Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 04, 1904, Image 4
RltllES the city a whole lot of 'money end ita Citizen* «tiU more. Light* cm be pot where the rank aud file and citizen* of 'moderate income can hare light*—and pert* of the toirn that are now indark- ne*a can be lighted hp and'not cost a* mgch as it doe* now. Instead of being an expense, it will make money for the city and help pay ita pteaent or any fn- tore indebtedneM, Why, judging from wiiat oar iumnigation on tilt light sub ject has dexoloped, if oar srstehi of water work* was owned by a private Concern a poor mau would hardly be able to buy water enough to Wash bis 1 face in ^ In reference to tiie proposed sewer. I ant in favor of tbe sewer while Idont agree to some things that have been said about it still I am willing to help tiie I part of tiie town interested get it, but" the light subject affects acd will benefit 1 tbe wl^ule town anil I trust every mau ' that can voto wilt come out and vote for tn* municipal owhenship of ita elec tric light plant. Jae, V. Braun. Remlntaoencei ansometime* profile-, bio. They are nandly not ple**»nt. There b one reminiscence tiiough Him is alway* I'leasai.t and gpherally profit able totlie editors of tiie Times-Eutor prise. Two jeers ago, on tbe first day of November. 130!, tlia Times &nterprisc passed into ita present control. Those two year, Imre been bony ones. They' have been “fat" joar* to oil Georgia SHOW SAVINS. As Time Shortens fnter-*«t in Voting , Grows Intense- every Friday byVhe By Municipal Ownership Says Mr. jig F. Evansi- W.ics.Enterprise Publishing Co. -W^snM. Hardy, President. ^ JoHn^O, McCartney, sac. A treaa % - At the Time-Enterprise Building. TliotnH*vilk*, Ga Mr. Votf <r*pciwd to give the public »i!l rlio light on the Light question-1! itj jriHi can, l will a^. you fdr ftfcUiB.: space for a fevr\ fact* dial figures on the subject. ( As cue of the citizens committee «Lo lias at some expense Hurt a good deal of time and trouble inrestisated the light business. I wriio not from guess, but from facth- y r ‘ There is no question in my rnind hut that iho ownership Of the Electric light plant by the city would be a first class busiueiM imfc&tmeut paying a liaudeome profit from the beginning. v Tbe city would uot'h&ve to |»r a high priced President and Treasurer as we already have them in our Mayor and eity Treaa- mar. YVe »l*o have our day ixid night engineer and fireman as has already been said by "medium tax payer,” We would have to pay an electrician say ditfJU.OU and two liueuieu ' <540.0l> each I iliatweoo not pay now which vmld) b*t the only nddittoual salaries the no i quisition of the Light plant would h-J quire. The item'of luet would be i-bout j double what is now used by the water j Works (we get tins e-timat© of fuel from [ our present VfUo.ent Sept, of water works who bae reduced tnu coinsupUciiv of furl fioui <4000 (N> i«r annum to aooui <l‘iv0.00 ) This shows a total u hlitiouui expense; that the city will ill Entered *tt tin' ft f - Thomas* yille, hi., rv* Wmd dare mail nutter. iL'KMCHII-HOS llkJF.K