Newspaper Page Text
The Augusta News-Re view-Juiy 18,1981-1
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Alice R. Davis
‘Role Models’ Honored
Mrs. Alice R. Davis,
Mrs. Ruby Jenkins and
Mrs. Rosa Tutt were
recently honored at a
at Paine College
recognizing them as role
models of “dignity and
Mrs. Davis taught art
and home economics at
Paine from 1943 to 1976.
She is attended of
Mamoton Institute, Indiana
Lovely 3 and 4 Bedroom brick, 2 full baths, den,
fireplace, large kitchen with built-in appliances.
Many other outstanding features. 9 attractive
neighborhoods. We arrange all financing with best
of terms. Come see and compare our homes and
prices. You’ll like what you see. We accept trades.
Charles Smith, 793-1344
Floyd Hodge, 592-2175
South Augusta Realty Co.
3038 Meadowbrook Drive
__ __ 77 VEGA ESTATE rr OWFRS A ■
Whflf WAGON. New tires WILL DO AUTO Fl^&
▼ T IMII A shocks, tilt wheel, mechanics, yardwork, PLAIN 13
j radio, heater and AC. painting, etc. Very At prices you can afford. |
fjfl VO 11 Rum 4 looks good- reasonable. Call 798- New Accounts welcome. |
J $1595 Automatic 1559. Variety Flowers & Gifts. |
knarn transmission. 738- - 3358 Wrightsboro Rd. |
nave 4867. PREGNANCY TEST (Behind Circuit City) |
ING. Planned Parent- 738-8461.
f n Gall 9 280 OZ 2*2 (4 seater) hood 24 hr. J
IV BVll • One owner. Air, AT, Information Line. NEW FLEA
AM-FM. $4985 Firm. 724-5550. MARKET
■ " 1 " ir - 798-6691. 85K miles. New Market knows as I
———— LOST!!! Small Hwy 78 TrwUßg post, open I
CASH REWARD!!! german shepherd, 10 for business 2927 Milledgeville |
Refrigerator For your used car or yrs. old. Regency Rd., 1 block west off Gordon |
track. am me vlclncy,Do,-,n.m.b C-m
□ Washer-Dryer ) ' ,> ■ ** u ' 798 ' 5568 Deii«ch. 7SS-S2SI. o—{
night Or day, anytime. p.m. Everyone welcome to sell |
I . 1978 GRAND PRIX. or buy. For reservations call ■
I Television 76MERCURY Fully equipped, good 736-7525.
CAPRI 2, 4 cy, 4- condition. Must see to |
Microwave «peed with air, AM- appreciate. Must sell. SECOND
FM, new paint, good Call L. Williams 790- TIMF
| □ Freezer Si.SJwJ?™ 724-7574. AROUND [
I . . ■ - 10-INCH CRAFTS- Join The Trend & Wear It !
nu limijf portable color TV with stand, never ,oy ’*** |
GFTTTNC? Sl9s ' Ab ° 17 lßch nw d 7^w" l,Mfor<i Way - 73MSM - Open T "“- !
oEjLIjIIMIji * Phiico color $l5O. Drive. 738-3515. snt., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
| ». ... i call 738-3491. 1 J
If you’d like to make MAN’S TEN SPEED j
some extra cash by ATTENTION , BICYCLE. Good |
selling any type of 'nrrTMA/TUJUC condition, reasonable
appliance, call TEENACJI6 prke. Call 722-4 SSS.
Classified today! Are you smart, J
creative, and willing CRAFTSMAN IVi |
Augusta to work? Job Hp ROUTER. 738- I
NeiUß-BruteMJ opportunities avail- 3515 . Langford I
able for Real Go- - Drive
722-4555 Getters!!! Contact:
I ■ - Ms ’ Gordon At 722 ‘ CRAFTSMAN |
4555, You can have (heavy) STEEL |
This space for WORK BENCH with j
We Want You HILTON HEAD adjustable legs. 3006
CONDO. Near beach, Langford Drive. 738- I
riee P e 6 ’ 5300 week ’ 3515.
