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Oil. g ve ;ce. wiion day i-fdtcl uing,
And suiMhine u flooding the west.
My Ivy-dad mo nnd, where redining,
i can watch the b.rds seeking their rest.
And liet to their twitter of sorrow
Whilst through the dew-breezes they roam
To nestle and dream of to-morrow,
In my.humble but beautiful home.
Then give me, when moonlight is shedding
Its brightness o’er floweret and tree,
And star.-' like an army are treating
To nature’s own music so free.
An I then let me pensively wan Jer—
Beneath the dark forest trees roam,
And there on its loveliness ponder,
In my humble but beautiful borne.
Wben morn the gray Orient in eh'efcng
With purple and vermiiiou hue.
And myriads of insects are greeting
First rays of the sun bursting through ;
Then let me gaze’out w thout measur *,
Whi e vapfers "ike sheeted ghost* roam,
With a heart filled with innocent pleasure "
In my humble but beautiful home.
You may tell me of fame and ambition,
**t)f ppmp^Bd weijpVs dazz in* array; *
ofr thos - who Ike high in position
And homage r^ every day ;
But give me the one I love doareist,
Away from me never to roam,
Then-thou like an EdeH(«»ppeayest,
My humble but beautiful home.
A Woman's Siory.
me. You have no cause ior jealousy, my
love. Albert is heart-whole, and knows
well that it is *ny wish to see him your
husband. Knowing this,’ she added with
haughty stemess, ‘he would not dare brave
me by loving another.’ Then, with a swift
return to her former tenderness, she con
tinued: ‘My dear child, 1 trust you can
make me happy by loving my handsome
and noble son ?’
‘Don’t rush into jealousy, Vi. Peri ; s a
good and beautiful girl, but All»ert gives
Jut only a cousinly affection. Though shie
is no way dependent upon me pecuniarily,
I promised her dying mother to give her' a
home at GrtfysFell, as you know ; and you
can see, my love, how very unpleasant it
would-'make it* fur you to brood over a
foolish jealousy? So, dear, put all that non
sense out of yflfer- charming head and rqst
assured that M right. My eyes are keen,
and in the eighteen months she has been at
Gray Fell must inevitably have ’ penetrated
a secret of that kind.’
‘Of course, mamma ls right, V J murmured
as the door closed on lier imperial form,
and I summoned Manton.
But, my maid dismissed, I sat down jn
my dressing-gown and stared at the glow
ing coals, my though:s and feelings in an
Motious \\m" 'After a tmle I f rose,' sigli-
t ig-Hupatiently.
♦ SI can't sleep I will go down and get a
tx#k” ;
'With the Words I crept out into the hall.
B*imd traversed half its length- when the
fpnnd of stealthy Steps on the stairs sent
me with hated 1)reath behind the heavy
-damask curtains of a window' near me.
Burglars were in my mind, hot X made
no outcry. The-next- minute the steps
passed a fe\£*fefct f roift *hie, find “a was
quickly undeceived.
A voice I well knew murmured in hushed
I had just entered my seventh year when
my father, M. Veile, gave me a new mother
in the person oftlie haudsomc and imperi-j tones, ‘Don’t grieve, my darliDg, it will all
ous widow df one Colonel Lalor, and a come right. Only be patient, my own.’
brother in Mrs. Lalor’s only child, a boy of j And I felt more than heard the soft kiss
twelve. that finished the sentence.
Albert Lalor, with his handsome face, ‘Oh, Albert! Albert!’ she breathed fal-
strong will and pleasant wavs, soon he- j teringly. ‘Where is it all to end? We
came my master, ruling my impetuous h ave ( j one very, very wrong, dearest. And
spirit with a success that no one else could. ■ ^ Albert, she loves you ! I saw it in
Madame Viele looked on with a proud, i those great, passionate, dusty eyes of her’s
self-satisfied smile, aijd more than once 1[ to-night, and in a vague terror of' the
heard her murmur in her sweet, imperious 1 future I stared almost wildly at her as
tones: ^ . ! Aunt Ray presented n;e.’
£TUev must marry, Philippe. Your Vi ‘Nonsense ! Do yo i want to make me
mist be my Albert’s wife.’ ! vain ?’ Vouched my stepbrother softly. And
Anainy father would laugh and nod his then he murmured in graver accents: ‘You
bad cast there only* fow hours 1 eforc, he' . f.-w in„nir,e,.- to blind his eyes at the same time telling AnOw—Pa*. j k ”"*
wrapped her tenderly au tiiuuvaHcl led inn, . . , „ him te keep still until we “cooped, which i A noted opium den, is located in Pacific The dance called the Snake Dance is per-
to the door. . ^Detroit, was visited by the the Don. he always did, and then would hunt till he . street) Sa n Francisco. The front of the \ formed bytbe Moquis Indians every two
■ Then they paused and looked back a':®” Clark Jones, i-sq. a resident of a found everyone. How he would wag Las j building bears the appearance of having . a nd is resorted to as a means of pro-
Madame Viele. -^-vnslnp not over fifty miles Irom Green- tall wllen we pra , S ed.hmi for it! | witiistood storm and weather for many a 'Liating Hie spirit of the summer rain to
‘Farewell, mother,’ they said, softly,. M ch. The Honorable stood flyout j V ell, those happy days of childhood are i year . Here and there are patches of paint, ^ eud abuuda n t 9 h 0 wers to fructify the
‘and Heayen*>rgive us and vou!’ . “* f88t hs f h m , 1118 , boot8 - had h ? lr a . nd past, hut I often recall them, and I always j but m0 re often the boards are plain. There carth and make the crop8 grow. The corn
• Madame gazed stonily at them .withou*| whiskies about the color of light oak grain- fee, so glad tliat we played pleasantly. 11 i s a lso a narrow show-window bearing the , D]#nted in t i ie mo j st sand of the mess,
word or gesture, and they sighed and turoef > n « and w , hen he , ?P ob ® lie had a hablt . of cmiuot remember that we ever quarrelled j i eg end that beer can be obtained at five wi ^ bom nr ,. vious preparation ofthe ground,
away. : drawing down his left eye and slapping an d said cross, angry words to eaeli other, j cots per glass. The doorway is narrow, f^thtplow is unknown to the tribe, and
E F S.
Directly tka. hall door clanged heavily \ - . . . .
after them. As it did so my stepmother j p . e ^° e f° me tlme ance > 40(1 now > M lie ex ‘ j me sad, for I know that they will regret
t &qo& calnflf to me *~
‘I am sorry for you, Vi,’ she saTaitrierly,
in sfSjty, ev§p tones.' ‘Let us go to bed. ’
Ab*i«ritl*iirm step and. erect form she
led me up t§^iy room. There she kissed
the doeir:
‘FrgnvtiWttioment they arjjead to us.
