Newspaper Page Text
Hnb South C&eorgfa (progress.*
New Series, Vol XV—No. 13
Town* Requested to Contribute to
Holding Movement-
Uor. 7th. IMS.
A meeting of the Cotton Grower* of
Thom** Co. wo* held to-day at the
Court Hoote punuant to the call made
by the State[Organization.
President Spangler being abeent J. O.
Beverly was nmde President pro tern.
After discussion it. was decided that
the plan* of the New Orleans Conven
tion' could.not be carried out in this
county by volunteer canvassers, and
that the only way by which the work
can be accomplished thoroughly and
accurately is to pay some body to do it
and hare it done well,
lir.[U. B. Jones made.the following
motion which was unanimously adopted;
That we, the Cotton Growers of Thomas
Co., feeling the urgent need of carrying
out the plans adopted by the New Or
leans Convention, and feeling that we
cannot successfully carry them out
without the co-operation, of the merch
ants, bankers, lawyers and other citi-
sens do hereby appeal to the
towns of the countyand ask if they will
co-operate with us and raise the amount
of money set opposite their names, this
amount to be used to make a bouse to
house canvas all over the county, which
will give us the information, about as
nearly correct as the gorernmeoe takes
the census. The following gentlemen
. were appointed to take charge! of rais
ing the funds in the different towns, and
an urgently requested to get the funds
in hand by the. 90th met., if possible,
and to forward them to Jno. F. Parker,
County Treasurer.
9800.00 & A. Koddenbery, J. F.
■vans, B. B. Neel. ,
1198.00 J. B. Wight and W. B. Hod-
$129,00 E. O. Milligan and P. W.
$60.00 E. E. Wilkes and J. N. Carter.
860.00 D. B, Anderson and J. R.
$80,00 W. L. Adams and Dr.
$26.00 J. W. Horn* and J. B. Thomas.
$10.00 J.E.Baldy and J.F. Whit*.
$10.00 N. E. Turner and F. N. Carter.
Pins Park.
, $10. B. A. Alderman and Ward Bros.
On motion, a committee wa* appoint
ed to go before the oounty commission
ers and ask for a donation to be used in
connection with the other funds that
may be raised for carrying out the
above plqns.
On motion, Mr. J. O. Beverly was
elected, with two other gentlgnen to
be named by himself, as a coi
three to take charge of the
soon as the amount is raised,
^ oommlttee is hereby authorise!
men to do the work and to be
b^ for having the work well and accu
rately done.
J C. Beveriy, (
President Pro. Tern.
B. R. Whaley,
Father and Mother Badly Hurt In
tempt to Save Her.
The remains of Janie Knapp, the
four year old. daughter of D. F. Knapp
of Boston, passed through the dty Tues
day. The funeral took place at Met
calfe yesterday afternoon, and was con
ducted by Rev. T. A. White. The lit
tle one's death was caused by a dread
ful accident.
On Monday afternoon the was In the
field, at her father's home In Boston,
watohing him .burn some trash. She
went too near the flames and her dross
caught on fire. Her father and mother,
and her brother Ernest Knapp, all rush
ed to her rescue and extinguished the
flames. In doing this, the bands of
eaoh were ' dreadfully burned. Their
efforts were in vain. The child was so
badly burned that she died at 11 tfolook
Monday night. The family is* promi
nent one and all their friends are in
deep sorrow over the event.
At half past throe o'clook Tuesday
afternoon Miss Rosa Davis was married
to Mr. Georg* Byrou Baggs of Camilla.
The ceromooy was performed at the
home of the brides’* mother, by Rev.
Alsx W. Beeler, and was witnessed on
ly by the relatives and a few friends of
the bride and groom. The bride won
a beautiful going away gown of brown
with hat to match. Then wen no at-
At 4:10 the young people . left for
their future hoane In OamlUa when the
groom is a prosperous young business
man. Mr*. Baggs, as Miss Davis, was
one!of Tbosnaavllle's most dunn
ing voting ladies, and the best wishes
of all will follow herto Jher new home.
