The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 22, 1923, Image 3
..Your Completion gcse-PetalTexture w . on irresistable charm, . flower garden. L jferf/rf# «U£";gjj} jk protect*. the from Ain, wtaa and ® dusti 'CdfaWn*;?© £ 5 if not plotted. k* t > o p n .*VA«' ake AN APPRECIATION I When Miss Carrie Walden made formal announcement of her res ignation as principal of the Mary I Ann Lipscomb Elementary School I of Lucy Cobb, at the last P. T. A. | meeting of the school, a .general depression pervaded , the atmos- , phere,, for each and every mother knew what she had meant to her’ child and hated to give her up. It seems but fitting, therefore, "to* give public expression to our appreciation of her, and what shd has done for the school, and for our children. 1 * * 11 - * I For eight years she has given her life to this school, her time, her energy, her means. She has kept abreast of the times in all •modern methods of education, by pedal study in vacation time, and MI88 WALDEN RE8IGN8 PRE8IDENCY MARY ANN ELEMENTARY 8CHOOL Miss Carrie Walden has resigned as principal of the Mary Ann Lips comb Elementary School of Lucy Cqbb to accept a aplemlld .petition j (Vioesoma’lnteraperaed with tile Na * Public school b$ iftN’imnmi, • Sll” - ir the liver in of imitation enuinein lOcf betriof *bovj given the school the benefit of it Her public exhibitions speak loud er than words of her thorough training. And best of all her in fluence has bean as wonderful as her precept, for, what mdther does not know that what “Miss Carrie said,” is infallible and indisputa ble.' A tribute to her Bible teaching was paid recently, by a Sunday school teacher, who said, “One ennM always tell a Lucy Cobb child in Sunday school.” The very name of the school is a part of h«r. for she it was, who is responsible for the name of “The Mary Ann Lipscomb Elemen - CnltAnl a/ T iii>u PnMi ** fnr tioi* A MEXICAN FIEBTA AT FIR8T PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH ' Following the regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church Mon day afternoon, a yety beautiful Mexican Fiesta, under the direction of Mrs. Robert White, secretary of the Assembly Homo Missions wat a lovely and picturesque feature, with a very charming progran^pre* sented. The Sunday school room was elaborately decorated with a wealth of rosea and other bright Mrs-Vinficld Nisbet and little children. Tom and- Winfield, leave Wednesday-, fbr Macon after a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mlddlehrooks. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wilkins, Miss Josephine Wilkins and Mr. Jack Wilkins leave Saturday in , king up her qqtiegjtfn Sep tember. All AthenSf.'feewcMkeeuly the,distinct loss the sichpol hire sus tained lb Miss Walden’s resigna tion, for she has brought the de partment to the very highest stan dard, and the lovely play “The Toy Shop,’* presented last Friday :ven- Ing at the Colonial, was an ex hibition of work rarely if ever seen here or any where else. Fortunato Indeed' are the children who havo been under her anw who are now quipped with the foundation of a remarkable training, upon which to build in future years. The friends of Miss Walden and the patrons of the school unite In affectionate good wishes,^hat she will bo very happy In Tier new work, and sincerely congratulate Richmond' in her gain, deploring af the same time our irreparable loss. tary School of Lucy Cobb,” for her own beloved teacher, Mr*. Mary Ann Lipscomb. She leaves the school with lov ing, good wishes from her patrons and pupils for happiness and syc- cess in her new field of work in Richmond, Virginia, where she ban accepted a splendid position. A MEMBER OF THE P. T. A., Of the Elementary School of Lucy . Cobb. MICHAEL’S McCallum Silk Hose ^W<*e Priced $2.75 and $3:00 air The wise shopper will bujl at least several of these lerfect, every pair—fine silk hose. Why are he.v redudUd? Because they are discontinueo numbers, can’t be duplicated or’replaced. Since our hosiery stock must be kept complete at aU times, the prices arc slashed, and the profit, and more besides, all gods to you. _ BLACK, WHITE, BROWN BRONZE COCOA, GREY All Sizes, 8 to 10 • and your choice $1.79 pair CHIFFON SILK HOSE Colors, fyd and Green $2.00 pair MRS. HUGH HODGSON PRESENTS PUPILS IN RECITAL Monday evening Mrs. Hugh Hodgson presented her muele pupils In one of the loveliest re citals ever given In the city, from an artistic and musical standpoint. Mrs. Hodgson possesses an ex quisite volte, and as a teacher shn ranks among the highest. She chose a very beautiful program which was so charmingly executed and thoroughly mastered that every number was In Itself a geb. following Is the program. The