Newspaper Page Text
Investigate Today!
T Regular Subacrlbers of
VhE banner-herald
.•BOO Accident Policy Free.
Daily and Sunday—10 Centa a Week.
EatabUahed 1832.
Dally and Sunday—10 Centa • Week.
’ Fair and Warmer.
Middling 29 l-8c
Previous Close .......... 28 I-4e
voi. i
Fell Associated Preaa Leased Wire Service.
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. S Cents Sunday.
Phavred Bodies of Two
D,.,atur Young Ladies
W..Removed Early
inis Morning.
Marion And Willmateen,
* 17 And 15, Daughters of
Editor McDowell Meet
Horrible Death.
,.\NTA—'The charred bodies
r:on am! Willmateen 17 and
:,rs old respectively, daugh-
i Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, of
ir. an Atlanta suburb woro
i d from their home early
Police Hunt■ Man Who
Gave Bad Checks Here
“P. McClure” Ordered Goods And Received Money
On Bogus Checks Totalling $90. Was Very
Careful About The Quality Of What He
Bought. His Address Was “130 Boule-
. vard”
After purchasing articles of mer- | pli-te haul while in Athens. It
Cbandise and ordering them de- was found that he had visited at
livered to a fictitious address a I least three other establishments
man giving his najpe ns “P. Me- | during the day, where he wi«B turn
Clure” gave three Athens mer
chants bogus checks here yester
day and received a total of 390.
in exchange. The police are now
searching for IMcCIure.
After selling the man the furni
ture and' giving 338. In cash one
of the three merchants, Bernstein
Brothers, decided to investigate
the customer. He did so and dis
covered that tho man whose name
waa signed to the check given the
furniture dealer was not a deposit
or nt the Elberton bank upon
which the check was drawn.
The Merchants Protective Asso
ciation was notified of tho smooth
talking nnd well dressed stranger.
hon he presented a
Band Concert And Com
munity Singing At 7 : 45
G’clock Will Start The
Ed Soule Said
To Be Improved
The condition of Edward Soule,
who was injured in an automobilo
accident Sunday, was reported
very much improved Tuesday by
attendants at the General Hospital
Mr. Soule's many friends In Athens
are hoping his recovery will be
rapid. .
eel down
He tried to buy a shotgun at a
hardware store explaining ‘hat} Great Campaign Is Made
someone ntnln hi*. He even ereet- _ ... r T « T , .
In Athens In Tne Inter
est of Expanding Cham
someone stolo his. He even greet
ed one of the employees by name,
the latter however, did not recog
nize the man. An electric cleaner
struck his fancy at an electrical
shop. Here, he found trouble In
cashing the check. He went to a
bti cf Commerce.
What promises to be Athens
bicycle shop and picked out a "Jim I civic meeting will the, held
dandy" hike for his little boy. ZTLn
n . , . . , . , , t :4j with a nano concert ann com-
Bought mjr little girl some skates. | munHy „, n ,| nK .
Athens Has Represents
tives At Big Southern
Conferences Handling
Great Problems.
Tli" girls were burned to death
a (ire which originated In the
iu which they were sleeping
i. ,vereil after midnight. A
■ighlior gave the alarm after tho . .. . . .
h! ‘" '■ nveloped prac ‘ | cal | y ,re »to?e Tft "^lroad corn!™:
said he, "and now the boy Is rear
Ing for u bicycle." He told the
bicycle dealer his wife was expect
ing some monoy that day and he
That organization Immediately i would return Inter for tho bicycle,
notlfled all Its customers to be on The police were on his trail before
the alert for him. It was too late, i he could return to that establlsh-
however. for two other concerns, ment, however.
The'parents and an older brother ‘"l' ? 8 ,‘ h ®»■“ r-Preaentcd hiin-
. ,, * __ _j jnelf, had already ltought a table at
' Dorsey's and received 332 In cash
*■. ( jf r ’ ! as the difference between the price
McDoSSStoth. editor of|* e £® ' ahI ® anrt atn °""‘ of ,h ®
The meeting, which I* In the Inter
est of the Chamber of Commerce
movement for an “organlxeil Athena”
will have an Its feature and address
on “The Soul of the City” by Dr.