^ener mc2||pn their names again l 1
plained: j deeply in the days to come. Children can
‘•lam sort o’travelin’ on my dig. and not a } wa ys be together. The days, weeks
am a calkerlatin’ to call on the Detroit j all( j years pass all too swiftly, family circlfs
Justices and see how they ’ei up.” j a re broken, schoolmates separated aud^cat-
He was accompanied to one of the nu- j ter« iL and childhood, fresh and fre6, is gone
saying calmly- as she closed merous “foundries” on Griswold street, j foicwi r.
' ° introduced by name, and the way he got. Of the little company who played so
doy n to business was charming- Kemov- j happily on the old way-side rock, two are
s inghis hat and blowing his nose with great: sleeping the last, long sleep. The rest are
It w5is V aSuver now. I hdi sated ray* v *S or » extended a five-cent cigar and' scattered—one here, one there—far ’from
TeuCT . can * ce *V' " ’* • - • - «at down with the remark: I tL»-Kia/>oa in rhiMhnnd
‘It is weH 1’ I said, as my kead touched
my pilloW. J
The davs came and went. My step- - - , _ • u t v. j i • i—
mother was erect, cold and imperious'as j ^ a 3*- %Dosh. I wish I had your place m . a m<Mig which will ever be “ahe Old Half
ever. £T0t by word, look or tone did she P 8 ‘™“- }° a mu8t have three or four way House.”
betray her secret suffering. But at the end , a weea.’ ,
of a year she had lost every vestige of youth I The Detroit J ustice modestly replied that
and health. A pale, gaunt old woman, she be sometimes had thirty.
sat in her chair now. ■ , aW f mtS a ,"“ k! 8 . h °'‘ lt<:d the
“Hon.' as he slapped his leg with tremen
sat down with "the remark: , | the Spaces we loved in childhood.
“Have a smoke? Now, then if you are j And so sad memories often mingle with
busy I won’t take up over two hours of! t ho uappy ones as I re-visit my dear old
your time; if not, I want to talk to you all i hoiM>, with all its familiar scenes, chief
One morning she called me to her. It
was on my nineteenth birthday.
•‘Vi/ she said, curtly, fit’s all Dead Sta
I gazed at her, dimly comprehending her
meaning. Then she said: , •
‘They have a little daughter, Vi, and
they have named her after me—Hay L^lor,
Vi. Shall we have them back, Vi V
She looked at me wistfully. There was
a brief strife between the good and the evil,
and then I replied
It is Dead Sea fruit, mamma. We will
have them back. I can look upon Albert
as my brother now.’
‘Thank Heaven!’, exclaimed Madame
And three days later /Ylbert, Peri and
the little Hay were established at Gray
John Lcafarr left Fort Lincoln in 1875 as
a packer for Custer’s little band, which rode
to tlieir death that bright summer’s day on
the Little Big Horn. When the fight began
„ _ , „ the packtrain was three miles distant ; and
head approvingly, evidently well pleased sa y w e have done wrong, darling. Remem- was attacked by tiie Indians. The packers
with the idea. i her that we had to choose between twO:were 6eyenJnnumber,andwcreimmediate-
But these happy days slipped by all too evils. Remember that my mother pos-1 ly ^ifceW. Only one escaped—John
rapidly. k : sess<«-^m*'ir»)n» w^lL • fihe would have i Leafarr. The instant after the attack the
My father died. AlWft’w* finishing ^oiShd'iis T5otb to powc&r father than con- j horBe which rode was shot dead. An-
liiy collegiate course. I, in accordance
with my father's will, was sent to Paris to
be finished mndey the card of liis old and
valued friend, Madame Duponte. Four hear. j back, and started at a lull gallop. The |
dous force. - “Why, I never average over
two, even in the wet season, and if I am
considered the biggest gun in my county
what must folks think of you? I suppose
you run over half the town, dotj’t, you?”
The Detroiter blushed and evaded an
answer by picking up the stranger’s card
and asking how ne got the \JHuji,” before
his name.
*1 put it there,” was the honest reply.
“If a Justice of the Peace isn't just as
much of an ‘Hon.’ as anybody else, then I
want to know why. Don’t look bad on the
card, does it? Generally takes a stranger
down a peg or two when I shove it under
his nose.”
After some general conversation regard
ing law books, the “Hon.” remarked:
“Now I want to ask how you fellows
work up business down here. Do you lay
in with a fighter to raise rows and riots and
slip around yourself and plant the seeds for
law suits?’’
The Detroiter indignantly repudiated the
“Well, all right—no harm done. I
dop’t do that way my self, either. I never
encourage a., maa. until he comes for the
papers^ j, Another question: Do the lawyers
[address yoq. as ‘Your Honor?”
ai ac e The Detrofter pondered over the idea for
some time-.smd then answered that he
.» ~~~ grown to a certain height, and
by an old blind screen.. Having once gained B( , eds nioisteniriirfroin the clouds, prepara-
admittance, the visitor found himself in l^ons are made for the granfLanake dance,
front of a bar with nothing remarkable; ^ deep an( ] w i<le excavation is made in the
about it save that the bottles and glasses dirt floor of one of the i arge st houses in the
had a dingier and dirtier look about them ^ 1!age> and dl( . whole tribe go out to
than usual, even for so low a place. Be- huilt glm e ea These they catch with their
hind the bar was the proprietor, an old, . jlJ1[JlLs and bring them iQ twined around
wicked-looking fellow, bicar-eyed and un- dieir necks7 CXJ ,| td to t i, e i r bosoms, or
clean. Tiie bar and saloon are but blinds wrapped around their legs and arms. All
for the unwary. Near the back of the sa- j kinds Q f snakes arc captured—the rattler,
loon was a narrow door leading to apart- v jp er> the moccasin, the blue racer,'*the
meats above. These are used as opium- Wacki the terj tbe green, spotted—in
dens, aud in them squalor, dirt and filth every variety existing in the country,
reign supreme. Oue room was square. 10 Thege to thc nnmber of several himdredare
by LWeet in size. Ranged on one side • j n the pit in the floor, and the mouth
were with straw mattresses, black; ig covercd ovcr witil a buffalo robe, the
and shiny with filth. Benches were ranged ; hai ide down to preV ent the reptiles
along the other side of the room and m t f rom crawling oat and escaping. Then a
. . , . ,, , ^aljqui thiiccmra.atoodasmalj.rick^r.qable; ce rtain nuinh-r of the old men. dance
A most remarkable accidenUiappened _at^ Ajtrtlieoiimin pipes upon it. Tins room | around the pil> chant i n g monotonous songs
was presided, over b\' au. old crone fill} i and paffing upon the imprisoned serpents to
A Frlglitfol Fall.
the Hale and Norcross mine, Colorado, on
changing shifts. When about six hundred
feet from the bottom, at a point where
there is an irregular place in the guides, the
cage suddenly lurched to one side, throw
ing the men to the other, Patrick Holland,
wlro was on the outside, was crowded off.
