Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 23, 1904, Image 2
W*pvS»«l Elector Define* Hie Position, Dicuinta Principle* and Peet Politic*. OFFICIAL ORDER FOR LIGHT AND SEWER ELECTION. The space in out shelves is being rapidly filled with the Newest Creations. for the fall season 1904-5. Satsuma Suitings 27 in. wide, for house dress, in all fall shades 8 CTS. Merchant* Mint not Exhibit Their Ware* on the Sidewalk. Vaccina tion made Compulsory. Ordinandi to .Limit Speed of Train* In City U m it*. Other New*. ' Armure Flannelettes 27 in wide, sold always for 15 cents 3.2 1-2 Cts. EVERY DAY Something new arrives, and it will pay you to see ou liae before making your fall purchases. J. 6. Ward, Jr. of Alderm. n l>re»6n». Mlnntr. of the J*et mci'tluR and tlie adjonrimu meeting read and comflrmed. 1 FollomuK partloe were granted license npou cimplying with- the ordinance: Joseph Thomn»> merchaadise. Solomon Monitor. merchandise, Sin. Brooke aud Will Jackson, merchmidiie license. Tlie lioonre of C.[J Huret wa* traneferred to .H. J. Larkin*, Jr.' Alderman Bojer reported that the toner for the rower liad boat* complet ed and the estimates made and ho asked lor additional appropriation oMi7."0 to prvj tat tame, and the approyriattaa of •HOOwti mad*. Alderman Hxaeeil made a report tor l be cemetery committee on the etwee? of lots made ill leant Hill Oemetoeyb* A. J. Btenaland. He reported'incited, at*of pmsi for Ik* lot* ae tlie>appear he tko- register of cemetery lots fbn Lan- : cel Uhl Cemetery.' Price* were-adopt- SCHOOL AFFAIRS And Othar News of Merrfflvllfe end , Vicinity. rend said that ho wanted a cietn tod flinging campaign. I t<ld ja*t suited me and wherever 1 t apbalA the principles of my TIMES-ENTEIll’KISE, THOMA8VILLE, GEOBGfA, SflfTEViMK 23 iWi B liter Thnee-Enterprlee: leyoar issue of the8th, yonpnbiiah at account of my name being placed on •ha Watson electoral ticket to the •apond distriot of Georgia in which yon Indirectly request an expression aato may acceptance or rejection of the honor ' -conferred by the etate convention. In Tlie Unit place I with to eay that I •regret that a wiser, bettor and abler aneh-waa not selected, that could render 1* ire and better service in the interests •f the great champion . the Interests •f tlievnnmcs oftho people of Ibis re- Vxbiia. and to tlileend my influence was •ted. Sot a* this was not the case and •liemautle list fallen npon me I will mvt embarrass the cause by retroatlug In the face of tlie enemy. As to my ' Toaevviug my allegiance to tlie Demo- >«'at(c party, 1 will say (hat not since • IRMiave I-voted the National Demo- ■e ratio ticket, and ae I saw tlie trend of -tVOTtlro tideyear long before 1 dreamed of Watson being a candidate I had an tde np my mind to vote for neither of •tlie old parties hut stand aud he counted tor auotlier candidate. It ie true that I ♦are in local inattorsexpresaod a prefer* ■anno in men as selected'by the while prtixirii-s, whore only the fltuess of tlie ' 'Candidates and “pot llw parties entered Into fiKTcontont. So far as the presout natl oal contest i* concerned myself nor any one olse •wont into a primnry for tho nomination •fa candidate;for president, but for Argument sake gram that we did. A w* viTs principles should bo greater than _*ny jiarty. PoliMciil panic, are or- t.-jpdiaelUn>'propagate certain principled rand whomrer the party stands still and ’rtbelndlvMnal’a <vlew change it lathe a parfc-efjtjtrijtiioi'for bim to seek one Uk'accdrti with hit views. On tho other hand if the individual flows remain nr.