Frank K. Jaynes, civic authority nnd
orator from Chicago: Other tail's
will be limited to five minute*.
A committee o.' the Chamber of
Commerce 1* now at work with re- ATLANTA. (In.—'
prenen tat Ives of the American City | cotton conference for boll
bureau In preparing a general '.talc* ! trol convened here today
ment will be (submitted to the jam- i day neanlon with scientist*.
James W. Morton and Harry Hodg
son of Athens are attending tho big
conference for contr. f f f boll weevil
now In session In Atlanta. They are
among the representatives appointed
l»y Governor Hardwick t » represent
the state of Georgia. The State (!••! •
lege of Agriculture Is also represent
ed, It was said toduy.
in numbers
DcKalb New Era, newspaper
Campaign Agaiqst Illicit
Whisky In Russia Simi
lar To Campaign Waged
InU.S. '
palgn executive committee at * tfk* j turlsts and business
While buying tho table at Bern- first opportunity and after approval present from over tl
Stein'S the stranger kept in full , made public. j ing states and the m
view an envelope addressed to This statement will outline the; The fir*t % session waa *allvd
‘•rtn Itmilnvjird ” There is no such functions of the expanded ••rgunua- der this morning by Dr. Miller Reese
JXJj?“"JST“l. 'Lrflrular a "«> describe the new working Hutchinson of New York, managing
address. He was very Particular M wh|ch are expeeted lirod ,; C « ! director of the campa^i
about having the table polished a ..„ ve w , reV lype <if 0 rga«il!uiion. 1 tnlnate the boll weevil,
and shining when It arrived at the^ The new Chamber of Commerce ' The conferees went Into session
house on “130 Boulevard." Spy- will be operated on an entirely dlf- j with President Harding pledging Jo
lug n tiny scratch he urged the J ferent plan than at any time In tho ! the conference In a lotto
store. M. F. Pickett and "Va.” had j dealer to bn "sure and ™. b TS* c^te'M„3\SviS |
sold an article to the stranger I scratch out or my wife II raise |>ut are ln no wn , e experimental as of the Federal government of toi-
IO j giving him 320. cash in return cain." j tho plana are similar to those that j campaign against billion dollar bnnrt-
' when he presented a check slightly I Police searched all fast' night., have now been adopted by over
larger than the price of the Jewelry . wiring and telephoning neighboring
bought. I towns but the stranger was not
Investigation by the Merchants’ , located. ,
Association dlaclosed tho fact that The checks .were^glven on the
the man had tried to make a com- I First National Bank at Elberton.
I( was also found that a jewelry
Present British Rule Is
Upheld As Oppositions
Move For Intervention
Is Defeated. .
Ex-Prime Minister Thinks
U. S. And England
Should Act Together,
Winning French Okay.
LONDON—(By The Associated)
Press.)—Scant hope for British
intervention sp this time in the
dispute between France and Ger
many is to be gleaned from Pre
mier Bonar Law’s speech in the
House of Commons last evening.
fhe premier concluded tho debate
■n the joint liberal amendment to
the nddrezs in reply to the speech
from the throne railing upon the
In Notes Sent to France,
Britain, and Belgian,
Berlin Dislikes “British”
W. D. Wood Tried For
Killing Funderburk. Miss
Courion, Also Shot By
Wood, Is A Witness.
French Chamber of Dep
uties Hears Poincare.
338 High Officials Are
BERLIN — (Bjr the Associated
Press) — The German government
has sent a note to the Fnncb,
British, and Belgian governments
end the Rhineland commlaeion at
Coblenz vigorously protesting
against the orpulsions of Oeorman
officials from the occupied terri
tories. The note also protests
against wbat la described as the
British manner In which tbs ex*
MACON; Oa. — The prosecution
continued the presensation of evi
dence In Bibb county superior
court this morning when the sec
ond day of the trial of M. D. Wood
Wood Is on trial charged with
murder In connection with the'
shooting to death of Paul Funder
burk, traveling salesman, of Rome,
Oa„ last December 7.
