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Inv.ltl'ost* Today!
To Resular Subscribers
Accident Policy Free.
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Eetelllhed 1*32.
r Daily m innay-io etna ■ win.
Middling 25%c
Previous Close 25ftc
Likely Cloudy wth 8hower< .
v- —km*,
VOU. 91. NO : «1-
Aeeoclated Free* Service
A. B. C. Piper
Single Coplee S Cent* Dally. B Cent* Sunday.
mw ms
f[|» I® MS
Five Hundred More Pris
oners Said to Have Been
Captured By Chinese
Granville Snfith, an artist, of
Belleport, underwent an opera
tion here today for the rcmoypl
of a fish hook from the pupil
of his right eye. A specialist
■aid that the vision would be
partially affected.
WhJfe casting for trout In the
Neverslnk Elver, the hook struck
the artist In the eye and whs not
removed until he reached here
Smith Is one of the noted artist;)
of the younger generation.
Plight of Foreigners Is
Growing More Menacing
Daily. Bandits to Kill
Captives Tuesday. '
TEINSTINi—More than
five hundred Chinese 'and
foreigners are now in the
hands of bandits near Lin-
cheng say reports from Pe
kin. Much anxiety iB being
felt there over the increas
ing operations of bandits.
Troops stationed around
Linching to seige the .bandit
gang have threatened to
abandon their positions and
go over to the side of, the
outlaws if the government
does not make good their
pay, which is said to be
much in arrears.
Bandits, it I* rumored, sre mak
ing overturn to soldier* in the
Lincheng area endsavoring to ar
range a lettiement with the gov
ernment for the, relnae of prlson-
en. but the. demands of the out
law, are so extravagant that aom*
officials ore threatening te give up
negotiation* altogether.
The plight at thoee prioeners in
the hand* of the brigand* I* con-
lidered moat danerou*. Rumor* of
cues where priaoners have been
thrown over cllftl in order to hal
ted negotiations, have been receiv-
Twenty-four sleeping cars-filled
with government officials are at
team*. *n official ntraeion ha*
been aent out from Ltacheng under
uie leauerantp of an army .colonel
who is the undo of on* of the ban
dits and it i* hoped that thia mil
lion will meet with some success
Success of Three Market
Days Held Here War
rants Holding Two Days
Each Week.
Both Producer and Con
sumer Pleased With Re
sults. Graded Products
Find Quickest Sale.
Searchers Report Failure
After Blasting Near
Dam of Oconee and Sein
ing. Reward Offered.
Searcher* for the body of Dorkue
Lee Shelton, O, jvho wan drowned
In Oconee river Thursday night,
after exhausting all known meth
ods Including blasting and sein-
Ing. reported Saturday night com.
plete failure to locate the body.
The little boy, who wan the son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Shelton,- wan
drowned* Thursday night when a
boat In which he was riding swept
over a dam on the Oconee river
near the Athens Manufacturing
t Rewards $avc been offered for
the recovery of the body. One hun
dred and flftv dollars ban been
raised by members of the •‘Disabled
American Veterans or the World
War" who are now attending the
University of Georgia. Part df the
monpy, will be used for reward and
pfcrt for the family of the deceased.
Those searching for the body
worked hard all Friday night and
Saturday, using dynamite near the
Curb Market Day in Athens will
be held twice each week, beginning
next Tuesday, it was announced
Saturday by Mrs. Bessie Trout
man, market master.
The success of the thlrd^mgrket
day yesterday which resulted In
wile of more than $600 worth of
produce, warrants opening of the
market on two days. Tuesday and
Saturday, It was declared.
Sixty-nix producers had been Is
sued permits to sell their articles
on the Curb Market at the close of
business Saturday,
Both producer and consumer arr
Well pleased with the results of
the three nlarket days held, the |
majority of the furmers who
brought produce to the first mar
ket returning both last' week and
yesterday. *
«Finis” Is Written on Final
Chapter of Life History of
■ i > Tutankhamen f s Discoverer
LONDON—Lord Camavon left
property of the groaa value of
£398,925. Probate of his will, dated
Oct- 29 1919, with two codicils, haa
been granted to General Sir John
Grenfell Maxwell, .Major G en. Sib
Robert Hutchinson and Arthur F.
