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Investigate Todiyl
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VOL- 91-
Auociated Preta Service
A. B. C. Paper,
Single Ceplea 2 Cent* Oally. B Cent* Sunday.
Fought By Two Members,
Council Recommends AI
Change Im Police Board
Ask legislature to Amend “
Civil Service Law Pro
viding For Election of
Members From Council.
Step Pack Into Days of
“Political Trifling” De
clares Alderman Wallace
Bell of Fifth Ward.
Although opposed by two alder-
mrn. one of whom.declared It would
throw tjte police and rire depart
ments back Into the daya of "po
litical trifling." City Council
Wednesday nlfhft adopted a resolu
tion to elect the Civil Service Com
missioners from It* personnel.
The resolution, introduced by Al-
.lermnn Henry Culp from the First
Wurd, Instructs the city attorney
to draw up a bill for the next aes-
,ion of the legislature which will
amend the rule* providing for
election of the Civil Service Com
missioners, make the Mayor perma
nent chairman of the commission
ond elect the two remaining mem
bers by and from council,
Brought up In the dying mom
ents of Wednesday nlght'a seiion
of Council the resolution precipitat
ed a lively dlfcuaglon. with aeven ol
the councilmen present advocat
ing the change and two. Aldermen
Wallace Bell of the Fifth Ward and
George Armstrong of the Third
protesting against 1L Alderman C.
K. Crymea of the Fourth Ward wae
not present.
Advocates of the proposed change
declared It would reeult In giving
the fireman nnd policeman “Ju»-
ties" If he should be discharged
from the force by a board of oom-
mlssloners unfriendly to . .him.
lisve nothing daalnet the prepent
eontmlaalon.” said Alderman R. T.
[lottery of the First Ward. "How*
ever, ns It now atanda, the com
mission might ‘havo It, In’ for a fire
man or policeman and discharge
him. At present-ho has not re-
coume to appaaL The new oyatem
would provide It so he can appeal
pi general council and later lo a
higher court, if necessary. I think
under the ntw. plait h* wll have a
better chance* for Justice."
Declaring It would he p etep
backward, Alderman Bell opposed
"throw the police am
menu beck where they ueed to be
—into political trifling."
Alderman Armstrong eaid In hit
opinion .the change would be a mla*
take on the part of counell. “The
present commission seems to be
functioning all right. I hope coun
cil will not recommend a change,"
he said.
Mayor Thomas eaid 1 a diechaijged
fireman or .polled can apeal to r the
superior court now If he wente to.
I do not ihlqk It should come be
fore council," said the mayo#.
The resolution passed, seven to
two. Those voting for the change
"••re; Clup, Dottery, 'HIU, Rucker,
l ley wood, Howland, Thornton.
Those against the change. Bell anC
The Civ|l Service Commission
M present le elected by City Coun
cil for » graduated term of years
The bojtrd is composed of W. DJ
Uencham, chairman, ,J. H. Griffieth
•lr.. and J. Opting. The pres
ent law can be amended only by
the legislature. The new plan
would include present civil service
rules, it said,
Col. Gantt’s Inquiry
About Smoking Volcano
Near Winder Answered
By Readers.
isome days since a gentleman I
met on the .street told me about
»n extinct mud volcano that ho
. ■? ^° ut near Winder, and ask-
e |* if I would not investigate the
story and find out all about It- I
... - — -mi- wui «m about —
had never beard of this natural
■ Wy and asked teveral par-
' -ft 0 ® ’•Wader *f they knew
* LtUe paragraph in the
B. nn «yjH craW asking for-infornta-
know.If such a thing ever
♦listed Uie best and surest way to
(Turn to Page Seven.)
Albert Schlogetter Must
Pay Death Penalty For
Connection in Campaign
of Sabotage in Ruhr.
(By Associated Press.)
Dussoldorf.—Albert Schlogetter,
one of the chiefs of the so-called
"murdering gang" which has been
carrying on a campaign of terror
against French occupation In the
Ruhr was convicted Wednesday
night by a court martial and sen
tenced to dilath. He was charged
fkith espionage and sabotage.
One of Schlogetter’a aides.