Weekly, One Year “ • Bt* Mentha •< Threa Mouths. ... felly.One Year,.... L « SWMonth*............, “ - TbfVe Months « One Month.... tfficialPaperof Tliomas County Guaranteed Circulation 2477* Th it wa* a good meeting of Rood far! zmant til* court h-nae* 'day. Cola Gaa* Free. Robert Cole, a Bo.tou negro charged with auauil vrith iuteiK to murder was Tliuraday admitted of thb charge by He wu» defended by Read' the took ar.d learn the way to t c cheerful cv ery day. The secret 85 a sound stom ach. Free at drug states, or mailed Ormaioclnb are aeitliiig rlio fete «f ltie raiVtri* in Angu.iu 1 .till* i Superior oouri. ! Hamntoudaoa tUuimomf and prorecu ted by Solicitor Tiioinu* aiid Itovcoo Lake. teem jioegible, u rlio ijoailrupiiag of oar weekly circulation. The circulation pf the Weekly Timcs-Euterpriw in ntjw ciiu.lderatrl wore' tiiaut I.fiUO, au.I oth er. i outing in every week. Three- foortln of tuii! uuutber hate been iid.iod •ineo Xov. 1-t, lUOi. The "gr,nvtli i- cfVheO-y l-ntier iUiunmted by Hgiirec . feutu tiie peat idEne than liy »uj (lilop julni. Hie average uumber of p iandtof | the weekiv uiailert pat h ,y tn Onto- | ber 1338 w as let* than SO. The avenge [■timber ofiiouiiea untiled e-vii week I u niiig October IWM wiih in ire than 810, i■ ti ine-reasu iu the etteultitiiiu o tt.e •Wily cuiti g the t« o flu he- li but llrtlo lent remarkable. lioiea •fewti KEY-AREE. ThtmaivM* M«n Rsturns From Cr fiWilU Wlt^B lda P >-.F-r sir -ld*> Wfiit up fi.V4il.kir <»»«Y Ulid Ul+h’t fomu bsck. '<y. i. ..I iif.dy v »sn*t i*u 'uuaid. i •iho StanHir>g. Mi»sMinnie Willisuis ...... " Alien Cartt;r,-Moics. ... | “ J«»e V»uh, liestuu- " May Bess rfluier * Jouoio Brown, Gjii«:.. " Edtus Varnofltv. " Lucy Parker **' Mattie Thoiua^. '•'Louie Emus, Co«j!x "* Lillie WilUumr. " (ieitrude "•DeisyWle DITTCS# CO. STILUS ZLPMl A. Mr. A. JR*. Key. au employee* of tl.c AiUntiu Coast Line, retunirU to-Thom- ' osrille TattMhsy miruieg* fee us- Ca milla, bnugiu# with him a bride* Be Ws»taarriHl to-Miss Janhs Acrce ii» Ca milla on Wedoenday. Theyouug coapie W4ll be at homo* So their friends atithe Tharp* restileucam Fairview. Mr. Key is woii and favorably known tuoor isajplu. bin. Key i» a member of viiurot Mitchell ewuutj's b^et families* autl lisa man? iadividual amac-tiona. ribowiU be cordiaUy received by tins people of ibis city.. YfrthdAif Kum.-velt bus inued hl»J YhSblsVKivtiig brpc.ainauon. He might ‘ febrit like il u’W Hot* S. S / uc-cirted j 1 ! bfitakepo I Set. J. B ‘>u«iu bus hUv-vtcdod the ie^K Mu uturdus of tl.c teor^ia iri tuf! im| Huu u. (*•» v».»l ave to tc.- a i.-bj i.t li.c pun to kitip 1 p The regular 1a- m of Ihe Daily Times-Euterprise is ti.rfrom twice wtist it. was two yean ago. | in u.... *• diieotions too, the Wopeof j the paper Iihs beeii wid i ed mid its n j'liueiMf ii.creantid. Bui its ;«.-t atcua.