The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 25, 1923, Image 3
Lonpay. S'E 25. 1523. cle of friendg. Her (tori'*!. *nd | unaffected manner, her brightness, [and her sweet womanly charra has [ greatly endeared her to all- The groom la the eldest (son ol nd Mr*. D. R. Teat and is a - B> .MRS. ALICE ADAMS _ |tal'» - JOY ' Joy home. a place in thy great : for her, ,’i * ht-r time to grow, and 6eri»h hcr; A jt , ■ she conic, ,ana oft will ;to thoe^ ■ thou ‘ furrow Mr. am well known*. young man. con nected with Marti.i Brothers. Hl» many Residence 832 friends will unite in cong; ratals* ■ tions and good wishes- ’ t,V thee. ‘ f fortably each Sui m art * witting in the ITiL'n ^ en OWS ay, ‘ ' 7 isplrinpr programa c ia the saered hour of P ,ea * l,ro n ." Wc,! .. n-ly fashion to bo glad- I prace we isoy .to God. —Jean Ingelow. ■NICHOLSON-(GARDEN |0 ON SUNDAY as Initiated many hap- i benefit^/ comfort anc it none..more so than Lucy NiohoI*nn Gar- it nilditj/>j* -pt, the Meth Jmlay School ,pf which Mrs. ms long^been a tireless nl worker. '.if time of brll mshine ana warm winds |t*n " : *s op&ied, ‘the Cradl* d the neiflnnCrs’ Depart- [ the Sunday School com lur for the Inspiring oo nd having iiti guests t of friends^ from other •thers lof-the little peo the fence and the rustic pergola made ,,f cedarwood. The setting for this garden where the little tots, ns lovely as tho lovelloat flow- ers. their mothers, their nurses and r,,,,y . come and Blt com- rortably each Sunday morning and *2 ***0 ent °rtaln!ng and in* ** arranged for their . . , as m-ent benefit Is extrsmoly wel thought out, very up-to-date and very artistic. Thr awning was boufhe In Athens and made l,y Mr. Dink Martin who (tra- clously gave the work ns his con- trlbutlon to .the beautiful garden which appeals with- particular poig nancy not only to the recipients of its kindly Interest but alike to Jtr patrons and' friends. - ; It is a picturesque and refreshing «Pot. n graceful and thoughtful courtesy from a woman to whom trouble Is so great as to sap GIRLS RESERVE Y. W. C. A. TO ENTERTAIN MISS DuBOSE AND lURS. EVER 5TT > The Girl*' Reserve will entertain at a *ix o'clock tea Tuesday after* noon in honor of Aim Lucilfc Du- Bose, the now acctrctury. ami Mrs. Russell Everett au tlw club >f)omi on College avenue. Miss Emily Miller Bailey 1* vis iting In Clcarmont. —Cj— Friends of Prince and Lcwla Gor don w r IU regret to hear they have measleA Miss Mary Strahan went up to Mountain City Monday morning and will be with Mrs. E. C. McEvoy until Mrs. Strahan opens her sum- school next week. turned to her home in Frtnklln to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckford and children are spending a week In Greenville, Ga. / Mrs. C. P. Wilcox returns to At lanta tonight after a week-end visit to her )iarents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Uunnicutt. Mr. Erwin Fields of Atlanta spent the week-end in the city. Mr. Herman Blakely spent the Weekend in Atlanta. Mrs. Horace Ritchie and children have returned from a visit to rela tiires in Demorcst. Mr. and Rufus Cooper of Atlanta spent the week-end in the city, -ffi-- Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan of Perry afe in the city to enter their daughter, Miss Lurfleg In summer —ffi— Miss Georgia Rose Joiner of Co lumbus has registered for summer school. her strength or deter her couragf "•hen the sen-ice Is for others anf tt?!! if flirt -< , I " for the good of. tho children abou hor an* from n mnn , n whom fh , children recognize not only a teach- !T, 0,1 *°°* things, of Jesus and JIN love, hut their good friends an well, and to whose Initiative and unfailing efforts the success of this venture is greatly due. He tench- limbic lessons along with thosr t nwpp ?' ™t >>V tho Sunday School jrrlnt. nnen$ ; R.«.t. Stcph-j committees and wraps them all up ” always with a smile, and with all | the teachers In this denartment h« Mrs. Xlchnlsnn “Touched by Master’s generous hand. Dr. iWnsson otter | (le-IIc.itory. grayer, t wfhter the ro< ■ Cradle Roll department *th ronBcrtcd Mr FrcP[„c„c,i by Ilfs Mft «nd V«re«t'ComI .“Pei InWnde" 1 of the inand. 