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, '
. I'
FIELDEE&ALLE1TCO., The Office Outfitters,
61 Peachtree Street. { The Reliable ’] ATLANTA, GA., IT. S.A.
Reward lor Waiting.
TIip )..orl<l of Typewriter buyers and users hare been r warded through
the Olive/, which ir the result of an ever increasing demand for a durable
and sii/de Typewriter that woul,d write in sight. Its welcome and success
is mo/ than remarkable, and the fact that the Oliver Typewriter’s record
has never been equaled has never been disputed. In less than five years
it lias accomplished what it has, (aken competitors over a quarter of a
century of hard work and advertising to partly accomplish
It can ot be because we claim it to ho tiie best, for others make the
tatement. Any manufacturer or agent can say his goods are the liest,
tit WE, only, can say
“The United States Census was written on the Oliver ”
The two largest mail order bouses in the world (having the immense
correspondence of over three million customers), Sears, Roebuck Co., and
Montgomery, Ward A Co., use only Oliver typewri el
The so regarded most perfect and best equipped factory- the model
factory of the world—
The National Cash Register Co., use the Oliver Typewriter in all De
The largest, perhaps, and most widely known Corporation, in tiie
world, The Ournegie Steel Co., threw out so called “Standard” typewriters
for the Oliver Visible.
Such well known packing houses as ( Nel.son, Morris & Co., S. & S.
Packing O"., The Omaha Packing Co , all use the Oli
lieef-Co., Cudahy Packing
ver Standard Visible Typewriter.
We might mention these Public Schools: Boston, Atlanta, Detroit,
Omaha. Chicago. They used others—they now use Olivers.
•‘Uncle Sam.” the Government, used one make of Typewriter almost
, exclusively until the Oliver Standard Visible Typewriter was marketed;
now the War Department, the Treasury Departme. t, the Department of
the Interior, the Postoffice Department, the Agricultural Department, the
Weather Bureau, the Bureau of Statistics, the Bureau of Publication, and
sixteen other Departments, have decided the Oliver Typewriter is better for
their work
The Railroads want, a Typewriter built to stand hard work—they
have tested them all
One hundred and fifty seven Railroads in. the United States alone
have bought Olivers since this test.
At. Home
Besides listing the largest users in the United States, we can point,
with pride, to the governments of Germany, Canada, England and Mexico,
whe e the machine is being used in many departments, and by the largest
Nearer home the Olive'* can he fourd in hundreds of the largest and
mot progressive otlices. There is scarcely a town on the Railroad, from
South Carolina to Texas, where an Oliver Standard Visible Typewriter
has not been placed.
Auditors of Railroads are generally particular about having the best
equipment to accomplish the difficult mass of work that is always to be
done in this department The Auditor of the Ga. So. & Fla. R.R , Macon,
The Auditor of the Georgia R. It , Augusta, The Auditor of the Central R
R„ Savannah, The Auditor of the M. I). & 8. R. R. Macon. The Auditor
of the W. & T. R. R , Wrightsville, all used the old “blind’’ Typewriter
first; they use the Oliver now. *
Hero are some names with whom you are familiar—they all lookod at the oth
er Typewriters before buyiug Olivers: Southorn Saw Works, Dodson Printing
Supply Co., Atlanta Gaslight Co., Gate City Oil Co., Southern Cotton Oil Co.,
Wesleyan Female College, Atkins-McKeldin Co., Georgia School of Technology,
Hightower & Kirkpatrick, Constitution Publishing Co., G. V. Gress Lumber Co.
Grattou& Knight Mfg. Co., Union Lumber Oo., Georgia Marble Co., Atlanta
Car Wheel Mfg Co., Atlanta Brewing and Ice Co.
There are Fifty Thousand More Satisfied Users.—Are they all Mistaken???
Investigate!!! Investigate!!! Investigate!!!
Local and Traveling Agents.
We want reliable local or resident Atrents in every town in the south, of 3,000
inhabitants, and will make liberal contracts.
We also wnnt several good traveling salesmen of good address. We are not
looking for the fellow who is out of a job, but for ambitious young ineu, who would
not bo satisfied at making just enough to hvo on.
Second-Ham- Typewriters.