B. Portmon.
His Egyptain collection he left
to Lady-Camavon in codicil written
in hia own hand, with the requeat;
“I would like her to give one ob
ject to the Britlah Muaeum, one ob
ject to the Aahmolean and a frag
ment cup of blue gIaia(Thothmei
III.) to the Metropolitan Muaeum
of New York. . Should ahe find it
necesary to sell the collection, I
suggest that the nation (I. a., the
British Museum) be given first re
fusal a sum however, to be abao-
out by Dr. Gardner at his request
on cable form of the LEcastcm
Telegraph Company. It reads:
“I give all my bearer bonds to
my dear daughter."
He stated that he wished to be
buried on Beacon Hill and directed
W» executors to erect a mound of
earth with trees or a stone, which,
however, was not to cost more
than £50. He desired that there
should be no black horses or any
tort of mourning used at his fun*
oral or afterwards; that thq funeral
should be exceedingly simple, and
that two doctors should view his!fj nv AttpnHq Sat*.
body before burial to make sure U0V * iV1C1 -' e0a Awena »
Seventy-Five Victims of
Tragedy Accorded Last
Honors By Three Thous
and Friday.
that life was extinct.
Among a number of other be
quests he left £600 to Howard Car
ter, £100 to Dr. Bridge of the Brit
ish Museum. £00 each to Dr. Gsrdl-
the collection be offered t.
Metopolitan, New York, Mr. Carter
to have charge of negotiations and
to fix the price.
“Should my wife decide to keep
the collection I leave It absolutly
to her whether ahe leaves it to my
aon or to Evelyn Herbert. I suggest
however, that ahe conault Dr. Gar
diner and Mr. Carter on the sub
Ject." _
The second codicil, made a few
day* before hia death, was written
vices and Issues Procla*
mation. Relief Work For
Survivors Rushed.
CAMDEN.—With oorrow-dried
eyes and aobar main, thia city to.
1 USUI M ■ Kill miWKIW, IAS I/w
‘““OtheroUeTwould'oueeMt that f*” nd Dr ' T ' 8 ' Bru “' * h '» *'•
Otherwise I would^suggest that h 0 gave the eperald ring he always
ftJ&i »£lch he alwayo wore with. lu „„, „„ „„
•"LJ u *1?® Jii iwi 1 turned away from the grate
iMl'Lnl 1 which holds the leventr-flve rte..V.
Km. hnnnrf 'IK victim* of the Cleveland school.
Which he hoped she wou d have houne flro. .ml Wan work ....
mounted and v/ear herself.. To
his daughter Evelyn ho gave bin'
pearl stud, with £200 to have it
mounted; hia gold cigarette case
and £1|000.
After various other bequest* all
his personal estate la left to hia
Yeeterday now the debut of neA
Irish potatoes and beete on the
Curb Market and ante for these
products woa accomplished rapid
One of the principal things the
Curb Market Is teaching la the
necessity for grading and attrac- l
tlvely displaying product! offered I „| n ce the Irergutars gave the
e. On each of the three j maud to ,r ceaoe flrlng,”j Uvelj
Dublin Echoes to Shoot
ing At Several Parts of
City Friday and Satur
for sale.
t Associated Press.)
DUBLIN.—For the first' tlmo
co n-
llvely out-
X? Sf* "2SS: -rket day. It ha. Wn observed! ^ta of
and eelnlng all
waters for
nat haa beei
cemetery, by
tbp bodv might run again,t It but
none of theee method, here re
volted In dlicovery.
Willie Shelton. 11 year old broth
house flro, and began Work tor i.o
relief of the survivor*. '
At six o’clock Friday afternoon,
the last curtain waa rung down on
the greatest tragedy In the hi*,
tory of this state, when the char
red remains of the dead were
Disced, all together. In the one
big grave.
Simple services marked the
burial of the dead, little children.
LONDON—The noted Floren
tine writer. Signor Masslnl, shot
hia wife fatally after a quarrel
and then surrendered to the po
lice. with the remark: "All hus
bands do thia aooner or later."
aaya a Florence dispatch to The
Dally Mall.
