Newspaper Page Text
1 .\«fcK’r
• » ,„V l"'l J,
Investigate Today!
to Regular Subvert ban of
the banner*herald
$1,000 Accident Policy Fra*,
Middling 38>4c
Previous Cloeo 2»y,t
Daily and Sunday—10 Cento a Weak.
Dally Etl Baaday—!• Cat* E WML
7 Clear and Cooler V »»
VOL. 91 NO. 41. '
Aaaociated Proas Service
N. E. A ( «ervlea
“Millionaire Bandit"
Chapman, Silent When
Daring Escape From Pen
Is Mentioned
Chapman Will Probably
Be Removed to Atlanta
Friday. Guarded By Fed
eral Deputies.
Gerald Chapman, “millionaire
(audit" who escaped from the
federal penitentiary near Atlanta
Tuesday morning and'Was caught
tear Hull Wednesday morning In
company with Frank Oray, another
prisoner who eaeaped with him, is
.till at Sf. Mary’s hospital where
it is recovering from three ballet
wounds received in the battle with
In an adjoining room to Chap
man la another Federal prisoner,
joe Morillo, one of the nine prison
ers brought hare for Isolation pur
poses when the dope investigation
was begun at the penitentiary.
“Watch Your Hip”
Is New Slogan of
Prohibition Men
Railroad Travelers’ “Hip
Life Savers” in Constant
Danger Under New
Haynes Ruling.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON.—Instead of the
time worn advice of the elevator
and stret car men of "Watch your
step," will now be added another end
newer slogan—“Watch your hip.”
It aeeme that Prohibition Commis
sioner Haynes has told his men to
keep an eagle eye on the hip pockete
of travelers. There will be more
promiscuous drinking on trains, and
Important Subject Will
Be/ Discussed At Cham
ber of Commerce Meet
ing Thursday 8 P. M.
H. Abit Nix Will Preside
and Experts on Farm
Marketing and Manage
ment Will Give Talks.
WVtat Is declared one of Clarke
county’s greatest needs, “market
ing machinery for surplus food
crops,” will be discussed by the
first forum meeting of the re-or
ganized chamber of Commote#
If a little dram Is to be hod. It must Thu ” d * T n, * ht '
When (lob Thursday morning by
Banne-Herald represents^
chapman refused to talk and would
only answer questions as to how
to felt Ho refused to say how
be left Atlanta, where they wan
beaded, where 'they secured the
pistols and ammunition they had
or to dismiss any phase of the at'
tempted escape.
Both prisoners are under per-
moai guards who sit at their door
ud the Banner-Herald represento-
Mve waa the first person except the
bospltal attendants and officers to
■ He Is not badly
vunded and will be removed to
Allanta just as soon ns he is able
I < to make tlie trip, probably Friday.
any, the other captured prison
er, who was'lodged In the Clarke
county Jail, was removed to the
federal penitentiary Wednesday
afternoon,' offleesoh carrying him
through the country In an automo
bile. He refused to talk also.
Both men were armed with army
45 caliber pistol* and had plenty
of ammtuilttoii. Chapman tot
1153.00 on his person.
It Is stated that Federal offl
elili an anxious to have Chapman
removed-to Atlanta and that time
will not be given for him to entire
ly recover from hla wounds. One
ft the Federal officials, W. S. Mc
Carty Is hero in charge of him.
be taken with the utmost secrecy
and: with the eyes looking out of
the corners, for a shadow may
darken the door of the smoking
room at any time mud take the
drink and the “drtnkee” along with
It—to the Mg Jail.
Not only will the eleuths arrest
law offenders drinking liquor, but
they will also haul them In for
drinking “alleged” liquor, which ' Is
theonly thing this country ain't got
ncthlng else but. In the words of
Octavius Cohen. So If you happen
to belong to-the “funnel gang,” take
a tip from the commissioner end—
keep It hid.
Horn’ Dog
On Topmost Lirril
Twenty-Nine Pound Carp Caugbt By Rabbit Chaser
in !tyreetop According to Georgia School Teacher
Bt*tU Copies 2,Canto Dally. > Canto Sunday.
