Newspaper Page Text
TIME8-F.N fcsBKPBISfl "H0MA.S7II£3, GEORGIA AOGU8' r 0- 1904 '
•am* Hems.
y,M- •’
Wr.aHTftrvJ i*. taaWff, of Hw*
gd*« «ns» t lt-is" _-«■ Sniwlay. ,
M«. -islepoite sick at Jii-r
muiWw^io «i to. • ..^oer.
(for S’. xJV'ik- • *Va |*aid Patted H
yMt-tau fr'*n<te •.
. 3®*SfTP , ’«** Jttd^teitrore having
aioM.v to.;i J . -< aw*'.'
*!«■ <«»,:« »he- 1>rfit«V
yarC-"S-. <i»*aK*«v •* fault Pxtrtr,
&G<* l ***i«o "1m to Mr.’ M. I'.
Vreday, ftiV. 4. !•!.
r &'hcTtme«ZTxv< «g
6. «nd B. S«NI. ■ "• f
Tlie.Brunswiok and Birmingham road
*H told In Bnuwwiek at public outcry
ft) Mr. Bird if. Bobfuaon, of Sew York,
l ifijr prexident of the road; The ule
a i« conducted by O. B. Ogg, receiver,
n >d i be upeet price wee $1,000,000. The
i . Kid will be immediately tranaferred to
the Atlantic and Birmingham, which
laabceu oporatiug it for aeveral months,
fill* ia the end of a long and relations
.ogliJ tangle. ThomaertUe people will’
. »s glacl to learn of the final aatiafactory
iidjustmeot, which haa not reanltedin
>«* to tii* A. and B.
list to-.
I W: i
r*w «nmi'i'il*fi''p
- «*f Ctiamh: r!.»ifi
s4Uv.r nj>it i,
"*t- wta Ury
CmifTi'-i- e -w •' *> Sattrii slid Trecr
*tMH* » "H^Huunri of f» »
lltW. *• l-rAOt
» .. .. fjli> fiirijM- <»»•.><.
•ling: t»*' • *• 0- *-«*+■<.
apes! .i • *- lit, —i
-•SlWJCr. t * <ln»
/ VvMtC< «l <b« ***
-r-fforitt: tiii. i:
-1* S«-Jf t* ^#4. j*.W i -< .-■
jXcu> lay >a* /a ’veb.-)
. J*ss?i&Svi***twit. iw
%cmtn.»>*vw '*<*•<*€ <«d T’/rWir. w> i
itiwav ]f?rno!, mj^i ;•
-Shoos Aril B5*Q!$fet«v *V«
aal WjnGV.h*. fn'iV
iBftofejf, i- ififibby «»t.I
7i irfflar-. .1 T-v;$ir*‘. Wu* .*f iisi * . Y-<*
* *•*«-*< d n* l*f viV
«*ie«rrsm ** Si- «i .cii Tab.
o 'ltTPHshwe-il*«d w<k*ui'\ r lit*-1>
jk-V i* czar of (trier. They Are LM’:.!'
aalfiA foe **'■£» at *uy tiiac n*n
*fc»ec«***»jr to relieve >Uit* »i«i
a*'a THtlflistls. F mlly sizt*
XU Poarock. x
Mr, and Mr*. Hipolite H»r®.
j. Mr. aud Mrs Hipolite of DeValles
j .ifulf Ark. arrired in the city yesterday,
j iud will spend some time here. They
j may permanently locate in this’ci^y.
J tlxh Hipolite is pleasantly remembered
j lie Mrs. H. A. Peters. Since herdepar*
: -nr!; from Thomasyille'a few months
| v she WflH/married to Mr. Hipolite.
j r y lofilv well and happy, and says she
T i f U) home again. Mr. Hipo-
# 4M f. *-x f fv?i<cd himself as being most
K'-" j i .lornfly struck with South Georgia.
j * > on v.kvo a beautiful city and a
y-^OM i 4 • entitleountry M he said, “and l'am
J a mI to he here.*"
2250 Registered
i. ,j.. j Tin registration .books for the county
; f . j r'ni. ry have closed. There tire about
, ; .,j -2 .AC t. uiies on,the list, and thefo will be
t ItpVf utithxi to cast their ballots a week from
: titrifirovr.
“ ./. T. Crow of Ooolidge spent- Wcdnes*
” ' .lay in lowu.
Vi■;•; • -»„ ;. x
} ^'arshal Burney, of Boston, sj>eut
i Wedne sday in town.'
