Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 30, 1904, Image 1
* W M . ®i)0infl0 ?Pi&E82$ fg^’ .■ ■■ HEW COUNTY TALK AND FIGURES. (From the Bainbridge Argot.) •‘There is considerable discussion go ing on in portioci of Decatur and Thom as counties st to the formation of a new county from the eastern part of Decatur and the western part of Thomas. In this connection it might be well to In vestigate what tin sections proposed to be involved, wilt gain or lose by the transition We'lnvs no figures on Thomas oouuty affairs, nor it it of such vital iu'inreal. In the formation of the Mwebeuty, howewr. lt is proposed to taka the following distActs from Deca tur, namely, Whig ham, Higdon’* Hagans, Pearce, Blowing Cave, Sprit g Hill,L.,lie Sink, Hells. Thoaecititensot Thom.a county who are interesting [ 'themt'elVes in the movement are asking 1 this of Decatur uounty." ••How for a few figures as to the i amount of taxable property returned Iff these districts and the lour to these dis tricts which must accrue from add!' tional taxation should they sever them . eelTeS from Bainbridge and Decatur county- Thu amount of property re turned Irom taxation is as follows: “Whigham, *88,858,00; Higdon’s, *188.448; Hagan’s, fin,(00; Pearce (85, 747; Blowing Oare, 88,888; Spring Hill, 88,681; Lime Bink,«8,t08; Bells, 800,001. Total *1,098,688.00. “Bainbridge district alone returns for taxation *1,700.777.00 or over elx bun died and ninety eight tbomand more ' dollar* than the oomblntd districts cun- mcrated above. The district! of Pine Htl, Iron Oity, DonalaonviUe, Climax and AttapuJgux. which an among the moot Important In the county, return *1,838.243 or about five hendred thous and less than Bainbridge. It Is also in- tereitlng to note la the above that BeU’e , district this year Includes In its returns the Cohen tobaooo plantation which be- •long* properly to be returned in the At- tapclgus district. This would still for- ther reduce the returns from toe east lid* abort a hundred thousand. “By comparing the above figures it will be seen what the citlxena of the eastern districts will lacrificu by cutting loose from Bainbridge and the western districts. Bainbridge pays over one. third of the taxei at the oounty. If a MW county is formed there will be . court house* to build, jail* and bridges to build aDd keep In rtpalr, county of ficers to pay snd many other expenses that must result in excessive taxation W l- 'tbe people who eompose the dtlucnshlp of tho propoued new oounty. Decatur ha* boUt and paid forgo* of the hand- corneal court boutua in this section and her oounty taxes are redoced to a mini mum. Sensible citizens wlU see nothing but burden in the proposed new county .. movement, according to tb* idea -of many wo have interviewed. In fact»« an told to-day by n prominent county official, who baa made it a point to ins terrogate the citizens from the cut side, that he found none willing to l**T« Do- tints 1 f X ■%: Hnb South 6eov*ofa {Procters. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ;p ;qo4 matter referred to •’the other fallow" as the oa* dasiring the new order of thing *. We Jo not believe that .the movement will mast with ganaral favor when put to a voce before the people, although there may be namben of conscientious oitixens who believe their Interest lies in obtaining e new county and who dye now endeavoring to obtain mme. We aboald bate to lorn a tingle district or dtleeQ from Decatur and believe tb* tame feeling exist* with a majority of . our dttaani, no matter in which section they reside.’’ CHRISTMAS MARRIAGE ON COAST LINE TRAIN Th« friends of Oapt* William Forr PR- ter conductor on the Albany Limited,- are familiar with him in the role of guido, philosopher and friend to travel ers, comforter to crying babies and gen eral dispenser of kindness to all. Aiols new to him however u that 1 of ■ find lieutenant to Oopid. A romantic mar riage In which the Captain played a a part took plaoe on Ohrlstmae day. Mr. B. Y. Cooper, of Pelham, one.of the employees of Uncle Sam, who carries mall on a rural free delivery who grew weary of living tha lonely life oi a widower, and decldeA- tliai tho quickest routo to matrimony would be to place hla address and photo in the odamna of a mitrimonial gftetle. lie la a handsome and prosperous man tie received many replies. On- of the, led to a lively correspondence and a meelng was arranged with a handsome northern lady Miss Ina B. Pugh ot Lima Ohio. She qdckly decided that siie iire ferred the attractions of the south to her native home and arranged a meeting in Albany on Christmas day. : Mr. Cooper was so aura of his iilti- mate satisfaction that he procured a lioense and arranged to atop' at Badbntoh Christmas morning be marrisd there and pro.ptd to his homo that night. 