Masslnl, who waa the head of
a publishing house, recently
wrote a psychological novel, en
titled "Frederlco Durga." The
novel, which waa a great suc-
reaa. appeared under the pseu
donym Cesare Caduto.
Over Hundred and Six
Athens Boys and Girls to
Get Diplomas and Cer
“Tiger Woman” Breaks
Down At Sight of Los
Angeles Officer. Suicide
PECUCICALPA. Honduras—'The
woman being held here aa Clara
Phillips, the California "Hammer
Murderess" haa been definitely
Identified by Deputy. Sheriff Will-
Hunter, who arrived ihere
who a few hours paat had occupied from Los Angeles. She will
seats on the little stage of the taken back to Loa Angeles where
Mayor George C. Thomas
Will Deliver Address.
One Senior Has Perfect
. Attendance Record.
school, waiting to get tbelr dl-
One hundred and six stu
dents, one of whom has nev
er missed a day in school in
her entire career, will be
graduated from the Athens
High School May 29th.
Of the graduating num
ber, the largest in the his
tory of the school, sixty-four
are girls and forty-two boys.
Miss Vallie Burke Betts,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Burke Betts, is the High
School Senior who has not
missed a day from school •
plomaa from the grammar school,
were burled aide by side with
parent*, who also g few hours past,
hatf swelled with pride for thrlr
Expert Pronounces Pros- £erv'ces
pects Fine. Hart County
Makes Experiment
Tobacco Growing, long oratorical efforts. Just • atm-
'pie death service, mads more 1m,
HARTWELL, Gn-E. L. King, “«“!»• through it's sincerity,
special tobacco agent for tr.o, Many gathered to attend the aer-
Southern Railway, spent aeveral vice*, some through a morbid cur.
day. Inst week in Hart county ex
amining the crop here and confer-
!?* lln.'K m n™ r0 I n i'i™ I ,httt farmers, who graded thelt• Dublin Friday night and Saturday 'ring, with, our tobacoc agent, Mr.
LT® m , ^ W .J G j products and displayed them in a) moraine. {Best* and a number of citizens
hrt,l.??n C< .'he^oK its? [tractive raid out earl tier Th0
. bridge In the hope that than thoi , who «.|UdJW do’do.- ... u
in arriving at an Vindaratandlng or 0 f the drowned boy waa In the
with the ^gang^ Tba^ boat which dasjied over the dam,
eminent has dont all in iU power
to ain the relaase of th* prisoner*,
many at whoan, ar* foreigner.,.in
cluding Americana, .but condition*
•re such that the affair is a very
delicate one, not to M settled over-
PEKING- — Telegrams received
late Saturday by th* American le-
fttion hay*- incrcnaed the hope
that an
agreement »oon wiU bo
for th* reitaw of foreign
(Tarn to page two)
bnt waa aaved through the heroic
efforts of Weldon Dartnon. 16 who
lumped Into (be water pulling the
former out
The little boy who waa drowned, ggi
la survived by hia mother and
father,’ the latter an employee of
the Athens Manufacture* com-
nanv, three .Isten, Callle
Little, Both Irene. Ida May Shel.
ton and fire brother*. Charles,
Willie, Leu, Bide and George. '
than those who do’db.'
The market wUl open ft 1 o’clock
Tuesday morning and Count#
Agent J. W| Flror urge* the farm,
era to bring their produce In early
as most of the buyers are on hand
at the opening of the market to
purchase their vegetables and oth
er produce.'
new general headquarter* Iwjio'are taking' the lead In tha
was the target for anlpUfa, while -up tobacco^h' 3
Local ElksPlan
Big Initiation For
Next Friday
At the regular, weekly meeting
Friday night, plana wert completed
patrol* netr •Portobello tnd Kll-
malnham were subjected to rirle
fire, which differed from the usual
sporadic fire and was at tlmeg In
Later the Vice Regal Lodge and
fort In Phoenix Park were fired on
by snipers and sharpshooters.
In -every case the Free Staler*
replied vigorously with machine
I royucK nguiuuai/ wimi
tun* and succeeded In keeping the
sniper* under cover and thus hin
No casualties have as yet beet
reported, though a thorough can
vass of the district haa not yet
been made. .
, (By Auoelattd Press.)