The wedding was originally set for six
weeks ago, but was postponed on so
count of the bride-sleot’a serious Ulna*
Susina News Items.
(By S. M. Beach.)
Mr. Ed Manning of Mannington, Fla'
pfused through hen last Thursday,
j j/ Whitfield's gin has been busy ginning
ootton this week. Quite an unusual
sight for the time of tbe year.
Mr. Etdridge Atkinson went to Thom-
asnlle last Thursday,
Mrs. J. UPonlk of Cairo spent Thurs
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Black-
ie of
Two Cases Tried la Bankruptcy-
W. D. Newsome and A r. Smith,
two Valdosta bankrupts; bad a hearing
before Referee J. H. Merrill Tuesday.
Smith wa* * grocer end Newsome a bar
keeper. Tbe attorneys in the cases were
Boy Powell, J. M. Johnson, and O. L.
Thomasville entertained within \a
gats* Wednesday tbe foUowing Cooildg*
fittnae: W. T. Sobers, Joe Harvey, F.
J. Jordan, Preston Crawley.
Dr. W. B. Cochran of Thomtaville
passed through hero Friday on his wa
to Tallahassee.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mitohell of
Thomasville stopped over hero last Sat
urday on their way home ifrom a t o
weeks visit to Panaoea Springs.
Mr. W. E. stanalaud went to Thom
asville last Saturday.
Mr. W. T. Crawford of Cairo spent
last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, J. M,
Messrs. J. J. Hall. Henry Mitohell
andJS. M. Beach have been appointed
by the Ordinary of the county to ap
praise the property of the late A. W.
Mr. Jim Mitchell, one of the proprie
tors of the Thomasville Mitcbsll House,
was hero last Monday on hi* way to.
Messrs. L. M. Brinson, J. M. Black-
shear Sr. and J. M. Blackshear Jr., S
M. Ijfeach and J. B. Mitohell were in
Thomasville 3a*t Tuesday.
uiw is,mi. stanaland of Boston is
vssitiag her brother, Mr. W. E. Stana-
Mr.D. F. Oliver of Cairo
through the city Wednesday morning
on his Atlanta. He was aocom-
paniedby.his mother, Mr*. A. R.Oliver
w^o vront to purohatt millinery for her
store in tbe syrup city,
AGAINST CITY , ail the news
(By H. C. Jordan.)
The Election of Last November DIP | Misses Belle and Fannie Bird Daniel.
Net Authorise Municipal Ownership two of Boston's most beautiful end et
of the Elsetrlo Light Plent- j tractive young Indies left lest week
j Thursday p. m. for Moultrie to viiit
The Supremo CourtWednesday handed their brother Dr, Everitt Daniel and
down a decision affirming Judge Robert 1 family,
G. MlteneU’e judgment In the case of I
Misses Aileen, Lncy end Margarott
the city end the Thomasville Eleetric 1 _ - . _. ,,
- Wade, we regret to say, have been quite
Light company. This means that the
election by wbloh the city voted to con-
traot a debt to teouro e municipal elec-
trio light p)ent wee Illegal. The oity
et proeent, therefore, hae not the power
tooontraot e debt for this purpose.
The story of the legal end political , . .... _ .. . .
. i last week looking after hie business In-
fight in this matter la an Interesting one. |' k
Almost a year ago the question of mn
•ick at their home on West Jefferson,
though they are aome better at this
Mr. Geo. W. Beckett e prominent
lawer of Savannah end owner of the
Boston Gas Lighting Plant was hero
nicipat ownership of a light plant was
agitated. It was found that an amend
ment to the city’s charter permitting
her to oontreot e debt for this purpoee
would be necessary.' Booh an amend
ment was pstsed by the last session of
the legislature. An election to ascertain
the will of the people wa* ordered. At
that eleotlon, tbe question was submit
ted as to whether or not the city should
borrow $86000 to secure a light plant.