- ehmignd and the party turns square airoandi patriotism demands that a more eomgenni'i aejoclation) should lie a nght. Now till* was tlie case 8 tear, ago rf'-o iDeiuocratio pasty i *pprbprloied Ha'jfo ijiart dt* .the Pupm,.' plalibiui. .I'M lnme-wiis made in n.u pnmarriu •tiiis stale, one faction Id by Orisu tlie othtr br Hoke Smith, in which toe iTormor won by a large majority, where nfpoa a respectable miuoritv ref used to >h* groomed by said action, iffcdt Jha radical and horetlcal doctrine •Icold miu tlie country, so tiioy formed • new iparty which was the only logical •blag to them to do according to their rhei. As yon remember two of onr unit •ainenc and able oitisona liicditliem- sathrcs away to Indianaimiis and uomi- •ated A National Democratic ticket tho fins* of whicli refnsed to voto for hint- ■elf bnt voted for MoKinley. Now Ur. Editor I am under nooblh aatioa to vote to Tom Watson only I ■geek with him on most of the great naanoinlo issues ,.f tlie day, oliisf among whkh are money issued by government, , xmlroed* oaued by tlie government, aud 1 am nil tax. Bnt if he aud his party had ■sgsdspsd.tliat .there were giants over yonder, we will never be able to possess It ad tnru-d tlieir faces toward the •ash you of Egypt, or the government gfieenauter my vote aud support would hare been a isiost them. But viewed Finn the standpoint ns I see it 1 would A J mailing short of a hyprorrilu to sop pir; oiDtUdutc* whoso chief etiginco s tar i vNeboad* i f tho great oorpnrutious sand... duopolies of the country, who for fatty wots have discriminated npon tlie ia<u>urof the sontli. tlmt big dividend* might he dteiared npou watered stock , I d* set dost that I am a traitor lo tlie enatk by voting for the nomineo of a Busy tint say* by its action that the esai th lias been ruled loug enough aaekebtUt atm no longer shall sit in the] lather of humiliation. Bus permit me Mr. Editor to Cferoagk your paper that reaches most •rf the hotacadu this comity that while .are flier as to parties, meu ami utev. '--V:. we cltoatd not ou that account fgifer an friends. ago my friends named mo oclidiie for tho legiUaturo in tlie lie's party. Immediately aftn- s tlie Hou. H. W. Hopkins who ».V*f already been named liy tlie oppes- caw« to me at tlie Wat t Mil Ml BBMSSBaM- ■ (By J. N. Donaldson.) Tits school hoard met at tlie Academy last Saturday, and ufiev traucting the tegular rontlne of busines* elected a new Board of Trustee* for the enuring year consisting of Die following genii*, mm, Willisni McMillan, E. £3. Janet* and W. P. Black shear. Tliay elected Mr. Dan Redfcaro,-of Berwick, Principal and Mira Jennie Johnrowwa* recommendtd as assistant teacher for lie next scliolnstio term Mrs. Dr. W. H. Crow, of Goolldge, after speudlug a few dajellie gnesd at Mrs W M. McMillan returned, horns Wednesday. Mr. Joseph Davis went sa Moultrie- Thnrrday utt buslnos*. Mrs J B. Dopeon and Mr Doprutd* mother spent« few hoar* lore Thote- day. t Mrs L. B. Rogers, of Thoaurllln. and Mi* V. N, Garter spent last Sunday in Coclidge Mr. and Mr*. T. 8. Kverett.of Utuiniit. Fla., are ekiwvted to arrive in, a low days and while here will be the gaeetot tliolr danghter, Mr*. T. P. Black- shear. Mr*. A. Green, and iter little danghter Ella, visited Mrs, Lilly May Scarbrough of Thomasrille a'few davs last week. Miss Bell Daren, of Tonreine,' left Sunday to Norman Park, whither she liasgone to enter sclio.1 at tliatinati' tnte. Rev.M. A. WUaon of near Dillon oame np Similar and Ailed Ids regular appointment Imre, ilewasuccouipjuiud by ills daughter Mist Viola. We are glad to chronicle tlie coural escenee of Mr. Arclde Uhostaiu who liaa been snlferlng witii an attack of the fevor. Misses Mollie Pierce anil * S ill io Urveu spent Sunday in Thoinasville. PORTRAIT OF PROF. BAKER. Addition to Teachers' Library Made byTaachera of the Coun y. lleccnt visitors to tlie tercliers’ library ou tho third floor of tint court house liavi! noticed a now ornament to tho wat s. It is a handsome portrait of Prof. Julia E. Baker, Tiiomasvillo': honored resident. His benign face smiles down upon the beholder from a handsome frarno. At tlie Teachers' Institute in 1908 Prof. J. S. Searcy, of the best known school workers in county made a splendid address. Ill ii lie montionod Prof. Baker ns u model for the younger generation to pattern afte-. Hia sapient words jiletseil every onoanditwaa suggested that a por trait of Mr. Baker be placed in tlie teachers' library. A purse was raised by ilie teachers present, a committee appointed, aud the result of t heir faitli fnl work is tho picture. Mrs. Lillian E. Finn and Miss 1’anliuo Mitchell will spend the month of Ooro- could, t never failed to ber at the World’s Fair. kelrodnaeA th aud lit* ordinance, a* ante tine A wae adopted. Branded that when any persoiUn. told «i*y at util give t, mod aailioritiee, any gnwi rvaema or remne* why liu k*. sk* •honld net ha vaccinated uid oathori- ties ahall have th* tight to n*e tlaiz dia- •retiou In eciepelllag or not compelling said person to be vaccinated. Alderman Herring introduced Ik* tal lowing ordinance. Ou motion theSals* were ntapended and it waa read th* sec ond time. Be it ordained by Ibe mayor and board of aldermen of tlie city of TlionuevlUe. That from and after tlie ptuiaga of this ordinance, that ail railroad tralua. corn- lug into or golug oat of tins cLty be requnwl to slow down to a *peetl after entering tlie oorporatc limits ol tlie city not to exceed tlx utilet an hour—Engin eers conductors or others in control of said trains violating this ordinance, shall npou conviction before th* mayor, be punished as proscribed in seotiou one of tlie genoral penal ordinance, All or dinances or parts of ordinaucna conflic ting with this ordinance beam! tlmsame are hereby rapcslcd. / G. W Herring Chr'ui. OrdinauceJOoui. Ordinance introduced by Alderman Ii in,ell providing for bonds to be; used for sewer purposes was read third time. A] derm Vi Housed offered tlie follow ing substitute for tho ordinanoe uud the substitute was adopted. Be i t ordained by the Mayor and hoard of aldermen of the city of ThomasviUe, in conucii assembled, aud it. hereby dained by tlie authority of tlio .-amt; that an election bo aud the same is-hereby ordered to bo hold on tlie 10th day of November 1904 to determine whether or not said city shall* issue bonds to tin amount of $35,000. ft,- the purpose of laying a main sewer from a point J. S. Bniley’B place, between Broad street and Gordon avenue along aud near the run of tlie branch known as tho , Flotchervillo branch, to a point near wliero said branch crosses the Alba ny branch of tlie Atiatt o Coast Line Railroad, from thence following lie; r the line of said railroad to tlie corpor ate limits, thence to the most aocessinlc ton tlie main sewer, with such 1st- branches or sewer* a* shall be or- by Ibe mayor and council; Said bond* to be of tho denomination of $800.- 00, each as to $10,000. worth of them and one thousand os to the remaining lit,400. Said bonds to bs fully paid off within thirty yean from the date of the tone and to bear interest at the rate of not exceeding live per centum per annnae to be paid eannaily. The principle on ■aid bonds to be paid at thereto of two thousand dollar* per annum on the first day of January of each year commenc ing from the seventeenth year from the date of ftsnanee. Tlie Interest to be paid anaoa&r on the first day of Janua ry of each year from the date of issn once is tobe twelve hendred and *fifly dollar* until the first installment of the principal shall haw* been paid, and from thence the annul interest to be paid will be S per cent en the principal amount tytpald on the tot day of Jan- nary of eacit year after deducting the annual payment on the piittcipol. Th* said Mayor and council shall provide by levying an annual taxi tlie amount sufficient to pay off the onanal interest end principal installment* when dee. Said bonds to be gold bond* and- not to be sofa at less than par. Be it fan her ordained that mid elec tion shall be governed by the provision* of the Constitution of Georgias of 1877 aud the lairs mode in pnrsaanec-thereof. Be it fonhor ordained that notice cf 1 saiil'slection be published for space