Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 11, 1904, Image 1

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    -Hnb Soutb fteorola Jproaress..
New Series, Vol XIV—No. 33
r /
1s -Suggested for -Young's Femele
Collag., and Method* of Prooadura
Ta the Alumnae -of Young’a Fe-
A patriot “is one who loves Jiis
■country aud zealously supports
and upholds its institutions and
interests'.’’ There is a. patriotism
as truly .great 1 u relation to your
Alma Mater as that to your coun
try, anflin addressing this to you
I feel sure of a hearty respond
from .you. No institution is
thoroughly equipped that has not
an ailumuae association so ’I feel
-that all that ia necessary for a
•splendid .organization on your
part, is to call your attention to
the matter. ^
Let every alumnae of this col
lage begiu'today and interest some
•aue in tl'iseause, call a meeting
at tbeearliest possible dale, and
perfect ^permanent organization;
issue a call for a general meetiug
atAdme convenient date, and thus
•lend your assistance toward the
perpetuation, of. Alma'Mater. —
The time is at hand to begin
laying plans for an active cam 1
' paign for th* nest term/ there-
4m, to accomplish the greatest
-amount, action must be • taken
It is my desire to address a
letter to every graduate of this
•college at once, so please give
ase the address of all non-resi
dent graduates.
, Yours for the College,
W. R. Owings.
' Mission Confereno*
The Mission Conference of Ma
son Presbytery of the Presbyter-
ian cliurchlwhich has been in ses-
»ion since Tuesday night at Moul
trie will adjourn today. Rev. S.
L. McCarty of tie Thomasville
•church preached the opening ser
mon of the confereuqp and waa
appointed-to deliver .-another ad-
dreaa last eight. He was called
home yesterday however by the
death of Mr. S. A. Smith.
The conference has bjen a
tiiorough success. It was attend-
ded generally by the Presbyter-
iau ministers in this section.
Ohio Jtaes War.
Springfield, O., March ©.—A
fire last night -which was the re
sult of a race war.destroyed a
■umber of - saloons among other
buildings. Soldiers are -on duty
from outside towns to the number
of 85 officers and $18 men, who
have the town tinder control.
The lota byjtho fire during the
night ia estimated At twenty
thousand denars'. Meat of the
buildings' were occupied by ne
groes, being small.
PVIII Become Citizen, o
Mr. J. C. Morse has announced
his intention of becoming a cifi-
zau ot Thomas county. He will
in fntnre consider this place' bis
legal residence and will pay -tares
eu his possessions to Collector
Heeth. In taking this step Mr.
M< ne is following the example
of Mr. H. M. Hanna, Mr. C. S.
Hebard and many otbar northern
resident* of the county.
President Hebard Makes Annual Re
port and Speaks of Interesting Topics.
To the Stockholders of the Coun
try Club of Thomasville. Greet
Iu making this annual report I
intend to be brief and to call your
attention to some of the work
that has been done . and to the
changes that have taken place.
Our roads have been put in fine
condition and the grounds have
been cleared of rubbish and leaves
.De'ny Attacked.
Tokio, March 9.—Japanese war
ships bombarded the forts at Port
Dalny last night and thaw at*
tacked fort Arthur. ff
Commissioners E. M Smith
and W. A. Pringle drove to the
Jones Bridge Wednesday afternoon
to inspect the progress of the
work They fonnd everything
nnected with the new steel span
ing along m good shape.
in all the places wliere such work ,
seemed advisable. The eMpen-j***[ o]i [ for ,
ters have .repaired the gun house,
bridges and buildings this fall at
a coat of about two hundred dol
lars. t The tennis court and golf
oourse are in most excellent co|>,
dition andthe same can be said
of the bridges which have beeu re
built. Audj the ones that were
destroyed by the freshet last Sep
tember have been replaced as
have also the one* that had be
come unsafe owing to age.
In the removal-by death of onr
steward, Wm. Moore, the club
suffered the loss of a faithful ser
vant who always filled bia posi
tion admirably. We are fortu
nate in having other competent
employee# who have undertaken
to take charge of the Clnb House
and I am glad that no word of
complaint has been heard and
trust the present arrangement will
prove satisfactory.
