Newspaper Page Text
. i oar fill c,
r ‘
t March 54, I>s *G.
V dr rri *c~ - -- reoAo, udxE iTGUsYr
It is now nearly reduced u
a certainty that the Srndl Pox isj
in Savannah -—At is very easy to
prevent this dangerous complain:
from being spread. —We Aid that
the City Council of that City have
passed two resolves on this sub
ject; one of which is that it
either does no\V actually exist
within the city, or that there F
great danger of its being intro
duced, notwithstanding the great
est exertions for the prevention
thereof.—* the oth.i*, “ i'nat to
prevent a disease 1 so fatal from
spreading ; the corporation ear
neody insist upon all good citi
zens to have their ifmihes vac
cinated previously to F- flay rhor
ning, at which time the Alder
men and Physicians have deter
mined to call upon all person-*
within the city in order to cause
a general vaccination ” these
resolves were dated the 7ih ins;.
Prom a late London Paper,
• 4
Extract fro n the report cf ike
(British) notionil vaccine ts
ta lhhmnit , May 25, 5 8 i 5
u he failures of vaccination
which fnner! y occa.ior ;d so
much alarm, arc now become ex
tremely rare, from the improved
tnedibds .wlrhih have been adopt
ed Most cf these failures ap
pear to have arisen from the
practice of vaccinating by z sin
gle puncture, and afterwards o-;
persing the visicle, and taking a
portion of the lymph,for the pur- !
pose of propagating the infection,]
hi one instance, which had been
iht-s treated, a. fatal attack, of the
small pox ensued* But in xnon
oT such cases; even when tin
imaM pox actually occurred, th.
Jisease was so'much mitigated, a. ,; j
:o be devoid of danger, Thes
iccideitfs may, however, heal
uost always prevented, by ezei;
nig two vkkLs, and b}
larefully observing that or.e o’
.Acm srould pacs complete h
•hrough all the sieges of the vac j
dne process, unopened and ud
iisturbed'.—Whenever the slight
st irregularity has occurred, the
jatlent ought to be re-vaccinated
or his security.’*
Y NcXV'Vork, Feb. 22.
■ -Hr the, schooner John George
t ‘ o
SO days from J iabon, we k-aio
vtrba i1 y , th ai a Po rtu gue sc fi re t
pf l line cf battle Trip, 2 frigate*
and many smaller vessels, xn<
transport’s having cn boa and clou
6000 troops, was *o sail from If
•fc-on about the middle of Janus r- [
tor South America, it was said to }
po-operate with the Spaniard:* n ■ j
an expedition. against Buenos
Captain Bowers, from Port’
Cavello, states that there hat
been an insurrection at the isi.u >c
o)i Margaretta, which however
v/as quelled previous to his sod
, An effort-honorable to human
B}* 4 wqrihy of enlightens j
atvMqM Tfe-:forlc, tM
! • *Sy}J'V Seho-jf, forthfl
i runrucuoti cf Me indigent chil-j
; thlLi city.
| e-jp* * *
I, ,* * ‘iiOi ?of t|js ICenSiici:>
Advertiser, Winchester,"’ Kpn.
lues >'> being Jes’.rous ofa-icertain
■niti’e number and .mass of a!!
‘/,7 end Periodic/
.. o ;-:s now pu : ,hcd in *J ‘
*3 l <s 1 rc j u,c ht 5 ’ i • > .** • ? * *•-*a ?• ♦u ~
A i ‘ 1 • ■’ il *v :
’; m; t 0 tr,;! ; s ~ :k Kf.j) to the
above men cored v-Uve *
:nore wi tcei? J espeedve r.utHca*
f^T’ 1 “ ,K ‘ above list
be e-irjpfed, n cor-v • ,-,U
jc lorwarceu lo each of the -fcaid
t /vt
.■ riC ti’ tre i eivce wHie uha s r■*>*
iSttd between the Vi-use
>r representatives Oi the sob’ c:
et ti-C metcM aw<l bounds cf tie
t.e,.ny ranking power and the
*cope t-i me log si a tive power
| When coming in collision with
M is at length in ;, l.dr way of be
d'g satisFactorily djmsted.
hiU has passed the loose of re
presentatives respecting the con-,
v‘n t ioa of cdmme vce \y i i ! * (_; r^
.. Jl; in, ana will p;ol>eb y pi.vs
the senate, v/hieh, thoiigh it does
f not settle the constitutional ques
‘tion, will settle, on print* ioLs of
and mutual secern*
rnodauon, the present difference
Between the two branches cf the
legislature. As it appears pro*
r;er, having pubk/htd so emeu-
Stveiy me ciooate sc. the subject,
that the grounds cf the ultimate
i cit vis ton should he laic be to re the
.people, v/e sholi ;-.horr-v present
to o U r readers the report of the
cc rami ace oi ccrdcicxicc on the
disagreeing votes.
Am. Zm £7,:h //.
[ The royalists of New-Ycik.’