of thirty day* next preceding-wild-eieoiiou in tire- Thomasyill* Time* Enterprise, tho newspaperVii saidoonntv in which tlie sheriff'a advertisements are publish ed, and shell be signed by the Mayor and cmmoilr shall be held at tlie- aerial place fes holding cHy elections and shall be conducted by such pereoat-ps are competent kahold cHy electfone-to officers-of said city. Said notice shall sod lain the aitonnt at bond* to be baaad, to who* pwposev. what interest May are to bear,, how mode principal and Interest to ba-pelsfi aammliy and whea said bonds ore tri b* tally paid o Be it fortkaroidaiaed. Oat those eat- lag for the taouanc*- of said bond* a* herein provided altalL ha** written printed outkeir tictew tilro words FOK; [BONDS and ttioa* voting against xi*r issuance otike bond* lumen provided far stroll iurvaaeittamurpriated on than rickets the wood*. AQ&ESBTBONDBk A teaolutlcroinawdaosd by Alderman Flttaan at ttaadaak meeting providing 'far nn election, to-be |eid to- the pw- po*« of pnrciinringakkiiit ptant was raid.. On motion eleatlon. urdendt* be lielAon the lOsli d»y ofiNovearirev »0i to da- •ermine if tkeoity shall buy an Eleatrlo light plant. The petition,ef Mr W. FMnberg.mas granted. Ordtatananintrodaoed bv Al derman Hamkleton as the last mossing waa read third rime and passed. FoUowingjKteonnkT. passed for pay ment: R. H. HnrM, fiSSO; National Meter Co., 168.00; Wertx ® Sen 40 cents; W. U.Ball *0,46: A. W. Pilin *37.06; H. S-CoB* *9.00; J. 71. Pitt man & Sou i&xSO; J»uies W»i» & Br» Louis Steyerman, Corner Broad and Jackson Sts. Agents for Standard Patterns. Aboat on°-third ef our largfe ' aad elegant stock of Fall and Winter Clothing For Meit, Youths and Boys. Prices fftm $2.50 to $25.00 per suit. Our HIGH ART suits ranging from $B2.00 to $25.00 are the finest, designed by best artist in that line on earth. 137.10; ThomaaTttfc Variety; Work* i an d durability. $38.55; T. & Fffcoklta $3.00; Davis & Cox $3.50; Bulfoor & Sturdivant 50 cents; J. W* Dillon $38.08.. New at- connts referred to committees, council adjourned Ii. T: Mac lea iv Clerk.. , Ma L. J. Campbell.Married^ NmvehuH roMc)ud the city of tlu>a*ar riiigo vif .Mr L. J. Camp’joll, of Youj^pi. town,.Ohio to hU cousin Misa Coru Campbell Mr. Ciuupbell is an ex Princeton stndent who. was a guest at tha Stuart House last winter, lie nude many trieuds among the youug people of tlie city. Accident Near Pauo. r. win. Roberson, pne of tho l;»>t farmers of the Pavo ueigliborhodjsufer- ed a severe accident on Saturday ev« n iug nows of which retched the city yes terday. He waa driving a spirited team of mules, who took fright and run away while toil? down a ion? hill, jumped to save himself, and iu< f aul.'c bone snapped nud pierced through t! shoo. Mr. F. A. Jones, of Pelham, was it) town Sunday shaking hands with ftiends. Mr. J. N. DoualdsoL, the i>opnhu representative of the Times-Enterpri* at Merrillville was in town Mondiy. A c mpletb stock Knee P^*nts Suits JUST IN Prices from $1.25 to $6.00. TUs Store will ka closed Monday on account of Yom Kippur the Jewish Day of Atonement. iThe tailoring on ihcae suits is perfection . For fit, elegance durability. We absolutely gtuirantec the fit and wear of every suit sold. Our entire line of Gents Furnishings are already in stock and wj can please the most fastidious. Our line of fur lints and derbies, for men and youths are the best that ever crossed the Pike. Styles are superb, quality cannot be beat. Prices $ 2 .oo. $ 2 . 5 oand $ 3 .oo. Our stock of kid gloves are the correct things in greys and tans. Our en gineer and firemen’s gauntlets, made of dog skin, reindeer and pig skm, all guaranteed. Prices from ;5 cts to $ ( ;5 Elegant Ipt of hosiery in -Jain and fancy. Winter under- ivear to beat rhe band. .Whisk brooms,' combs and’brushes, clothes brushes, pocket books and jewelry, also the High Art $i.2.S Negligee Shirt goes for$[.o 0/ the best in the world