I Cali 738-1734 or 736- ST. BERNARD
'4551. PUPPIES. Have had J
shots. SSO. Call after CORNER LOT. 200 x
• (• six. 7366-2526. 200 in Belair. Call
l z »2 DRAGLINE - 25 Bernard Johnson
L.V —7 I Northwest tbrea Alr CondlUonm. Company >1 |
A'nXJ ’“ ner ) ’* rd b “ k "- Most be In good 790-5353. |
( 1— 2—l Very good condition. • ——j
I $9500.00 contact: C. ELECTRIC STOVE,
I 3336 or (912)727) 727- information, call 595-
IpSl •*£] \\ 2630. 7133.
I X 1 fteJM ) Plano Lessons - Teacher |
'‘ttTi mp YAMAHA YZ ; "“I” * J”"’ NEED extra
n 250 Rebuilt, good years of experience.
//_ condition. Call 279- Summer available. Cali vAail
I -"BL— 0718. 860-5239. Ca 11722-4555
lZztS. J
Ruby 1 enldns
University, Atlanta
University and the
University of North Dakota.
Mrs. Jenkins taught
music at Paine from 1944 tc
1971. She attended Paine
College, the American
Conservatory and Columbia
Mrs. Tutt taught at
Haines Institute, from 191?
to 1947 and at Lucy Laney
High School from 1949-50.
Page 2
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Rosa Tutt
She attended Haines
Institute, the American
Conservatory, Columbia
University, and the Juliard
School of Music.
Mrs. Ellen Douglas,
Coordinator of music at
Paine, and organizer of the
program, said the honorees’
depth, breadth and
intellectuality “provided
challenges of untold worth
to many students.”
722-8838 __
Ask About The Low Payment
Plan Available Through FHA-
We Sell Wall to Wall
1 Equal Housing Opportunity I
PHONE 790-5353 !
Roger Williams Imßame Dean
Roger Williams has
been appointed acting
academic dean at Paine
College. President Julius S.
Scott Jr. announced last
week. Williams, who was
previously assistant
academic dean, assumed
his new duties immediately.
Gertrude Ann Poole
will replace Williams as
assistant academic dean.
Patricia Bentley Steele has
been appointed registrar.
Both appointments are
effective immediately.
Williams, a native of
Lincolnton, Ga., earned a
B.A. in French from
Morehouse College, an
M.A. in French from
Atlanta University, and an
Ed.D. in Language
Education from the
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Douse and Gary A.
Howard have been named
recipients of $250
scholarships from the Alpha
Chi Lambda Chapter of the
University of Georgia. He
studied for one year in
France as a Fulbright
Williams is a longtime
member of Pi Delta Phi,
the National French Honor
Society. In addition, he is a
member of the American
Association of Teachers cf
French, the American
Council on Teaching of
Foreign Languages, the
Association of Overseas
Educators, the College
Language Assocation, and
the Southern Conference on
Lanaguage Teaching
During the past
academic year, Williams
served as president of the
Central Savannah River
Area Chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa, a national
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
....Douse, a senior at
Glenn Hills High School,
plans to attend Morehouse
.... Howard attends Lucy
Laney High School and
Able-Disabled To Meet
The Able-Disable will
meet July 21, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Georgia War
Veterans Nursing Home,
1101 15th St.
>• < • ’w-u' ■RE’ 1 * n '
I -
L > Ii a
study group (from left to
right) are: Tamu Branch,
Kelvin Lovett, Paul Dunbar,
Vernell Nelson, Susie
Dunbar, Barry Smith and
Henry Smith.
....The Institute on Youth
Awareness has developed a
newsletter, “Straight
Ahead,” to encourage "Pan
African" thinking and
He makes thunderous noise \ ;
in your cash register. .< j /
Get this giant to work for you V
every Day or week and
you'll enjoy the I (\ Q
noise in your > S—'
cash register. x \ ‘ -J
call - .3
722-4555 "V ’
Our representatives are r \ 1
waiting to serve you ‘i jy A*
(Bht Aupiuta °
Jieum-Reutew OS '
HK. J» 7 W
Dr. Roger Williams
educationaly society. He
also served as vice
president of the Joseph
Lamar Parent Teachers
Mrs. Poole earned a
B.A. from bpelman
College. She was awarded a
Woodrow Wilson
plans to enter the Army.
