Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 18, 1904, Image 4
L TiUKS ENTER liltE, TUOMASVILLE GlfiUitUIA, NOVEMBER. J8 iaC4 CUTTING IT DOWN. The oldermanic candidates seeiu !is*l« t . Representative Crompackor of Indiana ' lias toner been known oh nn - advocate of cutting down the representation of the f hOQtheru i-tata*. He tubes the ground a tha» tlie southern representative* *ieid u an undue amount of p wer because the r negro is disfranchised oj* proven ted from voting. If hie plan jvascarried»{.rough * tlie representation wdujd look iibfcthts, - uti compared to l he prese t ^Now. Tiien. * Alabama 0 6 3 Arkansas ft . 5 I Ftrtiida 2 2 Georgia. J 11 0 Kentucky tl 11 1 Loataarri ; 7 4 i iftarfj»ippi * 8 4 . North CUruJhja ]♦} 7 I U -.uth Carolina 7 8 Tennessee JO 7 E Tex»«* " I ft 18 * Virginia 10 7 Totals 108 70 > f Savanuah, of artillery punch fame r has been the targot for joieamitha for , many yean. 00 account of the repnted , bibulous tendencies of its citizen*. It is l due Samnnah therefore to call attention l to the face that at new club, that of the . Savannah Volunteer Guards, prohibit* i the sale of liquor and all . forms of . gambling in the'dub house. In eli«ri- natiug these two undesirable textures of club life ,he S.vannhians ate simply catting out two <*f the ihints every young man is better off without W* doll the editorial bouper in a o« ngratu lafcory bow to the Suvnutmii Yufnuteer Guard* mtd exptvS* the hope thiif their commendable example wiU .spread nud lie f tnol.itcil iu 01 bur oitte*. In a circular letter to southern cotton producers Harvie Jordun, president of the Hoot hern Cotton Growers’ Protec tive A*s< elation, ftdtisea them to swing' to their cottou like it was a long- lew relative with money 1n the bank. He says that a hour c< uthn.&hus been form ed t«» hatun’or uovn G.« price of cotton The Japs says Ivuroti is very mcc-h alive. every Friday by the rprise Publishing Co. Iarify, ProxMent. jortnuy, sea. <Ji I'-ca* This is good hog killing aud quail kill ing Wes flier, Ileg u to count tp yonr Meting-* f« Thanksgiving. Well, they arc about to quit panning 1 Swallow’* name. " he Sivann ih Press think* tl syrup three times a day in Cairo, The turkfcvw have sevuu tuofo dnyr to strut nrpoiid before waltzing to the guillotine, . ; lair to private and corporate interests a like and would $ iuld to unjustlegistj- tiop against the corporation*, thou we lead would think the proper protection of rail road iu'ererts would demand their entry into the race. This is not the case and bo»h private and corporate Interests alike know it. It seems, however, that e»utii fjor'ijquud lor every hale of Amoii- cau short staple cotton made tills season i<ud do, 11 profitable busincsi for the stockholder* The pri.o of yarns lias advanced 8 cents per pound within the past 6J d»y* and an unprecedented de mand fur cotton gooia exists while s'oeks generally are lowor than they have been for the -put twenty years. I he thing to do now is to give the mar kets and shippers a rest during the next G j days and allow present stocks of spot cotton be gotten out of the way, Lot every ho'dor of cottou absolutely stop telling and sit down at home end quietly contemplate* rmmos. Lvt each holder determine to put no more cottou on the uiHiket until prices advance and ' never sell a bale on a depressed market. Let county meeting* tie held all over Official Paper of Thomas County Guaranteed Circulation 2477. The world hat returned its accustomed coerto Oaeof U.oae Suuth Auiertc««n revolution* i* new in preg/c.-s. • Many wild political rumor* are afloat and tin* news dUpatcli sent out from Washington Is one of them. President Roosevelt will soon visit Georgia and it is said authoritatively that on this visit he will take occasion to make Hi* petition vu the negro ques tion ciettr lie will make one or more sptfoohe* and will by this method let it be knoMii exactly how lie stands An this important matter. 81nce the election the President's friends have been actively discussing this coming trip and they day that the President feels very friendly toward the South. Hen now in a position where lie can disregard all .negro claims to ottoe or recognition and he will proba bly be heard from in n manner that will entirely change the opinion of the white people of the South toward him Inasmuch u* the south i* h'jpele**dy iu the miu'-iity tho Atehiug- of a few con greesinvn Wuuhi not mean auy great low* ct temporal pow 50 centtaad $t.