Morgan Speak on
“The Devil” Here
Attendance At Morgan-
Collisson Meeting At the
Prince Avenue Baptist
Increasing Daily.
Popularity Can didates
Will Take Advantage of
Bonus Give'By Commit:
tee. Ends. Saturday.
mu h
Colonel Gantt Delighted
With . Greene County
Place. Enjoys Trip
Through Country.
It is just fifty minutes ride from
Athena to Watson Spring in a
car. over a good mud and through
r: ' of the finest farming sections
la Georgia or the south. A few
■ • e, in company with Mr.
Bussell of Connecticutt, tho gen
tleman who is organizing our
Chamber 'of Commerce, Mr. Ralph
Stye, and Mr. T. Kd: Williams, '
look this trip, as Mr. Russell
wanted to see something of our
MCtion before leaving, and also
i i visit Watson Spring, of whieh
to had heard such favorable te.
And just here let me add t. at
on his return to the city that gen
tleman suys the half had not been
told, and he was especially delight
fully surprise,I to see such a mod-
and lieautiful hotel at a rural
health resort, and added that to
its capacity, they had nothing in
the North to surpass it. Mr. Ralph
BrightwaO, leasee of the hotel,
raptured our party by his gem-
alty and hospitality.
, Now about crops on the road.
In the flttt place I was surprised
to see SO much land broken, in
•Pite of the continuous rains since
Christmas, and the advance far-
para had made toward a erop.
farmers in that section are noted
f or their enterprise and industry
and they took advantage of the
5 "T weather in the early winter
to break their lands- I am satis
fied that fully one-fourth of the
land on or mar the road hah bpen
Planted in amall graH»i ! Ami ’thro*
crops are promising indeed. Both
*heat and oats are we!! advanced
An avalanche of votes Is expect'
ed to follow announcement of tho
White Way Popularity committee
that ballots cast by Saturday morn
Ing will result In a “two for one”
bonus for tho candidates.
While several of the candidates
have a nice lead it was rumored
Thursday that two or three of the
nominees who hitherto have been
Jigging along will .make s' big
spurt between now and Saturday
morning and take advantage of
the “two for one” offer which will
pnt them In ths prize winning
The meeting will be held in the
Chamber In tho Georgian Hotel. • Crowds Hear DTi
Cards telling of the meeting have TTUO M .
boon mailed to each member of
the organisation. The new pro
gram of work for the organisation
will also be announced at the meet
Ing. In addition to speakeiy en
gaged for the meeting every mem
ber Is Invited to present nlii views
for open discussion..
The subject of the meeting' is
“How Can We Find A Better Mar
ket For The Fbrm Products Of This,
Section of Georgia?"
An attractive and Instructive «X-
hlblt of fapn products and, litera
ture on marketing has been, ar
ranged for the meeting and a de
monstration will be given In pre
paring for market sfeet potatoes,
•Kfa, peas, peanuts, tomatoes, and
other produce. -
H. Ablt Nix will preside c >r
the meeting and addresses will be
made by Harold Hulme, Claude
Tuck, well known farmer, Mrs.
nle Mae Wood Bryant, county
demonstration agent; Dr. Andrew
>ul«, president Stnte College
rt B rrcuIture;T)r.'J.Thtl Camp-
11. State College; Dave Paddock,
on the Curb Market; J. W. Firor,
county -farm agent and otbera.
JAKIN, Ga—Gordoh L. Coop-. Ctottahoochee River running rab-
er .who ia principal of the higb blto and aoch other thlnga aa came
achool hero, relates what he terms into hie path, treed a flah in the
a “fiah tala.” He aaaerto with ob- very top of a tree. It waa a carp,
vidua aincertty that a perfectly .that proved when caught to weigh
r id rabbit hound treed a big carp I no leas than twenty-eight pounds.