Automobiles have made their
appearance in onr grounds and as
they have come to stay and as
there will probably be numbers
of then); from now on, I would
suggest ' that they be .welcomed
and that certaiu roads be alloted
to them, so that -people driving
fractious horses will know where
they-enn drive and feel sure that
tlioy will not meet autos There
fore I suggest Shat the old bicyele
road juBt inside the fence be con
verted into ;• road for automo
biles. Also I would suggest that
the club or else the members as
individuals encourage the present
game laws which have been pass
ed «o stop quail shooting for the
market and take steps to form a
game protective association which
will also own the shooting rights
on as many good fields as seems
advisable and issue weekly,
mouthly and season tickets for
same and thus draw sportsmen to
Thomasville and in this way in
crease the number of winter visit
ors that will be desirable clnb
One other subject, that may
seom out of place in this report, I
wish to toudh upon—and that is
<the condition of the woods bor
dering the road leading from town
to onr elnb (grounds. The dump
ing of rubbish should be stopped
and if the members of this olub
will me their iuttuence with ths
authorities, I think the evil will
soon he remediedr
The Treasurer’* report covering
the period from Feb. 18, 1906 to
Feb J7, 1904 follower:
Described In- ■ -Breezy Feehlon.
Dove Shooting, Fishing and Other
By the way, its a little danger
ous in these parts for lovers of
late. Monday a young man
was stripped on the highway by
an elderly gentleman and given a
pretty good threshing; but in the
course of the play it seems that
tho young man realized tlut un
less he protested, the old man
would do him up, so he
work with both hands and soon'
| 343.03
Bent \
Miscellaneous Expenses
tl 93
cedi OB hand Ftb. *7,1904
Total ,
New stock issued
Lookers aoocnnt»
Tournament account
Shooting ioooiuit
Dmet end Membership*
Bills Payable
Cash on band Febi 11,1993
Respectfully submitted, ,
Chas. S. Hxbabd, Pres’t.
whereupon the mother and broth
er of the young girl cume to the
relief. This did not frighten the
yonng man, who continued pound
ing away on the other until he
began begging to be excused. The
young man-ceased, tiny both got
jnp and according to latest infor
mation both had sworn ont war
rants for each other. For partic
ulars Redactors.
Last Saturday was a lively time
with the sportsmen of onr towu.
For eomd days Mr. J, H. Ander
son had been baiting his field for
doves aad last Saturday being the
day appointed for the shooting,
Messrs. J. H. Anderson, W. D.
Sills, R. A. Perry, T. A. Bulloch,
D. B. Auderson and H. L. Bul
loch, were on the ground by moon
light. Thu shooting- continued
real lively for some time, hut ow
ing to the very high wind, game
earns down a little slow.
There was quite a disappointed
audience at the Methodist church
last Sunday, it being the regular
appointment for' the Rev. Mr.
Owings. of Thomasville. He waa
Unable tube here because of sick
ness Wo regret Very much to
leurii of bis i I lit" as and hope fur
him a speedy recovery.
''Mr. J. G. Pattorsou our enter
prising naval stores man was in
town yesterday preparing to move
Die turpentine still formerly own
ed by Messrs. Pattereou & Wal
ker. Today the wagons ore here
loading the still and all its equip
ments to carry them awsy.
Mr. Chestnut, the Times man,
is in town today. When he comes
to towu he is sure to carry away
money. He is undoubtedly the
most persistent, enthusiastic
newspaper man, we ever had the
pleasure- of. meeting. When be
approaches a person on the sub
ject of subscription, he brihgs to
mind the ancient Jacob, who hav.
ing wrestled all night with an an
gel, is quoted us saying: “I will
never let Thee; exoept a blessing
Thou bestow.”
Messrs. J. H. Anderson and L.
R. Sills were in the Rose Hill
neighborhood yesterday. It
seems they like bird .bunting hut
they did not bring in mauy birds.
We hear quiet rumors of a drug
store coming this way. I don’t
know of anything the town and
country need .worse.
Mr. Ed Clark has moved to
town. He now occupies the house
just acroai the street from Mr. D.
L. Bulloch.
We are-informed that Mr. T. C.
Beverly may como back to Och-
locknee and cast hia lot with us
Mr. R A. Perry and Mr. T. J
Willis went fishing yesterday aud
returned last evening with about
one hundred pounds of the finest
fish we have ever seen. By
chance your correspondent secur
ed ona and we had fish for enpper,
gave onr nearest neighbor fish for
snpper and then had more for
breakfast than we coold eat—all
out of one fish. '
Suslna Items.
Mr. Theo Titus of Thomasville
came down Friday to spend a day
or two at “Sherwood/’
Our colored citizens have beeu
so law-abiding aud peaceable,, it
came as a shock to us when we
heard Sunday night that Jordan
Mitchell had snot and killed Edric
Dr. T. E. Blnckshear cume
down *^jom Thomasville Monday
to visit relatives for a day or two
Mr. Herndon Braudou of Thom
asville and Mr. Penn', whoso name
is a by-word whenever good plug
tobacco is used, came down Mon
day oil business.
J j m Blnckshear has a tale to tel 1
whioh would amuse you It is
entitled “Tho blacksnako and the
toad’’ As khim for it.