League'of Nations, with the help ,n wWch the *
of America, to investigate Oor-, „!!!!. pu ' 8,ons hav ® l>«e“ carried out
many’s abdijy to pay rToarntion. 1 I. £ 0nner Chancellor Wlrth has
The amendment was lost by a vote'}* 1 * th ® ”"2 told nesting of the Centre part*
305 to 106 | «*e killed Funderburk, was one of . members at Ulm that the rests-
The Prime Minister, answering j Ml® " , f , “? 88 ® 8at Peaterday’s s ®*' twice In the Ruhr Is aimed at bring
me of the points of David Lloyd! 8,0 ".. 0 . f ‘^®‘^ a '’„... - ! ,n f »£>« negotiations, the Voeci-
George’s appeal to Great Britain! ...^''"Curaondescrihcd cventsof sche^ Zeltung aaya. The govern- .
and America to gave France from I c # ve .!l n ? the i,loot J“* *°°J j inept, he added, must be watchful
exter- what he termed a dangerous posi-! a " d . t « , «'conversations she bid | so as not to mis* the moment wheu
tion informed the house that in- w ' th Wood over the telephone. As . negotiations will bo possible,
tervention by a League commis-; !j® , 8t ®J ,p ® <1 °P* °/ * h ® 8810 \ l,h
sion as proposed in the amend- 1 who had^ ™rrted her GERMANS VISIT
ment would be considered by i 5?”® on the night of the -lurter. RUHR IN DEFIANCE
France ns an act of hostility. He, M,,a Cur80n *® Mlfl ®d that she sr.w
MOSCOW—(By The Associated
Press.,—The Russian government
hss declared war on bootleggerr
e-il manufacturers of illicit
"hootch" and the campaign is du-
rlicatinc in many of its scenes the
situation, in New York and other
American cities.
The sale of wines and beers is
legal in Russia, but the Soviet re
rime has continued the war policy,
established early in 1915, of ban
ning Vodka and other stronger in
toxicants. These are now being
made in huge quantities illicitly
and nearly every one of Moscow’s
newly rich has hla private source
of supply.
During the last three months of
1922. according to statistics furn
ished the correspondent by tho
Moscow authorities, the police
mrdc 5,098 house searches and
discovered nearly 8,000 private
Mil!*-. Evidence obtained even in
dicated that there were “Vodka
trusts” or combinations of capital
to produce the liquor in largo
quantities. Restaurants have been
d . and quantities of brandies
and high powered spirits seized
while in some instances patrons
who bring their own” have been
Snccial rewards are made t<r
policemen for discovering stills.
Heavy prison sentence, or expul
sion from Moscow are the penaf-
applied to violators of the law.
chamber* of commerce, accontlns to .Mr. Hutchinson late Mondn;- In rc-
Amerloan Cltyi bureau officials. Ply to rmddcnt Hording* letter
One of the features of the new or- I wlrc <l the Nation'* head dmdciimUng
ganlsatlon will be the "member*’ to- ! hlm "commander In cm -f of all
rum.” which was described In a lu Institutions, Including tho Nation-
special article In the Sunday Banner- i a ‘ organisation for boll weevil con-
Herald. This plan ha* been perfect- : trot.”
ed by chambers of commerce
Athens Hi Team
bring the members together often,
but to have the programs so ar
ranged that definite objects are at
tained. , v
by-laws committee conelstli
a oy-iaws committee consisting y ...
of H. Ablt Nix, E. C. Weston, amT T ? lom ** W * Hardwick. Waite.’
H. J. Reid has been appointed to _ ln *J ror ot AtlunUi *
wofrk with the American City bu
reau representatives In a complete
revision of the by-laws.
Noted Engineer Died of
A Wound Like His
Stolen Arms Would
.Have Made, Said.
603 Students Are Now
Enrolled Which Is 114
More Than The 489, The
Last Record.
With the number of student* that
wqre recently "graduated” to the
High school during mid-term from
LOS ANGLES, Cal. - Earl H|(n xnaol ounn| Brm
Remington, electrical engineer, the grammar schools the enrollment
may have been alaln with his own
ahotgun. according to declarations
by police jletecUvea today.