the top of d tree, an occurrence Oh, gre! Tho fiah waa In a tree
unique. Hare to iMr. Cooper’s tdp and 11 the thoughts of the
itory: canine could have been told he
“Down in thin section .are to wtaremoeh puttied a. Mr. Min*
be found a.great many m'enwho -During the ascent >ralna the
prise among thrirpotaeasiona rome ^ jETfloodea iu bank. In
vmr WMttarkMtai. (M wme place., and had backed up
*}' of ? kn T' °dji *?' into field Aiovea.. As the water re-
i?,^S d rlU MM 14 th « «* h stranded In
hunting, and mret ” our r»d e U- , .malt cove in which were sev-
tens look upon banting at a great era j faMen j t wu jn $j, B
apott. . • top of one* of these trees that the
“It now geea the rounds that dog found hit- huge carp. In ail
H. E. Minter, of Jakln, has all of hla excitement, he drew the
of the other sportsmen surpassed, attention of his master, who sue-
Among Ms more or lets worthy,ejedod in getting the fiah out,i - . on .. M „. llv
dogs U to be found a brown euriUtoreby ending ono orf «the mort
^o^thS S?" n,r cxperimcM of the
his quiet roamings along I attorney general, said bad threaten-
'ed to blackmail him became of hla
acquaintance with the model, unices
he got blm a Job with the depart
ment of justice.
Daugherty, appearing voluntarily
Attorney General’s Son
Goes Before Assistant
District Attorney and
Gives Information.
Says Acquaintance With
Model Was Purely So
cial. Did Not See Her
(By Associated Praia.)
NEW VORKc—The limelight of
public Interest which- waa shifted
from character to character In the
Dorothy Keenan murder case Thnra*
own util
The audiences In attendance at
the special meetings at the Prtnco
Avenue Baptist Church are a won-
Husband Is Suing
Gloria Swanson
In Divorce Case
Famous Movie. Actress Is
Made Defendant in Di
vorce Suit Husband
Charges Desertion.
Member of Faculty Gets
Prize From. Georgian;
“Does Dodo’s Doom Dog
Doodles?” v ,
Another Athenian
newspaper prise. This time It
derfnl testimony to the drawing ; J. W. Cantrell of tho Physics em
power of the gospel in the present
day. The attendance Wednesday
night vu the- largest yet on n
week night during the campaign.
Wednesday afternoon over three
hundred boys and girl, attended
i. An- the meeting addressed by Prof,
home Collision, in the course of which
There have been other* to win
fifty dottors to be sure, but with
the i
award to Mr. Cantrell the con-
All votes cast this week are one
penny each and the money goee to
the Playground fund. Tho con
test will close shortly and tha win
nere announced at the White Way
opening April 4. Four priaoa are,
offered: a Ford cdupc, »100 in
gold, ISO In gold and |20 in gold.
No change was recorded In tho
standing, which is as follows:
Lovie Jowers 217,115
Harriet Stephens 10147*
Laura Hammond 86,310
Beasio Jacksnn 69486
Nellie Griffith 4462
Mrs, Davis 2315
Mabel Parr 1823
Mollie Whitehead 1474
Mrs. P. N. Chiiivia .... 1489
Neva Crymes 1188
Elisabeth Harris . ...- 1018
Clare Boll Rutherford.. 1070
Mary Sima ......,...r 1007
Earline Wilder 1091
Will Enter Into Discus
sion of Securing Better
Markets For Produce in
. This Section.
Pauline Toney
Martha McAlpin ...
Lillian Edwards ...
Sarah Hall ........
Erma Booth .......
Carrie - Booth
Carrie .Beer
Nellie Christopher .
Fany. McDorman ...
Mrs. W. D. Paschal ..
Mrs. Clarence ■ Stone
Nina Sue Carter ...
. 4086
. 1026
. 1007
,. 1007
. 1007
. 1108
.. 1006
.. 1011
.. 1006
. 1004 '
Restraining .
Oil Drilling in*
yard Will Profane
Graves of Dead.