Instead of falling to the bottom aud being
daalicd to pieces, he was safely lodged oil
a wall-piate. The other men on the cage
’ u sent to what we’— j mhtfrliofa^'-xvithoat saddle or bridle, stood ; ^ouo-h* they did.
‘Yes, yes, I know,’ sighed Peri, before ' close by, afld Laefan^noosed a rope, placed , “fhat’s the wa
ltl he could finish the sentence I was panting it on the horse's mouth, jumped upon bis ! . j » Qur
-that's correct. There
: way who used to address
la*er I returned to my step-mother.
‘Then cease to grieve, darling,’ lie whis-1 firing and yelling were ceaseless.
... .j ** —* — — aild Ltllilui. UUHU vllv iluDl Idullnu obi iiuiiio
the 2*1 A cagewith six men.was coming place(I a(UQUg l!ie surimindiwjg- her dull | intercede with the Spirit of the Clouds to
up the dmft^t .lj_pclodt—«he toato eyes aud -Languid naivemeats indica- aend rain „ p<m tUe ,b irs ting cornfields. A
£hc was the victim of, the deadly : body of younger men next form a circle
drug. Everything about her pointed to the around the pit aud g0 through a similar
fact that nothing m ems world can he any- , cer0 , a0Dy . Then come the old women
thing but a dreary blank-to her; her wants w h 0 have a different chant, then the young
awl amliitions are satiated with a pipe ol raamcd wolHe „ then then the boys, and
opium. The reporter entertri-thc room • fiuaIly thc vir , dna wit h their hair done up
and was met by a sickening odor, as u the , j n j^., and q lcn f or a f ew moments a
very air and walls were impregnated with , ank)!i . n s ji ence prevails dui^ig which the
.. , n ; death m its very vilest form, ltieroom at . hiasinv of the serpents and the shrill sound
supposed he had fallen into the suuift of| tno time was unoccupied by any one but Qf the f r rattle9 are heard under the buffalo
couise. ^ lien they reached the surface | the attendant, who■ listlessly asked if the , Then the buffalo rolie is removed.
^ Sf t , he ,„T al ^L“1h^ ti* \ (Wrt-dto 10 TJ”*^ : and 'then the men and bovs leap into the
started back to tbe sump to gather up the lna t 1V e answer was given. “Then give luc' , , ,. p i,ri n ,r 9 " forth a snake
fragments of the body. As they appro, iched^ and I’ll fill your pi f .”-LThe I ho'dsTn his m^ut.r SoUuue^
tse place in the Shalt where the man was'I money was handed her; slle to.k cp sev , man will emerge with two or three small
Lmwu off they heard a voire belon them 1 erSl pipes, put the stems one almramother ( 6nJlkc . 3 iu hi , m ° uth . As each man cm-
tc.lmg them to go slow They did not imo her mouth and began blowing mto i erge s from the pit with his mouth full of
k-Jow wliat to make of the strange dis- them. When she finally found the one she ; ^ ' f |1 „ „ d dow , k
eavery, never- supposing it posable for wanted, she quickly rubbed the moisture mo9t perpemlieuiar side of Ihe mesa untU
Holland to be any where else than at thc j „fl the mouth-piece with the dirty sleeve »f ; hc mme * u the lain and there gr eatly re .
bobom. When they saw tarn safe on ber dress and handed it to thevisitor say-.^ 1(;a3tg bi3ca p ti TOs, who at once take to ttie
his narrow perch they could scarely be lev e ing “ There, .fix it for yourself-bere s the i and ^ ick| ^ disappcar . After the
their eyes. Any one who has ascended a I st uff.» On being told that the reporter did I £ u t^n emptied the men examine the
rfcaft knows haw rapidly the wall plates , not understand manipulating it, she deftly J bounds on thir arms breasts and faces, and
li| by when the lantern ,s held so as to , put her long bony forefinger into tbe yar; if blood has been drawu they know that
l^ng then, toview. 1 he cage from which containing the opium and rolled a small | the fa „ gso fa rattler have entered tlieir
Auand was thrown rooming up at the ! quantity of it between her thumb and fin-: flegh and ^ )o3c no time in applying the
ufiualrate of speed How tbe man could ger; she then placedat into a sum 1 hole in; antidote . iIr . JIateer witnessed oue of
possildy have beentodged on one of these | the pipe, saying: “ Is that enengli, or do j these 8Qake dance9 of tho Moqtus recently
rteces ot timber_w ithoul being yammed by , y ua want more?" On being told thatat j ^ was horrified at the sight. He saw the
from the arms and breasts
ho bore the pain with
j • i;T.| fraw i , 7 • ' _ a it a i ; stoic indifference, and seemed to take pleas-
T? e r. e htt,e “landing room for j the pipe is lighted and a few puffs taken. ; ur0 jn the infliction . They believed that
pieces oi umuer wuuoui ueiug juuimeu yy ( you want more-?' Un Dcing told tliat. it; &nd wag j lorr jg ed at
tipi cage or knocked off as it went past him j wa8 suflicient, she pointed to one of the !»i i rosin t in a- fmn
a- wonder. The wall plate is a square i bunks, to which the reporter, with a slmd-! of t}l g j nd j ana
Jmher, fourteen by sixteen inches, so that j de r, retired. At-a small lamp on the table ! , • i nd iff ere nce an
Laefarr ‘ COUr ^ ^ Jones plain Jones. Just be- lHolland while he was waiting for the cage J The sensation is indescribable; a sleepy lan-1
’ Y\c was ; cause he got a little more mail than I did , come down and rescue him. If the ; guor pervades the whole body, a pleasant | d
more savago the snakes became and the
deeper the wounds inflicted, the more co
pious would be the shower.
