The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 15, 1923, Image 2
TARE TWO THB BANKER-HERALD. ATHENS, REORRTA TUESDAY HAY 15, 1923 Classified Advertisements WANT JtD RATES 2 Cents a Won! >g Minimum Chars* of 40 Canta Insertiorfs. Seven ttmea for the price of five inserttene. All tfltcontlnuarcea MUST be ' made In person at The Ban- ■ ner-Hcrald Office or by letter. Telephone discontinuances are NOT valid. 7 .WANT AH 7c IO" PHONH bAnncr.heralo want 1 AOS GET RESULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL BUILDING lota at Falrvlew Heights, near the Sew Barrow public school building, from $300.00 up. for home builder*. Act at once. Phone 1092-J. m15c FOR SALE—ONE 1-TON WHITE truck, In good repair, cheap for cash or good note. Apply Budwl Bottling Co. ml6u FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON I University Drive, M Lost And Found LOB T—Number 7 Ban- ncr-Hcrald route Iwok on cither Macon, Savan nah, f Augusta or Cleve land avenues. Finder please return to Banner- Herald Office immediate ly and receive liberal re ward. Burnett Aye.. School. • IU^c --v-T' them over. Phone lOig-1. near new Public tottyy *, and look FOR SALE—BABV CARRIAGE. u«.<l seven month*. excellent condition, llli Prlnc. Avc. '"'Si: FOR SALE — WOOD. DRV PINE Stove Wpod. Phone IMts-J njr U. 4 -*- R. I.. liramhlctt. ‘ tnlSe LOST-At)NE POINTER DOO, WHITE tvlllcllver «|«.tn. An.wern to name ot Belt Return to J. M. Howell. mI5c Wanted '•—172 nrres Greece Co., five miles from Greens- horn, Jjmt off Nat. IIwy., three horse -farm Bi cultivation, 73 acres under Wire fence fine bottom*, well dalned, excellent slock farm, fine school* and church will exchango for Improved city property. If Interested write N. Methvta, P. O. Box 1003. ml6p. IVAN’^BD—FLOOR SHOW OASES, com|»uting scales. State condition, where • can l>e seen. Address P. U. Box NL>. 3d. mice Athens Visitors WANTED—TO BUT SMALL HOME In #r near Athens on easy | payment plan. Address *'L. J-’. W.,“ j care fanner*Herald. mlCcj WANTED — MUSIC TEACHER IN! country home during summer j monttf to teach one pupil. In ex-1 change for board. Phone 301. ml4cj WANTED—POSITION BY SENIOR pharmacy student, with some live drug Aompany. WiH secure license last * ynonth. Apply "F. M. B.,*‘ 1330 DeKalb Avo., Atlanta* Ga. mllp WANTED—HELP WANTED—Boy about 14 ydars old to deliver pa pers. .Apply Banner-Her ald Office. Y8. AGff It TO 18 distribute Telephone Wednesday apd Thursday.' Manager. Southern Bell Tel. iL Co.. 183 W. Clayton 8t. ml 8c 1 WANTED— MORE SALESPEOPLE In Miles and towns of over 1,300 population—130 household and food products — Extracts. Spices. 8oao*. Artielfea, Medicines. Highest -lowest prlc*a—easiest sellers dvanco In prlres—No bond re- market 34 years—Huat- over ft an hour. Write rtlculars. Ct. 1737, W. T. Raw- Memphis, Tcnn. mlCc iRAILROAD SCHEDULES SCADOARD AIR LINE RY. NortiiLouad Southbound 9:55 A Allanta-lfonroe local <:1S p t:40 p Atl.-Birmingham-Mam. 8:80 p 2:40 £ Norfolk-RIch.-N. Y. 8:20 p T:85y AtL-Abbeville local 7:30 a Jl iMj> „ Atl.-Birmlngharn 1:29 a 81:34 D Norfolk-Washington 1:29 a il:24J> Wllmlngton-N, T. 5:29 a . .EOR.IA RAILROAD Arrive Depart 7:20 • pat 9:29 am 12:10 q>rm 1:25 pm CENTRAL OR OEOROIA RY. W. 10. Bolton, Agent, Phone 1M1 TJentral of Georgia Station Depart for Macon T:M a. m. f . 