'Sitf/or the babe* to comt and Mrs. Madison unto east about Uft n way't' have nlready reaped , , _ j reward In the love and npnrrrlatod ,■ space without bavin,Jmctcd to them by tho little pooplt the main- building—the jj n their enre. ell cropped: green town; The program on unday morning a fast,.growing hedge ; hold many surprises. Mrs. Out timing flowigg and a large | v,„ nM „ there and they all stretched Atom the church !nvo her (or t0 , |atcn to hcr , supports to protect ; vn)A nf the wnn * r . ,L°° nr ? <> ' i fnl stories and songs Is Indeed a a Wing the wonder l„ r t v || fKc . - M | a> r rnnC eB West, too. I happy result And, tin f ,totI^tited with a charming story, presented mrWtnHay morn- nnrt Mr . nlr ehmore In another. Dr , mtltitte annals for hen, paid his respects and ex- pa* any sttnrtay Schoo' prcBI1 „ t appreciation of the garden " '•'”** ** f,,, ' sro t - . las did Dr. Wasson, phrrorc. built up find had the rr^rfof the Pun- ! This department Is doing a work .. . , ,, ^ i unexcelled, the entire corps of . rooms "-added nod Mrs tr . |f . h ,. r ,, ^ad i.ttlcefs earnest In , l,e, e, l' ,K ' lr ' tb'rts: Mrs. Lorln Mitchell, ten the roots for the hede.! Mr(| ^ j Ir s. Harry Saun- t,tarts which nrt sow In , d Miss Ida Pound, and Mr. John iuiti ana afe, awaii-ng •"> i ihtrh are being made ready A - T " y,or ' In attractive rows next INESURN ft; fly Vi.; . v ooothea tho to^H yiCKS TEAT-DUNTAN Our 17 Million Jan Vood Yoarfy A marriage of interest to their friends was that of Miss Clara Duncan ami Mr. Emory E. Teat, both of Athens, which was solemn ized at the home of Rev. Georgs Stone Sunday afternoon at 2:30. _ *• ’dost daughter r. and mm; yt. /TDuftfhn afld Wik: is very popular among a wide cir- PALACE IANA ’TONIGHT SHOWING HER FATAL MILLIONS In which a girl rides in A limousine on a tin wagon jfocketbook. TOMORROW “VANITY FAIR” The Picture Beautiful Miss Annie Vick Butler is among the Clarke County Club girla camp* Pine Top this week. Uttle Mlsa Lamar Rankin Tampa, jFya., arrives from Tenn essee in July to visit Miss Janet Jarnigan. Mrs. Samuel Goodman and daugh ter, Evelyn, are spending several days In Atlanta, tho guests friends. Mr. Frank Holden will go ovor to Atlanta Tuesday afternoon- to at tend tho session of Legislature, -ffi- Dr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks and children have returned from Eaton- ton where they visited relatives for a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodgson have returned .from Dahlonega where they entered Harry Jr., at the Bum mer School. Mrs. E. R. Hodgson and Miss Marjorie Hodgson left Saturday for their sbmmer home hi North Caro- who is spending the week end. Mr. William Howell returns from New York the first of July. Mr. Milton Jarnigan will prolong his visit to his grand mother another month. Mr. W. J. Foster’s friends will ha glad to hear he Is Improving at the Georgia Baptist hospital In Atlanta. Baraca Class Is Contest Winner A contest in attendance conduct ed by the Baraca and Philathcs Sunday School classes of the First Baptist church ended Sunday wltl the Baraca class tho victor. The winners will bo the guests at a party given by the losers at an early date. Mrs. J. C.'Hutch- 1ns Is teacher of the Phllathea clasr and Dr. J. C McKinney Is presi dent of the Baraca class and Prof John V/. Jenkins teacher. Scout Officers Return to City Scout Executive E. P. Clark site' Scoutmasters W. T. Ray and A. T Levle have returned from Macor where they attended the scoul train, school Speakers representing Interna. 1 hi nut headquarters from ■ France WESLEY “FRECKLES" BARRY- S LATEST SPECIAL FEATURE, “HEROES OF'TttE STREET" PtAYING AT STRAND TODAY AND TOMORROW llna near Hendersonville, accom- and England were on the urttfram panted by Mine Manraretha Morris v Athens Visitors Among those vlstlng In Alheni Monday were, L. P. and Mrs. Bran nen, Nashville, Tenh.: R. w. Ran* som, Summerville, Oa; B A Dye Washington Ga.. Mr and Mrs. Walter Hodgson and Walter. Jr„ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sams and. children. Mr. and Mra George Armstrong * n ? children Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Dohb and Bur- Jr, have returned <rom Burton Mies Nor* Portion t returned Athens aturday after, having been entertained at a round of partler as the gueet of Miss Elisabeth Phillips Mis, Phillips will return with her and they will accompany Judge and Mra. Blanton Portion on nutomohlle trip to the moun tains.