What lie Spuke.
light that he could look j tingling from head to foot ensues, and with
the six | the tilth and bust puff, dreamy unconscious-
bottom J ness overtakes the victim. De Quincey’s
nerve to j confessions of jra opium-eater do not de-
darkness scribe those of an opium-smoker, although I Therc waa a crowd of them standing and
. Ee Oif all mining shafts is a point in favor of the feeling must be somewhat similar. The I smi around and 0 n the Courthouse steps
couldn t bluff me he came right to tur.e.ff ;be miners preserving their coolness waen strangest dreams overtake the unconscious tobaeco iuiee on the stone pave-
When this court 13 in scssson she is on her rnljjced in ticklish positions. A couple of ; sleeper, the pipe falls from his hands, his ° . ...
parted her lips', arid kissing me tenderly,; biri^d'my-face in tli’ tiger akin eqvering; the chasnq predeningdeath three to death IfThrt^to’mn'oS’the^.elidieT “T ^!*“ fT?- li ! id * an f, the vMoDS . tb f
she added : ! -a pile of soft, veiling hassocks Ti» the hands bf.the Indians. Ureing his ! £ “P^ ld If 1 haYe t0 CaI1 0,lt thc jfcoss a shaft 2,000 feet from, the bottom : pass before ins drugged fancy are amply
‘You are beautiful, my Wiild—far more, -Lost! lost to' me!’ I moaned in my horse to his highest speed, he made tl.el tod ° £ conversation ''^ UP ° n „' f ‘, 0 " S ' dci ‘ c ! ous ' No drea “ pleasure, no fan-
beautiful than 1 imagined. - Albert will be fierce agony. And then, starting upright, : fearful k-ap. aud cleared the gap, but the : ™ thrn^e i f? ° ? r f ,h^ 1 C “;? 5®“^ C ? D tbe f 8 “ nes “ nd {mnB
charmed. Ah, a blush, dearest? You. I panted with vcngclul breath. ‘But what. uo htehorse fell dead a few rods from t:.e ".j*’® i ad , b ‘ ’ hrokf out vvbh- ‘ he M£>« sliaft prevents the tbouglit ol^ the . called up in the visions of the opmm-smo-
have dbt. forgotten my ohihQHc, l Jbyt«Mutcuce V•; &* 1 } t ,'pn:c\picpi riddled wJUi huUetg. John ! X: 7 ^ ' ^ aful alnss bciow .>eingconstant!} present, j ker. lifter half an hour of perfect content
breath, aa ^he Iu a .id me oil. a. moment. aud . elntdiirfg at my heart-strings. j wag headed off on both Sides, and a deep,
keenly scrutinized me with her great, lqsrj .With a Stifled -cry I fluug mytelf pas-; yawniijg precipice, twenty feet wije, was
trous black eves. ^ Then a Warm smile gionately .dn the rug before the fire aud before him/ The desperate boy headed for
;‘ 0h i.|^ r &s8 another thjn^ Ho you D 0 -*^,
ft Justices always decide in lav Jr of the’
crawled'from under”nlm, and He' slmied . ..
to run was shot in the body. Half a mile j
distant was a belt of timber, whose friendly j Xhc Detrolt Ju8tice bllsbe a deP ply and
shelter he was seeking/ Barefoo ed. weak; hesitated t0 , when the “lion.” re-
and faint from loss of blood, and the bullets ■ mar k ed .
raining after him, the boykept on with all j .q aIways dn It . If tUe defend-
I the speed he eouid over'the prickly pears ; Rntg ]aw i8 a ' pUlty good fellow, and if
I onH Bham.nmntpn Qtr»n#*a I he lndianK , J \ J ° ,
he seems to feel the respect due to my posi
tion, I give him a verdict now and then to
come, come, dear; the air is bitterly keen, i they'
And gathering up the shining length of And then I paused and stared breatli-
her black satin She swept queen-like before i e88 ]y a t the glowing coals,
mo, pausing only long enough in the hall “Ah! 1 will watch! I will watch!’ I
to allow a kindly word or two to the assem- muttered later.
bled servants. j And I shivered at the sound of my own
Then, with a rare condescension, she led | 0Wf relentless voice.
me up stairs to my chamber. j I did watch. I aud sharp-pointed stones. The Indians
As we entered, the dressing-room she * Night after night they stole an hour of stopped ou the other side of the precipice, !
glanced at the timepiece and turned to my . blissful peace in the ante-room of the dim. i and the boy succeeded in making the tim-! encou , . „
maid: / old library, and night after night I was ber. HqrehSlay three days without food; xiiev had'some further talk about iurv
‘Take mademoiselle s wraps, Manton, ruthlessly on their track. But in vain I or water, and very weak from the loss of j decisions and-the stramrer rose to g-o sav-
shc said quickly and impenouslv, and then listened to their fond speech. The unfin-1 blood. The fourth morning he got up and i. 3
lay out some of her handsomest dresses;’ . j s bcd sentence I had caught in the hall ! attempted to walk, but only walked fifteen i T <w ,, t«i afrA i n tWniiftPrnoon As
adding smilingly, as her eyes returned to a b 0 ve remained unfinished. j or twenty feet when he fell down exhaust-! t • • ’blamed frauds—blamed
me, ‘I shall superintend your toilet this, But one wild, bleak ' night, a month ( ed. fliere Crow Indians saw him as he !
evening, my dear. Dinner will be served later, my task was ended. W ith stifled . fell, made signs and started toward him,
in less than an hour, and I want you to ap-1 breath I noiselessly crept from the library j but he did not know a Crow from a Sioux,
pear at your best when you descend to the ! t 0 ni y stepmother’s chamber. j and eniptiea his revolver at them. The
drawing-room! Albert shall be dazzled at j gj ie ga t, j n b er dressing gown before the Crows finally came up and took him to
first sight.’ ' fire, lost in an enchanting book. At my i Rena’s command. Arriving there the hoys
When wc entered the brilliantly lighted stealthy and unceremonious entrance she | told him his hair was white, hut he did be-
drawing-room it was tenanted by two per-1 glanced up. lieve them until a mirror was procured, and
sons—a handsome, kingly-looking man, | ‘Great Heaven !’ she cried, dropping her ! be was appalled to find that his hair, which
whom I recognized at once as ray step- > book aud staring at me in alarm. ‘Are five days before was black as a raven’s
brother, and a tall, slender girl with; y OU ju ? yi ?
heavenly blue eyes, pearly skin and a shim-1 i laughed a harsh, short laugh,
mering crown of pale, golden hair. | ‘Only transferred into a Nemesis,
A faint damask tinted the girl's cheek as mamma.’
we entered, and I noticed that the gentle- j ‘A Nemesis!’ echoed my stepmother in
man rose with suspicious haste from the slow tones of profound amazement, the
chair very close to her own. 1 fancied, j next instant adding impetuously, ‘You
too, that he had even more hastily dropped look like a beautiful spirit from Hades !’
one of the dainty white hands toying with j i shrugged my shoulders with another
a bunch of blue forget-me-nots that matched | harsh laugh.
a tiny cluster half hidden iu the flossy gold j ‘Come ! I said imperiously. ‘Come and
of her lovely hair. 1 ! I will show you my Hades 1’
I had heard of this fair girl, and that her She stared at me wonderingly, and half
home would henceforth be at Gray Fell. ' shrunk as my icy little hand clasped hers.
