Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 04, 1904, Image 2

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    0E01CUA, OCTjBEB 28, 190J.
. MQf 11 _i>» SM/lNfill
WS? "glories of the cirtuv Tifere it
laoaathipg attractive about the canvs^
the *twdn*t ring, tne pea nets and?
^e^JcmooaJe, that notliiog eisef^BU r \
3§ fur Time turns backward itfi his*
j . ^Kf< r, and ;fiake* as children.*#
go to take the children ai d scdi of os
vs haven’t there blwsiuf* lUGur own
f ami 1 jr j" librmwtJtoai from frtShenr. ■ ,
L Jlhe people £b?SM Jim , ei-llie, cynyty
^ere here by the (hearAnd and ail enjoy
id tiudosoiree. M What waarhe effect
»f the day? Some people who lo«k at
Dt get what you want write us and you -wtu get i
hack. V/e keep goods just a little better than you
i tc-?.»h. : *X^e show this week
1 .he xs'otld through gloomy guies-s Vsrili
The New
•titd register verious other hi^ks at the
.trtte-o/fhuigaT For oar p ut we ere
* ell ’satisfied with the dvr and its Irs-
We are ‘|3ad the' people h*d a
gcof* time, and'followed oat the maxim.
•*.fi and the world laughs with yon,"
We ar«» gUd that tfi? toVnTand county
:ir • prosperous enough to allow tin* en-
j<»ym**ut at it* people. We are glad
riiit ihe peopV were in a twine of kind
ro appreciate »n-.i enjoy the day. And
finally we are glad to know that they
enjoyed ahamaelva-j iu a sane and liealthy
mauner wiWiont recoored to flie stimu
lant* that land femparary enjoyment
md Ming big kiaehetf af remorse after
•/he aVar. Haiti town famuk
;h* ndrrr ineem^e a# aHraikan •»»—«»
•w/Ui f hoewag *•»***. eaMing
• ml aMiar aagtas ef afce >Mia #«r
•»-f.Wibition lawk* and tfce ekaraeter
,vt ocr (irople .stood »• teat-wall ytster-
WANT "THEIR moneys worth
wheu the.' get it. It you are that kind
s stisf action it will be your own fault.
Concerning the cost* of living tut aj>- lng has Bcttfctlljr gone llWtf. r ' NS#, 1 J
piled to the-wages earned, and the cx- do not’ thing'there was ove, a dor«
travagant claims made tram He erronooiia sistement nyulc on ;tn». u^tt
pnlillcan "National headquarters to’the .than tpat .^me^ooe. The gentl^in^n
•■ect.that this Is sc ent of great pros- from Illinois (Mr. Doutell) was. verg
Perlty. the. following • excerpt from a Kareful whea tpeakNiH r.ot fer gift Os
epeenh made lnthe.hall of the House any figures on the cost ofHVWgi «t*t
of Representatives In Washington by ina.Klvrorou. eocne-ilmires-from.JJyn’a
Mr. Allan Bonn>> of N'e’w Jeney; tm Review, which l “W®
Jan. II, last,.sheds much' light oa the here trill, take to have some weight at
suhjfeet Mr. Benny eaU:. least. r .'.n nt
"They tell us on the other fhie, Mr. :, The figinva. hnsed ttpmf’nnofdtions
Vhahwa'it, that wsgea hare Increased of 3i# articles-with due alldwanearfer
lyper’Cent.-dnrlng the Republican ad- she relative Important, of each,.arc,|*
snlnlnttatlon, and that the cost of Uv- follows; , i ,
for Constipatis
| 4 • To the Dt'-inncVafK «/f Cbftfgiiv: Iii the
" t*‘ pftran'4 nomlnatfrtpritaffl Jhush’
. ‘ f rV- r % ’ cengrertm<m ; tuid c»;ui y »»*
1 act.Ui», i»V 'lh ; * partf; tfmi
[ .. xe i»i^‘J?^'^* Jflutbde-.'ab«nui<-/r,/ter
'• 'H*•' rvt'.*> ft!*o >»?!Wi'tt , d' ^:*e-
N> the Mat* dt Tiio'rrtfthv ebnrrfn
I tio t. whicff In tuni chcs*' dolegatc-f ft \
I. tin* tj’iiobaf t.tmobrahi: vGuvrhlioh't)>;v ;
J n?udnitr«l .hr i>.e P.* l er ’
I * U <rter rl»e tehri» extcndrH by the stite J
j cxeeative ccuimitlee every riegte one Cf-j
fl tne^e voter* wi;o ’ pa.'iicipa»esl i« ihSej
11 pnmary i* in honor boaiat to.rote to.' !
