Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 28, 1904, Image 4

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    <’iMES-gwtgp."' , 4 is, '’'ovnsm.riS.GKORGt/y. n'rrn^n 33 mm
South Georgia Progress.
VablUhed every Friday by the
'p.njs-Enlerprise Publishing .Co.
Wll>or> M. Hardy. President-
John O. McCartney, aec. A tree* •
At the Tune-EntorprisM Building.
Thomasville, Ga.
sss=--~-~~-- v i -,~-y-r : ,
Entered at V liw-toWe'at Thomas
ville, G* . a ■ fvfowl cius* infttt
Metcalf Mentions.
Hl'ime uiTins Kates.
Weekly. 'U*-Y. ur. !
" Ki* Month* 50
*< Tfcee ; 25
Daily, Ou« Ten!- ...*5.C0
*• StxMomh* . .**•<#
" - Throe Mobtka
" One Month .... 60
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation. 2477.
To Correspondents.
All oorrwpondnnt. we urged to mall
their letters early enough tolntoro their
reaching onr office hy We-inrednymoro
lug of each -week. We appreciate your
unfailing support and feel sore yon wilt
grnnt us tills request.
“They say Thomas county people
ann't get togetlier," sMd a prominent
lkrmorof the Boston district in tl>la
ofiue the other day. “Bat till* Isn’t
tree, and'the next time you hear this
you rvfer them to the Farmer,’ Mutual
Flro-lnsunuwe Ootnpnny tjiat has for
aosne tinwbeeu iu Mtoesaful oporatloo
karat Wlnm a neptlibor loacs hia homo
nr kgtn hy Are an assessmeut la raised
Maon^tbe members. -Tltia la noTorao
urge auto he burdeosoiue. The money
Ipkept right at home. All theoSIceit
genre--without taalary. We think we
'hare is-tewl the Insurance problem.”
Ttitaian valuable suggestion. The im-
mouse amounts paid annually by poiiar
holders ta Ilia big life and Are Insurance
companies are a tremendous drain upon
the reeournes of the country and ea*
peuiohy upon tlie south. All the money
goer-to tho nortli for tnvestmeut s
Thomas U. Lawson m a series of art!*
ulea oh "Freuxiud Finance" Ai Every
body's Magazine tells of stouk-Jobblug
and speculaliou by the big life com
panies. The question is a seriona one
and home mutual insurance as practiced
by the farmers of (hla county » a very
etui bio aiul reasonable answer to it.
The Democratio. news that comes
from afar is encouraging, nud that uoar
at homo L-till moin tu. There ought
to be joy in the Democratic camp in
Thomas county because of tho fact that
Odngrtssmeu .Tames M 61 lags of /the
Second aud- W fJ. Adutuhon of /'the
F.urth ave'ooinlug to Thomas unHuty.
We urge upon all tlio duty nud pleasure
ft warm weloomo to these gentlemen.
Btth are men of learning aud liigli posi
tion. Both are eloquent auil cuturtaiu-
ing speakeiai Ttioir iiersoualitles alone
would --'command respectful attention,
no matter what eo-isa. they Vepresoufed.
But coming ns they do,'lie iqwatles of
a reorganises! aiul revivified Democracy
the party that is thujiope ot the south
and the notion, they ihcinld aud will
eommand large audiences of thiukiug
people every wliere they appear. The
naerobant oan well afford to leave his
atoreand the farmer Ills field to hear
i in the life of the nation
i the questions of the day.
We bespeak for Messrs. Griggs and
Ad am son a cordial welcome and en
thnitaatie attention.
Mr. E. tv Dyer spent Sunday in
Tkomasvillc. "
. Mr. M. U. Kendall weni to Way-
cross Monday on biiainu'* .
Mr. M. J. Birreft; of Barwick, » bo
tome time since taught.a class here, in
Vocal music was here among friends the
first of the week. Y/
'Mr*./Annie Thomas who for .some
day* has beep vi-iti«g friends here, left
here f. r Waycross, where she will slop
short tiqit .before ^returning to her
home in Tampa.
Mrs. ii. K. Young and Miss Bessie
Copeland ran up to Thomasville on Fri
day last and spent thealiernoonon busi
ness, returning at night.
Mr. H. C. Copeland was called to
Pensaqola, Fla. on Sun Jay. Ho was
a’ceompanletl there by Mr. F rank Wal
kc.-Jof Mchlockonee. These g'nllemcn
will probably invest in 'be tuipehtine
and timber interests near tnat city at an
early date. /
Owing to teverai caws of measles ex
isting here and the consequent demor
alization, the school taught by Miss Ma
ry Blltcb of Waycross and Lilia Forest
of Boston was closed on Friday last.