—Joumnt. • -m— Mra. Hightower and Mlea Ruth Hightower hav» returned to Araer- I (one accompanied by Mina Annlt Re Jago. i —IP— . Prof, and lira. It. B. Cnraker of Warrentnn are In ths city for cum mer school. . J- O Norris. Atlanta; J p Mur- - * Hr,'Philadelphia': Mr and Mrs. Jot Abernathy. Blakely. Ga.: A. 8. Cox Atlanta: A. B. Anderson, States boro, Ga; H. M. Mills, Albany, Oa Dr. Ralph Oona and Mr. Max Michael left last week for Atlantic City. Mrs. Jeanette Earnest en; Cooper spent pMt week in Helen Inter ton. the guests of friends and relatives. Mr. Winfield Slsbet of Macon, who motored up Sunday with his family and Mlsa Henrietta Bouaee, returned home Monday afternoon. rison Heidler and 'ffi? Turner of LaGrange motored to Atlanta Mon day for * visit. ^ - Misses Cornelia Abney, Nellie Foeter and Callic MeWhW arc delegates from the First Methodist • chureh attending the Epworth Uta gue Conference at Emory Untver. sity June 25-20- STRAND- Now Playing Direct from a, r ! 0|» 1 veeks run at the Ward, Atlanta Wesley “Freckles” Barry IN Heroes^-Street Mr. John R. Nortbcutt returned Sunday night from » bu«ine*s -rip to Chicago and Grand R«ptds. The Executive Board of the League of Women Voters will meet with Mra. L. L. Hendrcn Tuesday afternoon at five o’clock gt her home 120 Cloverhurst Ter race. Mr and Mrs. C .C. Bailey La- r*rsnge, Ga: J B Harper. Anderson S. CJ. H. Owen, Anniston, Ala.: W. R. Owen, Anniston, Ala; H. J Mikell, Atlanta. RECOVER B0DIE8 (By Associated Press.) L€|U18VILLE—Fishermen , here Monday recovered the body of Sara Connelly, sixteen, whb was shot and killed by Wiliam Zinsmelster, who also killed his daughter Mamie and wounded three other persona. Zinsmelster was on the point of being captured,-he shot himself to death while on a picnic given by his church club. Friends say that the man wai angered because his daughter at tended (he picnic with a young man whom he objected, and the shoot* Ing followed. HOME BREW FOUND IN PRISON CELL; ORIGIN UNKNOWN persistency under difficulties was uncovered todky when the county Jailer here found a ten-gallon keg of home brewed beer In a prison cell which was occupied by men ocnvlcted of violations of tho fuor laws and other offenses. The prisoners denied knowledge of-the origin of the beverage. Four kegs recently were rolled Into ths cell when the cell occupants com plained that thoy were needed t« support their sagging bunks. FIVE KILLED (By Associated Press.) .FARGO.T—A news dispatch to 4 this town Monday morning stated Jrthat five people have been killed by a tornado in the west end of HOT SPRINGS, Ar.k A .... nt S’U'p- *■“' this -section of S. O. Rnmey, Macon; Edgar R Lafferty, Richmond Va; Lorain D Wallace. Griffin Ga; J. W. Tindall Atlanta: R. E. Power, Miss Ger trude xBergman, Atlanta; Stuart Macham, Sewanee, Tenn.; C. McCuddy, Lexington, Ky. L. L. Dent Atlanta; C. 8. Reed. Gainesville; II; C Cults, Blur Ridge, Ga; L. Clinton Cutts, Rlur Ridge, Oa.; C. A. McCny, Macon; J. H Flournoy, Macon; W W. Wil liamson, Atlanta: Mrs. F. P. Jones Wske Forest, N. C. \ HOLD 8U8PECT8 * (By Associated Press.) MEMPHIS—Thrce apspects. apspects, twe white men and a negro were talned here Monday In connection with the ahdoting of J. I. Maenthal manager of a woman's garmet store and his. wife at their home here early Sunday. END0R8E FORD (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH—A petition sign by cltlsens hero Indorsing Henry J Ford for President having x been forwarded to Detroit, Ford’s rotary In his rerly said, Tn view of the Interest displayed, Mr. Ford can have no objection to their fur ther activities hi this direction. Backache, Rheumatic Pains, dull headache, tired fooling, too frequent odor are symptoms' of kidney and bladder trouble. 'T was slwayi urination, discolored or strong having a backache which caused me great suffering,” writes Mrs. Feber, Medford, Mass. “Could not ( s!eep and at times I could not ^ stand straight. Tried Fbley Kid- Cot Howard and Mrs. Garden and j ney Pills and found relief.” Stop Mrs Alice Little from Danlelsvllle backache, kidney and bladder trou- were In the city Sunday. The, bles,with Foley Kidney Pills.