4:45 v. m. . • , Arrive from Macon 18:19 p. m. • 1:10 p.m. Gainesville midland 1. RAILWAY Leave 1I.4IIRILM Arrive •5:20 P. M. ••10:10 A. M. • DMlyi *•• Dally Except Sunday. fc, ‘ (OUTHERN RAILWAY ■ Effective Sunday, April 29, 1923. W No* fi leaves Athene 7:45 a. m., ar rive* tola 0:25 a. m. Not t leaves Athene 4:11 f ar rive# Iiula 6:45 p. m. N(2 7lleaves Lula 0:56 p. m., arrives ~ i\8:30 p. m. • ! laavea Lula 10:10 a. a, It- t hens 11:46 a. m. , C. A., Athena Ga. Telepbona >L Among those visiting. In Athens Tuesday were: W. F. Walker, At lanta; J. P. Wells, Griffin; Janims L. Gwln, Atihnta; Walker Brad ford, Atlanta. P. W. Rownn, Atlanta; J. P. Brown. Rome, Go.; George Talhoun Atlanta; A. M. I^ndrum. Kansas City, Mo.; W. W. 'Carter, Otven- vllle, S. C. W. W. Jameson, Jackson. Ca.; A. A. Joiner, Atlanta; C. Cowan. Atlanta; Mrs. H. W. Cary. Atlanta; D. W. Gary, Atlanta; C. D Randall Atlanta; T. E. Young, Macon; E O. Westlake, Chicago. C. iM- Myer, Rlrmingha, Ala.; A. E. Greenwood. Atlanta; II. W. Flake, Atlanta; W. T. Anihonv Greenville, 8. C.; James L. Kill. Brooklyn, N. Y.; B. R. Colby, At lanta; B. W. Noel, Kansas city Mo.; H. E. TralJo, New York. J. C. Pniltt, Gainesville; 11 N Bond, Bowman; Allen Wtlooi, Au gusta; George W. , Stephobs At lanta; R. D. Webb. Allan! * H. C Brooks, Clarkesvllle; Mla# Louise Almand, Social Circle, Ga.; Mrs. Matilda A. Hale, Social Circlo, Ga.; Gus B. Doak. Atlanta. W. L. Walterson. Atlanti V. F Stewart, Atlanta; J. M. (,.r. lanta; C. S. Cowan, Atlarta: W. P. McClain. Atlanta; J. n. Tultle Atlanta; O. P. Lucas, Atlanta. Among the Kachtns. u tribe I' Burma, girls wear their hnlr hob bed as a sign that they are un married. Gillis to Captain University of Ala. UNIVERSITY, Ala.—(Special)— Grant CJIlis, stnr shortstop, v/as to night elected captain of the Uni versity ot Alabama baseball team for 1924. Guy Finley, of Halcyville, was elected assistant manager. lien f'ompton, ot Creonshorn, was elect ed captain of the ’24 t^ack team. PARIS CARTERS. No metal can touch you George, Irons, Alabama’s great j cross-country runner, was unani mously re-elected captain of the cross-country team., STANDING OF CLUBS SOUTHERN LEAGUE CLUB— W. L. . ? , .,fiw Orleans ,,>....16 10 Fou.teen letters for the ‘baseball Nashville 13 11 season Were awarded. Captain *\j bil** ............. 13 11 Pitts, Rosenfleld, Green, Gillis, In- I'hattarwoga .. ...... 12 11 fielders; Propst, Elmore, Oliver. Atlanta ... 13 13 Barnes, out fielders; Tubbs, MeMIl- uimi Ingham ...12 13 lan. Steed, Cunningham, pitchers; Memphis ... .*......11 12 and Hubhett, Cruise, and Mayhnll.; LUtio Rot k 8 16 NATIONAL LEAGUE CLUB— W. U New York 18 7 Pittsburgh 13 11 St. Louis 14 12 !Cincinnati".-. 12 12 Chicago .....12 The Fairway There is leg comfort and long comfort in PARIS Garters. They are always higher in quality than in price. When you buy ask distinctly for PARIS. "3000 Hours of Solid Comfort" * A STEIN & COMPANY 35c and up A called meeting of the board of governors ot Cloverhurst Country : Boston 10 12 club was held at 11 a. m., Monday, j Brooklyn 10 13 a May 14th, and comrnltfeoa were ap- 'Philadelphia 7 16 .3 pointed for the coming year as fol- ; lows: 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE I Grounds—A. G. Dudley, chair- CLUB— W. L. P man; M. S. Hodgson, Morris Yow. ;• N,, w York 15 8 .6 House and Pool—Fleetwood La- Cleveland 14 10 .5 tiler, chairman; G. M. Knight, & : Philadelphia 12 10 .5 A . wicr. -Detroit 13 12 .5 Rules and Tournament—^W. W. * st I-oiiIh 11 12 .4 Hayes, chairman; Arthur Griffeth, Washington 9 12 .4 Captain gold team, Arthur Grit- Chicago .9 13 .4 feth. ,Boston .... 