It is probable that there will be no more
school liefort spring, but we letrn tbai
th» same t'achers have been offered
their places therr.
Wvdnesd.y afternoon the loth instant
little Jennie Bit. the four years old
daughter of Dr and Mrs. W. A. Mon
roe, died after suffering several dais
with measles augmented with ''ioup
All that loving aud ■killful bands could
dowasdone lor (fie llqle sufferer's res
toration to health, bat Cod willed it oth
erwise, and called her to be with the
eternally happy above. The aympa-
thetic heart of the whole community
goet out to the bereft family in this hour
uf their gloom-
A town that never ua* had anything
|o do in a polioy way. says an exchange,
Ison the read to tho cematdry, and any
Alien who will do nothing for hia town
Is helping to dig the grave. A man
tgho will oust hia towu famishes the
coffin. The one who is ea selfish aa to
base no time front his basinets to give
to the city affairs is making the ahroad.
The merchant who will not anvertira
ts driring the Keane. The man who is
afttajs palling back from any public
■Map! in throws baoqnetaoa the guava
*» ■>■ who to to attagy and solflah si
•+W >• always howling bard tinea
anutaa the funeral and sings the dexo
fcgy, ajtd«l»*imea the eengregMion ef
teep** wka might etkerwiae came in
ilmdfia-jmastblag tar the oommevftv
■aAfor Chtitie?
monsou ot Tallokas.
Mr?. Nannie Cone a widow lady living
• near this place lost her residence and^
entire household goods Ja»G Friday
morning by IL-o, It caught iu some cot
ton* stowed away iu an unoccupied
There have been several North Gecr-
men in onr little town in the last few
days trying to buy farm lands. One of
them Mr. Carrington, former Repre
sentative of Madison county, purchased
thefiirm of Slr. SchcffsKey aboat two
andVlmlf miles from tWs place.
J. T Wheeler onr of our leading mer
chants, has bought Mi* J. B. Bran nan's
farm of near tliis placo. / .
Mr. Hugh Ford spent last Friday in
in Thomasville on business.
Miss .Tenuie Edmonson principal of
the Adiai school has made a very good
impression on her scholars who take
pleasure and an interest In performing
.the duties assigned to them by thejr be
lt? ved teacher. We wish her a most
wonderful success.
Miss Leona Home who has been visit
ing North Carolina for several weeks
will return to Pavo this week to the de
light of her many friends.
I he Boston Budget.
News Hans From Susina.
(By S, M. Reach.)
Mimes Settle G. and Annie Lou Rlack-
«ba«r, left for Macon last Wednesday
to lake is the Fair and visit relatives.
The bridgeat Hadley firry connecting
Thomas and Decatur counties is Bear
completion. We are surprised at the ex*
pedltiont manner in which Mr. Single-
lery has pzijforined the work. Uurtiti-
zens should have a celebration on the
dty tlie byi'-lge is thrown open to the
There i*'jor in the household of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M., caused by
the arrival of a little daughter In.t
Th» many friend, o' Mr A. W. Dek-
le, of the, firm of Dekle and Bowman,
ill feel resret to heir of hi, illness.
Mr. Dekle i, now in Thomasville under
medi al treatment,
Mr. N Arther Dickey hud family h«ve
returned from a trip to the/ Bay, having
enjoyed themselves to the full.
Mr. T dm Whitfield haeput in a grist
mil! at hi, ginnery and a long felt want
has at last been supplied.
Tnere is a good opportunityher j for a
blacksmith and a whrei-wright.
The continued droughth has dried up
many ponds, water courses and wells,
and people going to the H»y find diffi
culty in obtaining sufficient water lor
their slock on the roau.
Mr K. E. Lee rf Decatur county
ctme over to Justice's court la-1 Sat
Mrs. J. M. lilark.hear Jr., and J.
j. Hall, have leased from Mr./Mcln-
tireall the laud purchased hy him, re
cently from Mr. K. K. Mitchell,
Improvements are being made oh the
Mason and Mclntire plantations.
Something like a dozea houses will -be
built un these plantations before nest
Mr. Tom Walker has moved back
from the Oairo district and is now work
ing at Whitfield's gin.
Missis, Lil'ie and Flora Shine, two
charming young ladies of Jacksonville,
•re Visiting theii ancle fl^ W. F. Rob
ertson at lamsaoaa, Fla.
