The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 22, 1923, Image 2
2 Cents a WorB '■ / Minimum Charg* of 40 Canta Inaertiona. Haven time* COC tka price of fire Inaertiona. All dtaconttnuancea MUST ba made In pdrson at The Ban ner-Herald Office or by letter. Telephone dlacontlnuancee ara NOT valid. 7C WANT AH 7C 19 PHONB banner-herald want Apt GET RESULTS FOR RENT-Aone apartment In de- alrabel location. ItT Milled|« Ave. desirable. 1323 So. Lumpkin Strict, m!I« FOR RENT-TWO APARTMENTS i Baxter St. Imrnedtlte poioesafon. O. Fambrornfh. 211 S^u. Mutual BJdz., Phone 11$. ml.v Lost And Found LOST — ONE FEMALE POINTER, white with liver spots. Reward 340.00. Joe Downs with the Corbitt Truck Co. m22c LOST—BROWN FOX f FUR SUNDAY either on Tallansee ltd.. Mitchell’a Brldce ltd., «>r l’rliwe Avc. Phone 3793 or Nettle Tolbert, Maysvllle, Ca. Reward. m23p LOST—f JEIt &I A N POLICE DOO. Fe male. Answers to name of *'Fldge." Reward If returned to 247 Prince Avc. m23p WANTED—HELP WANTED—Boy about 14 years old to deliver pa pers. Apply Banner-Her ald Office. EARN IIR.On-JDO.OO WEEKLY AT home, steady work. No canvftaalnf. Wrltlnr show ranis for us. No ex- pcrlcnce nocessary. We Instruct you by correspondence. Write for pftrtlc- ulcrs and termr. Sho-Itlte Sign Sys tem. 90S Sho-Rlte Bldg.. Detroit, FOR RENT—TWO NICELY furnish ed rooms with table board to fex Roldiers. or business men, dose In, and reasonable rates. Apply at 370 South Lumpkin Street. m22p FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeep ing. Course without children pr< ferred. Apply 8.10 College Ave/tue^ m23« FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED rooms and kitchenette'. All conven iences. On car line, cltpse In. Very desirable. Address S.. Box 333. m22r FOR RENT — HOUSE. • CORNER Meigs and Church Streets. A. II. Davison. m2ir FOR SALE HIRE AT LAtT "BILLY" SUNDAY Book—The first and only one of Its kind—full of "pep" from cover to cover—richly Illustrated. A golden opportunity for agents. If you are a live-wire and want to act aa our agent—send fl.00 for sample copy and Instructions. The Prudential Publishing Co., Knoxville. Tenn. m*3c. STANDING OF CLUB8 SOUTHERN LEAGUE Club. Won. Lout, Ndw Orleans .. U0 14 Mich.* m27c WANTED—MAN WITH CAR TO sell guaranteed Cord tires. Will arrange salary nnd oxpense with right man. Lakenldo Tire and Rub ber Company, W- Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. mJlp • Wanted WANTED — MANDOLIN. GUITAR nnd> imi.ll. wanted: Mlu Haldm Martin will nnon, a atudla In Athena nbout June tth and will teach Mandolin, Hawaiian Guitar. 1'laln Guitar. Tenor Banjo and Ukelele. Fbr furthor information. addreaa J. Morrll Mmlo shop. Lumpkin Street. Jtc -4r "WANTED—TWO FURNISHED bed room. and kltchenetta (or coupta with two boy. fifteen and neventeen yearn >>ld. Addreaa A. M. 8-niletary, Jeem„a, Florida. aiMp WANTED—EXPURT PEACH Pack era wanted by Maawe Orchard Co.. 10 to 12 younn women or ,lrla (whltft) who have hail one or more years?actual experience In commer cial peach parkins. Packcra will be hoarded In the home of farm Supf. Mr. W. M. Lalnc. two mllea from Hullaad.. On., ml Southern R. It. mile, eouth of Maenn. A nice hi, old faehli$ country homo with all mod ern Cpnvcnlenrea uuurea pleaianf and momfortahlo environment and pay Id attractive—4 cento par rrate or tw, cent, per banket. References requeated. Addreaa Maaaae Orchard Co.. II O. Box 255. Macon, an. TKAI&KKH AND ALL OTHERS In- terefted In .pendlnl their vacation In th*. mountain,. ran xet fuH lnfor-1 matloa retro ruin* l*.t place and rate. fn.m Mm. Alma T. Bowie, Avenue. m,tp For Rent—Rooms FOR 4enT—JUNE 1ST 4 furnl.hed roo» and hoard. 3 bloeka from poetofflee. 