Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 04, 1904, Image 1
condition, Hub South Georgia progress. THOMASVJLLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4. (004 COUNTY (aTHERS HAVE USUAL MEETING. One Count with Every Dollar. p-event yo Road Committee Recommends Ac op tion Alternative Road Law. in regala* nil Board present. Minutes read and approved. Cr uimittee to whom was referred Col. T. N. Hopkins bill report atlvcmly. Tfie Conimitte t) rapotto'i tlie'iipph- cations of Mrs. E. Carter and Soloman Gordy to be placed on pauper Hat, report adverslv. On motion E. Br .om wan dropped from panper list. Dr. Taylor’s bill was deferred to chair man of Board with power to act. Petition of Col. Payne to Change pri rate road referred to chairman of thi« Board and Capt. 0„ P. Hansell.. The following Jx>uda anbinitred and approved, J. F. Howard Tax Receiver $7000.00 P. ti. Heath Tax (Collector $87000.00 for the/tnteaud ^ J5003,03 fo. tb# oonnty. Anai ha Yoong wae oo mo’toii allowed $10.00 to aid her iu the care of • a tar A v indigent family. The committee to inaugurate th$ new system of road, make* the fol lowing report which wan adopted. Yonr committee apjMinte l to investi gate the condition mid re *oiniuHitd sotm* change inonr ptv g f* y«"«m vf W.oil:. ing tiie public lOail « Leg leave fdWpo.. that with a fear exception* our roads arc* fairly well kept up but And ft great de aire among our citizens for a change as to tltft way of keeping them up, Would recommend that this county adopt the alternative road law. nyitt in. but ns we have of necessity been put to Such heavy expenditure.* to replace the bridges and repair t ie damago to the roads oc3asione<l by the »tonija fitful^ ^ 1908 aud also lor tho jail annex will id so rocoiuuieud that this plan ho put into operation, commencing dan 1st. 190bHud that a saltte'.eut advalorom tax be asms* ed and collected in the year 1905 that will boaulliulent to procure the ucCvhsary apparatus with which to inaugurate this system. And would also recommend that h per capita tux of f8.00 be assewul and ruad * pnvu lu.bythe April ID.baud Avnj ttf.t-i up on every jots-h subject t«* rus l duty or in lieu thereof lie be required to work oa the public toads G days nui the law directs. We do not advise working the county convicts upon the public roads so long as present arrangements cau be oon- tinned.* Reapt. submitted W. A. Pringle J. D. Barrow. Commissioner Pringle introduce.! the following resolution which was alopc- j house. jail, bridges, ferries, j an l other public Improve* ' moats A 483.64 | For sheriffjailer’s, and othor j- officer?’ fees For ocrouer’s inquests — For bailiffs at court, nou-rnsi- .Uout witnesses iu criminal .cases, servant hiq\ stationery and the like 337.64 For juroni at court.... 1104.00 For support of the j»oor of the county 133.35 For insolvent costs 323.25 For other lawful charges 178.0 > Cash—Balauce oh hand 1,291.95 $4,293.81 Kesj oitfully submitted, JNO. F. PARKER, Couuty Treasurer. REPORT OF COUNTY PHYSICIAN. I have visited the jail and poor house weekly during the past month. Every t ling is ill good shape there. Atrilie latter there his bun no pue admitted, uo one died and no di-ohwrge, 1, li. Houclielle, M. D 7UDOS P HASSELL’S REPORT. Oct. 31st, 1904 Hun. County Commissioners, • Oe/nlc-Min: Since my last report I inve psld <>v*«r to .he comuy treasurer, Air hi •*oui»i v court..... .