ST. JOSEPH.*—The grand jury
which Is Investigatin' th" charges
of Immorality lu - th* Houio of
Ddvld Cult was In recess Saturday.
Tula la the fourtt| week of the
endeavorera by the grand jdry and'
It close* with two members of the
Single Si
Boys a:
rtdard For Both
; Girls to Be the
Address This
The Begf Meeting at the Young
Men'll Christian Association *thl»
lion iMsaiaatl I
afternoon wiu'be addressed by Dr
Wrdtord W. Brown, assistant phy-
■leal dtrector of the association
•nd head coach of all, branches of
•thirties *t the Athens'High school
Dr - Brwwn will apeak on “per-
•onai pueity,’ or the single ataiid-
«rd demanded by science for the
h°y. un well aa Ut* girl.
Hr. Brown la a araduate phyel-
Clan, and had practiced medicine
lor the past ten year* In Athana
wore becomlns a member of the
•latr of Iha Phy stoat Department ol
'he Y. M. C. A. He Has delivered
• number of addresses In th* past
on this nfost -vltfl subject, and
le ti.oroushly able to handle It In
•uih o manner a* to convince and
Inepire hia hearer* with th* desire
•o keep the law of Ood governtna
«««» (actor tn their lives..
ery boy tn Athops from »•>> ta
t con nf U 1 ..t.nA.A
Frlttay nlaht, plans werscompieten ^ now ln ]al , f or retaslng to
by Athena Ixrdae 7»0 B. P. o. Elks , nlwer qaoitlons propounded ,by
to initiate a Cl... of thirty, new Jud „ Dmsenuui, Who compose!
members at the ineethi* 11 next Frl- ; ttl> ,. one „„„ Rrtn( j jnry." regard-
day nlaht. • I Ins the mysteriqns disappearance
The membership drive which ot EtWon ,ha Smith Moore, wanted
haa been In proaree, for come time tl e . rand r u _, mftaeaa.
will be brought to a close Thurs-1 two pereoha In confinement
day, aa thia fa the '••‘day that J(m ^ a Mo ora, aged forty-five,
applications received will be In time , nd ^ubend of a young girl, and
for tbo National Convention In At- M „ Ellaabeth Rowe, another
lanta In July which will draw eev. 1 member of Jhe secret aact.
•IkUtoen yean of as* Is'extended
» roost corcjal Invitation • to be
Present, and 1* asked t» tell hi*
blends shout (hit meeting.
enty-flve thousand Elka to that
At tha Just meeting there were
over a hundred local Elks present
and severaC candidates were Initi
ated. Twenty-five were to be In
itiated but It was decided to hold
beck several and hold a big initia
tion next Friday night.
Following the regular routine
business and the Initiation of the
new members, ths lodge honored
the new members with a plats sup.
per, which was a glorious success
The membership drive has
brought many new members to thr
local lodge and many of the old
members have re-entered the rank,
thus assuring a large representa
tion at the National Conyoitlon.
With tbo arrival of the new
paraphernalia the degree team will
be busy during the coming week
preparing for the big Initiation of
the year which will take place
next Friday. Many Elka from
neighboring towndTvIll be the vte-
Uora of the local lodge for that
Moore was sent to jail for thirty
days for -Ms refusal to answer
question* while Mrs. Rowe drew
a sentence of) fifteen days for the
■ahe otfense.
The Mornjng After
The. Night Before
Seen At Dorsey’s
Additional Men
Named on Legion
Meet Committees
Entertainment Personnel
Named At Meeting of
General Committees Fri
Mr. King, who came here last
fall, when th* tobuco matter was
first mentioned,’ said h* was ndw
more favorably impressed than
ever before with the outlook for a
fine crop in Hart this ye*r, and
predicted that the county would
eventually make this one of her
principal money crops.
In talking to Supt Jones, of the
Hartwell Kullw.iy, he stated that
tha soil ni Hart county was splen
didly adapted to tobacco growing
and that he hoped to be able to
come here this fall and visit every
school houie In the county. “After
those who arc now growing tobac
co for th* first year in Hart be
come convinced of its value as a
money crop they will more than
double their acreage and next year
you’ll have ' a large acreage all
S r the county.” he said.
