Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 18, 1904, Image 12
AGRICULTURAL BULLETIN of Thomas county energetic and * is largely because t s methods in their work, and r native intelligence as well i* effort to their farm work, neerat ’’theoretical far- thoy know that good nbined with comn , brings sails. The Times-Kuterpriso la proud TIME3-ENTERI RISE THOMASVILLE, OEOHGJA, MARCH 18. 1904 of tb< Tho most interesting event of the golfers calendar began Wed nesday when the first? hall left thi tee at 9:30 in the open tourna ment at the Country CInb links, Play in the men’s handicap match began at 9:80. Tho cup of tho last county in the f or the beBt gross score was won state, ami whenever it sees anything good it wants to share with them. Wo are in rccoipt of two ball from the Georgia Experiment Station that everyone of our farmer friends Wonld find interesting and profitable reading. ( Hugh N. Starnes, and the other Culture” by Director H. bulletins are well worth reading would bo of benefit to everyone. S Tlie Station publishes four Bulletin per annum (not monthly), and they wild free regularly to any person en* KftK<*d iu farming whorequest tho same. Names ouco entered on the mailing lists will bo retained until notice is received •f “removed” “unclaimed,” “decoas* <:d,” etc. Address, Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment, Ga. Tell your neighbor about it. . .. wki i£&2 est Scores In Qualifying Bound of Golf Tournament- teemed Birmingham New tainly *i>oko a parablo when it dug up the following; “Secretary Taft, stead of trying to interest capital iu the Philippines, would do the country great er service by luteresting capital in the South, tho soction which above all oth ers offers the laigcst returns to tho in vestor, Thoro are resources and possi bilities in the South far beyond any In the Philippines, and In addition It is The City of Colombo has erected mounmout to a negro who died in an elTort to savo the life of his employer, .the city onginoor. It bears the appro priate inscription. • * Honor and fame from no condition well your part, thcro all the honor lies. The Japanoso liavo a proverb which "It is easier to find a thousand recruits than ouo gonoral." What nasville needs is a general of Un to organize some manufactories President Elliot of Harvard received $-T>,000 for tho University on his birth day. He doubtless has hopes for the future and Is glad tliat ho was not born on February 80th. The rui Cross Society Is making ac tive preparations to carey on its excell ent work iu n thoroughly efficient man ner during the presont war in the Far East. X In addition to hla many other excel- loucloa Judge William H. Fish it a nephew of that-elegant gentleman, «u porb Georgia, and splendid jurist, Au gustin H. Hansell of Thomasyille.— Macon News. Hon. Henry Wattcrson" has at laat some out for Senator Gorman for Presi dent Mr. Wattcrson says be Is tired of the mugwump boslnen and baby leadership. In Iowa's political campaign the phonograph is utilized but down here tho candidates stick to the old fashioned lung-power. '' Scientists say It is bad for the heart -. to be waked up suddentyr A good many ^ people think it is bad to be waked up at all. Senator Morgan thinks there are 300,.. 000 Democrats who would make good Presidents of the United States. f - After tlie election some of the candi- datee who put their faith in promisee Witt heartily endorse tho anti-trust law. The ypuug collegians who regarded- •'''•■ri.llpn.flf r flro-eecape from work will soon be undeceived V i leant supporter ts ns conspicouidy rare in this town as tho straw-hatted l lusher, ■ t; I by Mr. T. S. Beckwith with score of 77. Mr. G. B. Thorne won the -cup for the best net score. In the qnalifying round he was tied on a score of 77 by Meters. Bailey and/Trowbridge In the play off Mr. Thorne scored $8, Mr. Bailey 80 and Mr. Trow bridge 40. Tho following ore the qualifications and drawings in the first.eiglrt, Class A: Trowbridge vs. Beckwith, Mays vs. Livingston Vose vs. Schurmier, Thorne vs Augier. The following qualify in Class B: Walker vs. Wood, Black- shear its. Chapin, Allen vs Heb- ard; and Irelan’d. .Messrs. Don nelly, Diemuke and Peters play off a tie to seo which remains in this class. The other two drop baok into the third eight and ploy against Alien and Harvey. Hebard vs Speer, and Bailey vs Hilliard ore also in the third eight, who will contest for a cup offered yesterdav by Mrs Lynde Harrison and kuowu as tho ‘‘Blasted Hopes" cup. T In the ladies tournament Mrs, L. O. Wolters won with a gross score of 52, od^of the onps, and Miss Annie Pringle, gross 60, net 49, won the not-oup. The ladies who qualified ore Miss Davis vs Miss Statesbury, Miss Nell Prin gle vs Mrs. Donnelly, Mrs. Daring vs. Mrs. Buckley and Mrs.'Wol ters vs Miss Annie Pringle COWS WIN IN MOULTRIE. Again Allowed to -Roam Streots ut Will. Moultrie, Ga., March 10.