- P'^lto ufs,,we hope' will m«vo only j» an Hide< In w? at may bedomtiu fnriiie. | hefoie aunthtr bu tlicloy e iu.v aruuud , ,r '» ttr-ipOF© that the Times-.Euierpiise fthall printdd ou a new press—the best /> * , . ■ . , | »• f^wgraat UeurgL, uuii wui be iolde.i TT,;, i.rutunt or Ii.taivtatn .t •>«* hew. b) . I am „ •tlb wvfmev.i y./ecsionol tlm couicy | v<( fnt.V fotw-B.ifri-ise voting votthwt : ^ K aW wo in-,» .Hipo.ra iit.v to tliauk ortiKi-vrjitc*! gra-lflcariiii n, u l k-,. r U„i n.juia.v., . ». u i th -VHtktof:t!ie.*difcor* of .the lwi*r oiitiuty for tliu lie irty wupiiort tlit-y liuto • w-Uo* Ilia yoaug lhdUi OOkcarnrd. «fu‘(iirvr*UI/’ ...o ,.io,l Without a S*how» better tliau almo*t almottany. ,ii„uauce of that 8u|,,«irt. we are j thing el«*eoa;.i l O.Hip ptUfUWiJgtcreit UniHaUj wilb I., 1 V... can a. oouiylUI. «««!• »« flKll,Otli»r..., Rouiotliing lor tiie community. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE- ! A-SHIK'NG SUtEffSS . Uo* R-l>. atimpWB who hm» been* Iu «piM-cf U^kae.iltnr tiWyt'-rtawa’ pretti-.lilu*fsr the PiawbycHao ehp.xdn liutitawMrtli- kwveuth Uwa-«(«*■. ut tloico taw*galled. bUfitraitil. , w „ T tWI» ■non MulMatioee will be filled.hy Rev. ^,0 to>rd»*,b. h-u t a-v.... titnv i j ULfl. K. B. Wi»herwnppuof Booton. KN.'K. Spivigbr at Horton ti l«v. K. — *Kcud, !ed tv pray«r, Dr. T. MJduBitbah, Kev. Junes M Knshm of BMtczi^jktftroduccd.i,' . J li aV t,«>.. A.- I,Hit beta rw-ileeted avgmud. sammuier Unta whceuwuu aiiruht mUnrsfUg^ luik. of tlnv Orsud. Lodgo uf Msseos for ou trcHf.r^-Jit.<.i hh»d. liy mtys-thaA;u»-a. Georgia* R«v. liusldiais ono iho most jrulw .StmtUoru. iu oh ^ <»t» i,.jt jinm -b-ep promiumt Mamrns of the state- and has-|’enough* iio*K li«r*in .lor mu wlh>. Wd«. iu ifs “pr^parn iMi "givdit a flavor similar to . quite plecmm*to Vtke Mr .W. L, Kod-, tifick, of Poo civile Md . in >p;-alting; i#»* this remedy,'atvt:- "IU'\*y u^ed Ch imborlahi’s Cofi^ » Run^v wi.dit.niT childrtufoi* Severn; yeor^un.l turn trutli- i he fraieruiiy. a u:»*t iVcli are going to play i Aliuiito* ThopowWr of die iroug «i.ou^ii lo pttll Ivon the vied gu.uts of gridirou fame, net. Thu game would never 1 i ptuyed bu* for the V]K>rtiuu ’ the g\iUntu pu|i«trs. Gnuit- < and lvi Camp oupliL to enjoy ,Vm ia tiie way Jod^e Parker dliara ■* O»ol wke* V some of the taauei 01* tbe t -ftbi.: «m|ialgna, ,,,, . r.' t • j 1 ***’ “Adufiniktretiui Mttmv'agahce moat a "vk-i backeckod. “Theto tuael tie i iiu'.i c|i|intunltyfof Jujvb m alt. *mtqNe|«! jnlftb^a for mine,, <nbi-di. govvrumout of Ini 111 -recently moved from Coleman. Ala . to till, city and'will make their Irwun Imre imrmniivtnly Theyarvat the Wnverly J- At tiie, alterimoii brvmott Hr. linn, cut s puke again, Hrul btcvvkrxcfyUiui 1 atitlica.iid.ihnfatt.ici*iiu tiia uniaj.uc Mi,re* Ethel d.asulaanil Aliui. Prin In led fur Bavatmali 'tiiewlay uto u- *T: i. iball remiiu .4 -t of meu. -r„>jo must b\> a reform of th.e tar- A NOVEMBER WEDDING. Mlsa HaUio Mesh to Marry Mr J. W»yo v MooVo. . “j -* natfou wi>l no more hold an- oUittV , i'<>i»leintier;»* «ual IokUko llull it Will t« Iritote the ein-tfiviug vf ivdivulunls |pl>r.*ktCWUR. Ht'vetwliclmiuj Ufa? i-soeSKfcbox’ The HU^r»^etrt-i>h of Miss llettie Ma»h r«» Mr’.l. Wayi.o Moore of Athu.ta* lmr unimuMvd The »vt*diiinn to i.d;e iliij ortum,'0 ms tt.te .