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Parr and Slightly Cooler
Kidril'og —« WA
Investigate Today t
To Regular Sabacriberd
$1,000 Accident Policy Free
Dally and Sunday—10 Centa a Weak.
Eatabllahed 1832
Dally and Sunday—10 Centa a Weak.
VOL. 81. NO. m
Aaaoclated Preaa Servlca
A. B. C. Paper
■Ingle Coplee 2 Centa Dally. ■ Centa Sunday.
Crisis Arising From Res
ignation of Belgian Cab
inet Delays Allied Ans-
. ~r~l- l t t> Commend Way Bulidings
jls Soon As Cabinet Is Re-1 an( j Property Are Pro-
constructed French Pre-1 tected in Report Board
mier Will Enter Into | 0 f Visitors.
Conftienc | gp i end | d pra , ge for tlie gtat(
(By Associated Press*) l College of Agriculture was con-
p.ljl^—The Belgian Cabinet ,n **»«• report of the Board
will Interrupt tor a few days, of visitor* to the Trustees Frlduj
■change of views among the 1 n, °™ ln *'
Sncellerles, regarding the reply The rejHirt states, In part: “The
... . ..niatu taa i ho latest German I institution does
Athens Artist, Miss Mary
Franklin, Paints Picture
Secret of Curb Market’s Enormous Sales Is Solved
At Rotary Minstrel Thursday Night! Show Was
Big Success From Every Standpoint. House
Packed .With Fun Seekers.
Social Item—Meaara Charlie
„ r> j tii.ii Compton,’our popular and efficient
Of Ceorge Peabody, Phil-I railroad man and Ablt Nix. our af
anthropist. !«■«• “*"*** h, ‘
Vi,", allies to the latest German ,ln ’ l ' tu,l , OI > <, S K,a n “* appear to have
orations proposals. . received from the people of the
.The meanwhile the French Sltale tlle financial support it de-
ermiient Is giving It's attention l"*r ve * i ' H authorities of the
tie British memorandum which j co “ ege 1,ave not been discouraged
* (or further Informatlod on the “J™ * atea, ? y " nd "ubdtantlal
o-Belgian attitude In regard 1 J powt *L*“* be<!n maintained '
11 ° I fnP pff P uiipv nd It.
jthe efficiency of its department.-
iHrmany’s note.
reconstractedl^'rmnier”Poincare j j Jg n, „" n o r f h ” l “[ e f ,' 1 ha !'
s-uas *? r* “ s."r5rcr
(jdt* to r.ngianu. ... mltte ronii?*** ih-i» ti.i. I- « «...
Trustees Hear Reports of
Various University
Branches At Friday
Morning Session.
An oil painting of George Pea
body, philanthropist who lived and
died between the years 1796 and
1869 was presented to the Board
of trustees of the University of
Georgia Friday morning with ap
propriate exercises.
The painting was the work of
Miss Mary Frpnklln,. an Athens or
tint. Upon motion' of Henry
Gcetchlus resolutions accepting
the painting were written flnto the
minutes of the board.
fable lawyer, enjoyed vegetable
dinners at their homes Friday
The above la the solution of the
Curb Market's remarkable success.
The secret of the sales of carrots,
cabbage, lotions, garlic, sfliuach
and turnips is now the property o'
every soul In Athens. They were
bought for^ the delectation of
Messrs Nix and Compton After
their initial appearance .In the
Rotary Minstrel at the Colonial
Thursday .night. Eggs were quoted
too high. Charlie tried to shift the
bouquet to Jim Sexton but failed.
Day/* Interrupted by Jimmie Blah.
v as a great stunt, engineered. It
Is s ild, by ooir enterprising gentn
fun Ishers see ads In other part
of paper announc'ur straw bat
premier Poincare Is understood
already having laid down broad
ur in a reply which has been
mltte realizes that this
markable statement to make of any
educational Institution but it lr
true nnd reflects high credit on
to Hrussella for approval be.| ” ““ “
being communicated to Lo. 1 - ,haA ‘* u " ral Coll '* a -
win probably *j, p ™ AN R °
w e U * I “fn view of the evidence enp.