7 13 .3 Tennl3—Dr. II. I. Reynolds. 1 * r ialrmau; H. L. Ilodgnon, E. E. ! r OUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE Lainkin. cLI'B— W. L. P :.V*teeting of the governors will Ik J’hirlottn 18 held every two weeks during tho j‘ nvillo 14 summer. Augusta ... The Gainesville golf team of the Kjartanburg Northeaih Georgia Golf League Columbia .. will play the Atlictu: tram here. Charleston . jneJrt Saturday. May 19th. I Any member registering from * local club eligible to play on team, Inf which Arthur Crtffeth la cap tain. 4-14. Memphis-Atlanta, rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE : Detroit 11; New York 16 (12 in; nlngs.) Cleveland 6; Washington 3. Chicago 0; Philadelphia 9. St. Louis-Boston, rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 1; St. Louis 7. Boroklyn 6; Chicago 3. New York 1; Pittsburgh 4. Philadelphia 3; Cincinnati 7. TUESDAY’S GAMES SOUTHERN''LEAGUE Chattanooga at New Orleans. Little Rock at Birmingham. Atlanta at Memphis. Nashville at Mobile. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at Detroit. Boston at St. Louis. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh at New York. Cincinnati at Philadelphia. Chicago at Brooklyn. St. l^ouis at Boston^ Pittmanville News ITTMANVILLE. Ga.—Mr. Joe Stone. Mr. Homer Wilkes, Miss Ireno Wilkes, Mr. and Mrs. Allen .6921 Wilkes and little daughter, Ern- f,09 I ma Lou * an ‘* Marjorlo Wilkes, of 15 BETTER 8HOE REPAIRING HOFMEIBTKR SHOE SHOP Bbone Your Ordodr 1186 We Call For and Deliver. E. KAY "THK 8MIL1NQ PAINTER" Fin* Painting and Intarlor Decorating Phone 1297, Athena, Ga. SUMMER TERM ■•dinners and Advanced Class. AUSTIN J. WIGHT ■mlnent Violin Teacher. 266 Lumpkin Hi. Athens, Ga. Phone 801-W. ARMEL’S GARAGE Now Up-to-Date • Ready for all klnda of work. Reborfng cylinder,, welding, vulcanizing, burning-in • bear ing,, electrical work anil any thing in the machinery line. PHONE 547 139 w. Waahlnglon St. W. L. COXE * Transfer Co. 1 Long .Trlpa Our Bpaclalty. Chaapaat Truck .in Town. 600 Thomas St Phone 1351 Made With the Finest Flour Golden Cream Bread (0 ?? TAXI SERVICE j • Day and Night GEORGIAN BAGGAGE Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone , i to CC Office Georgian Hotel 00 aAttu^UUdiWt t FUNERAL NOTICES Landi um Funeral Held At Stephens STEPHENS, Oa.—On May 13th occurred the funeral of Mr. Joseph IT. I andrum. age 2C. who wns killed at Llthonfu. Ga., Friday night. Mr. Landrum was an/'em- ployce of the Georgia Railroad and bis d$ath wan rauspd by falling from a moving freight train. A large congregation attended the funeral an Mr. I^nndnim wan a very popular young linn. Mem bers of the Brotbcrhoof.' of Rail- way Trainmen of wMr.b ho won « kpin./m or J.-.nkncnvillc, WcdnenUay. mombera acted an nrllhrarern. ncv. nra ,„ - uicrtt , directors G. L. King, Rev. H. B. Hnrdawav of j Crawford and Rev. J. D. Moll of j Athens: conducted tho ccrvieon. Mr. I Landrum is survived by bln moth- j cr, Mrs. Jnorgo Landrum of Stephens ,Oa., fivn brothers and j ono sister. Ono of the. brothers wan I taken seriously 111 at tho funoral .and la under tho oare of a phy sician. 