Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 18, 1904, Image 5
TIMB3-DNTE2PBISB,- THOMAS V4LLE. NOVEMBER IS, 1904. Lotr.—The following trtlcls hag Tiwa, widely published and la one of th» most remarkable Illustrations of , the vabne of careful marshalling and analysis of facts in presenting a sub- Jectt ro the public. , , ■f { UVELERS. Ths Oiualoa of TThltkr, Tobacco and Coffoe. bauchery, disease, and the wrack fol lows. The “leaders" are In tbs bnsbea along the pathway, of every successful man and woman and they bag tbs ma jority. Only how and then can a man stand put against these “levelere" and hold his fortune, fans and health to tbs hud. So the Creator has use for Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee to level down the' successful ones and those who show signs of being Successful, and keep them back In the race, ao that the great ‘ field’' (the masses) may not be left too far beblnd. And yet we must admit' tbat same all wise Creator has placed It in the pew- A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. Rev. Jacob D. Van Doren, of 5T Sixth strceti Fond Du Lac, Wis., Presby terian clergyman, says! “I had at- B ~ ’ tacks of kidney disor ders. which kept me Id the boose for days at it time, unable to do any thing. What 1 sufferqjl can hardly be told. Complications set In, the particulars of which I will be pleased to give In a personal NAVAJO BLANKET WEAVER*. Mbs Hu 29,000 Poopls, and Moat of Them ora Polygamists, Navajo blanket weaving wad studied at dose range by P. D. Tull on bis recent ilg months' tear to Arisons for tie hegJtb.. .says the Spokane Spokesman-Review. Mr. Tull, who la ranch. Improved In health, hi hack to Spokane with some fine specimens of blankets which he personally picked up while In the south. He aafdi “These Navajo* are one of the largest - tribes In the country, num bering over 25,000 Indians. Their reservation Is equally large, and la situated In northwestern New Mex ico and northeutern Arltons. Out- alda of the reservation proper the government hu granted them an ad ditional atrip of forty miles wide, known SB ‘grazing atrip.’ The tribe Is eelf-aupportlng, and while th^y know little of agriculture, they own immense herds of cattle, hones and sheep, ft la from the latter that the women spin the wool and weave the . blankets and rage. "The Navajoa are a roving tribe— when they nettle tor any time at one place they live In a dome-ahapod building ealled a ‘hogan.’ This Is a' form ef adobe construction, made with pole* and-sticks and covered with mud. When on the move they live In the regoletlon tepees. Their nearest neighbors are the Apaches, with whom, In the old. days, they were often engaged In war. The Navajoa are polygamists, sometimes having four or five wives. These they buy, or trade, as they would any other piece of property. The sqnnws do most of the work. They wuh, spin and dye the wool, and weave It on primitive looms Into qufilnt and anistlc designs, ’they never use figures of people; animals, or birds, u do the basket weavers, but their designs are largely geomet rical. Red, black, orange, white and gray are the predominating colors. “While some aqnsws may use and repeat come characteristic design. It fa a noteworthy fact tbat no two rugs are ever alike. This la almost In credible, when we consider the hun dreds of rags that hare bees mads by them. “To aay nothing of the time It takes to wash, dye and spin their wool, it requires about a month of steady work to weave a rug four by six feet These ar eeully recognised by the smaller patterns and smooth, close weave. WbHe the Navajoa have never been Christianised, It la a fact of. Interest that the design of the .cross Is seen In much of their work. As types they are fine look ing Indian*—strong, tall and well featured, largely fine to their life In the saddle.” FRIEND IN NEED. “Stop!” said the muscular footpad, grabbing him by the arm and bring ing him to a sudden halt. “Hold up “Thanks!” gasped the man on the fnstordyeU. “The blamed thing was running *wey with mat”—Chicago Tribune. . The Creator made all things, we be lieve. y If so, He mustfiavc made these. WILD ENOUGH. Gnest—Walter, la this wild duckf Walter—Boss, ef you had' seen the trouble I hed to catch ft you'd think It was wild.—Philadelphia Bulletin, i We know wlir.t He mndo food and water for, and air and sqdsblne, bat Interview to any cue IriSJgEMcl who requires lnforuia- !— tloD - This I can con- sclentlonsly say, Doan's Kidney Pills caused a HISM£sSS3 general Improvement In my health. Tbey brought great relief by lessening the. pain and correcting tbe action of the kidney secretions.” Doan’s Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers. Price, GO cents. Foster- Mllburn Co-i Buffalo, N. X. why Whisky, Tobacco ntr^ Coffee! They are here sure en-ahgU and each performing Its work. There must be homo great plan be hind It all; the (hbugbtful man seeks ■to understand something of that plan and (hereby judge these articles for thslr true worth. fat Wj not aay “had” or "good” with- on* faking testimony. L 'There are times and conditions when it certainly seems to the casual observ er that these stlmulsnt narcotics sre real blessings. , Right tbere Is the ambnsh tbat con ceals a “killing" enemy. One can slip into the habit ut either whisky, tobacco or coffee easy enongb, but to "untangle” Is often a fearful atrnggle. It seems plain tbat there are circum- etances when- the narcotic effect of These poisons is for the moment bene ficial, but tbe fearful argument against -them Is tbat acldom ever does ons find * steady user of either whisky, cof fee or tobacco tree from disease of isome kind. Certainly powerful elements In their effect an the human race. It Is a matter of dally history testl- fled to by literally millions of people, that Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee aro .smiling, promising, beguiling friends on the atart, bat always false aa hell Itself in the end. Once incy get tlrni hold enough to show their strength, they luslst upon governing and drive the victim steadily towards III health In some form; If permitted to continue to rule, they will not let up until phy sical and mental ruin sets In. A man under that spell (and "under the spell" ts correct), of any one of these drugs, frequently assures him self snd his friends, “Why, I can leave off any time I want to. I did qnlt for a week Just to show I could.” It Is a sure mark of the slave wheq one gets to tbat stage. He wiggled through n week fighting every day to break the spell, was finally whipped, hnd began hls'slnvery all over tgym. .The slave (Coffee, slave as well as Tobacco and Wh'^jy) dully reviews bis condition, see* perfectly plain the . or ef mad to stand upright, clothed In tbe armor of a clean cut, steady mind Ond say unto himself, “I decline to ex change my birthright for s mess* of The man of substance was proud to be mentioned lu connsctlmf with so high sn office, bat ho would not bo a candidate. . “This rock,*' he txclalmed, pointing to a great granlta bowlder, “ehall fly from Its firm bass as soon as mins— Here the committee of notification withdrew, perceiving that their mis sion wss hopeless.—Puck. ■•wan Ht tat OsMnh'Thal potnge. “I will not deaden my senses, weak en nly grip on affaire and keep myaelf cheap, common and behind In fortune and fame by druggiug with wblsky, tobacco or coffee; life le too short, it Is bard enough to win the good things, without any sort of handicap, So a man Is certainly a 'tool trader'- when be trades strength, health, money, and the good .things tbat come with power, for the halt-asleep condition of tbe -‘drug- gcr’ with the certainty of sickness qnd disease ahead." It Is a.matter each Individual must decide for himself. He can be a lead er and semi-god If he will, or he can . go along through life n drugged dowu, a cheap “hewer of wood or carrier of water.” Certain It Is that while tbe Great Father of ue all doct not aeem to “mind” If some of His children sre foolish and stupid. He seems to select others (perhaps those He Intends for anm" special wnrfci and allows them to be threshed and castigated most fear fully by these ‘Tevelers." If a man tries flirting with tbese lev elers awhile, and gets a few slaps as a bint, be bad better take ,the bint or a good solid blow will follow. When a man tries to lire upright, elesn, thrifty, sober, and undrugged, manifesting as near as be kuowe wbnt tbe Creator Intends be should, happi ness, health and peace seem to coma to blm. Docs It pay ? This article was written to eet peo ple thinking, to rouse the “God with in," for every highly organized man and woman baa ‘.Imra when they feel a eomethlng calling from within for them to press ;o the front and "be about the Father’* business;” don't mlftake It; the spark of tbe Infinite la tbere 'and It pays In every way, health, happiness, peace, and even worldly prosperity, to break off tbe habits and strip clean for the' work • cat out form. It hes been the bnslnese it the writ-' er to prorlde a practical and easy way tor people to break away from tbe coffee habit and be assured of a return to health and all of tbe good things that brings, provided the’ abase has not gone too far, and even then the caaes where tbe body hat been rebnllt on a basis of strength sad health ran the thousands. -It Is an easy and comfortable step to stop coffee Instantly by baring well- made Fostum Food Coffee served rich and hot with good cream, for the col or and flavor le there, but none of tbe caffeine or other nerve destroying el- emehte of ordinary coffee. On the contrary, tbe most powerful rebuilding elementa furnished by Na ture ar* In Fostum and tbey quickly set about repairing tbe damage. Sel dom is It more tban two days after tbe change la made before the old stomach or bowel troubles or com plaints of kidneys, heart, bead or nerves, show unmistakable evidence of getting better snd ten days' time changes things wonderfully. Literally millions of brain working Americans to-day nse Postnm, having found the value and common Sanaa In the change. O. W. POST. A Profitable Investment. Since the purchase, Alaska has fielded 9150,000,000 womb of gold; furs and flab, and the territory baa purchased from the United States In the meantime merchandise valued at 9100,000,000. The value of the Alaska fish sold In the single year 1903 was. 98,000,000, or more than the purchaae money paid for the coun try. In that year we received from Alaska 910,228,094 In merchandise and 84.719,570 In gold.—Philadel phia Ledger. Smell made tem when enuring It through the amort* surfaces, Buoh artistes thonln never be need except oa presortptlons from reputable phy sicians, as the dsmage they will do U tea fold to the good you oaa possibly darlvd from them. Hall's Catarrh Ours, maautaotureu by P. J. Ohensy A Co., Toledo, O., contains no memory, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and maeoussariaoas ofthesystem. In baying Hall's Catarrh Cara be lure you vet the genuine. It is taken uw teroally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Ohensy A Co. Teetlmonlals free. gold by Druggists; price. 75o. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Fills lor eonstlpstlon. Labor-Saving Hand Organs.' Labor-saving devices have got to the band organs at last, says tbs New .Fork Sun. In one of the latest, In- stedd of the organ man turning the crank; be pressed a button. The music plays on till he releases Ills Abler. Tbe music Is sweeter than that of other er gons and It can bo heard blocks away. ' If King Edward'S attempt to rein troduce knee breeches should be a success, what a ran on the physical culturo schools there’d bel KoMortBIIndHortit^sKrr n-relr-k. a«/»cii/, u.,w-..ii A COMPLETE fOOTBILLOUTf IT, WORTH $3-00 | MUTUAL, SACRIFICE. Tbe Meld—When two people are really In lore they are each anxious to make some greet sacrifice to prove their devotion. The Bachelor—That explains It The Meld—Explains what? The Bachelor—Tbe origin of mop rtage.—Chicago News. SUCCESSORS TO AVERY & McMILLAN, 01-08 South Forsyth St, Atlanta, Ge -ALL KINDS OF- Two Beautiful bolls. MACHINERY THEIR SHYNESS. “So their engagement Is broken t" "Yet; tbey were both too shy to get married.” “What?" “Well, you see, he was thy of money, end aha got shy of him when eho found It out”— Philadelphia Public Ledger. Le hoyne Handkerchief Co. 12 East Hth St, New York. Boole Georgia girls hare declared that no one shall kite them except relatives. That must be a strong hint to the young men to speak up and get married. Reliable Frick Engines, Boilers, all Sites. Wheat Separator*. Baby's Diagnosis. Seated on a bench In Central Park, a nurse girl wee gently moving to and fro‘a perambulator in which was a baby of about fifteen months. At tbe other end of the bench was a man whose prominent lower jew was adorned with a luxuriant beard, which parted In the middle and curv ed gracefully outward and upward. For several minutes the baby re garded Ike naan and especially the whiskers with grave attention, while be looked at her with an sir of lofty condescension. At length a beautlflc smite overspread the little one’s fea tures. Then, with her blue eyes still | fixed upon the whlskere, end kicking up her tiny feet In an ecstasy of de light she gurgled: “Bow-wow I Bow-wow 1” A wave of color suffused the man’s face above the whiskers, and he hitched uneasily In his seat It was an awkward situation, and to relieve It the nurse girl patted the baby and Mbl: “No, detrto, that isn’t a doggie.” The bum remained to beer no more.—Mew York Frees. FITS permanently mired. No flUornerroue- nest after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great KemBestorer,$2trUlbottleend treatise free Dr. B. H. KuM.Ltd., 9filArehSt. t Ph|fa., Pa. The raibray op Mont Diane is to be com* pitted within six years. Pito’sOnrefor Consumption Is an Infallible medleine for oonghs and colds.—N. W. Havuex., Ooean Grove, N. J.» Feb. 17,1W7. Tbe first London borough to supply elec* tricity was St. Fancras. BEST IMPROVED SAW HILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Bolter* supplied promptly. Shingle Mill*, Corn Mill*, Circular,8.w Teeth,Patent Doga Steam Governors, Full 'Una Englnss A Mill Supplies. Sand for free Catalogue WANTED *SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR. ■.ooo run and Women to Try $6.00 Worth of Sample* Free, toad >0 money- Only toad year asm. to W. C. HUQHEN. Atlanta, Ga. On 16t Tnfl ■wUbnFlskBnnJ Pommel Sticker .wmmairiw 1 cold. • wind coat when wiad,, a rela emt wb«a A mined. Ul lSdOUBLAS, BwcHwi, Ma.aao/lw—ftw- opsyfl a all swelling In fitoso fleets * permanent cere Be days. Trial treatment ee. Nothinrcsnbs fsirer Or.H.H.Oreen’eSeM, Its, Bax B Attests, 4ta BEST FOR THE BOWELS SkONARClt STUMP FULLF.K. Wlllpoll a-fool lUimp without help- Oa»r»ntMdto«BadBitrB)n ol somo lie. CetslowD. bbjI dti- roant. tddrau MONARCH aBUBnnt CO., Lon. Tree, 1>. Anfethtr One of Whittier. • Anoodotot of Whistler are atlll tuning up. Europe from'one end to the 1 other hums with tbe dead Amor* lean painter’s name. Whistler was In Paris at the time of the coronv tlou of the King of England, end one evening At a reception at the Hotel Rite a Duchess said to him: “Do you know King Edward, Hr. Whittier?" “No. madam,” ssjd the painter. “Why, that Is odd/’, ene murmured. '1 met the King at a din- ear sarty last year end ho eald that he knew you.” "Oh." said Whlatler, “that waa only hi* brag." CAUSE FOR THOUGHT. "Thors'* a man who thinks a good deal of his family." That sor “Yes; but It’s no wonder.” “Why tor' “There ere sixteen In the family.' —Cleveland Plmln-Dcelcr. it? Price 50c. by your merchant, so why not try , AN ENTIRE MEDICINE CHEST ^LINIMENT Kquickly ^RELIEVES JJ PAINS AND 3gj ACHES P®Niis Germs FOR MAN OR BEAST!