., |NE T 1 porting the nbov. matement which
I met no on .very hand we feel that
“ for your board or for the Leglala-
BRt’SSELS.—The Belgian cabl- *“ re n> fal1 «° come promptly tc
- tat. Thuraday decided to resign ,h f, ,u pport ot lhe College of Acrl
'„„L“ Of the controversy "Intnly to penalise
r legislation providing for the ; " f * r “ uth n " (1 Progress
of th. Flemish language In
nt university.
• fine and Increasing efficiency.”
... _ oK . j The way the buildings nnd prop
The decision of the Belgian cab! jeryt are cared for was pwilsed hv
w t'» resign follows closely upon t|)( , V | g j tori , nn(J tho complete
he action of the senate in aPProv* ganlzatlen was commended,
i; the hill passed by the cbam-| increased financial support for
of deputies late Iwt year pro- t he college of Agricultljro aIong
' tl.n tRntnUli lnncniflfm ... . .. .
Wnmlth Inneiiaeo ~ * «**» *rusi iunu aiuea in esianiisn-
to ntl Th.coSSum at! I* r •. a . ppr " pr , la,Hon " le maliual* Ins n«e>ody st-tfsihTWe.
In all tho courses at min the University proper ns It Teacher's Institute, nil over th.
•Hag that‘ the
nt be tised ”
hi nt university.
p.runsels dispatches for aereral
rmths have reflected a spirit of
arest among tho university stu-
-nt., following the chamber's vote,
number of persona were Injured
street disturbances snd steps
re taken to protect the Flemish
.util's nnd their homes.
Opponent* ot the measure de
led It a part of the program ot
> flemish extremists, and threat-
linn Belgliim’a unity.
King Albert summoned M. Thou
hose cabinet resigned Thorn-
venlng. to him In regard te
rmatlon of a now ministry Frt-
should be, were urged from
Legislature* It being stated that
"A large majority of the prob
lems of the Unlvetslty, nnd the
College of Agriculture can be sat%
Iftfactorily solved by nn Increased
financial support nnd we nre per
suaded that the present work nnd
the purpose of both of these splen
did Institutions amply justify such
Increaaed support."
The hoard of visitors Is not
made of University of Georgia
graduate*. Rome of them may be
but urually this Is not the case.
Col. Gantt Writes of His
tory of Oglethorpe Co-
Town. Praises Citizens’
Government Report
Shows Increase in Con
sumption of Cotton Over
Same Month in 1922.
WASHINGTON—Cottpn don-
sumed during May amounted to
620,965 bales of lint and 64,718 o'
(Inters; compared with 677,396 o'
line and 630,192 of (Inters In April
feorglu to Its population that is, this year and 496,337 cf line, and
* better business point or a more 66,057 (Inters In May last year, the
ri>riHing«an<l progressing place
ttan Maxeys, It has always been a
w* trading center and In every
Urirultura! or commercial ad-
nnre icadg the van. The first fef-
flher factory In Georgia or the
census bureau announced.
Cotton on hand May 31 * In the
consuming entabllshmentn totaled
1,621.290 bales of lint and 163,892
of llnters, compared with 1,889 319
of lint and 180,980 of llnters
ith was at Maxeys. The first‘April 30 this y*nr and 1.420,428 of
tensive farm was established
Jere. and U Is now a leading
■ntber center. Mr. John W. Moody
Published near the town the first
JJotery In this section snd has
J* largest vlnyeard perhaps In the
">uth. ten seres In scuppemon
fcbors, besides other varieties of
Maxeys was s place of some !m*
•ottance even prior to the bulld-
lint and 169,604 of llnters
31, last year.
Cotton on M ad In public stor
age and at tempresses totaled
1,579,606 bales t f lint and 47,583 ol
(Inters, compared with 1*966,441 ot
lint and 63,666 of (inters on April
30 this year and 2.559,451 of lint
and 94,276 of llnters on May 31.
last year.
Cotton spindles active during
The Rotary Minstrel has came
and went .It was a success, flnan-
dally and otherwise. The house
was narked..,This story could be
ended right here very appropriate-
lr. What more could be said than
that the minstrel was a success?