3ST w. Hancock Avenue. Phone—13J9. mile FOR -RENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE. fumtrhcd or unfurnlehed. with two bath Qtoma. lloune oh Cobh Straet. Call mile t-4 i RAILROAD SCHEDULES •■ABOARD AIR LINE RY. Northbound •• Southbc ,:U C Atlanta-Monroe local 6:15 p AtL-BIrmlnahara-M.m. l:-o p NortoUt-Rleb.-N. T. AtL-Abbeville local Atl.-Blrmln,ham II 9 Nortolk-Waahlnatoa WUmlniton-N. T. FOR SALE—ONE FINE JERSEY cow, and "Range Eternal," Plano, hall rack, whlto iron apringa. mattraaaea. drexaera, library and kltchan table., and lot of othe furniture. Some real bargain,. LSI W. Dougherty St.. Phono 513-W. ; m!4o FOR SALE—ONE BUSHEL CANE Seed. Apply Baauer-Henld Ofllce. FOR SALE—Bonton Bull Terrier pup- Pie.. Sire. Billy XL. Dart, Sugar Ooaa. OS.. Idlewood Billy Raffle.. Masaaolt Little Boy. OD.. Prlnrea. rat. XXIV. Maseaaolt Queen, rhone 354-J. <n33|. FOR SALE—1 LARGE SIZE SCREEN door, and a parch .wing at bar galnt Apply to 174 South Lumpkin Street or phone R. Price at 1IM-W. ■ FOR SALE—OOLD STAR BRAND Sweet Pea* at Costa’* and Palm Oardeft. Price Me and 75c per hun dred. Grown by Mrs. Kara Wilson at Commerce, Oa. m24i» ■') NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS In tha District Court of the United State, for th. Northern Dietrict of Oeorgla, Eaxtern Dlvl,Ion. A, A Court In Bankriitcy la-Rev . , "" " Nick Wallet-, Bankrupt. No. 1573 In Bankruptcy, Athena, On. . To tho Creditor, of the aald Bank- m nr* hereby notified that there will be • meeting of credit- ore of the above named bankrupt nn May Slat, 1(33, at 314 Southern Mutual Building, Athona, 0a.. al 13:00 o'clock, M., for tho purpnac of Examining bankrupt, allnwlnr clalma, (electing n truatco and oth. or legal bualneaa. Athena, Oa.. Mar Slat, 1033. iiowell conn. Referee. ANNUAL MEETING The Roranty-FIfth Annual Meet ing of the pollcy,holt)era of th- Southern Mutual Iniuranco Co. will bo hold on Tneaday, Juno 6. 1033 at 11 A. M., In tho office of the company In Athena, Oa. A. E. GRIFFITH. , Secretary. IMP 7:Mi 1:23 a S:«l a 1:13 a • E0R8IA RAILROAD t Dvpattl 7:20 p*a |;io am wsS CENTRAL OF EEORQIA RV. Iton, Ageqt, Phene 1441 I of Gratia Station for Macon 7:30 a, an 4:45 o. m. Arrive from Uaooo 13:1, p. a. £ CM P. m. For further Information phone J. T. Brace, C. A., 144. ■AINESVILLE MIDLAND -» RAILWAY P Schedule* Leave. luiu Arrive 7:15 A. M.« 05:2, P. UL 10:15 A. 0*15:10 A. M. • Daily. •• Dally Except Sunday. — SOUTHERN RAILWAY Effective Sunday, April 2,. 1533. - leavea Athena 7:45 a. m, ar- lex vex Athena 4:15 p. an, ar- 35:46 p. m. fliav. V Lula 5:65 p. a., arrive, Alkai l#l P. m. N . 0j Wave. Lula 13;1( a. a^ ar- rlv., Xthet.- 11:45 a. m. o. HiflL^MR. C. A. Athaaa* Oa. In tha Dlxtrlct Court or the '.United •tetee for the Northern. Dietrict of OeorQle. In re: Bradberry A Owen Ca, IV. L Bradberry and W. It. Owenv, Bank rupt. No. 1461 In Bankruptcy. A petition for dlarharxn h.v n- been filed In conformity with law by above-named bankrupt, and the Coup having ordered that the hearing unnr aald petition be had on June 11. 1511. at ten o'clock A. M.. at the United SUtea Dixtrirt Court room. In the elty of ATLANTA. Georgtn. notice )■ hereby given to all creditor, and other peraon. In Interact tn appear at aald tllna and place and xhow cauae. If any they have, why the prayer og the bankrupt for dice barge ahouid not be granted. O. C. FULLER. Clerk. I axhville 17 obilo 15 111 ChattanooKU 16 14 Atlanta 16 16 Memphis 13 14 Birmingham .... 3 18- Littlc Rock 9 20 • AMERICAN- LEAGUE Club. Won. Lout. New York ..... 22 H Phllaolphin .... 17 11 Cleveland 10 14 Detroit 10 15 Washington 12 16 St. Lois 12 17 Chicago .. Ill 17 Buxton ....... !i 16 NATIONAL LEAGUE Club. Won. Lust. New York 22 8 Pittsburg 16 13 St Louis 17 14 Chicago 14 ID Cincinnati 13 15 Brooklyn ...... 