( M r. G. E. Butler of Ooblockoneo was
in town Wednesday.
an »k« good eld snmnmr Hnje,. t
Wkm-l^thr^njiherooglifiii ' r, j,u>i i .
anim^.v jiwi madatwa are alt kepi b>-* •
jmrid ^ to loan and beast are of f,
taasevv -xritaranee. El.iott’s E:«mbi ■*•
iCNf'Jkav* newt is the uirvit sepriedab’e >-.*
*eWi*‘n' iletoermmr.y liniment in .
rR r* >. <■-* ^ ickiy and heab sjrv.i h
«iir.*f s < * vto,^.«s brni‘*;-, S’ru -, *• <•
• Y<w.- jc^’ vje tvtff plat f«**r 2&*, •w«t < • i
■tyrir 'B'nwrbicb if >1
■) jmn- .'•■kV fcv£ W, Bssct>ck.\
H. M. Harrell, of BaiUbridge, was at
tiie Stuart yesterday.
Major h Redfearn of Barwio!
•Hint’Wednesday in town. \
Holt. Virgin, of Pelham, was a guest
or the Mitchell .Wednesday
Mr. John Slater Jr. has recovered from
a sevore attack of soustroko nnd fever.
The report was cirenfatod that Mr. Slater
had boon temporarily insane, but this
his family emphatically deny.
I, J. W. Peacock, Guarantee* Mi-o-iia
WillCare if Used now. s
T^lfe warm weather months are the
best in the whole yerfr for the treatment
of dyspepsia and stomach trouble. The
out door life, the fruit and berries which
are so liberally eaten, all help to restore
tone to the digestive system.
I, J. W. Peacock, am ready to refund
the money if Mi-o-na does not cure in*
digestion and stomach troubles at any
Reason, bnt urge alt who axe afflicted
with dyspepsia to begin the use of Mi o*
na now, knowing that the cure will be
more quickly effected.
If the food you eat gives you pain and
discomfort and does not digest readily,
a Mi*o na tablet taken after each meal
will soon bring relief aud complete free
dom from all stomochtmubles. Mi-o*na
soothes ipid heals the inflamed stomach
lining, mingles with the food, aids di
gestion, gives tone aud strength to the
whole system,'and makes complete and
permanent cures in the worstcases of
stomach troubles.
If by any chances Mi-o-na should not
give you perfect satisfaction and do all
that is .claimed tor it, return the empty
box to J. W. Peacock and he will refold
your money without a question.
You are the sole judge. A 50c box
contnius two Weeks’ treatment, and this'
guarantee covers two hopes. •'
• Take advantage of the summer the
best time iu kite whole year to regain
good health and to enjoy Jjt,
Executor’s Sale:
GEORGIA—Tliomas county.
By virtnreof on order of the Court of
Ordinary of aoid conOtY, will be sold at
public outcry, ou toe Bnt Tuesday in
September, 1804, at the conrt house in
■aid county, between the l^gol boon of
sale, the following real estate situated
in Thomas count?, to-wit: A certain
lot in city of Thomasville, Go., being on
west side of Crawford streut, between
Smith Are. and Fletcher .street, lying
between lets of lira. Harrocks on youth
and Mrs. Maswy cn north,'said lot bar.
lags frontage on Crawford street of 78
feet, north side being 21S fee*,south side
174 feet and rear line B0 feet, according
to AloSwain survey and known in said
surrey a< lot No. 2, and haring thereon
a 7 robra dwelling. -Terms cash. ”'
This 1st of August, 1904.
' W. B. Webb,
Executor of wilt of Helen B. Foote.
Property pointed ont by E. M. Mal-
late, Agt. 8-9-4
Petition for Charter.
C. C. Cocroit,
Tbomaavillfg Os.
Pianos and Organs.
Repres ctlng Phi ps & Ciew Co
£>u<>nt >, O.-orgla
Hu$jt\rjiv, Knabe, Plsrhcr H;«r<lntun, Kmn
ilu. Ilurrirg’on, Kimball. Uiullo I'litiius
Knibati Rcvd and P<po ORGANS.
M tnr men and woman aro com<diiitfy
Fubjeciod to vvlipt they commonly term
“a continual FtrMu!’ because of homo
financial or family.trouble. It wears and
<ti*tre«k?K them both mentally and pliya
iruliy. nffoctfng their nerves badly and
briuging on liver and kidney ailmeuta.
vitli the attendant evil of constipation,
oss of appbtite, sleeplessness low vital
ity and desi>ondoucy. They cannot, a*
( u rulo, got rid of tills “continual strain.”
j out they can remedy its health-destroy
ing effects by taking frequent doson of
Green’s August Flower. It tones up
the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures
healthy bodily functions, gives vlai aud
spirit tc one’s whole being, nnd event
ually dispels the pnysicnl or mental dis
tress caused by tlmt “continual strain.”