Chaataln Items.
"V (By W. W. Dekle.)
Aa tilers seems to be no correspon
dentJrom tide seotiou. 1 wilt endeavor
from time to time to give some of tho
happenings around Cbhstain.
Grope are ebout gathered except cane
grinding which will soon bo the order
of the day.. Gain waa never bettor In
this section. Corn is a complete sao-
onus and there is hardly a farmer In
tills section bat what has plenty and
sorao to spnre/- Grordpoaa were never
better bat tho droagth prevent* hogs
from fattening, hat la the near fatnre
tlie winter ninowill, in a>1 probability,
settle tlw dost that riaes in perfect
clouds sweeping over tho country and
making It very unpleasant to trend.
Little Boss Dekle, son of Mr, and
Uri. W. W. Dekle la vary stokbuiwe
trust he will soon be himself again.
Id Isa Wilma Johpsan is visiting 'rela
tives and friends In Mitoljsll county
this week.
W. B. Dukes-of Moultrie has pur
chased tho old water mill ntOhaatain
and wilt rebuild at once. Work will be-
gtu tomorrow aud wilt be rebuilt In aa
short a time aa possible.- He lias-pro
cured the servlets of men- who under-
stnud their buslnoM and hjf the time tlie
water returns every tiling will be in
firet-elaaa condition mid these who have
so long patrouixed it with other* are in
vited to return lignin. Tide will he a
tong felt want supplied. We loam that.
Mr. Dnkcs will put In a full stock of
good*, everything from aluniinnra
thimbles to a steam mill. Mr. Dukes
will be heartily wideomed back to old
Chastain by all. f
Mr. George Andersen has just cliwod
a singing school at. Olmstaiu to the de
light of nil.
Rev. J. R. Allig-iod can furnish ynu
witli a day - * notion from one to twentv-
fBv F. C. Jordan.
This scribe has been so bnsy looking
after his matrimonial affaire and a raul
tiplicity of other duties that he neglec
ted to chronicle the marriage of Ml.
Men Lovell and Miss Eva Starey which
happy event was solemnised last, Wed
nesday evening, the i»th, at the reri
dears of Mr. A. B. I.’oue, comer* of Ste-.
veus and Adams. streets, Rev. D. If.
Parker pastor, ot tile ilajitist clmrcli
officiating. The principaisgif.this coy-
pact are toe well, known tp nerd any
introduction or commendation ot. m.r
hands, aoffiee it,to ssy,- the groom, is
one of Boston's sterling young men and
is endowed witli the necessary qualifi
cations requisite to make life a snceeaa
and render Ilia bride happy. Tliejbride
ia^a young Udv possessing evdry trait
needed anil which go to make up tlie
true woman. Her lovely disposition
suavity of manner and her personal
charms have alwaya rendered her
favorite amongst her largo circle of
friends and acquaintances. We. in con
junction with a legion of admiring
friends tender congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. LoYolI, and wish them all the
happiness and joy consequent upon this
life and an eternal bliss for the life to
come after tills transitory existence is
Mil* Emma Nolan of Senoia, Ga.
after ■ very pleasant sojourn of some
weeks toher friends, Mr J. H. Ansley
and Miss Wlssio Ansley returned to her
Ml*» Mattie McIntosh, who ha* been
on an extended visit to friends and rel
stives in Thomasville and Metcalfe has
returned home.
George P. Smith made a visit to Jack-
aoovitlesinoo our hut latter.
Mias Maggie Barney la spending this
week at her father* *om* fonr mile*
north ofBoetononMeonntof the til-
nees of her father who 1* quite eick
with ooo tinned ftvor.
J. W. Taylor, one of Boeton'e leading
citisece and prominent basin Ms men
was called to Valdoeta hut Monday on
John B. Norton loft hut Tuesday for
Oolnmboe, whither ho goes to take a
commercial oonrsc in Mansey's Busi
ness Oollego. He wll^ apply himeelf
principally to the atody of atenograpliy
nnd bookkeeping.
Tlie fnnoral services of the late Rev
J. F. McCann who died at iiia home
neor Barwick last Sunday took place
Monday afternoon following, at Her-
train beioogiJ to. woetiier tlie A. 0. .
or the Georgia Lorthern.
Rev. J. M- Rmliin. W. R. Forster,
W. M. of HorebLodge and A. Q. Moody
are attending the Grand Lodge c-f
Masons in Mauon this week.