— (Special.)—In an election held here to determine whether the cows shall run at large on the streets, the cows won by a vote of 210 to 02. This will result in the cows be ng allowed to run on tho streets sgain after being deprived of this liberty for nearly a year. It will probably also end a continual strife that has existed between the cow and the anti-cow factions of the town. There bas been very bitter feel ing over tbe matter, and the friends of the cows were allowed to hove their own way in the elec tion, mainly that there should be peace. Mr. W. J. -Neel of Borne i» the guest of Bev. Alex W. Bealer. Mr. Neel is one of the most promi nent ’ lawyers in north Georgia, and enjoys a large acquaintance over the entire state.- He eomes to south Georgia prospecting and announces that he has already decided to settle somewhere in this seotion. Thp fact that he reached here only yesterday is the reason that he has not yet posi tively ohosen Thomesville. Mr, 8. A- Boddenbury is spend ing the week in Fitzgerald on le gal business. Phelps Stokes, a Now York million- ■imrayz that poverty Is • disease. Et has evidently been Tbe best and cheap est lot of Pocket Knives, Razors, Shears, Axes and Hatchets EVER IN THOMASVILLE. „ ■Wertz <& Son, THE REPAIRERS. 131 East ’Jackson Street. Ghurebwe Not the costly kind, but some thing most anyone can afford wear and at a price anyone be they ever so poor, stingy or- economical, can afford to buy. Corset Covers Nicely trimmed, and of fair materi al, special price JOc Skirts Two prices, but a good assort ment of styles, some trimmed with lace, and some embroidery, all un usual values, and only offered for one week at the special price 1 48c and 98c Ladies Pants Two pricos in this lot, both prices small, but big qualities in each lot; Tucked, lace or embroidery, trim med, all full sized and latest styles, at the old price of ■ 25c A better assortment containing garments worth up to 1 ' 75c at pr. 48c fight-Robes or Gowns Twolotsuf these—one lot good materials, nicely made, finished and trimmed; containing values up to 76c Garment 48c Finer geode, some handsome gar ments in this lot, trimmed in em broideries laces and ribbons, and worth up to 91*60, but for one week we offer oh ioe of lot for 98c Don’t miss this sale. The goods will be attractively displayed and will be on’aale all next week as long they lest, beginning ' M< nday, March 21. • Embroideries Embroidered collars, same goeda others are Belling for 36 and 60c, you can ooibe to the Cat Price Store and get them for 25c EMBBOIDEBY EDGING.a special lot at a special price to help out underwear sale. Good cambric with deep work, foil width, f om 43 to 17 inches wide, easily worth 26c, but choice out of patterns for one week yd. 19c. A1 lover laces, Allover Embroid eries, Etc. A. F. CHURCHWEIL & Go. Stark Coroar, Thomasville, Ga. I HYOMEl'S SUCCESS IN THOMAS- ' • VILLE. I — • . Cured Many Serious Cases of Catarrh. . J. W, Peacock Will Refund Honey If It Fails. No oilier medicine or treatment for catarrh lias ever,achieved such quick and remarkable success iu Thomasrille as Hyozue)- The fact that J.W, Fea- cock when he first Introduced Hyomei sold-it under a positive guarantee) to re- fandjthe money in case it did not cue contributed largely to its successful in troduction. A guarantee from a firm likoJ. W. Peacock gave-peoplo confi dence at the start. Those who obtained a Hyomei outfit fonndjthnt the treatment did all that was claimed for it; that the first few breaths of Hyomei cleared the air pas sages and gave Bn exhilarating and In- vigorating effect. Its continued use freed the system from all catarrhal germs,'toothed and healed tbe mucous membrane, and made a complete and lasting cure. Compared with the dangerous stom ach drugging that had been used here tofore intlie -treatment of catarrh, the balsamic air of, Hyomei created a most favorable impression. And the medi cine itself did even more than was claimed for it. In fact, to make a suc cess, it was necessary that Hyomei shculd cure nearly