1 he south bound Central of Georgia was late, fhe south bound A. O. L waits on no one not even a bride elect, ana die oouple were unable to reach Bacon i cm in the morning. The plans of the happy pair wonld have been terlously disarranged had it not been for the kindness of the' genial Captain. He assured the anxious bride groom, that lie would hold his afternoon soath.bonnd train until they were ready to leave Albany. He would do more than that* he wonld hold the train at Bacocton until th* preacher with whom the license had been deposited, could ar rive, and wonld allow the oeremony to be performed on board Hie cars. The matter was arranged in this wise. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper wen made one at Bacon ton, with the Captain officiating a* beet man. They disembarked at Pelham add began averypoe hopes a wedded life of unalloyed Mias. CONTEST DECISION JAI0 MARRIAGES ANNOUNCED SATURDAY OTHER flftOLIDGE NEWS. Nfew Series, Vot XV-- By H. B; lifeamitb.l We doff our hats to Prof. Searcy to Wednesday afternoon. Scores of esti 4 hie timely Jf against oar great Tho great "and” contest of the Timec- *Euterpriae closed on the stroke of si> WHITELY WILLIFORD GETS RESPITE. '' 'MtM Wbitely Williford, the Mitchell county negro who waa convicted ot the mnrder of Harmon West lnBeconton, was to have beefi*hanged jester,lay The governor however, gavo him are spit*until Jan. I^ln order that the Prison Ooramlmlon may have on>or- tunityto Investigate and see whether tbe negro should be executed or have his sentence oommuttd topte imprison ment. mates were received that day and a man was kept busy all day receiving and recording the guesses. Of course no more estimates will be receive;!. Tho paper which decides the matter will be the regular weekly issue,not yet pruited of Friday, December thirtieth. To day the committee of judges will meet. Tho committee to award tho splendid piano nre W. Y. Bryan of Cairo, FreH Folthsm of Bostou, M. A. P.lcher oi'Meig-, John Turner of Mer rillville and J. W. H Mitchell of Thom* asvllle. They will take this paper m I carefully couut the number of times the word and apix'ars. Then they wit 1 look over every guess that has jeon submitted by the hundreds of people who have e itered the contest. A most careful system of checking and recording has hem med, so that no mistake is fiossi- b’.e. The correct guess or the guesB nearest the cumber gets the piano. In cum* more thau one correct ; ue#s is made the guess first submitted takes the prize. The day and hour of, the recep tion of each guess at this office is re corded on the coupon used. Thy entile matter is now m the hands of the judges They will say how man} ands there are in this payer. They^will say who made the closest estimate, and in case of a tie 'who made it first. Th*»y will say who gels the piano Their de cision will be announced in Saturday's Daily Tiines-Euterprise. There arc at lea-t fifty men in Thom- asville who are interested in Williford's calurand every one iiksd aboutthe fata Theywe the member*.of the Thou *.vd e Guards who w-ntto Ca milla to protect Williford when he was tried a few months ago His attorneys are puttiDg np a hard fight for his life. They were, it is raid, angered at beiog appointed to defend him and are doing their beet for him. They* appealed his case to tho Supremo Court hut Judge Spence's decision was sustained. The attorneys were endor^d in this pieafor respite by Judge Spence and Solicitor Wooten. BIG BLAZE BLASTS BIRMINGHAM- Birmingliem, Ala.. Dec. 88—Fire ear ly thin morning burned rix building* in | ib» heart of the eitT'a beriiMM aecticzi. . P.uon'B Pharmacy, Kennj Tea Co., I Koliaoce restanrmnt, Orr A Boberta Grp- very Co., H.ibei’a drag [(tore, Pape George confec i uerr, and Miller’* lodg ing house were destroyed. — ’o.tpon.d Wedding Poatponad The wedding of Mr. G. Bjroa' Bagg. of Camilla to Miss Koca Davis, which had been set for,Wednesday afternoon has been postponed. This was caused by the serious illuesa of the bride elect. She lias been quite unwell for several daje at her home od Broad street. The marriage will take place as soon as Miss Davia recovers. Mr. Bangs came down from Camll'a V *' is'ay bat returned there in tb* afternoon. Tho u-ij j friends of Miss Davis hope for her m- PASSENGERS KICK AT WET RECFPTIOB? Number 40, tbe A. O. L. train from the ea*t rolled in yesterday afternoon a half hour late in the midst of a pouring rain storm. The arriving passengers were compelled to disembark amid a bombardment of rain drops, and taatiy loud kicks were heard liecause the train did not pnll up in front of the depot and allow them to alight under the shed. Later it did this and u tow ot the patient departing ones had a dry passage- to their teats. Tho Coast Line officials aay the reason the passenger coaches were not pulled up alongside of the station was that this would have blocked the street crossing and violated the city ordinance. .Several months ago the railroad commit sicn suggested that trains were run more for the accommo dation of passengers thau for express ani baggage employees, and demanded that passenger coaches, instead of the other cars, be brought directly in front of the station. This like many others of the body teems to be a dead letter; It was intended to prevent just such oc currence** us that of yesterday after noon. papers devoting so mtmk apaco to, the whisky advertisers. Parents should see to it that their sous do not read such diabolical stuff. * Marshal W. W. ; titory. ard,family, spent the holidays With relatives in Dooly couuiy. Mr. R. M. Dorsey acted a* chief of pohCe in his absence. , ^ The family of W, A. Jones Jr. spent Ohrintmak in Moultrie visiting relatives, Mr. I. M Smith has his suburban roe idonco nearly completed, We like to see our peopleVre.iring good and com* ntodious ies’deo«.e.> atid prewiring farms for he hotter method of farming, tOf* wo believe .our southwest Georgia is easily destined to bo the garden sp H of tho state. # *-«?■'V*. On Ute night of the -21st iuat. Mr, Kirb Brown and Miss Hattie ^Kennedy were united in.the holy bonds of matri mony. The ceremony was performed by ri; B. Nesmith at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrp. Ddvid JConnedy three miles eait of pooildgo. Mr. T. J Grow has just opened up** now line of ftirnituro Wt- ; the poAt office build ng where lie i» ready to serve tWme nes-ding liouso furnUhiugs. Mr. A. G Falim and wife are on au extended visit to refatives ^in North Georgia. Mr. Green Phillips of west Florida viaited his sinter-Mi g. J. T. KelK, itere during the holidays. A tarpe crowd gathered at the church Monday night in attendance it the •Christma» tree, andutmyfhearts were made glad. Mr. Frank Megahee is visiting, well, somebody, in middle Georgia. Another marriage sipoe beginning to write., Mr. Boseiuan *ad iMiss Ireland were happily marrfetl bore last Sunday afternoon, Judge T. Or Smith saying the words thot'ninde them husband and wife, If you are a taxpayer* vw p ojieny owner in Coolidge remember the »>o«*ks close «tonuary 1st. Call at tbe store Jt' H. B. Nesmith and get yoar re«-tdpt They are all ready for you. NEW BUSINESS,MAN-fCHRISTMAS CELEBRATION | OF SALEM BAPTISTS COMING HERE. The foot is evident that people from a d.sUnce are rapidly realizing that ThomosvtUe is a good business center. Mr. E P. Jewett of Marlon, 8.