-Ad were accompanied by Mrs. Clyde vertlsemsnt. Harkens and handsome baby, who, left over the Seaboard train for New York. TT" Miss Juanita Coker and 1 Haptence Archer are visiting Js Florida. Mrs. i Ralph Gqss and little Ralph, Jr. sn spending some time it Brevard, N. C. WOMAN’S PAINS LIKE TORTURE Kentucky Lady, In a Dsnoseoi- Condition After a 8etge of Influonso. Found Csrdul Vory Holpfyl Louisville. Kjf.—Influensn left Mrs- Volney A. -Handy, of 121 North Sixteenth Street, thin city. In a dsnirerouo condition, "I Buffered torture, with my .Ido.," *ho ony. "nnd ncroa. my back. It seemed the pain would otart nt the hack ol my neck and so down In my back and sides—* pain thAt felt like 1 was pulling In two. I couldn't stand on my foot. My limb. Juit gnvr way. . . "t had taken Csrdul ss a tonic I knew It was good. I told my hus band I would try It Again. I had used other thing, without relief. . . After one-half bottle of Cardul, the pain got leas hard, and I seemed to relax. I could straighten up. Af. ter one and A half bottle*. T ora* able to walk around and do my work. My bock was stronger and the bearing-down pnlns left. ’ took altogether three bottles, and It strengthened me. "Why, before I took Cardul * (was so nervous and In such a fix I couldn't eitt or sleep. After wards my nerves were heller. 1 gained my otrength. I began to oat and sleep and was Uke another per erty ‘damage _ _ North Dakota was lisped at on* hundred thousand dollars, MAXWELL AJtRIVBS (By Associated Press.) iV YORK.—George Maxwell, president of tho Authors. Publish ers and Composers Association at North America, who was abroad Ryan, New ^fnrk financier, has re turned and will surrender himself to the authorities, it was announ ced here Monday. HEAT WAVE OVER BT..PAUL—Torrential rains ear ly today which flooded basements, streets and houses* In the Twin Cities, followed a severe windstorm which resulted In four known deaths -In tho northwost Sunday, rnded the prolonged heat spell. Banquet ORANGE PEKOE ICEDTEA McCormick & Co. BALTIMORE USA Thornton's TUESDAY Dinner 50c Vegetable Soup "eget ,01d Fashion Chicken PI, Spring Onion;' Siring B< tickled Beets- New Irish PotAtoes Blackberry Pic Muffins and Biscuits Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents Supper 50c Breaded Pork Chops t Hominy Grits Buttered Carrots American Fried Potatoes •Vegetable Salad % $ Fruit Pudding Hot Biscuits Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. Womanly pains cause great suf fering, and a medicine that will re lieve them Is Indeed worth know Ink about. Thousands of wnm« have written to tell that .Cardul helped them, relieving such symp- toms ss those described above. P you suffer In this way— “The LITTLE PRICE" DINING ROOM SERVES » MEALS DAILY Sandwiches, Salads, Tea and Coffee at All Hours. Rhone 697 190 Clayton 8L »WTJiI»cwS iCARDUK > TheWomaiOsTomc b XvvwvvwA • Kelly -Springfield TIRE SALE THE QUALITY TIRE OF AMERICA Thege Prices afe Subjectlo Withdrawal by The Kelly-Springfield Tire Company Without Notice. . List Price 30x3 Fabric 12.50 30x31/. Fabric 15.50 “ ‘ ' 27.85 .. ‘. .. 29.45* 1 .. 30.35 Fabric Fabric Fabric , —Advertisement. Miss Flonnco Davis is visiting tar Jefferson- Mrs. Stiles Hopkins has returned to AtUnU after a visit toW par ents. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hunnl- cutt- _ Little Miss Marie and Eleanor Lustrst will spend next week in At lanta with their aunt, Mrs. Flem- iqg Winecoff. Ur. and Mrs. (.Ureuoe Ncl itv't returned from a visit to Ty- .vin* Sallie May Myers, who at tended lie Normal School, haj rc- TAXI SERVICE Day and Night p GEORGIAN BAGGAGE Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone •ffi'"' Office Georgian Hotel 66 1 Oi 32x4 33x4 34x4 30x8!/. CordB ■ 32x3Cords 32x4’ 1 ' Cords 34x4M- Cords 33x5 Cords 35x5 Cords Sale Price 9.55 10.95 20.35 21.10 22.30 $16:50 29.90 34.25 135.30' - 44.30 * 46.40 55.15 57.95 $12.85 21.25 26.90 27.75 31.95 37.25 ■13.30 45.55 Prices no Other Sizes in the Same Proportion. This is your chance to, equip your car with Kelly Tires at lowest prices they were ever offered. E.-S. Sporting Goods 'Gompan Washington-and Lunipkm Sts. if Motorlife Oil Company Cor. Prince Ave. and Meigs i i