Having the most thoroughly equipped Typewriter rebuilding shops in tho
South, in charge of factory workmen, with factory tools and machinery, wo are
able to repair and rebuild all makes of Typewriters, at a minimum cost. This on-
aides us to handle, to uuudvantugo, all the Typewriters of other makes, taken in '
part payment for tho Oliver. Therefore, wo can allow more for your old Type-
wi iters qf oilier makes.
We can always furnish re-bnilt Typewriters of all the standard makes at
from 20 por cent to 80 per cont less than tho usual price of other and smaller
Agents. We do a goueral Typewriter and Itopuir business, and our shops are foil
of machines the year round, sent to ns for ropnirs from New Orleans to Char-
lotto. Wo guarantee all work, replace all worn parts, and loan a machine to nsa
while wo aro making repairs.
On account of the simple construction of the Oliver, tho sm ill possibility of
getting it out of repair, and its capacity for enduring the hardest work, we liavo
"0 hesitancy in selling it on very long tiino. Wo oiler the most liberal terms to
‘liable parties, who can furnish references.
Offi e Furniture and Stationery Sup
In this department wo carry, by far, tho largest lino in the South. Wo issaa
largo catalogues of Office Furniture, Filing Cabinots, Sectional Book-Oa les, Card
Systems, Blank BookB, Bank and Court House Fnmitnre and Supplies. Safes
and Vaults. If evor in the market for anything that is nsed in any office,
Write, Wire, Telephone, or Cali on us.
Clipping from Manufacturers’ Becord, May 10tll:
“Offlco Outfitters.—Modern equipments and supplies for office use comprise
a line of specialties that perfects efficiency and economy. The Fielder & Allen
Co., tho office outfitters, of 61 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga., transmit a consid
erable business in this direction, its offorings, including every modern perfected'"
device for office nse. This company has obtainod what is probably the largest
contracts of its character ever placed in tho South.”
J. W. Fielder.
Robt. F. Hemphill.
Ivan E. Allen
FIELDER & ALLEN COq The Office Outfitters,
The Largest, the Oldest the Reliable, the Progressive.
Boaton Win*.
—— —— The Boe'on National League Team
la Paaaea upon by IGeorgla Supreme Loft Yesterday for Montgomery to For Atlantic Coaat Llna'a New Freight " ,artod its practice season In good shape
Court Begin Southern Saaaon. Depot by winning its first game from the
v Montgomery team of the Southern
league. The more was 0 to 8. Boston
Tho decision ol tho Georgia Supreme Tll « members of the Boston base ball The plans for the new freight depot mado t(m ]lit9 ^ three orror , The
Court on a case of much interest to le,t Thursday morning for Mont- 0 f the Atlantic Ooust Line arrived yes- foatnre of the w#a the brilliant
Thomasvillo people rends as follows: gomory. They began their southern base terday morning and are in the posses- paying 0 f Connell at second for Boston.
463, Commissioners of Thomas County woason there Friday aftercoon in siou of Mr. F. W. Boyer, agent, at this
v. Hopkins, and vice versa. Man* a against the Southern League point,
damns bofore #Tudgu Mitchell. Thom- team of that city. The men had a spe
as tmjierior court. cial car, attached to the west bound structure which will bo a great improve-
Simmons, O.—A judge of the superior train at 10:40a. m. Mrs. A. C. Back- me nt upon the present apoiogy for a de
court has no jurisdiction at chambers burger and Mrs. J. B. Stanley accom- 1X)t
and in vacation, to render a final judg- P»V their husbands on their travels.
The battery for the beau eaters was
Willies, Fisher and Needham. The
Tho plans call for a commodious new ...... _ . . . .
1 t mi m Thomasville training seems to be doing
good work.
Beat Cough Meolclne for Children.