That announcement came after
tbe discovery that a alzteen gauge
double barreled ahotgun was the
only artiole stolen and nog recover'
ed when his offices were entered
presumably by burglars several
weeks ago. The autopsy surgeon
To Teachers Saying He
Wants To - See Women
Made More Free.
of tho High School reached the to
tal of 603. or fhe greatest number In
Its history. v , .
During tho 19SI-2* tferm a total of
4R9 students were enrolled at the
High school and the attendance now
Is 114 over that figure. Attendance
at this school has Increased more dur
ing the past few years than has the
attendance In the grammar schools
nnd one year the entire Increase In
the city school system showed 0> the
High School.
Already the school building Is over
crowded. despite the additions made
the emanciapation of Turkish wo-
wen. Speaking before/the Teach-
" i at. a . * «. • neioro auuitioniti nccommoostlons Will ^f!f*
gun similar to that stolen. Ho have lo be acldod or thc et Uetite- eland that the york before the
was also stabbed. The police said neiM1 of the BC hool win be lost to a nation could only be perfected if
Remington had a number of pla- t great extent. . Turkish women joined equally with
tola and shotguns In both his office 1 it is the plan of the school board the men in educating themselves
* ... . . « a in nnntl nii'l an ■•iHitnrlnm rlntrti * nnJ a—L.f_ a: . . ....
testified at the Inquiry that Renting j last summer when the auditorium
ton’s death came when hla heart. "Pare was converted Into clawi rooms.
', nm Kv n shot from n shot- and 11 *" on, y a nuittor of time now
waa pierced by a snot rrom a snoi^ , befor# ttddmonttl accommodations will
have to he uddod or
H. De Loach of the Armnur agricul
tural extension bureau.
J. 8. Wannamaker, president cf the
American cotton association is to de
liver the first formal
"Pacing tho situation’* l« thj sub
ject to ho discussed by mop hi ovety
line of the cotton Industry for today.
Speakers at the afternon session
will he ex-Governor K. I. Moiuilng of
South Carolina who will tab; cn the
planters view; J. Cancels, vice presi
dent of the Interstate cotton seed
crushers association; C. 1C. Ifutihiii-
sji:, president of the Ame.irui Cot
ton manufacturers association and
rranco as an »ci oi nosiniLv. nui —. .7 r : •— : "
asserted the government’s policy ‘ ? ndl “5 n ® arty w,th a p,a -
was to keep British troops on the ,0 , hl8 hand *’ „
nt;.. •<*. u. "Please don’t shoot" the your.g
LONDON — (By the Associated
Press) — Dispatches from the
Ruhr printed here today assert
and Great Britain were
on to act, Mr. Bonar
Rhine “as long ns possible.” I ^ ,ea8 ® ,® onl v TV? Ur ' 8 1 . -
Replying to Mr. Lloyd George’s; ^®“ a “ 8ald ’ *5® but . a .“ l that . the German cabinet mlnlntera
contention that France had biun-; ” R f anl ? ter ab ® ,* 1 ® a i d . t , . L ' 1 continue to visit the occupied re-
dered seriously and that America ? nd **? *'®™® ^ ?*Z ,,ck V * wo bu * Flon In defiance of the recent or-
- - — caUed up . I lets. She did not hnow liow many der prohibiting their preeence. It
Law shid, ehoUwere fired. Miss Carson <1®- !|s asserted that Herr Serving
Minister of the interior and Herf
Groener, minister of traniportg*
tion were recent visitors. The
Times leans that the Belgians
havo occupied the railway stations
at Holsterhausen and Herbest,
which are situated across the Linpo
near DAorsten.
One thousand, striking employe*
that he Loo, disapproved of the; Ciinjon dec , ared (|Ut Wood
had threa^sned.her life more than
once it she went with other men
(Turn to Page Two)
at Dusseldorf are reported by the
of tho
Associated Press.)—Musta Kemal
Pasha who was recently married
to the daughter of a rich Smyraa
notable, has made a noteworthy! C* C ^ - -
public pronouncement in favor of;EsO* LOuipaDy VS
nnalanafinn n( 'Tnwl.I.L ..... _ * **
D. B. Brander. chief of the Cnlted
States Chemical warfuro service and
ex-8cnator Hoke Smith will deliver
addresses at the evening session
With hundreds of dclegstcs arriv
ing until late Tuesday, the program
ccafca are expected to .•( iitintf chim
ing until late Tuesda, the program
for the conference lasting through
When recess was taken today at
noon City Court was engaged In
the trial of the case of E-8 Sport
ing Goods Company versos Wes-
hud that on tho night of the trago-
dy ho had telephoned her at a local
hotel, where she was employed as
a stenographer, stating be waa com
ing to escort her home. >
"I reminded him of an engage- ... ,™ rlCT ,
* 1 ‘hF and erburk which ! Dally Mally’e correspondent to
I told him about the night before" | havo asked for work. Tho re-
ahe testified, but said he called quests of seven hundred were
again ten minutes later. She In-I granted. ^
'slstod upon keeping the engage- ;
Unique Idea Of Combin-| ment with Funderburk, however : POINCARE APPEARS
ing Study With Travel!" 18 decUred ' , |before deputies
)_ Y > ARI8 — (Br the Aesoelated
; Preaa)— An official picture of tL*
[occupation of the Ruhr'wna be*
fore tbe French pubtle tn. ay In
the form of a statement to the
foreign relations committee <f tjie
chamber of Deputies by Premier
Poincare. Expulsions of high Ger
man officials from the occupied re -
gfon total 338 of whom 68 have
Worked'Out By Atlanta
and his residence as he and Mrs. to construct an auditorium down; an d in Uking active parte in the
•L • ■ -- trfln near the gymnailaum, separate from notion's nf/mirm _
Remington were both expert P the ma ^ building, due to the lack of j _ . J tern Union Telegraph company. Ca "
shooters, but th^y were unable to apac6 ad j ace nt thereto. A* It is now ascribed the preset se-1 Th p i an tfff claims the defendant , l>00
find any of them; there is no general meeting place at elusion of the sex in Turkey to I aged * rasoRne unk whlle 1 ^
.Mrs. Remington has been strick- the High .school whatever for the cn- | Persian influence, asserting that It | „ a ™f* “ 8 8 h -' :
on with bronchial pneumonia, ac- tire enrollment. —" *- J
BALTIMORE—Transformed Into a )
sumptuous iee-th s-world-as-you-
study-college for boys, the former I
army transport Logan, will set sail '
next September 1G on her Initial {
cruise. Jf the plans of Asa G, Candler.
Jr., of Atlanta, son of th) inult? mii-
I'.nmalrc leverage manufacturer, aie
tcallscd. The ship will nave njeom-v
odatlons for 400 pupils, a large fac
ulty, managers and clerks of the va
itous departments.
Mr. Candler said yesterday that
the school Is not a philanthropic
proposition. It Is purely a business
W ¥ 1 ¥ s'* *, proposition and only men of means
• Ui Ull VsOlllL ran afford to send their sons through
such a> course. %
"My own son" Mr. Candler said,
"and the son of my brother. How
and, will go on the first cruise. This
expresses my confidence In the
"The view 1 take Is this." Mr.
Candler continued. "There are many
poor hoys who attend schools and
buckle down to their work ln earnest
because they have no other Inter-
Tin- Georgia Freahmen will play
•• Athena High Five Tuesday
'■nlng at the Unlvenlty Gym. As
Athena High ia undetated for the
season u close game is expected.
WASHINGTON—Grain exports
fre it the United States last week
totaled 3.650,000 bttzhela as com
|>»'"I to 6.349,01)0 bushels for th*
keck previou*.
t he purpose* of advertising
i- t<> increase business and
M>T to relievt any on* of his
jriluou* duties. The salesman
"! <> regards advertising as a
M.h.titutc for hi* own efforta
I’.'* missed the point His ef-
f"rts are needed more than
’"r to support tbe advertb-
n - and put it across. His re-
" irit is larger tales.