< All druggUU principle of the raid however will te Actively resented. It Is liaraly probably that the Republican potty will tube snub measures. The Vlistne ;is interest- lng : Atlier from tlie stAtid point of wlimt might bj, than from what is apt to be, In all the featnna of the late deceased campaign none is more interosting than the Important part played by newspaper and msgsxtne advertising. The Re- pnblloan national eommittes made free nse of printers Ink in pebltoaUeps. Douglas* governor elect of Massaehu- Kite one ofiie few Democratic survt- vore, waa an aggreeelve advertiser. It no* ie ttoer than ever, "It pays to adrcrriM. complete rote hae been land shore op M foliotra: The beet way to make a happy Thank,, giving ie to help tome poor nenoa have an enjoyable day. Think of eomabody yon can help. BANK DEPOSIT T7od havt/lieard of kite poetry of too- Mima.. J>ndng theee aotnmu day* that -jpnganwuiilnii ij Iliad bj the grinding ot ttsfa oaua mill. A Mltaitalppi contemporary ie growin worried over the way eeiaooe la en deavoring to control evorytliing con nected with our lives and lima com- tl/k/aVvv R. R. Fais pod. Notn •dckweamt, ifflttlgdtgggm t fqf' ‘ Bern. Tiiomae Wauou It in New York ieermrUi)ii m political vouferenoe. He •aomleoato reveal lit* political plane at TRxkwsou on November 19. ThU fearaome prying into every drop ot water one drinks, the moteucholy <luem tuning or food values with everv spoonful one swallows; the nucerraiuty ss to whether one draws Ills breath deeply enough to pnmpall tho vitalized air from his Iniigi, the teat deitityin donbis as to whether one sho.ld sleep with his heele higher than hit heed or vice vena, la all calculated to destroy that mental equipoise •> essential to perfect health, "Oh, I with I had lived before germawere discovered,” a young mother elghedlu our hearing, and we tould not bat e'ho the with. It it imuiernl to do olamtily that tartslch.wc ought to do skillfully, to do WMMieedly that which ought to be done •awttb consummate patieuoe, to bo tail- He,l with ngliueo when beauty la wwttUia teach.— Hamilton Wright JIabic. health. Hentz’s Curative Bitters Arbor Day w<ll be narco generally col- oghaartl thronghont Georgia this year rthaaaver bafore. becaaae State School Omoltiloeit, W. B. Merritt hat ta ta ttis matter In baud and hat enlisted Oka fuaeraat of the enttio pnblto aoliool anyaknm of the etateln this interesting Area floating occasion. Jktbor Day coeses on Deo. t, and it is fkaf lfrom the eutlmslasm that has Ikmii atlnul np nant the pnblto aoliool ■roleaa than f,000treea wi! theu be trana- gplaatcd from forest* to beautify schools jydi and play grounds, where they will ■caiaha nntilthey aucoomb after loug gnats to tho ravages of time. Bern is some stirring and sensible ad- visa from the Florida Timos-Union to athaBonth. Prove ourselves so worthy that others wi lament our inability to guide the Motion; make onraetvea so strong at gkoassthat we moy aave the uatlou it ^i-Ha, fnluess of time. We have | im-w* that we keep a nursery of maatn^aen; set thorn the leak of saving mdXlft »o may act an example to all manna la the land. Shall we not (tend j Ugjthiryet on our own ground? The BMaaihdg feepnd onoo^h > till to tarnish nn mmaMphttif good govenuneut for the ^gdKnnnd iaitattMsof the world. ^m*ksinl^lbr stateamen—put down our Oamicesnes—anpport only tho bast and In tbe race for president of the senate the motto will be. “Vote for West, young man and grow.up with the country.” r COLOXEL WEST. . South Georgia ‘*£a»n jWHSum a c-»u (lid.Hto for <5IW\ Col- Vi.vai, Lowdw t .duality, L iu tin- race-ftr Prv»4»loody of the Henute. Tho j«ople of Georgia know Oil*(lifsiii gaidled gentlemuu, Hu ha* made an cu via b!e teem A i»aa member of the iloufip. Hu i* tinr».*u»jliiy roiui- fi ut mtr* its tlie iinnof. Ir in left ui bo saro/iuin- “Ttio croii is nX^jui Jie/ed,debla fcf n> ou wiiciuot' tho rail roads can **My r tlw t**!i flUo M Tiiomtm- orally are p.u J uinl it i» u > longer abac- • . . „ ly engineer tliu caudiilory of some oth- Ga., i-i ftevuid na&s mail i solutely iiecus-irjr i t s«!l the batAUee of r . .' . . . r>i ^ , or. Will they doit*/ Will the peat Ie tbecroo. iiivffiuiieM-xenon recently . “.w v. ^ stiirortr 1^’ is lo ie hoped nofr- All Jiiojfd irofittiiu CJ. 8. CtiiiffUs ; . . * > . - i • , fJgu* at this time point t<> mil rood op- 4tiH*R-itiPTJ6N l.ifiA. , JnUojtiodthst up toOjfcobur I8sJ», only . . tI7 , . r , r position to Gol. Wefit and tLolr«treug-li , dPeoi'y. ".«■ i Ule^ if cotton had i,ceu gii.-; 1 . _. ", — — _ .v. ‘ f); and iiiUttunce for Mr. Biei d Wi'lvhu ■ e wed Thbi report clearly inllcUe* thit , . . , So I ^ . ■lpeoi>loothortUGeoruiaai'.ltUisctimlji- this crop will »iu< ux'/vwl i| f 0(K),WH> bale*, . . i nation u^iIum Col. Went/ If it could ;f u (*t>ui.oa tli:*t figure , II,e tpinnenii, , , . i ho «uid of Col. Wrat that lie woe not oil tilfcml lo pay the produces J2 f»U Moutli* — Three Months .. On* — JizAViitlrfi Tv.vija MorH’rt «... Month Them is a battle ship named Now Vf—-j- J< ought to bo ••ttusty ’* •• TLnflAng dtiesd nud i«t hol ing back- ml icdbe In si plnu for Ddinner,'Is w#« the kind of h day that think «b mt old trouble. 1~d hri u tin.v nvtioinl bulk, kcwg viilzVl Tliu money nftrt fol »i«oaiieriiy; Ymhwd.y •e there i.Stlg p,tmu “.lint of going to bait 1 himself the bolt and strong ssixl active step* be taken to defend this meat vuluubto Agri cultural product fnnu tho rapacious greed of tho epecn'Rtor. Let every man. who still holds a bale of cot ton in hlspoieeasioii join iu thorn uounty or local mcnitngs, and agitato tho im- portsnee of this a,up among Ids neigh- bon to tho end stint sacceis iu the uesr future will be aisored. We have held bur own well so for but we oan do mooli better and eaally advance the price from two to three cents by persistently re us ing to sell and lightening np present re ceipts, We fixed onr minimum at ten oentefor thlx season and maintalnad the prioo within half a cent? of that figure through October, the heaviest month. Now let the price be fixed at 11 eeotx for the remainder of the crop and the world will it at that price which will mean an additional gain ot Fifty million dollar,. ibrtdge Democrat deserves a modal 1 v bravery. It sill ■ho original Parker erg.;: “ pieeu of liuglund uanta is neo eu Tin sia aud Juimii Women rst auythlng, even make peace. i Taidr remit those oongratnla- l he ought do remember vf an enemy are do- MR. WATSON’S VIEWS. Thevleweof Mr. ThowneE. Watson on the last nationnl else lull are of In tcrest. He sajs that no hope of roform Is found in the Domooratlc party. He hopes In crganlze the proplo along the Uue, of "■Jeffersonian Domooracy” es laldish reform pnirer, and propagate "Jeffersonlau Democracy." He evb den tlv do. a not expect any ooalltiou with Ucarst or B.ynn. Iu regard to Georgia he eaye: "My own etato of Georgia is ax oom pletely ouder the thumb of Morgan and Balmont, one ot whom controls tho Boo them railroad comblue, tho other cf whom ooetrols the Leniaville & Nash ville oombine, a* the state ot Peuntyl Vania ia under the oentrol of the Penn aylvania railroad. The situation la •imply appalling and would not be be- lleved by anyone who waa not conver ■ant with the faots. I expect to retnrn home and open a campaign on the Hum ot Jeffersonian democracy to take onr state government out ot the oomrol of of Morgen and Belmont, and to pnt is iu the oootrvl of Georgia people, where it belongs. In nearly every southern state there is a similar contest to be waged against corporation tyrauuy. By the time the next presidential election comes a-wntid there is every reason to believe that there will be a sufficient sentiment iu favor of the reform princi ples embodied in the national platform of tiie People's party to win soccssa at the polls. It all depends upon the work which is done iu the yean between now nud then. I expect to do my share of it,ttiiat is all I can my at present. I will, however, repeat that I have not purchased or routed a home in New York, or anywhere else, and do not ex pect to do so. My home U in Thomson, (in, in a region whore my ancestors settled ISO yean ago, aud it is there Mist my home wilt be to the and. We haven't heard that anyone is worrying over the financial condition of the A. C. L. but it they are their minds can 1 o relieved by reading tha following dispatch from Rlcltmoud. Richmond, Nov, IS —Stockholders of the Atlantic Coast Line met to-day and declared a dividend of twenty-five per cent on the common stock; twenty per cent cash, five per cent on certificate of Indebtedness, pavabls in January. The capital stock was increased to fifty million dollan. Thera was no change in the officers. Tbe porcluue of the Jacksonville and Southwestern railroad was approved. Very favorable reports about the Lowry cotton picker are being tent oat. The following is a sample; The Lowry Cottou Picker, u tcefod in Albany last week, pawed a grand success. Capitalists from the North were present and agreed to famish the money to place it on the market. It is claimed that it will pirk nt least one- fourth of next .years' cotton crop. It will pick tan bales a day, at n coat not exceeding four dollars a day, and nt present prices for picking cotton will pay for itself in thirty day* The light proposition is' weighing heavily on tho scales of jnstico. The new gome Iuwb have made qur-i! scarce on the market. We will tike qaail on snbsciiption. A good many people if they worked ■: their trade liko they do at Christ .ui ty, would lore their jnl g Fi'igereld in to have „ bond elet-tfou tocoutidcr llm q ,uo ion uf speeding S4tMit> on se.wnigt., I top rll.'.vtl luiVi totter igck than Vhi.niMvhlu dil When it comes to a choice betw t- migslug a good new. story and bratgiuj sorrow to Innocent hearts 1,7 the jiuttii Oitioii of a soil's orb,-other's sluime, u, are willing to let the story s'ide Let oar people keep tboir money or invest it profitably at borne, avoid ing the backet shop and "margin" speculation. A keen observer svys it is ■ peculiar feature ot Wall street tpeeniatiou that the novice never gets his oourage worked np to buy stocks nutil tlie market is right on the top, and he never couclnde* to sell nutil the market is clear on the bottom." Political statisticians will be interested in knowing that the Democratic con gressional vote in the eleven districts totals #4,398. This ia about 30,000 more than Parker’s vote. Judge Griggs, in onr owu district received 8,03tVotes and bad fewer cast against him than any othtr candidate. 17 of the ballots in the second, bore the name of A. Finley, who wee a candidate in the eleventh. Theee 17 were the only one* coat against tho Judge. We often hear the admonition to temper justice with mercy. It ia also n good idea to temper mercy with justice, beggars Hook to Thomasville daring the whiter months and indiscriminate giv. lng make* impostors .wax fat. Let no one go from yonr door hungry, but before yon give money investigate the merit* ot the cose. Plans are being made to have Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson lecture here during the early part of next month under the auspices ot one of Thomas- vilte societies The ex naval officer is a noted success as a platform speaker end he will donbtless have a big crowd. The pep of the gan and the grinding of the cane mill-are notes in South Georgia’s Antnrnn *’ mpheny. It s to be hoped that the Japanese and Russians who are now negotiating for peace will be sensible enuagH 10 make mataal concessions and step tlie ■laughter. Tbe world Is growing weary of this senseless batcher/. A man in London lias a clock that hu only to be woond op once every 9000 yean. But his wife, still tells him to pnt oat the cat. Mitaonrl la a great male raising state Guess some of them most have voted in the national e'ection and contribated to the Republican majority. Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a,healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott’s Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT’S EMULSION js such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott’s Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it. We Ivin lens you ■ sample fre*. Be furs that this picture in the furm of a lube I is on the wrap*, per vf every bottle of LmuUion )ou buy. Scott te Bowne Chrmiit* 409 Pearl St., N. Y. SUMMER. -RATES. Tliore who wish day board or pleas ant room* with board can be accom dated Everythin? dean, oomfortabla* and hoiuHllke, good and prompt senioo Riven to all. Phone 171. Masu *y Hotel. The former sovernor of South Garb ling iasick. Now i* the time for the governor of North Carolina to *tep in with that time honored remark Second Round. Harwich, Friday Nov. 18, forenoon tipenoe,'Monday Nov. 21. Cairo, Tnesday Nov. 2L.aftersooii. Cairo, Wednesday Nov. 33. forenoon. Pavo. Friday Nov. 33, forenoon. Patten, Friday Nov. 84. afternoon. I will best my office iu Tbomasville I from Deo. 1st to Deo. 20tli, on which ! day the books will positively close for i the year 1904. Rwpec. tfuL- P 3 Ueeth T O Old inm l) t, i, ww-t Time*-Cnterptlee. CHATTANOOGA PluWo! Are Crop makers. They hjve beei irijJaiJ tiuil i.iiroti^ily 0. K. for this soil. A full line ol ai. sL: a •••«j * - repairs at WDISTINct PRltn Jno. G. Burney’s I.iuv.tit iuu, Lutic.Ca.