The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 09, 1923, Image 6
page six THE BANNER-HERALD, ATHENE, GEORGIA Mrs. Downs Says She I Will Not Stay Silent Athens Visitors ami Mrs. H. L. Singer, two sons. Charles B. and Donald McKie, (a brother, J. W. Hampton. ong those visiting in Athem icsday were, Mr. and Mrs I Haggard. New York City; J* cy, Thoms.n. On.: C. K. Rob- Ulanta; Walter L. Wright, St ; II. A. Scott New York, FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS TAG’S EXCUSE WEDNESDAY, MAY !) mw By Rio* Gratitude Compels Her to Tel! of Great Benefits i m s From Tanlac. Declares Brunswick Resident — they Troubles Ended. I, 1 , Isolde were about the wo irere getting fro Ided it it re- l. a. Daly, Memphis; Charles L. living (launders, Birmingham, Aal; Chli 1 ao, k. Hadley, Mrs. Charles E. Had- • ley Miss H. Kilpatrick, Holly- ilif; J. C. Jenkins, Sails- C.; W. M. Burton N. C. derfui results J wood, C Tan lac that I Duty. N thorough | ^ and ucquahitui i Hampton McKie died tit the home Mrs. If. L. Singer to, Tuesday mo :o the fuifbra! al >coneo ocmoturj oon Immediate 1 !) f the Seaboai i will be: Messr A. Washburn, D taking Tanlat (-siding ; ' the Tanl, Mrs. Elizabeth Down at 1601 Cilouccster St., Is another highly esteen woman whose deep sem tude and desire to bet will not permit her to r« regarding the wonderful has obtained fr went. ’Tanlac has incnnt me?’ said Mrs. Downs, ugo, “that 1 gladly r to others who may n > did. For several yean ‘ * fered with complicait gcstlon and Intestinal severo pains in my left aide. These pains’would come and go, but woulc last sometimes f r twenty-four hours. “1 was under treatment for n long time and tried numbers of It. It. Maxwell, Atlanta; C. W ? and [Starr, Atlanta; George M. Johnson y noticed a marked Chattanooga; W. J. Johnston, Jer- tho better coming oVei sey City, N. J.; Lula Edwards Au- .i unnwics, , ^ Up t 0 this time there Were jgustu, Ga.; A. W. Barber, Adairs- •d Georgia |n . jnv \ <r0 uld not eat at all jvilfe, Ga.; Olin Warwick Atlanta; of grati- j but Tanlac sooii had mo able to W. L. Smith Phlldelphla, Pa.; T fit other. I eat just anything without it hurt- |c. Hutcheson. Atlanta: Mrs. W. P. lain sllen j big me a particle. Previously 11 Weills, Cooperstown. N Y.; I*. L esults shi Iwf.tud wake up all through the f Wilibanks, Atlanta; W. B. Browne, night, but now I sleep ‘ straight Atlanta ; L. W. Martin, Atlanta; j through without trouble. And, best j 1'. J. Osmar, Richmond Va. jot /ill that- awful pains dJsal>- ii few dayt peared fr<*rn my side, mv nervej ommend i [steadied down and my lost energy d it like jond strength returned. I had suf- | “Since that timo I have taken indi- Tanlac at intervals, ns the occa sion arose, and have enjoyed ave rage good health all along, as I d« ut the present time." Tanlac is for sale by all gout druggists. Accept no substitute Over 37 millions bottles sold.—Ad vertisement. roubles TO BURY MRS. J. H. McKIE IN ATHENS DR. S.V. SANFORD Fix City Court j Cases Saturday Professor of English and Journalism Goes to Car-, ^ rollton to Speak to 1 ” Fourth District School. Dr. 8. V. Sanford professor English and Journalism ut the Uni versity of Georgia, and faculty chairman of athletics at that in stitution goes to Carrollton Thurs day where he wll deliver the com mencement address nt the graduat ing exercises of the Fourth Dis trict A. and M. school located in that city. N Dr. Sanford is a hrilllar ‘ speak er and Is always in demana u»r com mencement addresses. He is als< sought after as toastmaster and af ter-dinner speaker because of his pleasing manner and exceptional ability. Expert Gives Talk On “Salesmanship By J. LUCAS Practical salesmanship, was the, subject of a talk marie before the* Economics Society of the Univer-' sity last night, by Mr- J. S. Hen derson manager of the southern blanch of the Aluminum Cooking Utensils Company of America. In his address Mr. Henderson it out clearly tho most sa- wints to be learned in the salesmanship before success in this line tot endeavor could be the important point, > atressed by Mr. Henderaon In the course of hla talk were, how ■■ ' choose what to’Sell; pick out « pood company to sell for; study .salesmanship thoroughly; atdy i - other article, in the same line that v you are selling; study your articlo study pour prospective buyers; methods of approach; type of aalea talks, and final sale. - Mr. Henderson was invited to ad dress the socloty by Mr. H- W. Everett, student at the University and general salesman for tho Uni versity, Mr. Everett represents territory in Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida. *'• -h Mr..Everett atated that an ex ceptionally good opnortunltv Is ho inir offered by this Aluminum company for student, to learn salesmanship and . make money . enough to carry them thronh col- Ieye. The biycest feature, ne sta ted, was tho salesmanship course Kivcn by this concern free of charge to Intonated students. "■ hlR. A. V. BURTON aays we ^ must cut our plantations Into w - small farms and arow on ten acre. *- a, much us we once made on fifty 'or more. He aaya a man ean tnke l,n acres of land and work aishl and make a good living for hts family. JudKe J. I). Bradwell ofdh. ClEi c*«urt ban called a meeting of the Bar for Saturday morning nt 1C o’clock In. the City court room. The purpose of thee meeting h to fix a calendar for the May term the City court which convener thp third Monday in May ( . 