\d>crtisiog is' not a form of
l> riH-tual motion that goes on
!"r ter without human oasis-
t .t nee. The biggest problem
n> man has to settle after he
determined to advertise,
•■nd di tided HOW to rndver-
is this: How eon I USE
> advertising so a* to get the
1 -l nut of t?
11 must he hitched on to a
i’U'invss properly. Then it
i U- utilized with intrlli-
When these condition*
lulfilled it dooa n typo of
' for which there is no ef•
li. I.nt substitute.
I-inner- Herald readers look
!'• "the News" in Banner-
lh raid advertising in every la-
w-e of the—
-i". .'4G*
cording to her ph ^*® ,a ® 8 ’ d an ? a “ high percentage
the police havo abandoned tem- COLLCQK entrants.
was not in accirdaiv-e with the' employees wore working on a line, j , st ». But there are many son* of
nnvpni. nf ,h. I The demurrer in the ,:a80 of j rich men who have their car* and
nrecent, nf th. I me ciemurror in me ,:aao or | non men wno nave tneir car* ana
At m '*.? rtli 8‘ on ' Fidelity and Deposit Company va. their clubs and find too much to do
S? a !!* d ‘5° 0,den tin ?“ when 1 Mr aid litre Henry Gomer waa ! than to .mu,, if tho rich
time Prof. K. B. hi el I has been prln
dpal several of the graduating class
... physician*.
tragedy having proven foo great
for him. It waa stated. No plana
have been made yet for Reming
ton’s fttneral.
The police were eeeking a friend
of the alaln man who waa believed
to have recommended to him a
Private Detective. Charles A. Dana
Collina. who said Remington had
■ought hla service* aa a body
guard the night he waa killed.
Collins aaid Remington, whom
he had never aeen. apoke It) an
agitated tone when he made an I Sl . ho(ll am i sometime this week; ..
enrogement by lelepnone for s fle- j uu> weather i>crmlts. a parade will
tectlve to Join him andT iwimmcw j in* staged in the down town section
very dawn of Ialamism there were
percent strong and the lowest per- • , a ” d .._*j 0m f n .
:rntagc evfcr was 86 percent-
Another distinctive feature about
the local high school Is the large
number of boys wiio graduate. Us
ually the number of gtrta to f!nlal
high school greatly outnumbers th*
boys but this la not true locally. Last
year the two . classes were about
equally divided.
The military, department ' under
, Mojoh Hunter Harris has become e
j plpular department of the High
he waa employing tho operative on
the recommendation of an unnam-
Ml friend. Collina sold.he waited
an bonr at the place named by
Remington but the latter did not
keep the appointment The police
have asked through the newspa
pers that tho friend come forward
and toll them why. If he know*,.
Remington sought a detective s
protection for a few hours before
that the people of Athens may
have the. opportunity of seeing th*
imttkllon |n action.
Hudson Maxim
Here Thursday
he was shot and stabbed to death., *on Maxim to
Col. D. W. Ryther, chairman of
the committee to invite Dr. Hud-
Suffering With
i to deliver un
j address, bad I IW| distance tele-
, phone message .Tuesday
I from Dr. Will Moss who la in At-
A mw-’te 117 _J.lanta In the InteVOtt of the visit
Kjlire Wound | Where Dr. Maxim’s delivering o
| aeries of lectures, stating the Ath-
/ ; ens invitation bad been accepted
B M. McDonald Is at the Gen- - b v Dr. Maxim and that he would
oral hospital suffering with a ae- j bo here Thursday night. . ■
where ha Is employed asm lineman nounced later. Arrangements will
for the Western Union Telegraph
opened schools, lectured and took
a great port in the, public life. The
Moslem religion he said orders wo
men to conduct themselves in the
lame degree as men.