Hans Sadowsky, was sentenced tJ
Imprisonment,for life at hard la
bor. Five oth^r Germans of the
"murdering gang" were given jail
sentences varying from five to 20
years. «*
Schlogetter, who Is a former
Prussian officer, admitted having
committed sabotage. He contended,
however, ho had never damaged
passenger trains but'merely had
blown up railroad tracks and
bridges. One of the. defendants,
Kuhlman, formerly worked for the
Kruppe at Essen and the French
contended that the men of the
gang on trial had been paid for
their wbrk by a Krupp official who
bajl fled before he .could .be ar-.
rested. It was charged that one
of the objects of the gang was to
kill Germans who worked for the
Atlanta .School Superin
tendent Addresses Large
'Audience of Athens Par
ents Wednesday Night.
Pointing out the,need of training
In tfce home before the children
are *ent to grammar school. Prof.
TEXAS OIL WELL § Railway & Electric Co.]FEAR IS E
Eleven Men Are Burned
to Death in . Explosion
of Oil Wells in Texas.
Charred Bodies Impossi
ble to Identify. Fire-
Fighters Form to Battle
Flames Still Raging.
CORSICANA—The death list
in the explosion" of an oil well
near here jumped to thirteen late
Thursday an two more bodies
Were recovered, with the proba
bility that a ncore or more oth
ers will be found to have been
burned to deAth, an many are
Mtill unaccounted for.
Billows of heavy black smoke
clouds, riding low, continue to
roll over thje city which |s elev
en miles from the well, and the
men who are fighting the flamer
have redoubled their efforts to
get the fire under control.
Can Supply All Power FOR SAFETY OF U. S.
Needed, Sdys FlanigenMWHa T :
Council Finally Decides
b^ot to “Hold Up’’ Elec
tric Bill Pending Exten-
sion.of Light System.
After threatening to "hold up”
r payment the April electric b()l
* ubmltted by the Athens .Railway
font pa ny, because the whit© way
ommlttee "failed to carry out lit
ontract”. with council, that body
Vednesday night finally agreed tc
ccept the White Way ns If stand*
nd pay tip* electric bill.
Ill piiy 114c eivuriu uiu. .
Some of - the uldermen contend-
d that the White Way commit*
ee should "finish Its job" and id-
tali lights on the block between
Kancodk and Washington et^edt
.on College avenue* Others de-
lared the city would have to pay
w’o-thlrds both In front of the city,
all and poetoffice as the govern
tent had-refused to pay ..for the
postoffice block.
It was contended by some that
aoww-s. the April bill of the Electric eom-
, 7*'.r a rany. part of which waa for White,
burned to death and another Way ,,g ht „ , h0 uld be held up un!-
fntully burned in the explosion and the white Way la "completed;
President of Athens Con-!Kidnaped Foreigners Fac- pniimpU WflTrQ TO
cern Declares Rate Must! ing “Dire Consequences” lillll In L lUlLU III
Be - Sufficient to Make] Unless Troops Are With-
Money on Investment.. ,drawn From Stronghold.
Local Company Never
“Stunted” Growth of
Home Industries. Fur
nish Power As Required.
Mrs. Sanderson, An Am
erican, and Miss Flem
ming, English, Believed
Still in Hands of Cap-
The Athens Railway ft Electric
company stanuti ready to furnish j (jjy Associated Press)
all tlm power Industrial expansion, SHANGHAI-—Kidnap**! Amerl-
iu Athena require* provided it cnn] tans an d other foreigners fold by
make money or. tne Investment the Suchow bandits in the hills
necessary to extend it* facilities, of Llnchlng face “dire conoe-
. .. . , quence* unleia the troops »ur-
C. D. I-lanigen, president, declared, roundins the br |g, nd ,. stronghold
In a statement to the Banner- are withdrawn, according to a mes-
Herabl Thuraday. 'rage which ha* been sent out by
Mr. I-lanlgen - statement was C * P i V “^r
response to action recently taken ««w»paper ro»n of
by the Athens chamber of Con^ j
- , „ message which Powell con-
nierce In appointing n committee tr|yed „ h fmogrW through
to ascertain wh* # »»er or not the hnt |, tho Unmm ^
local company c 'urnish more
power for now .atrles. "The
Chamber of Commerce committee
ha* not yet app^ached u*,” Mr.
Flanlgcn, said.