$ 98.00 An Act of i-.ituicf* 7<> r •; t i forcr.anfr For fines uud fyricuurcs Neglectfully submitted CIIAS.P. HANSELL, by 2 » vea.s lu.atk-.ib.o pushoi-siou. uj by 7 yc .1 s actut l possession ouder color c f title. - CHAS. P. HAJLSELr.. Attorney at-L iw. The lots embraced in the list of those to which no dee is frcrn tho Comiui?- 8>i'>ne.-s, to-wit: Lois 92, 93, 94 and A 9*», blk* 8,’ col. 5, west, lujuuded cu north l>y * Webster streor. east by Piuc street, south by Cal* hounstriec, west by West street, not ojiened. Lots 96, 97, 98 and 90, blk 4, col. 5, west, bounded north by Calhoun street, east by Piue street, south by Clay arrett west by West street, not opened. Lots UK), 102 and 1C3, blk 0, col. 5, west, bounded on north by Clay s rtet, east, by lot 101 and Pine street, south by Monroe street, west by West street, not opened. Lots 104, 105, 1CJ and 107, blkifi, col. 5. w est, hounded ndrth bv Monroe street, east by Pine street, south by Washing ton street and vvf st by West street, not opened. ' Lots 81, 82, 83 and 81, blk 8, col. 4, West, b uuded noith by Washington street, east by Qak^street, south by Jeff erson street, west by Piue street. Lots 109 andYlO, fractional blk 5,col. 6, west, bounded north by Monroe street, en«t by West street, not opened, south by laud line coming to a point. Lots 111, 112, 118. bik 4 col. 6, west- bounded north by Clay street, east by WC3? rirc<”i not epen, south by Monroe Vrci t, vr.isi by raiLoed. j Lots 120 and 121, blk 2. col. 6, vest, $1,017.60 J b 0ul .(] t( i notfth by Webster street, east by West street, not opened, south by Calhoun sneer, west by lots 119 and . 572 6 24 00 ..$ WK5 | Vote for the Most Popular Young Lady.' Magnificent LUDDEN & BATES PIANO " and a TRIP to’the I WORLD’S FAIR Given away. ABSOLUTELY FREE « Judge C. C. T. O. | Jnrlpe C. P. Hnnrell who WMCtopIO.V- J Lot. 89 andOI. tlk 2, n l 5, wen. <Kl h.t.k after the lot* iu the ci*y branded nnrlli by .Teryor etreet, mat !•} TIMES ENTERPRISE. This is the season when you want to pay your subscription anv- way. These prizes are only a reward for (promptness. Explanation. “And” Contest. The person who sends iu the drat correct es timate of tho number of times the word "and” will appear in the weekly Times Enterprise of Friday Deo. 30tl» will get. the Piano. If no esti mate is correct, then tho one most nearly correct will get the piano. *- Yon are entitled to 0110 estimate w th oach $1.00 paid on subscription to either the Weekly or Da*ly Times Enterproe. It makes no oilTer- euqe whether yonr subscription is behind or not. Voting ^Contest. The y* ung lady lirlug iu Th* mas county who shill receive the gre »tesr. number of votes by six o’clock •». ra. on Wedtmsdnv Nov. 9th .1901 shall be called the winner and shall be ^warded the trip to the great- World’s Fair at- Sr-. T-onis. You are t milled to ••)»* vote with each cent pnrd on st.bhcrip r i« u to eiriier tlm Weekly or Daily Times Enterprfce. >f- » ates • • . uce whether yojr suUcriptiou is Itetnnu or not. lxvned by the county m:«do tho follow- Honorable County Commit. tleuleme l.oi 69 i l(btc Pino street, south by Webster sirott. west by lot 8d and 90 j Lot No. 1 8, blk 3, col. 6. vof, bound jetioorili by Calhoun sticef. uut t*> lot I 117,.south by let 115, wist bv Short torth b- south bj corner Jef C(k That the chairman appoint a com mittee of three Irmn this Board, to inse under consideration and present to __thL Board a set of rules governing tl ealu