Ifhlle here he visited Mr. Phil-
f farm, where a curing’homo
has already been erected and proc-
lusen noon iu aiikoios wuurc . o , _ .
she escaped from jail lagt Decem- 8ince sne began, eleven
her by the steamer Columbia, leav- years ago.
(ng Amapota, May ft. ■
The prisoner has completely GIVEN A
broken down. All dny Saturday HOLIDAY
she tqade offers to the police of- I
flclnls to help her to escape. Miss Betts, along with several
Sheriff Btscallu* recognised her other seniors were given n holiday
at once. last Friday for perfect attendance
’’Well you gave us a merry chnse, I record, tho following for the paat
Mrs. Phillips," he said. She as- year: Ralph Conolly, August Kel-
foslty, but tho greater part through
a vail sympathy for the little com
munity, where almost everybody
le related and practically every
family has It’a Borrow.
(Turn to Psoe Two)
"Too, and we aro going to take
you back." he added.
Than for tha first tme the Iden
tity of Clara Phillips* woman com
panion waa loomed. She la the*
"hammer slayer**** sister.
Turning to the other woman,
Blscallux aald:
"Eotta May Weaver (the name
by which Mrs. Phillips' sister
lar, Loylo Stynchcombe, Robert
(Turn to Page Two)
,h 'ip««tr «u.e of you to ssk me to
get Ctam's clothes after she made
her escape."
Etta May Weaver refused to an-
Two Hundred and Twen
ty-Five Cases Ripe For
Trial. Court Convenes
£t 10 O’clock.
here <
"How did I know? I wanted to
got them to keap {or myself."
Upon thia rtply, In a .flood of
amotion, the suspected woman
broke down and cried out that aht
Struck By Seaboard Train
While Seated on Track
Friday Night. Lived in
A man of the name of Prevoat
Is reported dead us the result of
on accident which happened Fri
day night near Winder. Ga.. when
he was struck by Seaboard train
No 12 just as it was pulling into
Prevost is said to have been slt-
The City Court of Athana will
convene for the May Term. Monday
at 10 o’clock. The following an-
^ nouncement II made by J. D. Brad-
Ucairy”;u'the'"oth7r?ams , 'ivet >•"• Jud »» ot City Court of Ath-
the county growing tobacco. , ,n *L .. • • „ .
It was stated last week tljat a . For *"• week tmglnlng May list
tobacco warehouse would be erect-
would never be taken back. Bhe ting on the track about 200 yards
cried that she would prefer to die [from the Winder station when hit
here. [by tho train, and killed instnotly.
AS a consequence, the le closely I Tho body was carried to winder
ed in Hartwell this fall by Intel-
rated parties.
The flapper's room, the morning
after tho final dance and—the
bachelor’s room after almost any
occasion In pn-Volataad day*.
Dainty., flimsy things, which da
light the femlnlno ays—and some
masculine eyes, strewn over the
beautiful ivory furniture given the
Impression that a tornado baa
found It’a way Into a modern ling,
erie shop.
The bachelor’s room, n true rep
resentation (*6 It was said) of the
I scene nf the battle the night be
Texas Tonn Settles Back to
Everyday Life Once Again
(By Associated Press.)
HKAL’MONT.-Soma forty odd
thousand people, Inhabitant* of
n-aumont, discarded their bathing
th! U ' And want back to
the ordinary paths of life, after a
Jy " f "“forced Idleness, occaalon-
do.kj’ fha greatest concentrated
..“"fall of min recorded In the
"•'* Of Text* or tie United
this dty. declared Saturday that
hia government gunge shewed that
thirteen and fifty-four one hun-
dredths Inches ot rain fell In three
Sure He etated that all but one
Inch of that total fell In the last
,W H SKitimated hr
Saturday, that the rain did between
a half and three quarters of a mil
lion dollar* damage In tnd around
BeanmonL Th# rain waa accom-
Li*» Bandar, In charge of the'panted”by a‘hiiil atorm part of the
Lilted States Weather Bureau in time.
fore. The reserve supply, almost
cone, half hidden and for that rea
son nil tho more apparent. Halt
smoked cigars and cigarettes sca’-
tored over the floor. On tho little
table stand two “half-dead sold
iers." and' It looks like the real
stuff. In green bottles labels on
them that alone would cost ten
smackers In thdso trouhlesome
limes. A collar and tie helf under
tiio bed, wheie It’s owner had flung
them when tho game got fast
Everything which shouldn't bo
there, according to William Jen
nlngs Bryan, la.'
