Newspaper Page Text
JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor.
S. B. BURR, • Business Manager.
fhe Diiiv TiMES-KxTMrRiME is publish'd
every morning (Monday exc-pted.)
The Weekly TiMna-GsTEitraisK is published
ever, Saturday morning.
|Sri»CRirTioN K*tcs.|
D»hy TiMis-EsTKarmsK, . . .
\T ;iht 5 “ . .'*»•
$s 00
, 1 00
Daiiv Adyehtm ko Rates.
Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square for the
first insertion, and .‘>0 eei ts for ea h subse
quent insertion.
One Squnre, one month, - - - •
One Square, two months - - - - * 00
One Square, three month ■., - - - 1- 00
One Square, six months, - - - - 20 00
One Square, twelve raontis, - - - 35 00
• Subject to change by special arraiif -ment,
M. ■, Bl ltK, Itmalnena Slnnn|fr£
n aiarsa xotick.
Parties tearing Thomasrilie for Hie sum
nier can hare the Tunm-KsTinrsisr. sent to.
nny address for 50 cents per month. Ad
dresses can be changed as often as is desired.
How many Northern people, like
■Mr*. Canfield, who want “a hole in
the sky, through which they can peep
to see the blacks with their heels on
the necks of the whites?” Some of
them will need the hole in the other
Of course Mrs. Canfield’s wish that
she may see the blacks with thei
heels on white necks, will he endors
ed, taken up and re-echoed by the
bloody shirt organs, of the north. The
blood}' organs be blasted. Tbe South
is fully able to take care of herself;
and she is going to do it, regardless of
the Mrs. Canfields, Foraker, Bill
Chandler—or anybody else. They can
put this in their pipes and smoke it.
A dispatch from Europe says that
Prince Russell, the heir apparent to
the throne, slept iu one of the Queen’s
beds at Windsor, the other night.
The prince is reported as saying that
the bed was 'very comfortable. This
is a highly important item of foreign
news. It shows the entente eordiale
existing betweefl the two countries.
An order lias been given for
an extra large hat, for the use of
Prince Russell. The one he wore
across the water is now entirely too
small for him.
Requiting Hospitality.
Mrs. Canfield, of Kaunas, wife of
Mr. Canfield, president of the great
educational convention, which has
been in session at Nashville, Tcnn.,
for several days, wrote a letter back
to Kansas, which found its way into
print, severely criticising the people
whose hospitality she was enjoying.
Mrs. Canfield says she is sorry that
the letter was written. The Nashville
papers published the letter. It caused
quite a commotion. Mr. Canfield ten
dered his resignation, as president of
the convention, but that body refused
to accept it. He is said to regret, ex
ceedingly, the occurrence. Both the
gentleman and his wife had been the
recipients of most marked courtesies
from the best society iu Nashville.
And the lady saw proper to requite
these southern courtesies by a criti
cism which would have delighted even
Foraker or Bill Chandler. This is
gratitude! but it isn’t the kind of
gratitude we arc accustomed to down
•South. We have our faults, perhaps,
but they do not run in this line. And
we are glad they do not.
Atlanta to Brunswick.
TYhen the Atlanta and Florida railroad
was first projected some of the original sub-
ecribern adrocated the building of th* road
to Brunswick as the proper tide-water ler
minus; others suggested Savannah, and still
others Thomasrilie. This road, ns is well
known, is completed to Fort Valley, one
hundred and fire miles.
The Fouth Brunswick and Cordele rail
road company, with a capital of $2,500,000,
and Geueral John J. Holly, of New York,
as president, ore now building their road a :
rapidly as six hundred hands and unlimited
means will allow troin Brunswiek to Cor-
The extension ol the Atlanta and Florida
railroad forty-two miles td Cordele to eon-
nect With this road from Brunswick K iyes
■ Atlanta »» near on sir-linn to Brunswick ns
• Ver can be built. This seetns to ns to lie
Atlanta's opportunity; the question now is,
. will «he grasp It?
Thin Atlanta ami Florid* railroad is a
valuable piece property, if wisely ex
tended. It will only require $250,000 to
build tbit additional fortj-two miles, and n
meeting ol.Atlnnta's public spirited citizens
is thought by tome to be the proper course
to purine.—Atlanta Canititutwn.
Tbomurille will meet you at Cor-
dele, gentlemen.
Latest Telegrams.
Judge John T. Clarke, of Cuthbcrt
Killed at Smithville—Harrison's
Outing—Georgia’s Coroners.