Trial bottle of Atigpat Flower, Uoc;
regular size, 75c. At all druggists.
WjJnesftay,. August 24th,
.This i/utii-
Leap Ya*ir corner only once in four years, and it
may possibly be lour years niore before you
have -another chance like this.
As our second Mill End Sale outclassed
flv.* first, so will this LEAP YEAR
SALE out-class the second Mill End Sale.
Oy Mr. Church well has been in the Eastern
xpaAris for the past two weeks, and has.bought us
.aach-an.array o 1 Bargains for this sale, as you have
ajevarcan before, and may never see again.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Totfiq Hon. the Superior. Court of
said County.
The petition of^5. SteycTman, Edward
Long*»berg and Harry Stoyermari, all of
said State, respectfally shows.
First. That they desire for them*
selves, their associate*, successors aud
assigns, to become incorporated'under
the name and style of "The Steyermau
Second. The term for which peti-
fipuent iask to be incorporated i* twenty
years with 4he privilege of renewal ac
the end of tliartime.
Third. The capital stock of the cor
poration is to be Fifteen Thousand Dol
lars, divided into shares of One Hundred
Dollars each. Petitioner*, however,,
ask the privilege of increasing said
capital stock to an amount not exceed
ing Fifty Thousand Dollars.
/ - -
* Application for Administration.’
GEORGIA—ThosUs County:
W, W, Brooks, having- made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent administrator upon ^tbe es
tate of Jo s eph Mallard, Tate of said coun
ty, notice is hereby given that said appli
cation \ ill be heard at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinar^Jor said county
to be held on the first Monday in Sep
tember, Igoj. '
Witness mjr band and official signature
this 18th day of July, I904.
7*29-51 W. M Jones, Ordinary,
Ouardian’s Sal&.
Fourth. The whole of suid capital
stock has actually been paid in.'
Fifth. The object erf the proposed
corporation is pecuniary profit and gain
toils stock holders. Petitioners pro
pose to carry on the busiuess of geueral
merchants, dealing by wholesale and
retail in dry goods, notions, farmers , * ,vccn thr same hours until all of said
supplies and provision*; buying and . P r °pe r fy ,s *°W* Terms CASH.
first Tuesday in September, 1904. tc*
tween the usual hours of sale, a one half
(1) interest in the following real estate,
situ .tern the town of Boston and countv
of Thomas, tow it ^—One lot on corner
of Main and Jefferson Sas.. fronting on
Main St. 30X90 feet with one story brick
store building thereon covering lot.
One lot fronting on leffer«on St., Bos
ton, Ga., contain ng one acre more or
less, with a five (?») room dwelling h u-e
thereon, bounded on the North by Jeffer
son St., on the East by E. R. Wbab-y.on
the South by Rev. D. H. Pa’kcr. on the
WeftbyW.R Forster. .
One lot Ironting on Stephens St., Bos
ton, Ga., containing one acre inure or
less, with a six (6) room dwelling house
thereon, with servants house, bounded
on the East by St'flhens on the
S utb by H 1> Philips, on the West by
Bapti t Church lot. aud on the N* rth by
fackson Street.
One lot in Boston- Ga., fronting on
Green Street and A C* L. K y contain
ing one-half (.})ocre more or less, bound
ed on the West bv G^een Street, on the
North by Levi 1 laves, on the East by
Mrs/ Missouri Horn, on the South by A.
C. L. right of way.
Also ten (inj atres of land, Lot No. —
fronting on the\Thoniasvi'le and Boston
publje ro|d four’U) miles west, of Bos
ton Ga, cleared but no*, under cul iva-
The sale continue from day to day bc-
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of the Court o'
Ordinary of said county, will be solu at
public outcry at the court house door in
the city of TbomatviHe, Georgia, on th^^ axes OR p ro p er ty for any one year by
Ad Valorem Tax.
Constitutional Limit*
By Hi. Excellency, Joseph M. Terrell
Governor of the State of Georgia.