A big crowd was gathered around
tho two windows Saturday night
and ns soon as the re«t read this
they’ll be there Sunday, for It’a
worth u look—several of them. Tho
windows nro at tho Dorsey Fur
niture Store.
; .. . j. tijZs'ii/; ■■■-.' 'wit -.. a •
The various committees of en
tertainment In -connection with
the convention ot tha American
Legion of tho state to be held In
Athenn on July ».'4 and 6, have
been named by the general com
These committees are aa fol-;
Housing—R. D. Branch, chair
man; W. T. Ray and. F. O. Miller.
Anttomobllea—Joe H. Lumpkin,
O. J. Tolnas, Lee Bredberry.
Dance—W. K. Meadow, chair
man; .R. L. Mon, D. D. QuIUlan
and Dr. J. S. Stewart
Music—Oscar Kluneberw, chair
man; M. N. Tutwller.
Parade—John H. Nortbcutr, R.
L. Keener.
Oeneral phalrman of the enter,
talnment committee, A. T. Levte.
Those committees have already
begun to function and will hay*
everything In shape before th*
delegate* begin to gather.
A splendid program la being
worked gut tor tho convention and
another big feature Fourth of July
celebration Is Included In the pro
gram. <
Reduce Rates to
Summer School
The' Sotheastem Tariff Aaocia-
tkm his granted the University of
Georgia Summer School a reduced
railroad rale at the beginning af
each week of the 1923 session.
This will allow students earning
Son of Former
•Athenian Dies
Joe Taylor Denny, seren-rear-
old aon of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Denny, formerly ot Athens but now
of Atlanta, died it tho home of bin
parents Saturday morulas at 4:30
The body wilt be removed to
Athena via the Seabord Airline
railroad Sunday afternoon it 2:40
o’clock and funeral services will
be-held at the grave aid*. Rev. B.
F. Elliott. Baptist minister, will
conduct the services. Interment
will be In Oconee cejnetary with
Bernstein Brothers, funeral direct,
ora. In charge. The pallbearers
will be Messrs. James Booth, city-
ton Crawford. Hugh Marbut and
Rob Marbut*
Tho little boy fs survived by bin
the Court will davot* Its attention
to Civil Business . Th* Criminal
Docket will be taken up on May
21th. Civil Business wll bo taken
up' again on June 4th.
Th* Appearance Docket will be
called on on Tuesday, May 22nd. a'
9 o’clock but as this wUl take only
a short wbUo tho Court will pro
ceed to try eases that day.
Oases not called on the dny as
signed stand for Ural In thflr order
on tho foltowlns day or when reach
ed in thalr resular order, prefer
ence being given to cases specially,
to the summer school o reduced
rate to Athens. Also the many assigned 1
who come during the various | A total of 333 esses are docketed
Mfpdlrlv mn/nrnnena hstlri DiPniink. ’/ore nail hafWMn IfAntlav UlV ft
weekly conferences held through- for call between Monday May 2!
out the, season will enjoy this and rFIday, Jun* Itb. Twenty.
A targe number of man art
busy—or think thsy sro—and Just
skim through ths newspaper*,
reading hare and there such Item*
■■ particularly Interest them.
Vou must ambush a man’s Inter,
set with advertising ef ths read-
at.*>glance type Unless It is seme*
thing that directly concern* his
buslntaa cr Is in line with his de-
sir* or Interest ef the moment.
Assuming, for Inttanco. that
th* man who I* reading th* sport
ing page. Is In an associativa
trams of mind you would got hot.
tsr results from advertising golf
suppllos and togs, football para-
phsn ills and ertclle* cf like us*,
en the sporting paga than you
would If you sought to oniist his
Interest to them after hie mind
has passed en to the financial
newt on the market page. Wo
men are watchful ot advertising
ef Interest to men, however, and
th* husband Is net allowed to for
got Items and talee cf econemleel
Importance to him and hip home.
seven cope* were docketed for call
Monday. May 21st.