Albany, Ga., July 22.—^cws htw
just reiiehctl here of the horrible mut
ilation of Judge John T. Clarke of
Cuthbcrt at Smithville this afternoon.
Judge Clarke was on his way lo Ma
con, and while waiting for a train in
Smithville lie saw a lady across the
track in another ear. He went over
to speak to her. During the conver
sation tbe train moved ofl. The
judge was a little tardy in making
his exit. When the train bad pro
ceeded some distance lie made an at
tempt to jump oil, but landed on the
ground just at the intersection of a
switch, striking the rails and was
thrown under the moving train and
instantly killed. IIis body was hor
ribly mutilated. Judge Clarke lias
been judge of the l’ataula circuit for
many years and was a prominent cit
.zoii of Randolph county.
Washington, July 22.—President
Harrison’s routine is lo busy himself
till the middle of the afternoon with
official business, then tost roll through
the woods or drive till dinner with
his family, and then to take another
turn at business in the evening. It is
understood that the appointment of a
superintendent at West Point is now
under consideration, tint Col. John
M. Wilson will probably be named.
Atlanta, Ga., July 22.—A niim
her of coroners held a conference here
to-day, looking to some legislation in
behalf of that office. They will ask
tlie legislature to revise the laws re
lating to the coroner’s office.
Atlanta, Ga?, July 22.—Tbe Sen
ate, to-day took the first step looking
to the question of the public roads as
memorialized by the road congress
Mr. Boyd introduced a resolution for
a joint committee to take the whole
mnltcr of tlnrfublic roads into con
sideration, with instructions to report
a bill which will meet the wishes of
the road congress and the growing de
mand for and improvement in the
Charleston, S. C. July 22.—The
hot wave continues here. There
have been three deaths from beat
prostration since yesterday morning.
Gov. Richardson 1ms accepted
Dr. McDow’s resignation as surgeon
of the First Battalion of infantry. v
A Ono-Sided Settlement.
Mr. Carnegie insisted on reducing .the
wages ot' the men employed in his mills 35
per cent. From §1 to 05 cents.
The men struck and Pinkerton's detec
tives were put in charge of the works. The
former, starved into a compromise, consent
to a reduction of 25 per cent; from $1 to 75
The duty on such iron as Mr. Carnegie
makes at his Homestead mills (structural
iron) is $28 a ton. Mr. Carnegie sells it for
$41. NYc could (if permitted) purchase it
abroad for s20 or $28 a ton—but the people
of the United States pay Mt*Carnegie a tax
of $D> or $18 per ton on every ton he pro
duces. Bail road builders pay for it in the
first plaie, and their patrons must indirectly
foot the bill.
Besides, iron now enters into nearly every
structure—into houses, hotels, ships,
churches and implements of (arm and home
use. We pay Mr. Carnegie $41 for an arti
cle England would sell at $20 or $28—all to
•‘protect the poor workingmen"—and still
the poor workingman is not protected?
Last summer Mr. Carnegie warned li
employes that “Cleveland's election meant a
reduction of wages.''
Has there been any reduction of the tariff
since Mr. Carnegie reduced the wages of his
Not that we have heard of. Will there
likely he any when Congress meets? Never!
The republican party is pledged to keep on
“protecting" the poor laboring man.
Since President Harrison is hefty on
prayer, will he please lift up his voice ami
ask: “How long, 0 Lord, hoiv long;
TinntM’nion, Jacksonville.
Harrison may pray aloud, invoking
assistance for the people, but be will,
in an undertone, ask the Lord, as a
special favor, not to come down too
bard on tbe republican party, the
trusts and bloated monopolists. You
see, Harrison depends on these latter
for re-elcciion, and if the I-oril was
to interfere, taking the side of the
people, Harrison would undoubtedly
be left out iu 1892. O, the double-
dyed duplicity of tbe average repub.
liean office-holder, and the hypocrisy
of the leaders who premised the peo
ple relief and reform?
Twrnlr PidcM »f Bone.
My little niece, left me by her
mother, bad one of the worst cases of
white swelling I ever saw. More
than t wan tv pieces of bone came out
of her leg, one piece being about the
size of tbe small end of a walking
cane, and nearly three inches long.
The hole left after taking these nieces
out was as large as a good sized wal
nut. She was not able to walk a step
for eight months, and was afterwards
compelled to use crutches fi r nearly a
year. The doctors said there was no
cure, and advised amputation of the
limb. This I would not consent to,
but put her lo taking Swift’s Specific
(S. S. S.), leaving oil all other treat
ment. It hos cured her sound and
well, and I shall never grow weary ot
speaking its praise.