^C. yes terday purchased the entflfc stock and business of Mr J. E. Smith at Stephens and Walcott street. Mr.. Jewett ha» a considerable «focb of goiieral merchan dise at ids home city which he will con solidate with Mr. Smith's stock. ffW Tlie following aaa^g^frtsQliieasant Christmas at Salem church was'sent tp TTlb^imes*Enterprise by T^omanil-tee npoolrited tor pM paipo*,, iminr^ J. T. BhcrroJ, 8. A. Shenod and J. M. MjE^ierdi • —• ‘ ’ **„ V- latter is conducting 1 * 'fdcsing out sa* & Tber programme was os follows: uufel February first at which’ time Mr Jewett will tako cliiu-gc. Th^newcoocrer is ah'ati of business ability antHobg jsxpwieoce and will mat* an undoubted success. IIo caue here A fe w days ago to visit his brother- lolaw the Messrs. Patterson aud cfliickly sxw’thft opportunity for investment. He rdtiaVned to Marion yost-rjay, but will txmia bacK in two weeks with his family. He Will be welcomed a* a dee ded ad dition to ThomaRvillo's business rankK, Better schedules B FROM ATLANTA, Suiina News Items. By 8. M btv'h ) Miss lii abetli Hopk vMie, wLu nas been m*’r at M mist^e, tow day with at .Suftiuo, The ]V>ci Bolter schedules t3 aud fro n Atlanta will go into effect on January eightlu There lias been considerable complaint especially during the holiday season in regard to the rrain service between At lauta and Thomasvillo. As the schedule now stands, mail and pa-senders arc due to leave Atlanta via the Central of Gjorgia at f;20 a. m. and reach Al at 7:35 a. m. Then from Albany they o line over the Coast Lino and are sap posed to reach here at 10:26 a. m. It has been a frequeut occurence for Vie Central train to be late recently n:id far the Coast Line to leavo Albany be fore the arrival of its northern connec tion. Many Thomasvillo people li »ve been comixdled to waste a day waiting in Albany aud to get home at Gtl i p. in, instead of 10:30a. m. Load and* long And justifiai le have been the complaints mi 1c. • Another class of kickers arc tho sub scribers to tho Atlanta papers; who Want their mail in the morning and feel Cheated when they don’t get at. Of ooarxe the mail has suffered this same jTh.v ft***!*. Again*, any Candidate whe Favor. Sale oi Liauor- tftJby P/ofr L B- Bnnttn. . PrTynr.byvF. C { Davbl ■ 3 ^‘-- i' ' yTh* foilfiftinp cefclatiQa (([ were ro^d and adopted. ' . ^ ikV Whereas, Tho Lord has been liiifl and merciful to us through another year In blessing un in our basket and store* With His spirit of love He has spaTtV many of us to meet hero again, ayhi some of our loved ones have* goue'ai *ve see their faces no more; thereft b-j it Resolved, (1) That we bow^^tf • reverence to His great namP/^d^^re- 83rving our lives tlnongh tt^r^yfcar. (2 ) That we do all wacau byj h>gf*'e of God to make these holiday® ^ays of praise and tbaubfgivlng for Hip gift of ^ .!• mi- our first Christmas gif^ %fho la onr life by faith in him.. Cl.), .(WSit wij,,/ strive to live noarer Io God |uTd itaorer. faithfully next, year (4.) . ' <% * A rultivato a spirit of love and prayer all mankind. (5.) That yre ffb All we j can for the elevation of our children, our eighbors ami tl ctr chit^rj higher plane of Christla: morals and citizenship. that wo will snp[)ort no mau-*T< that advocates the sale of intgXiCAttagf drinks of any kind or form. - Tiicn followed an address yt by J. M. Shepherd, a song, mu Christmas by Elder A. J. song and dinner., .At 1 ;30 p. ra. there was an addrees to the young jwople by Rev. E. O Red- fearn, Recitation, "If I were you’ by Bertha Prcsse-, Recitation "fho Jdltle Boy Who Laughs” by EF-de KInry r Recitation, ‘ The Christie; f «Jeue Qray. Song. ^ « k h e First hrismias 6 RUSSIAN GENERALS WOUNDED AND KILLED. Tokio, Deo. 28—-Trustworthy advii from Port Arthur confirm the report that. General Kondravitch was killed and that General Stoessel has ^eu i jured by falling from his horse. Gem al Smilnoff is also reported wounded. The stern of the battlesldp gev&sto. has sunk in shallow water and the O is badly d&msged. The said to be cheerful, however, solved to continue the struggle os a single soldier remains. Food prices ore extremely high, indistinct print «r ana me u garrison is fctt wever. and re^ truggle as long ${,0 000 meGU,tc *e®toratio4 tQ^eHiii. Mr. H A. McGee, a popular engineer of the A. C L. t who makes his home in this city, is in the railroad hbspitsl at Waycroes suffering from a badly sprain ed ankle. The injury was tustaimd by jumping from Ills engine, in a wreck near WajCTOO. Reports re ceived Teuterday state that he is doing nicely HLd w ill soon Lf « pt zfziz.