The Chamber of Commerce
mittce was Instructor to first In-
both the lines of bandits and
troops, urged that the government
forces be withdrawn.. The alter
native, his note said, would be that
the "captives will suffer dire con
It is learned here that negotia
tions for the release of the ban-
„ . .. i fi « W..18W a*-, «•» LuiHpraiuH, quire whether the Athens com- Idits’ prisoners are continuing and
fire at the J. K. Hughes Develop-!Finally, after considerable discus- pnny can f urn ish more power ani it is reported they are taking a
ing company's McKee No. 1 well slon, it wns decided that the best j {f no j fjjo Georgia Rail- *
in tbe Powell field township, ac- Tf I way ft Power Company Poyrer re-
it>, desirable though it would Vi sources here are practically ex-
o brighten up the city hall block haustcl i now, it was said.
--would be to .the system
nd puy the power bit.-
cording to advice* from Conlcana.
Ten were killed ulmo.t Instantly
nnd one died In u hospital a short
time afterwards..
The fire originated from a spark
1 a workman dropped a control
valve alongside th* casing of the
gusher. *
Reliable reports iay the well,
which come In Tuesday night, wa,
flowing wild at the rate of B.000
barrels of oil and in excess of J#.-
000,000 feet of gas when It Ignited.
The well Is th* thlriJ completed
(Turn to P«8* Five.)
"The Georgia Railway A Power
Company nor any other company
In Georgia or the vUroUnlas Is In
, better shape Ip furnish power than
' we i,re." he said. "However, the
‘Athens Railway ft Electric com-
favqrab'Ie turn.
are being conducted on the spot by
American, French and Italian con
PEKIN. — Apparently at least
two white women, and possibly
-wore, are being held by the Suchow
bandits in th* hill* back of Latch
ing. line of th*** I* believed to h-
Mr*. Sanderson, an American, and
the other, Mis* E. F. Hemming,
pan, receive, the .owe*, rate for UU^ aSm "'.Sd
Sigma Delta Kappa Dele
gates Front University
Go to National Conclave
in Atlanta. '
Banner-Herald Critic
Whn «?nw Offering in N » llonBl convention of the frater-
wno saw Ulieriiig nlty whlch „ bpln|{ hrl(l ln At .
Another City Says It Is
a Great Picture.
Having seen the picture "Safety
Last” In which Harold Lloyd and
W. A. Sutton, superlnltendent of bis new wife, formerly Mildred
the Atlanta Public Schools Wed- .Davis, are tbe *tar*. the write!
An truthfully *ay that this In
easily and by far one of the most
thrilling nnd thoroughly, enjoyable
pictures that Jte has ever seen. It
1* ■ Characteristic Lloyd picture In
nesday night delivered n‘ forceful
address here under auspices of the
"Pre-School circle" of the Parent-
Teacher* Association.
Prof. Sutton spoke In the Uni
versity chapel and was heard bf
Vlnrge crowd Of parent*. He gave .Lloyd, keeps his aodlance mes-
tbe result* bf hi* observations ns ‘ merized and fascinated with the
an educator and declared the work j usual and unexpected stunt* at
being done by the “Pre-School I which be in *o clever. The picture
Circle” of tho P. T.'A. is the offering at tbe Palace tbo-
worthy of support. ., atre Thuraday and Friday.
Before Prpf.- Sutton spoke se.v I The city In whlcih the writer
eral members of tbe Pre-School i raw the picture wan taken by
Circle and five- Pre-School fathers | storm, »o to npcak. by the picture
gave a little comedy sldt entitled, and everywhere favorable comment
“JThe Great American Papa.” could be beard for the picture.' It
The cast was composed of the - Was shown at one of the larger
and mo*t popular play houses In
that city nnd tbe prlcea charged
were In advance of those that tbe
Palace theatre Is charging.
It Is a fitting thing that "Safety
Last” tells on, of tbe most charm
ing love stories ever presented In
a picture. As the Boy, head over
heels In Iqve, Harold gets Into the
most trying difficulties. In fact
Lloyd climbs the side of a twelve
story building, and nuts Into more
halr,twtalag situations than any
one could Imagine. But his reward
Is winning the ; Ipre of his screen
Steve nnd Little ‘Tom"—Mr.
"Bill" White.
Mike—Mr. "Pat'' Lampkln.
Jo—Mr. W. D. Paschal.