Conductor Has
A Broken Leg
R. J. Gllleland, of Abbeville, 8.
c„ conductor on a 8. A. L. freight,
! Is at St. Mary’s hospital where he
It wno nn|v (n tho i_—„ , u _ »*■ wary ■ nospiiai woerw uw
°h« V >wnB * 11 »uffering with a broken leg re-
mon P. I T. t r^ th f t Yv' 1 eelved while switching freight care
iountrlh^wort2?n»I’.il n 1,10 ln the yard at Elberton, Mohday
aMreH ln d .i th * ? en afternoon. Ho waa rushed hero on
Sith* afternoon paaseuger train and
ities. In the cities the tradition of! Rive me dlcal attention ..t the
seclusion had been carried toq far. f".'?,.?
N Kems 1 rnnrlnrlfifl hnumun* thai nOSpIuU.
Kemal concluded, however, that
women ought to seclude themielves
moderately, but not hide them*
selves. If they do he added, social
life "suffers and society only
move* haltingly toward perfee
Kemal Pasha's bride is Latife
(Turn to Pape Three)
Retail Clothiers
Meet In Atlanta
company. He ia aaid to havo ant-
ten In an argument with a feljow
workor and a personal encounter
w - - the knlfo
be made, if tweflbla so aa not tq
conflict with the OOergU-A A C.
basketball gamavhero that alghL
The subject on which Dr. Maxim
will speak will ha. “Internal and
(External National Defence.”{ |,
ATLANTA—Scores of delegates
are here attending the sixth an
nual convention of the Georgia, re
tail clothier’s and furnishers’ as
sociation, convening here today for
a two dav session.
Practically every city and town
in tho state U TWljiesented and of
ficers of •tbo 'NdUanal association
ate scheduled to .mate addresses.
Mayor Slmi of Atlanta was on the
program to deliver tho wsicomf
Tuesday morning ho vak report
ed to be resting easy.
Cooperation In
Interest Of Camps
In response to a personal letter
from Major General David O. Shanks,
commanding the 4th <’orp»- Area,
Adjutant General Pope *»f the Nation
al Guard of thl« stair has aopmved
the co-operation of’ nil National
Guard officer* In hclpln* OeorcU
get Its share of appIL'aiits for cltl-
sens military training camps this
Bach officer of the cuerd will be
given the privilege of nominating
one young man of proper qualifica
tions, who is not now a. member of
tbe guard, hut who Is Interested In
receiving'a month'* vuetluu at camp
at government *ot»wv , <Vilnjit‘)fV: , l
fmspRfiPP 1 ll JlAJt
A . Un J«r**y coaltime 1* bptmd
with black braid and equipped with
a hug* bandanna kerchief In orange
^ black. ’ It Im Hr
straight, UiJorW
Young boys will not be accepted
by the school, it was stated. Those
who are admitted must have reached
the third year of high school or the
first or second year of Liberal arts
college. Each bby must have a cer
tificate of health and be of good mor
al character.
Mr. Candler aaid "It had not been
definitely decided from what port the
rebuilt vessel which Is to be kncgvn
as the Candler floating school would
sail on her first cruise, which it Is
planned to complete on June 10, 1924.
The Logan will be surveyed today
and turned over to the Bethlehem
shipbuilding corporation for recon
struction, It was suued.
Methodists Meet
At Big Parley
Kiwanis Appears Before 1 t^n Rhineland functionaries.
Commissioners In Inter- opSVth."'Ruhr
est of Efficient Man.
More Funds Needed!
J. W. Flror waa today elected
county agricultural agent to suc
ceed Jones Purcell. Two of the
fore the occupation the total was
1.136,. divided nearly equally bo.
twsop freight and passengers. The
premier asserted the decrease waa
due to "the . disturbed conditions
caused by orders from Berlin.”
French railway workers in the-
occupied area number 9,640, while
members of the Board of Conttnls !. n , B „„„ -..-..-xr.-. -i.
■loners. Hugh W. White and Chair I ‘g*. 1 * 1 *™ •“*
map John If. Qriffeth voted to elect! {?