But for thc first time it occurred to me that j ‘Softly, madame!’ I whispered, as we
she might be destined to step between me left her room.
and the man 1 had slowly learned to think j Directly she was standing at the slightly
ojeu door, at which I had so often stood.
wing, was now white as snow. He was
taken on a steamboat to Fort Lincoln,
where he remained five months in the hos
pital. and finally recovering, drifted into
frauds. When a defendant demands a jury
in my court, he demands to be hanged to
him! Why, just look at the idea of a jury
fooling away two or three hours on a case
that you or I could decide according to law
—according to law boiled right down and
sliced fine for the occasion.”
Tl»e Half-way House.
In my childhood, my favorite place for
play was a large flat rock half-way between
my own home and the home of our nearest
neighbor. There we met nearly every day
in pleasant weather, and many happy hours
we spent in plays which children only can
appreciate or enjoy. When our tasks were
clone or lessons learned, Addie and I, and
sometimes our younger brother and sister,
would turn our eager steps toward this old
rock; and, at a given signal, Jemmie,
Chrialie and Nell would ioin us at the half
way house as ready as we were for an
‘ *' the rock, by the road-
boats to his office in this city. Last year, | side, we had removed the sodfroma^cu-
when Capt. Black was outside the associa- ’
tion, that enterprising ship-owner brought
several dozen Belgian carrier pigeons and
was training them for use, when he decided
Carrier Pigeon*
; Sea.
Mr. Joseph Cooper, who is now working
a towboat line outside of the Towboat As
sociation, at New Orleans, and who has in
consequence no rights and privaleges with
regal’d to the telegraph line of the Associa
tion, has hit upon a novel method of getting . ^
his despatches transmitted from his tow- ( hour s play. N
[and rest tlip victim wakes up to find that
reuse* cornea Ahe-v.^ ing
raent, and telling not over-polite yarns, as
is the custom of men, when the monotony
was relieved by the appearance of a woe
begone-looking pedestrian. He was evi
dently one of those long-distance walkers
and liis general make-up did not leave the
impression that he was a man of very
great wealth, or that hc was of particularly
_ - - ^ - * He
, — jr elevated social position when at home.
Among the countless forms of walking racking brain, me nentt fcrb IO rm*rt ifefcutfn:: nnt.
and running matches now in vogue, there , times its usual size, and the feeling about j over bright, hc was meat for the crowd 'at
is one which was a great favorite at sea in the heart is most painful. On the report- j once ^ a nd they all began on him in the
the days of long voyages, and is still fre- er's awakening he found the room occupied 1 g Cn ^ e and soothing planner characteristic
quently to be met with. Thirty pieces of by others who had arrived in the meantime } of the top dog in a fight. After every fel-
ship-biscuit are laid along the deck a yard j One man was already asleep in the bunk ; j ow h ad pu tin a shot, and the peripatetic
apart, and the man who can pick them up ; above. On the bench, awaiting their turn,
and bring them hack to the starting point, j were two females, one of them closely
oue by one, in the shortest time, wins : veiled, but decently dressed. The other
the day. A very well contested “biscuit t was of the lowest class ; yet in spite of her
race” of this kind lately took place on hoard j squalid appearance, her bloated looks, the
a South Atlantic steamer, between two of crime depicted in every feature, she looked
the second-class stewards. The first who 1 as if some time in her life she must have
started, a slim, active young fellow of; been very attractive. Her hair, tran-
twenty-three years, was the favorite with bled and unkempt, was fine and of beauti
the majority,- but some of the “knowing
of only too tenderly. ...
With a sharp, jealous pang . I extended i I felt her nails sink deep in the palm of w
my hand to Albert Lalor, who had hastened , my hand as her blazing eyes rested on the again to en^r the association. Having no
to me, his fine eyes glowing with admira- j scene beyond. 1 heard her breath come in . further use for the birds, he did not know
tiox and pleasure. " ! swift, angry gusts. j what to do with them, until Mr. Cooper
. His greeting was cordial, and evidently j For a full minute she stood thus. Then, j came around, made inquiries and bought
pleased his mother. 1 dropping my hand, she flung back the door j them. Mr. Cooper constructed a cote
‘But why don’t you kiss her, my son, as and swept into the dimly lighted room. j back of his office, and therein put the
in the old days ?’ she smiled gayly. * | The pair sitting so lovingly before the j pigeons. In a day or two these latter be-
And with an answering smile, Albert 1 fire started to their feet, Peri with a sharp ; came domesticated in their new quarters,
bent his grand head aud pressed his bearded cry of anguish. Albert’s first words were ( For some time past they have been regu-
lips lightly to mine. given to her: j larly employed in bringing in messages
‘Ain what a charming blush!’ laughed 1 ‘Be brave, my love!’ he smiled down ! f r0 m the tow-boats at the pass, and Mr.
my stepmother, touching my glowing check ' upon her iu accents of melting tenderness, j Cooper is delighted with his arrangement,
caressingly with Der soft, white fingers. | But his lips were white aud his eyes The carrier-pigeon in this service is swifter
1 smiled, but my heart throbbed pain- glowing. ! than the telegraph. For example: When a
fully under thc ruoy velvet bodice tliat be- : ‘What means all this ?’ demanded Ma- Cooper towboat takes charge of a vessel say
came me so well. Beneath the pressure of dame Viele, in awfully hushed tones, gaz-. & t the distance of thirty miles off shore, a
those bearded lips my wayward woman’s ing from one to the other with an anger ; pigeon is turned loose. The fleet bird cir-
heart had leaped from tenderness to a full, | b fore which oven my fierce spirit quailed. ■ c les around a moment and strikes a bee-line
fierce, passionate love. \ “It means this, my mother,’ replied for home. The distance straight is about
I lifted my eyes, lustrous with the new- Albert, unfalteringly, as he paced forward . loo miles, which the pigeon traverses in
born feeling, to the handsome, smiling face ; and circled more closely the slender form ; al>out one hour and a quarter. Should an
ot my brother,-and again my heart swelled «f the pallid girl beside him. ‘It means association boat meet a vessel so far from
with'jealous pain at sight of its unruffled that for three months Peri has been my land, a despatch can not be sent till three
calm. ! wife’— • j hours thereafter, i. e., not till the vessel is
But the next moment Madame Viele ; ‘Wife!’ gasped mp stepmother, stagger- ; towed to the telegraph station at Port
claimed my attention. | ing back as if she had received a blow. I Eads.
‘Vi, dearest, my great-niece, Peri Hoi- And then she screamed, pleadingly: ‘Not j
brook.’ She smiled. ! your wife, Albert ?’