Executive Department, July 87th 1094
Whereas the General Assemblv. at
its session in 1903, propo-ed an amend,
ment to the Constitution of this State, as
set forth inXct approved August 17th,
1903, to wit:
Section 1. Be it e iscted by the Gener
al Assembly of the State ot Georgia,
That article 7, section I, of the Constitu
tion of this State, be amended by ad
ding to said section the following para
graph, as paragraph 2: 'I he levy of
Tho*. J. Jordan)
vs [ Libel for Divorce.
Julia B. Jordan)
It appearing that thq defendant, Julia
Brown Jordan is not a resident-ot Geor
gia, it i* ordered that Rftrvice bo perfoc-
tod in accordance with sections 2482 and
4078 of the Civil Cotie of Georgia, aud
tliut notice containing the names of the
parties plaintiff and defendant, with
caption setting forth the court, the term
and character of the action aud a uotice
directed aud addressed to tho party to
bo thus served who is Julia Browu Jor
dan, the defendant, commanding her to
be and appear at the next term of
Thomas Superior covrt, aud bearing teat
in the name of the Junge of S. C< 8. G.,
and signed by the clerk. The same to
be published in tho Tiraes-Euterptise
twice a mouth for two mouths. This
Cth ot.j of June. 1904.
Rout. g. Mitchell.
Judge Superior Court Sou. Circuit.
J. W. Giwwyer,
C S. O.
0-10 8
Rubber neck or joints with Elliott’*
Emulsified Oil Liuiment. It will re
move all stiffness and soreness. It is
much better than piasters for iau.e
back, or paiu iu the chest’or side. E r -
itot’s Emulsified Oil Liniment curt*
muscular Rheumatism. Full 1*2 pint
bottles, 25 cents. J. W. Peacock.
selling all such goodn # ns may bo neees- j
sary for the proper conduct of said pro- j
posed busiucss; to ony and ow'u real
estate; to borrow and loan money, to
This 2nd day of August 1904
J. B Brooks,
Guardian of W J Brooks.
rocvlve h„<1 hold and crocuto dccd» and! A „ n(Ja , Excursion to Savannah,
mortgage* os security;. to soil'and buy
live stock mid other personal property;
to do all tmeh tilings a* may be neces
sary to carry on the business as pro
posed. -w.
Sixth. That the principal offloo and
place of business of the proposed cor
poration will be in the Qity of Thomns-
ville said Statu and Couuty. *
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be
‘made a body corporate under tho name
and stylo aforesaid,entitled to the rights,
privileges aud immunities aud subject
to the liabilities fixed by law
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas Couuty.
Via Atlantic L/Oast Lino Wednesday,
August 1 "rihr- The most delightful trip
of the year. Boating, fishing and ocean
breeze*. Train leave* Thomasville at
ft :05 a. m. Rate f2.60 for the rouud
trip. ^Seo agent of the Atlantic Coast
Line, or address,
T. J. Bottoms
Traveling Passenger Agent.
Thomanviile. Ga.
For Sale.
Having bought tho entire equipment
of the Kentucky Stables, wo have on
hand un exn-ss of harness, phaetons,
baggies, surrey* etc.' These-we offor at
I, J. W. Groover, Clerk SnJS-rior! * low for «**'' Tl,efc “ rticles
Court, Thomas County, do certifv that
tho foregoiug Is a true copy of tho
original ou file iu wj office.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this 10th day of August, 1904.
812 it. Clerk Superior.Court.
&a>i: Cjcj:.-, - - Thamasvillc, Georgia,
v .Walck fju' J3|g Circular Price List.
Commencing Sunday July 10th. the
Atlantic Coast Line R. R. will sell
round trip tickers Thomasville to White
Spring* for f 2.00 limited to dato of sale.
Tickets good ou train leaving Thomas-
Tiile 0:15 a. m. Monday, The G.
S. & F. will operate special train Val
dosta to White Spring* and return to
connect with these trains on A. O. L.
For full information call on A. N. Torn-
bull, ticket agent, W. J. Craig G. P. A.
W.H. Leahy D. P.
Yes! If Rydales Elixir is used in
time: before too much of the lung tissue
i* involved. This modern scientific
medicine removes all morbid irritation
and inflammation from the lungs to the
surface and expel* them from the sys
tem. It aids expectoration heals the
ulcerated surfaces, relieves the cough
and makes breathing, easy. Rydale’s
Elixir does not dry tho mucous ^surface
and thus stop tho cough. Its action is
just tlio opposite—R stimulates and
soothes It kill the germs that cause
chronic throat and lung disease aud
thus aids nature to restore, these organs
to health. Trial size ^5 cts. Large
sizeoOcts. The large size holds 2 1-2
times the trial size. J. W. Peacock.
are second Handed, but with light re
pair* they will givo splendid service.