r- Uitivoroad working system,” als5 to the originalTbt on wliL’h the eouiuy silo of 8 h-niias county wus j Lot 6^, in blk 3. col. 4, w located anil called Thom&svillo. This ; wvco.t stieot, m-t by lot tut was granted by the State of Georgtu , j 0 f, f,ji t by Pine street. :o Zi»m Fletcher May 12, 1820, and by j Lot 8- , hiI. 9 co', 4. wesi tiimsoldto Thomas Johnson, May 20.1 * e |>iiu and Oak stroets 182«, (Book A, iMKc2J,l»ndby JolinMiu \ . u„ of Mr. Pr.NRln it wit- rioiit to the UoinmiMUoiiersof the Couuljr | or dured tlm foreKoliig report, will. ►i;o, June 7, 1826. Recorded A, 66, Mar. t ) lc . u wlK of lots ixdotiging to the eCun > £0,1827 . | be | obhshed, ■ and any and all By the Act of Dec. 29, 1825, entitled ! p (l |-i i«» claiming any right or itle t* "An act to organize the counties of J any of said *.ols‘ l»y re.-iSonofotM-npatioi' Thomas aud Lowndes and to appoint! or |N>sMt-sioa be ietjuiied tosubunitheir Coiumissiouers to select pubbe si^es tor I claims to the county commi-winners l»« said counties, etc., it was etiueterl. |fore the December moetiug of the bev 6. That Duuctn Ray, Win. J 'Board, or said lots will ht» advertised Forsoi), Siiuou Hadlsy, Hr., Miclieal! f cr saleou vise^lirst Tuesday in Jauuaty .Horn and John Hill Brynu lie and they j a>03 ar.-hereby api>otuted commissioners tt»| Mr. J. ft, Pntierhou was added to select u public situ for the couuty of j committee on Payne road. Thomas, to purchase a lot or lots of j Th« fodowing bills were« rdcre l md for the same, and proceed to lay ^ m. Smith ofl io the public site iu said ami expose the samo to pnbh after giving sullicie.'it notice, i ’ j W. A. Pringle... H. C. CojMuutd. I paid: J. IV Barr Counting the "ands” do styi prevent your voting anJ i U, ‘ IU ' FOR INSTANCE If jbay $1.00 on subscription you get both oue count for the piar.o. and 100 votes for the most popular lady. Remember. Every cent you pay is applied to you; subscription, whether you count the “ands” or not, or whether you vote o. ii JU, or whether vou do both. Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers. Costs you nothing. Kk'-^S -i ttVs bW Here’s the Coupon, Use It. GRAND PRIZE AND VOTING CONTEST. THU Ilia j a Al i**t lx; Um4 In all Ca*en! » y »uh*cr!ptu>n IoThr (State whether Dally or Weekly.) My Guess at the “amis for the Piano is As Fid Host Popjiir Yonng Lady, to be given a trip to SL Lwis, I cast .Votes for Miss., One % e allowed for each cent paid. Name of Voter . Are you taking tlie paper now?. in nucli cases; ihf^proceeds of *uch q.Rryun a 5 0 of lots to bo returned to tho I*if«iior! ^ Han ell 8J 3h c jurt of said county, ns well as the land i L n JBouchelle 20 tX s> purchased for tho public site, re-'j g Moargomery 10 00 ascertain the kin 1 of road working ap- j s *rving sufficient to pay for purchasing j OK 0.iIlftWay 15 CO paratus, needed aud tho probable cost 11 le land for county site and expemos ! jj tt| j all Blalock, panper 7 0(» of same, and to report not lat^r than the : incurred with regard to the same. 1 Q or ^ on Hattlway, pauper & 00 June meeting 1905. MONTHLY STATEMENT —OF— JOHN F. PARKER, TREASURER. Thomas County, Georgia. For the montii.endiug Oct. 31, 1904. / RECEIPTS. v From balance on hand as per last report 2,198.97 For convict hire 1,077.34 From Chas. P. Hamel!, J. C. C. County Court coata 98.00 Lease dl convicts..u.....572.65 Jail fees, 24.60 Fines and forfeitures.... 