The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 19, 1923, Image 5
THURSDAY. >AP,BU., 1», ,1823. |A0 ^^ Ea,r ( n'?? :? ■ ouT qur wAY y-STWI 9*©*0 r t It* Maple Sutra ra rolled thinueh Manli* naked Caramel, where they were ngirig. "lmt \vp wilt fojlow them and see. 1 kileil a Ion* in i,in.i the Ion* line, of rnllli 5 rove and out Into the "Oh, If* hard to tell," So .lark and Flip and : «*andfea. & $ % ty ?..on they came upon several little walnut - meats. These funny ('arumel and uxked him If he knew where the llfth of f:i<!«*,nien were. "Fudgemen?” replied Carnml. "Why here they nmv." And,.sure eunuch, the fudgemen were racing right up to the 'I OUR BOARDING HOUSE V, wo* a great excitement. Karh little .Fudgeman picked, out a threw his arms around It. lit h moment every Xutmeat ,wa* fudge. "What does this all ^ mean," asked Jack. "Why > they make nut fudge," replied Caramel with a laugh. By Williams | FRECKLES AND HIS FRIERS AND A SMALL PART, AT THAT j%BIosser By Ahern ^ES MW3&R, BUTj WHfnt rf Aa about?. „ on «— I SEE w -i(’ rrfe s'posed uj be k) steamboat oU 'Eire. IKl-IH 1 BElJD GFTH’a ’ RIVERHUH 1 ? -[ WELL, ALL I GOTTO- . ^SAV IS/VoU'DVDTUAT- ' PIECE OV CAKlVAS w- SVoutof a GOODTbB ■ HMF IA 1 STEAMBOAT ovi FIRE!! » •STUFF AMDs' woUseUse!!?- SoOR C EWE FOR ART VS AKWJ TO THE PREHlSTbRIC MAU 1 WHO MADE CRUDE MARKS OU THE WAU. OF A CAVE v ,WltH CHARRED BoUESl KVLAD, Vou will' miUgle " 1 WTHTHE masses-TO <4 ha-ha He couldUT get that target HUUg iU a SHoOTiUg iGALLERV! ■ THE BATTLE ^DVeHTURE-S Wi., 'jPf Aj L you’d like to ••• the fighting, come up to <, my garret/ 1 (aid he. Kancy ami Nick soon arrived in ant) they canH fight” > ■j>i Bang Land. Jjnt then there was a roar and «»y knew thpy were In the a bang. place for m>, sooner had the "That’s a toy cannon,' said the 4ic Shoen set tfliem on the Tinker Man. ’"“J* tl *i«n a popping noise o- • that could bo nothing else than .... ill toing off., ‘her. :i battle now," i, ■■ - w^imd uun, cried excitedly, "i wonder who Is nning—th,. wooden soldiers or tin soldiers.,‘I'd like to see It.” J rft the n * man came a^ong. “If ® Ilke t0 see the fighting come to my garret," said he. "I’m the “ „ Mam.Vnija rother of the 1 Maker and I live here. There *o many ac«ldet*s in Blng- Und, I’m always patching up Now that there is a war you!” ab- 1 •«1 Vick “We brought soma “tt-alongT • bang, bang, bang! P'U’Plng sounds started all ’’stain. are-now. Follow me.- “>' ' Into a house and ’up S' 8 !oirs and pretty soon they r ,h, ‘ garret snd looked out * * I Of low. 4t< 'k-m tijBL, lie was n line of ly seated on tin : k ; . went, the guns t.n soldfeh^ although a few r * n * h*n swords and could AVh 'Y ( ; over their heads. ,j' n r ull *J*.*ronT hurt-tin eol- u. »^««md-th± Tinker -Man. Instead.” *«•* It, *T*HE “special dis- 1 coin , count” is tempt ing, but not when you understand who pays for it. The tire dealer doesn’t pay for it. The' manu facturer cannot af ford to. Chances are it cornea eut of the quality of the tire, so, after all, you pay for it. None of tha quality of Goodyear Tires erer is sacri ficed to “special dis- count*” or anything , matwirt" asked l aSSS^imiSi 1h “ ndoden soldiers aren’t • ' StOlT HARDWARE, CO. BOS MADE A GOOD GUESS * -lU'TWo RED APPLES HE PAIUrtfeD LOOKUKETf BAfrusor- IH’MOUrTOR lAU'WERRIHAC SHUCKS! WE ^ asr fdaCtiomS Fcft T'A|,0BB0VlE LtSSSN.WAT * AQS FUaCTIONS AHVMWf? I ' \ J THEM S . AMI A ‘ FBAtfnoN, POPP / □ ■3:'. □ THE OLD HOME TOWN □ u THE LOdAC PHOTOwRAPHKR APPEARED OH THE GCGNE, J3IGrHT AFTER A TRAUEUNG SKi'M ARTIST FAINTED A_8EAOTIFUL-SIGN > ON THE FRONT WINDOW OF PHIL GORMANS POPULAR srANLE/ BUTCHfife SHOP - . :2 ss, sssnes __ DOINGS OF THE DUFFS BETTY JANE DIJFF MfAX vii ■ -' r cfy^.TTVrFT^O «*«n«s y . ... SALESMAN SAM JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING