Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 22, 1904, Image 10
TIMES-ENTEflPRISE, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA', JOLY 22 1904. HEALTH AND BOARDS. The State Board of Health baa leaked IVIiHsion Column. WHERE ARE YOU GOING My pretty maid? I’m going, to Tybee.^ir, ahe laid. . And that’ethe place where the -people pre going thia year to have agood time. HOTEL TYBEE V - (Hifcl If In. Jt>. t. Inn) BealUing what a mighty power the pnaahae been in dtaeminatlng a knowl edge of the only true God, even unto thenttermoetendaof the earth, I feel that God hai honored me in placing thia extra doty on my heart and conadence. The only motive that baa prompted me to edit thia column to, that dor people may know mote of what ia being done to eare humanity—build character and to acre eoula. With thia knowledge, may erery reader of thia column be inapired to aak of onr Lord, what can I do to help in thia work that Ilea at my own door. The harreet truly ia plen. tloua, bnt the laborers ate few—few be cause it ia only the few that have heed ed the (Urine call “Come work in My rlneyard today.” th* legislature for a $10,100 appropria tion and poll® power to enforce its reg ulations. Lait year tbe Board reoeirsd 4-3,000 and no aped he punishment ia men tioned for violation of the board’s rules. Mow it it better to spend 110,000 and get results than to spend 0,000 and get none. And the power of enforcing its edicts should by aU means be con ferred upon the board. WUn its many attractions, its line orchestra, its, splendid bathing and its exceUent cuisine lathe most) popalar seaside resort on the South Atlantlo Coast. Bates IRSOper day; $10.60 and $16.00 per week. The Pulaski House. Ia the moat popular place in Savannah and ahoatdi be* yomi headquarters when in the city. Write for Illustrated booklet. CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. : The health oft state it its most Im portant asset AU the aohemea for im migration, all the bine&ta of top crops at topprloaa, aU the progreaa and pros perity of a section, ooant tor naught unleaa the health ia good. People Jwlll not come to a town where the email- pox flfly, dot the landscape, where dlthy streets, and garbage gorged back yards breed dlasaae germs. In many oaaea the local Hoards of Health through form tlielr. duties. The* Statu Board ought to be invested with enough mon ey and power to koep conditions sanita ry all over Georgia. Joint G. Patou, that man miglitU> used of God, says, "let us do wliat • God lays to our hand, let ns do It wiUi all onj might; and lie in his own good time and way will open up to os future duty. To-day is ours—and only today—tomor row Is God’s ” shall do so much in the yean to come, But wliat have wo done today? We shall give our gold iu a princely sum, - But wliat did we give today? We ehall lift the.lieart and dry the tear, We shall plant a'hope / |n the place of fear, We ehall speak the words of love and cheer, Bnt wliat did we speak today? : who do not find it conyeni- | vnt to come to the city; We make buying au easy taaic by sending to yoar heoiee two or three styles of garments to select from. We carry SHMTT WAISTS, SKIRTS. LKADINO CORSETS, FUKSMSHINi-C AND 1 UNDERWEAR. who cannot cume to the city when in need of clothes we make a specialty of fitting yon at, your home. We carry the finest, makes of Clothing, Hate, Furnishings and Underwear, and no mat ter wbat your eixe is, stout, ’ tiim or short, Rv-I-P-A-N^S- Tabuies Doctors find good prescription For mankind. ThetS-eent'fweket to enough- far nraai oooaskam.- The family bottle. («0ete.| ooctatoawvupply for a year. All: drug, gist* sell them. 5-» Quite a number of the papers In the hot for Hon. 3. M. Griggs. Most of them teem delight ed if they are given an opportnnlty to give him a rap — Brunswick Journal. Maybe Uiev are love licks. hr OUr, Boys' Department em be had everything ready-to-wear for boys, ex cept shoes. Sole Airflti for MANHATTAN SKIRTS, STETSON HATS, CARHARTT OVERALLS. Southern men wore the prominent leaders in the National Convention. Now let's carry this thing to its natural conclusion and nomluate "a southern man some sweet day. Tlio mluntes of the South Georgia conference held at Waynesboro have just come to ns with thia greeting; With gratitude to God, who has led we to raocon fur beyond onr expecta tions, we come to make onr Eleventh Annual Report. Thia nai Been a liappy year with us, and we have met with enough success to enoourage us on onr way. The blearing of onr God has been upon ns, and we may truly say, "Thera hath not failed one word of Hie promise.” The butchers who are on a strike are not the onee who butcher the Euglieh language* They work over timo all the ■ a^a . . JV** Aijgpbol Ponrt*WeT«el, one of the idx deaoonesees consecrated in Atlanta in 1008 died in St. Louis, Mo., May 81. She was In charge of tho N«lderiuhnu Mission. She has heard the plaudit There are "oollere settlements” but college hunt are not at waye prana to set- tie.