The first Forum masting of the
reorganised Chamber or Com
merce is scheduled for the assem
bly room at the Georgian hotel
Thursday night when subjects of
vital importance will be discussed
The main subject to bo taken
up is the one pertaining to find
ing better markets for the farm
products of this section of tho
This is a question that must be
worked out by tha business men
of Athens, members of the Cham
ber body and some ideas arc ex
pected tobe advanced and soma
definite action token Thuraady
Sight that will offer a solution to
tho problem. Tho wiring to call
ed for 8 o’clock and « large at
tendance ia expected. Every mem
ber of the Chamber is invited to
bo present and bring a'visitor and
an invitation will be extended for
the expresson of views by
in “ ‘
he demonstrated the force of bad
habits by sleight-of-hand perfor- „„„„ „„
mances. The work’ Ofthe special ne at huui of fifty dollars,
chorus choir is Improving steadily
every night, and the whole atmos-
phefte or the meetings ia growing-
ly enthusiastic.
Thursday evening Dr. Morgan
will spook on “The Royal Highway
of the Holy Creep,” and the whole
service will be of a nature prepare
tory to Good Friday.
Friday than will be a specla
service In the afternoon at 4:80,
at which hour Dr. Morgan and
prof, collision will bring
(Turn to Pane Seven)
parrassn'. or tile university of Geor
gia, who la ilw winner of 'fifty dol*
lore from the Atlanta Georgian for
having tho best tongue-twister.
before Ferdinand Pecore, assistant
district attorney, discussed with
blm his acquaintance with the slain
girl and then avodiing reporters,
vanished after giving the prosecutor
the name of the alleged blackmail-
This name, Mr. Pecore kept to
himself. Tho only hint that
would give newspaper men was that
the man In question already had
been questioned In connection with
•nether matter. N . ■ 1
Mr. Pecore, who for nine days
shielded Mitchell from the press, to-
- day took too some precautions to
DOG see that Daugherty's wishes to
i avoid Interviewers were fulfilled.
That's a twister ail right; there The latest witness waa whisked In
be no doubt about that. And pn<$
fortunately the Georgia editor bum
thought the same thing and to Mr.
Gam-ell coasn the check for the
test cornea to n close. It might be end ot the conference, Mr. Peeore
Won’t You Help This
Tiny Little Girl*
Little Georgians Bsksr, tho
bright eyed, amiltngbaby^ girt
that waa found deserted
' Georgia hotel Sunday night, is
’. of course in need or clothe*—
• es-4 tsms. Ilfa.aeiUU Sore Mlfla re
and her Ufe*might bo mad# a
bit more cheerful with • toy, a
rattler or two.
Until a homo to found tor her
she to enjoying the bounty of
local hospital and tha charity
of those organizations inter
ested above ail others in such
But will not some of the
people of Athens who love ba
bies and
bies and who can well afford
It help to boy some needed
Clothes and little playthings
for this unfortunate one?
; Perhaps a bright snSUe might
play around her tiny’ mouth
and enlighten her ‘ chubby
cheeks If she had a new
Convention Opens At the
First Christian Church
Friday. ’ Big Religious
Event .For Athens. , i* . !
may have fegB’ ^real
(By AMoelited Prtts.)
PONCA CITY — The brder re
straining the C. E. Knox ,011 Com
pany. of Enid, Okjahomtf. from
drilling for Oil in the Prarle View
churchyard In the TonRawa Oil
Field, was still In power Thurs
day. ’ ,
The restraining order was lean •
ed tote Tueaday night. In the Dto*
trict Court at Newkirk,.by Judge
thri members of ttifl’ehurth.
Tn, the. hle» for a restraining or
der, the church members set fortli
*n<! if not calamity overtakes the. churchyard would profane
(Turn to page Mvan) | (Turn to Pagt 8ov#n)
in Athens, tratnltto
. there to none bettet' than
Sturgis, Natoinal Song-Evan
gelist of Cincinnati, phio, who
will com# to Athens TWday to 7
direct the singing In the School of
Methods whch will be held at the
Christian church during tho next
three days-
Every session will predent an
entirely different program and in
spite of many other gathering!,In
Athens, a large crowd is expected
to pack the house at each session.
Friday evening at 8 o’clock, pre-
two for Easter-
Anyone who cares to contri
bute to a "chest” fund for this
little baby may send tha con
tribution to the Benner-Hereld
and Mias McGinley of the Hos
pital will see that it to admin
istered to her needs.