More Is going to be said, however.
For instance, who ever thought J.
Warren Smith oould look so much
like a chicken thief or Jlx Sexton
vyouM a n« fetich jtn outrageous
hong as * Her Oownf*
More than that*'' tho Florlan
Slappey of the Minstrel, Morton
Hodgson supported by the boys of
the* 1 beneficence o'r‘a»™.”pMbodv ht.rmonyl.nd, competed of O.C.T
me Deneucence or ueorge reanoay, mow* n«inh
a Massachusetts man. Dean T. J.
Woofter of the Peabody School and
The presentation exercises were
held In Peabody Hall on the cam
pus of the University. This build
ing and the Peabody School of
Education was made possible
Alexander Stamboulisky
Killed While Attempting
Escape From His Cap-
tors. Friday Morning.
The “Barktown Fire Department," j Reports State That Per-
«cene «... very good «nd the .mg- j f ec t Order Now Prevails
Ing and guitar work of the boys' ~ , T
snd Tntwiler was very pleasing. | Throughout Country. In-
The wholo scene, however, was do - • tprvpntinn Tfl DiAPilRfipH
strove:! by the entrance of the chi**' | IS UlSCUSbeQ.
of tho department hack from the
fire chief’s convention. In the above
(By Associated Press.)
Bceno. Sidney Holey, Colonel Ry-'
ther nnd Tnm Nnihllmr rii»inn«Htrn_ .?* Bulgaria has bee]
Iher nnd Tof Bulgaria has been
S7 much "km-rmet?™ T.k™; c k ‘ l l d " hlle e try ‘"* 10 ' K ' pe hU
porlcct-ln rattling them bone.. _ ifh. enrf of th. •«P«.«nt Pr«.
City Court Will Convene
on June 25, Announced
By Clerk Elmer J. Craw
A lint of Jurymen for th. aeulon.
of city court which begin June 25
was prepared Thursday and an.
nounced by Clerk E J. Crawford.
It I. as follow.:
II. P. Seymore, H. H. Hinton, 8.
W. Uuery. J. A. Wler, A. L. Har
per. a A. Crane, Claud Tuck, O. E.
Hugh Hodgson and Haughey’s ists. . "‘“{r
ln tbe * ccom -| a A " *°? n “ became wnn.m* , " d 'n V ££%lr
panlmenta. | aware ot the aucceu of hi. oppon
Judge Peter W. Meldrtm were
speakers at the aaerclaes. Judge
Meldrtm accepted the painting on
behalf of the trustees.
In hi. remarks, on ths life of
George Peabody Dean Woofter told
ot how George Peabody amassed
a considerable fortune, some 315.
000,000 by financing the English
merchants who sold goods In
When the philanthropist died he
left a trust fund of 11,000,000 to be
used In promoting public education
In the south. The Income from
this trust fund aided In establish
Klnnebrew, “Tut" Tutwller. Ralph
Hodgson, shocked his pastor by
singing a "Oypay Love 8ong"
Lloyd Pa'mer in hla specialty act
“with apo ogles to Georgs M.
Cohen" brought tears to the eyes
of the entire audience. He would
.have made Mr. George feel like
'an amateur at the nob stuff act
.Tim While's "Love Sends a Little
Gift of Roi 0a," stirred tbe hearts ot
more than one fair member of the
audience and John E. Ttlmadgt
actually sung “Where The Rlrer
Shannon Flown,” and a knock
-Tut" Tutwller, Ablt Nix, Charlie
Compton nnd Chortle Ecktord wore
alas In the minstrel. YeaJ very
much In It Aa far as this writer t.
south and normal schools In near-l** 1 ** *° testify they dldnt tall a
ly .very southern state. When the ’ single Joke that Profalaor Sanford
trust was dissolved In 1802 through (hadn’t already told,
the efforts of Dean Woofter some) The apeclaly act of Ablt Nix and
Williams, C. C. Bridges, Sidney
|.ware u» me success ui ms oppon- L a " a n
The cast of the show follows: ent he fled toward ths mountains ?“ T SJ' J,' S' .“P." 0 ?'J’ , 5,"
want to usk one question of Central Bulgaria, shaving off his 0 o " 6 '
—how como nil of them talk ao, mustache and oiaguiaing himself as jfuconneu. O. H. Huime,_Br., H. E.
much about corn liquor?:
Illcrloci'tor—Col .Height Ryther.
of the principal was given to the I Charlie Eckford, "Topics of
University of Gaprgla to aid In ea *
Csrar Klnnebre*-,
Arthur Booth,
Jim White,
' Morton Hodgson,
J'rn Sexton.