—RonfHgM$|k ElflUv npor down. Judge Parker to now receiving 400 lettbfs a day. We want him to get just raven next November:—v.l-0-t.o.r-y. Offers courses icading to A. B.. and B. S. degrees in Mathematics, Physical Science, Philosophy, Latin, Greek, French, German, English, Histo ry and Bible, Physical Culture and Elocution. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN MUSIC AND ART. Eight Specialists in Faculty—Careful government —Every incentive to study—Best climate in Southern Ga.—All churches represented. Total cost including Physical culture and Elocu tion $328. tt®*’ write for catalogue Efforts to get the Primitive Baptiste of Georgia together Inere egalu failed. Free Uaranry is the rook that kept them apart this time., The Primitive Baptist! are dying out In this and other states.—Savannah Prese. There are agood many left in Thomas county. The Atlanta Journal recently pu] lilhed an article on "How to make tueker.” A good many of them are born. It's hotter to get out and huitle for your home town tbaii to alt on a store box and dUcr.** the "two of t lie nation. V.WO petiil" were kiiletl on Aim> rail reads last year. The Russians might Introduce a few wiili telling effect. The arithmetic sharks are busy jag- V-^Ueg wltliflgorti on the electoral vote. A majority of even oue will enlt ns. Ilia belief tolling flower* than mod. A nutted Democracy tlionld telegate the clav caster* to the rear. Epworth League Met. The Epworth League held a racial and literary meeting at tho loolure room of the Methodist clinrch laat night. A good program was rendered and the oc casion was much enjoyed by everyone. Nina Different Onee. It eeeme that theeyee of the melon.' eating and the meloa shipping world are centered on Thomaeville Jnst now. One dav this week freight agents of nine dif ferent rosdi eat oown to dinner at tlio Marary Hotel. Jt's about time for another outbreak f.ora some sensation seeking pulpit- ponn.ler. Tbe Voting Man' means business in word. Board of Tivdo every setse of the ••Parker and Davi* Tl, - ilnltek to save ns’’ blithely carol* the Atlanta Constitution. Davis clubs are being E a'l belong in Thomas baclibono does’ not n soluble a boiled carrot. man Davit 1* as good as lie ought to be elected. are much iu evidence will come later on. Williams will do the campaign. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY For Sale. Newly Overhauled. One 18 H. P. Tabular Boiler " 80 ", " 10 •■ " Vertical " ■*- 81“ • Locomotive - on wheels. One to H. P. Vertical boiler and en- fine, I No. 1 Dr Loach Saw Mill, Simplex Feed. 1—48 fetch Inserted tooth saw. ■t—Small saws, f—Soots sterna feed rape feed as good as new. l-rj Hi Pi enter crank engine. F-3S - ., good ae new.' t I—Button saw mantle. 1—Set_j6 stringer logging track* new a*—Sets 30 pole „ „ , „ 1—3)4 Duplex Steam pump, nuw. 1—X' t-ar Gardner governor. „ Mm geedas new. 1—2 t-x’ King governor. I*—2 1-1 Monarch' governor. I—3 t-x* Pickering governor. 12.-Sets IV Pickering. Carriage truck. new, the best made. Prompt attention upon. work. Wj will be prepared to furnish'eane mill* in 30 days. THOMASVIIM IRON WORKS Work*near A. G. L. R. B, Depot'. P.’ O; 108; Telephones 134. said 810. RATES. Commencing Sunday July 10th, (tho Atlantlo Coast line B. B.’ will Ml round trip tickets ThoraarviUe to White Springs for 88.00 limited to date of auto, lieketegood on train leaving Thomas- villa 8:15 a. m. Monday. The O. S. 4k F. will operate special train VaT- dosta to White Spring* and return to eonneet with thud train* on A, O. L. For Ml information call on A. N. Tern- bull, ticket agent, W. J. Oririg G. P. A, W. H. Leahy D. P. Thomaeville’e Sunt- of Sohools. (Krcm the Charlotte Observer Prof. A. J. Barwick, who has been principal of tho city school* or Goldsboro for tlie past three years, has.accepted a position as stiporiti tendon t of the graded sohools of Thomasville, Ua. Professor Barwick is a yonug man of exceptional ability in his chosen profession. He hak made au eviablo record horo, and the entire people of Goldsboro appre ciate his work and hope for him the greatest success iu his new work. Thomasvilie is to bo congratulated iu WANTED TO BUY ‘TEN MILLION CAR LOADS' WOOL Cow Hides Fur, Beeswax, Etc. HIGHEST CASH, THIOLS I’AID. J. W. WATKINS ft CO’, J. 11. WATKINS. • M.nng Olnce at VViliiamsk'.Stable 2iA W acsson St., Tbomasville, Ga. Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana; Ok- California, GJoorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington / and other points West, Northwest and Southwest I. G. HOLLENBECK. , Dist. Passenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R. The Teeth sflunld be well cared for from the cradle to-tbe grave. We have a large assort ment of Tooth Brushes and several kinds oS Troth Powder Warranted to be pure em&keaeflctol. NAIL BRUSHES, HUrBruuuee, Beth Brushes, Fine Soups domestic sod importeriL splendid Sham poo fbr the hair,and all Toilet Beqniaitee if goad quality at moderate prices! S. H. PRICE CO. Bole Ascot Jacobs (toadies About what j’ew will give ‘.hat friend who is going to get married. Sim ly come down here and t,ll us how much you want to £spenJ. Well do the rest—and guar antee that the present « ill te elegant. You don't have to spend a fortune to obtain ele gance. L, H. JERGER, SUMMER- RATES. Those, who wish day board or pleas ant rooms with board caa be accoin dated. Everything clean, eomfortable- obtainiug tho services of a man so well. an4 homelike> . good Iind prompt service qualilied as Superintendent Barwtck. j to all. Phone 171. I * Maaury I-Iotel. South Georgians at Convention Tlio programme of tho Georgia State 1 Horticultural Society’s twenty-eighth j j annual mcatiug has been made public. | The mcotiug will take place at Tallu- 1 lali Falla on Angnst 3, 4 and 6 Several prominent South Georgians are included in tlio list of speakers. The diacueaione are "Cantaloupe,” by E. J , McRee of Kinderion, •• Watermelons” i by Mitchell B. Jones of Tbomaaville| The Pecan in Georgia” by J. B. Wight of Cairo. STUDENTS INSTRUCTED 3 IN 3 Shorthand and TyoawritinQ. ^ Stenographic Work Neatly Exe- 4 cuted. ’Phone 273. ^ Miaa Jania Alexander. < 4ldw Next door to:Tlmm-Entvrprl»e. d kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlAAAAA DR. J. A. DICKEY’S Painless Eys Water. A quick and safe cure, a certain cure, painless cure for INFLAMED AND WEAK EYES. Its'equal luis never beeu aiscorered ifor GRANULATED LIDS, Prepared only by Dickey Eye Water Co., Manufacturing Chemist*, Enfaolm, AU Successors to Dr. J. A. Dickey, Bristol, Term. Price'tio cents. For s s by Druggists. 23 dw *Vhen biliois la I Stomach and Liver J W Peacock. HEALTH AND VITALITY Alton ia not haltin' on ki* rota gain- opium which lead, to oauompuo« N ,£u inlaS core or rtfUnd the money, toilet •LON per box, < boxes for ASQ. iBff way. Mi MOTTBCii KMIC A *- vOraiCteveftead. Otto. Crimson Glover Sown at the last working of the Com or Cotton Crop, can be plowed under the. following April or allay in time to'piant corn or other crops tbe some season. Crimson Clover prevents winter leaching of the sou, is equal in fer tilizing valne to a good application of stable mannre and will wonder fully increase the yield and qual ity of corn or other crops which fallow it. It alto makes splendid RVDAUS TONIC , A New SClCBtmc Discovers tor (be 81009 and NERVES. It purifies the blood by eliminating tho waste mutter and other Impurities nnd by destroying the germ* or microbes that OamhcvIain’s j Infest tho blood. It builds* up the blood t-*. For Sa c i by restoring and multiplying the red cor- | pusclc*, making the Hood rich and rod* • ITfestorea and stimulates the nerve% causing a full free flow of nerve force throughout the entire nerve Bystem. It speedily euros unstrung nerves, nervous, ness, nervous prostration and all t cf the nervous system* Wood’s Seeds. the action of the roots and itnbble improve the land to a marked de- i ”S£ > t!Sigsra5f«B£ tor- T.W.Woos&Sods, Seedsmen, - visaing. MALARIA. i RYDALE8 TONTC Is a specific for aS forms of Malaria. It acta on a new prin« rip>. It kills the microbes that produce Malaria. The cause being ,removed tho liscasc quickly disappears. RY DALES TOXIC is guaranteed to cure the most i obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chill* znd Fever, Ague, etc. Wo authorize all > dealers handling our remedies to refuod | the purchase price for every bottle of R YD ALES TONIC tN*t mod gh?3 btiahriios, HICKORY. N. C. W. PEACOCK. 1