•old then, It seema that this tangler
Is the climax to the hundreds cf
thousands of others that have been
directed to the Georgian office.
It will’be recalled tons In two
other contests by newspapers Ath
ens people were the .winners of
large prises, and one of these was
8. V. Sanford, another member of 'Qll
the University faculty
LOS ANGELES — Gloria Swan
son, morion picture actress, was
made defendant in a divorce suit
Med today by Herbert K. Som-
born, her husband. The complaint
charges desertion.
Mias Swanson waa married to
her present husband in December,
1916. just a year after her first
husband Wallace Beery, film actor,
obtained n decree ot divorce on the
grounds of desertion.
Fere latent rumore that their
married life waa troubled cnimlnat
ed finally in an announcement by
Miss Swanson in September, 1921,
that the "report that my husband
and I have separated Is true.”
Bom bom later verified this an
nouncement, but aald a divorce
was not contemplated.
■ —<f|pa .. -
Twelve Negroes, From
Old Men to Babies, Were
Being Taken From Oco
nee County. . Vg
Darkies Say They Could
Not Resist Talk of
White Men, Who Deny
To Remind Home Occu
pants That the. v “Clean-
Up” Campaign Is in Pro
gress in Athens. * "
■Four alleged labor, agent*, three
[of them white men, were arreeted
In a general round-up by Athen.
police Wednesday night and, earl?
Thursday mornlmr.
Thrco automobiles, filled 1 with
negroes, from old men and women
to bableo were being taken from
Oconee county by tha men and
were detained In the city police
headquarters, while trucks arrived
to take them back home, “where we
b'longs to be.” - « . J
The four men.. two cf them In
the Clarke couqty Jail muat face
charges of transporting labor from
one state to another. C. E. Bolles,
one of toe white men and John
Roland, the negro, are In the county
jail and G. D. Bplles, brother of
the former and W. W. DePrleat.
were hold In the city prison Thurs
day morning awaiting warrants
from Oconee county, where they
will be taken for trial.
Six of the twelve negroes In ths
round-up were tenants on the plan
tation of J. D. Price, member of
(Turn to pass ssvsn) j s3Bl
out ot the criminal i/jufts
ding, and hla meeting wltn Mr.
Psoora held In tho office of another j
jlrose outer.'
Daugherty, who was accompant--
ed by a friend, whose name was not!
reVMlod. was closeted |wpth Mr.
Pccora about 15 minutes. At the
had confirmed newspaper
reports , of Ms- 'casual, friendship
with Mias Keenan and the attempt
made by telephone 14 blackmail
Daugherty, .he sold, told hi
(Turn-to page eeven)
Refining Plant of Sinclair
Oil Co. Suffers Million
Dollar Loss. Flames Un
der Control.
(By Aii'eelaeed frets.)
NEW ORLEANS—Flames were
still sweeping the refining plant
of the Sinclair Oil Company early
Thursday as frantic efforts wars
being marie to Ipfi the blare un
der control.
The lose wait placed .-at a mil
lion dollars antj is the largest oil
fire Shta section has .over seen.
Four of the huge tonka, filled
with oil, have ul ready been burned
khd the fire fighters are trying
to keep the flames from reaching
tha others. ’
The refining plant ia situated
at Merrraux, a small place about
eight mites from here.
At a later hour Thursday, the
flrempn seemed to be getting the
Clarke County Allotted
Minimum of 300 Dele
gates to State-Conven
tion Which Meets in
Clarke county has been allotted
100 ;aa a minimum quota of dele-
gate* -for the Regional conventlor
of the Georgia Sunday School As
eoqlatiup. to be hold in Athena,.on
Mny 14,15, 10.
'Officers of toe local County Sun
day School Association are urged
to do all they can to secure at
least the mlnlmun) quote of date;
gates, and as many more os pos
sible to attend one of there conven
tions. Every countv reaching Us
Quota will have an attractive at
tendance banner prevented ta toe
county officers. The quota to baaed
oh the population and the distance
from the convention cities. Many
countlso will hare large quotas to
reach, to receive toe attendance
Set of Dickens novola for
achool whose , district' to’.host
olnonnri trivnn 1 (iv — ■
cleaned, given 1 by Mayor
International Webster's dic
tionary given by Klwanls club
to colored schools on same con
Individual prizes to colored
children given by Mrs. Lamar
C. Rucker.
The "Boy Scout prises are:
one dozen Palace theatre tick
ets given by Manager E. O.