13 16 Boston 12 15 Philadelphia ... it 10 SALLY LLEAGUE! Club- Won. Lost. Groonvl'.lo 2j lu Charlotte 21 12 Augusta 18 ID Spartanburg 15 14 Columbia 12 J9 Charleston 8 21 MONDAYrS RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington 3, St. Louis 2. , Philaolphia 4, Detroit 5. New York.(. Chicago 0. Boiton-Cloveland, raid. NATIONAL tEAQUE Pittsburg 5. Philadelphia 3. Cincinna'.i-B r o o k I y n. grounds. Chlcago-Bo3ton, ruin. St. Louis-New York, grounds. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Buffalo-Bochcstcr, rain. American Legion Will Not Sponsor Fight Be tween Dempsey and Gib bons Says Owsley. By buster JACKSON In u very tight gume Doc. Slaughter's team defeated Wing' field yesterday afternoon 11.3. Ab tho league grow older the games grow more interesting. The next game will be between two "cracker-Jack" teams, at 6:20. The box score for yesterday's game was as follows: Winflf’ettt 1 ar. r. h. e INDIANAFOLlft^TH© American Ijpgion will not sponsor the prise fight to be held between Jack Dempsey and Tom (llbbonn, July .fl()7 j.4, at Shelby, Mont., Alvin* Owsley, ■Oatlentlonal commander of the ex-wr- .01(5 j vice men's orgin<zatlo.n, has state I. .441 f "The American legion can not .414 j permit Its name to !>e used In oon- .370, fiectlon with mercenary under- .333 - tiMng of this nature, to be held on la day sacred to tho deeds of <>tir t, . I forefathers” Commander Owsley 7 C ,1 ■-'rli Amateur bnxln? conits m" t De red Wth the legion's approval accoH j Wingfield IIodp??on ... . I lute liens . . . A. Link ..... Faust, lb tf,'. Yi Wingfield Hancock ,,. . Wr shin ,.. . Ilopkihs ... . 1 0 0 0 0 2 .....4 1 0 0 TQTAL3 SC 'A 5 Slaughter ab. r. h. r.ablness C 1 o Hradherry 6 2 0 Meadows C 1 3 TSttard ... 6 3 3 Tribble ... % C ?. 0; Slaughter 6 1 J Tutwyler ... 6 1 0 6 0 1 to Commander Owsley, "the holding of a prize fight ’hamplops’’in botw«- but TOTALS 48 11 10 3 4 4» ■ ' V.VVII". re IIMHiipn-IIO ■» irci"' 1 “ two (irofesslonel pugilists whose solo ohtcct In staging nn exhibition of prolonged mauling of bodies I;* i the accumulation of a simply of Pet. money can hardly lm said to br .667 s^oonl with the blah Ideals and .636 purpeaca of nn organisation coin- noMcd of men who fought (( real .5i7 flr>t for a worthy causo." .387 i Demosey's war record* was •2j0 i referred to by the Legion loader. , w’m ««nld. ‘The legion holds no .‘etimlty for Dempsey, but Its mein. ■ b r r» -an not forget that the heavy- I weight champion of the world re- j malnrd safe in the shipyards In j America while tho finest men of jour nation wero advancing In the face of almost certain death on the . battlefields of Europo.” wct ' RETAIL COST OF FOOD . t CONTINUES TO RISE I WASHINGTON. — An average t 1 increase of 1 per cent in tho retsil cost of food to the average familv in April over March was reported by the Department of Labor. The Around Athens I With Col. T. Larry Gantt ont, granulated sugar 4 per cent I sirloin steak, round etca’c an'' flour 2 per cent. Eggs, cheese, rair.ins, plate beef j butter, prunes, bacon, wheat cere# j and bananas decreased in priqq, For the yar April 15/ 1022, t ■ April 16, 1923, there was an Toronto-Syracu.o,' wet' ground,. | tA C ± | Other games played Sunday. i 5.° pe f . tcPt ' P otot ? e3 14 l ,c ‘ AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Columbua 1, Kansas City 7. Toledo 6, Milwaukee 4. Louisville 8, Minneapolis 7. Indianapolis 6, St. 1‘aul 8. TUESDAY’S GAMES 80UTHERN LEAGUE Atlanta nt Chattanooga. Firmlngbam at Nashville. Little Rock at New Orleans. Memphis at Mobile. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington nt Ht. Louis. I'hllndelphia at Detroit, New York at Chicago. Boston at Clevelaiyl. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg at Philadelphia. Cincinnati nt Brooklyn. Chicago at Ronton. St. Louis at New York. Mil. CLARENCE E. ADAMB. n prominent lawyer of * Daniclsvllle, writes us: "Wo rend with a great deal of interest your articles In thr Banner-Herald, from day to day along farming and* agricultural Munitions of this section. They dr a great deal of good in encourag ing our farmers and getting them interested on the right lines, want to stimulate our folks nround Banlelsvillc and ask that you rui over to sec us." Will certainly accept Mr. Adams invitation an? visit his town very soon. HO YOU NOTICE 'that there ar» not near so many English sparrow, as In times gone by? It Is said thut other birds have learned how to cearch out nnd eat their egg j and that the Jaybird feeds on youm sparrows. It is also noticeable tha- other var'etlc'4 of birds are In creasing. Let us protect our birds and they v.ill help the farmer figlil Inecct pests nn l noxious weeds. 4 ON THURSDAY and Friday o' lhis week there will appear at thf . - M , .... Fdlncb thcatro Pola* NegJr in he: j crease of 3 per cent in all food first American picture. It Is adapt- : commodities combined. _ ■ cd by Ouida Bergers from tho nove I hor the ten-year period the jn- ! i y Robert IDchcns. You must not ■ creaxe amounted^ 40 per cent; rr.,11 to coc this great picture and j Emmet Dalton, only survivor Vt! .1,* tho Dalton gang, say*;, ‘;Wh :t | Ichandb' has thi’ old-style Iwndit ' hvlip Svorkcd wMh. .i puit and* r one of Tin.’ Mnckjavk—A.cfnt nnd out In 'he cmrana'of^n.uVr"'^™^ 4'iicn with tho mndrrn hamllt wW „ Norma , ^ool i Station. Mr. Florence has Flno programs this weel bulb at the Palace and works with tho stock dividend and. bankruptcy proceedings? Wo might hii well bo 1 .■most.’ *. The blunt' *r with tho Daltons and tho James brothers was partly,.'fa their method, not their results. Tbfiv lacked rood lawyers. HARNESS REPAIRING W» nspstr Suit CJ»*en and Leather .Oondt. GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY ■road Strati Athena, Ofrrgla Plenty of Money to Lend' on Real Estate Comml.slon 3 per cent, over (1,000; 10 per cenL up to (1,000. HUBERT M. RYLEE Law office, Pbone 1(71. 40( Holman Bldg. Athem, Georgia JESTER Compleifl Inxuranco Protection. 617- llnlman Uldir.' T ^ I Dixie Bop Play BnlM^. to (3.75 Baaeballa 15c to (1.75 BaUrnigBult, .....(*« to(3.50 Bathing Capa Tennla Racket! ■ (2.75 to . .78* (10.00 Union Hardware ghatea.. .(2.50 Fairy VelocIpedea.W.OO to <17.00 Skate Mobllea ....(6.75 to (7:78 Pedal Skips ((.00 to (0.(0 Bicycle. Motoreyd, and Auto. mobile Tire Pump, Repaired. ATHENS CYCLE CO. , .. JWttiS SHOE, repairing HOFMEI8TER 8H0E SHOP Phone Tonr Order 1186 We Call For and Deliver. 5c BANNER-HERALD’S 5c Children’s Movie Coupon 5c Tlila coupon and 6 cent, will admit any child under 13 yearn of ano to tho Palace or Elite Theatres ally day dui-lnK the woelLirfMay 21, (except Satunlayii oa thogpe.1 of the Ba»n[| Banner-Herald Coupon Good Only This Week, May 21st n W m W SB . PURE AND SPARKLING NATURE’S BEST REMEDY 'No other water ha, the wonderful latte, tha Invigorating feel ing that It laavii after each gleee full—IPe delightful, yea I Pa— LINTON SPRINGS WATER ,Orlnlt it All Year 'Round—But Eepecielly In Bering and Sum- men-PHONE SB Linton Springs Water Company Offlca Breed Street fi tnal.' faun of forty-ono acres near the city from which he expert* thin year a net profit of about $1100 He ha.i plrilitcd tlie land for two years In outs and followed by cow poa'a. THE THIRD curb marget was a grand hucccsu, with many cn- trfen, nnd ono of tho moat gratify- I lug evidences was tlm number of country ladies who brought prodtico to this market. Among them wen Mra. Everett Halo of Clarke, win, brought beautiful cakes nnd fancy work of different kinds, besides produce; Mrs. T. A. Henry, of Oconee Ilelghtu bad beautiful cfkcn, a cbolco i