John K. Talmadgu,
Dink Martin ,
Lloyd Palmer,
Ralph lfodgaon,
T’-'rrv Moogson,
Fred Orr,
> Holler.
Thurston Deadwyler,
Jim Bullock,
- Richard Anderson,
Sidney Bob-v.
Brunt !,. Dnilor. '
'• u aik-r.
Ji’lliia T'lmndee,
. iVviet Tntssell,
' P'ltke CorJs.
Dr. Paul Holliday,
J. Warren Smith,
Billy Steedman,
B. R. Blootlworth,
Tom Nlebllng.
n cnauffeur. He was daaarted by Rradberry. D. L Winter, F.J.Fow-
Iprntic&lly all of hi. followers, only- Hancock,
luur of them being with him wlwn Woods,-R.^P. Weatjterly, F.
. lie arrived at Ptrdot, on his way to J - 0rr - SlmonMIchael, W. B. Steed
- Klshintxa. . ; matt. J. R. Bntler.f Arthur Kittle,
I Pursuing troops of thy new Orady Davis, T. H. Kroner. J. O.
'government overtook the party at Cook, O. H. Williamson. Mercer
! i-irtot out Stamboulisky escaped in Broach. C. B. Bryant, W. Henry
l the forest of Statists, being cap- Smith, J. M. Bray, W. T. Cooper,
1 tureu ut Molvio Thuraday evening, i C. H. Cox, W. 0. Bullock.
1 ‘ A Semi-otticial announcement! —
istated tnat the “feeble resistance!
wiih.Ii the adherents of Stambou--
lisky endeavored to make has final
ly been dcfinitly overcome and that |
perfect order now prevails hrough- ■
out of the country. > I
The Agrarian ex-president of the
Work of Students of Uni
formly High Character,
Says Report of Visiting
Not Enough Room to Ac
commodate Students, Re
ports to Trustees Board
States Friday.
The Board of Visitors named
Govurnor Hardwick under tile law
to Inspect tho University of Geor
gia and which this year is com
posed of Prof. E. Holmes of
Barnnsvlllo, Hop. IL B. Daniel of
Columlius, Prof. IL A. •’McLaughlin of
Itound Oak, Dr. John A. Rhodes
of CarterevlHo and James F. Sho-
hono of Crawford, submitted Its
report to tho Board of Trustees
nt tho meeting Friday morning and
tbe committee was received end
read and before the Trustees’ lV»-
slona aro over nctlon will probably
bo taken on some of the recom -
mendsUona. ■
The plan already reaommendod
by tho University authorities to
divide tho scholastic year into four
sessions to last tho year round wue
recommended, tho report si lting
that this plan would glen use of
tin- property the year round nnd
result lu material economy to’the
largo number of students.
"Georgia” Visitors
Bulgarian chamber, M. liolfcf, has
been arrested. Ho is u brothsr of
c„--t’rcnucr Stamboulisky.
X lie espture ot the "peasant pre
mier" followed a sensational escape
while taking refuge in tho loreat ox
Ex-Governor Nat E. Harris,
chairman of the board of trustees
of Georgia Tech and one of tho
l .Statiahta, 35 mile from Sofia,
btambouiiskya pian waa to rouse
tabtlahlng Peabody School of Edu
cation. Dean Woofter prepared
the statement which resulted In
echools ot thle kind throughout tht
eouth. Over one million . of tht
principal was given to Peabody
College at Naehvllle,
George Peabody, tbe phllanthrop.
let of another century 1a followed
by George Foster Peabody, a pres
ent truetee of Georgia, who has aid
ed the unlverelty In Ite growth
They ore nut related.