Gldley, a Scout knlto given by
Athena Hardware company and
a Scout bolt given by H. J. Reid
Clothing company.
Costas will give six.soda
checks each to five achool child
ten who clean up the! grounds
around their .own home- the
Saturday morning, bright ani(
early—at least It to hoped the
weather will be bright—Athens
Boy 8couta will start out qn
door ball ringing cruise.
Babies Find Home
Through Want Ad
In Banner-Herald
Brothers, Melton, Who
Live in Athens, Adopt
the Little Girl afid Boy.
John Ernest and Myrtle Hun-
suckcr hpvo fotlnd a home through
the "want columns"
Shortly afte rth# story appeared
In the llanner-Herald Wednesday
afternoon, telephone "18:o-J” began
ringing furiously and continued to
ring while people, touched by ths
appeal of the mother through the
“want ad” asked permission to
adopt tho two fatherless children.
Thursday morning, after many
requests were made to Mrs. Hun-
aucker, two brothers, R. L. and J. L.
Melton, adopted tho little boy and
Slrl and will' roar them as their
own. The adoption was agreed upon
by voluntary contract between the
mother and the two men, the form-
cr'alleging that .the father hod re
linquished,all claim to them by de
sertion. f -
J. L. Melton, to whose home Baby
Myrtle Emory Jeanette Hunsucqer
, ... M| .
flames under their control and the
damage will no run moch Mgher CONVENTION
than wos fim retimated., * worktBe up SBn .
_ _ . _ . _ , day School Interest throughout the
“FtomThe Castle To The-Gutter”-And Back 0for *» Bund * jr Bch00 ’
ceding an address by one of the bond—and good.
turcs of
moving plc-
orld's Greatest
claudo' Duvall, .upon the plea, ot Bible JSchool Class” at work will
TORK.-L.Msy Tobe. wbow lv WHta<«
life;story resemble* nothing- so
aa a roller coster, I* on tha
mcr musical com«d]
who married a Lord, got chummy
enough with too late King of Eng
land to call him Eddie, ran away
with ths soldier son of an as-mmyor
of Now York, married and divorced
him. was reduced to staging In a
i Francisco's Barbary
served as a nurse In Africa in the
war and worked os a Janltreas in a
Seattle ship yard, to once more on
' <•».
be shown. This
trailed attention
to.'Georgia.,ab4, every Athodie
In the same rich contralto voice
that made her the toast of two con
tinents; she song her old soitgf.
icture has at- I Were Only You"-and “That
rom California Girl of Mine” at Keith's Bushsrlck
that tho drilling for oil in, tb * should avail themselves of the op-
portunl’v of attending and seeing
(Turn to Paga Sevan)
Theatre In Brooklyn koto
expects to make her reappearance
on Hroadway si the Colonial next
• —-i — —- - - - — - —- — --- ww-w — — — — — — . - — — - — ABBwiiition las FmuTEiTu
Again,*Is The Story Of Woman Who Mas
O / . conventions oh either the 1
Scrublady And Friend Of King And PriAces
ventions will ba “Putting New Life
first or
Into the Sunday Schools** Follow-
k. humor itadtmmwt II,, , thsn.M.triet conventions, will
Ow’ttdssltudee of hermore them od«W,"Cohnty.wIds School Vlslte-
oveqtUl Ilf*,, she told last night,In ttM^hjtrfy Sunday. May ttb, and
her dressing room of sums of ■ tho atnqli m», Trill,, vfslt to* echo-— to
things that'hare happened to Mar tell thsor of ths opportunity affdrd-
ainca the days when aa lady Fran- ed in there regional conventions for
cis Hope she wore the famous Hope training and Inspiration,
diamond and was toe victim of the Two spyctel features of the State
malignant Influence It seems to ox- Osnvenllona will bo the
•relee over Iu owners. mid on Sunday school work for
1 suppose ever yone knows of my toe one-room church, and the
marries* to Lord Francis," slier retd. Dolly Vacation Bible School. Tho
-but I dcu't think many anow.4hat program will be unexcelled in Its
I was engaged, to him-before I had (list of out-oS-ktate (speatyeri out
The launching forth of thq
Scouts on the door boil ringing
■prow will be one of the big tea-
tares of the “Clean-Up Campaign”
now in progress in this city. But
a few days retrain for the cam
paign and the Scouto win ring tho
door bell of each home and re
mind the occupant of the vacant
lot he has failed to have-cleaned
or hla own back yard. *
The “Clean-Up" committee de
clared Thursday several people,
who have been notified, have fail
ed to have vacant lots cleaned.