The now freight honso will be built bu V a cou 8 h medicine for
,. . . ., ,,»n • n small children you want one in which
ment upon a verdict previously render- Manager imcKontmrgor said ah or ft k on f; i m \f wa y between tiie present do* you can place implicit confidence. You
ed at a regular term of the court. “ ar ” fo '' d of ThomnsviUe and wo , wt aod „ le ol(] Virginia House. It will t * ha ‘ “i h ° a n t ‘Vu^urafionably
Writ of error dismissed, with leave to * eave wit *‘ re 8 ret; - Gar ®tay here has abat oll jjickgou street. At tho Jack harmless. You want one that is pleas-
withdraw tho cross-bill of exceptions accomplished its purpose however and street side of the depot a comforta- “JJ h -^era
and file it as exceptions pendente lite. the men are now in flue shape. I think ble and well arranged set of offices will is nothin*, so good for the coughs and
W. M. Hanftnoud, for the county pom- the climate at Thomasville is superior be provided.
Theodore Titus, contra.
colds incident to childhood. It is also a
certain preventive and cure for croup,
to that of any place in tfio south, and The depot will be 225 feet long with and there is no danger whatever from
the fact that I have brought'my men uon „ hundred foot platform, and 40 feet SJSTSiSS'
Stripped of its legal verbiage the do- ,iere lor tl,ree 6ca *° 118 4u 8acc ” Bslon wide with an 8 foot platform. These pisease with perfect success. For sale
eision seems to mean that the case is as ifc * ° ur l ,,aU8 for D * xt * ear have dimensions will give ample room for the by J * W * PeM * ck - dw
yet unsettled, and will again be sent to not beeu made but i think we will i, au{ jiing of the immonse amount, of To Complete Rooter.
the supreme court for another decision. d °ubtles§ return to Thomaaville for our f re j g ht that comes to Thomasville. The Oapt. John Triplett lias been appoint-
The case first came np for trial before 8 l >r * u K training. After two weeks of j )regeil f quarters are and have been for ed by Governor Terrell as registrar, to*
the superior court. Col. T. N. Hopkins pl*Y 4n the oouth we will open the chum- a long time, entirely inadequate to the complete so far as possible tho rosters
claimed that about $500 was due him pionship season in Philadelphia and I needs of the office. Since the dei>ot whs of companies which served in the war
for fees as county solicitor. The jury «*Peet the boys to finish up tear Hie built Thomasville has increased greatly from this section. The work is going
found a verdict in his favor. A motion to P*
for a new trial
made by the i
3 aud many'times in valuo of buri- on satisfactorily and the iegislafaro at
It has been necessary to work its coming session will be asked for a
When the case first went to the su
preme court it. was dismissed on tho mo
tion of Col. Hopkin’s attorney, Theo.
Burns Three Houses and Store c«
Walcott Street.
men night and day to handle the busi
ness, aui even then it lias been impossi
ble to do the work in the best fashion.
The new depot is a flattering indicn-
farther appropriation to aid in the work.
At a late hour on Friday night, fire
Titus, because no mandamus ai«olute caU|C j It in t | l0 8tore room on Walcott St. tion of Thomasvillo’s progress arid pros-
had been issued by the,- judge of the su „ ..
perior court. The ja-lgment, however, occupied by N. W. Chism and owned ponty.
preserved tho plaintiff’s exceptions. Af- by Ben Small, a colored man. A nnm- Bids on tho bnilding, which will ho
ter the lule absolute was issued the com- bor of houses are close together there of wood, with a metal roof, are now be-
missioners again appealed to the su- an d the flames spread rapidly. Tho ing made and the contract will lie let
preme court who again dismissed the „ ., . . .. ..
. , .. ... , storeroom, the house of Small, tho immediately,
bill of exceptions, this last time without
directions. This leaves the matter “in >‘ 008 « bclou 8 i,1 g to Barah Ponder, a
ititu quo.” The attorneys for both well known colored nurse, and a house
sides regard tiie decision as a victory owned by Small and occupied by Mr.
for them. Tho caie will come up for chism were horned,
judgment at the April court and will _ , . .
4 ^ The department made a quick run
For Men
who cannot come to the city
when in need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. We
carry the finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your sizo is, stout,
slim or short.
We Can Fit You.
Sole Agents for
For Ladies
who do not fiud it conveni
ent to come to the city,
We make buying au easy
task by sending to your
homes two or three etyles of
garments to select from.
We carry
In Our Boys’ Department
can be had everything
ready-to-wear for boys, ex
cept shoes.