• The Trueteee, after the preeen-
tatlon exercieae, heard reports ot
the branches of the Unlverelty.
The annual meeting of the board
of truteea convened Thuraday af
ternoon at four o’clock. The mem
bers present were P. W. Meldrtm.
J. J. Connor, Joaeph M. Brown, J.
L. Lovvorn. L. C. Council, A. 8.
Hardy, Howard Thompson, J. w.
Bennett, R. B. Rurnell, O. P. Gober
F. Peabody, B. S. Miller, Bow-
dre Phlnlty 4 Murphy Caadler, D.M.
Hughes, W. E. Slmmone, N. a
Harrisi H. ,n. Ooetchlua, Marcus
McWhorter. Harry Hodgson and H.
J. Rowe.
Those absent were Clark Howell.
Governor H. D. McDaniel, Gover
nor T. W. Hardwick. Lloy l Cleve
land, James B. Navllt, E, H. Calla
way, W. E. Thomas.
Total of Two Hundred
and Fifty-Two Permits
Issued Making Athens’
Second to Atlanta.
The Curb .Market will be open Sat-
, the peasants, from an army and
’join me victorious faction of his
i supporters who had captured the
' i Black aea port of Varna.
arrived here Thuraday afternoon
for tho Unlverelty trustees’ mect-
Th> committee reported that It
found that-the work of tho college
Is belag carried on under unfaw-
able circumstances, "and yet." It
continues, "n-o are convinced that
the authorities have done their
work well In tho face of these con-
- “Thoro Is not now room to ac
comodate the Increased number of
eAidfntu In attendance. Many of
tho ptofessors aro required to teach
large j i-lmeu-B than ran he handled
eiUletaolorily and la many instaa-
res tho classes cannot be seated
fu lhe. lecture room. The growth
and development of the Unlverelty
the executive mansion and is hale
and hearty and thoroughly alive on
Dispatcoes indicate thet the 'every question f,f the day.
i “yellow guard “aupportare of the sitting ln the lobby of the Geor
Ing. The Governor looks just aajmu.t stop where it Is today
young aa he did when he occupied | else material.Increase must be pro.
vlded In Its p* yslcal equipment and
Its staff ot InJtructors. Your com-
Jiltteu Is of the opinion that the
laeposod premier are Holding north
ern Bulgaria. Jugo-Slav troop con
centrations in Belgrade have given
I rue to sensational rumors concern-
>ing Balkan war preparations.
■g LONDON — A Belgrade die-
University’Sfliouid Get g**®*&£&
More Money They Say.'tto Entente leopemymerationed An
Cars Offered For Alum-!»^” d “*ai!?.i*r^S ub q!{f.
ni Day Tuesday. . . . _ ,
* ment toward the Bulgarian revoln- i healthy affect on both the rum run
Athens Klwnnlepa Thursday en- i tlonarles however contlnuo* peace jners and the enforcement hfflctrs.
urday as usual, beginning at seven tertalned the board of visiton at *“*• ........ 1 -
o'clock. ithe University of Georgia at the It la stated that tlm little Entente ■ JUDGE GEORGE F.
Mrs. Bessie Troutman, nfarket elub’a luncheon la the Hotel Geor- [countries have confided the decie- | GOBER
glan hotel Thursday afternoon ha
waa iwapplng "yams” with Judge
Goorge P. Gober of Marietta, dw-
ensaing politics and like most
everybody else put In n word or
two on the prohibition question
The occurrence in Greene county a
few weeks ego when two whiskey
runners were-sHin by prohibition
officers is causing a general dis
cussion of the law In the etate now
-— — r-— and from discussions listened In on
who demanded decisive action. The. it la quit# evident that the public
I attitude of the Jugo-Slav govern-,believes that incident will have a
master, urges that Athena women
who have been patronising the
Market and those who plan to go
Saturday for ths first time to visit
It early.
Visiting ths market early not
only givoa the consumer time to
return home and have the vegeta.
blea or chickens for dinner but
put In a a good day’s work. It la
pointed out.
