO "' J *** ,0r ' ll * U ' * **' *° 1:01110 I Ckiinot conceive.
iu liv n parallel track along tbe aido
Respectfully kubiuittcd,
H. H. Tirr.
Hpoxit lettui riutM < ut. Tirr.
Tiitun, April R», 1H8I.
,1/r. ||' T. Jon**, Jlrtinucti-i:
W. B. C. Coker & Co.,
Burns, Lasiis, tu Tu Bnisins
of rmr and conmiY lax Da. auk>
AWncten ir4 KuHilRen #f Ux4 Titk>
Tax llecelvcr’H Notice.
UatltaUttafl# Wftfc#,
r.Unii, Camthm ami Mrlntoah that ^
th#*e«#r*l M#«d plACW# At
lUu Til Rataras tal«:
ftadtlls. ftffid UlhftM 1MX.
ltU|Mjr< — as,
>1,1 The railnsul is I,Hiking DxvsMm Yours, with decision of j they will meet no Infling laggard m,
-ik.guvs| out for itovlf The Couucd should jooinmitte.', ia at hand. The protest | Ma)uv. D. T. Dcxx, | *.-ofc.mmot^mmssMwihm.
dnle#M . .
RrwMvts k. April
kB £ *!- * mumu Arrtl "tk aad sad
h res. ire in.* Atnu i UUh IVi IMflb * * j
u.Btkitr. m ii orvo i „1 look out for tha comfort of our peoplo. statua that I uuJc j li; iug vUri, wall ^
a»i ikr-muHsimukss*' uwk*is»#m-
WUH. are' ins *sj vs** SS* Usim.
MM Srni taa W4 SHk saa )bi Isis.
*. 1M.C. SM Svoi isttmajus1-1Jim
*kiii« Sum «) mm**
it M Glugaaer 10 00
Sapp A Co 10 00
C U Moore 10 00
1IL Harris 10 00
K Solomon 10 00
J M Drury 10 00
R D Mcailer 10 00
O W Wimberly 10 00
T P Gnlu 8 00
W P Golden 8 00
DG Risley 8 00
llolzondorf A Uro 6 00
C J Dourflingcr. 8 00
E Mills 6 00
A G Osgood 8 00
WH Harrison 8 00
John It Docrfliuger 8 00
J It Bustwick 8 00
Hli.iuling ('.sunMUm,
WW Watkins, Burr WiuUm, J T
Collins, T W Dexter, M Michrlson, A
T Putusiii.
W B Burroughs, J N Walker, J P
Lamb, David Scarlett, J M Cnuiwr, D
U Risley, Jaa Postell, It SClubb.
A T Putnam, J A Bspp.
J E DnBignon, F A Brewster, II
L Hine, A M Hsywood.
Barr lYintnn, Henry Gray, tVm
McCandlraa, Jr, W H And. non, (I A
J M Con pel, J N Walker. A S
Barnwell, Wesley Tavlor. W lIGigml-
liatt, J K Nightengale.
naval, sroaxs.
A V Wood. J Wilder. W K Bur
bage, D B McKinnon. G 8 Davis.
U'muxs, anixoua, urns sxu asms
W A Fuller, H H Cook. N Dixon,
H Tift.
J M Conner, W T Jones, H Tift, J
T Dent, J E Dart, J K McCullough,
T W Lamb. A T Putnam. R M Ti-
son, J A Phillips, Wm Tamer.
Alf Crovatt, Henry Taybw. (I W
Wright, Jr., W O Moure, W Turner,
G B Mabry.
Wsvsa oocwtt.—WMWiggius, with
power to 511 oak
NcIxTosn oocbtv.—Dana Wing, Ov-
tsvins Hopkins.
Cjmkex iTjrrrr.—T M Harrixai.
Rofna Lang. Willis King. LT McKin
JL M. Tison, CbairaMU of entire
Tournament Committee.
Mrs. J M Dexter, MreT F Smith.
Mrs B M Ctrgylr, Mrs W W Watkins.
Mrs LeBaron Drury, Mrs. Wm Bsrku-
loo. Mrs W A Fuller. Mrs A M Hh»-
Woo.1. , , .
norsrnoiu. •
Mrs Jotiu T Collins, Sirs J II Mc-
CuUough, Mrs J C N.TIUHU, Mrs F A
Brewster, Mrs J S Marliu, Mrs A Y
Patnam. Mrs M hhsnnoo, Mrs Irs I,
fiesish, Mrs S It Atkiaaoo, Miss Jos
raxes woaa
Mrs T W Da tar, Mrs M C liowe.
Mr* H T Dnnn, Mrs MJ Coin*. Mrs
Jacob Michslaon, Mrs YV P Minor.
Mian Rebecca Cooper, Um Uuia, MiaaKaU DiUon, Mire Mania
Moore, Miss Harry Coleabeny. Bn
Katin Dart