Jins. An in; Ghksliiti.
Columbus, Ga., Feb. 11, 1889.
crackers-, lemon and vanilla wafer
French candies at
A. 0. BROWN’S,
t. The Jackson St. Grocer.
Why suffer longer from dyspepsia,
digestion, want of appetite, loss of strength,
lack of energy, malarial intermittent fevers,
etc.? Brown's Iron Bitters never fail to cure
these diseases. They act like a charm on
tbe digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic
symptoms, such as belching, heartburn,
biliousness, etc. Remember it is tbe only
iron preparation that will not blacken the
teeth or give lid dache.
desiring fresh, pure Jersey
ey Farm, will be supplied, i
delivered, on application to,
April 10, lssu.
The Fudge house, below the Masury II
tel, is for rent. Apply to
0-13 * K.M. MALLKTTE.
this date I shall discontinue the
delivery of ice on Sundays. Customers arc
requested to supply themselves on Saturday,
or send to ice house for it, if needed, <
Sunday. W. S. KKEFKIt,
7 111 ;:t. Manager Lafonia lee Co.
Five Boom Cottage on Love street/near
Warren street, at $12.50 pt*r month until
Nov. I, 1880. Apply to
K. M Mallettk.
Jackson Street.
There is an end to all things, so the
people say, but there is no end to the
splendid lif ting clothing made at 81
llroml street. denning and repairing
done in tlie neatest manner. Give me
a call John Kenny.
The Vrrtticl Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippu/*, Ind., testi
fies: “I can recommend Klee trie Bitters as
the very best remedy. Every bottle sold
has given relief in every cas *. One man
took six bottles and was cured of rheuma
tism of 10 years standing.” Abraham Hare,
druggist, Bellvill. Ohio affirms: “The best
selling medicine I have ever handled in my
20 years’ expend** c, Is Electric Bitters,”
Thousands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict Is unanimous that |
Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the
Liver, Kidneys or Blood. One dollar a bot
tle at S. J. Cassel’a Drug store.
The Rnilrou<l Accident*
Which occur every day with such wonder
ful loss to human litcarc sufficient cause for
a man to stop and reflect on the fate of scores
ot his fellow-men, but a greater cause for
his reflection is any danger to his own health.
If he suffers from malarial poison lie may
reflect on the cure. Westmoreland’s Calisaya
Tonic is warranted to uproot malarial poison,
and when the blood has been purified it will
leave the system strengthened to repulse
the at tacks which may come later, 'ft!*
wise investment of a dollar in a bottle of
this valuable medicine uiny save a large
doctors bill. Sold by all druggists.
Having sold tbe Imsiness of the Jelks Shoe
Go. to Messrs. Cnrtnight k Daniel, of Atlan
ta, I take, this method of thanking the pub
lic for their liberal support during my stay
in Thomasville. Our successors ure thorougli
shoe men, and we recommend them ns gen
tlemen in every respect worthy your confi
dence and patronage.
All accounts due the Jelks Shoe Co. arc
payable to me and must be settled at once.
Thomasville, (ia./July 23, 1880.
To file Public.
We hare bought the Thomasville branch
of the Jelks Shoe Go., and will continue the
shoe business al their old stand. Our stock
will he complete iu a very short while, and
we shall keep at all times a full line of the
best manufacturers’ goods, in such styles
and shapes as arc best suited to the trade.
With a long experience iu the shoe business,
and nn*urpii**r*l/unliti?* for buying, we con
fidently expect, iiy upright methods, to merit
your patronage and respectfully solicit a
'liberal share of the same.
Mr. J. T. (’urtright-will have charge of
the business, with Mr. Frank Smith as as
sistant,* who will he pleased to supply the
wants cf their friends and the public in the
shoe line. A cordial invitation to all.
Ycrv Respect fully,
Thomasville, Ga., July 23, 1880.
t the fact that I shall be very
Her my pear crop, and until
have turned over my inter-
t business to Mr. Noah Page,
i<» will conduct the same in bis own
July 22, 1880-d2twlt.
busy look in.
further noti
I will furnish, without cost, chemicals to
test the purity of quinine sold by me at 40c
an ounce. S. J. CASSKLS.
Ten head of young horses and marcs,
from three to eight years offl; home-raised
from the best breeds that have been brought
to this county,and most of them welt broke.