I turned my eyes from Albert's face to ‘Yes, mother, my wife,’ he returned,] A Memphis refugee came through on the
He Got The Bulge <
lar plot of ground, tilted it with rich earth
and planted flowers of many kinds. To
be sure we often had to work hard to keep
down the weeds and grass, aud in dry
weather the flowers had to be watered; but
we did it all willingly because it was our
own especial property. Near by was an
other smaller rock which often served'as a
house for part of us; and so dividing into
two families, the eldest of each family act
ing as “mother” and “doing the honors,”
we made aud returned calls and visits in
great style.
Sometimes we carried bits of cake, pie,
etc., from home to set before our guests;
but oftener prepared our own food. There
were gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries
aud blackberries, each in their season,
within a few rods of our rock; and close
by were two large Gravensteur trees which
each year yielded us rich red apples.
These fruits we could use as we pleased,
and from them we prepared many a meal.
I cannot but smile as I tlitnk of the pies we
used to make. I wonder if my little read
ers can guess what we used for pie crust.
Well, I’ll tell you.
Our “mothers” would send us, after ber
ries and apples, and raspberry*leaves; and
we very obediently went and generally re
turned with a good supply. Then the one
who had company to tea would take a
raspberry leaf, place a spoonful of berries
meet the eager half-affrighted gaze of the sadly aud firmly, while great tears rolled Memphis and Charleston railroad the other or a slice of an apple upon it and cover
golden-haired girl I could not but admire, over Peri’s white face. We grieved to do evening and stopped at Wauliatchie, the
I bowed, and somewhat coldly accepted it secretly, mother, but’— 1 quarantine station for Chattanooga, where
the proffered hand, and answered the few [ My stepmother lifted her hand. She had , was met by the enterprising officers of
musical words of gentle welcome. Then I quite recovered herself now. that enterprising village,
involuntarily flashed a swift glance at ‘Silence !’ she continued in those awfully | After he had been thoroughly inspected,
AJb er t. ; hushed tones. ‘Ask no forgiveness ? Ask the refugee remarked:
Ah, how the blood leaped through my ! no blessing ! Peri, go ! Leave this house, j “See here, mister, do you live in Cliat-
veins! And how I hated the charming now ana forever. Go^or Stay, as you will; tanooga?”
creature standing before 'me, so regally but know that from this hour I never speak ; “Yes,” said the officer,
graceful and sweet. Yes, I hated her, for to you again. From this hour know your | “Well, do you propose to stop me in that
there could be no mistaking the brooding , blessing my bitterest curse!’ i town?”
tenderness and passion with which my l ‘Mother’ | “No sir; we popose to see that you don t
stepbrother was regarding her. I ‘Silence!’ again commanded my step- 8 top.”
But onlv for an io&tant did his eves mother, in fearfully concentrated tones.; “Well,” remarked the refugee, “lm n?i _ - .. „ f
betray him; and as the pleasant hours of ‘Go! Not a word ! Put that creature forth g ] ad G f that. I would as soon have a spell and was a. at^d^dog
the evening flew by, 1 grew half disposed at once!’ pointing her white finger at Pen s G f the yellow fever as to stop in that burgh He was the kindest, best-natuirca ^
ine evening iiew ! y,^i ^ x -__ t ,i looc t tLrnmrh «t tho rate of tweniv ; I ever saw, and we used to have lots of
with another leaf; this we called a pie.
It took lots of pies for each tea time, but
we never grew tired of them. Slices of
apples we called bread and cake; berries
served for sauce. These rare dishes were
often rendered more toothsdme by the ad
dition of lumps of sugar which were given
hs at home, aad jvhieh we always kept for
our tea parties. Our dishes were broken
bits of china which we had collected and
kept for our own use. Besides those of
our company already spoken of, there were
two large rag-babies and old Rover, our
neighbor's dog, who always came with the
fill color. The eyes were large and well
set, although it became painful to look into
them, their expression being so wild, so
wretchedly unhappy; her hands were small
and well-formed in spite of their redness
and dirt, they showing in strange contrast
to the closely-veiled woman sitting next to
her, who wore kid gloves. “ Here’s your
pipe,” said the old crone, handing it toward
the two women. Both made a jump for it,
and the cloSClj-veiled female being the one
nearest, secured it without any ceremony,
showing that she was well acquainted \\ ith
the place. SJie lighted he* pipe, took her
bunk and wai soon lost to every thing save
that which the opium fumes created in her
Cremation In America.
ones”, shook their heads at his commencing
with the nearest pieces, and leaving the
hardiest work to the bust. He made good
time, however, though showing visible
signs of exhaustion toward the end; but
his wary opponent, knowing himself to be
the Weaker man, flew at once to the far end
of the line, thus making each successive
journey shorter than the last. As the race
neared its close, the excitement became in
tense. Many of the passengers shouted and
gesticulated as eagerly as the sailors them
selves, and the motley crowd swaying to
and fro in the lantern light, (night had al
ready fallen,) the shouts of encouragement
from one side and of outspoken ridicule
from the other, the loud ami frequent ap
peals to the time-keeper, and the flying fig
ure of the runner in his striped shirt and
jaunty white pantaloons, leaping, turning
and darting backward and forward like a
snake, made a very picturesque scene. The
second man proved the conqueror, but only
after a hard struggle, his time being 9 min
utes and 15 seconds, to his antagonist’s
A Sagacious -Newfoundland Dog.
A. gentleman put a marked shilling under
a stone by the wayside, first showing it to
his Newfoundland dog. The gentleman
then, with his friend, rode forward three
miles; and then the dog received his signal
from his master to return back for the shil
ling. The dog turned hack ; the gentlemen
rode home, but to tlieir disappointed and
surprise, the hitherto faithful messenger did
not return during the day. It appeared he
had going to the spot where the shilling
had been deposited but the stone being too
weighty for his strength to move, he had
staid howling at the place until two horse
man, riding up and attracted by his seeming
distress, stopped to look at him, when one
of them, alighting, removed the stone, and
seeing the shilling, put it into his pocket,
not conceiving it to be the object of the
dog’s search, The dog followed tlieir
horses for twenty miles, remained undisturb
ed in the room where they supped, followed
the chambermaid into the bed-chamber and
secreted himself, under one of the beds.
The possessor of the shilling hung histiow-
sers upon a nail by the bedside; but when
both travelers were asleep the dog took
them in his mouth, and, leaping out of the ...... . - ;1 __ •
window, left open on account of the sultry
heat, reached his master s home with his
prize, when, from memoranda in the pockets,
everything but the shilling was enabled to
be returned to the owner and the singular
circumstances elucidated.