The market was held on Thurs
day this week for tbe first time
since it opened for bualneae May
| ion as to whether any action la I Judge George F. Gober of Marl-
The following members of tho ;ncce*«ry to Juge-Sjavie, and If atta la aa regular on hla visits to
board of visitors were present: I nt,rv ' n,lon decided upon Sofia I Athena as commencement dates end
ftU-I T s ■tejfWifefcWiLJM'
coats .he is al much a. fixture on these
villa! Prof. j. A. McLaughlin of' b ? n ' e h F _!>• H‘ U *..Entente nnd occasions aa those little placards
Round. Oak.Prof, R.B. Daniel of "ST .. t nl..u t • 1 J' n c f aI , abou,
Columbia, Dr. J. A. Rhodes of! m * n > ,My ‘ the correapopdant, In-• whare, aueh end such
Crawfordvllle - l t * mbl complain to Bulgaria and'have headquarter*.
an „r ’the allied governments that the' Judge Gober has been In the
M . th. m.Hi^ . Bulgarl * n ‘""V sxceeds tho ’ thickest of somo of tho Warmest
hie. the farmer to do hi. .hop- med^ ahort^Ulkm prxls^e ^ -trength P«»ltW b, the treaty p^ltlcal battle, rrer w.ged ln hl.
here that the University should be LnSpiTlSll 8 AluS
Sales fniureday amountod to j ed by Dr. S. V. Sanford of the Unl-
Ity of
*C ot U railroad through IL Max- • May numbered J5,390,1JJ compared
O: to«n was named for Jerre and • wltp 35,515,7. In April this year
fciso Maxey, who owned the land j and 31,841,141 la May - ' a,t ’ .
« Which the town la built. The)! iRntfarta totaled ,2$.5»3 baK’J
Athens branch of the Georgia rail- ; compared- with 3* .068 In April this
«) w as completed In 1834. Thu few and »
*«eys had a afore there at ^il|fife por, ’ “ ,a J!f.
8m». The ’Makeya are one oC th+ MAldinx 2.813 hales of llnlera com
*1 pioneer fkmllieji of Oglethorpe
"'I their descendants are today
honoreil and leading cltlxens In
JkklhornK Oconee and other
'“unties. The present sheriff of
Is a member of this family.
** “tated the Georgia rood was
E*’ 1 -! by Maxeys In 1834. Mr. T
'kming, who afterwards moved to
JU" nr. was the first merchant of
’“nrequence to have a store at
Mr. A. IT. Brlgbtwell
sons are today leading clt
™ and business men of Max-
U" 'entlnnea the business eatab-
n f 'd by their grandfather. Mr
"telng married a Mlu M<tWhor.
a “nd hfuua' hjttttber of relatives
8°di<‘ forty-five'years ago a des-
• (Turn to Psge Five.)
£4red with 259,984 bales, Inolildlng
2,769 of Unters fn April this year,
and 469,397 bales, including 12,061
bales of llnters In May last year.
Consumed during May 392,67f
bales compared with 363,665 In Ap
ril this year nnd 331,481 In Majr
last year.
Cotton on hand May 31 In con
suming establlshmet ts 980,128 bale:
compared with 1,07»\444 on Aprl»
30, this year and 485,123 on Ma>
31 last year.
Cotton on hand In public stor
age and at compresses 1,255,036
bales, compared with' 1.655.860 or
April 30 this year and 2,053,451 on
May 33 lost
mt ''tjofSlM* 1 ‘Ti.014,^63 compared
wttb' ? lM?*.l6fc during ApHl thlr
year and 15.511,365 during
last year, . ...
Dr. I* O. Hardman, chairman of
a special commltee appointed last
year, consisting of Dr. Hardman
Judge E H. Callaway and Ctan*
cel lor Barrow, through Dr. Hard
man presented to the board of
trustees a large else photo ot Dr.
E. F. Starr, of White county* a
graduate of the University of Geor
gia many years ago. Dr .Stair was
the first surgeon In the world to
perform a Sup^-piibllc operation
iL. LI.JA..
Announcement wee made by W.