■ut towertho quet*- dtness- lba- partiierrhip b<‘t\h*‘»i» the B»qwwuA«>*tt leaders ami the tius.ut •^»u- • r *fb profit both,'and hurt to It* istuo(t, favord*!y know . The time iagrowimr short and the in terest in tiie voting contest tor th* pupnlar yooug Jariy futeuse. At nine o'clock next Wednesday night N w em ber 10th, it will be all over but ti e trip, j Arrangement have be*h follyc«ui»;*e id! and e/trv detail fur the pleasure «Ld| comfort (ft the Titnev-Buturpn-Hi (:>»♦•»*•! hiu Letn arhiiMtd. Tim young lady | who receives the most votes tan le.*ve • anytime during t».e munih fm lit! Fair. But the burningq-.n«rion is who»»die Congressman jsmw M. Griggs, t *>n- 4. e^rcan W. ^ ami orlKr promiuent Democrat* wilt address * e people<»f Thomas county this we** J Everybody on.-ht ro turn ant tn liny r thf'i-e noted st'oakers. The following s 1 hfirs-'hetlniF'. • A Ai Oflilorkonee Friday, November 4th. JJ a. m Tho i.srviUc Friday night. Novem ber 4th. 1:W- Oai o. U.tiirdar, November Stfr.fU .Bostof), S tiurday, November 'th^S* cur tor running expefsos of abont $JU80 jH-r aituam, 10 addition they will iu- oar an average intercut account of $10 50 per annum also allow a very liber al amouut gUJtM 0.» for wear and tear which wiU keep the plan* iu perfect o •Udilion jf^incji umke* h Ua-aI charge ou the cit^ U $OJ per annum. To pa/ this and umhe a handsome profit besi*i«»-> we have the present, amount tiie city pay a for litfiim ou nights tbe moon , don't woprxy us of ^lUtO 00 and estimated private consump tion at pruscut rates <l2000*0i) making u total dr per annum wbieb sluiws it net piWl of <<47U.bu pur an num. This looks like a good lnvtsliMBS and if Uie city votes to, owu its UgU* plant it wont wotk out far (com this figure. - Wo arrive at this conclusion ftqm |;.*holiga aud pibiiistakiug citventig^tiun of other lowi»s ana rules ihu* on u •moun'suiuiies rate tliau wo pay bon** pa? eX|jHOK«rt nud makes money for Hie city. For iinuauce our naigWior (duit- uiau's plant lights the streets and public bulldiugs free iu»d charges jinvaio eon- sumers&Octs. foroua light per mouth oar rule iH<l*00; ten lights IU eti each IMir month, our rate, is GOcts; Meter rates Dots par thouaand;lv il>wa* and •JT per cent discount (or bilks over <5*00 i ou iale is 15 uis ihousuud with a . li'inum eh.ijgo «»f <2 O* per moutn w tether the light is used at allot uot uud no discount. But we nvro you stronger and better figcrcs with no guess work. RetVr to the United flutes Coiuranaiouer of labor's re|iort for i&U pages 550 to 55a nud you will fiud UU> towusaud cities report lo tho Bureau average price lor Id cand-e pjwer iu cuuderccut vice Om»t tt» 4 -6 per font tu tfo wnuii turuUhedby p.nvate ;Uauts* also -14 cities aud towns rep-irt that the aVQ.’af e piic for Kilowatt hour charge i in arc ms*v i>*o wa* »U l *2 jhit cent uioie by private plants tluu by mduic*ital. ai>o that the arCT service l»er ammiu (muu* as ours) was ‘»U 4 5 per cent more hy p ivale plants tliau by uiuisicipil; in fact there is nothiug iu this book com- -tied hy tho authorities at Washington * in all iw tables uud ’ plants arc towns ami jest service *V uot? Wo l Presidents iud the city jicople arc al- eep their jobs, have a mouop ii*y oau squeeze ration refer to iUieipal Journal you will see that ..ud for its lights .5.10*4,00 which at beou paying the d have cost them Aving of (54.707.00 wuing Its own plant GIN PAYS. November'first will gut- ouly • last (lavs of'eaeh week;- J A’.IMLIIS G4N CO. 21-10-at rHAMDEULxlN’S <XfVG II RE ME ED Y' IS PLEYSANt-’TO TAKE. Th** fin»*»s ‘qasliry of grTSntihired |n*v sugar is usid in 1 the tnwtr:Hst'n er $ t?w* F-'rt.'Wis'/Cliainbo latu's Cough Rnm—!■ , nmltfify it* "prepsra' kn giv4it m veudersd L>ng aud spiaudid sscvioe to lute iu arriv-iug then s)» ii.t\ Markvli the {.cotton*erup ideal.. \>a* iuf* ud>lve..A:i«C j his adiimssaJu lusUtuto ndjyurncd* Vic Mr. and Mrs Henry WT. Haosuksr have ’ dinner. estuigg taik.i tn-at^oiikoi Mill. Hu Mjjulua-.aao.. tul - T “ u thtt «**' prcv ' r * t,0 “ kind I know of. The children, like to take it and it hns-tio iuja"i )US -after •(- [feet For sappy J. W. P»acook. W. Dr. IJiuiju-1 Mrs. H. J. Smith of Carwltou viaiiiag Mrs. K. C, Smith. Mr. J. S. Ward,, Jr. was hqre (fm (h*bloekoaee to aiwnd tlm. Populist imeciug - ' . Mr. Georpi Neel same up from tjuii man yesterday afternoon. of ugiicoiturat cdu of Muuun gave w-u ulLhuvx to umko t tractive, L. Neel aU6 ma>.u About fifty fa*ui all were highly p « work. Tht uc« h will be held next y IU ipivu-1 :..wc».t\niiy t. UJ • i E. K Whaoicy aud K s‘u.r, Lais*. c:s Were pr*>vni am Capt. N. ll 'Speogler of Bostou mown Tuesday. Senator aud Air.- J. All leave next Saturday i- r Curah *. win re Uic? will make their Uni lure. T f k SECRET OF SUCCESS. Fiv/iv c.idi.ti b »ttlv*s ol August Flow- r huJiT tn the United Smtea alone since T- intic ’:chou. Ayd.tho-dcmand i* still ,ru«ing. Isn’t that a line showing of .:o h-: Djn't it prjuue tlmt August unia iuig success iu the *'.t !'4d>g-<*11011 a»*.i dyspepsia, the v r fc.ttvfct*a:>emi«» oi hortlih and bap- i.nrv? Do-s it r.ot afford, the best evi- ...» hat Au&i£. Flower is a sure fpt«i fw- all sJ-wucha ul m'c>tital dis- r ivisr Ihatu has proved itself tho ksi ot li ver rigulcto's ? August •w «* hua. ata-vcules, i»».u d of over bin. s»v«i vutfs m cunog the ailing Mr. J. W. Fiuucy was here from Cairo Tuesday. M. R. Catlierwood, auditor of the A <& 'l** J. is at the Masur?. s •i complaint* iti. wider^n its c and .Miraad, ; lower sp reads, ir size, 75c: For P. C. Davis of Bar wick \vu Tuesday on business. 1 at the Masury. Mr. K. O Moore, princii>“l of the Thomasville High tchcol i» confined *o his home by a vli^lit attack of sick- iss Locile Linton who sjwnt the summer in Philadelphia- aud other northern-cities has returned to Georgia and is now the guest of her sister Mr*. T. F. Green in Athens. Bin. Wm. E. Davies who lie* leen in New York since Jane came home yes terday afternoon and will be with the family of her brother, Mr. LouU Jerger during the winter. CHATTANOOGA PLOWS Arc Crop makers Hiey have bean iri.J and I'ju nl ihoroughly - 0. K.'for this soil. A full line cf a , s^ei an, repairs at jno. G. Bur.iey'g hardware Stoic, Boston, Ga*