The statement is made that but six in
stances of cremation have occurred in the
United States, so far as known. The first
was that of Colonel Henry Laurens, a mem
ber of the military family of George Wash
ington, and a great favorite of the first
President. His body was cremated in
South Carolina in 1790. The second was j dinner. I ’a’n’t et nothin’ for two weeks
had said nothing, one of the party took it
upon himself to discover who and what he
was, as the deliberation of all of them had
not resulted in determining his nationality.
“Well, sir,” the inquisitor began, while
the tramp looked at him with a face as full
of expression as a wooden Indian,—“well,
sir, you look like you had walked all the
way from Bismarck land. Do vou speak
The tramp shook his head.
“Do you speak French, then?”
Another shake.
“Nor Spanish?”
More shake.
Shake again.
Shake again.
More of the same sort.
“Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Choctaw, Sans
crit, Chinese, Copt, Arabic, Turkish, Rus
A whole paragraph of shakes followed
this; and the questioner began to look
brightened at the job he had undertaken.
But he went ahead.
“Well, if you dont speak any of these,
what do you speak?”
“English, ’ said the tramp, in a still,
small voice; “and I’d like to have a nickel
to buy a suit of clothes and get me my
that of another South Carolinian, Henry
Barry, who lived and was cremated injjthe
vicinity of Marion. The third was the
Baron de Palm,.cremated in the furnace
erected by Dr. Le Moyne, in Washington,
Pa., in December, 1876. The fourth was
that of Mr. Winslow, of California, crema
ted in Salt Lake City, in a temporary fur
nace erected by his command by the ad
ministrators of his estate. The fifth was
but railroad spikes and gravel, and I’m
gittin’ kind o’ lou«somelike behind my
weskit buttons.”
He got more than a nickle, and the able
questioner had to set ’em up for ihe crowd.
The Bull and the Devil Fi»h.
One day the writer of this article was
walking in Motto, Japan, near the sea
the child of Julius Kircher in his own fur-1 beach, when he heard the bellow of a bull,
Dace in New York city in the fall of 1877.
The sixth was that of Mrs. James Pitman,
of Cincinnati; in the cremator}- at Washing
ton, Pennsylvania, in February, 1878.
Since that time more than sixty applica
tions were made to the late Dr. Le Moyne
for prospective cremation, which were de
clined for the reason that it was not intend
ed to be followed as a business, and for the
and went in the direction of the noise. He
was then witness of an extraordinary com
bat between some cuttle fish and a bull.
An enormous poulpe, with bright purple
eyes and tentacle’s six feet long, had attack
ed the quadruped. Throwing its amis
around the body, the monster tried to make
for the water with its captive. Meanwhile,
other octopi, in large urmbers and of great
further reason that he constructed his ere- size, swarmed on to the shore, which seem-
matory at Washington, Pennsylvania solely
for the incineration of his own body, which
intention will be carried out under his will.
Greatest aud Best-
The greatest cataract in the world is
the Falls of Niagara; the largest cavern, the
.Mammoth Cave of Kentucky; the largest
to lau<di at inv iealous pain. Nevertheless, bowed head. I want to go through at the rate of twenty,- - . . ■ . .
when^my stepmother followed me to my , ‘Say you forgive, mother,’ pleaded miles an hour, with the car windows down , fun with him. Sometimes we dre
room 1 smiled l”htlv. Albert. ‘Say’— and I will hold my use then. A man may «P >" Jacket and cap, and led him abo
‘Peri is very lovely, mamma, and Albert ‘Silence!’ aimo3t thundered Madame survive the yellow fever, but an hour in | hyjji 8 ^^Pawa-^He^ade^a vciy_i
seems to admire her.’’ ] Viele, her face ghastly as the dead. Chattanooga is sure death.” , , ..
Madame Viele turned a glance upon me , lie turned away then. ——
that rovered mv face with a flood of color, i ‘Come, my darling, we will go, he mur- . —General Grant’s hou - _ - ■ w _
•Nav. nay,’s'he laughed softly the next' mured with infinite tenderness to Pori. thas been thoroughly repaired, aud is stoo^ Jhe game as weUas any of .
inslauq windin'-’ ■ -->«tlv »hoijt' And catching up a cloak and hood -ht' readv • ““ u- - vio
I spectable-looking dog and seemed to enjoy
I it hugely. He used to play “hide-and-
Galena ! seek” with us, tco, and I think he under-
• receive its owner.
How to Detect Poison Ivy
The poison ivy and the innocuous kind
differ in one particular, which is too easy
of remembrance to be overlooked by any
on# who is interested enough in the brilli-
ant-hued leaves of autumn to care forgath
ering them—the leaves of the former grow
in clusters of three and those of the latter
in fives. As somebody has suggested in a
juvenile story book, every child should be
taught to associate the five leaves in a clus
ter with the fingers on the human hand,
and given to understand • that, when these
numbers agree, they can be brought into
contact with perfect safety. It may spare
our reader# no little suffering to bear this
point In mind during their October ramble#
in the I elds.
ed ttfffie alive with their big, round heads.
Some of them assisting their comrades, soon
like him attacked the bull, draggingil down
to the sea. Their quarry, however, made
a brave resistance, and succeeded in goring
its first foe in the head and belly and shak
ing itself free from its embrace. Before
it could escape, however, it was firmly held
by a still larger monster, while others took
solicitious care of the wounded one. The
unfortunate beas*’s bellowing attracted a
crowd of fishermen to the spot. One of
these, stronger and braver than his fellows,
his limbs swayed in straw bandages, and a
sharp knife in his hand, boldly rushed to
the largest valley, that of the Mississippi-
its area 5,000 square miles; the greatest city
park that of Philadelphia, containing 2,700
acres; the greatest grain port, Chicago: the
biggest lake. Lake Superior, the largest
railroad, the Pacific Railroad—over 3,000, - a .. , .. .
miles in extent. The most huge mass of : the rescue of thc bull and cut through the
solid iren is Pilot Knobof Missouri—height | tentacles which inclosed iL Other poulpes
250 feet, circumferance two miles; the best
specimen of Grecian architecture, Girard
College. Philadelphia; the largest acque-
duct, the Crotton, of New York—length,
forty and one-half miles, cost $12,500,000;
the longest bridge, the elevated railroad in
Third avenue, New York; it extends from
the Battery to Harlem river—the whole
length of the eastern side of Manhattan Is
land—7 miles long, or nearly 40,000 feet.