Inrludol is the trotting stallion, Ham Jones,
four years old (sire Revoke, dam Whirlwind),
works well anywhere, double or single, and
any woman or child can drive him that can
drive any horse. They will he sold. I
don’t expect to get the value for any of
them, so any party who wants good stork
for any purpose, will Hud this probably the
best opportunity that will be offered in this
section soon.
Also a few acres of land.
d&w Poverty Hill Farm.
120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga
:School and Blank Books, Stationery,:
Of every style. PiSinos and Organs, She;t Music, Etc.
Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store
Where you can find fresh and pure drug3 and get prescriptions compounded at all 'hours’
day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’s preparations in the
prescription department and guarantee goods and prices.
REID A ClILPEPPEIt, 120-122 Broad fit.
i fine selections, and give
.vail paper, window shades,
and room mouldings, fur- j
, blinds.
mattings, pic
niturc, sasii,
Ballard's fine flours—Pauline and Marabcl,
French candies. creame:*/ butter;
•uod Western Goshen at 20 cts. per pound.
A. 0. BROWN,
7 20-5UI The Jackson St. Grocer.
T'wo Cstses o
At 3 1-2 Cents per Yard.
L. Steyerman Bro.’s.
One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 l-2o.
Our Bargains the talk of the^town. Com
petition completely baffled.
and be convinced.
Don’t fail to try it can of Pickett’s
Sinner Gaum Rates
Pashksceu Dr’r 8
Thomas viu.r,
F. k W. Bv., {
ia., Is June, 1880. )
$22 70
C 23 10
Alexander, X. G
All Healing Springs, X. C...
Asheville. X C
Anniston, Ala
Black Mountain. N.G 23 00
Big Tunnel, Ya 30 00
Blue J’idg
Cumberland Kalis,
Flat Bock. S. G..
French Lick Springs, Ind., via Monl
Gainesville, Ga
Hendersonville, X. G
Hickory, .X. U
Hot Swings, Va
Lola, (hi
Luray Caverns
Marietta, Ga
Marion, X. C
Mount Airy, (hi
Newport News, Ya
Niagara Falls, X. V. via Cincinnati.
Norfolk, Ya
Old Point Gomfori, Ya. via A.G. L...
Powder Springs, Ga
Boanoke, Yu
Spartanburg, S. G
Tate Springs (Morristown)
Tallulah Falls, (5a
30 00
13 30
21 05
37 30
37 30
30 30
13 45
30 00
20 70
; i oo
Tryon, N. G 21
Walhalla, S. G. 18 so
Warm Springs, Ga U.
West Baden Springs, Ind.. via Mont
gomery 31
White Sulphur Springs, (5a L*
White Sulphur Springs* West Ya 31 50
Tickets on sale June 1st to September 30th,
1880. Good to return not later Ilian Octo
ber 31st, 1880.
The above named pointgftro only a few o:
the Summer resorts to which tickets ar»
•’Should parties desire information iu re-
"ard to places not turned in the above list,
„ will cheerfully give it to them.
F. M. Van DYKK,
Passenger k Ticket Agent,
Thomas; i 1W*, G;
Gen. Passenger Agent,
Savannah, Ga.
Koyal Jinking Powders;
second to none in quality.
25 cents.
1 lb cans
A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp
and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis.
‘worinNi* S Year*. Head, Arniw and
ltrrn**t n Solid ttcnli, Hack covered
with Sore*. Ilcut Doctor** nn«l Medi
cine** fail. Cured by Cuticura ltemc-
dicM at n co»t of $11.75.
I have used the Cuticura Kciuodlcs with the
cst results. I have used two bottles of the
Cuticura Resolvent, three liottlcs of Cuticura
and one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured of
terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso-
s. My
ed with scabs from my elbows
y shoulders, my breast was almost one sol
id), and my back covered with sores vary
ing in si/.o froiii a penny to a dollar. I had doe.
oied with all the host doctors with no relief,
,nd used many different medicines without
ffoct. My ease was hereditary, and I bogan to
i to heal from the
Deshlor, Ohio.
Skin Disease* 6 Years Cur *d.
i ain thankful to say that I have used thcCu-
Ucura Remedies for about eight months with
great succoss, and consider myself entirely
cured of *alt sheum, from which I have suffered
for six years. I tried a number of medicines
and two of the host doctors iu the country, but
found nothing that would affect a cure until i
used your remedies.
Moreitc, Mo.