At an eleotlon on November 10th. 1904.
four hundred and twelve voted to incur
this debt, and 68 against it On the
morning of November 14th. a tempora
ry restraining order was lamed by
Jndge Robert G. Mitohell, forbidding
the olty council from declaring the re
sult of the election. The petition for
Injunction set forth that (1) the notice
of eleotlon, did not tally specify the
terms of the oontrsot under wMob th4
debt was to be Inereaeed, (9) stmmber
of unregistered people were allowed to
vote, (6) that tlm proposition did not
receive th* majority of two-thirds re
quired by law, Inasmuch as the regU;
nation llat contained 699, names, only
488 votes wen oast, and 99 of these
were Deregistered, therefore Illegal.
Th* temporary injunction was made
permanent by Jndge Mitehrll on De
cember 14th. It was immediately ap
pealed to the Supreme oourt, and was
argued there February 9tb, decision be
ing readied March 8th. In the litiga
tion S. G. MoLendon and Theo Titus
represented the Thomasville Elec trio
Light Oo„ and City Attorney W. O.
Snodgrass and J. Foudron Mitohell, the
olty of Thomasville.
There I* muoh curiosity to know upon
just what grounds the Supreme court
bated its decision. The telegram an
nouncing tbe'result did not go into de
tails, but manly stated th* fact. A
synopsis of tbe opinion will be lent to
the dark of the Superior oourt in about
ten days.
A representative of the Tikxs-Extib.
puis* interviewed several leaden In the
B. M. Comfort who has been absent
several weeks in New York returned
home last week.
Miss Nellie McIntosh who bee been
at her home In LnrsviUe Fla. on ao-
count of the serious Illness of her moth,
er, has returned and ntumed her stud
ies at the Boston graded school.
Mn. A. J. Stanaland, daughterKartha
and Miss Emmie McKinnon of the
Bethel neighborhood vjslted the fami
lies of J. O. and N. L. Stanaland last
Mrs. Dr. P. A. McIntosh of Loraville
Fla, Is vldtlng her brother Mr. F, O.
Ivey at his home on Rail road street.
Miss One Neel visited the Metropolis
of the Oonnty last Saturday.
Mite Mamie Stanaland left last Satur
day to vlrit her brother W. E Stanaland
who lives at Batina.
Our oi factory organs have not been
regaled to that extent as previous yean
mi aooonnt of the melllflooas guano
belng oarted through our street* and wa
belelve that leea is being asked bis year,
So mote it be.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Barrow visited
Berwick last Sunday.
Mr. and Mre. J. J.Parramoro visit*d
Thomasville last Sunday.
Mr. Luthur Singletary one of th* A
O. L’a most efficient employee* and lo-
cated at Meigs as agent and operator
visited his best girl Sunday.
Mis* Mae Hoigre of OkapUoo accom
panied by her brother James wen the
guests of Dr. H, A. and Mrs. Vann last
J. M. Talley on* of Brondidge Ala‘s
most prominent citlssns was In Boston
since my last epistle transacting busl
Mn. Fred MoHorray and Miss Mar
lon MoMurray visited Thomasville lest
Monday on important bnslnest. This
pencil pusher Is under the lmpneeion
that the latter is going to embark In an
enterprise of a very pleasant nature
municipal ownership crusade yesterday
afternoon. They did not seem disbeart-1 ™ ~~
., , ' . „ . .. ... We waft congratulations,
ened by the result, and etate that It was ■
in accord with their expectation*. They j We learn that Mr. J. O. Stanaland
•ay that they will request the city conn-;P <umh “ ed th * r * rid * noe °* H ' T '.
/.eigier and will become a citisen of our
cil to call another election at once.
The law provides that where a vote has
gone against a proposition 'a period of
six months most elapse before It can
again be votedjnpon. It la practically
certain that thejdeeistonof the Supreme
Oourt means "no flection," and hence
they olaim another can be held with
thirty days notioe. The bond issue for
•ewerago In Fletcherville and certain
other ports of town may also he pre
sented again by Its adovcates. It was
defeated in the election on November
10th. •
Mr. Robert Gamble. Manager of the
Thomasville Electric Light Company is
oat of the city, end his views oh the
subject could not b* obtained.