200 Greensboro, Ga., spent last week- 571 • 1!n<1 w *th friends and relatives at 333 ! Plttmanvllle. Mrs. 0. E. Mathews and Noilan, of Center, matin a call on MONDAY'S RESULTS i * MrH ‘ S * 127 Su,,,lcth of Pittman- SOUTHERN LEAGUE villo. Tuesday afternoon. I.Vw Orleans 2 fJiattanoosa 1. Wl.tlol.ead and Mir.s Mobile r>- Nashville I j Mae Suddeth of Atlanta, spent filrmlnghani 2-1; I.lttlo' Rock I Sunday with Mr.^n.l Mr... S. K Suddeth. Mr. John Ash spent last week- | end with relatives at Plttnlnnlvlle. Mr. Luther and Edward Hall, nfl Plttmanvllle .are in Atlanta on f business this week. Mr. John Barnett Douglas Pit4- esterday at man, John Ash attended Sunday lanmpkinn Academy REGINALD—Died . tbe lmme of his daughter, Mrs. School Chas. E. Kellogg at 198 Hall St.. Sunday afternoon. Mr. lienrv ileginnhl In bin C2nd Mr. W. J. I»o:u and Mr. Grady vt ar. Mr. Reginald had made his Fouche atlonded preaching at Ilo- honm here will. hir. daughter for nart Sunday. i:-e last two yr nro. lie !r survived’ Mr. E. S. (rawford and family by Ids wife; throe daughters and i nn: nt Sundnv will: Mr. and Mrs. Mm non. The remains were carr'ed Henry Crawford of Union. Fir. Interment will he In Mnndrln. ‘ M,Rn Katie Owen of Ila, has been ' *»"*• (Tuts'hv: to Jacksonville. J nding several weeks with her nr»t. fMelr.s Sue Owen of Pittman- | ville. Mrs. L. L. ITall spent Sunday with | her P.'»*er.t3, Mr, and Mrs. S. E. Suddeth. Tho party given by Miss Etlie" 1 Burnett Monday night in honor of j Mlsri Ireno and Homer Wilkes, and J .Toe Stones, of Greensboro, wns en- joved by all present. , Mr. Monroe Tolliert was In Pitt- | mnnvillo Wednesday on business. Shnrttncd With • Crisco Golden Cream Bread THE FORD Service Caravan A COMPLETE SERVICE STATION ON WHEELS The most progressive, original and constructive plan ever adopted for bettering service and repair work on Ford cars will be demonstrated in this city for the benefit of the 14,000,Ford Car owners in the district surrounding Athens. Tho public is invited to witness the Ford Service Caravan in opera tion—A complete Ford Service Statfon mounted on six Ford Trucks manned by eight mechanics. Every kind and latest type of garage ma chinery actually in use and motion including our own electric light plant —all operated by a Fordson Tractor motor. Non-technical explanations of correct Ford Service Methods will be given by factory experts representing the,Ford Motor Company and tne Ozburn-Abston Company. CITY HALL Comer of College Ave. and Washington St 8§SKS: to . - - TONIGHT t A. TRUSSELL MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers 558 Clayton St. Athens, Ga. I s 4 tiu £ w fi f- - - ■■ Up Annual Pre-inventory CLEARANCE SU£«f TYPEWRITERS Beginning on the 15th we are offering some startling values on every factory rebuilt and used machine in the house. Stock Is Limited—First Come Gets Picking Choice. • ’ ;> SALE FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Underwood, Factory- Rebuilt, $75.(JO) ? Sale Price $60.00 ^ Underwood, Factory Rebuilt, $65^bo^ Sale Price $52.00 ‘ kI : tnq • : — 77r ' iKb Remington No. 10, Second Hand, $35.00 :j Sale Price $28.00 t » Remington No. 10, Factory Rebuilt, $f&00 Sale Price $52.00 L. C. Smit'h, No. 5, Factory Rebuilt, Sale Price $48.00 - Covens No. 3, New, Formerly $50.00 Sale Price (Special) $34.00 Corona' Cases, $4.80 Sale Price $2.40 t Corona Cases, Leather, $17.50 , ' Sale Price $8.75 -J—: i — —lj.— ' Oliver *No. 9, Latest Model, $20.00 Sale Price $15.00 7 Ar • ioyal, Secortd Rand, $20.00 4 J Sale Price $15.00 THE>- McGREGO COMPANY J‘ : t- ■, WM