|; *.n»j 'ieinucriaiJ tJuiBinee* of «tte jmrfy, /
.* Id*a Uio dtuy of ureiy deuuu m \vJiv>
j| tt.tfd iu that primirv lo K'* out ned c.ut |
i| In-* bAiioc tu-ttic KUii.iah ekvtio •. The j
{; owatuy vlucli topofun prevnijs ui j
’ voting it* tlie general chiriiou, i-u'^Cvi*
it Hk e aili to unjust nine ism in the ua-
ji iou. atid every ioy«U «‘.en.oer %f.« vc* the
i duty la his party to goto ilu* poll* to
; Nov. b *»nd vote lor every *iug.e demo
crau s nomine**
After the ]opuH*t party bi d roil it*
course iu Georgia (the ,6ta f e execntivb
i;ommi:teo opened tho do>>r* wide and
invited »ll to *• nuru »o Uu- old dean -
craiic fold. The vote iu the recent pr *
uwrjr kIiowh that tin* iuyituliqu wiw w
repte-b .Surely { there urn lume who gf*
»or .accepting tlii* . iavituriou and iu |
honor biuding* by vo'iig:
m the primary, would now openly o^-
Inst* the uoaiiuee* of thin very p.nuuiry..
ami fUht the very democratic cuuflvn.let
they utdpK) to nonuuate.
The facA that tlm candidate of i|ti* ■
jrari.v for tyc office of |*re»idiut corner 1
from Georgia place* an added dat> u;*«
on every fruo democrat in Georgia h> j
do Id* part to r U up a majority jtjuitj
will answer back, to the coamry for thW {
a <*rtoU on the jwrty. a movyuient
headed by the PojmlUt-, if it ever
amount* to anv tiling iu ^Georgia or tho
south, cau vlone-result. in dividint tho
Waite people and giving the t egto the j
balance of power
In Judge Parker wc have an Ablr,
e'ean. an incorraprible loader running
n roil a platform of sound r emocratic
principle*, aud there wver existed
stronger reason.i since the day* of recon
struction tor voting the democratic .tick
et than in till* election.
On behalf of the democracy of Georg
ia, and the stnt* executive committee,
I appeal to every loyal to do
his duty on Nov. 8.*
Chairman Sti.t* Democratic Execu
tive Committee.
Dawson, Go. October 2V. 1V04.
forBilietiencss ■>
Usc’it often and pro-
■ vent Matartui v -'
■BWC- Cwi^atiy -
To mini mi ardour living expenseBtb'.s winter
•dav! ytm-r lighting- and fuel bill by
Acetylene gas and a gas stove
DO yo .. e;no \t .that • ■
, . Si .>VNbl,K-W)WB«.U» KLKCTtacmr IXMTS-I la'OEXTS-AK HOiuitV
W CA>:oLK.rOWBH:oF^pJB('rMl0t COSTS 3 5 CENT AN HOU l)
We -w*nt t-> teli you about it. w# delight m giving in-
bn sdl:
Acetylene Gas Engineers.
: i ’til * T-"‘ ■ .
Coo'idge Tuesday, Nov. 1, forr no»n
Memllvil!n,^Tue«diy Nov. I, afternoon
Ochlockoute, Wednesday Nov. ‘i.
Meigs, Thursday Nov. 8.
Duncanville, Friday Nov. 4.
Piiw Park, Tuesday No?. 8, u «. m. to
favor jminting. their p of g c | 3
.v« urge every , •
- a liberal Three horse farm, six hundred bash*
- •»» els id ootn an l a ro*kI water mill with
• farm, located throe miles north of
• Piscola Creek, Call on or
•'*. Boston ^la. 83 4t
Rostou, We«Ine>day Nor.!».
Tltur*da> Nov. I0. ^
* 4 v Kov. U.
Nov. 14.
-»ov. 18, forenoon. V
Nov. *22, afteruQon.
jday Nov. 23, forenoon.
x / Nov. 58, forenoon,
day Nov. 25, afternoon.
1 at my office in Thomasville
1st to Dee. HOth, on which
books wJl positively close for
* ;ar ION.
Thcrou h red Chickens
Barred I vmouth Roc an i:e Wyand
TGQS. Price $ per setting: i; egfs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville,
The roar Sparta Islimaclite says that
only tho newspapers hive done their
duty for Parker aud Davis iu Georgia.
Phe huge ms jority that will come wi l l
• lien be a compliment to printe.-s ink.
S. Sampson la at it aealo-*sci(ino
.yttoil md jroetrls:. l-2t