Harry Harmony—Mr. H. J
("Coach”) Stegeman.
Jim and Little “Annie."—Mr.
"Dave" Paddock.
Mrs. Lingo—Mrs. W. O. Paine.
Mrs. Prattle—Mrs. W. D. Pas
chal. • ' ‘
Mrs, Oweet.—Mrs. Duncan 'Bur
Mr*. Harmony—Mr*. K. J. Stcgo-• •• " *V”“
man [ sweetheart. The Girl, and, Incl-
Wn. Cabby—Mr*. W. W. CVew*. !<lently. Mra .Hnrold Lloyd. Com*
land wish them loadn of happiness!
A large representation of the
membership of the XI Chapter ol
Sigma Dellu Kappa which has re
cently been Installed at the Uni-
veralty ot Georgia departed for At
lanta this morning to attend the
lanta today, Friday.and Saturday.
On Monday, nening. May 7th,
Walter E. Foster 6f Atlanta, offl-
call of the National - organisation
of Hlgina Delta Kappa Legal Fra
ternity with R. U Whaley, Chan
cellor of the Kappa Chapter of th<
Atlanta School of Law, and twelve
other active members of the Kappa
Chapter and the Atlanta Alumni
Chapter., Installed the XI Chapter
at the University of.Georgia,
Bluma Delta la cne of the leading
and most progressive legal frater
nities In the United Rtales It
numbers among It’* ranks many
notables, among them are Presi
dent Harding, Senators, Congress
men, high court officials Snd many
prominent lawyers throughout tht
country- i ’
The new members are off today
to enjoy their first meeting with
the Chapters from all ports of tht
country. The Chapter here at tht
University Is col*posed of the fol-
lowing membere: Wm. DeLncy Al
Ion, Atlanta, .Go, Tho*. C. D. Den
mark, Hint,six,f), Oa., Geo.’ C. Dug
ger, Elliabethton. Tenn., ' Wallect
H. Eptlng, Bavannab. Oa, Cyrur
W. Fields, Rome, (Oa., Geo. C.
Finch. Atlanta. Ga, Ernest C. Ho
gan, Falrburn. Ga„ Carl K. Nelson
Dublin, Ga.. Howard Pool, Dacula,
Ga.. and James Ralph JUsser, La-
Fayette, Oa..
power in Gaorifla anil connr.t ex*
tend Its lower-making facilities
unless we get . a rate which will
provide'a reasonable return on the
Investment necessary to extend.
“It will require not less than n
million (kdlars to make the neces^
sary extension nnd .this money
roust be oought In a money mar*
ket which has not recovered from
the war.”
Mrs. L. A. Seaton. Americana, also
adds to tho possibility of tho
growth of the list of foreigners In
the hands or th* bandits-
WASHINGTON,—Comm*nt hare
today on the Chine,* iltnation re
vealed a doubt on tbe part of
vealea a doubt on tbe part or some
government officials as to the abil
ity of th* 'Pskin government to
Splendid Program Is
Planned For Visiting
“Rotes” Here Friday
To Combine .Remaihing
Office With City Bacter
iologist and Require
Staying in City Hall.
Full Day of Entertain
ment Planned For Two
Hundred Rotarians in
Meet Here.' •’
Program Includes Lunch
eon At Agricultural Col
lege and Georgia-Aubuijg
Game-in Afternoon.
Two hundred Rotarians arc
pected In Athena Friday fur
Re-organlntlon of tbe Health '"V"! °T’'T
Department may result from sdop- ® or _ | '** eor
tlon of a resolution by City Coun-. 1 ®
„.b, .on. I A P">*mm.lm.1 been
ell Wednesday night which «»• ^ for any. eonventlon.
templates reduction of tbe city. ...
templates reduction of tne city,' ■ - , ...
. Ifkom the time - the buwlnees aes-
physlclan's staff to one and com- i ... .Ml
bluing tbe city physician's office
with that of city bacteriologist.
The resolution, Introduced by
Alderman Henry Culp ot the First
Ward, received general endorse
ment. It wan pointed out that the
city could get better service by
employing only one city physician
Ion It called to order In the fore
noon until the ball gume cloeee
the day In tho afternoon a bury
>jn vf events will bo enjoyed.