Mr Flror at 33.H00, the salary M StteSSttfito
asked. Commissioner J. M. Hodg I Th» rm«. i'SS
■on voting against It. Mr. Purceti, ! JS’fTOwkfS*
whom Mr. Flror succeed* went tc ; tm?
u fl n mimtv ft# tt find nor vonr tDHiprOinllllnf g|l DUt 500 RQUarO
Hall county at 33.800 Per year. Kliometera of the Valley. All but
After a committee of Klwmlans ' 300 of the 14,600 cote ovens hare
together with well known and sac-. > been taken over,
cesaful farmers appeared before j
the board anting that an ac;nt of
outstanding ability be employed by
tbe county, the board took the mat-
ter under advisement. Making tho
decision at noon.
Mr. Flror, recommended by
the State College .of Agricul
ture and special committee from
the Chamber of Commerce and
Farm Bureau, ta aaid to bo one of
the most efficient men In agric-il
Wlntcrvtlt. may some day rival
1 fnf nlant.
for development of the poach In- - ,lon lf Whte
duatry aloSg the A. R 4kA. rail- j ptona for pIan ‘-
Tomm'reteter J. >M. 1 R ‘ V ‘ r ‘' clU ” n " of W,nUr
sens aa to whether they beHeved
continuance of the county agent
would help tho farmers. All but
one of the cltlren* present answer
ed in the affirmative. Judge J. P.
Nunnally told tho board In his
opinion Clarke county does not
need a county agent inasmuch as
tbe State College of Agriculture it
CLEVELAND. Ohio 7- Delegate* c,0, ® bjr and aTa,taW ® »* •“ u “®»
from all parts of the country were BUT QNE WH0
J. <M; Hodgtsn | community are planning to ssMmt Si'
questioned the delegation of dtl- 1 large number of treee. Charlie nnd
1 terry Plttard are planning to begin
orchard, of four or flv, sens white
T. tv. and James W. Morton are get.
ting ready to begin a forty acre or
chard.' Others In-Wlnterplllt as wall
as othsr-Sections of the county are
planning to -begin poach orchards.
Dr- T„ H. MclIsUon. head of ths
department, of horticulture at the
Btate College of Agriculture declare*
he seek no res sob why Clarita coun
ty should not nUse a largo quantity
here for the sixth annual meeting
of the council of cities of the Metho
dlst Episcopal church, which open
ed today. More than four hundred
delegates had registered. Prob-
In answer to ' Mr. NunnaUy*>
objection to a county agent and
reference to, the College, J. G.
Oliver, extension agent, declared
lema confronting church leader. Clark, count, termis ttefadvte
will be discussed and the progreaa 7j" k ; f c X r cnTi«» ^ u..
achieved by, the denomination in U8 ® of college for lore than
126 centers wilt be aummerixed.
Six Persons Are
Killed In Wreck
i * -( A • t. r jfw)r. •
I ion ^.s or. H .■•(. i
L BLMIRA.-N. V. —-Six persona
IwtM'ldUad in a train wreck- this
morning on the Lehigh Valley rail
way at Ruhmorfisld. Pa., about ten
miles South of Tonawanda, Pa.
IDE iilTitJl
those In middle and 8outh Geor
gia. “I wish they would. We are
here to help and they do not call
on us. We need an agent In Clark*
who will go to the farmer and aid
Mm in growing and marketing hi*
Commissioner Hodgson said ho
Is “not convinced an great eon ha p
at all. not to mention employing
one at an Increased salary.” T.
W^Mortnn.’L, I* Letter. Harry H.
pcachss for . market,
can he successfully kept In
.md wilt yield a handsome revenue
to farmer*. If somsone Is avajtebte
who understands the buslneee add cab
aid tho grower* from setting est the
tree* to marketing the fruit. Dr.
McHatton aaya. Ha urges home or-
chard* for every farm but .wares th*
fanner that they must he prop
cared for or else will result In a I
MADISON.* WIs.—(By the .
dated Press) — The asst
pastes the Mil today calling for
complete abolition of the Wiscon
sin National guard.'
SAVANNAH, da. — Otto Nelson,
a private In the eighth Infantry,
/«p M m 81^“’ J ‘ °* d,#d ■* *'» rt 8«»*ea lest nlrht!
to Peg. 8i«) [HI* hoa* 1* In Cedar Homo, Wash. |