every ease of ca tarrh in which it was used, for every outfit was sold on a guarantee tore- fund.the money in case it failed. if It had not pqsesscd unusual merit, au offor like this would liaYe resulted in an enormous loss. But curing m it did, Hyomei soon gained an enviable repu tation and made many friends Who rec ommend it for and near. Its 1 here in Thomasville has been remark able, and J. W. Peacock is still selling it on his personal guarantee to refund the money in case it does not give satis faction. GEORGIA, Thomas County:— To The Honorable Tbe Superior Court Of Said County; The petition of B. M,Comfort and R. H. Blood, both of said state and coun ty, and J. J. Logan, of Duval county, State of Florida, respectfully shows. First. That they desire for them selves, associates, successors aud assigns, to become incorporated under the name and sty ie of the Boston Oil and Ginning ... The term for which peti tioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with tho privilege of renewal at tho ond of that time. , Third. Tho Capital Stock of the cor poration is to he *35,000.00, divided into f 1100.00 each; petitioners, how ling the ’ ■ * “ FLOWERPOTS Order yonr Flower Pots And Churns TIMERMAlTjUa CO., Stockton, 0a. We manufacture this class of goods and can supply you promptly and oan save you money. Petition for Discharge. GEORGIA—Thomas County, U. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon he estate of George W. Lacey, late of zaid county, deceased, having filed his petition (or discharge, this to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge, at the regular term loF tbe court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in April igos. ^ ^ Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary. Application for Administration. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To all whom it may ooncern: James M. Bushin having in proper form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Fannie M. Groover, late of said county, this iz to cite all and lingular, the cred itors and next of kin of Fannie U. Groo ver, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in April next, and show cause if any they oan, why perma nent administration zhoold not be grant ed to James M. Rushin on Fannie M. Groover’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature. This the 1Mb. dayjof February 1804. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. 844t. Petition for Discharge. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To all whom it may concern: W. W. Alexander, administrator: on the estate of 3. R. Alexander, late of said oounty, deceased, having, filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to to Ite}d on the first Monday in April 1904. 8-4 4. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. To all whom it may concern:— M. A. Fleetwood, county administra tor, having made application to me in due form to to appointed permanent administrator anon the estate of J. W. Wheeler, late or said county. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regularterm of tbe court Ordinary for said county, to be. held . the first Monday m April 1304. Witness my bana. and official signa ture this tbe 7th day of March 1304. Wm. M. Jones, 3-11-4 Ordinary. nSwy , . . .. ever, asking the privilege of increasing said Capital Stock from time to time as they may desire, not exceeding in the aggregate *350,000.00. Fourth. That of said Capital Stock of 435,000.00, more than 10 per cent 1ms already been actually paid Fifth- The object of the proposed corporation is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Petitioners pi to carry on tbe business of buying, ' building and operating Cotton OOttODf ud sfoftlinff in cotton-seed, cotton seed meal, hulls, and fertilizers, aud all products usdaily produced by cotton gins and ootton-seed oil mills; and to aot as general or special agents for other persons or companies in selling or handling any article or class of articles appropriate to the business aforesaid, or usually or conveniently connected therewith; and to r ske con tracts, and act as such agents and to ex orcise the usual powers and to do all usual and necessary sets which pertain to or may to connected with the - busi ness aforesaid. . Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to buy, sell and hold real estate, to borrow money thereon or such other collateral as they may desire to use, and to exe cute all necessary instruments of writ ing to evidence tbe same or to secure tho same, and to have all the general powers of corporations as provided in the Code of the State of Georgia. Seventh. They desire that the 1 per sonal liabilities of the stockholders of said corporation shall to limited to nn- Mid stock subscriptions. ~ Eighth. The principal offloe of said prOTosed corporation will to in the city of Boston, said state and county; peti tioners, however, ask tbe right to estab lish breach offices and pleoeeof business at such points, either in or out of the state of Georgia, as they may desire. Wherefore,petitioners prey to tornado a body corporate under tbe name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This February eighteen, 1304. B.M. Comfort, R. H. Blood, J. J. Logan W. O. Snodgrass, Petitioners. Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA—Thomas County:— L hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of original petition now on file in my offloe. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To all whom it may ooooern: M. A. Fleetwood, oountv administra tor, having made application to me in due form to to appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of W. R. Moore, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will to heard at the regular term of the oourt of Ordinary for said county, to to held on the first Monday in March, 1304. Witness my hand and official signa ture, tbit 1st day of February, 1804. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Application for Leave toiSell. Notice is hereby riven that I will apply to the court of Ordinary of Thom as county, Ga., at the April term 1804 thereof, for leave to sell all of the real estate of William Moore, deoeased, sit uated in the oity of Thomasville, Thom as oounty, Ga, for the purpose' of dis tribution and payments of debts. ' - M. A. Fleetwood, Adm'r estate of William Moore. 8-13-4 Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas County. -Tq_all whom it mav concern: Varac- doe Si. Hoeth having, in proper form, applied to ine for .letters of administra tion de bonis non on the estate of Mrs. L. J. Heeth, late of said county, this is to cite ail and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. L. J. Heeth to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why administration de bonis non should not be granted to Varnedoe M. Heeth on Mrs. L. J. Heeth’s estate. Witness my hand aiid official signa ture, this 38th day of lanuary, 1004. 1-30-4 Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary. . Petition for Discharge. GEORGIA—Thomas Oounty. J. H. Merrill, Executor of tho Estate of Arthur Patten, late of Baiil county deceased, having filed "his petition for Discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show caaso against the granting of this discharge at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said county held-on the first Monday in April, 1804. . Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. 2-4-4 Notice of Sale. Under an order of Hon. Alexander Proudfit, referee in Bankruptcy, will to sola at tbe Court House door in Thom- asville, Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in April, 1904, within legal hours of sale one brick machine and one lot of broken brick, situated ou the Miller brick yard 5 miles from Thomasrille. Terms cash. Wm. H. Mitchell, Trustee Est. Wm. Miller, Banlpupt, 8-18-2 Application for Support. GEORGIA—’Thomas County. Ordinary’s Oourt, Ffib. 1st, 1304, Mrs. N. A. Dixon having made appli- cation for twelve month’s support out of tee estate of J. Br Dixon and apprais ers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their retains. All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of •aid county, on the first Monday in March, 1904, why said application should not to granted. This Kb. 1,1904. 3.-54 Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Road Citation. A petition having been filed by Ire J. Simms, Redfearn, and others and pub lished praying for the establishment of a public road and arid petition having been referred to Road Oommissionere of Pavo district and they having reported favorably on Bamo,notice is hereby given that the commissioners of Roads and Revenue for Thomas county will pass upon said petition at their regular meet ing in April, 1904. E. M Smith, 2*36-4 Chairman. Receivers Sale. By virtue of kn order of the Judge the Superior Court, I will seU before Court House door in Moultrie, Ga. ' ing the legal hours of sale, on Satu— March 12th. 1904, thirteen .