The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 07, 1923, Image 6
t ■ ♦ JttBMlMMV. march , ,m. 1‘HDOi oily; t^|wjd InsJelb i .oilIT I TIT .-.(>003 San yrm ol ?n< (t/ j' SALESMAN. JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES /WELL-TUi COTfEE. GRlHOtft) NJJ.J»^''-OOK‘ T . N VT] ur rurv«#er\ i*c rujc nruihd V rfT (AfVO ATl A n VOUGOT \ - uhkv‘.‘. he. oio".' i'll pot k - THlb mTftttL BdilUtVi R'LrtT -v OH «>P>MV.' —v__ CnEPLt*.".' . WELL, HE. SOLO ME-TrtlG VOA OOHOf- yCWCHEb. TOfL • - £ ONLY 54- r< HE CHMVGtD ME. OWE. OOUKR for wio \n mito w 355^ 1 . •• nm i w w v • 11 - - — * » ” * — iVWWMT- \ &OU&HT SOME GOOW HtflfWi nO'TNWO ftt® HE MMK TvtO MlbTArttS z^/ 1 /?, 1 T'feJT''ipthmso?? soo w PtLHftHEMlSC . IN ft WHI /OLPP/ STOItt When the Ballton I—<n<l elephant stepped In front of Jaek, the little adventurer naked fitppy to help him on the anlmaPa back. "Why, I cap't lift yotty' replied. Cuppy.. "you'll Juat have to dump up und dotvn and then sprint; off of u cloud -•id land on the elephant," jack did, and It worked fine- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS MEETING STRONG COMPETITION OH WES AND I HAVETHREEA MORE THAT ARE. J' HOME SICK - HF.RE, N ' v —tv / WOO VJINTHH V <Z%) l AGARS' HELLO THERE,TOM- I UNDERSTAND CIGARS ARE 1 IN ORDER- THATYOU HAVE/——JiL^ A DA0V GIRL HELLQBILL. T /you ar'e right - , /iS\ ( ARE ALL THOSE WELL, HERE’S TO THE NEW, MISS DOFF.' YEP, AN EIGHT POUND GIRL' j I MOST HORRY HOME L TO SEE HOW MY DAOGHTER IS GETTING ALONG - I GAVE HER QUITE A LOT OF ADVERTISING > v TO DAW EIGHT POUNDS! A REGULAR. FLAPPER’EH? > WHEN IS . SHE GOING INTO THE MOVIES? Dut then another nurprlne .came. An Jack cot himncly nettled on the elephant, the animal'n hack cageed right in and Jack*n feet were touching the around. •‘Hey,’* shouted the little adventurer, "thin w.on’t work at all. I'm too heavy' for thin animal.” Jack then slid off the elcphant’a hark. OUR BOARDING HOUSE FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I NEW WORLDS TO CONQUER By Blnsser gK He's a ^ f gumsloT—- bos . v cant get Aki'/TUiHG OUT op Him - LISTEN ToTH AT Voice IF IT WAS ANY 1 DEEPER HE’D HAVE IfO STAND ON A PAIR, STiLT^ To TALK [ f AHEM BEEN AN, NICE DAy'HASNT rf ? YEAH -»VloNT he long mow Till spring - nope — S'POSEVOlVRE a 'stranger ikl L Town eH^vJeu, , '|k YOU’LL LIKE IT / I \ WERE-YEAH -/ f AM' lie's so ' ^HEERFiJLToo. • |F A GRtkl t\JER BROKE OUT ON THAT FACE it'd GlUE Wirt 'NEURALGIA* CUAPUE CUAPLW? TU' REAL , r CUAQLIE L CUAPLW?? ) OU-ACOOPLA 1 YEAQS AtoTvMUZ cwnv stoss vimi MV OADW, AN'. CUABUE CHAPUU _ \HAS IN TH' t X AUDIENCE — Hcam OiD You EMED COMETb GET vtfl-0 TH' MONIES', • SUPp! D1DNT YOO EVER SEe 7 HIM? . VJELL- VOUkToF rr?- f • WELL, \ CRAB APPLE ' ol’ bcN-Voo’re IklTH’ WROllG BARREL Here! ' "••Well," said Coppy, "l puen.i we'll have to call the bird bolloona ,11ml let thorn tow you over to the playgroundn." Jack wan thon told to ait down cn a little cloud that hud floated clone liy.' He took Flip With him and when .he wan .neated comfortably, the Dalluon I.and birds appeared.— ScontlnudtLf . ... la - - » ittnuect)" PVENTOR&S . MIEU.-Y0O GO CWER. u TSTW CORNER OF LA BREA AND D5 LCNGFRE STREETS' , WUESE WF'SWJIO IS , f AN JOStWALklN _ X- AN’ LOOK AT HIM- \ DONTfLET J ’ YrTHEMVIClA rJ . ittnl r NbO CUT. J HOUSE ON THE STEEPLE. v AlU/WtS NEVER SAW HIM* ONLY W PICTURES. . sw 0 AC WE I KVgTfeRIQUE MR. CARTER’' IS t* HARP GUESS «TH£ OLD HOME TOWN By Williami fGlT FER.) HOME „ V BRUNO” L xatwerwi look w«ee l TER BACKW 'OH EIGEN,HOW MUCH OO NA j GET A HOUR \ FER WOfiKiN I UNRRTlMl?/ Are these tub A OVERSHOES TOO I LOSf/AITH'MUD | 7H-NIGHT YOU TOOK AUNT SARAH' Home vf ROM th* Social?) which domino the door la." "Oh, yea wc do/' euld Nick, “King Even-Steven told ua. It'a the oonv- no with the double five on U.” And with that he knocltfd one, Two, Ihreh times qn Jock Straw's front d ' or ' 4 1 L Suddenly blnk* bant,-, era ah. 1 The bouee tumbled down abau. their earn, und down tumbled ten Twhul. But they landed on the apft npitti-CHs kbilt, came .out of the end ufid that, >ne Cut-Out I.ody had KtVhn ’ thi at. , • • ,, Jjjqk£t;j^ tumbled, too, p^f ltg ■: "Wk-Y.hat a happened?" Itr quelled. . “Your h,.,ae fell down «dl nc.r 1 you’ve !ta place to live;" laid Nan -yl “You had better give us y.ur magic ring so *je ran turn Jdix- Up Liind Into Apple-Pie Lind again.”, ^ (To Be Centirued.) SOU SAT IT) LOOKS LIKE OTEY WAS] W. t, C0X5 Transfer Co. Laag Trip* Ow SpecUlty. Ckeapeet Trad la Tin. oOfl Thomas St Phonr 1351 CLEANING THE MOP I Clean your oil mop with hot tvnter, ammonia and a little wash ing powder. You'll find this much rod difficult than the jprdlirary soap and water meth d. ' K ’finib.lfkb, Vr/foJr. Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate Commission: S* ON AMOUNTS OVBR *1,000.00. 10% aa amount* ap to *1,000.00. HUBERT M. RYLEE * LAW OFFICES SAftSHAL OTEY WALKER WAS MUCH \ PERKWS |oiC>iKETfjRNED HIS overshoes - •