Registration End* Saturday.
The registration for the special ’ tt&-
tlon to fill vaoancy in the tax receiver's
offlo* will doss Saturdav. The Beard
of .Registrars will begin work immedi
ately and will have to tests irDh for
th* special election on March fSrd.
Metropolis soon. We need jnat inch
good folks.
Miss Helen Stephens visited her
mother Mrs. Mary H. Stephens this
Oept J. B. Way and wife of Mayview
visited Boston last Tuesday and while
here were the guests of Dr. C. H. Fer
guson and family.
J. A. Horn Cashier of the Merchants
and Farmers Bank left last Wednesday
for Live Oak Fla, to rial) his brother
Mr. D. E. Horn.
B. F. Smith of Thomssvills visited
Boston last Tuesday.
Mrs. J. T. Roger* visited Tbotnasvill*
last Tuesday.
Mrs. J.-A. Horn left last Wednesday
for Thomasville to vlrit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B.-G. Covington.
Him Oat HeU Jeft lest Monday, for
Atlanta to boy her spring stock of mil
linery which will b* tbs moss elaborate
Details of Accident Causing Mies
Looney's Traglo Death.
The funeral qf Miss Margaret Looney
who was drowned Sunday night at
Sanford, Fla., was held at nine o'olock
Wednesday at the Baptist ohnreh Tbe
oeremony was oondnoted by Rev. A.
W. Beeler assisted by Rev. J. M. Ostler.
The remains arrived Tnsidsy af
ternoon accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh O. Trigg, ancle and aunt of the
unfortunate girl. They tell a sad story
of the traglo event.
After church last 8undsy ''night,
Miss Looney, her cousin. Miss Mabel
Trigg and two young men. Bees* Boyd
of Sanford, and T. H. McElroy, of Bir
mingham. Ala., went down to the
wharf of lake Monroe. Mite Looney
and th* two young men, went out In a
small boat, for a ride. Miss Trigg
was afraid to go out In th* darkness,
in snob' a frail oraft.
She waited on the pier for an hour or
more and became very much alarmed
at the non return of the party She
finally gave the alarm', and searchers
went out. They hunted all eight In the
darkness, and at day break Monday
morning found the skiff floating bottom
upward. AU three bodies were found
nearby. Both the young men were
good swimmers, and It ieauppaeed that
they met death In an endeavor to
save tbe girl. One body was found
with outstretched arms and this car
ries out that belief. The supposition
Is that the boat struck a snag In the
darkness. A rod feature of tbe affair
that blighted three home* is th*
faot that both young men
the sole support ofwidowed mother*.
There is nntvtrsal sympathy with
the stricken mother! who ha* three rone
and a daughter, all young, to share her
sorrow. Kind friends an extending
every possible eld.
Thomasville now has a strict, and all
embracing spariflo license ordinance.
Every line of business mast tot* Us
share. The tax was doe on March 1st.
The olty authorities howerer have al
lowed thirty days of grace, but woe he
unto the man whose lioenae is unpaid
when the April leaf springs into view on
the calender. It looks as If everybody
wants to take all the time that Is com
ing to him. So far no one has evinced
any yearning to dtvoroe himself from
the needful amount.
An tnspsetien of the city treasurar’s
books shows that the following have
paid their lioenae*—8 insurance compa
nies. 1 plumber, 1 guano dealer, 1 chick
en peddler, 4 barber shops, 1 one-horse
express, 1 paper hanger, 9 pool rooms, 10
1 restaurant,
1 tailor, 1 painter, 10 boot blacks, 1
auctioneer 1 boot and shoe shop, 1 pho
to gallriy.
From th* above It would appear that
th* boot-blacks, are the most opulent
Class of oiUaene, in Thomasville. The
treasurer says everybody will be on the
llat, though, before 4-1-06. (
Tbs criminal docket of Oonnty Oourt
occupied the entire rime of that body
Wednesday.and not until late evening
was adjournment reached. Henry Done
oh urged with tresspass was dismimsd on
second demand. J. J. Davis charged
with tressps— was found not guilty.
Thebare again H. O. Daria waa noils
pressed. All of,tbs above an white
Bob Burch charged with larceny waa
found gsllty but sentence has DOS yet
bean passed, Wes. Taylor charged with
pointing and aiming a pistol, and with
oarrylug oonosaled weapons waa fined
$96 and oosta on tbs first obarg* and th*
latter was nolle pressed. Th* jury
oo uldn't make ap their minds about
John Bara charged with oontraot jump
ing and his case resulted in a mistrial.
All of the above are negroes.
During the rammer season of 1906 two
new summer.hotela will be addeffto tbe
ohain of those managed by Harvey and
Wood, proprietor* of tbe Piney Woods
Hotel. They are, "The Pemberton” at
Hnll, Mate., and “Tim Slppiwlsaet" at
Falmouth, Mass. Both of three are
large and elegant resort houses
R, V. Ball aid of Pine Park waa hero
on court day. ■ •••
purchases. Wait and see.
Mia Retta Neel will be in charge of
her sister’s (Mia One's) millinery busi
ness during bar atreno*. A better
bare been made, as Mire Batts is no
uovio* in th* business 4nd can fully sus
tain bis' sister’s reputation if not sur
ire it.
Col. W. B. Hammcnd aleadingattor-
nay of Thomasrilla waa in Boston last
and oompleta of any of her pruritus Tuesday transacting legal burins**.
(By R. L.\Yan Lsndingliam.)
S -e- V
| jThs formers In this soctlon>re very
busy hauling fertilizer, planting cane
end getting the toll In readiness for the
planting of other crops. -
l , The warm weather of the put week
has encouraged the sowing of garden
reed and most of our people have plant
ed their gardens
Mire Jonnte Brown, of the Arm of J.
D. Brown and Oo., has gone to Atlanta
where she will spend two weeks in
studying the latest creations In millinery
So many of our citizens have been
■iek recently that it would bo well nigh
lmpJmsible toTgire the names of all,
however wc are glad to say that there
hat been no deaths and with one or two
exceptions, thore sick are suffering with
more or less aggravated forms of grip.
Thellttle eleven year old daughter of
Mr. Frytnon who lias been quite stole
with blood poison is somewhat Improved
at this}writing and we hope that she
may yet reoover.
The $16,000 Waterworks and Electrlo
Light Bonds voted In Jannary have
boon validated and council hopes soon
to have tbe work under way.
L. B. Powell wentjdown to Savannah
business Monday.
The A. O. L. has agreed, to give our
town a nice brick depot and plans and
specifications of the building were sent
to agent.L.B.PowelI afew days ago that
our hustling contractor, W. E. Duren
might Md on the work. The company
deelrre to gat to work on the building as
early as possible in order that It may be
oompleted before tbe rash of the fall
business begins.
It is whispered that we are to have
two or three weddings in our midst in
the near future, We are not anthorlxed
to give anv names or mention any date*
bat the happeninre in certain quarters
indicate that a culmination Is near at
Mijn Mae Crawford is spending ieverel
days with the Misses Howard, daugh
ters of tbs late John F. Howard, at
their beautiful country home.
W. B' Roddenbery is erecting a build
ing near his buggy warehouse and office
which will bo occupied by R. E. Lee
as a market. The building iscf corru
gated Iron and will be quito an improve-
oo tbe one formerly occupied by
Mr. Lee, wjdohbaa boon torn sway.
Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Jacques left Wednes
day afternoon for a month’s tour of the
Florida resorts after which they will re
turn to their home In Baltimore. Since
Christmas they have been the guests of
their daughter, Mre. O. A. Lloyd on
Remington Av<