....The Awards are for
minority male seniors who
plan to attend a four-year
....Henry Brigham, (right)
presents the award as Silas
Ingram looks on.
The subject of the
program, to be given by
Brenda Norton, will be
"Nutritional Awareness."
i . ■,
positive aspects of Blade
people, according to a
spokesperson for the group.
....“We encourage all
youth and youth
organizations to join us in
our endeavors. We also
welcome articles from
community groups and
individuals who wish to
express positive
communication as related to
Black people,” the official
F|®rtwship for graduate
•study, and earned an M.A.
French from Tufts
University. She has been
Instructor of French and
Director of Freshman
Studies at Paine since 1977.
Mrs. Poole, who
graduated from Spelman at
the top of her class, taught
French at her alma mater
for seven years before
coming to Paine. Since
coming to Augusta, she has
been active with the Trinity
Christian Methodist
Episcopal Church, where
she is pianist for the Senior
Choir. Mrs. Poole was
named an Outsanding
Young Woman of America
in 1979-80.
Mrs. Steele earned a
B.A from Fisk University.
Herbert Raines Jr.
Record To Be Released
Herbert Raines Jr., son
of the late “Stan” Raines,
announced this week that
his first record will be out
the first of August.
Raines, 18, wrote the
music and lyrics, and
produced his record on
which he sings and plays
the drums.
On the recording
Anthony Holland plays bass
guitar; Tony Jones and
Chris Kennedy play guitar,
and Carl Brown is on the
A senior at Glenn Hills
High School, Herber began
playing the drums and bass
guitar when he was 13 and
has been writing music
since he was 14.
He said he was greatly
influenced by his father
who played at one time
with the late Stan Kenton.
Herbert’s sister, Sophia,
will join him on his first
album which is to be
released in March. She is a
flautist and vocalist.
....Article should be sent
to the Institute of Youth
Awarness, 1138 Beman St.
PBS To Cover Urban
League Conference
The Public
Broadcasting Service (PBS)
will offer its member
stations coverage of the
National Urban League’s
Annual Conference, July
19-22, 11 p.m. ET each
The theme of this
year’s conference is “New
Strategies for the Changing
Times” and participants
will examine the
conservative mood of the
country. The Reagan
Administration’s polices on
social and international
issues and their impact on
Black Americans.
Highlights of the
National Urban league
Conference will begi with a
special one-hour
presentation on July 19,
which will include a
keynote address by the
League's President, Vernon
E. Jordan Jr.
On Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday nights,
there will be a half-hour
wrap-up of the preceding
day’s activities On
Monday, President Reagan
She was awarded and
Educational Personal
Development Act I EPDA)
fellowship for graduate
study, and earned an M.A.
from the University A)f
Connecticut. She joined
Paine College last year as
assistant director and
counselor for Special
Services. Previously she
had served as counselor at
the University of
Connecticut and as director
of the Community Scholars
Program at Georgetown
Mrs. Steele is active in
the Baha’i Faith, locally
and nationally, and serves
as an assistant to an
auxiliary Board Member of
the Baha'is of the United
vlfc _
Herbert RaiaeaJr.
He is presently playing
drums and vocals with the
Xanadu Band at the Case
Naturel. ;
Born in Munich,
Germany, he was reared in
Augusta. He lives with his
mother, Mrs. Lula Raines,
at 3004 Arcadia Court.
Persons wishing further
information should call
is scheduled to speak and
the conference will focus its
discussions on the KU,
Klux Klan, rising violence
and the recent Atlanta
murders. Tuesday’s topics
will be housing, jobs,
education and health; and
Wednesday’s talks will
cover civil rights and the
Voting Rights Act.
Coverage will be
hosted by veteran
Washington newswoman
Delores Handy, who will be
joined by guest analysts,
including Dick Gregory,
former California
Representative Yvonne
Braithwaite Burke, Julian
Bond and Patricia Roberts
The programs will be
independently produced by
Audrey Barnes and Martha
WHMM, tne new
Howard University
television station, will
present the programs which
will be made possible by a
grant from the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting.