Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 25, 1904, Image 10
fIMES ENTERP^B. TI10MASVILE GEORGIA NOVEMBER, 26 1004 CLARK HOWtLL t UY-GLAD THANKSGIVING. I counted my litile erose. V' Why were the others given more? Why werq their bps with honey fed, While mine hod labor's hard-earned bread? ’ A weary, hopeless’task seemed tiring. ’ I coalil not bring to 'God ' thanksgiving | Therocstoeff pccir moo to my door; I shared with hitu my scanty St-re, When, !o! my souse of want had down; | And rarest riobes were my own 1 So sweet ia lore's divided bread. , 1 seemed with lifaven’s own manna fed. Wh,t blessed Joy there.wia in livingi , I hrooght to God my/glad thanksgiving. —Marion Douglass. 1 OUR NEED Ob' THANKS. Asanation, we have much need to give., thanks. God lias wondorfally President of Tho Sehato States Thst \ Ms*’ Will n* Im th« Rue*. , •• AtUnts. G*. Nov. 21. ’ dust as he was leaving Atlanta last night witti the Pesbody party for the University of Wisconsin, President of tire Senate, Clark Howell was Interviewed oonewruing his intentions regarding the announcement . of his candidacy for governor. Hr. Howell along . with tho otlrer members of tire Board of Trustees at the University, goes to visit the Uni versity of Wisconsin, as the guestsof Mr. George..V*»h0dy.... '' J “ Mr. Howell Hid:. ... , ■ 1 ' ‘• The fsot that two oilier, announce ments have, been made, perhaps justifies me in saying, even .thus htWy, tffat 1 will be in the race, tiiat my friends may know of my intentions, n.- "Tile people are jgbt out of one,cam paign, and it is rather early to precipi tate another. Indeed, I will not do so farther than to say to my frteuds and .tka affair and confessed to the wlierea toots of two of tlie pistols which were xaoovered. The other two are- still mbs' mg. Haokett Is pent ed up in die conn ty hostile and will spend Thanksgiving; iisro ruminating over ills si mi. s’,: MR. EMMETT MITCHELL ' t. TO MARRY IN BOSTON. 'Mr. Emmett Mitchell left on Monday aoorning for Boston, Hass on ij .mdjt ygaaaant mlaaiou. In Uiatoit'y on Bator- day, November twenty sixth liis' mar- Tiags to Mias Qossie Lsthrop of Calu met, Mioh. will take place, The wed- ding will be a quiet home affair at the mddenoo of tlia brida graudmotlier. AJftar a short bridal lout Mr. and'Mrs. Mitchell will return to ThomasvUle and make their home here. They will be warmly welcomed to mwtuavilte, where the groom was bom and reared. He ia a son of Judge Rob art O. Mitchell, and a representative o 1 an* of the coontr’a eldest and moat KfMooratio’ families. Miss Lathroo is -——* pleasantly remembered In i’hoii.- aaeille, having often visited here ut Hie - home of Mrs. F, D. Dlsmuke. Her per- gulded our ship of state into a Darbo,' wliero peiceand'prosperity, are abound ing. As a nation tat us raise our voices in gratitode and praise to our God from - whom ail these blessings flow. As individuals let.ns court our bless ings one by one and see how bountifully God has showered His blessings on ns during the past year. To many He baa given strength of mind and body, bqs supplied all-temporal' needs, and pros- Have these We are going to give to our customers, $500.00 in Gold on December 1st, J 904. Here is the Plan:; We. have-lmd placed in 4 quart jars, one gallon of corn, and •sealed by Judge S.-A. Roddenbery, mayor of Tliomasvitle. One of these jars is placed at Evans & Son’s Warehouse; one at' Neel Bros. Store; one at A. F. Churcluvell & Cq’g; aud one at the Thonmsville .Shoe Co’s. ' ■ With every dollar Cash spent tfith any of the merchantscs^ned below, between September isft, J9O4 apd Pee. is*, yom will. te etftitledS to one guess at tiro total 'nkubbef of- r 'graiiis in tlttf*fi>tii jal i s>;Witft" r every bale of cotton ginned at the Farmers Gin Company you willjalso have a guess, mid another guess with- every bale of cottbn weighed at Evans St^Son's Warehouse.. The following gentlemen have consented to act as judges'iu the contest; W: H. Godwin, ET P. Clay,' J. S." Ward, Jr., J. Q, Bryan, Geo. M. Dekle, Ad. Way. JK' T^J. PrShO don and T. W. ted'ls. . perod them in many way*. 1 bleuings been a benediction In that ’ they have been paired on to otlieu? Have they been need to His lienor? 1 Have ll.ey strengthened other.? Have ' tiioy lidded te some scanty store from their abundance? Have they made the' crooked paths sfnooth and straight for the unfortunato ones? If not, they 1 have fai'oJ in their mission and. God will require at their hsndt the failure. To others have Come seemingly only the dark shadows, disappointments, af flictions,'deep heart sorrows, and tlio question nalhrstly arise, why ktb I dis appointed and otheis encouraged? Why Ismylieart crushed'and others made Joyous? : If this were the only life we Would be justified in asking ih-ae ques tions but we know there la. a life After death; an eternity beyond and God is using every means to fit ns for His kingdom above.' All these tilings are blessings In dlk- gntseif rightly Accepted rad used to His gtdry. " We need to iee Pod In everything; and "come into' Ills’ presence with thanksgiving’’ and sing praises unto Hia name. aqnallty it's most charming one, and «U will be delighted at her permanent addition to the rank* of Tliomssvllte motiqn not unreasonable At any rate, wiiatever may iisve been the cause of it, I am in a position, wheie in justice to myself and to those whose friendly in terests lias been so earnestly manifested I. — h.Ll< la T L..1I1 T he person guessing nearest to the number of T grains in the four jars will get- Next nearest : wiU get r 2 next nearest will get 5 next nearest will get 20 next nearest will get 40 next nearest will get 50 iiext nearest will get ' Tampa Bay Sold. The Tampa Bay Hotelsoldfor aooog 1 Inst week, a resident of Tauipn, Major •stromuon being its purchaser. The magnificent bostoiry has always been an elephant on the hands of any of ita managers. It Is ono of the few abso lutely flro proof buildings in the south'. ■ For ono season It was under the manage ment of Messrs. Harvey and Wood of 20.00 each.' 10.00 each. 5(00 each. in my belinif, It may be said that I will at the proper time go tftfore the people, take tlib matter up with them, ard abide by the result of iiie primary ■. In caseuf a tie Tor one prize, it will be divided among the. peo ple giiessirtq the same. (To explain—Should two people tie for first prize, they trill receive $50.00 each. Should-two (or morej-guess uext 'nearest'-the prize will be divided equally among them, and so on. Fire In ths Country. Early Sunday morning a disastrous "flro wiped out the property of T. A. Roe aight miles from town on the Dunoar. villa road. The fire started from an ■unknown causo and made inch head-' way that Charley Rno who ltvAs ou the Aftane narrowly escaped with liis life. The Ore destroyed tlie house, and four ,«gk buildings, two bales of eotton 780 bus hell of corn and a ton of fodder, earning a loss of several hundred del Holly Springs, Miss, March 24,1903. While bunding railroads In Tennessee some twelve yean ago a number of hands contracted fever and varlotu forms of blood sod skin .diseases. I carried 8.8.3. in my commissary and gave It tomy hands with most gralifyingresulta. I can recom mend S. 8. S. as the finest preparation for Malaria, ohilla and fever, aa well as til blood and skin diseases. W. I. McGowan. I suffered greatly from Bolls, which would break out on different parts of mi body. I taw 8. 8. & advertised and after using about tBree battles I was cured, and for the last three yean have had no trouble whatever. A. W. Zautn. 217 Read St, Evansville, Ind.. • IbegauutingyourS. S. 3. probably ten years ago for Malaria and blood troubled, end it proved to good that I have con tinued ever, .since using, it os a family remedy. It lea pleasure for me to recom mend SMB.'S. for-(he benefit of others who an needing afint rate blood purifier, tonic and cure tor Malaria. Arkamas City, Ark. C. C. HjouwOWst. Boils, abscesses, sons, dork or yellow splotchee end debility are aome of the symptoms of this miserable, diocese. S. S. 8. counteracts and removes from the ou -blood all impuri- fflrff «rfl ties and poisons BU ’ Pi ” *H ' and builds np the uM ft entiro system. It is ^veRetr^le rome- ft| ft Write for lged- Informs- MORAL—Bring yoor cotton to Thomasville; so^nd our money with (is; he bst goods for our mone (or you needn't by them); get into this est and" mabe you will get one of these prizes. . r EVANS & SON, ; ! J nM BROTHERS, r. CHURCHWELL & CO, f . 1 ,,TkpMAS VILLE SHOECO It Is said during lbs Oiiraean war a Rusaian^seldlcr was patroling tlie lines on a hitler cold night when he oamo noroes a tentinel thinly dad and almost freeslhg ln the winter blast. At once tlieofflosr took off bis overcoat and wrapped it about- the sildior. Next day there was a terrible battle and many thousand were killed and wound- oil. Among the latter was the youug officer whose life blood was fast flow ing away on tho bare ground and under a black sky; Friends were bending over him as llo rambled unconsciouEly in his mind. ^Suddenly lio opened'his eyes and r . Mr. A. H. Sheffsky of near Pavo wr s ta town on Monday. Ur. Sheffsky has j«A re turned from a trip out west. He tas decided to move to Indltu Territo ry, and is advertising his household Bunds for sale next month, ; looking upward, gasped in glad accent* "the Saviour Is owning for me." Thera wrow .qon.apout case. . The Swift Siieolflo Company, Atlanta, Go. for Use hr Residences, Stores,. Fic- Pobfic Builcfirigs.’ llappy is tlie man who -with his Ufa blood fast ebbing away can look dowu along line of men, women ahdohildron whom its has fed,! clothed, warmed, cheered and helped In different ways -In aa much as ye have done it ndto the least of these yon have done It onto me.,’ i" I have a number of de- j! siraWe, completely furnish* j ti Cottages for Rent for “Season.” Also suites x flf Furnished rooms. I> B. M- Mallette, > AUCAL estate Ad insur- S ANOE AGENT t Mitchell House Block w ThomasvUle, Ga. ^ My\ v Q Pi?T TAHTfr V ' It does aw»y with all trouble incidental to the old- style of generator ^and makes a pure light. Filters the Gas and does not clog the Burners.. Entirely Automatic. Acetylene Generators Repairedj Overhauled and exchanged for new. Write to -■ HOT WATER BIOS Ice Bags, Ear Syringes, Nasal Sprays and all sorts of apj li- auces for the relief of the sick and suffering. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with care and ac curacy. AU the drugs we use aud sell are the jurist and best. ' '• I V. H. PPICECO FOR SALE MULKS MULES MULES MULES MULES MULES MULES MULES MULES MULE! MULES MULES MULES MULES BOSTON GAS LIGHTING Acetylene Engineers, BOSTON, GA. MULES AAMfififiAAAAAAfifififiAAAAAA ThomasvUle. Ga.