The longest bridge over water, however,
will be that now being constructed in Rus
sia over the Volga, at a point where the
river is nearly four miles wide. The most
extensive deposits of anthracit® , *^ , lin the
world are in Pennsylvania.
then attacked the fisher, to whose aid his
fellows hastened, and a fierce fight ensued
between men and monsters, in which the
former were victorious, many of the squids
being killed, while the rest escaped into
the water. Two of the tentacles wound
round the bull were so heavy that one man
alone could not carry them. One
twelve and the other six feet long; the
larger of the two was subsequently boiled
in sections at different times in a big kettle.
Some years previous to this battle, cattle
had disappeared in a mysterious way from
the same shore. The fight between the
cephalopoda and the bull enlightened the
oroprietor# as to tho cause of their loss.
—Jerry Tullis died in Cincinnati,
leaving an estate worth $2,000,000.
—A high agricultural authority esti
mates the los^ on English crops at $125,-
—Upon himself and his 800 wives the
Sultan of Turkey spends $10,000,000,
—Pittsburg, Pa., has 99,546 taxable
inhabitants, and contains real estate
valued at $213,147,405.
—Of the 559 congregations in the.
Irish Presbyterian Church, all but 72
are iu the Province of Ulster.
—Forty-five thousand • American
house doors weie shipped to England
the other day on one steamer.
— : The consumption of Southern cot
ton *bv Southern mills last year in
creased 26 per cent., that of the North
ern mills 2 per cent.
—Two thousand men are now em
ployed In the Baldwin locomotive works
Philadelphia, and a large portion ol
them are working over-time.
—There are still nearly 5,000 women
and girls employed about the <H>al
mines in thc United kingdom of G^aat
j Britain and Ireland. '
I —Sweden imports annnaily ahdJtt
11,000,000 ton of coat* -The yield of ’tie
Swedish coal pita for 1876 about
90,000 tons.
—Oranges, lemons, olives, anti H-
monds are to be cultivated iu Fiori|fa
soon by a large number of Italian colon
ists, now on tlieir way to that State.
—The extreme length of the
of Pennsylvania is 310 miles, aud the
precise breadth, from the borders of
New York to the Maryland line, 160.
—The peanut crop of Virginia, Tert-
nessee and North Carolina is estimated
at 1,825,000 bushels—an increase of
about 500,000 bushels over last year*.
—Eighteen new Austrian peers have
just been gazetted, but ouiy a few ot
t em are known outside of Austria.
The title of one - is Baron Max Wash
ington. 8
—Recent income tax returns show
that ninety persons in Great Britain,
exercising trades and professions, have
incomes over $250,000, and 904 between
$50,000 and $250,000.
—During the year ending Sept/30,
26,827,924 pounds of leaf tobacco were
sold in the tobacco warehouses at Dan
ville, Va., at an average of $12.01 per
100 pounds.
—Tiie United States produces annu
ally between 400,000,000 and 500,000,090
pounds ot tobacco. The world’s an
nual product is estimated at from
1,500,000,000 to 2,00,000,000.
—A National School of Art Wood
Carving has been established in Eng
land to revive the neglected art of earr
ing in that country. It .offers twelve
free scholarships.
—Prince Bismarck’s house at Varzin
will accomodate thirty guests. In the
course of time Prince Bismarck will
probably rebuild the house and make
it into a kind of ca3tle.
—The steel works in Western Penn
sylvania turned out more ingots and
rails last month than at any similar time
since their establishment. All of them
have more orders than they can fill.
—A young woman in Hamilton
county, Ohio, won a prize by prepar
ing a good dinner in sixty-five minutes.
girl cOjOkcd ,a dinner hi fifty-four
minutes, Put tT?#nia uoF'•-
—The number of suicides of late
years has greatly increased in Saxony.
The statistics for 1878 show that there
were 1,126 cases of suicide committed,
ot which 215 were women. In 749 cases
death was caused by hanging, in 217
by drowning, in SS by shooting.
—The New York City Mission reports
for September as follows : Forty mis
sionaries, 4,639 visits. 298 meetings,
285 pledges obtained, 265 families aided,
65-,000 tracts distributed. Receipts for
the month, $1,705,33; payments, $2,-
—About 380 steamships are employed
in the Atlantic and Pacific trade of the
United States, and with the exception
of two from Philadelphia, not one en
gaged in the Atlantic and European
transportation business, carries the
American Hag.
—Archer, lately Lord Falmouth’s
jockey, is in the happy position of hav
ing made his fortune betore he is 25.
He is now te receive $5,000 a year as
first jockey to the Duke of Westmin
ster, and another $5,000 a year from
another source.
—An American engineer has been
studying the great wall of China. It
is 1.728 miles long, and, being built
without the slightest legard to the con
figuration of the ground, 13 sometimes
carried 1,000 feet down into abysses.
Brooks and small rivers are bridged
over by it, and strong towers on both
sides protect large river3.
—In a recent German debite, Herr
TiedCmann stated that there were iu
Germany 7,000,000 land proprietors,
2,000,000 ol whom were untaxed as
having incomes under $105 a year. Out
of the actual taxpayers there were not
more than 150,000 whose incomes ex
ceed $750 a year.
—Switzerland has been visited this
year by 1.400,000 strangers, a number
which exceeds by several thousand
the average of the last four years. Of
this total one-fifth are said to be En
glish, Germans, and Austrians; five-
tenths Russians, one-twentieth French
and Danes,thr^-twentieths Americans,
and other nationalities one-tenth.
—St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Cas
tle, has been reopened after renovation.
A beautiful memorial of the late King
of the Belgians has been placed in the
chapel by the Oueen, bearing the in
scription: “Erected by her Majesty -
Queen Victoria, in loving memory of
Leopold, the first King ot the Belgians,
who was a father to her as she was to
him a daughter.”
—The magnitude of the late Mark
Hopkin’s tortune may be estimated
from the fact that the pleasant sums
of $5,090,000 in bonds and $3,000,001) in
gold coiu belonging to Mr. Hopkins
have just been discovered lying in the
Treasury at Washington, where they
have been overlooked by the executors.
The total value of the estate is said to
be $23,300,000.
—Last year 19,6C8,000 packages of
tomatoes were put up in the United
States. Their value was 1,GOO,000. Ot
these Maryland furnished 6,840,000
packages; New Jersey, 592,000; Dela
ware, 1,844,000; New York, 1,680,000;
Massachusetts, 960.000; Pennsylvania,
192,990; Pacific const, 1,200,000; Wes
tern and other States, 1,250,000 pack
ages -
—It has been calculated that a single
penny put out at five per cent, com
pound interest, at the birth of Christ,
would have produced in the year 1806
the enormous sum of 290,991,00J,000,-
000,000.000,000,000,000.000,000 pounds
sterling, which would make a bulk of
solid gold of 110,000,000 times the size
of the whole earth; while, at simplo
interest, it would have produced seven
1 shillings and sixpence.