Mr. W. M. Walker is out again
after an attack of measles.
A post stuck in the ground with
hotohes cut in it, ia rsther a
primitive mile post, but atill wa
have them.
Mr. D. B. Anderson ia busy
planting can* and fishing
Mr. W. H. Groover went to
Thomaaville last Saturday and
left fire in the wood* and win n
he reiurned he f->tiud 1000 rails of
hia fence* in aehe*.
Boston Briefs.
Mrs. 0. N. Fletcher of King Fla. and
her niece, Miss Mail* Little ot Charles
ton B O. ue visiting friends knd rela
tives in onr city. The former was onoo
a ottissn of Beaton.
Editor Tison ot the Boston Time*
viatted LeeShorg Qa. last week.
Mr. John' Simmons ot Thomasville
wad peregrinating onr atthets last week
shaking I lands with his mends.
Timothy Carroll’of Brooks Ob. was
here last weak transacting business.
Miss Edna MoOaUam ot Rowland N.
O. who Its* been Ms.ttsig her brother
J. D. McCallom at bis home on East
Jefferson street left last Friday for her
Judge W. M. Jones and wife of
Thouiusrille were visiting tlioir ^ons
J. M. and J. W. Jones since oar last
County Surveyor A. J. Stanaland waa
a visitor to our city last Sunday and
Mrs. Amor Thompson of Valdosta is
visiting her daughter Mrs. J. T. Rogers
at her home an Stephens street.
A very acceptable stranger came to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brooks
last Friday a. m. yrho will sojourn for
quite a while.
Mrs. Hattie O. Massey left last Tues
day a. m. for Tifton whither she goes
to' engage in the millinery busine ss.
Miss Hattie Hicks of Tempo Fla is
visiting hey sister, Mrs. A. Q. Moody at
her home in Hoboken iu north Boston.
After'visiting her sister, (lie will go to
Oxford Qa. /
Mrs. 8. B. Wolff of Tampa Fla. is
visiting liar sister Mrs. Nettie J. Car.
mine at her home on east Jefferson
Col. M. D. Bandera lias been quite
sick for several days at his home in
south east Boston.
Bsv. Mr. Vanghn delivered a temper
ance lecture in the Presbyterian church
last Sunday night to a large aud appre
ciative andienoe. His disooureo was
replete with solid facts, ggod logio and
troth that non* oould doubt or gain
Mr. EU Fateh of Hicooeakeo Fla. waa
transacting bust mm in our city last
Wednesday. .
Bsv. J. P. MoOann of OeeU was trans
acting basinet hers last Wednesday.
Metcalfe Mentlone
Metcalfe, Qa., March 9 1004.
Mr. John Fateh who runs "baggage”
between Montgomery and Jacksonville
was here on Monday visiting friends.
Miss Maggie Stringer, who is teach
ing near Thomaaville, was at home to
■pend Sunday to the delight of her many
After two days lost from liis school
on account of sickness, we are glad to
report Mr. T. E. Dixon again at his post.
The many friends of flt. and Mrs. O.
A. Thomas deeply sympathize with
tho rn in their sorrow occasioned by the
lota of their infant which died on hut
Saturday. The burial took plaoe Sun
day afternoon, Rev. T. A. White of
ThomosviUe conducting the sad rites.
The paint brush which the enterpria-
lngflnnofH. O. Copeland & Co.-is
having used, add* much to the neatness
and generance appearance of the town.
Miss Grace Jenkins an ex-teacher
here, and one who possesses the warm-
eat esteem of onr people, came down
from Thomaaville Tuesday, and will
spend several days with Mrs. Russell.
The voters this way are glad .to aee
our townsman Mr. H. 0. Copeland re-
atwounoea as one of the commissioners
of Thomas county. We who know
him beat are thoroughly satisfied that
no mistake can be made in hia re-elec
tion. iff
Mrs. Goodlow one of our popular
northern visitors accompanied by Miss
Basie Copeland of onr town ran up to
Thomaaville anaoombined shoppingand
pleasure trip on Tuesday, returning that
Akrldg* Notts. ’
Mrs. Tom Williams and Mrs. Sam
Barber of Pine Level spent Monday
with Mrs. L. O. Pope.-'
Bov. W. H. Parnell visited the fami
ly of Mr. Thomas Witten ou last Sun.
Mr. und Mrs. Sasser of Meigs were
visitors bore on Monday.
Mr. Geo. McGuIro is norsinga caso of
very onraly measles this week.
Mr. John Fuller and grand-daughter,
Mine Loua Fuller, of PeUuuu, spent the
day with Mr, Jim Fuller on hut Sun
Mis. J. 0 Wlilddoh and sister. Miss
Quisle Maddox,' were visiting Mrs. O.