McCnnnstl vs. Southern ttallwai
(».'> * , .
Gltear vs. Callaway (I.)
Tibbetts Vs, Baker.
Howard vs. Bheckelford.
Carmichael A Co, vs Martha
Michael, trustee vs. R. U John-
Athens Empire Laundry Co, va.
Portage Rubber Co, y*. E. 8.
Sporting Goods Co, ot at.
Mrs. It. J. Smith va. Mr*. Aman
da Smith.
Continental Fortillor Co, vs.
Clotfeltor, ot aL
K A S Salts Co, V*. J. S. Wtsr.
George Watkins va. Boston Cols*
Arnold vs. Trtbbls, et *1.
Bernstein Bros. vs. Burt Blnyoa
< Klns-Hodgaon Co, vs. Waldrop
et al.
Greensboro National Bank T*
W. T. Browse vs. Link A Jack-
C. W. Collins ys. J. W. Holms*.
Dean va. Farbateta.
Athena Savinas Bank vs. Classic
City Bottling Works tt al.
Bush vs. Mrs. L. L. Brandon.
Bernstein va. Jenklna.
W. T. Collin* Co, v*. Anderson.
Denny Motor C*,’v» L. it. Smith,
et. al
Rhodes Dolvln. Co, vs. Tom
Deeb Lewi* va. Burton Bfnyon.
Morris Yow va. Kylo Collins.
(Turn to page two)
Well Known Business
Man Opens Own Office
As Merchandise Broker
in Southern Mutual.
L. L. Stapleton, for eight yean
connected with Pitney A Beusse
Merchandise Brokers, has opened
a brokerage of hi* own In the
Southern Mutual Building.
Sir. Stapleton Is pne of tho best
known young business men In this
■ectlo of Georgia. During Ms rest-
donee In Athena ha baa made
friends wherever ha went and with
whomsoever ho came tn contact.
He la tu experienced mefthan-
dfte broker and has always sought
to serve tha customer ot his firm
to thalr bast Inter**ts.
Before becoming an Athenian Mr.
Bteplttan wan a resident of Hart
well wberp be was for many years
casber of the Fanners A Merch
ants Bank. He ban always bean an
ehtbnslasUc citric booster, having
•erred aa president of Hart coun
ty's first and most succatsful fair
and In many other inch capacities.
He Is s membef of the .Athens
Klwanla club and la treasurer of
the First Baptist church. Hts of
fice Is 414 Southern Mutual Build,
where I’revoat Is reported to have
lived for tho past esveral years
employed as foreman of a furni
ture factory there.
It la thought that Prevoat was a
native of North Carolina and that
hit body will be sent to that state
for burial.
One Dead and Another
Dying As Result of Pis
tol Duel Over Woman
(By Associated Press.)
MIAMI—Sam Bowman is dead
and Gentle Forbus ( his brother-in* ,
law Is dylnir at the City Hospital
as a result of a pistol duel here
Tho dud took place ln the
en of the Bowman home nea
It was stated by the polb
the duel was fought by
men as a result of the love
for the same woman, not Bow
Each man was Bhot through the
neck, tho shots being fired at the
same moment, according to Bow
man’s wife, who It was reported
was a witness to the killing.
The two men came to Miami re
cently from Cairo, Ga., where It le
'stated both formerly resided.
Henry W. Grady School of Journalism
Students Will Issue Banner-Herald 29th
Tha claaa of Journalism, of the
Henry Grady School of Journalism,
University of Oeorgla. as baa beoo
(he custom for a number of yean,
will gat out tha regular edition
of tha Banuor-Hanld on Tuesday,
tha 21th ot (Ms month.
These young students will not
only got up the news of the day.
but they will solicit advertisements
and aid In every way In getting out
the paper on that day. In the past
tho Ism ‘
bare bo
published by this class chants next week for
most creditable to the In this special edition.
school and to the young men and
women In charge of the many
duties connected with the puollca-
tlon of an fesno of a dally news
Dr. Sanford, head of the sch<
of Journalism and Mr. John
Drcwry, associate professor of I
school, have organised' the i
here of tho school Into 1
advertising committees
yoang men will call i