'All lawyers who expect to have'busi ness in the court are urged to nt- tend. REV. MR. MORRI8 PR EACH ED>v FUNERAL Dr. J. \'. M. Morlra. veteran Methodist minister of Athens preached the funeral of Mr. Y. F. Gush Sunday afternoon and words touched the large congre gation that gathered to pay last tribute to this well known Ahen- lan The services were conduced from Young Harris church. A moving picture man is expect ed hero Saturday to "shoot" the sonior parade with is usual cos tumes and gctti|fs that always prove so interesting for one of the baseball games of tho season. Manager Gidley of the Palaco Is In communication with a number of the feature man of tho south nr. l hopes to havo one or more of them here for the day. The parade will take place nt 3:16 and will be one of tho big features of the week-end. Mrs. Julia Hampton McKie, aged 62, died at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. II. L. Singer, 70 Semi nal© Avenue, In Atlanta. Tuesday morning. FunerM and Interment will be held In Oconee cemetery Tl’ursday aftnroon immediately after arrival of tho bodv over the . A. L. railroad lb tnh »ift‘'ruoon. The pallbearers will be, Messrs. Lloyd Brooks, R. A. Washburn, Dr. J. A. Hunnicutt, E. I. Smith, Sr., JI. Dorsoy, C. A Scudder, J H. Hodgson, J. A. Webb. Rev. S. E. Wasson, pastor of the First Meth odist church will conduct the ser vices. Dorsey’s funeral directors, kill be In charge of funeral ar rangements. Mrs. McKie s survived by two daughters', Mrs. Ethel H. MciKle Death Claims Mrs. Lula Stephens ! “^'V 3T I her daughter, ] Mrs. Lula Stephens, aged 08, 70 Seminole nve died a( the home near Whitehead, ;ing are looted at 11 o’clock Tuesday night. The the grave* in funeral services and interment will Thursday aftei take place at Attica Thursday up*m arrival Logan will conduct the services as- I train, pallbcare morning at 11 o’clock. Kev. Escoe • Lloyd Brocks R sisted by Rev. W. M. Coile. J.f. A. Hunnicutt, K.* l Smith. Sr Dorsey’s, funeral directors, will J. H Dor*ey G A. Scudder J M. be in c harge of funeral arrange- {Hodgson, JNA. Webb. Intermcn inent.s. Pallbearears will be A. Q. "ill- be in-peimce cemetery with Collier, J. B., J. H., T. J, Parham, [ Dorsey’s funi-ral directors in full O. C. Kelly and Cordon conolly, charge. Rev. S. E. Wasson pastm Mrs. Stephens was a member of of the First Methodist church wll the Attica Baptist church. She is l»»each the funeral sermon. survived by her husband, Alex - Stephens, four children, Ernest, 1 Tho friends and acquaintances Gertrude, J. C. and Boyd Stephens, Lf Mr. William .J. Glenn, aged 63 and her father, John Soseby. who died ;vt tho home-3'.o Madisor * avenue Barbervlllo Wednesday Country Club To (the funeral at Pleasant Grove Hold Annual Meet“t™ _____ | Culberson .assisted by Rev. WiHU- „ Ha ye will ^officiate. Interment wllk The annual meeting of the CIo- he , n tho church ccme tery will' Dorsey's funeral directors in charge Pallbearers will be Messrs. Otho •Drown, Asa Wier, T. R. Crawford C. D., J. II. Hardeman G. IV Whitworth, Will Dillard. erhurst Country Club has called for May 10th„ Thursday at 6 o’clock at tho club house. The meeting in for the purpose oi naming new officers for tho year and hearing reports from differ ent committees and officers. K. E. Lamkin Is president of the club at present. A full attendance of the mem bership is requested at this meet ing. Read Herald Want Ads. I 1 The fronds and acquaintances Af Mrs. Lula Stephens, aged 38. wire died at the home near Whitehendr at 11 o’clock Tuesday night, are ln- Ivlted to the funeral at 11 o’clock [Thursday morning, conducted by I Rev. Escoe Logan, assisted by' Rev W. M. Col! *. Pallbearers will be A. Q. Collier. J.. B. J. II, and T J Parham; C. C. Kelly and Gordon Conolly, Interment will be in the chu*ch yard. Dorsey’s funeral rectory in charge. YoO&WaS’AYM "J" V wea some* 1 OUT OUR WAY By Williams THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley #1 * BWND >HaHT reggaaEJ/yo/wvg | Hi 1 a. ca Ji ‘4 DRUM MAJOR. BERT HOPPER LOST CONTROL OP THE-AHCKBL PLATED BATON WHILE PfeAC.TJS;A0 THE BAND ROOM LAST AHCjHT. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS LOST? CERTAINLY NOT! I THINK IT'S VERY BECOMING TOYOO, Two Bargains In Children’s Muslin V UNDERWEAR Table No. 1 Drawers', Blips. Gowns, every one s good bargain. This is so much' cheaper.than making them. Table No. 2 IT>JINK THOStTWO 1 WILL MAKE A NICE CHANGE FOR. YOU-, i’ll take this one' ASP THE LARGE BLACK ONE- SALESMAN SAM THE WORST IS YET TO COME Ry Swan