President Billups Phlnlzy of tbe
thens clubs will call the meeting
» order at 11:18 In the forenoon
nt tho Asricuturat College audl-
and requiring him to spend a cer- Br . j. c . Wilkinson will
tain number of hours dally Id the>^,nv,r the wecomlng address and
city hall office provided for him. j.-ouy-lun "Red" Greer of Elberton
' 'll respond, # Harry Bodgshn win
WILL UNITE introduce the‘main speaker of th«
OFFICES business session, Graham Hull, oi
iNushvllle and John E. Tahimdxe
The resolution provided for com-1 w pi introduce Dr. A, M. Soule of i he
blnlng the city physlclan'a office ^nl club who will speak on -The
with that of bactorlollglst In order,Value of an Agricultural Educa-
that the combined salary might be , lon .- j[ r . Hail's speech will be
attractive enough to get a suitable business Jlnes.
man tor the newly created place. It - a feature ot the meeting will be
was suggested that the Chairman a ran put on by a number ,.r the
of the Board of Health bo the city co-eds of the University. Dr. Mll-
physlcian and bacteriologist as t, n p. Jumlgan and Dr. Houle will
well. This was apposed and was Jure charge of Ihe enlertalnmeni
not Included In the resolution ns features sponsored by the Agrlcul-
adopted. i ural college.
The city physicians, two in num- 1
her. are elected by Council. The .WILL ENJOY I
Hoard ot Health electa the city LUNCHEON
bacteriologist. The legislature will I
have to amend the Board of Health 1 Following the budDwss session n
rules providing for election of Ihe Imeheon will be served at the I'ol-
eltr bacteriologist by council which Jtge cafeteria and her.- th.- lighter
body will then combine that office features of the day will he enjoyed,
with on* of the city phyglclan's taualc songs nnd linprunipiu speech
and nbollgb^ the other, city physl- Robert " -* **'
Local Indtislrles have never been
"stunted" by the' Athens Railway
ft Electric company. Mr. Flinl-
gen pointed out. The .itower com-,
pnny has furnished power a* II
waa needed by the Industries aa
they have grown. “We did this de-
. (Turn to Page Five.)
Parker of Atlanta
clan. http speak at th,'luncheon and Abu
The salary will bn set later. It KG*/will preside und Introdi hint
bring about the release of Arn’eri- "•* anggestod that‘31500 bo paid' Th« local Hub Is making elab-
cans and other foreigners taken |' >u ( (Ms was withdrawn from the Crate plana for the day and the . n-
prisoners by Chinese bandits and! original resolution, The present .Ur* time , will be devoted to the
’ * dty physicians are Dr. Paul Hoi- ntertalnment of tho visitors An
lldsr and Dr. L H. Crow. Dr. W. 1 utomoblle ride over On- city
W. Brown In city bacteriologist, 'college grounds win foil—
Salary for the two pbyslsns Is Mcheon and the senior pa
316 mnothlr each and $«o4 an " " * —
nunlly for bacterioldglat
o pay t.,e ransom demanded,
i While th* resources available to
the Pekin authorities art under
stood to be sufficient to ransom the
prisoners in Cash, it was pointed
out that unless the money tana
paid bv Saturday the' progressive
indemnity demanded by tho diplo
matic corps for every day the
prisoners remain captive after then,
if continued over aiperipd of a few
weeks, probobly would .exhaust th*
finances of the central government-
An official report front the P*kin
foreign office, the first to be re
ceived here, was communicated by
Minister Sse in person to Secre
tary Hughes today soon after hi*
arrival in Washington from China.
The report said the Chihsse gov
ernment Mas-doing all In ita ^ow-
At Unma nf I* r t0 * n adjustment of- tha
Exercises At Home or , ltlution ami Secretary Hughes
.Miss Evie Jackson Tues-IgwwjgrtM.fe>»” gw***
day Night' Commemorat-1made by Pekin, bu"reiteratad
Inre First S i n tr i Jl ft of hi * P rinl * r y <Ietarmlnation that the
ing first hinging Ul American priaoenrs should bo freed
“Home, Sweet Home.”
l-rnprlutl* exercises at
With apiiroprlat
the home of Miss Evio Jackson,
kinswoman of his sweetheart, Ath
ens Wednesday celebrated tbe one
huo(*redth anniversary of the first
slnginx of "Home Sweet Heme,"
written bv John Howard Payne.
Tbq entire world Tuesday waa
paying tribute to the ‘celebrated
author of "Home Sweet Home” anil
here In Athens the tribute* was as
beastlful atf in London. New York
or other great *lt|e*. ‘
Thb program wt» simple but 4m-
Athens Will Observe “Hospital
Dcty”' 'Here On Saturday, May 12
"There should be no person
tbe city who should not reel It
privilege to enter into tbe spirit
of ‘Hospital "Day’ to be observed
here Saturday.” remarked one of.
beloved citizens pltal free bed snffernng with pneu
dered by this ward are related by
those who keep In touch with the
hospital, one of which Is as fol
"Mrs. came to the bos-
Athens' most
Thursday morning.
What he had In mind was the
tag day thst I* U> be put on that
day for 1 the benefit of the free
beds nt the Athens General Hos
pital where tour are maintained.
Last year a total of 31*18.31 wns
realized by tag day and the' ac
tivities leading theretb. It Is ex
pected that fully thin much or
more will be nuhadribqd thin yekr.
Additional beda are needed and if
more money Is B»de srallable
these bede can W» *dd<d.
Many' rase* vif real 'service ren- <
moms. Two houra after sdmleslon
she delivered a . premature four-
pound Infant. Six honre after ar-
misslon she died. The Infant was
placed In the Incubator nnd after
hospital care for eight weeks was
plsced with a family for adoption.
She returned to tbe hoipitat a
s short time ago a happy baby
In the lotring care of a happy fos
ter mother.”
The tag day w!(l be In the hand*
of,jn‘ apectalt. committee and the
workers will give everyone the
privilege of contributing Saturday.
• presslve and Interesting. Exercises
‘ begat) at 6 o'clock, at the home of
the Harden’s, whole daughter
Hiss MsrV Harden was Payne's
•weetkeart. .
Mine Mildred Rutherford was
the principal speaker nnd told lit
detail the beautiful romance of
Payne and Miss Harden.-how the
former -came -to meet bis sweet,
heort tflille nn a government mis
sion to Georgia.
Mlsa Rutherford ws* introduced
by Movor George i\ Thomas. Prof
The annual senior parade a< the j p. I* Earnest of the State Normal
Unllveraity of Georgia will be held Scborri
Costume Affair By Mem-
bers of Senior Class to
Be on Georgia-Auburn
Game Date.
Friday afternoon In eor.r.ectlon
with the Georgla-Anburn game on
8anfor<l field. It announced by
the members of tin- class who ar*
In charge of this event.
The parade was -to have been
held non weeks ago In connection
with n ball game that was not
played on account of rein.
The senior parade nt the ITnf-
vernlty Is an annual affair looked
forward to with Interest by tb*
student bpdjr. No other Bouihere
Institution ban a parade, that can
compare with the, one nut on kg
tb* Georgia amenta.
-nd delivered unharmed.
Report* that the bandits had re
leased all women captive* were
confused by the receipt of dis
patches fro mtha American Itga.
patches from the American legs-
Mrs. Seaton and Miss Auld, two
American tourists from Manila,
w'ere on the -wrecked train and
were still unaccounted for.
TIENTSIN—Miss Lucy Aldrich,
sistar-in-lsw of John D. Rockefel
ler. Jr., arrived here on th* Ut*
night train from Tslnnnfu, en mute
luill game between (leorsia
Auburn will lie attended, th
(Turn to Page Five.)
Bulldogs Facing j
Crucial Series
Here This Week
Attention'of High School ntu
dents and their friends centers in
th* Carnival »t the High School on
Friday evening at 8:18 o’clock.
The small admission or 39 cents
will be charged, proceeds to go to
the athletic association.
Each room will feature an Inter
esting and ntsrveloui attraction, »
collection ot shown and stunts to
Ple**e th* moat-exacting nod cu-
The vaudeville will show the l»t-
eet dunce* *nd songs; the Oriental
•how Will be fall of color and
witchery; the “Dog With Ten Feet”
will excite wonder; the “M«n With
Two Heads” will entertain for ah
exciting-few minutes, and King
Tut a orehestra will present a pro
gram of music reminiscent of the
ancient Nile.