They aro urged to get busy and
when tho trash has been collected
and placed In a container the sanl
tory department will sand a wagoi
after It
Aside from beautifying the city
by cleaning ofi the vacant lots as
wall as those occupied, diseee-
breedlng places will be deetroyed
and the dtisens perhape^baved
from * uttering an epidemic of yel
low fever or other pestilence.
goes, lives on Foundry street and
operates a small store. The other
man, R. L. Melton lives on ths cor
ner of Qroad and 'Hancock avenue.
Thd' eldest child, John Ernest was
adopted by him.
In tho "want ad" which appeared
In The Banner-Herald Wednesday
the mother claimed she could not
support the children and asked s
home for them. Announcement wax
made Thursday that the case bad
received tho attention of ths Rod
Cross and two other relief organise
tlons before.
R. L. Melton, who adopts th«
eldest child, haa r.o children, whits
his brother, J. U, has a son fire
year* of age.
’ (
t waa engages to mmnerore i nodi Hat of out-o!Mtate , spender!, out
tha slightest Idea that he had a title. | wall aa Georg It's best worker*. An
Hq to one ot the best and kindest outstanding music leader. C. Hsr-
men In tha world, and after all toe, raid Lowden. of Philadelphia, has
ronrow 1 caused, hire by running bean,secured, and In every respect
bmmj with Major Strong* do you then convention* will measure up
know what he did? Ha nomad bis te those .of preceding yeara-
old songs. -’Tf fleet, child by Me second wife May.) Ax'one -of the regional conven-
— -.v
•“I. can't
/ too-good tlons will be In Athens, an unusual
.iHjpe and I opportunity wilt be nrrori«.'the
bam’t wtY. narthkig itetv-bndl about Sunday school people here to hear
Major -Putimra itrqdlee Strong, the leaders of the Sunday school
whose ■ father • ws* Mayor William work throughout the convention
L. Strong of New Torlc.”
1 ape-ik.
Plans Continue For Inter-
City Meeting. N. H. Nefi
biing Introduced As New
Member of Club.
D. W. Griffith Produc
tion At Palace Thursday
and Friday Scores Hit
Pleasing Audiences.
There Is a thrill, a chill and a
good laugh at tha Pataca Theatre
where D. W. Griffith's nsw cinema.
-One Exciting Night.* opened
Thursday In a two days run.
“One Exciting Night” is
tery drama, with Just,'
edy to relieve a tense’,,*
hen .the plot begins to
While Mr. Griffith his
from the heavy
he I
(Turn to Fags i
Filled with pep and ginger the
weekly meeting of the Athens Ro-
t try club held; Wedfcnsdh£ was
most successful..
Morton Hodgson, president of
the club nnd cheer leader, intro
duced « number of songs and re!
hearsed the chorus to perfection.
Some of tho members of the cho
rus were slow to get on to the
scores of the various cantata
it is believed that under hit
tion a few rehearsals will :
tho singing wonderfully. _
ever, if he does not succeed, i
bdlicved that James White '
be able to reorganize the ch<
and present a most Fleasing j
forntancc at the next meeting.
IVpot-siw <1 tal.f.
bang otii xstrT to
iHEWL-v. ttsm* rep
ria ns ojtp underway for an
lu-uai occasion to be held b
| (Turn to Pago Sovon)