Judge W. M. Jones our efficient and
clever ordinary, accompanied by his
good wife visited their sons, J. M, and
J. W. Jones last Sunday.
Miss Si'iio Neel made a flying visit to
TbomasviHe. last Monday. We opine
liir visit wa« to coinplH** a trons-seau
a c«i taio tYodaiug " hich is to be
Bilemnixe/.l in oar city at no distant
T, A., Fambrongli of Banvick w
fransaotiug business in BostonJast Alon-
One of Poston's old citizens and laud
mirk* in the person of Mr. S B. Zeigler
lias passed away. The subject of this
sketch died ia onr city last Saturday
afternoon after a short illness and was
buried Sunday p. m. at four oclock iu
tlm Presbyteriau cemetery. Revs. D. H.
Parker, and H. 0. Jones officiating.
Hi* death cause* a vacuum not only iu
tu« immediate family, but in our city
he being quire largely Identified with
her material progress, having construc
ted several substantial brick buildings
which are left as mementos of his bus
inesa sagacity and forethought. No
one will be missed more from the daily
walks of life in Boston than S. B, Zeig-
ler. His genial face and pleasant smile
with which he was wont to greet his
fellow men will be seen no more. His
family to whom lie was so devoted kind
and true, will miss him and his Iosa to
tltem is an irreparable one, He had a
tender and sympathetic heart as this
writer oan testify, having been closely
identified with him in many of hia bas
inets transaction* with hit feliowmen.
He lias left three daughters and one son
tomoo*n th^loss and to revere hi*
memory. Oar deepest sympathy goo,
oat to thaw bereaved one* in this end
end trying hoar, and may lie who tem
pera tlw wind to the shorn land guide,
protect aud ahleld them while they tab-
eraach la the flesh.
Mr. Ernest A. Deyerlee we learn is
quite rick at hia residence some fonr
miles soothoi Boston. We hope thi> t
b.v the time this notion is in print, lie
may be able to resume Ills accustomed
duties aud meet aud mingle with hi*
many friends.
Master 8everiy Neel, who lies been
sick at his fathers home in sonthoast
Boston, is, we are glad to hoar, conva
Tina editor was glad :o meet in sanc-
For ScJe
Three horse farm,.six hundred bash,
els of corn and a good water mill witli
tlie farm, located three^ inijes north of
Boston od Piscola Creek. Call on or
write A'\v. Batt'e. Boston Ga. 23 41
Have Your Collars Launderied
Send them to tlie TiidmajviUe Steam
Laundry . Wa have an agent in.almost
every town ip Thomas county', Sen
him abdat the goods,
many clmrcli amid a large concourse of 11,111 i-auc'lorum Dr. J. T. i.ulpopor, one
sorrowing friends and relatives. Elder our Cl,uut y Capitol's most prominent
D. N. Williams of Mouttrio performing
tlie Inst sad rites. A good neighbor, an
upright citizen, a loving aud tender
hiuband nud tather has been called
from earth to tlie celestial city, aud
whilo his translation may add sorrow
and sarluods to his once loving aud af
fectionate family, yet their loss is his
with a uay h uorane rrom one to rwentv- . , . ,, Al •
five head.of cattla as tine as the j etern * 1 R alu ' May they so Uvo that a
! reunion will tako place in that home
bounty can aiToni.
Scrykvs oiBii Ochlockonee''Baptist I Dot mtt rt 0 with hands eternal iu
church til* filth fcvtbb’kth in this month.
invited, especially the members
of tho church.
Asofpetidn three times a \v?ok fed to
a buildf <«f hogs is n death Knell tochnl-
Try this and you will never be
botlionid with this tuuoh dreaded dis
North Georgians Coming to tovo
(My Gary M. MoOraw.)
Mr. J. M. Williams’ brother and wife
*! Hah ire visited him last Sanday
tliss Itoll s Itobart* opsat last *•»
dsyafuritok* With Misi Jski’s Eiq
Coolidge Comment.
(By H. B. Nesmith )
Tlie frost of Monday momiug put
some of onr farmers to digging potatoes.
No new syrup h is been hronglit to
oar market yet. bnt several of onr boys
constantly speak of grinding.
Ex-maror.1. (). Bell and wife togeth
er with Ilia family, left Wedneaday
morning for their new home in La-
G outgo.
Mr. J. C. Pope and family were oall-
ad to Camilla Tuesday night to attend
the funeral of Mrs Pope's fattier.
Ooe'idge was enlivened Tuesday by
ana or two runaway team* No dam-
a;s anly to breaehing.