(18) mules. Terms cash. AU bids subject to con firmation by the court- R. E. Plowden Receiver for Baker and HUl. d&wlt. Road ^Citation. Petition for Discharge GEORGIA—Thomas County; M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon the estate of Leon Sauls, late of said county, deceased, having filed his pe tition for discharge, this it to cite all persons concerned to show cause sgaintt tbe granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the conrt of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Mon day in April 1 got. WmTM. JONES, Ordinary. 3-36-4t ' ~ GEOROIA—Thomas Oounty. Byrirtueof an order of the oourt of rd inary of said county, wUl to sold at public oatory on the first Tuesday in March, 1904, at the oourt boose in Thomasville, said oounty, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate to-Wit: Fart of lot of land num ber S96, in the 03th district of said county, •containing thirty-eight (38) acres of land, more or less, and lot of blacksmith’s tools. Terms oath. M. A. Fleetwood, -54 Admr. Peter Lacy Road Citation. bile, C. R. Sasser and others of the s district asking for the establish ment of a public road from J. M. Pil cher's place intersecting the Cairo and M.igs read near J. W. Hail's, said peti tion having been acted upon favorably by Bead Commissioners of Meigs dis trict, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county will pass upon said petition at the next regular meeting in April tgui, 2-264 E^M. Smith, Chairman. GEORGIA—THOMas County; To aU whom it may ooncern: E. O. Jarrett having applied for gnr- dianship cf the person and property of Erma Lee Jarrett and Annie May Jar- rett, minor children of Ida 1L Jarrett, late of said county,{deceased, no- ice is given that said application wUl to heard at my ofllce at ten o’clock s. m. on the first Monday in April next. This Feb- raaty 38,1904. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary, . road filed with tbe Commission- ersby J. B. Allegood, T. A. Dekle and others tunning from W. W. Dekles to ohn Folsoms, said petition haviog been lubiished and acted upon favorably by toad Commissioners of that distriot the Commissioners of Roads and Rev enue will pats upon said petition at their regular meeting in April tool. E. UT Smith, **3fi*4 Chairman. GEORGIA—Thomaa County. To all whom it may oonoern; . M. A. Fleetwood, having made appli cation to me in due form to to appoint ed guardian of the person and property of Jennie Doniap, notice is hereby given font said application will to heard at the regular term of tee court of Ordina ry of said county, to be held on the 1st Monday In March, 1904. Witness my hand and official tigua- tore this tee 1st day of Feb.. 1904. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary, Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas Oounty. M. A. Connell having made applies-* tion for twelve monte’s support oat of tb* estate of W. T. Connell, and op- praisers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return. All per sons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said oounty on tee first Monday in March 1964, why said application should not to granted. This Jan. Mth 1904. 1-894 Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas Oounty. To all whom it may ococem: Var nedoe M. Heeth having, in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ' administration on the estate of N. R.M. Heeth. late of said county, titts is toelte all and singular the creditor? and next of kin, to be aud appear at my office within tho time allowed by law, and sUow cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not he ■anted to Varnedoe M. Heeth on N. . M. Heetli's estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 28th day of January. 1991. * ; Wm. M. Jones, 1-804 Ordsnary. GEORGIA—Thomas County. _ * Under and by virtue of on order grant ed by the Hon. Ordinary of said t bounty on the first Monday in January, 1904, will be sold before the Court house door in the County- of Thomas, between the legal hours of sale, en the first Tneaday in February, 1994, the following de scribed property to wit: Allot the saw mill privileges on 89 acres of land lying in the northern portion of lot of land number 901 in the 18th district of Thomas Oounty, Georgia. Said prop erty being sold as the property of J. W. Pearce, deceased. Term of sale case. ., . Mrs. 8. A. Pearce, Administratrix estate J. W. Pc deceased. . 9-1