Sheephearder, La Forge— Mies Shanklln. The Secret, Speaks—Mrs. Dc Quick. To You, Speaks—Henry McRca. Love’s In 'My Heart, Woodman— Miss Freeman. Drink to Me Only, Old English— Sam Cartledge. Slumber Boat, Gaynor—Mrs. Flanigan. Husheen. Needham—Mrs. Elliott, city. tionnl Flags In the colors of red, white and green. A Mexican Fiesta Is a gala oc casion, when thoA hostess Invites fucsts.edecorate >hcr home and serves refreshments and bestows on her guests a parting gift. The Auxiliary entertained for the Mexican children In Texas and a neat sum was contributed to wards the school fund. Misses Louise Morton ,8usan Shudder. Elizabeth Rowland, Mar* caret Slaymaker and Anna Crabb, dressed In costume portrayed charmingly the following char- Carmenclta, Juanita, Marin, Loalsn and Anna, with a mesaaga for the girls the brought nn ex quisite bouquet and bestowed tehm upon our beloved president, Mrs. James White, happily symbolliln* the spirit ot the Interesting occur 1 Ion. Mrs. Bolling DuBose'a delight, fill voice contributed to the pleas ure of tho Fiesta accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ralph Hodgson. A social hour followed when Vainly refreshments were served Guild .Rummage Sale Friday and Saturday of this week. Best stand in town, next door to Western Market on Broad streeL Come and see If you can’t find just- the Mrs. James White haa returned from a visit to Virginia. THE GOODY . SHOP Everybody is Invited to the Ooody Shop May 30th and 31st at EptinRs on tho ground floor of he Holman building. There will bo found homo made cakes of all de scriptions, home made pies, and home made candles of all kinds. ATHENS MUSIC STUDY CLUB TO HOLD REHEARSAL There will bo a regular rs-vtlng of the Athena Music Study club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J M. Hodgson Tuesday night at 3:30 things , you’ve been looking for. Mr. and Mrs. Audley Morton went to Atlanta Tuesday for a visit, 1 Mr. J. 1 0- Voylcs of Maysville visited here Monday. I Miss Branch of Greensboro who has been the guest of Mrs. J. H- Grlffeth and Mrs. Albert Wier left Monday for Cedartown. Mrs. M. Jsnkower and 'Mr- Edel Jankower who are visiting in Sa vannah will return home the last of the week. The friends of Mra. Gussie Mor ris wilt be glsd to learn she is able to sit up a while each day follow- illness of two weeks. ing an l Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Weitner and children of Atlanta arrive next week to visit Mrs. Rosa D. Hull for Lucy Cobb commence ment. Dr. E. M. Coulter, professor of history at tha University has gone to Bremen to make a commence ment address. Dr. Andrew M. Soule, president of-the Agricultural College, has gone to Knoxville, Tenn., where he will be a speaker at the Uni versity of Tennessee celebration there. Dr'. Fred Hodgson of Atlanta il Dr. John Morris’ friends will be interested to learn ho had a tonsil cpetition Tuesday mommff at 5t. Mary's Imapltal. Professor R. P. Walker of tho University English department, has Returned from a speaking tour which included severai Georgia towns. i Mrs. W. A. Capps who is in At lanta for medical treatment spent the week-end here with her family- —ffi— Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Drewry of Griffin, spent Sunday in Athens the guest of their son, Harris, a student in the University. Miss Katherine Park leaves Wednesday for Gainesville where she will attend the commencement festivities of Riverside Military Academy in that place. | Mia* Ann Jordan will attend St. [ary’s commencement next week hies begins SaftMay' nlglflf’ Mrs. Frederick Morton and Mis3 Margaret Morton of Columbus passed through the city Saturday enroute to Asheville, N. C. Nothing could be quite so cooling—quite , so refreshing—as a frosty glass of Tetley’s Orange Pekoe—iced. You’ll like its flavor and its fragrance. GOOD FORD COUPE Conolly Motor Co. TETLEYS Makes good.TEA.a certainty' Mra. Albert Sidney Johnson of] the National Sanitarium, Tenn., ia the guest of her mother, Mra. Sarah Hudson. Mrs. Louis Marks of Plgnt,' Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Leo GottheTmer. Mr. Jules Janover of New York is expected in s few days to Join his family at the home ef iMr. and Vai Mra, J- Van Straaten for a visit. Messrs. Ben Steele snd Alfred Kennedy'of Atla-*-* w- "'"""t visitors to Mr. Hanghton Hath* ] Mrs. J. F. Shehane and children ««>"•» «>• Ogieu-or^ ] of Crawford spent Monday in the and Seed Farm. Intermission. Nel Cor Piu Non, Palslello— Miss Sharpe. O Del Mlo Dolce Ardor, Gluck— Mayo McKay. Maman piles Mol. Old French- Miss Dorsette Tony is visiting in Jackson. i Bergore-Legerc, Old French—Mrs Turner. Lees Than ' the Dust. Finden— Love’s on the