I ruist-be much yud-A and with Imv*
4g a •f&xgi as ?j candidate for
yovfrnor. ; .re us no tiroba
)i!ity of his’being elected, then’
•my amuse il'rr imsginanons,
.v iih -he #V>Vof ny.jesty, at kio.t
‘’ora short ihoc :■ and when the
• people reject h rn. they raav.con
. ’dvf \aL V V/iji S L.V **<: i-aSiJC i'.v *■
6 O !
> na>
Lalt.fyrp. ‘
a a t
‘t 4 * H j
’The Massachusetts legidattve j
adjourned their session on the i
;6ih uliimo, till ti e last Tiles-j
day in May mThey have)
to erect a monument j
■ o IVA S?i i 2 N - GiON • - W hose!
nemoiy w ?. cutiive all the py-ra*.
v>:as. column: cr arches we can =
• aise 1 * I
X'C.wVfork Calumlnah* |
The republic --n .. me*nbcrs m:
‘iart?-b’: rg- ■’ ***.) havi ccmnut
urated to Uk Fornsylvaqic, ckde
: i tio 1 1 dt V, a 1 1 * ogten th cir cor *
• v'tionoi :he/ act that-the rem
alien of Monroe as- Pre-
I'lcnr, a. and Si..non Snyder as
Yice-Prt •tv ill be peculiar
v acceptable to ti:s people oi
hat siitte. •
Mr, ? cTersoa has been a-p
yoiriud cue of the diractors o’
f r te fund -or br,prove-!
j naent, uud-.-r the provud .*ns of s |
fate pmriodo a t* of the leHdr-l
iture of ° ‘
trf/ *b; a f
3hrJi\:ul, Feb, JO.
Kepo;.- 1 that Joseph I>o-!
jnaparte is in u'vny u>r
ja iT&ci of lan i in the r;: .2 ct
i- oik, near Uglensburgthe
pbt Lawrence, rn vrhich it is ssid’
die Bona pa rtes v/if ;.h have come,
| or are about -to cov.e to Amen-
| ca will mui-te a seuLmcnt.
■! > Th* legislature of Penpsylv.*-
■,*ih nave unanimous!v rvurV. r tc
| present the thanks of 1 od c,
and a sword to t ;- ci Cu ai llc
jhJTsw art, for Ids “vice , y *.?vcr
|''. s r; ta:., nlcr, u; •• ■■./ f;
li.eC -c it <mc ■ ci.. w ;
jcc. .marding tfa c i.-.utod Stv-f
ii v gate Constuu for*.
Pxtrsd /■> Ase Editor.
HEashiugtou, i\V ir.> y £e,. j Bi 6.
* - ;■* -U *C'‘l 7of C 5 : C'!TC i:>
p ! ,s poweriui r*l irresicichle as
p-.V'-u‘.Y3 t iir-t t;-ole you
j ‘ dcr.-ls cl isir. • crh . 1
tit a c J;alts - Ire/ . c ; it w ; U
{ x : die x.or , - i,,n oi Mr- C J .
,an.d therefore av or.lYou si; :A
i houi toti on in.,. suLdoat sc- ;j.
j \v ehe vs already unequh/o
(cahy etrpressed cn preference cf
| -dr- moiiroe to IMc. Cr.?\vlord; in
|doing which wo know that we
I have echoed the sen aments of
| the peopj sos this State. V/e can
jwkh perfect safety assure our
j republican friends abroad, Vv 1: ■
ji. 1A M 11. (J RATVj? f ’ k 7>, V. JHCt ?f
--leeivea single vote iMio C. orgb..
• -or the prtsideuey, in eppe- ihoa
j .C’ Jam or. Me is b oi. •**— i>a
i vannaii Kenubhcan.
j An act liss passed, the legis]a- j
pure cd New /..rsey, for repeal |
‘ing sp rr.u-ca x* the act,
Fag inheritances*as give to malt
ra-ir:> c;.. 0 ult. :v prop. niion oi in !
I testa*e estates that ia given u . fc
;ra ale 3. . G n i<rano Ihe r v ivn
’ . ~ 1 • . _ _ 1 . \ s H
■ i S , •**£, ll -tVtib 1 K vUi>U W s4 /
? I
r —r
I A Ti; .p is tri-? i
ilium ber i• r.ov clues j Ist introcu- •
\ P hc?rn the chi 1 id:cnlt j§• nor! used by tlrio to crate the. j
cd cf of trie/ horr-.s, bun aiso|
1 !orrns a lornudab-e tveapon for at I
dach ojc defence in the ikldythev)
( carry h shuig-on'their aruc by s j; and the lash F so \
contrived that r vA/ .
icnock clown the si copcoi v \r-.
j; Trtis singular iustrutr’ nt is, it A •
r 1 o hid, ci to 1 iie cc ■■ l
| menteftae c rivers 1 fcur v; a- yn \
! ’“<dn and £ yin or aniilery.—
don paper.