Tlir Worst Cnac of ftcrofulnr Cnrrd.
We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies
for years, and have the first complaint yet to
ceive from a purchaser. One of the worst
of Serofulor I ever saw cured by the use
>f five lMittles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura
i|jd Cuticura soap.
TAYLOR A TA YLUn, Druggist,
1'raukfurt, Kan,
itching I
Unticnra Reined low.
very rpccios of agonizing humiliating.
, diseases of
loss of hair,
from pimples toacrofular, except possibly Ich
Sold everywhere. 1’ricc, Cuticura, oc.;8oap,
25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass.
gq^Send for “Howto-Curo Skin Diseases,”
G4.pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
and oily skin prevented by CutiouraH
Kidneys and Uterine Pains and
Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by
tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the
first ami only pain killing plaster. Now, instan
taneous, infallible. 25 cents.
CATARRH CURKI), health and sweet
breath secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Remedy
Price 10 cents. Nasal Injector free
OnlT <i«nn!uo i.i .Mcmorr Trnlnln*.
f.’uur llanKi I»i , otn< > il in ouo reading*
Min I wnmlrrinir cured*
F.vrry child end n*luU srrcatly benefltted.
* Cifjit irtdnecai •ut» t*» U »mrsp<>nd«nc« Cusses.
Battling Works,
L.. SCHMIDT, Proprietor.
Headquarters for pure tarhonated bever
ages, at wholesale and retail. Beet soda
water with pure fruit juice flavors.
Ice Cream Parlors
Specially titled up for the accommodation
of the Indies.
n draught nlso,|JtheS! nt,w Mexican
u-nlcoholic, delicious, cooling, vitalizing.
A NFRVK TONIC. This delightful bever
age is not only the most palatable’'drink
ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but
is as well a perfect tonic anil system vitalizor.
It improves the appetite, aids digestion and
maintains the normal tone of healthy func
Its Properties:
Prepared from] the nutritious properties
of pure fruit juices, combined - with the ex
tract from a small tropical plant found in
lower Mexico, ot which the .medicinal prop
erties arc invaluable, and its far jr delicious.
It Cannot Be Used to Excess.
Not a foaming gas drink,causing belching
of wind and unpleasant effects after drink
ing. No ctberal extracts or liquors, but a
solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an
extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over
which nine out of ten persons are en liusias-
tic with praise.
Everybody Likes It,
Everybody Wants It,
Everybody Drinks It.
“FRL’I MIZ,” the finest beverage iu the
Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works,
W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se
cured the agency lor all the llrst-closs
Pianos anil.Organs, which ho is selling
at the lowest prices lor cash or on long
time. Thoso desiring lo purchnso will
do well to learn his pit cos mid terms.
Iteid & Culpepper are keeping up with the
procession, they Imve secured the agency of
ho famous Star Mineral Water, the finest
reparation known lor dyspepsia. It is
uaranlccd to cure. •§ d tf
The Episcopal Rectory, on McLean Are
nue. Possession giren at once. Apply to
Hey. C. I. I.aHocme,
tf. FlctcherYille.
Thomasville Variety
Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs.
Manufacturers andIDealers
Newel Posts,
Wire Screen Doors and Windows,; Sash,
Doors and Blinds
All male persons in the city of Thomas,
villc, between the ages of l(i and 50, except
those exempt by law, arc suhjccfto street
duty. They have the option of paying $.'l
for street tax, and in default thereof, must
work 6 days on the street. Those not ex-
empt and who do not pay the tax are order
ed to meet at city hall Monday, July 22d, at
9 o’clock, a. m., ready for work.
E. I). Whidiiox,
7-10-tf t.’h. Street Com.
Grits arc just as cheap as ever
Pickett 'i is just received a nice lot
ol' Mt. Vermin Boneless Bacon and
Shoulders. Call and sec them.
(,'omc and get a can of Pickett’s
Koval Baking Powder,and if it doesn't
give you satisfaction your money will
be refunded.
Do you want a barrel of Hour? If
so, come up town soon iu the morn
ing. Call on everybody who handles
tlie article, get their lowest casli
prices, Jew them, make them cut at
each other, and then come lo Pickett's
itud buy if. iiO cents cheaper than their
lowest prices.
Excursion tickets at low^-ratcs will be
sold *to all summer resorts throughout the
country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and
Georgia Railway, commencing Jnnc 1st,
good to return on or before October 31st.
Fast train service with Pullman cars,
Gen. Puss, and Ticket Ag