selection of cut flowoA and n nice linn of proilucc; Mrs,.W. R. Phillips, who lives on the ilarnott Shoals road, had old- fashloncd* I topples, butter nnd other produce of hor yard and garden. Damp Oglesby, a colored man from r.eor Wintcrvilio, brought a JmN of country hams, shoulders and bacon. In fact every manner ot produce raised in this Bectiofi wan there for sale. MR. JIM TRIBBLE, of Jeffer son, \vho owns fino farms In Ogle, thorpe and Jackson counties, was at tho curb market Jim says It Is a great thing and suggests that the city build* a regular market. Hi? can be used during rainy or b.yi weather. -Mr. Trlbblo says ho has just returned from a trip over Oglethorpe county and* things look good to him. There are fine stand.- of cotton, wheat Is not much hurt snd a bumper oat crop will Ik* made. Farmers aro fn a hard row of stumps, hut they ato working with energy and will pull thrqijgii. CITY JUDGE THORNTON says In old bar-room- times the city l on circus days collected SI,COO In fines, after prohibition the fines t drcttsi drunk arrested. Amonik the^lsdyg spectators at the curb market was Mrs. K. T. h*well of.Mazoys. Mrs. Bright of (he lato Mr * -bpst^f OF MEETING OF CREDITOR8 In ths District Court of the United 8tstes for ths Northern District of Georgia, Eastern Oivision. As a Court in Bankruptcy A .D. Atkinson, Bankrupt, No* 1669( In Bankruptcy. Athens, Ga. the Creditors of the said Bank-. _t: You are hereby notified that will bo a meeting of credit- above named bankrupt tli, 1923, at 314 Southern^ Hdlng. Atbeos,*j*L, at, ik, A. M., for tho purpose f Business Men— —realize that a good banking connection may mean ot any time-tie difference be tween success and failure in any enter prise in -which they may engage. - This rtrong bank ■« in a position to af ford the accommodation and prestige, as well as the advice and dependable service necessary for the transaction of the most important business affairs. In every department of modem banking we have the facilities to handle yo|account satisfactorily, and we cordially invite your ronage. ! )' SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES— SEVERAL SIZES 1 FOR RENT , AMERICAN STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM College Avenue at Washington Street, Athens A Sweater Sale With Almost Endless $2-29 Every color of fhe rainbow—styles galore—all wool, wool and silk mixtures. Round neck, V-neck, long sleeves, contrast' bor ders and fancy borders. Jade, Honeydew combined with Hard ing blue, black and blue, silver, brown and buff, navy, peacock, orchid, orange, gray corn, white, navy and gray, green aftd buff, orange and purple, Copen and gray, and others. These Sweaters generally sell at $4.00 to $9.00. We have them priced for this special sale at . J. ,. v ./ y-\t\ at $2.29 and $3.69 Crinkle Bed Spreads in a Special Sale At $1.98 Crinkle bed spreads are.neat and attractive, most people like them better than crochet spreads and these spreads at $1.98 arc unusual values, Dou ble bed size. Here’s a Dandy Union Suit For $1.00 Made of fine mercerized cot ton in either tight or loose knee, flat lock seam. These Richelieu - union suite arc wonderful values A 25c Table . Time Foe Swimming Is Here „ r .es m many colors and patterns. They are all extra good values at 25c a yard. Reg ularly priced 36c to 69c/ Bathing suits come into own as the svvjmming season opens, and there is a variety .of styles here to choose fCMU_ m -the prettiest color combinations you ever saw. Styles that imme diately attract, and the more you use them the better yoif like them. ' Suits for Ladies i with prices ranging to $10.00. , i V, _ Suite for little girls and boys at $1.50 to $4.00. - Bathing caps in every color at 10c to $1.50. a* tin*v»'. •! 1 ' Athens’ Busiest Store