Call at Kentucky Stable’s,
ELDER and FOSTER, d-w-tf
Attorney-at- Law,
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street.
Thomasville. • • ' Georgia
Money to loan ou Thomas County
LSTReal Elate at 7 pur cent anunm
castor 1A
for Infant* and Children.
Tbs Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Bm*3 the
Senator* of
Wood’s Seeds.
Crimson Clover
Sown at the last working
of the Corn or Cottoa Crop,
can be plowed under the following
April or May in time to. plant corn
or other crops the same season.
Crimson Clover prevents winter
leaching of the sou, is equal in fer
tilizing value to a good application
of stable manure and will wonder
fully increase the yield and qual
ity of corn or other crops which
follow It. It also makes splendid
winter and spring grazing, fine
early green feed, or a good bay
crop. Even if the crop is cut off,
the action of the root* and stubble
improve the land to a marked de
T.W.Wood & Sens, Seedsmen,
■iBiaoia, • viiiiiia,
the General Assembly for all purposes,
except to provide for repelling invasion,
suppressing insurrection, or defending
the State in time of war,shall not exceed
each dollar of the value of
propery taxable in the State.
Section-2. Be it further enacted, That
whenever the above proposed amend
ment to Ihe Conatttu’ion shall be agreed
to by two-tliirds of the members elected
to each of the two houses of the Gen-
ral Assembly, and toe same has been
ntered on the Journal., with the . yeas
anti nays taken thereon, the Governor
shall, and he is hereby authorized anti
nstrucicd to cause said amendment to
be published in at least two newspapers
each congressional district in %.<s
hutc for at least two months next pre
ceding the time fo*- holding the nc/tt
general election.
Section 3 it further enacted, Tlat
the above proposed amendment shall te
submitted for ratification or rejection to
the electors of this State at the next
general election to be held, alter pubii-
ernion as provided for in ihe second sec
tion of this Act, in the several electicn
districts of tbis State, at which electicn
every p>j.->o\ shall be qualified to vote
\vi*o is entitled to vote for members cf
the General Assembly. All persons
voitng atsau electicn iu fj^yor ot adopt
ing the proposed amendment to the
Constitution, shall have written or
printed on their ballots “these word7.:
“For ratification of the amendments o
article 7, section 1, of the Constitution
ot this State, so as to lini't the levy of
taxes.on property fer uny one year by
the General Assembly to five mills on
each dollar of the value of^the property
taxable iiKthe State, except for tho pur
pose of repelling invasion, suppressing
insurrection, tr defending the Sta fc . i
time of war ”; ana alt persons opposed to \
the adoption of said amendment shall
have written br printed on their ballot
the woids: “Against the ratification of
the amendment to article ?, section I, of
the Consti'tition of this State, so as to
limit R - e levy of taxe\ on property tor
any one year by the General Assembly
to five mills on each dollar of the value
of the property taxable in this State, ex
cept for tho purpose of repelling invas
ion, suppressing insurrection, or defend
ing the State in time of war.” And if a
majority of the electors qualified to vote
for members of the General Assembly
voting thereon shall vote s for said
amendment, then shall said amendment
become a part of the Codstitution of this
Now, therefore I. Joseph M. Terrell,
Governor of said State, d * issue this Toy
proclamation hereby declaring that the
foregoing proposed amendment to the
Constitution is submitted tor ratiticatton
j-:ction to the toters of the State
qualified to vote tor members of the
General Assembly, at the general eloo- V
tion to be held on Wednesday, October
5th. 1904. •
By the Governor- Joseph M. Tcitell,
Philip,* Cook • Governor.
Secretary of Slate. 3-5-td
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
To all whom it may concern:—Mr*.
Emma J. Groover having made applica
tion for guardianship of the persons and
proper? r of C. F.. Edna, Margaret and
Katharine Groover, minor children of
O. D. Groover, late ot Brooks country,
deceased, uotice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at my of
fice at tenVclock a. m.,* on the first
Monday iu September, 1904.
This July 13, 1904. Wm. M. Jones,
C- 4 t. Ordinary
Typewriter For Sale.
A good Denxmore Typewriter, neorty
niew; used but little, a genuine bargain.
Partiee in need can get a tint-class
machine at half regular price. Apply
to A. W. Logne.
8-Ms Ojhlockaoe, (ffJr