Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 14, 1904, Image 3
Have You Special Sale Pianos NO? Well; then, yon had better harry. Ifci» not every day that you cioi Uuy a brand new Piano; in jiorfcct order, foe. just lul f price, * How ran we sell them so. low ? 1 hej turn out. “There lias been a rush for them since our announcement of*this wile appealed, but yotuuuy Jet be iu time if you hurry. Wo waufc to close out the few that aro Uft, i world-famous Chicheriug, Mathusheb, Ivers &Poud, Lester nurl Kohler & CampbeH Pi inoa. - - ' / ■* . OUT THIS OUT This is Goett for $15 00 on the Parchaw» ot » Fiano. PIANOS: • Mathushefe, Ivers & Pond, Lud- den & Bates. ORGANS: Estey, Crown and Ludden Sc Bates. '• of the above named iu- If you would prefer one struments on wlncli we give endorsement and back with_a guarantee that is absolute, make jour pur chase before Dec. ist and we will give you $2500 N o this is no joke. Look at this coupon 7 and- yon will see what we mean and how you are to get the Money. . MAIL TtlJS TO CARTER AND DOROUGH, Valdosta, Q.\; Tifton t Gn ; Savaorwh, Gi».. (Ludden & Bales): Tiunr», Fla , (Lntldou & Bates), or deliver it to or.o of our tPpTosentjbivCtf, filing in the JEol- The offer ii Cl odup to December 1, K«*inenib*r -our gne^t» g it v «\ do achance to get your Plnno or Or^an free. All yo’i h vc ti do i« togiuss th8 number of enVa Oart s r & ttsrongb makes of Pi nog and Organs during 1904, or guess the nea»est tbe imm v or nml ton *c l h»* Pia'mo' Ofg*ityoi may bavfporclas <Wre* - Anr of our c» stotues whose accou».t^ are paid up to date Dec. 1 will be entitled to a guess. Write us for a card oa wbiob to record vour gu s* J Tbiuk of Ml THs,may mean acoetly instrument for yeti’abrotuffly wiihei.t costing you a rent!, * ^ * Savannah, Ga., (Ludden & B&tes), Tampa, Fla; ("Ludden & Bates) Valdosta, Ga, Th. Convention Clot.B The district conveutlon of the minion societies held three Bissloaii Saturday all of which were very interesting. In addition the delegates attended a roetp- tion given by the direotoni ot the Vaalilt homo at the home. The convention will cloie.tomorrow, and the delegates will return to tfcoir home* bearing plea sant remembrance* of the four day* ces sion. The only service, of the day will be (lie two sermons at' the Methodist church. Mr. Bob Wheel*** of Pelham spettt Tuesday In town, THE FIRST TOUCH OF AUTUMN WEATHER This is Valuable Bids us go ahead and tell the men and boys just what preparations we've made for their comfort. Our shelves and counters art fairly teeming with stocks that art rich in quality, extra in style and - J. L. Baldy one of Ooolidgc’s mercan tile fraternity wa* in the city on M u- day. Mr. E. A. Smith; tl«e_ Meigs naval stores man.waa among Monday's promt- pent visitors."' ,v We’ve spared no time nor expense in our endeavors Jto get together the newest and best everything in the.line of Clothing, Furnishings and Hats designed by fashion for the . Mrs. Q. 8. Whitney catne homo' Bat- nrday afternoon from a stay ot several days iu While Springs, Fla, ^ To all who clip and bring to us this advertisement we will salt tfit following Comestics at the Exceedingly Low Price Quoted. Two Electors Then are five doctoral tickets in the field to bo voted for on November eighth They ure Democratic, Republican, Pol and Socialist. Mr. M, R. Elder came homo Sunday morning from a stoeU-porolmstng trip to Kentucky.. Mr. J. H. MtrrUI spent Sunday iu Meigs and delivered at] address to the Meigs Sauday School. utlsf, Prohibitionist, Thomas county has the honor of hnvli g two of Its citisons on those tickets. The second district is represented the Pop ulist ticket by J, 8. Ward Jr. of Och- lockoneo and on the ^Prohibitionist ticket by Dr, L. B. Bonchelle of Thom- asvtlle. The Democratio elector fc-r the second is L. B. Rsmbo. Republican J. E. Peterson, and SootaUst J: E, Fills. Ail Standard Calicoes Rest Cheeked Homespun,,,.. 80 inoli Sea Islands 8(1 inch Prnlt of Loom Blench.. 30 incli Lonsdale Bleach 30 inoli Lonsdale Cambria Rest Quality Dress Glngliams. 72 inch Union Table Linen Apron Check Gingham 30 inch Percales 1.... Best Quality Flannelettes. Best Outing Flannels.... Hickory Stripe, 9 4Popperlll Breach Sheeting.. 10-4 Pepi-erill Bleach Sheeting.. 50 White Bed Spreads - J, A. Coffee, J. W. Taylor and 11. H. Smith were u trio of Touraine iieoplo in own. Monday. Mr. David Comfort, of the Comfort Trading Cbmpany at Boston spefit Mon- dan in town, „ '■ Mrs Webb tc Merry A few years ago Mr, and Mrs. W. Webb of New York were reg ular winter visitors to Tbomasville. They occupied the Stark cottage for several seasons. The friends in Tbom- asrilln will be interested in reading tiro following item from the New York Journal of last FridaySocioty folk won} surprised today to team of the coming marriage of Mrs Waiter W- bb, widow of the into vice president of the New York Centra', who left an estate valued at $3,000,000, to Ogden Cbdraed, of No. S3 East Seventy-ninth strife', whom'society had eomeAoloob'npon as a confirmed bachelor. They will be married, at Eoirh- wood, Mrs. Webb's lipmo at Scarf or- oogli, on Saturday. Tho bride will '■ a given away by her nineteen year old son. —. Mr. Oodman is a son of Mrs. Codman of Boston. He is an architect and 1'* hrmebas been noted iu tire artiriic world.” Cape. Wm. Forrester after a Tew days visit to Hsaiptou Springs, Fla.,.is back on his ron on the Monticello-Albany branch. A trio well capacitated tor enjoyment ot the World's Fsir left Senday morn ing for 8t. Louis. They Were Messrs. W. J. Hammond, M. B. .Tones and Jas. Dillon, Jr. Ur. Willie Palin came homo Sunday evening from Atlanta, where lie lias been attending the Georgia School i f Teciinology. He has been ill with fever anj}_comes homes to recuperate. His father, Mr A. W. Palin went to Jfacin to meet him, ' IROTHERS. yTRQUSE We extend a most cordial invitation to all. whether pur* chasers or not. We guarantee in advauce that our prices will be found right in every instance. Quality and style Considered. ~ . d ' - WliUo liere dou't fall to fnspect Oar Elaborate Fall Stock. Louis Steyerman, Broad ar.d Jackson Streets, y We sell and guarantee “Fay Stockings. Agents for Standard Pattern', Outfitters for all Man-kind.