F. Sadler on but Monday.
Mrs. Math Maddox end daughter,
Miss Quisle Maddox, of (hlpley, Fla.,
arc spending a month with the family
of Mr. Culvin Whlddon.
A Small Fire.
Shortly niter one o’clock Wed
nesday afternoon the house of Ned
Larkin, a colored man, on Cayr -■
Hill, csngbt fire. The fire de
partment nude s rapid run nut
Madison street with the usuul ex
oitement attendant upon nn-h a
event A bneket brigade »■«
formed and the fire wa* exi inguisli
ed before tbs bote wagon got
Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Meigs spent
Sunday with relatives.
Hr. and Mrs. B. H. Pope went to Cat-
ro one evening last week.
The nodal svont of tlio week wss s
party given at tho residenoe of Mr. J.
M. Fuller’s. It wss attended by a good
number of tlw younger set and was lm-
mensely enjoyed by all.
A Reply to "Voter.”
I am surprised at the weak and
inconsis ontsrtiole signed “voter”
iu yesterday's paper.
Barrooms have beeu driver
from Tliomae county for all time.
And I do not believe that the pco-
pis are ready to welcome a dead
lier nnd a more damnable foe—
ili« dispensary system.
In othor words, I do not behove
that the people of Thomas coun
ty have driven others out of the
liquor business in order to eu
gage in it themselves.
If there are thoso who went to
go to war in fsvorof s dispensary,
lie people are reedy for battle
A* to an abandenoe of blind
tiger*, especially in Thomaaville.
I can only say that I believe they
are hero (I want to add also, that
1 liblinv" -ome of them might be
aught.) But tho dispensary aye-
cm doM not lessen blind tigers.
[ f/-'. *'itistios Irom SouthCsr-
e th • dispensary »ys
Hoi • i->be-< and where it origs
*d. show*that blind tigers are
« no nitrous and bolder than
my where on earth.
8. R. Blanton.
Pointers and Persenais About Home
Folks end Strsngere-You and.Your
People and Where You Aro Going.
Capt. C. P. Him.-n il hns return
ed from Savannah.
M. R. Cathervin. il the A. and B,
auditor was here v miwdny.
v 1
Miss Indio Turimr of Quitman
is the guest of Mr*. A P. Taylor.
Dr. John Bradford of Pelham
was among the visitor* Wednes
Cochran and r un sold five fine
mules Wednesday to Carter & Boa-
well at Meigs.
Mr. K. T. Terrell, who is with
the Patterson. Drug Co., is in At
Mr. T. F. Dyson t% hard ware-
man of Meigs, mis » visitor to the
city Wednesday.
Mrs. W. H. Bt-swell snddhugh-
ter, Min Mae of Meigs were visi
tors to the oity Wednesday.
Mr. Li B. Bun tin of Pavoison*
of the promiqent comity meu do
ing jury duty this week.
Mr. Henry Roger# went over to
Bsinbridge yesterday afternoon
to visit his brother.
Hon. John R. Singletary came
over from Cairo Wednesday to
shako b.suds with Hie boys.
Miss Matsu. Hopkins loft Wed
nesday morning fur Whignam
where she will spend a day or two.
Barwlck News Items.
Oar farmer* aro rapidly pre
paring their hind lor planting and
if the spring weather continues it-
will pay thejiv to rush the seed in
the ground. , ' ,
Messrs. J. W Groover,'George
Smith and I.encli of Boston were
among our visitors Tuesday.
The farmers around Barwiok
are meeting with difficulty to se
cure their fertilizers. It seems
that either a greet deal of guano
is being used or it is very scarce.
* Dr. J. H. Green and Mr. Ben
Green of Ueartsfleld, were hero
Monday. .
Mr.jJ. W. Massey made a busi
ness Pavo Monday.
Messrs. Frank nnd Mira Bar
rett attended church at Proepeot
Prof. W. B. Fambroughjof Bos
ton, was breathing Berwick,* at
mosphere Monday. .
Mr. and Mr*. K; Wincey of
Coolidge were visitor* here Son-
Dr. S. E. Sanchez made a pro
fessional visit to Whigbam Satur
Miss'Alinu Robertson entered
school hern Monday. '
Hon. J. B. Rountree visited
Colquitt's capital Monday.'
Mr. Honry Massey of ftiutmaD
paid our town s visit Tuesday.
Mr. Jt sb Wilkes visited Quit-
man Saturday sud returned Mon
Elder R. H. Berwick lilted his j
appointment at Harmony
dqy and Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Bnms of
•peut Sunday here with j
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy .Horn '
Boston visited Berwick la*| '
Mr. Frauk Barrett left 1
to accept a position
Lumber Co., at Cool!