**—• 1 1.1 ■#
Y?T TJ C* /* r T'* ’J • i >Tt- r t* yi
t L KiS Ii ,R; Fr h. f
1 he tolioiving is an cxiract cfj
a ii.ii.ct i ectoived at Mew 1 or-iv Mi*
“Puerto Orafaiti, ( Tenerife ) ‘
December) id. lid 5.
Vi e had a dreadful are here,!,
•'-1 few clays ago, widen consumed!
•1 large convent for women; n.odf
iom sorry to relate, seven vn-!
nippy victims fcit me fury oi the I
X’dit ‘isjtrifJ
! for t.qme h y.z?t> vr.z dr:r. Td. >!t
f •v:*, ;• sccy cred aloUi 10 /-
jd Mt at ffu; iff the ere
1 bed. 0a •it ,v 1 s s.>me th,:eA• •.
Ifve buy could be ;uad:- ec . - ...
| .t 1 V, lUi to- It U.ingt ‘r. • i : .:? 7 vt
f.iVa; .itvirc obl-ycdto euve
• 41 v * “• 1 ***■■* ‘j -•- ■*
: ,1, r. rr--(
■fir -, 4-i ; l.uj 0. i *lO e
thitwere bi r we- s~c nat the
i winders, ur.'.U die Zar- y ronr.i
mt and them. 1h re /.ms no means
‘/ 1 1 .p 1 . iv 1 •. •“* t -.IV \\ I Lj , iOVV A
jv, •’> uiio.ppx* grated ,> r.n iron, cc
only one door that they co Mi
- :■/ ‘ cct I, \%hicl 1 wa> ent \ r e.y en
veloucd in flarnes.— i he fu o v/aa
occasioned by a mu'3 making
/jiM’ can n,.:!e a sir : .•] earthen
ive and A.’ Vt un itthiguAhed
her t :n the s:o\ e made the
.tC .■ i.ri - ••--■-* * -••- ■ ; vG 1 i; / OVI v j
Ii r’-y. :V:.-. ■- r.ndv -;. :d f.dn:i ;
t • ■ . ~. • > ■ 1 £■
f : ; h ‘ S LU: 1
I the srmt id cf wood as the ??.-
I !-M ‘ .... . • 1 „ . r ~r~’ >
i• • ■• v. i . ) c. ,7 ?. <; : C
, ,y, 4 xi'C- 4 -* <• v ... a •>
i U c • r: . 0 ryatc. r eonrsea
veerc -rd ran a clherent
v.ory ’ in no: ysence of which*.
.1 Men err .s were drowned
in the.. . .; ui..o }
ot r .V■ T.- “'1 ’ R HT/Sd POitt
4 ~- >- ■- *- ‘-•> i 1/ yc>rl vur*
’ ■ p x>
j The iPrencn ship Two Mary- %
rcw y- : I'■prrt ■1 as a. fct: p m .O .7.
M .oor. .he Mgrechents c -i vooicb,
oro, iron, feed, pewter, copper*
. mixed and tempered in such a
’ manner 0* to beperfhef t* moll ca
ble hF in sheets alo t the vza
xu.Li it. icu. css c.. capper* raid Is>
.said to be as dur-.ible,in vva.ra cl*i*
ma'cs. in climatts more severe
s ai..d irosy it is brittle, and apt t>
• crack. )n F ance, nis raucU
: used, and is I*llonittly cheonet*
| dim copp’e r r J. his cam post An
l v r a 3 ;n v einfd by i. napar te, and
lis huoven cno- oy /- ? mine oF
fiojtcj f Ado upper.” For Fi , s
fastened ships, t* is is bn id to
•preferable to ecp per.—- idftarketo ■?
1 QJy Cnkette.
4‘fi And hns oh-dyed us
! fieoi late iCingstor.
‘ rc British iriciue fun*;, cvci*
h. My ?.T-.uv and at Pon /lomtl thei
jAh.h cf January, froth- fy -thage
ho. ,;vhc;e it will be :ic;.22e<sed,
!dhe was sent to proc ire the re-
Jlea-sjs eftite Bvkish subb-Qis seM
['zed and imprisoned by Me Soar*-’
psh rGynlFtA at that place That
)*-van allowed by >Mri : .o to ‘lisy-o
j4O Cc rare.: rdenion with the aba v ig,
!-* cousequcnilyd 5 ’ snys the
istcri Ahrcniclc, “we are unab e
’ > ‘-y/ any thing concerning the -
suj ccts !1 <;
8011. Pat.
The Patriots in t osses hn of
Py the arrival it the Rich.
?®acs Packer, ATrkrrku: k
from Port uu-pr/.jco, \;e Uiro,
*hat at the tiro.; cf hrr s dang (j/q
lOui inst:) it **-•?> currently nv
ported that die patdots after o
vacuuting Caitbageua, \vcr.t 1 >
Aux Caves, where they fitted cut
m expedition agsinst the (Mr*
. ViXi’OU proved UUCCJSS**
Ml. .
cJvxPst™ P'tfr