B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO,
Our language contains a word ending 'iZXZ.I ed there yesterday. He is a son of Mr.
with “S'* that denote, anxiety, worry, ^ and Mrs. T. P. Strickland who aro well
mmww.A pa. known in Thomas county.
_ Dr. Strickland met Mias Aclamn ju«t
one year ago, and in the interval* of liis
medical study wooed her. He was
Graduate Married.
Dr. E. E. Strickland of the lamonin
neighborhood, graduated from the At
lanta College of Physiciaus and Sur
geons on last Tuesday evening and was
married to Miss Mary J. Adams on
^™^%s^;sMs»*f„ kr £a , *va Wednesday.
X«tl M Slhii°5S'lW da»r»iw» .ntatli TIle y Bn! “ 0W at 4,10 1,omo of Hie
forViur&«{ani?TS!£: groom's father in Florida having roacli-
Special Service for Quardo.
There will bo a speoiat service for tiie
Thomasvillo Gnards'at St. Thomas
church on next Snuday evening., Bov.
Charles T. Wright, rector of the Enl*.
copal clmrch at Albany and chaplain of
the Fourth Georgia Regiment will
preach. The company will attend iir
full uniform.
probably be again appealed to the su
preme court
Nothing Eqnal to Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy lor Bowel Com.
and did good work bot were unable to Find this word in the paragraph below,
save the gronp of houses owing to the “Cares" bring anxiety and worry,
headway the flames had made. By hard these bring derangement of tliediges-
work, and by tearing down some ad- tiTa
etc., add to tins word another
it will denote affectation, joy,
plalata In Children. joining outbuildings, the dwelling and ,ion ' played sad havoc with him and a terri- had a real “commencement” in life.
•We have used Chamberlain’s Colic, it™ j E Lrnith wore saved ‘“digestion. It not whether ble oough eet in besides. Doctors treat- He and his wife will make their home
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our * tore 01 your stomach trouble is caused by wor- ed him, but ho grew vrorm every day. g
lamily for years,” says J. B. Cooke, of There was no lnsnranoe on Mr. ry, over work, neglect, malaria or any At length we tried Dr King'* New Dia- p
Nederlands. Texas. “We have given it Ohiam’a atock of gooda. Small had $600 other cause, Rydale’a Stomach Tablets ooverv for Consumption, and our darl-
Tregcdy Averted
h»vvnL i .avnd , ' > write^Mnl >> w 0 We!L t in. snooessfol in bis worships at the shrines
or^ns, )0 xmdly resultinginindigos. S&JiSSftad °» Hymen and Aemolapiu. ar
L Rydaleii Stomach Tablets core havoc with him and a terri- had a real “commencement” in life.
Mr. W. D. Saunders, who has charmed
the Thomasville pablio for four iwvqh.
with his singing, will give a recital ajjkt
Monday night. Mr. Sanndere, as choir'
master of the Bpiaoopal church, has
worked np one of the bast choirs ever j
heard in Thomasville, and In various -
wayB demonstrated his unusual ability
Nederlands. Texas. " We have given it Chiam a atoc* or goods, smaunuafouo otner cause, nyasie a ocomacn xameta coverv ror uousumpnou, ana our aan- both as an nruaniat and vnnalt.t
to all of our Children. Wb have used oth- of insurance on his buildings. Annt will cure you. They insure perfect di- lug was saved. He's noyr sound, and "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach °° K
er medicines for the same purpose, but Sarah’s property was insured. Most gestiou and assimilation. They tone well.” Everybody ought to know, it’s and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory
never found anything to equal Chamber- qf the household gooda were saved. The and strengthen the digestive organs, re- tho only sure enre for ^Couglis, Colds results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Texas.
i',. If you will use it as directed it fire laddies had a strennona evening as storing them to health. Use them and and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by For indigestion, biliousness and consti-
always cure. For sale by J. W. Pea- they answered three alarms between good health will bless you and fortune J. W. Peacock, druggist. Price 30c and pation these tablets are most excellent,
r, Tdw raven and twelve o'clock. "Oarera” yoo. J. W. Peacock.), $1.00. Trial bottles flee. Sold by J. W. Peacock. ^ , dw
At Birmingham the Boston National'
Leaguers defeated the home team by. «
score of four to nothing. —