Highroad, Rogers— Mra. Woods. Aria From "MSrtha”, Ftotow— Cylvelln, Sindlng—A Birthday, Woodman—David Michael. _ 'S MEETING MONOA& NIGHT The aeml-monthly meeting of the Joe Brown Connally Chapter Nto. 1 Disabled American Veter ans of the World War was held Monday evening at the Lumpkin Law School on Broad street. Eight new members wore obli gated into the chanter. Congressman C. K. Brand of tho Eighth District who was to have addressed tho boys was called out of the city and not able to bo present. The chapter intends to havo a number of delegates at the nation al convention to be held in Min neapolis in Jane. Athens being also state headquarters will have representatives from that body there. Albert Almand was elected adju tant of the local chapter to fill vacancy of that office. There will be a -pedal call meeting Friday at 8 p. m., to elect delegatci to national con vention and to attend n very ur gent matter pertaining to every veteran- All- members please be present. MAHDEEN If you art 1 of the 95 ia ererjr 100 who suffer from Dandruff or some Scalp trouble* just try Mahdeen* for If M rafli to Si™ TOO p«rfW* mttetmOm, B dealer Is wOrtal Is ih$wfsHr r*. TOor tl.OO, the cost of S lies bottle. uSTjmSS?. Mr. and Mrs. Milton spent Tcsday in Atlanta. Dr. S- V. Sanford of the Engiiah department of the University will return to the city Thursday after, a commencement speaking tour of the atate which began hut Satur day. . Misi Mabel Stevens of Point Peter was among the visitor* here Monday. Mrs. W. M. Howard of Augusta and MTs. King Howard of Lexing ton were visitors here Monday. jg Friends of Miss Anna Elisabeth Crabb will be interested to learn she was one of the winner* In the CaiApshlp Essay Contest, receiv ing fourth award of $26.00 reduc tion on campship at Laurel Falls near Clayton, Ga. The campship gives to its winners eight weeks at Laurel Falls Camp, and every privilege offered Including music, dramatics, arts and crsfta, domes tic science and camp cooking and various other advantages. girls! Lemons AND FRECKLES Mr. and Mr*. F. E. D. Morgan and children, accompanied by Mr. W. R Porter, returned to the city Monday afternoon from Milton cobnty, where they had been visit. InK Mra. Morgan’s father, Mr. J. Solon House, who Is very III. A WARNING (Contributed) Under control always have your auto, ’ Also sound your horn, to let others know, , Stop! look! listen! are each curvb you round.. Crash! too late, for the hospital yon aro bound Don’t let the speed mania take hold of you The moment yon do, that day you will rue. Keep a moderate gait. It’s tha safeat way. Else you may face manslaughter some day. Pedestrians have the right of way, Autolsts this law all disobey, If one Is Injured crossing the street, A damage suit then yon will meet It will be too late when you an put In jail. And the court atands firm, rafualng all ball Then yon will reallte It la vain to regret When guilty you are found and a life sentence get —DOUGLAS WIER. Mix the juice of two lemon* with three ounces of Orchard White, which any druggist will supply for a few cents, snake well in a bottle, and you have a who!# quarter-pint of the most wonder- ful freckle and tan cream, and complexion beautifier. Manage this xweetly fragrant lemon cream Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and eee how freckles and bleraiilus natu rally bleach right out and how youthfully clekr, soft and roay- whitq the skin becomes, / A ,1.., —(Advertisement.) Thornton’s WEDNESDAY Dinner 50c Vegetable Soup Brown Riba of Beef Boiled Turnip* Cheam Mashed Potatoes Stowed Corn Cold Slaw Cherry Pie Murtlna and Biscuits Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents Sapper 50c Broiled Pork Chops . Hominy Grit* English (Mas Fried Potato Cakes Fruit Pudding Hot Biecnlta Coffee, Tea or Milk Arc; You To Be Married h June? Rather a personal question* but you will not mind it when you know our reason for. asking. T HE Dorsey Furniture Com pany has a handsome pres ent for every June bride living in Athens and this vicinity. We want every girl who la to be married next month to have a gift from this store. And all you need do is come in and tell us when and where to send yours. A NY prospective bride for the month of June, who will visit our store between now anil Juno 1st, will receive a present from this store on her wedding day, and if she is interested, we will give her the details of a spe cial home furnishing offer for June brides only, that will make ' the bank account go quite a bit further. j' We Will Keep Your Secret The entire transaction wilKtake only a few minutes. Won’t you enter into the true spirit of-the opportunity that is offered, please, and come—today? Dorsey Furniture Co, . \