Thursday end Saturday. 'J- Forbes secretary of the V. M-
Mrs. Troutman announced Thurs- ®!^ A “ * h J‘ ■‘fty-four hoys have
day .he hu burned a total ot 262 ^,* Wn * u ,T. ra * r „,“"2
permits to producers to seU pro
over |300 and until further notice van!
An Invitation on motion of Judge Market Days will be Tuesday,
Georg. F. Gober. was sent, to Oov- s " v f ’
ernor.Elect Walker and Riipt.-Elact
which begins within the next few
dues on the Curb Market The
Athens Curb Market la now one of
tbe largest Id the elate. If not esc.
ond only to Atlanta.
Farmers are delighted with the
Market and new producers are seen
on the Market every time It Is
removing a atone . .om the bladder
of a,man who noovared from th*
operation and regained hi* hecJth,
The iejone wqe very near th. size
of en oriUnary ‘
hen egg,
The operation wee performed In
1874 In the Qrand Jury room of the
court house
In Chancellor Davli'C. Barrow’s
report to tha Board of Trust eer
Thursday the following Interesting
Starr's operation, attracted world-j items were Inadvertently s left out
wide attention among the medico) Q f the story which appeared In thli
nfofessbm but he never exploited I newspaper:
his accomplishments H^/emalned „ H jy^grry wu recommended
In 4he mountain country during hls 'j or a ppo| n tmsnt os an Instructor
life as •» practicing physician. j| n t j, e pharmacy department: the
A special commit** on the J °j“
deparim! nt of tha Unlverafty ■ " f Jan™* 11 *” «™-
Georgla was appointed for,maktng
Investigation, and reporting .to the
trustees at tut. session. The com
mute la composed of tbs follow
ing trustees: Judge R. B. Rue-
School of Journalism waa com
mended and recommended recogni
tion or his work as soon as funds
.can be provided
An additional Instructor waa
recommended for ths Psychology
gctlre. during J|g|, joha w! Bennett and Harry
(Turn to Pag* Five)
recommended - for -appointment a*
Js tutor, recommends adjunct pro
fessor as assistant 1 to ’ Dr. Krafka
Jin the department of Zoology.
d *J»-
Walter Hodgson urged that the-
dub furnish automobiles to alumni
viaitora hare next Tuesday when
Alumni Day will be observed. The
care will be used to transport visi
tor* to Hardman Hall at the Agri
cultural College which will be ded
icated when the luncheon la held.
Dr. J are M. Pound won thy at
tendance prise which wka glv- ’
R. P. Whit*. Jo ’ - ~
man of the hoard
Ordered Held For
Extradition Here
busy to come bock for Georgia
a member
Didato and Silverstein
commencements. Ite- Is
of tha board of trustees and a regu
lar attendant at the sessions.
George Foster Peabody who has
always been a God-father to the
R . , nnn University, is here. Ho arrived
Cleased on $7,000 Thursday afternoon from Columbus
YORK.—Abe Silverstein !*•“ W,* 5 ' 1 " 1 ", "“"Y. Jo?" ago 10 an Inspoetlon • -r th- Agrlcultur-
nick Didato, (Wo men who voted him a Ufa memV-rshlp as n al College, which i« found in an-
Bonds Awaiting Habeas
Corpus Proceedings.'. imora for the University than any
, other individual perhaps and ay a
I By Aasociatad Preaa) r J eo f n ‘*? n 01 h “ lov ® “ nd rtrvlrc
NEW YOH" —■ - '*«■
•nd Dominick — ^ , . - -
Are alleged to hovo aided Gerald j™**.*"* 1 m°at ev.ry year he
ohepman. "Millionaire BandlL" In if”"**," 0 "* ™ e.Ut* In New York
which Wu -given by f 'v , » • boepltal In, Ath. 1 A tWnd the westings of the
Joel A. Wier. dbair-1 ,)n *- 0*-’ in May were today order- .“SP' .