322,25 $1,017.50 l’he Ml of Dec. M, !8Sfl recites (he | Mw & ( arIer , 1!iu| , cr . I fact tliftt the ^ComtniB.ioners »pi»h teii j Rc/|( , (1|1 R:trlurj p nn po r .,.. H 283.81 ’ j DiSBUBSEMENrS. For building and repairing court ** voB fJ-LB BY ALL DBUGOtiTS* gO etnU am* 9**00. under the abovo act hud purchased for couuty purposes lot of land No 39 in tht* 13th District, originally Irwin,-now Thomas, and expressly confirms and makes valid in law’ such purchase by the commissioners.” .It is clear that tho laud, lot 39, iu tl ©* 13th district, became the property of ti e coautyuud the inferior court having charge of the county affairs sold < IT from time to time such lots in the town or they saw fit. All lots or parts of lots as remain un sold are now the property of the conn y of Thomas and the County Commit- rionSrshave the right to sell anddir- pote of them, subject, however, to bi y title acquired by presciption, the county not being exempt from the operation 11 the law which allows title to be acquired T. W.WUUU & 5 01 P. Hoskhir, pauper 6 0 Hardy Godwin, pauper, 5* Mr-. Wright Warren 6 On Chas. Brooks, proper 5 00 J J K..giiu, election 14 C(. M M Mash, roud aud bridge-... 5 22 A Way, election^ 14 oo R T AicGraw, election 14 0» J L Pntten, election 14 O’- Henry Mitchell, election 14 (0 A F Burry, election 14 00 S B Zeigler, election 14 00 B Meltoi, elect on 14 00 O F StubLf, election 14 00 J W H Mifcbell. election 18 00 Walcot Sc Fambro, 3 88 Pops Rounme & Cc 2 50 Wily Yates Guard 42 00 Mite tell House, Jury 45 60 W B Joiner,.; 1 80 ODD FELLOWS GOING TO TIFTON A genie or more of Ihonuoville Odd Fellow’s are going to Tifton.ou Monday, November 21. TIih occasion if a con vention and grand rally of the Odd Fellows lodge iq thef£3oatheru judicial District. Tlie] Thoniasyille lodgo is noted for the excellence of its degree j w ork. A team will exemplify the benu- I. F. Parker Electric Light Go F(K»tp / Duvit > s& Co. books Roddenbery & Luke, damages Watt Supply Co T. A. Taylor & Co. lumber..., J S Norton, election 1-f 00 •i W l’alin, road and bridges ... 41 66 Tbm Wolford 2 03 Wight Bros, roo<l aud bridges.,. <^7 42 M \V Whitfield, lumber 148 C2 Sajjp Hardware Co, road and bd’s 19 10 ti ( >gof tlib different steps inOdd Fellow- OUR SOLDIERS DID B£f{ER' General Burry brm, tho Second GfOifty i^fiVl^o^ilregi^ at the Mana*§ui£ imii.ll. regiment Itar^u hiScOfoi^ say, thoy k8Jjt\cir Ultl#- J. T. P tlnmu&Kor, (|»up»r)... 30 43 j nocett&D«tf, roail Midliriilne.. 31 iO J O RdiburK, rood and'bridges.. 17 29 'rTBpongUr, road BUdbridges... 81 C4 tl. Hiurl.iary, road ar.d bridges. .277 00 T.J.-Higlit 160:1 J. Hl.llt/Juil fees -..lid A. J. Cumbsrt, |«er hoaw 30 SD V. A Feller, gn^rd 20 10 Ohas Gandy, Corouor 1! 60 ll. i. Lrt-.ter .bd oibei", jury 0 0. SVW Stay 4 - U ika Yoouk, liaaper 10 00 Board idjoarn'd. E. M. t-urru, Chairman. J A BnXTnnmrer fWt MS ship. Arrangenients for the trip are' in i he bauds of B Edward®, Noble 1 Grand. This is the first jbiut meviiiu; nisi of the lodges, sinco the new’ plan of <w- • trictimr has been put into effect. local lodge, Piney W«-ksIs numbg t \ji8? is one of the most active and pro^wws in the entire state. Mrs. Grace Masury, and Mr John \l:,hu»y woo liHVt; neon at C/e Park, for several days will reti morrow to Ynw Their p rf ’* p nt riiit is entirely a boainew one. They will »eturu iu 'ilioinafcvnas in iDecemuui in com|iaDy with Mr. and Mrs. Sturgh toid wlU spend the winter litre, INDISTINCT PRINT