High School students, of whom
msby are finished comedians and
Mtars. will takd parti tha even
Outcome of, Games With
Auburn Here to’ Have
Strong Bearing on Title.
. -S-v- /
ta^ridn^w^^^b, ratertfi r rTg ,m knd TsughsWc
Mils MacFadden and Miss Schon- here.
The public Is invited.-
Prominent Athenians Write ; j
On "tVoman and the Ballot’*
Friday afternoon the big- ba«e-
ball firework* between Georgia and
Auburn begin on Sanford Mead.
Already ticket* for the big event*,
Friday nnd Saturday, have gone
on sale nnd the publics is taking up
the pasteboards in splendid style,
indicating that big crowd* are |
ing to bq in Athens for the
Both games will b<
Friday the M>.iiors will <
day with their annual parade jn
fantastic costumes, the Rotarians
from a dozen north Georgit cities
will bo here and the usual week-end
college gaities will he i on the
And, Incidentally their will be
two ball game*.
When Georgia it in-' Auburn
there’s always interest. It
^^Kifttre. 1 '^- “ r ‘
Auburn right now Is fighting for
fo-games against the "- 1 — 1
It should lie pointed out,, among who register now will an
other reasons why women ought to hf U. i
Two wins would
series, something that
lege in the south has '
f»r. These two games
ter up Auburn’s st
yekr. She has ’ all
standing foi
winter of ceremonle**
A quartette composed of Measr*
T. 8. Melt, E. B. Mell, Morton 8
Hodrsnn nnd Carlton Moll aan* in * 1 ,n '
several' appropriate songs Morffa*
band also played.
that the poll :ax all go^n ‘
to education. It Is, however, only | [t j. tt , p r,„dld Idea of the Leagut
fair that the women should be told;of Women Voter* to eeubllah a
t* who register now will time for registration, and every wo-
Hort of mo»t favored na- man In our community who haa the
tl»n treatment In regard to the pay* good of our cfvio affaire at heart
• Hand. Geot
■ of these
year. &ne nas aire;
the scries from Tech.
And, on the other h
wants *t least one of
games. She would like to
both of them. A clean sweep of
the «eries would help some towards
wining out eight straight losses in
<not on
will surely register, so thaf she
ran take her place In the affaire of
oar city, state and country.
f the poll tax, while those
IVUT4II i iriUHi i who wait until next year ond de-
Upon recommendation * of the i;. 1 ''” i ,l ; t| r ;f ^UgoT wm°have" !"
street committee .it v council Wed-|| h *
nesday ni-ht tried to install *:-c?t , ay " b “ k I x , " T* U|
lights nt the following places Oak raally .It would be best
street. Madison avc.tue, W'oodro v i [ r ">» cause ot education, per-
slrcet. Oakland Den.-. Tallulah, '"’I’"- > f '* good many hung back;
Waddell, Naeoorh-c, ‘ —
Brord ond Hur-!-
ten light* for l!)29 - .... PPP .OPPOliPaP—
■PPinppaqPPVB aldrea'rilfdbr to install tb* light >.gi>'.r now will go no-dred-RerefPt.straMbNMpHSH
■•nte gamqda at 4, (h* parade'!* | n BroBrt aB ,» Harris, promised last'heeded. Him, perhaps It will do no|, If you hare not rrglslered, pica-,
.fore tho an, , i-> f ■ - T -j • |*irm ,t« any In passing that those,do It before Satmd .y.
ivem-. T*llulsh.! l,n > , s- « “ a"’ 10 "ung pack;
teh-e, i^asy I street- nf n,ur »* 1 kno * ,h *‘ ‘hla con-
r-i« ' The quota „f [*ldein , i«q. Is suing to prove so
1*123 'vs* rsi-t' 1 tolpowertul that my appeal to tbe wo-
Registratlon week ends Saturday
at one o’clock. . ,
Hav* you registered at tho City
Hall and at the Court KoureT Are
you ready for tbe tall elections?
The ,Wards should be ono hun
So the two games are go
be battles, battles between
Chamben and Moulton and
Sale Sheridhn. or v
Coach White is almost
send in his speed ball .ace, -
bera, for the initial game ’
while “Slick” Moult. ‘ ~
draw the asignme
Plainsmen coach.
The game* begin
and if the ]
sharp and :|f
see the senior
to the i
f /