man of the board of govereoLTmreJ"* b*!d for extradition to tho U• ejSfttarel^ iMlttutton he‘re thit
sided over Uie mretlrg and the pro- ?• '°“rt to Georgia and ware re- HJ'vJJJJJ
•k suasr«?i&ftss
. « r>»»t of the cliliwill bd heard Saturday,
and gave’feveral aelectibnj. | The] two'ware Identified byre
; » severs} weeks ago by a student
“Sphinx” To Enjoy ^
A rormal Banquet‘Hay chanmnn escaped and who
were solid tlooa about the famous
people of Georgia should not have
any difficulty In determining which
alternative to accept,” the report
AttentUn was called to the groat
Increase in tho number of boys
nnd girls graduating from the High
Schools and many of these who rfe-
slro to pnter the university will be
denied this privilege unless some
thing Is (Tone to relieve the pres
ent situation, the Board of Visit
or!! state.
\t was noted that the admission
Of women 4o tho University has
caused gratifying results and has
exorted an Influence of higher
moral tono nnd better scholastic
standing. Inadequate provisions,
however, were found for women
students and another dormitory*or
itn eiV'argomont of the present hall.
Soule Hall, is recommended,
Th4 work of the women students
has been uniformly of high char
acter, 11 lhe report states. .
Physical exerd^e under the pro
fessor of Ph-slcal Training Is rec-
chimendcd ns ir regular routine for
member* of the Junior and Senior
classes who do not drill.
The School of Journalism Is
praised and the purchase of two
linotype machines to broaden the
scope'of work Is recommended.
Abolition of the Easter or spring
holiday week is re. mimended and
nggested tuat the college
close t/'e week earlier In June,
allowing the faculty personnel at
least a week’s vacation* before the
beginning of tho Summer School.
Repairs to tho various buildings
Is recommended and considerable
attention was given by the Board
other story.
1 prisoner.
The “Sphnlx,” the highest hon- J»dr* Hihley, tha federal judge
orary club nt the University of f n Georgia, baa set July Snd as the
Georgia, will resume Its custom of far the bearing In that state,
entertaining at a formal dinner,The men are under Indictments
this commencement. This custom, a • rlreadv from tbe federal court In
long established one with tbe dub. j Georgia,
waa dropped during the war but mm
this year every member of tbe or- PHARMACISTS WILL*
ganlxatlon has been Invited to at- HELF LONG CAU8E
tend the dinner, which will be held f ATLANTA. Go.—The turn of
at the Georgian hotel on the even- S 6250 was voted by the Georgia
fag of Tuesday, June 15th. end j Association of Pharmacists to be
bHgg'prJIh him atlady attendant, fused In placing the statue of Dr.
.are ov*r:200 members orjrrewford W. Long In the Hell of |of Commerce, a in-mber nt thv Ag-
the-rSuhlnx" on* .many, of them |Fern, at Washington, at their con- ricnltural College board of trim
Tho Normal School
many year* ego had a handiome
donation from him while Georrln
has received many gifts from hla
Hardman Hall Will Be
Dedicated Tuesday
Hardman Hall, tbe Animal Hus
bandry building on the Agricul
tural College Campus, will be dedi
cated ou Tuesday. June 18th, when
the Alumni luncheon will be held
there at 1:30 and tbe dedication
exercises follow.
This bonding has been In nae
for a year or two bnt only a. few
months ago wag it coipric,|?d. It
are-expected bark for the class re- Iveotlon here. Albany was chosen
unions and tbe banquet. ‘aa the next convention city.
nnd Is located on one of tho
prettiest spots of the campus.
Luck Johnson, one of Athens best
colored citizens, died Friday and
the funeral and burial will take
piece Saturday aftfernoorf at 4
o’clock at St. Luke's church in
Purytor's district.
Luck had worked for fourteen
years for Mr. John E. Talaiadge
and was an ideal servant. He wm
but 38 years old and died of
Bright’s Idseass.
(By* Associated Press.)
NEW YORK.—The cashier of
■■Hi , nxir, y...S^ m * n Company and his '
for Dr. J*. Hinlmau vunrd were roVjed of twen
thousand dollars in payroll.!
by six armed men
ntering the Sunnyside wo
Long Island City.
■ . ■< .tri-. W«AAAil
: J/