Tlie recent shower wss very thank-
fully reooived, both by the jut earths
Mr. J. L. Baldy is "gene a oeurtzng
in Tkemaavilla this weak.
Dr. J. Frank Harris ef Pave wi
•baking hands with fflsnds in OeaUdg*
sns day reesntiy.
agvarni Osalidgsitm attandsd ssrvist*
at Big Ora,k hut Bandar.
9*nt farg-t that tax saUmtar Ittik
i» » H hwwtitnnsi,, *f <{* T; fst
eh%isla*t reset.
Rev. D. II. Bryant, ohq of Jetfersc n
caunty Florida’s most prominent and
good citizens, after - spending several
days with his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Neel
at her home in south cast Boston has
returned home.
Simon Adams an old tiipe slavery
darkey, and cue respected bv both wliitg
and Mack who lived near Barwick wss
killed at Pidcock last Monday by beifg
accidentally struck by a passing" train.
We could not ascertain w Inch road the
couury Capitol's most prominent
citizens and business inou. We are
glad to see lime Fartliur Timo deala
very gently with tt:o gotxl Doctor for
he looks »h youug as he did many years
Mrs. Adams of Valdosta, sister-in-law
of Mrs. H. M. Myrick is visiting the lat
ter at her homo iu ease Boston.
J. M. Groover and J. H. McIntosh &
Co. have rec-jj.tly brought to this mar
ket as flue a lot of hordes and mules as
ever was seeu iu Bostou and those need
ing stock can surely be suited now.
Barber Wanted
A first-class bnrber to till twrmanent
pewitiou. Wages good. Most desirable
town. White preferred. Ajjply to T
T Joyner, Boston, Ga. dl wi.
Senator aud Mrs. A. J. Alford will
leave next Saturday for Carabelle, Fla.,
where they will make their home iu fu
Lost or Stolen
•Niue head of Jiogs. Cue sow,
and yellow spots ahd 8 slmats abont six
months old; two are black and rest black
and spotted. • Marks, crop and underbir
iu right ear. Swallow in fork in left
ear. Left my premises on Aag. 24. Any
oue famishing information will be re
warded to the value of the hogs Ad
dress Jeff Davis, Meigs, Ga. ^ 10-J4 4t
When in Cairo stop at the Bell Houes
Good meals, good service, good
rooms, raaaonabla rates. 10' 21 tr.
Public Hanging Every Day.
I mean public hanging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Orders by ’phone or mailgiven prompt
attention. Phone 15-2 rings.
Sar.ples shown at ym*» hordes,
fohn Hinson, 311 Campbell St
C. €J* Cocrolt.
Tbomaavtfie, Os.
Pianos and Organs.
Representing Phillips ft Crew Co?
Atlanta, Georgia.
Htelnwny, Knsbo, Fischer Hardman, Prank*
Ho, Harrington, Kimball, Radio Pianos.
Kimball Reed and P‘pc ORGANS.
Dr. W. W. Jarrell,
^ Physician and Surgeon.
Tendsre hi, profearional torvicre
to the public.
Office, ovurChiiholm & Dillon’,
Phono *12—3 ring*.
Served in Any
Style and any
Horses and Mules.
Onr buyer is now iu tne west pelect-
iug a fine lot of horses and mules.
They will Ivy ready for iuspectioM in «%
fo w days and we invito the public to
call at our stables on Madison street
and see them.
Cine Mills and Kahoe Sugar
' Per Sale by
J10. W. Burner,
He that is surety for a strange;* shall
snuirr for it; but he that Imteth surety
ship is sure.u—Proverbs 11:15.
It is best to make vonr bonds a busi
ness matter and uofc call on friends.
We can arrange it for yon for a reason
able consideration. /
General Agent,
United States Fidelity and Guar
anty Co. of Baltimore.
Mitchell House Block
T homasville, Georgia
THE LADIES favor pointing their
churches, and therefore wo urge every
Minister to remember we give a liberal
quantity of the Longman & Mnrfinei
Paint toward the painting.
Wears aud covers like gold.
Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do whea
you buy ether paints in a can with »
label on it.
8 & 6 makes 14, thwefore when yo«
want 14 gallons of paint, bny only eight
of L. & If., and six gallons pure Lin
seed Oil with it, and thaaget paint st
less than $1.80 per gallon.
Many houses are well painted with
foar gallons of L. Arif, and three gil-
lensef Linseed Oil inland therewith-
Tksas Celebrated Paints are sold by
0. If. Coshran, TheosasviUs, Os-
#- U Mel*., <£*.,